*Addressing the passing of ACC Peter Lawson – ‘Review of the Circumstances;’ Natural Causes…

    *Gaynor Lord – Taking a ‘first look’ at the Missing mother of 3 – Police elect to use the familiar ‘River Working Hypothesis!’

    *Ewelina Sasak – Sharing an ‘Excerpt’ from her INQUEST & further considering the ‘circumstances’ related to her incident…

    *FINALLY – Revealing most recents findings — using Paul & Emma’s own words!

    ****EMMA suggests that Nicola was PUT into the RIVER!****



    #truecrimecommunity #truecrimeyoutubers #truecrime #UK #NicolaBulley #Willow #Inquest #JamesAdeley #Coroner #HomeOfficePathologists #SIO #BeckySmith #Watchdogs #CollegeofPolicing #LancashireConstabulary #SGI #PeterFaulding #PrimeMinister #HomeSecretary #LauraRichards #NewScotlandYard #GaynorLord #RiverWensum #RiverWorkingHypothesis #NorfolkPolice







    Morning I’m ACC Pete law and today’s the start of March the launch of our annual campaign to get the message across the driving with either drink or drugs in your system is unacceptable so we’re here at a roadside check site in Preston on a busy road we’ve got offices who are

    Pulling over motorists passing by checking out for General General potential offenses when they’re driving but particularly people who might have drink or drugs in the system problem is that when people are involved in a collision where they injure or at worst kill money that devastates lives and and

    The impact that has so we’re we’re doing roadside roadside checkpoints between now and the new year to to increase our activity we do it every day uh but increasing activity at this time of year we’re also intelligence lead so so where the public tip us off about other people

    Driving the drink or drug to the system will act on that but the message is simple that we are here to keep the roads in Lancashire as safe as possible just couldn’t comprehend that it would be Pete um I had to get to get get the chief to repeat it I couldn’t I

    Couldn’t believe it I mean he was such a fit and healthy and full of life guy and you know I’m just devastated for his wife I can only imagine what she and um his family and friends are going through this morning hello all and welcome back

    To mind juice the title of this piece scripted tragedy accident and natural causes primarily aims to further reveal and uncover Paul and Emma’s frame on the search and investigation for nicly a fult projection as a sincere partner and close friend letting on they were genuinely seeking answers meanwhile

    Pitching this she vanished Into Thin Air River wire narrative I will further demonstrate today using Paul and Emma’s own words that such was and is merely a stage story an absolute vein to Nicola’s name designed to deflect divert and distract away from the actual truth here

    Nicola was missing from home I just may have caught on to Emma’s biggest slip up yet but before I get into that first and foremost I will be addressing assistant chief Constable Peter Lawson’s recent and sudden passing which after review of the circumstances a 50-year-old healthy

    And fit guy has been deemed to be due to natural causes also to note I will comment briefly on gayor Lord the missing mom who went missing after leaving work early in Norwich near river wiom this past Friday an area nearly 200 Mi southeast of St Michaels I will be

    Monitoring that case as it continues to unfold very odd circumstances surrounding her going missing as well ironically though the police this go around are cording off wide spaned areas of the park in question You observe a tent and we actually quite quick to provide numerous photos recently and

    Live C CCTV footage from numerous sources to the public definitely working on that public police relationship but hey that’s a good thing now to keep things moving along here this past Sunday December 10th I was amidst conversation with the family member I remember when I received a notification

    On my phone which read it comes with great sadness Langer constabulary today announces the death of assistant chief Constable Peter Lawson he was 50 years years old having passed away this morning at his home address at this time his death is believed to be medically related and has been referred to the

    Corner wow wait what so now we have siio Becky Smith retiring two to three weeks prior to the College of policing report being released and now the assistant chief Constable lead golden Commander designated the nicolly case suffering a sudden medically related death at just 50 years old 2 weeks

    Thereafter that now leaves the two lead public languager constabulary Representatives on this case no longer with the force also to include the chief officer dismissing as well the College of policing review consensus released just a few weeks back now suggests that the handling was exemplary exhibiting

    The very best of policing yet two to three of the top hierarchical figures associated with the case’s management for one reason or the other are no longer a part of said exemplary front they cease to exist within the force can such be merely coincidental I think not then 2 days 48

    Hours go by after Mr Lawson’s passing Tuesday December 12th we learned via the Daily Mail which to note was released prior to official word from the lisher constabulary themselves it has been confirmed that there will be no requirement of an inquest into Mr Lawson’s death stating that he died from

    Natural causes then the following day December 13th the Langer constabulary finally officially post an update following the tragic death of assistant chief Constable Peter Larsson at the weekend his Majesty’s senior coroner for lisher and Blackburn with Darwin has reviewed the circumstances it has now been established that Peter died from natural

    Causes and funeral arrangements will be made in due course his Majesty’s senior coroner has confirmed there is no requirement for an inquest reviewed the circumstances it has now been established no further requirement for an inquest with all due respect I want to comment here to be very clear the only

    Thing that has been established is that nothing attached to this case released by The Langer constabulary can be trusted everything has been tilted from step one to best their image they even express this themselves in the independent external review each presser lack of briefings coordination the working hypothesis the tunnel visioned

    Biased investigation was all smeared as exemplary representative as the best of policing now Peter was the lead gold commander on the case wherein one nickola bully mysteriously had an accident despite all of the circumstances blatantly suggesting otherwise they still hold True to this day she definitely could not have been

    Found sooner why should anyone believe their findings or established conclusions here and now with the death of assistant chief Constable Lawson the timing was awfully coincidental he was 50 years young and you heard the crime and police commissioner himself again offering up another verbal wrench into the mix you

    Can always count on that guy to utter something strange and I quote as you witnessed in the beginning he was a healthy and fit guy I I just couldn’t believe it would be Pete I had to ask the chief Constable again well well aren’t you and that Chief Constable all

    Chummy and buddy buddy I had to ask the chief constable and I couldn’t and didn’t believe it this demonstrates their relationship or personal relations are more than merely just being professional they’re tight and I’m curious Mr Snowden you couldn’t believe it would be Pete what you couldn’t

    Believe it would be Pete whom suddenly succumbed to natural causes question mark it would be being the operative words here you couldn’t believe it would be repete as if it would be and had to be someone at all so you anticipated hearing of a death and or are not

    Surprised you suggest with your own words but you just couldn’t believe it would be Pete more like you anticipated someone taking the fall taken out left to pay for the debacle but you just couldn’t believe it would be Pete now to clarify I am not trying to

    Be too analytical here or looking too far into into it but time and time again his Mr snowden’s words and choices of Expressions don’t sit right with me something is off with that dude I’m telling you he intentionally emphasizes specific words when he speaks as if to drive particular aspects and point home

    To be more believable every single time it reeks of a dirty gaslighting politician to me in that opening clip you hear him say I can’t even imagine like he really overdoes it but like it’s not sincere whatsoever just consider this Mr Lawson was the chief lead designated gold Commander per the independent external

    Review on this case whom had a responsibility a direct strategic role in decision making all throughout this case which would be evidenced in the I he was in fact critiqued for electing Becky to be the one to speak at the ressor cuz the original Stables lady suddenly fell

    Ill so he elects Becky despite her Becky contesting such could potentially compromise her role which in all fairness in hindsight was accurate she was right because it indeed did that is the F sole reason I looked into her entire passion for covert and secret policing outside the eyes of the public

    High-end tactics right that was his call despite being encouraged to instead use a more senior officer instead of Becky Smith in that very College of policing report they highlight this aspect of the case as his fault his responsibility his shortcoming that is the vulnerability drop that’s very important to keep in mind everyone

    The CEO of the College of policing Andy Marsh says it himself the biggest problem with this case was the release of the vulnerabilities those came from Becky and you hear at one point Lawson Express as uh Becky stated something about vulnerabilities she was put in that place in that position in front of

    That microphone by Peter Lawson it backfired immensely this in the eyes of the review was the biggest problem with the case going off the rails now you have a healthy and fit 50-year-old suffering a sudden medically related episode deemed to be natural causes just so happens to

    Take place in the wake of this very case his direct and influential decision-making involvement was such in my opinion that alone is and are circumstances demanding further inquiry side note I find it important to note and emphasize here my comments do not come without careful consideration I do extend my sincerest

    Condolences to Mr Lawson’s family and friends those grieving his loss at this time what follows and came before is considered with all due respect and in no way is intended nor meant to convey any form of disrespect whatsoever now in the intro clip we observe assistant chief conable Peter

    Larson recently discussing the Force’s holiday strategy pertaining to drinking and driving which yes is completely unrelated to the nickole case however such does provide insight and depict one of his latest public appearances I was able to track down taking place on December 1st just nine days prior to his

    Passing now my first thoughts upon hearing the news of Mr Lawson were he did not appear to be ailing and or succumbing to any sort of long-term illness it would seem um considering both the February presser wherein he was alongside sio Becky Smith nor even the one I just

    Discussed and you saw in the opening in the drinking and driving bit back on December 1st with that said being this Chief top ranking officer golden Commander In the nickolle case I would imagine he would have had top tier benefits in regard to health coverage regular checkups and physicals

    Right wouldn’t that be a requirement of the constabulary I don’t know I’m just asking I guess what I’m saying is is I’m confused how are the circumstances not alarming natural causes let’s briefly break this down the context of such ruling thanks to Mr aidley also titled

    His Majesty’s coroner I think it is in fact necessary for he deemed Nicholas fade an accident on pure hypothetical conjecture premised upon an absolute fallible basis of scientific knowledge wherein zero objective evidence is substantiated by data with that said why should one trust his Majesty’s coroner

    This time a death in the wake of Nicholas directly attached to a case that is still to this day ever unraveling and experiencing nonstop rain in regards to scrutiny again Lawson was critiqued in and made the scapegoat per the I the one at fault given his position and

    Authority for what the College of policing concluded to be the biggest problem with the case the vulnerability decision that everyone is again and are true in fact circumstances the scope and definition let’s get a little technical here of natural causes is as follows and I quote if someone dies of or from natural

    Causes they die because they are ill or old rather than because of an accident or violence like I said he didn’t appear to be suffering from any long-term alien illness and he’s definitely not considered old it’s explained here all right have a few articles here this is

    From the health which is a medical journal as well as one from CNN and I want to talk about this cause of death thing typically let’s say if we had an older man or woman who dies in their sleep and they’re 88 years old or early 90s and someone finds them right that

    Would likely be deemed death by natural causes no need to look further into it because of age typical processed lifespan body right but in this case the circumstances of his professional involvement in the case the fact that they’re deeming it death by natural causes no need for further inquiry is

    What’s suspicious because he’s 50 as Snowden says he’s healthy and fit and the timing and Coincidence of the stress that he’s under and the position he’s in and I think it’s important to point out under the chief Constable Chris rally there’s three separate assistant chief constables Peter Lawson was designated

    Himself as the public and uniform operation specialist him alone whom was in charge for managing and setting the tone of public perception related to large events or high-profile cases as of late his most recent the nickoli case right as I said in the I he was pinned for the decision-making strategy of

    Selecting Becky the College of policing States this is where the C went off the rails he has a lot of heat under his hiny they’re kind of using him as a Fall Guy imagine if inquiry were reopened into this case who would be the first person that they would seek out to

    Follow up as far as this case goes the gold commander on the case which would be him he’s no longer there now hear me out and to point out the Lusher police’s page the Majesty senior coroner for lisher and backburn with Darwin has reviewed the circumstances which the circum ances alone demand

    Further inquiry in my opinion has now been established he died from natural causes his Majesty’s corner has confirmed there’s no requirement for inquest that means that they’re saying he’s a late 80s early 90s who died in his sleep there’s nothing suspicious he died of natural causes because natural

    Causes is vague okay but the circumstances in this case alone make it suspicious what Dying by natural causes means while there isn’t a medical definition for natural causes It generally means that there is no acute cause of death you may have heard of celebrities or people in your community

    Dying of natural causes but have you ever wondered what that exactly means is the term only used if people die at an old age it turns out to be a bit more complicated here’s how the experts explain that was my general consensus when I think of natural causes I think of older age

    What does dying of natural causes mean it’s important to point out upfront That Dying of natural causes isn’t a medical term a pathologist States it’s more of a term used to communicate amongst the medical community to the public so that they don’t have to get into specifics right

    It’s kind of the Public’s explanation it doesn’t really get into all the finite details usually dying from natural causes is interpreted as nothing acute happened and this means that nothing sudden or severe happened there’s no external signs that would indicate anything other than a death certificate will state more

    Than whether a death was natural or not the certificate will indicate the immediate or final cause of death and any underlying issues or conditions that led to the death which is important while there isn’t necessarily a set definition for what constitutes natural causes an internal medicine physician states that they can generally agree

    Physicians that is on what it does mean it is a wide wide term that can be anything that wasn’t an accident or affected by force we don’t pin a death from natural causes on one thing like a heart attack or a stroke things just sort of stop and

    To be honest my first takeaway was that it was cardiac related AR rest arhythmia something of the sort not necessarily a stroke because in my opinion you would see like an ambulance or um was at the hospital when he passed because a stroke tends to have a slower onset right where emergency

    EMTs would have the opportunity to intervene even if in critical condition there would still be a ambulance Hospital not necessarily I’m just suggesting determining what is considered a natural death there is some Nuance here and technically things like heart attack cancer and infections could be considered natural given that they

    Happened to people without any outside force it basically means that death was not due to a non-natural event such as suicide or homicide and see that’s the whole point that I think the Lish constabulary wants here is they don’t want any speculation that it was anything but natural so natural causes

    If it was a homicide like I said given the circumstances the knowledge he knows the information what he was privy to we would never know and we’ll never find out it would be completely covered up a hit of some sort we would never know suicide I believe the same would be the

    Case could that have been something to where you know the walls were caving in the stress got to him he didn’t want to deal with it maybe he was in on something but you know he didn’t want that identity to come out I’m not saying

    That he was I don’t mean to speculate on the poor man rest in peace or maybe even it was separate in a part let’s say he lost 100,000 lb gambling the night before and he just couldn’t face it it wouldn’t matter if it was something along those lines an election of Sate

    Again like homicide we would never know and they would never tell us just simply because of the unraveling further that it would cause end of life researcher chief medical officer and chief executive stated that the term natural causes is usually used when someone dies of old age and Peter Lawson is 50 years

    Old didn’t appear to be ailing from anything long term and as Snowden says he seemed to be healthy and fit there’s usually an absence of overriding disease long-term ailing aspect Dr mcney compared dying of natural causes to a car shutting down after years of use again reference to

    Older age the car rusted out the engine stops and things stop working over time your body eventually just slows down and stops when natural causes show up on a death certificate it usually means that the person wasn’t diagnosed with any one health condition like heart failure

    Disease or didn’t die in an accident and that’s what they want you to perceive because they’re stating that on the death certificate this is the cause it’s not indicating anything suspicious and that’s their whole point they care about the image coroners typically come to this conclusion in the absence of an autopsy

    Or known cause of death and that to me is the most alarming part and I’ll give you another example on this later they just simply categorize it well he looks like he’s just sleeping it must be natural causes and that’s the whole assessment no further inquiry needed now I understand if it’s somebody

    Encroaching a 100 right but in these circumstances this specific individual Within lisher constabulary after all the events of the nickoli case in the wake of the final review coming out pinning him as the one making the decision to put Becky in front of the mic on the vulnerability

    Drop how is it not suspicious circumstances but when there are questions about the cause or manner of death and autopsy along with other testing provides the needed information to help improve the determination and manner of death cause and manner of death that’s what I’m saying I think that that’s absolutely essential in this

    Case now I’m not saying his family should go out and ask for it I I I wouldn’t I mean Nicola’s family’s been quiet I mean look what they keep doing and I’m not saying 100% they’re behind all this but it should be vetted out appropriately and not just slap smacked

    These ridiculous labels that make it look even more suspicious so I think the further testing would be needed that further information goes on to point out we usually don’t do autopsies on significantly older people and he says that because typically natural causes refers to older significant people because common sense says if they’re

    Younger you need to look into it further right but nope not in this case not the ACC on Nicola buly what are natural causes it might not seem to mean much at all but when a death certificate says a person’s death was natural it is really ruling out the

    Involvement of external causes the person did not take their own life and they were not killed by somebody or in an accident such as a car crash or a drug overdose and this is my thing okay remember eolina sasaka the vet who most likely was the person contacted

    Initially by Penny when she found Willow and saw the number on the dog tag right that kicked this whole thing off one of her statements and fears was that she had fear of getting on a plane and returning home to Poland because she would be poisoned where did she get that

    Idea now I’m going to cover her a little bit later because the coroner in that case just suggests she’s a delusional woman and I’m not being insensitive that’s what he said where did she get this poisoning idea right and why do I say that because it is widely known that to off

    Somebody there are various routes of poison that can be used that are not easily detected and the fact that in this case they’re not looking into a 50-year-old man who had no health conditions oh but just natural makes me wonder if there’s more to it where’s the forensic toxology

    Being done I want to point this out fentanyl is the number one killer in America okay at the current time and I think I found this interesting the fentanyl derivatives cannot currently be detected by routine laboratory drug screening programs forensic toxology essays that identify the specific analy

    Must be used and what am I saying with that will fentanyl show up in general screenings it cannot currently be detected by routine testing a specific test a forensic toxicology essay designed to identify the specific analy for fentanyl must be used or it won’t show up I’ll take it one further

    Only 5% of Overdose patients are actually tested for fentanyl the number one killer of Americans and this was August 23rd 2022 why am I bringing this up you don’t know he’s an overdose here’s the deal okay if he was and they test a general screening it wouldn’t show up you would

    Have to use a specifically designed toxicology instrument to bring something like that up and I don’t know if any of you are aware alls it takes is a pinkies worth a half of an American dime a Sprinkle of salt amount of fentanyl to kill you that’s it drop it in someone’s

    Drink that’s all it takes shuts down the respiratory system slows down the cardiovascular system lights out there’s going to be no signs externally and it would just appear like cardiac arrest you would specifically have to Target the testing and further hope I’m not giving any crazy people out there any ideas but there’s

    More information on that from ancient times to the Cold War and even up to today it’s always been a popular method of offing one’s enemies and this is poisoning depending on which toxin you go with you can kill someone slowly and quietly or abruptly and dramatically I’m

    Not going to go all the way into it they site um it’s been around for a long time a lot of people use this route there’s arsenic right which quickly slower and it makes me think of the lit venko um case that happened right over

    There in the UK by the kjb in Russia and I’m not insinuating that’s what’s behind this makes me think of it they Ed Thum which is radiation which is a longer slower burn but it happens cyanide is also another one so I would say Fentanyl and cyanide you get a large

    Dose it quickly enters the bloodstream it converts the poison into different chemicals called I’m not going to try to pronounce that the body becomes overwhelmed and it can turn all the poison into that same chemical at that point it starts preventing cells from using oxygen and eventually cells start dying off and a

    Lack of oxygen is not good news for the heart resp respiratory system or central nervous system because all of these essential systems are affected point being those are the most popular methods by secret criminal syndicates you know like I said Russia and the KGB with that livid enko um because number one it’s

    Almost untraceable unless you specifically look for it and over in the UK they don’t think anything’s suspicious unless they have a Smoking Gun they’re looking at a 50-year-old oh must died in his sleep natural causes there’d be no way to screen for it and is there a specific reason to want him

    Gone I would contend that that would be a very likely possibility so why would you not inquire further further unnatural causes and this is in regard to coroners and how they come to the decision you’re rather like a judge you weigh the evidence and based on the predominance of evidence

    You come to a decision and that I think this is what caused the problem but I’m going to be an honest person and list all the other causes these other causes appear in a second section of the death certificate for potential contributing causes which we’ll never going to get do

    You need an autopsy in 2016 the decision not to perform an autopsy on Antoine Scalia who’s a previous Supreme Court Justice and I met him he’s a great guy his court opinions are rather conservative but he’s a phenomenal man and he did a lot that will go down in

    History but not doing an autopsy on him Drew criticism because of the many questions surrounding his sudden death and because he was an important public figure a County Judge determined the death to be natural despite not even having seen the body they’re going off of most likely his weight because he was

    A little bit heftier in age right it’s entirely possible and acceptable practice to not do an autopsy and call the death natural as long as by external examination there are no lumps bumps bruises fer said in many cases based on past medical history and inspection of the death scene which you can’t you

    Can’t trust the lisher constabulary in that respect because they showed us that with Nicola buly and if the person is of the right age it’s not unacceptable he added I don’t think 50 is the right age Scalia for example had been reported to have heart problems so you can kind of

    See how that makes sense in this scenario however in the case of a younger person with no history of medical conditions like Snowden said he’s healthy and fit does he have a history an autopsy becomes a much more critical part of the process young people don’t just die suddenly Fowler

    Said now to be clear I realize that a 50-year-old doesn’t necessarily fall under the overall umbrella as young but to pass as a result of natural causes which is typically considered to be normal for those much much older medically speaking 50 years old is Young not to mention he was perceived to be

    Healthy and fit for what it’s worth the average age and life expectancy for men over there in the UK is 80 to 81 years old yes I really realiz this does not mean much or that it is a guarantee all males will live on and experience this

    Lifespan but it’s an added stat for consideration as you just observed and heard me briefly cover Mr Scalia the previous US Supreme Court Justice in his death was ruled to be due to natural causes without an autopsy being performed and or further inquiry deemed to be necessary which still Drew strong

    Criticism despite despite him being 79 years old having had a history of heart issues being a little heftier for his age and height which to be fair are all reasonable factors contributing causes that could be considered to have led to him succumbing to natural causes right yet criticism was still had why because

    Of the mere fact he was a high ranking public figure Mr Lawson was too especially in regard to Nicholas case however Mr Scalia was not fresh off a completely bent and corrupt case he was not the public lead and gold Commander responsible at least in part for the

    Continued cover up a central figure head in a case still unraveling to this very day he was the one defending the Langer constabulary and their hoax persisting to try and cast off the beautiful mother of two’s truth as some accident now I want to be clear yes I do acknowledge

    That Mr Lawson may have had some underlying cause or predisposition that was on setting or inevitable but to that I contest would not be deemed as natural causes a sudden stop ceasing to exist any longer right then and there that’s not natural causes further maybe he had

    A taste or indulged in some more risk habits you know recreational use of drugs or or alcohol and spirits and I don’t mean to speculate here but it’s important to consider and at least take into account for if so such would undoubtedly then be acknowledged as a potential contributing factor I mean he

    Had to have decompressed somehow let’s be real here if scalia’s death Drew strong criticism a 79-year-old with longstanding heart issues for not having had further evaluation then how and why shouldn’t a public league gold Commander 30 years younger appearing to be healthy and fit whom to our knowledge did not

    Have any long-term withstanding medically related issues well even if he did that’s personal information mind you how dare you um excuse me why because he’s a male Mr Marsh is that it you told the one reporter in the College of police ing review presser that you would

    Not comment on set assertion when the lady asked you if it would be the same if it were a male as far as the vulnerability releases for her suggestion was merely hypothetical well now you have a realistic example please enlighten us he Mr Lawson was sitting at the very

    Presser was the one whom selected Becky himself the lady whom slip dropped the vulnerabilities a high-risk menopausal woman struggling with HR tea had drinking issues and they even cite her previous EMT visit on January 10th wherein they painted her to have mental health issues they were leading everyone

    To conclude she had a tendency for self- fate they oversold it so hard well it could have been orchestrated by Paul too but it’s their job to vet through that right they don’t just take the torch and run with it they also do the same thing with ewelina sasaka just wait I’ll get

    To her in that metal examiner’s misogynistic vomit it’s even worse why should his Mr Lawson’s personal medical information be protected when he authorized the complete humiliation of Nicholas again that is not meant to be disrespectful rest in peace it’s the truth valid reasoning that can’t be refuted if that

    Bothers you then I urge you to go back and put yourself in her two daughter shoes having to listen to those headlines and or read those Facebook post as they continue to grow up then come back and pick up where you left off or you can stay put right here as we are

    Now and listen to what else I have to say as I do believe it will further support my stance by the time I’m through and if it still doesn’t quite register then I suggest you move along because there is no place for the cold-hearted here now I’ve already spent

    Way more time discussing this aspect than I originally anticipated but that’s okay I have thoroughly persisted because this is important the circumstances are suspicious natural causes excludes accident homicide suicide and or anything externally forced unnatural which does include drug overdose they want you to believe by use

    Of a non-medical term that his cause and manner of death was merely his car hitting its ceiling and simply shutting down 30 years prior to average life expectancy a healthy and fit guy with no long withstanding illness Andor disease the circumstances have been reviewed no need for further

    Inquiry I started this journey for one sole reason nicolly if you want to believe him and ulina sasaka are all separate and apart then you do you that’s fine but you see I have a higher standard and expectation for explanation remember remember I’m not just raising awareness now things have always been

    Off with me in this case I caught on to these Gremlins in the initial stages my work demonstrates that the very handling of Nicholas case should alone by itself raise alarming concern yet I’m supposed to accept this truth that coincidentally Pete the public leading golden Commander passes due to natural causes then the

    Vet eolina whom was the vet first Contact acted to kick this whole thing off despite her expressing fear and the weeks leading up to her death yep she was merely delusional got to be kidding me that is one big pile of [ __ ] for real though it’s not

    Coincidental in my opinion it’s tying up Loose Ends those so closely associated with this case directly involved with the timeline or or gatekeeping of the officials don’t just seemingly kick the bucket due to natural causes or elect self fate as they let on just because the lisher constabulary or some

    Majesty’s coroner do not and refuse to consider the circumstances as being anything other than ordinary no further review needed I quite frankly don’t give a rip that’s not me being insensitive don’t twist this on me the lisher constabulary coroner adley’s conjecture the College of policing’s smear campaign not to

    Mention crime and police Commissioners Bumble babbling are default they created the reason for suspicion with Nicola and her life their decisions to handle things the way they did follow through the way they did play koi cover up it’s their fault I’m just putting it out

    There for the world to see and if you don’t and cannot tell by now it is only going to continue to happen unfortunately now I hope that is not being too dramatic for some of you out there apparently I have too much passion and personality oh and shouldn’t and

    Can’t be trusted because of my use of English are you kidding me it’s okay I get it whatever if you can’t po calls and the issues that I do raise the things that actually matter then what else can you do last note before moving on how are the circumstances not warranting further

    Inquiry he Mr Lawson was tasked with setting the tone for public perception in this case one which they site in the I took a negative trajectory of 49% a hit of public perception in favor of the lisher constabulary due to this said vulnerability drop which they themselves then turn around and

    Implicate Lawson as being the chief culprit I do find it interesting that eolina sasaka referenced a fear of being poisoned where did she gather this fear was it all in her head as the medical expert content or was it rooted from some sort of threat where did she

    Receive and obtain such indication that such was even a potentiality I’m genuinely curious further I also find it interesting that in Mr Lawson’s last known public appearance it depicts him talking about drink and drugs being in people’s system which can lead to accidents and or killing people it fits

    The same cryptic in yourface pattern that was exhibited and teased with Nicola just saying now moving along to further support my stance since I have been covering this case being from the us there is one Chief perception of UK policing and coroners that I have obtained especially in the Langer

    District and area even prior to hearing of Mr Lawson’s news in fact I have expressed this very perception previously allow me to Rapid Fire elaborate officials are all too often too Swift to cite and determine deaths and missing people as not being suspicious no third- party involvement right off rip often insinuating self

    Fade or high-risk Health cause nothing out of the ordinary in regard to specific selective deaths they don’t seem to consider circumstantial evidence to have any value it’s almost as if they require physical evidence first then they become open to circumstances I wonder if they even understand how to

    Gather such or follow said leads either there is a Smoking Gun it’s 1 + 1 = 2 or it was a high-risk misper accident or self fate it’s so shocking to me how minimal they consider the circumstances and circumstantial evidence Paul and Emma offered up a treasure Trove yet

    Becky maintained they were her most credible and reliable source here are four quick snap cases that have molded this perception for myself over the past year of course Nicoli the river working hypothesis being a lock prematurely excluding foul play without appropriate assessment there’s Men In Black all over

    The place prior to during and after no signs or evidence of her falling in there were screams heard absolute faith and trust in the partner and close friend tunnel vision biased investigation police deny and refuse independent third- party assistance and their findings inquest selectively chose whom could and would take part the

    Coroner ruling a conclusion on pure hypothetical conjecture absolute fallible basis of scientific knowledge and zero objective evidence substantiated by data need I say more then we have Rachel Jackson she spend an evening out with her friends right she tells them she needs a breath of fresh

    Air I’m going to go out on a 10-minute walk or bike ride one friend stated she hadn’t even been drinking or anything of the sort the next next day the police find her bike and then a short distance later her body was found in avanim park her death was never treated as

    Suspicious she was a high-risk misper ruled self fate within those first days the story was dropped at the inquest there was no evidence of third party involvement in Rachel’s death and maybe this is true right I’m not saying all of these are crooked but they all have some lack of care or

    Concern it seems lack of due diligence in regard to effective investigation women don’t typically choose going out for a bike ride and then being found having fallen off in some Park as a typical route if they choose to do such just saying then of course we have Michael Brooks whom also

    Met his fate in avam park not found in a away for two weeks by police divers yet miraculously was later found on the 23rd day and of course we all know the Rothwell ties there in his Visions at the inquest One account suggested that he was forced into the water at knife

    Point while the other expressed that he accidentally fell into the water but there was witness X who backed out of the testimony in regards to the two men in black holding a knife to his neck the experts and the authority in the inquest stated they were not able to determine given the contradicting

    Eyewitness accounts are you kidding why did the witness recant um that lends validity to option number one he was forced into the water at knife point they didn’t even consider it suspicious circumstances regarding his recovery not being found then all of a sudden he appears just like

    Nicola They concluded that his death was was an open verdict and it remains unsolved to this day much like the high risk right they hear drugs and it’s almost not worth it it’s sad then of course we get to eolina sasaka they were quick to conclude self fate allude to

    Her being delusional despite the gruesome scene and severity of her injuries her ongoing utterance of fear and being followed in her closing weeks she relocated to a hotel in London based off of said perceptions of fear she was even afraid to board a plane to return

    Back home to get further away out of a fear of being poisoned as I have been alluding to all throughout I have a short excerpt here I want to share to directly show how narrow-minded and inconsiderate this inquest was summarizing his verdict he said I’m told by ulina sasa’s mother that she was

    Was a quote a very nice girl with a lot of friends it’s also clear to me that she had a good and close relationship with her family Miss Sak meaning the mother has given evidence about the text messages and numerous conversations she had with eolina between the 12th and 25th of April so

    It’s almost two weeks of this exchange between daughter and mother those exchanges paint a picture of a fast emerging situation which rapidly escalated to what can only be described as a state of apparent despair which saw a situation where ulina believed that she was being followed on specifically

    The date of April 24th by a group of 10 people I have no doubt that ulina did believe that she was being followed okay and this is where you can tell their perception is not being open and and fair what is less clear is the source of that belief whether it was entirely

    Based in reality or whether it was delusional either in whole or in part in the absence of Expert Medical opinion regarding aina’s mental health which is not possible to obtain after the fact we will never know the exact facts of the situations Andor her beliefs so they’re saying because they

    Can’t assess her mental health after the fact case closed right it reminds me of when Becky said now I can’t speak dog you know um but this already shows you the tone in the opinion of the medical examiner okay by a group of 10 people and I know that sounds outrageous okay

    But usually when you have mental health episodes they don’t last for 13 days however what is clear to me is that at the time she checked into this hotel in London to get away eolina was in a state of some fear and distress I have also borne in mind the nature and extent

    Of ewen’s injuries which were quite frankly extreme so he’s acknowledging that okay if you look at her behavior over the two weeks she’s mov moving further away she went to London she’s taking the steps that the circumstances show there’s something here I find that nobody inflicts injuries of that

    Severity on themselves as a cry for help or expecting to live particularly not someone of elina’s educational Standard Bearing in mind that as ofet she was more than familiar with the basic biology and Anatomy he’s insinuating that most of the time people wouldn’t do this but because she has experience and

    Education in maybe giving animals surgery she could be more likely to commit set act I mean the logic here is so disgusting okay he’s acknowledging they’re quite frankly extreme I find that nobody inflicts injuries of that severity on themselves in light of these factors I reject the notion of an accident what

    About third party involvement and find that on the balances of probabilities eolina infected these injuries on herself and that she did so with the intention of taking her own life you got to be kidding me now I’m not saying it wasn’t a mental health related issue but

    You can’t just conclude sorry we can’t look into whether or not she was delusional because she’s no longer with us disregard all of the fear that went on for 13 days and her direct connection with the nicy case being the person contacted Penny by Penny she had

    Information as to the timeline was there something that was said that she could come out with that would cause issues with the official narrative right why are the circumstances in this case not suspicious and found that on the balance of probability what probabilities she was expressing fear

    Over a two we span went to London to get away from said fear and was found completely extremely wounded in a bathtub could it not be people from this select group what did she know but see we can’t trust the coroner or the police it’s simply a

    Mental health related death I could go on and on somehow people dying in and around this case those Associated although their circumstances alone seem suspicious or one would think they seem to Warrant further inquiry but apparently not so I just don’t understand there is no way this in these

    Examples can honestly all be authentic assessment and opinion being offered up it’s intentional deliberate diversion all leading back to Nicholas case I don’t trust a single letter the lisher constabulary post nor do I any further evaluation done by some coroner with whom they associate sorry even if Peter did suffer some medically related

    Incident such as a heart attack his presence in role within this case undoubtedly would have antagonized any pre-existing or predisposition he held even one year ago before Nicola went missing the ongoing dumpster fire that is this case indeed had a significant impact and would have no doubt negatively affected his health and

    Mental well-being which ultimately in my opinion only exacerbated any underlying issues that may have been present to suggest otherwise that is it was completely separate and apart not related in any capacity is beyond ludicrous again my condolences and utmost respect to him and his family this energy is not directed towards Mr

    Lawson as a person but at the Langer constabulary and how they continue to handle things in my opinion Peter Lawson may have been tying up Loose Ends really think about that if this case were reopened who would be assessed harder than anyone that’s right Mr Lawson and

    To whose benefit does it fall that he is no longer with us yeah that’s exactly right what world are we living in circumstances are everything now lastly before I move on to Paul and Emma gayor Lord allow me to share a brief snippet in some words by

    The press in regards to her case that I want to further discuss police’s um police command where horn go said our working hypothesis at the moment is that gaina is in the water that’s what we’re working towards and they also went on to say it’s a missing person inquiry

    There’s no evidence at the moment to suggest that there’s any third party involvement here this is a significant operation hypothesis remains that g has gone into the water we’re doing everything that we possibly can as quickly as we can to find gaina our working hypothesis remains uh that gain

    Is in the river even though we’re exploring other lines as you’d expect us to keep very open mind surface of the River today Specialist Team from Lincolnshire is also assisting us so we’re putting very um we’re putting sonar equipment across the river at the moment which is so you just heard there

    One of the officers said what sounded like Langer but it’s not it’s Lincolnshire I was like oh you got to be kidding me there’s no way they’d be using their divers um I know most you are familiar with the area but from the river winom where gar Lord went

    Missing to St Michaels on River wire is approximately 178 Mi 200 miles right so it’s completely on the other side of the UK my first takeaway and I’ve only watched like two or three five minute Clips on this so I haven’t dug all the way into it because

    I’ve been working on this and I didn’t want to get distracted but right off the bat completely alarming why are the police once again sharing the working hypothesis with the public I don’t understand like it it it doesn’t make any sense hypothesis are a basis for Theory

    You know to them behind the scenes and in their investigation and looking into it a lot of times hypothesis fail in general they’re already sticking their neck out there with their first guess if she comes home to tomorrow which hopefully she does and there’s an explanation to all this they’re going to

    Look like idiots yes it’s a stark resemblance to nickola bully case because there’s items strewn about you know the two rings the white T-shirt yellow tank top and this time however you have her olive green coat in the water so it’s as if because the coats in the water their working

    Hypothesis she must be in there I mean you got to give them credit it there’s a little bit more to it than what Langer had but still what if the same perpetrator I don’t believe it is but let’s say it is wouldn’t you learn that to make it more believable you toss a

    Coat into the water I mean now I understand that there’s no third party involvement I get that okay but just because her coats in the water doesn’t mean it’s close-ended they say they’re being open-minded but so did lisher and they didn’t check stuff until 2 weeks later now what’s different in this case

    Is they have CCTV from four or five different locations now I want to comment on that from the psychology of gain our Lord the first things I pick up on is she leaves her job an hour early which appears to be like a cashier type of

    Post so you wouldn’t do that and they referenc in one of the videos that she wouldn’t never never do that she doesn’t typically do that if you’re going to leave a post like that obviously there would be some type of consequences right you know you can’t just leave a store

    Unattended clearly that didn’t matter to her she also looks to be in a rush in a hurry and one of them you can almost see her run she kind of cuts through traffic and kind of just rushes she doesn’t wait there’s no patience there but then which is really odd

    You hear reports that some witness saw her in the park doing yoga what like yoga is a meditation a calm a breathing exercise why would you be rushing leave your job early to go completely 180 to calm down and do yoga poses it doesn’t match up whatsoever like at

    All I don’t I don’t understand that those two parts are huge discrepancies to me um the most frustrating part is the police coming out and saying the working hypothesis I just cuz let’s say this did involve other circumstances and again they say they don’t believe there’s any suspicion or no third party

    Involved I cannot stand how quick they jump to that apparently alls you need to do to get away with something there if you’re going to take somebody you throw something in the water and they’re going to believe that’s where they’re at and I’m not being a smartass they show you

    That’s how they work they tell you their blueprint in their playbook and how simplistic their thought process is now we what day almost an entire week now today actually seven days as we learned from Mr faling if she did go into the water she’s likely going to be where she went

    In at roughly and this river is isn’t River wire like narrow it’s considerably wider so if she went in anywhere near that tent and where you see those swans at she couldn’t have swam very far in either direction cuz that’s a huge River it’s much wider yeah it would take a

    While to Union Jack search it right but if you’re not finding her within those first couple days there’s got to be a shift of focus in other explanations you can’t be sitting there 8 Days on searching the same quarter mile of water like it’s just driv me nuts now it’ll be

    Interesting to see how this all plays out um obviously the timing in the days let’s just hope there’s no 23 day let’s hope that she does return and there’s an explanation to all of it like I’d mentioned but it is eerily similar in how the police are handling this openly

    Coming out but this time they have CCTV photos they provide recent photos right but the items being strewn about if someone were mugging her they would take the jewelry so she take her jewelry off and wanted to go for a swim that’s why she dered and couldn’t quite get the coat

    Off before she went into the water like it I just don’t it’s hard to conceptualize for me I haven’t spent a lot of time on it but number one leaving her job early is out of character she appears to be in a hurry which to me instantly makes it high risk heightened

    Concern she’s in danger why did she leave work early you know you’d want to look at her conversations but she’s seen doing yoga that does not make sense that does not make sense whatsoever and if you’re not finding her in the water there’s got to be an explanation

    Is this going to be another Michael Brooks nickola buly the police look for two weeks nowhere to be found and all of a sudden she miraculously pops up but this time the police get the tap on the back because they provided the CCTV they did all that well they still missed the

    Biggest problem in releasing the working hypothesis even if she’s end up found in that River you don’t reveal that publicly because you’re given the dirty people on the outside insight into how you do things how operations are handled you don’t share that information right like if someone was connected to

    Nickola case in this right let’s say they went to the other side of the country they would have learned to okay to make it look further like somebody because NCA didn’t have anything in the river this time we’ll put a cod in there and again I don’t want to

    Speculate I’m not saying they’re related at all cuz I don’t think they are at this point I’ve barely even dug into it but the media’s coverage I remember the nickola case was everywhere on my TV the Sun the mirr the GB news ITV were constantly putting out coverage of it

    Since Nick laoli there hasn’t been a single news coverage story like that then all of a sudden gain our Lord happens it’s identical from the media channel output identical they’re even calling it eerily similar to Nicola they’re using the river workking hypothesis it’s almost like they’re getting lisher out of jail

    See we had no problem using that they’re going to find her in there and justify why they use you still don’t share the hypothesis that’s a problem they do appear to be using police tape cordoning off wider areas of the park unlike Langer um providing more recent photos of gayor

    Um and the CCTV footage so which is weird it’s almost like they filled in every hole that lisher had but they kept using the river wire hypothesis angle which is very peculiar to me yeah we’ll have to see how things turn out those are my initial thoughts

    Leaving work an hour early she appeared appear to be in a hurry that’s alarming doesn’t match up with her then going to the park to do yoga I just don’t understand that who’s that witness and when was that observation made it says she was missing at like 8:40 8:30

    Is it dark over there by that time you know had she been mugged the jewelry likely would have been taken it’s almost like set up like the harness on the floor the phone on the bench right it’s interesting the media is exactly the same flavor as it was a Nica

    Bully interesting I’ll keep following it and Pon wishes out to that family hopefully good news comes but man they got to figure out something with the way they handle their investigations you shouldn’t be sharing your working hypothesis with the public that’s just not okay all right

    Here we are on to the good stuff I’ve been waiting to get off my chest and share so if you recall from my last or previous couple of episodes if then with Peter faling if this was in fact the Target location identified to be nickola buly by Peter

    Faling which I believe it is okay I also said that I believed she was put there okay based on fact objective analysis with with my own eyes that is not Nicola in that photo released initially by Emma White then the police okay the CCTV is stitched I

    Do not believe Nicola went to the river wire that day I mentioned briefly Jason said that she was floating upright and some people misinterpreted that as floating upright as in on her back No upright as in Head to the Sky feet to the dirt standing upright floating upright as if she was weighted

    Down I suggested that after Peter fing found her here they were in trouble because the water wouldn’t have raised for two weeks so she they couldn’t let her come afloat here because it would have brought him back out before inquest they would have been screwed so they had

    To come up with a plan to shift Focus away from the river so that they could move her in a different location to be recovered right by Jason Rothwell I suggested the marsh Farm Hall interviews and the vulnerabilities presser I suggested that she was put in here and weighted down so that natural

    Causes of the biological processes wouldn’t allow her to also float then I suggested sometime around that 15th presser within those 4 days maybe held at Marsh Farm Hall whatever could have came out this little creek here she was then put in Jason was tipped off to find

    Her okay key word being she was put into the river remember this case has always been throughout the seams missing from home and in skip the initial post by the river wire says it Mr McKenzie references it and you just heard Andrew Snowden say it in the final review

    Presser missing from home and Inskip okay I believe something happened to her prior to that day this entire River wire is a stage and everybody else is acting primarily Paul and Emma I want you to take a listen to what Emma says here I’m going to play it it’s very

    Short I’m going to play it three four times over for purposes of drumming it in and I want you to really ask yourself is this something a sincere close friend would say if they genuinely believed their best friend was either pushed in fell in or jumped in under

    Election of self eight all righty here you go then you look the theories behind that that are going into if a victim does go in and and drowns but the hypotheses is the send stay where they’re put so then you look the theories behind that that are going into

    If a victim does go in and and drowns but the hypotheses is the send stay where they’re put so then you look the theories behind that they going into if a victim does go in and and drowns the Hypes the send stay where they’re put so Emma States then you got the theories

    Behind that but going into if a victim does go in and drown the hypothesis is that they tend to stay where they are put I told you I knew it you should have oh I had straight Goosebumps when I saw that and that was the night of the 10th

    After hearing the Peter Lawson news I couldn’t sleep because my mind juices were flowing something wasn’t right so I go back and watch the initial beginning Clips I caught that and I was stunned yet again I’ve been telling you all along she died at her home in in skip

    She was put there this was the stage there is no way you would accidentally slip up and say this it’s a major mistake Emma white was the one in that photo that morning I’ve already proved that the calf sizes the Slimmer one is Emma the part of the Stitch with the

    Ring Emma this is why she intentionally conceals it after the fact which I’ve also proved and why Paul came out with the CCTV that same very day and likewise tried to claim it was him whom handed out the photos not Emma trying to take that heat off and away from her

    Emma knew Nicola was put in the river she didn’t fall in or was pushed Nicola’s nose was shaved off so you couldn’t and wouldn’t compare it with the Emma Shot Nicola passed away at her home and in Skip and she was then put into that River wire the stage boom YSI

    And that’s not even all check this one out and see if you can catch it Emma again that perhaps things are narrowing down now in in terms of of of getting Nikki back what’s your message again yesterday they said they haven’t explored all the Avenues um we’ve got a

    Footage missing from garang road which is just outside of um the river the where you come into the gate for the walk Emma says there again they said yesterday they have not explored all the Avenues we’ve got footage missing from garang road which is just outside where

    You come outside the gate for a walk footage was missing from garang road so not that they didn’t or couldn’t catch any it was missing thus uh intentionally disrupted and removed also check this post from the languish constabulary out it even flushes it out further whilst you may

    Not think you had any relevant information this is when they’re appealing for dash cam it is really important that we gather as much footage as possible in the area that morning so we can review every piece meticulously to establish whether Nicola can be seen the footage was missing just like

    The Caravan park being turned off CCTV as well as the Rowan Waters all three were intentionally turned off no photo of Nicola anywhere that day but yet you have the lady with the pram whether she’s up a lot m n or not I don’t care the lady with the red coat

    You’re missing the point you have people that are on cameras and then you have Nicola somehow Vanishing Into Thin Air it was Emma leaving the house that morning you are led to believe Nicola was there at the river wire that morning but she never was Emma States footage was missing from garang

    Road she tells you right there they do have footage but not during that precise window of time it’s missing missing really makes sense as to why those two individuals were staking that area out the day before when the garage man said they appeared to be suspicious appearing to cover their faces they were

    Concocting and figuring out how they were going to pull it off was that Paul and Emma I’ll play that again here for you then I’ll move right into another find I have with Paul that perhaps things are narrowing down now in terms of of of getting Nikki back what what’s your

    Message again yesterday they said they haven’t explored all the Avenues um we’ve got a footage missing from garang road which is just outside of um the river the way you come into the gate for the walk this piece here featuring Paul I’m going to play live and stop and

    Explain what I found all right this is in regards to his recollection of that morning take us back to two weeks today um that morning of Friday the the 2 7th of January was it a normal morning like like any other it totally normal um say the only difference that morning was you

    Know usually you know when you’ve got children getting up on a school day you know you probably know yourself is just Mayhem isn’t it Carnage yeah yeah absolute Carnage so the only difference on that morning two weeks ago was that so I’m going to point out right

    Here he should be giving a real description of that morning okay and follow me this is going to blow your mind what he actually does you can tell he’s in deep thought is he gives a hypothetical situation okay which shows that he’s sensitive about that time frame and it’s calculated now you might

    Be like what the heck are you talking about ju just hear me out I just want to give you that as a precursor okay he’s going going to give you a hypothetical right to play it safe there wasn’t a lot of rushing I came down and a lot of stuff was was

    Already done it was um you know the girls were having the breakfast and everything was pretty much ready to go I came down Nikki went upstairs to get ready um here’s the switch this is where it becomes a hypothetical and I’m going to prove it to you I went upstairs Nikki came down

    Ready and then you know the routine is basically if Nikki’s Tak the routine is basically he switches into hypothetical he’s not actually giving you a description of that morning okay and I’m going to prove it I’m just explaining it to you I hope that makes sense girls and

    Willow um when I hear them come down I’ll I’ll get them in the car get them strapped in get the get in the boot and all that and uh see the problem is in the photo of Emma coming out of the house she has Willow she has

    Willow that’s how you can tell he’s giving a hypothetical because he said the routine is basically when Nicholas taking them I’ll get the girl strapped in Willow in the boot Emma is walking out of the house with with Willow that morning so he can’t be giving you an exact

    Recollection why would he lie and give you a basic routine and not what actually happened that morning look at that photo that’s Emma and Willow he didn’t put Willow in the boot listen to that again you know the routine is basically if if Nick is taking the girls and

    Willow um when I hear her come down I I’ll get them in the car get them strapped in get the get Willow in the boot and all that and uh Nikki comes out give her the keys off to go but that’s not what happened that morning because Nikki air quotes has

    Willow with her which we know it’s Emma why did he just give you a hypothetical basically routine is why didn’t he give you an exact reflection what happened if he’s innocent and doesn’t know Nikki wasn’t there that morning yachi now watch him here he nervously rubs his leg cuz he’s calculating

    Whether or not he was successful with his [ __ ] machine nor sometimes you walk the dog and take the kids to school and and on that morning it was Nikki’s job yeah I don’t know if it’s my job usually the the roles are are reversed yeah um

    So so if you’re taking them then Nikki puts the girls and stps them in and puts Willow in the boot and then you come out and she hands you the keys and then you’re off [ __ ] I’ve already showed this before but just to detail it again it shows

    That Emma knows the timeline way too tightly um it seems that this is is completely out of character to just disappear without saying anything to anyone yeah absolutely I mean we look at the routine she’s done on the day she’s on on a work call she’s quickly arranged

    A play date just one minute before we’re seeing it the weekend they’ve got plans you know it’s all yeah doesn’t doesn’t make sense she’s quickly arranged a play date just one minute before we’re seeing it the weekend she quickly arranged a play date just one minute before I’m not

    Saying she couldn’t have remembered that with the information that came out and the timeline that was created by the police but come on Looking Back Now on what we know that was all by Design beforehand and here Emma reveals that they already had planned what they were going to do on day

    Seven heard what the police had to say what went through your mind let’s just take it back to yesterday so yesterday was a 7-Day Milestone it was um a roller coaster in itself you wake up with still no news okay we already planned the seven days a big media publicity we were

    Out there with the banners we already planned the seven days media publicity the banners the whole lot and I know other people have pointed this whole tennis ball bit out before but just listen from her perspective as the close friend how certain she is that Nicola on that day what if Nicola

    Decided to bring the ball but listen how concrete assured she is would do on dog walk what do you think about that theory uh Willow used to love tennis ball very much um but it used to disturb the walk so they haven’t had a tennis ball since way until last year

    And she’s like got it memorized you know like Nicolo would go and tell her well yeah well used to like it but we don’t bring it anymore the tennis baller she loved the tennis ball so she’d always be by you pestering you for the ball but it wasn’t

    A nice walk when the dog’s pestering so the ball it wasn’t a nice walk wow she just tells you it’s like you’re a little parrot on her shoulder was no definitely no ball okay well that’s really interesting and as a dog owner I know how how annoying it can

    Be having dogs obsessing overb so you don’t think that would okay um and F she’s so sure because she’s the one who staged Willow of course I can’t make a contemplation of all this and not include the gym short logic and then the as we were going to

    Leave so um I go to the gym on a Friday Friday lunchtime so I quickly got my gym stuff on cuz I just thought basically I’m going to go out find her come home do a bit of work carry on yeah Lun time go to the gym so you would change into

    Your gym shorts after you do a bit of work we’re going to leave we’re going to leave we’re going to leave the most obvious thing of course has always been the river um it’s always been my good Instinct and and and and her sisters that’s what you wanted people to believe

    Because that’s what you staged and family that um that isn’t the case extensive um remember this is at this point the 15th when they’re trying to shift Focus away that that wasn’t the case searching you know he probably well aware of gone has gone on in that River

    I mean they were in there you know I mean I I have to categorically say I cannot fault the police in any of this they have been incredible and the relation how because they didn’t let Peter fing die seven days before this they didn’t let him return with his sonar technology

    Because that’s what I think that that we have working on this is still is very very strong it’s very good um so this isn’t any uh criticism of them at all I just want to make that I want to make that clear uh but the fact that they were in the divers

    And underwater rescue team and and and all that were in that River on that on the day and um thankfully found absolutely nothing um in the part where you would I guess have to presume is her last known location if you if you take all those things into account of the

    Unlikeliness of it you know you would have to sort of say that really the the river isn’t isn’t what happened and so we always felt that see that makes me think that Nicola wasn’t placed in there yet that day he was going to allow that first day for them to search everything

    Right then Place her there I’m not saying that’s what happened was saying just listening to that now his logic every time I pause look at him he in deep thought makes me think this is what his plan was you would have to think that you know she

    Since she wasn’t there the first day then she was placed the mobile phone and the harness and everything it could it could possibly be a decoy and you you know they are again I’m we don’t have evidence but these are things that you naturally would think about cuz you know the

    Team’s Co will still at the time wasn’t it and and every time he says something he’s not sure he shouldn’t he rubs the hell out of his leg did you see that Willows harnesses on the on the floor and I’m sure these are things constantly you’re thinking about yeah

    Yeah of course it is of course it is I mean like the only thing we’re bothered about is finding her like there nothing else matters that’s the only thing that we’re bothered about is just finding her so for me personally and again this is just my opinion yeah

    I’m personally I’m 100% convinced it’s not the river that’s my opinion I suppose the question after that is what then and and the difficulty is you allow Marsh Farm Hall interviews you’re 100% convinced yeah because you’re trying to Shi Focus away from the river it’s it’s horrendous because it’s people don’t

    Just vanish Into Thin Air it’s absolutely impossible so something has happened something has happened find out what it is you know find out what it is there has to be a way to find out what happened there has to be you cannot you cannot walk your

    Dog down a river and just vanish Into Thin Air something something happened that day something y find out find out what it is and and my my plea now is personally I want every house every garage every out building the land scrutinized I Want It All searched I Want It All scrutinized

    Every piece of it and I’m I’m not going to you’re not going to appease me with anything else that that is what I want to happen because for something to have happened there it’s it’s not many you you would only know that area by local PE so local

    Area we’ve walked down there for years and I mean years you see the same faces every single day and on the very odd occasion when you see somebody that you know you you don’t know they they stand that like a sort of thumb he’s trying to shift attention away from

    That River so they can move her because Peter seven days prior located her publicity around um Nikki’s disappearance isn’t there and um I suppose you are one of those stories that is very much talked about on social media at the moment uh I’m I I don’t know whether you’ve read the stories of

    Accusations all the all the theories that are out there does that upset you or are you happy that people are talking about and trying to find a solution it would be upsetting of course if I let myself read it all don’t get me wrong I have seen some

    Stuff most people have been amazing yeah you know you always got you’re always going to get that 2% of um people that for whatever reason it reminds me Peter folding said in the interview always going to get that 2% of idiots you know kind of like that 2% over there in the

    Stacks with their head up but have you ever seen a spouse in a situation like this answer a question and just so nonchalantly say yeah you can question me all you want you know say and and do not very nice things but I don’t want to give any

    Energy to that like my energy is just finding Nikki um I read one that said um the police need to look at the partner like why would you suggest that and I’m sort of like well yeah that’s the first thing that they do like of course it is you know

    Like I knew that that would happen you knew that that would happen when when did you know Paul that would happen when you texted her and asked her if she was lost I don’t understand what do you mean you knew that would happen what are you thinking brother is that when you were

    Preparing to get away with murder you know on on the first day expect that don’t you I expect I knew that would happen on the first day I expected it yeah I said to them um do it and and get that out of the way and then

    Focus on finding it on finding it and focus on the rest of it so that’s exactly what we did you know it was um that was done ruled out obviously um and then obviously move on so you know whatever you know people want to say and you know

    If that’s what they want to think that’s their business it’s not it’s not mine well I’m pretty sure it is your business too there partner all right so can I sit here and say beyond all doubt that he in fact took Nicholas life no I

    Cannot what I can say is that Emma White and Paul anel both knew that Nicola did not fall in did not elect self fate or was not pushed in she was put into that river that morning the photo of air quotes Nicola leaving the house is not Nicola everyone it’s Emma

    The whole river wire is a stage now as far as the specific details are the police in on it did covert Becky Smith help them stage all this was an election of self fate that Paul LED Emma and the police to believe and they worked in on this

    Contract together to expend all these resources and money to dwindle down that $200,000 domestic violence fund they had yet to spend because if you don’t use it you lose it right I can’t get to the specifics of that I don’t know but what I do know is that there was footage missing from

    Garing Lane Emma says she was put there right it’s riddled all throughout out the case that it was scripted narrative between Paul and Emma for certain now I remember in the beginning there was people saying that there was bulletins up for crisis actors okay is that what’s going on very well could be

    Because I mean I don’t want to give languish sh constabulary any credit because they haven’t really given me a reason to give them any but there’s no way they’re this incompetent and can’t see through it they’re in on it something staged and worked together right but here’s the thing Nicola buly

    Was a real person she was a loving mother of two people what happened to her because it was not the river wire it was not an accident Mr aidley how dare you conclusively close this it’s disgusting oh let me guess you’re in on the narrative too right wonder what you guys

    All got paid it’s disgusting it’s so disgusting now you have this gainor Lord case popping up and you have the same type of situations popping up you know and I was thinking why would the police go and use the river working hypothesis again well you’d use it again

    If you knew that’s where you’re eventually going to find her because you don’t lose any skin off your back because that’s so alarming typically competent police wouldn’t do that why are they doing it again 200 miles Southeast now they have the CCTV footage they have all this stuff they’re filling

    In all the gaps right I’m not saying they’re the same thing but it’s weird very weird like I’ve showed you with the eolina sasaka I hope I’m not saying her last name right I apologize for that but for the coroner medical examiner to determine her to be delusional because she has anatomy and

    Biology experience of knowing where to cut because of her vet experience oh she did it to herself you got to be joking Pete Lawson rest in peace you really think he died Sunday morning natural causes just struck I don’t think so I don’t think so they can’t let whatever this is Come Undone

    And be revealed because they’ll never be able to recover from it that’s why I think they’re tying up loose ends now Paul seems to be rather confident and not suspicious as to him getting wrapped up and being thrown away right so that makes me think that he and the police are in on

    It together they’re supporting each other right my opinion he did something to her because he got tipped off because of the fund it’s all been staged as this self fate he staged his self fate and they’re just helping him run this whole story right he can still get life

    Insurance because she didn’t choose self fate Langer constabulary can spend their money that’s what I think’s going on here I don’t think she committed it herself I think her life was taken all right everybody this one took me a while um prayers and wishes out to the Lord

    Family I hope good news comes that way um and that the police this time around aren’t bent and tilted but there are some things that bother me about that let’s hope it straightens out Merry Christmas everybody if I’m not back until then until next time mind juice out


    1. Nicola Bulleys vet died after running to London ….her name was Ewelina Sasak ….a polish girl ,found in a hotel roo ,dead in a bath after being seen 2 hours before , alive , badly injured, her inquest in October said no suspicious circumstances???

    2. MJ ,I salute you … I agree with everything you have covered and explained, since the beginning of this case. Thank you for all your hard work and your compassion and empathy towards nikki and her children..Keep going and digging up the cover up ,of this case … and all the rest of the cases you are covering..

    3. @MINDJUICE – Please don't get obsessed with 'natural causes'. In the UK any malfunction of the body's internal organs is deemed 'natural causes'. The death of any person who had not been seen. by a Doctor within 14 days prior to death requires the Coroner to. be informed. It is for the Coroner to decide if a post mortem is required in the case of a sudden death.

    4. Here's a question to all who have commented here.
      Has anyone ever had a comment back from Mind Juice or, indeed, a reply to an email they have sent him?

    5. A passing is narural.
      Heart attack/ anurisma/ disease etc

      Died by medical cause means what? As said in their own first statement very short (hour) after his death.
      How can this be natural?
      It is very vague way to discribe the manor of death. Or am I missing something?
      Too much medication?
      Self inflicted?

    6. Peter F was giving a live where he stated he found nicola on scan image. He was not alowed ro go back to rescan that location. So that would mean they knew she was there. And left her there for another good 11 days. If I understood correct. To be found by a psychic dogwalker without dog that has eyes that can see under bushes in water on cue. Crazy.
      In that live the newes broke of his sudden death. On that official statement by LE they said by medical cause.

    7. Lancashire police have lied so much , how do wexknow that the body was NB , that's what the police are saying. I think NB may be alive and in danger so is in a safe house..?Paul selling th house , possibly to go to NB ?

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