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    In this captivating interview with Hans Wilhelm, creator of the popular YouTube channel “Life Explained,” we explore the law of attraction. Wilhelm believes the universe operates on the principle of like attracting like, allowing us to experience diverse thoughts and challenge our beliefs, exploring different vibrations.

    The discussion touches on “The Secret,” with Wilhelm questioning its teachings. He suggests manifesting desires through willpower may serve our ego, not our highest good. The focus should be on personal growth and self-realization. Wilhelm also sheds light on soul groups and how the law operates spiritually, drawing similar vibrations together to resolve past karma and potentially join higher soul groups.

    Delving into the astral realm, Wilhelm warns of dark thoughts and highlights the power of thoughts in manifesting reality through karma. To protect ourselves, catching self-pity and using meditation for inner peace are vital, he says.

    Hans Wilhelm’s powerful conclusion: “Everything that happens to me here is to bring me home.” Applying the law of attraction leads us to our true selves, transforming our lives.

    Find links to my guest’s official site here

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    We are mainly interested in becoming. We want to learn, we want to grow. A lot of people have misunderstood this law of Attraction. Our main goal should be here to become again, to become again this pure being, which we all have been, this angelic, divine being, perfect being, spiritual

    Being, which we all have been, and unfortunately, over time lost a lot of energy, and we have lost also that understanding of who we truly are. Hello, Hans William. A warm welcome to the show. Delighted to be here with you again, Janika. It’s great. Thank you for inviting me again to your show.

    Yeah, I’m excited to meet you again because we had a wonderful interview quite many years ago that got really popular because I was so curious about your YouTube channel. I mean, you’re a mystic, you’re an illustrator, an author, an illustrator of 200 books. You have around 20 million views on your

    YouTube channel, reaching out with your method of explaining spirituality in such a simple way. And I looked into your YouTube channel and I was like, he’s still going. I love that. And then I’ve noticed that my audience is interested in the law of attraction and understanding how it really works.

    And people are struggling with it, and manifestation is complex. There’s so many perspectives on it. And I came across your video about Law of Attraction explained. I was like, okay, I would love to have you on the show and talk about that. So I would love to hear a little bit first.

    Where did all this wisdom or how did all this wisdom come to you before you started to be a mystic teacher? Well, I have been always very interested in the spiritual side of life. When I was a young person, and I studied many, many different courses and paths like Edgar Casey Wood of

    Steiner and Cause a Miracle and many, many others. And I met wonderful people on this path. But it was some 30 years ago that I came across some teachings which came or which are still coming through a wonderful woman in Germany. Her name is Gabrielle, the Emissary of Light

    For this period, basically quote, and she is not easy to be found on the Internet because she doesn’t want any personality cult. The material that comes through her from the Absolute Reality is material that explains the laws of life in very clear and easy, understandable ways. And it is also all free,

    Except, of course, the book itself. You may have to purchase if you’re interested, but there is no organization to join. There is no membership, there are no teachers. I’m also not a teacher. I’m merely a student of the spiritual path, a mystical path. So there is no organization to join.

    And I find this very compelling because the path is just between yourself and God, and the Kingdom of God is within ourselves. So Gabriel gave us over the years, many, many books many, many revelations which are totally new, which the world had not heard before. And they give answers to so many questions,

    Which I had and I still have. And for myself, I started then to illustrate these spiritual laws because it’s easier for me to understand when I visually see how A links to B and C and so on. And so what I did, for instance, if we

    Speak about the Law of Karma, I just simply make a little drawing and then just show how somebody does something bad to someone else. And this gets stored in the bodies of the person of both persons in the Akashic records as well as in the repository planets

    From they eventually will return back as karma. When you see this drawn out, it is so much easier to understand. And Gabby always said that God is ingenious simplicity. There are no secrets for us. And this is what I share. So the videos I do, I do mostly in first

    Place for myself to understand what I’ve read, what I have heard, and I try to digest and then I share it with anybody who is interested. I have zero interest to convince anybody that this is the right way for them, because we all are on different kind of vibration and we all

    May need different kind of teachings to move forward. But I found this very helpful and absolutely unique because the depth of this material I don’t think you will find anywhere else. Yeah, that makes sense because I watch your videos because I’m very intrigued by, of course, the way you explain

    Everything so simply or in an understanding way. Complexes, spirituality that can be quite complex. And then the drawings, that does something to my brain, so I just understand it more. And I loved how you said that you also do it for yourself, that you’re also a student.

    And I guess we’re all actually teachers for each other and also students for each other. I’m a student and everybody else around is my teacher. Oh, I love that. All right, so let’s dive into the Law of Attraction, which became very well known through the Secret,

    And we’re going to speak about that as well. But how would you say the Law of Attraction works from your perspective and from what you’ve learned? What I learned is that the whole universe works on the Law of Attraction. This is basically one of the first laws of the universe.

    Like attracts like, and things which do not harmonize together do not attract each other. So it’s very clear, particularly when we are in the spiritual world, in the realms, like attracts like. The spirit beings are just all grouped together according to their own mentality vibration and energy.

    Because let’s not forget, the entire universe is nothing but energy and vibration. And every stone that we see is nothing vibration. Any tree, any person is nothing but vibration. So it’s a vibrational universe and like attracts like is a very clear that things, birds of the same feather flock together, as they say.

    So it just always works that way. One little exception we have is here on planet Earth. And that’s why planet Earth is nothing but a school for souls to grow and mature in a very fast way. The reason why it’s different because here on planet

    Earth, souls from many different vibrations and different vibration and groups and thinking and understanding and beliefs are suddenly come together in the same place. Which means when we are in the spiritual world, during our lifetimes here, we are usually among like minded souls and there isn’t much growth there.

    When you hear everybody talking the same thing, thinking the same thing and so on, you don’t see any alternative viewpoints. You don’t really grow much. So coming to planet Earth, you suddenly are surrounded by all opposite views and ideas and in politics, in social behavior, in ecology, whatever, it’s really intense,

    The variety of thought patterns which we find here. And that gives us a great momentum to question our own beliefs, because our own beliefs are usually based from our childhood where we grow up, in the parents of our parents, the environment, from our teachers, from our religions and so on.

    And most people don’t really question them, but we do see how other people live, believe, behave, and there may be some more loving, more caring, more understanding, more compassionate ways which we may apply the way also to do to others as well as to ourselves.

    So this is, I think, the key element that here on planet Earth we have got this wonderful opportunity to be exposed to different other vibration, but otherwise like attracts like is true. It works. And the secret movie, if anybody still remembers that, had a lot of truth in it.

    The only thing which I question very much so, is that you just can’t sit there in your chair and suddenly believe I want to be a billionaire and I want to have a sports car and I want to have a big villa by the sea. It hasn’t worked for most people.

    I know many people. It sounded so tempting. It says all I have to do is to imagine myself having that sports car and the villa. And then, of course, through the law of light attracts light. It has to come somehow into my life. If that would be true, any actor who plays every

    Day for 2 hours, let’s say a cancer ridden patient on stage, would eventually also attract cancer, wouldn’t he? So, because this is 2 hours intense, feeling like that person doesn’t happen, our higher self usually cuts in and says this may not be exactly what you plan to do in your present lifetime.

    Because before we incarnate, we have a very clear picture of what we want to achieve. Who are the people we want to meet or even be together, in a family, as a spouse, and what challenges we want to face and what we want to overcome.

    Now, if we suddenly deviate too strong from it, like for instance, I give the example, you decide you want to become a teacher somewhere in Denver, America, and suddenly you decide oh, now I see the movie The Secret and you suddenly decide oh, I want a big villa

    With lots of money by the sea. So you may with intense willpower of ego power, achieve that. But then you have missed the message or the reason why you incarnated, because in Denver there was your spouse waiting, there were the opportunities for growth waiting, and all the stuff you suddenly miss.

    So our higher self usually helps us not to achieve the goal, if that goal was not meant for us. It is usually always a goal from our ego. We want to have something. The ego is always obsessed with having, wanting. But the higher self, our soul, is only interested in becoming.

    And there’s a big difference. And this secret didn’t speak about becoming, it speak only get have. That’s another thought here. I said earlier, our life here on planet Earth is a schooling. It’s only 800,000 hours, 30,000 days. It’s nothing compared to the eternity of life. As a spirit being, we are eternal.

    It’s just like dipping into this here, like going to the movies for 2 hours and coming out. Now, that cannot be our true life here. That’s why it is so short, because it is only a school. And when we go to school, whether we go in

    College or wherever we are, we are not mainly obsessed in getting possessions, we are mainly interested in becoming. We want to learn, we want to grow. And therefore I think a lot of people have misunderstood this law of attraction. And I think it’s a much deeper meaning here, because when

    We focus on why we are here, then everything shifts. And then we have got also the help, when I’m interested in, to become a more loving, compassionate person. That vibration goes out. That vibration will come and bring me into a situation where I can do that.

    Now, this vicudation may not be always very loving and very kind, because sometimes we need to be in the opposite kind of environment to grow. But whatever it is, our main goal should be here, to become again, to become again this pure being which

    We all have been, this angelic, divine being, perfect being, spiritual being, which we all have been. And unfortunately, over time we have lost a lot of energy and we have lost also that understanding of who we truly are. Wow, very interesting. There were some interesting perspectives here.

    So let’s see if I can jump into a few points that you made that I found interesting. For instance, that we come down to this planet where there’s so many different frequencies and vibrations and where we’re coming from, we’re sort of more similar with those souls having a same vibration.

    I got very interested in that, would love to go into that. And also what you said about becoming and not just getting and how it’s connected with our soul’s blueprint, which makes really a lot of sense. And also one can argue that, okay, the universe is abundant, so we’re supposed

    To open up to all this abundance. Aren’t we supposed to have everything? So there’s so many ways of looking at this. But let me start with the first point here that I found interesting when you said that on the other side we have more a similar frequency with those souls.

    We’re, I don’t know, being with, hanging out with. Are you speaking about soul groups and sort of that, let’s see that or let’s say that you are in a certain dimension and I’m in another one and you’re with your soul group and I’m in another soul group and we have the

    Same vibration and that’s sort of the place. We’re not the place, but the realm we’re lingering in until we advance and move into another dimension. Is that how it sort of works? That we have sort of a home frequency on the other side? Our home frequency is divine love.

    It is the absolute reality. We are all on our way home. But before we reach that home, we have got different kind of grades of evolution or returning back. Which means, for instance, if a person has been very cruel or murderer or whatever and dies, that

    Vibration of the murderer will attract that soul to similar vibrating entities around them, other souls. So there you can speak of a group soul of murderers who are all together. So imagine this is basically what the description of some people call hell. You’re suddenly surrounded by other negative

    Entities which are similar, like yourself. Now, again, when you said you and me, I on a different vibration group, souls can be of different vibrations and that is another reason why we incarnate back here on Earth so that I can meet my spouse or

    Any other family member or friend who is very important to clear up some karma. But that soul of my spouse or my friend is on a different vibration in a different realm. So we all are in different vibrations. But here on Earth we can meet together and clear

    Up whatever we have caused in the previous lifetimes. So, yes, the answer is we are grouped in soul groups, but the soul groups change. If I evolve here very fast, I can really jump much faster, higher in the spiritual realm and will be attracted to a higher soul group which

    Is more in alignment of my now new vibration. So we are all on our way home. There is no real home in these purification spheres. The final home, which is the absolute home. Yes, then we are all there together. Again at the same level, because we are

    All equal, brothers and sisters in God. But before that, we all have different vibration and we all have to clear up a different mess. That makes sense. And what about the notion that we’re born to be abundant and that we can access everything because we are everything and we deserve everything.

    So why shouldn’t we have that car? Why shouldn’t we have that house? I do understand that you said that you had another sole purpose, but still, isn’t there also this perspective that we also can have everything because everything is possible, everything is just energy. So we can in theory attract everything, and

    That is our true nature, to be abundant? Yes, we can attract everything. We can become very rich, very wealthy, very famous, all these things are possible. But I would suggest it is very helpful to ask ourselves what is my intention, my motivation for that?

    If I just want to have a home for my family and I want a good job to things, I think that’s a very different kind of motivation than oh, I want to show off, I want to be famous, I want to be that, et cetera.

    The moment we have got those ego driven desires, like an extreme villa by the sea or an extreme sports car, then usually, as I said, they do not come true. Or we can also attract negative entities astral beings who make these things possible and help us to achieve those goals.

    I do have an interesting video called Wealth, Power and Fame, where I explain how an astral being can help us to achieve these goals. They can bring us into environments with other people and so on. We help each other and suddenly I achieve everything.

    But it is a very painful path, even if it doesn’t look for the outsider, because oh, he has got his car, his villa and all the money. But I think you and I, we both know of a lot of wealthy people and they are not happier than anybody else.

    On the contrary, so many of commit suicide. So that comes with a high price, because the drive to have more and more, wanting more and more, the greed comes from the feeling I am not enough, and that feeling is fed to us by the astral beings.

    So even if I have 100 million, I must now have a billion and et cetera. So it is a constant greed, greed, growing thing. So, yes, in abundance we can have everything. And we do have everything from a spiritual center, because everything that we see in the outside world,

    The essence of everything is in us. As I said earlier, the kingdom of God is within us and everything is in there already. So we are having all that in ourselves. But the motivation, why we want it is the key point here. Why we want it and why we’d like it

    And we will be given any help and anything from the spiritual world if our motivation is pure, clean for the well being of everybody involved. And I think that is the key element here. Yeah, that resonates with me and makes so much sense, asking yourself, what’s my intention with wanting this?

    And I do ask myself that, why do I want more of that? Why do I want a bigger apartment? What’s that coming from? And I think that’s a great practice to have, actually asking yourself, because I think our society is affecting us a lot with the focus on status, especially in Scandinavia.

    There’s so much, you know, you should have this and you should have that. And that does affect us. And speaking of that, very interesting that you spoke about the Astral and Astral beings because you’ve said in that video, I think, that they affect us and also the Law of Attraction.

    So sometimes we can think it’s our own thoughts, but it’s really not. So for those who are new to the Astral and what an astral being is, could you really explain what they are and how they can affect us? We have to go back to the beginning of the

    Time we understand it when a large number of perfect souls left the absolute reality and fell deep into the temporal reality, which the Bible calls the Fall of Angels. We are one of these angels. Now, some of. And over time we have fallen further, further away. And most souls have the opportunity to

    Here, to incarnate here on planet Earth, to purely to clarify our Karma. I know the Karma is simply said is just the consequences of our negative actions. But there are some souls which have fallen so deeply that they have no energy really left anymore. They do not wish to incarnate here because incarnation

    Means being in the cycle of reincarnation, facing the negativity that we have done to other souls. So they don’t want to incarnate. They have to have a certain stage, a certain limit of energy. And that energy they take from us, from human beings, and they do it in many different ways.

    Very often it is they sent us some negative thoughts and energies, like, for instance, thought of hate. We may not even feel the hate initially. We do all have a bit of hate in us, but some negative entity sends us the thought of hate. That hate is in us because like attracts like.

    So we already have a bit of hate in us, and suddenly it takes over our whole being. We become angry. We fight suddenly with our spouse, with our neighbor, with our coworker. And that anger brings out energies from us, strong energies, negative energies. And that is called lush energy.

    And that energy is food for those fallen souls. The is astral beings, and they do it everywhere. When we look on the planet Earth, we see all the wars, all the destruction which is happening, the torture, the killing, the murder, this is mostly initiated and kept

    Alive by astral beings because these are sources of energies, these are all areas of energy. The Ukraine for instance, right now is a source of energy of negative forces, really lap up all the negative energy which comes through the killing and murdering of human beings. So these entities are real.

    These entities are definitely having powerful influence on some people and it depends on us. And therefore it’s very important for us to keep our mind and our thinking pattern as positive and balanced and harmonious as possible. It’s not always possible. Human beings, we also fall sometimes into the patterns of negative thinking.

    But let’s watch it. And if we are falling in the pattern of negative thinking, ask ourselves is this really my thought? Is this true? There is Byron Katie’s wonderful work where you ask all these negative questions, four questions you ask is it true? Can I really be sure that it is true?

    And these four questions, if you go to on Byron Katie’s website, are very helpful, very simple. But if anybody is stuck in a negative thought pattern, that would help very quickly for them to clear that thought pattern. And as I said, it may not even have come

    From ourselves, but we can get stuck from it. We get sort of what’s the word? We get locked into the thought pattern, repeating, repeating. It becomes bigger and bigger because that thought is an entity on its own. They are alive. Thoughts are alive and they become bigger

    And bigger and bigger and all thoughts have the desire to become reality. Like for instance in my video Thoughts are Alive. You see, an architect has firstly the thought of a house and then he draws it on a paper and then eventually somebody builds it.

    This is sort of how a thought becomes material and also the thoughts eventually always return back to us. If we send an evil thought out to someone else, that evil thought also returns back to us like all karmic energy does come back to us. That is so interesting and I

    Think you call it thought complex. And that was new to me a few years ago and I was just so amazed by that. I’ve heard thoughts become things obviously that we affect our reality with our thoughts, but not that they become alive, would you say? I mean they become alive as an

    Energy but not as an entity, right? With a not as a soul, no, not as a soul. With sort of how shall I say, with a willpower moving and so on. They work on the law of attraction but they are alive, they’re energies. Our thoughts are all energies, as I said earlier.

    And thoughts are energy and these energy thought complexes are just leaving us. If thought repeatedly becomes strong and they have a life on their own for a while, and they’ve attract other thought patterns of same vibrations, and then they can create together a big thought complex.

    And this is something it’s very interesting when you go, for instance, in an environment of a big city where a lot of people are living, you’re basically walking through a sewer of thought complexes. All the people have thought complexes, and they swirl around us wherever we go

    In, particularly in these highly populated areas. And their thoughts are not necessarily happy thoughts. They’re usually negative, depressing thoughts. So that’s easy to become depressed in a highly populated area because we pick up so easily thoughts from other people. And it’s also sometimes when you enter a room and

    You just feel already, hey, this is something wrong here. It looks nice, but I don’t know, it may be filled with a negative thoughts entity. The person before there may be sit there and brooding, be depressed and so on. And if there is something similar in us, it can attract itself to us.

    So thought energies are very powerful, and we just have to be careful with our own thinking. And we always positive thinking. Of course, it’s always easy said, but it’s not easily done. That can explain, for instance, what happened during the Second World War, perhaps that the Germans were so

    Manipulated and brainwashed into this thought form. I mean, if we were going to explain it metaphysically that they had this idea, not all of them, of course, but a lot of them, this idea that Hitler had that it was sort of a thought form that everybody bought into in a absolutely. Yeah, definitely.

    And that’s what the astral beings use. They use leaders so that they go to war and do destructive thing. But we must also remember that whether you take Hitler, you take Stalin, you take a suicide bomber, they all believe that they’re doing the right thing, which is interesting.

    So the worst person doing the most horrible thing does this because they believe at that moment this is the right thing to do for my God, or for whatever reason, it is for my country, for the race, for the color of the skin of my people.

    So all these people don’t know that they are on the wrong track, so to speak. They strongly believe that they do the right thing. And their strong conviction of that this is right gives them also the power to influence so many other people and going to war and doing horrible things.

    They believe, Mr. Putin believes he does the right thing, and so does Mr. Yeltsin and everybody else around them. They all know that what they think is the right thing to do. And it almost seems like fear is sometimes stronger than love, because why isn’t love conquering the fear?

    It seems like fear is just I don’t know. Perhaps those who are in love or have a loving vibration, they are not able to change the situation I don’t know. Do you have any thoughts on that? Why the world is run by fear and not love?

    If love is stronger, the original idea of the Astra being is to destroy creation and that’s why fear is one of the motivation. But I like to add here that in my opinion love is so much more stronger. There are far far more people on this planet who act daily through from

    Love, from compassion, helping, understanding. Human person basically is a good person and their heart is right there. Of course, if they are misused or abused is the word. Things change. And there are groups of people, like in war situations where they do negative things and most of

    Them are guided into it or forced into it. They are not wanting. Most of these soldiers don’t want to go and kill someone else but they have no option, no alternative. So I believe love is much stronger and love is also the final success. And eventually just everybody will eventually realize

    That with fear you achieve nothing. You may achieve for the little time you’re here on planet Earth, some fame, some power and some wealth, but it’s gone. When you die it’s gone. It has absolute, it’s an illusion, it has no value. But a soul may have to go through many

    Lifetimes to realize that whatever we have gained here on material use, material wealth is absolutely a joke. It’s really an illusion and it’s just fleeting and gone. So all the power we try to get through fighting and wars is a silly game. And of course it’s mostly done by mayors.

    That is unfortunate. Yeah. How can we protect ourselves from these astral beings? It’s quite new to me that they had such an influence. I know they’re there. I’ve been traveling in the Astral myself, I’ve seen them. But it’s nothing that I think so much of.

    I can mention that I got a reading once when I was very depressed that my depression had sort of been created into these thought forms that were very powerful and that I sort of felt protected by. So I used the depression I saw or understood as sort of a protection.

    So I realized that I can’t feed that depression anymore. Like I’m just feeding a thought energy. I really have to be conscious enough and aware enough to change that, to do the work and switch to the positive. Because I was more like just in that giving up all the time.

    And I have a complex mind and part of me is being depressed. It’s just who I am, I can’t change it. And that just got bigger and bigger. And when I got that reading many years ago I realized oh my goodness, I’ve created some monsters here.

    So how can we protect ourselves from these astral beings so we can think our own thoughts and feel our own feelings? Well, you gave party the answer yourself. I mean. Trying to stop when we get into the spiral of negativity, to catch ourselves in time, because one of the

    Most powerful spirals of depression is self pity. When we start feeling sorry for ourselves, it’s very difficult to get out of it because it gives us some false sense of comfort, petting ourselves, poor you, you are fine, et cetera. So the key, of course, is to catch ourselves

    In time before we sink deep into the quicksand. And of course, there are many other tools. One of the most important tools which I have found when I was a young person already was meditation. As a teenager, I was totally confused, totally unhappy, et cetera, maybe depressed even. And then I discovered meditation.

    At that time, it was transcendental meditation, which I no longer do, but which was very helpful at the time. And at the moment, suddenly I realized, oh, wow, I can actually control my thinking. That’s amazing. I don’t have to think every thought. I can just sit here for 20 minutes twice a

    Day and really let all the negative thoughts basically disappear. During the meditation, this was so powerful, I mean, from a very insecure, virtually depressed, negative young man overnight. And within few months, I became very self confident. I left Germany, I went out knowing nobody. I went to Africa and lived in Africa.

    I would have never done this had I not discovered meditation. So meditation, I think, is a very powerful way. On my website, on my YouTube channel, I’ve got several guided meditations, as well as also how to meditate video, so anybody who’s interested might find it.

    Because in the meditations, which I now do and I suggest and I also have, the guided meditation is a way of connecting with divinity in us and around us and realizing that there is a higher power. I don’t have to do everything. I can really surrender to this energy.

    And that this energy helped me through whatever crisis I may face. This surrendering, this, knowing that there is this healing and helping energy out there, not out there even in me, is something which I think is the greatest treasure to discover. And meditation can do that. Of course, prayers can do that, too.

    But to really in meditation, to calm our mind and feel that energy, that can, I think, sort out a lot of things. Or let me throw it back to you, Jennica. So how did you stop it eventually? Lovely. Good question. It started with that awareness. I think it always starts with

    Awareness to catching yourself in something. I think I made a lot of excuses that I wasn’t aware of why I should keep being a bit depressed every now and then. And I really saw it that I’m actually feeding this, I’m creating more of it. Okay. I was having a reason to be depressed

    A while ago in my heavy, heavy depression. I don’t anymore. Why do I still feed this. And I notice also that it is a protection, because I was afraid that but what if I don’t manifest the things I want in life? What if things are not turning out the way I hope for?

    Should I really dare to believe in this magnificent life? It’s more safe not to, because that’s been what I’ve been used to. And this was before my life transformed with wisdom from north, because then I’ve started to change my frequency. But I sort of couldn’t believe that my life could be

    Great, that I could have success and love and happiness. But then I understood that, whoa, it’s really up to me. Like nobody else is going to fix me. This might be one of my sole themes, one of my big assignments, to turn this around and to convince myself that

    I am worthy of a happy life and success and joy. I just have to change that pattern because my brain, like the neural pathways, have become so solid with negative thoughts that it’s just natural for me to think, oh, that will never work. So it was kind of hard work at the beginning

    To dare to believe that I could deserve a beautiful life, that I could start my own company, all these things that people wanted to watch my show. So, yeah, I hope that sort of answered. Great. Your question. All right, so over to or back to the Law of Attraction.

    You’ve mentioned that karma comes into play as well. One thing is the plan we chose and planned out before we come down in this incarnation that you’re supposed to learn certain things, but then we have all the other lives or future lives or parallel lives.

    How does that play into the Law of Attraction? First of all, before we get born, the Law of Attraction already works that we are attracted to mostly the Mother Vibration, and then secondly, the Father Vibration, which must be very similar to ours. We cannot incarnate in parents which are not like us.

    Like attracts like. So the soul, to come to the find the right Mother, must be assimilation, which is very important because many people are not very happy with the choice of their parents. But the only reason why they are there is because they are just alike, their parents.

    Now, they may not express the same anger, coldness, et cetera, like their parents, because they have seen it from childhood onwards, how negative their parents may have been. And so over time, they have developed. This is the whole purpose of why they pick the same

    Parents to be in a more loving kind of person. But there is no coincidence. The parents we have chosen according to our vibration. Now, sometimes a soul also needs a different vibration to grow up in, so that we do have this situation of an adoption where a person gets

    Adopted into a totally different environment, but he or she needs the genes of the birth parents. And later on, because of the soul path, it may need a different environment to meet the right condition and situations as the life unfolds. So that’s where already the law of attraction comes in.

    And then we live our life as I said before we get born, we see already you saw the birth plan, you call it where we see the major instances of challenges that we may have, where we have got maybe difficult times in illness and accidents, loss of job, et cetera, et cetera.

    All these are very challenging situations which we have agreed to prior our birth. Nobody is here against their own free will and these are vibrations as well. And these are vibrations of the past. They’re coming back to us because our life is nothing else than on rewind.

    I made a video on that one, you can look it up. Which means that what we are experiencing is nothing but the effects of the causes that we have set in this and in previous lifetimes. Cause and effect the law of karma. So if I meet a very difficult situation right

    Now, that situation or a person cuts me off in traffic, that person is not an accident. That person brings back to me a situation that I most likely have done as well, either to this particular soul or in another time. So I must face now the seed that I have sown once.

    And that is the whole idea of Karma that we are facing. It’s a law of consequences. So we are facing our own misdeeds or negativity. These karmic laws are coming back to us at certain times. They are all stored in the repository planets of this material and semimaterial universe.

    And when these planets are either full or move in a certain constellation, they download back to us our Karma. We call it sometimes fate or bad situation or something. But in truth it’s all our own stuff coming back to us. And when we understand that every situation that

    We are facing is of our own making, it’s already a very different story here. So there again the Law of Attraction works again. Whatever we have sent out comes back to us. It is only temporary, stored in the repository planets. That’s the law of attraction. Sort of in a circular.

    We send it out, we hurt somebody, stored and comes back. It’s also stored in our genes, as I said, in the Akashic records and in several other elements. But mainly it comes back from the repository planets at a certain time in our life. So we can face see the pain and suffering and

    The misdeeds or unloving deed which we have done in the past, in this or in a previous lifetime. Wow, this is new to me. Repository planets. Are there physical planets or other dimensions in the material as well as the Cinematerial world? Yes, this is partly most of the

    Planets that we see are repository planets. They are loaded with energy. Our planet Earth is loaded with energy. So again we speak about like attracts like the negativity that are sent out a certain negative, like murder for instance, get attracted to the planet where murder energy attracts

    And eventually they come back to us. But these planets are only storage planets for the most part. Interesting. I mean karma is a huge topic. It seems like we then could just add and add and add karma forever. And we do. But that’s why the reason like your shows and

    Others sort of help us to wake up of our dream and our ego driven goals in life. So sometimes we wake up from it. And yes, we will always create. But any karma that we have created in the past and we are creating right now can be

    Eliminated not just by enduring it, but the reason for us is here to forgive and be forgiven. So that the karma will never affect us. So if we have hurt a person, we go and ask for forgiveness, we try to make amends, we feel remorse. So that effect the negativity that we once

    Sent out by having cheated somebody in and that hasn’t come back to us. But now go back and do something. I tell you a personal story happened to me. I was working in Africa in a little office and I was having the daily cash box.

    And at times when I was very young, I was stupid and young, I’m still stupid, but I helped myself with money out of that. And for lunch I took the dollar out at the time for lunch sometimes. And I really knew how to cover that up.

    It was small amounts, but it was the bedroom. I totally forgot about it. Years later, maybe 20 years later, 1015 years later, when I was a writer, I made a book about I will always love you and also of about forgiveness. And I realized and suddenly it came back

    To me wow, you actually have stolen. And have you ever done that right? Have you done that right? So I wrote a letter to the person, the owner of the office and she was a widower. And I said to her in a very letters I’m terribly

    Sorry, remember me, I will work for you ten years ago. And I feel still very bad because I have took me some money out of it. It can’t be too much, but I hope you can forgive me in close. Please find a shack. And I gave a real healthy shack

    And attached it to my letter. So after a few weeks I got a letter back and she says well, I tell you what happened. I won’t tell you how I reacted to your letter, but I tell you what happened last night. Last night I had a terrible storm in the

    Area and two pine trees fell into my pool. And I says oh my God, now I have to spend thousands of dollars again to clear that up and I just didn’t have that money. And then came your letter with a check. So I’m just only telling this story because we

    Are helped from every side and everybody’s help. When we humble ourselves, try to make amends, we get help and it helps everybody. So this whole thing evaporated as a karmic burden for me and it also helped her. Yeah, that’s good to hear and know that there’s something we can do when we know

    And become aware I did something wrong. This is not me, it’s coming from my ego, fear, whatever that I can make amends and do something about it. So, Law of Attraction and manifestation, how do you manifest, how would you suggest that we actually use the Law

    Of Attraction in a loving way and that are beneficial in our lives and for those around us? I can’t say I consciously use the Law of Attraction other that I surrender with a knowing that whatever will happen today is for the benefit for me. Everything is here to bring me home.

    So any disaster which may happen suddenly will be a lesson for me, which I have to go through. Any wonderful thing I have will also be good for me. My life is not that well anymore for the planning what I need to do. I’m also having the benefit that I’m not that

    Young anymore and have to create a whole home and life for a whole young family. It’s a little bit different. I had a very rich life and therefore I don’t really use the Law of Attraction consciously like the movie suggests us to do because I don’t have the goal.

    The only way how I do it is try to become a better person than I was yesterday and that I can only do through action and thoughts. I cannot do that by just wishing I have to do something about it. I have to learn to forgive and be

    Loving and kind and having positive thoughts. So that’s why I hope I slowly attract myself to a higher vibration and be then accepted to a higher vibration when I leave this planet. But I cannot say that I consciously use this law. I think surrendering to me is one of

    The highest ways or forms of manifesting. I’m in the process now, I’m surrendering more instead of manifesting. So Hans Willem, I would love to ask you some questions I ask all my guests, or have started to ask all my guests. So what is self love to you and how

    Do you practice self love if you do? Self love for me means knowing who I am, that I am a noble, divine being, not better than anybody else. Everybody else is the same thing. But reminding myself who I am and when I remember that

    I will take greater care of what I eat, how I dress, how I behave because I remember of who I am, even if it’s not coming across to everybody else, including myself. But my essence is nobility, divine nobility. And that I focus on.

    That is how I see healthy self love is a true identification of I truly am and I truly am a child, divine child of God, a perfect being at the essence in me. And what is happiness to you? Happiness is a choice which comes from being grateful. Grateful is a step for happiness.

    It was not the other way. Or you’re not grateful because you’re happy. It’s you’re happy because you’re grateful. Gratefulness is always something throughout the day for whatever I see, I have my hands, my feet, the computer, et cetera. This interview, I’m grateful for that. And the gratefulness creates happiness.

    And what is the deeper meaning of life for you to become perfect again? Thank you so much, hans William. Where can people find you? I mean, share a little bit about your YouTube channel. My YouTube channel? Just click in Huntsville hymn and you will find it. The channel comes up.

    But I also have a website where all the videos are as well organized with certain topic and that website is called I love that you’re explaining life. I’m so glad your channel and your work exist. Thank you so much for an intriguing conversation today, Hans William. Thank you so much.

    Anne, it was great to be with you. Thank you. And thank you for watching everybody. Much light from the US. And Norway. Bye bye. Me shall let you I’m gonna.


    1. I really enjoy Hans Wilhelm work and teaching! I am grateful for all he shares with humanity!πŸ™πŸ’™πŸ’« You too for this platform you are providing!!πŸ™βœ¨πŸ’—

    2. He proclaims to be a student
      Yet he speaks from a teachers point of view

      Remember that which you believe becomes your God

      Don't give your power away

      You are the Leader
      Not a follower

      You are God
      God Is, therefore
      You Are

      Does God work for anything, No
      He speaks it

      Earth is not a school
      How can you learn when you know all
      Thats your higher self

      You're here just to experience separation from God

      But you're God

      Listen to
      Christ Letter's

    3. I'm using LOA to cope with the cost of living crisis and try to avoid being thrown on the street and to pay my bills and feed myself, not to get flashy cars.

    4. The irony and the "curse" of the Law of Attraction is that when we "get" what we want, we'll have to exert time and energy in order to take care of "it". If it's a big house – we have to clean and maintain it; with the dream car – the same thing. All these expensive things require more and more money! The money itself require our attention and responsibility big time!! If you start hiring other people to do the work, than you become responsible for them as well, and on, and on…. The energy of "want" attracts more of the "wants" and "needs"! It becomes an overwhelming task, and takes away the JOY!
      As we are seeking the comfort on outside, it keeps evolving exponentially!
      By becoming comfortable within ourselves, we can take comfort, security and peace with us anywhere we go! The SIMPLICITY has it's value! (imagine the TURTLE!)
      At the same time, "wanting" and "needing" is an essential part of the EVOLUTION! It inspires us to CREATE and INVENT! Therefore, The Law of Attraction is an amazing law of Energy, that should be taught at schools from the very beginning, so people get a clear understanding of how this Law works!
      Don't you think?!. πŸ˜‰

    5. πŸ‘πŸΏπŸ‘πŸΏπŸ‘πŸΏπŸ‘πŸΏπŸ‘πŸΏπŸ‘πŸΏπŸ‘πŸΏπŸ‘πŸΏπŸ‘πŸΏπŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ₯°

    6. No, no, no and no again: there is no karma, unless you want it. But it is for those who are not yet prepared to take full reaponsibility for their thoughts and actions. Such teachings ( and written words have strong power) keep people in fear and slavery. When you leave the body there is only unconditional love. There is no wright or wrong. We come to the Earth in order to experience heavy density, only here it is possible. And we all, absolutely everyone agreed to interact with one another. When we leave the physical body we look back at what we have achieved or not. As we are one, we then feel the expierence of others, we share eveything. It is easy to say β€žKarma will reach himβ€œ so what: why did it happen to you, what were your thoughts? Everything is a mirrow of yourself, so no blaming others.
      Dear student please do not paint such pictures, it has an enormous impact on those who sees it, particularly on children. They will feel gilty to express themselves as they should do.
      And there is one aspect to mention about so called negative reactions: some pure souls came to the Earth to clean the darkness, they carry pure light. But seeing and feeling this light it can hurt. The deeper the darkness the stronger the pain. Do you want those loving souls who were prepared to lower their frequency in order to come to the Earth and help others, do you wish them karma? Most of them are new children. Be aware of that and draw loving pictures.

    7. 25:03 Thought forms. Thought can take different "forms" and attach themselves to people or things. That's how psychometry works. By picking up on a thought form attached to an item or place. They can, of course, affect moods. Because they're also filled with an emotion or emotions.

    8. ❀❀❀ with AI interference and global fear, many thoughts are not our own as we are being bombarded on all angles. Thought waves roll in and out like the waves of the sea, toss out the ones that dont resonate, they keep people stuck and in non self.
      Thank you for the beautiful blessing. God bless.

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