This is the fourth episode of a 30 day motorcycle road trip series that takes us from Washington up through parts of Canada, east to Tennessee, down through Louisiana, and then back up through Utah and places in between. In this episode, we battle the wind in North Dakota, almost wipe out down a sandy trail, and camp under the stars among oak trees.

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    Thanks Daniel Kehler for the music. Copy the link and listen to more at:


    One regular coffee how’s that tasty it’s good I missed it 30 Walla 32 okay that’s like 40 minutes longer the Walo one yeah let’s do the other one then okay up bright and early just about to hit the Border about 10 minutes out rain this morning in Portage so uh hopefully

    It uh clears up and gets a little warmer and the wind dies down as we go um looking forward to getting over the Border though um yeah here we go we’re heading south we’ll see how how uh far we get today but we’re going to cross at

    The Walla border and take the 32 quite far down to near Fargo my brother and I went to moral 49 in Winnipeg and they were kind enough to help me get a new tire put on the back to definitely went to made uh a 30-day trip so thanks

    Josh that Josh could help me out and that from 49 could be up with some service time so happy to have that ready to roll we made it across the border the Border guard was really nice and uh it told us there’s lots of deer this year so be

    Extra careful so we’ll keep that in mind bad headwind today it’s going to be like a workout for sure We’re just getting reorganized our first stop in Canada was the ties and our last stop in Canada was the ties [Applause] [Applause] is it rubed in oh getting there getting there oh he’s gorgeous look at him he likes me okay you’re getting the I feel it there I can feel it every

    Time forward Yeah [Applause] Check this is the right way maybe we can just go back there what’s around the corner let me check more sand wow the path to our campsite is just turned us into sand and we got squirly holy crap man I’m sweating I’m sweating cuz we almost went down

    There yeah it just continues all all the way around the corner as deep so on baby yeah let’s just keep going see what happens I know I was so excited should I just see where that goes check this down okay number wow home site home I’m excited this is way way too nice

    The Navy grade sleeping bags are just so so thick so I don’t think we need uh much more than them a ice the ice to sleep under the stars there just no restrictions you know it’s great I think the grass will do pretty good oh yeah my question

    Is why is there no squirrels if there’s so many acorns what are they morning people they only come out in the morning there’s a lot of acorns though to be fair I’m tired my body’s tired you know the plan is get up really early find a McDonald’s

    And get some breakfast go for a pretty long day tomorrow try to get to St Joseph which is I think 7 hours driving time so it’ll take us longer than that um and if we can get further then we will yeah it’s a cow sweet right going

    To come visit in the morning I bet I hope as long as they just look don’t touch you know what I’m saying oh I’m so tired oh it’s so comfy isn’t that nice The Crickets are just laying down that bday I’m like the princess in the

    Pee found him what’s that he’s in my back I don’t even know what that is that’s a fairy tale I don’t know I’ve never seen it there’s a there’s a there’s a is that a Dutch fairy tale yes there’s a girl who shows up at somebody’s door and she’s claiming to be

    A princess and everyone’s like yeah right why would you be at our random castle door and so to get her to prove it they gave her a bed to sleep in with like 50 mattresses High stacked and she had to she had to be able to determine that there was a pee somewhere

    Underneath all those mattresses yeah because that’s what a princess can do that’s that’s what they do they know if there’s a pee under their mattress no away sleepy sleepy and warm yeah that’s the ticket Beautiful


    1. Man this is are lucky as hell to have a woman that's down with this type of adventure…money cant buy this. Thanks for showing us the way.

    2. Did you offer your camera to a fellow motorist, to get those scenes of you going down the highway? Or would a drone go that fast? Just curious, :-). Safe Travels. 🙂🏍🇨🇦

    3. This makes me dream and remind of the many times I crossed the midwest plains …. I love it. One thing though: I could not end a day like that without some food 😉

    4. Your adventure takes me back when I started biking and camping in 1959. Thank you for that. I wish you many happy days on the road. I am still doing it at 81, but I don't go so far now. RK

    5. Great video. Beautiful ride this stage; although a little breezy. Love the scenery and the little places. Awesome stuff. I like the crickets around providing some nice country sounds.

    6. I’ve heard that the trees communicate and every other year, they produce no acorns.
      So,all,the sqrls, or here in Scotland, squrrels, that multiplied the year before, suddenly find there’s no food. And all die.
      Next year the trees make a bumper crop with no squirrels to eat them.
      Not the only tree to deal with predation that way.
      Surely pillions deserve more suspension, no?
      She’ll have no teeth left!

    7. Hello you two from England. I'm fairly new to your channel, and really enjoying your 30 road trip. Honestly, I hope you appreciate how lucky you are to live in such a beautiful country, with so much s-p-a-c-e. Nothing anything like it where I am and I very jealous. The Harley looks and sounds awesome. Maybe when I grow up(I'm 60) and the 900 Thruxton gets too much I'll get one. Goid luck and ride safe.

    8. Been riding for 46 days now, doing the opposite of you guys. Rode down from northern Alberta into the states Im somewhere in Cali tonight. Watching the vids makes me wanna keep going! Thanks for sharing your sick adventure.

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