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    🎥 In today’s video, we’re servicing a Marin Palisades Trail. Get ready for some exciting insights, useful tips, and a whole lot of two-wheeled fun! Whether you’re a seasoned cyclist or just getting started, there’s something for everyone here.

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    Good morning everybody it’s the 10th of November and it’s um it’s a really beautiful day actually so let’s have a look outside nice and bright hardly any wind it’s an absolutely beautiful day so I’m lucky today cuz I get to work on one of my favorite bikes of all time

    I’m going to be playing playing with the marathon Palisades that’s got a um it’s got a dodgy shifter and these are service so that’s my job for today and then after that I’m going to try and get some Wheels done if I can um and I’ve got some sort of online

    Stuff to do so it’s going to be a relatively quiet day but Marin Palace a is going to be the highlight um if you’re new to this channel you’re very welcome please don’t forget to like And subscribe and click the not notification button so that um you don’t miss any of our

    Videos um if you’ve already subscribed hi thank you so much for your subscription we really do really does mean a lot to us we hope we enjoying the videos and seeing how bike shops work um so let’s get that kettle on and let’s let’s get into

    This first job of the day is this Marin Palisades Trail oh it’s lovely I do love a retro mountain bike and it’s in really good condition however we’ve got a problem with the shifter it doesn’t like being shifter so we need to let’s have a good look at that it just it’s not

    Engaging at all where is this one nice and engaged so I need service that shifter and then give the bike full service um so that will be my next job but it’s a really really really lovely bike quite envious of his owner so let’s get into This Oh okay so I’ve tried to service the shifter unfortunately one of the return Springs has um has failed I’m going to try and get in as close as possible so there’s a little Hammer just in there where my thumb is and there should be a spring for it and

    That’s broken and flyed off somewhere um and so I can’t fix this the problem is and this is a Dr drama is the fact that the brakes are part of the unit it’s an STI unit so I’m going to have to contact the customer and let them know what we’re

    Doing cuz I’ve seen a pair of these a pair and they’re about 50 Quid and I’ve got a secondhand pair that will go on lovely but we will need to do the cables so I’m going to let the customer know what and ask him what he wants me to

    Do um hopefully we can get a good resolution but I don’t think it’s going to be um we need speak to the customer right I’m going to do that now just excuse me so I’ve just texted the customer regarding the Marin um I found a pair of

    Levers and shifters that are a close replacement I think they’re better than these ones um so we’ll just wait for them to get back to us and then I’ll get them ordered um just had a little job um that’s got coming so I’m going to do that and then

    I am going to have a I just got the coffee I think cuz it’s freezing and because it’s so cold I about to have the heating on today I don’t know if you can see you probably won’t be able to see it if I do it

    But you can see my breath that’s how cold it is in here today so I’ve just come back from lunch but before I went for lunch I’ve been really really busy in the shop um doing some stuff behind the back sort of in the background so

    The first thing I did was I made these uh made and designed these sale tickets for the box that we’ve got on sale but then made a load of images uh for sharing on social media so these are the different um we put these on so that people can

    See how much money they they can save if they shop with us um so for instance the Claude Butler Urban if they’ have gone Alfred it would have been a lot more expensive um I also repaired this tube um for this um Charles buggy and we

    Had another job come in this is a Apollo jeopardy with a rear World puncher which I’m now going to do so I’m going to do that um going to get on with that one right Now so pretty much it’s admin for the rest of the the day um and social media and I’m not going to put through watching that um I hope you’re enjoying these videos don’t forget to like And subscribe follow us on social media and you can always check out what we do and

    How we do it at cycle recycle.com um if you’re new to the channel you’re very very welcome hopefully you’ll subscribe and a big thank you to all our subscribers we really appreciate it so that’s me done for today I’m um we’ll see you Tomorrow


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