On 5 April 2016 CTC, the national cycling charity rebranded as Cycling UK. Our Chief Executive, Paul Tuohy shares his vision for what this change means for the charity.

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    My name is Paul tui I’m chief executive of cycling UK and my role here is to lead this organization to get more people engaged in cycling cycling to me means health well-being a feeling good feeling fit and it’s just been an integral part of my life I can’t imagine

    Going through life without riding my bike a new brand is we are cycling UK because we do everything that there is to do in cycling and our ambition is to take the center ground in the UK as the go-to organization the one-stop shop if you

    Ride a bike we’ve got your back be a member join us supporters because we are cycling there is so much underneath CTC that people don’t understand and we felt it was necessary to give ourselves a new brand and image to give us that look and feel that makes it the vibrant inclusive

    Organization that we really are than what’s critical is that CTC is our heritage in history and that’s going to be a big driver as we push forward in the world of cycling to encourage more people to take up cycling in the UK for the wind will was a sign that said to

    Everyone cyclists are welcome and that’s not going to change so actually I hope that under a new brand of we are cycling UK we can use that very cleverly to make sure that people get and understand that cyclists are welcome in the current world we live in so the authoritative

    Voice it gives us with members who some of them home I’ve been with us for 60 70 years all of that has a role to play as we move forward as a new young inclusive organization but with a heritage and history and an old forested voice they

    Can get anyone enjoying any kind of cycling any in the years ahead cycling UK plans to tape a lid off the most exciting movement in cycling that we’ve got in the UK we are the best kept secret we want to get more people focused on really good campaigning initiatives for

    Cycling we want to train our volunteers throwing them ship to be more powerful in the messages they want to get out there so we want to professionalize we want to say to government take a look at us this is really important because we are actually a critical friend for you

    Because it’s so important for people to enjoy the pleasure of cycling at a local level two things you can do first of all join get involved if you already are when you see on our new website you’ll start to see our new tool kits that we’re starting to produce for people to

    Help them get involved be it through their local group rides on how we can help local group rides do more in their communities to encourage people to join them come cyclinder them you can get involved in still have our campaign initiatives you can find out more about

    How to look after your bike you name it you can get involved in a whole raft of things so go take a look click down on the things you want you’ve got a problem just call that scene we’d love to hear from you you can find us at cycling UK

    Org you can also find us on Twitter and Facebook we’ve got some pretty vibrant pages up there


    1. A truly regrettable change of name which ought to be reversed, but I continue to wish you well because the cause itself is important.

    2. Take heed though. "We want to professionalise. We want to say to government 'take a look at us… we are actually a critical friend to you' " sounds great until it comes to holding your new found 'friend' and paymaster to account. Don't become the new Sustrans.

    3. Professionalise? The primary definition = paid. Our backbone are volunteers, and their knowledge experience and commitment outweighs any amount of management-speak. Campaigning yes, development of forward thinking policy, yes. Lobbying yes. But I joined a club. Those club group still exist and are the vast majority of the membership but are now almost estranged. Every vehicle of publicity should be pushing Club/Group membership and letting people know we are here and welcoming to all who actually want to ride bikes, either within a group or with the local support of a group.

      As far as branding (heaven help up) is concerned, which organisation do the public think at first sight is representative of cycling in the UK/Britain? Cycling UK or British Cycling? Joining those two as one voice might be really worthwhile. (Thinks back to RTTC, BCF, BLRC, ad nauseam……… here we go again.

      PS looking forward to seeing the new club kit!

    4. I think this is excellent. All of us enthusiasts couldn't give a monkey's about the name but to bring on the membership and consequently have more oomph in discussions at highest levels the new brand is much more appropriate. There is a ground swell out there, let's take it by the horns. Thanks.

    5. I am a member and think that this branding change is just what the organisation needed. To non-cyclists CTC needed to be explained. This is a welcome step forward.

    6. A fresh approach, a new name that signals a broader involvement in all aspects of cycling , new online initiatives etc etc…. it indicates that this charity is not willing to rest in a comfort zone but instead tackle future issues and challenges with fresh energy. I welcome the changes.

    7. so now… five years on… who would take this brilliant charity promoting cycling back to being CTC..? Of course there will be die hards, this is social media after all.. But income increased, expenditure on promoting cycling increased. the comment about volunteers is interesting as Cycling UK invested more in volunteering in 3 years than the CTC did in 100! There's still work to be done, but being the lead influencer to get the government to commit £2 billion into walking and cycling is something 'the club' could never do. Change is good if needed and done well. Both were. I'm off for a ride….;)

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