
    Exploring Mining Interview with Gwen Preston – How you can still find opportunities in a bad market with junior mining stocks

    Welcome to a special edition of the exploring mining podcast with investor ideas today we speak with Gwen Preston founder of resource Maven and Evergreen investing Goen is a thought leader and expert in the mining sector she launched resource Maven after spending almost a decade writing about resource investing

    Most of it as a senior writer at the northern minor in this episode we talk about gold in the year of 2023 two BC Junior Discovery stories why nickol is a medal to watch and opportunities in Alaska uranium and some of the key players to watch and the

    Words of wisdom and hope to end the year with to learn more about Gwen and her newsletters you can check out resourc mining space you can also check out Gwen’s Evergreen investing newsletter at Evergreen investing.con newsletter of lowrisk Holdings focused on the immense opportunity of the green revolu ution

    They explore the inputs and innovations that are integral to This Global green transformation Metals power carbon agriculture infrastructure and waste as a reminder to investors this podcast may contain forward-looking statements and please read and listen to our disclaimers and disclosures at the end of the podcast Gwen thanks for joining

    Us today on our show I’m sure most of our following knows you very well and your background but for listeners that might be new to mining can you give us a quick overview of your background and how you started the resource Maven absolutely well first of all thank you

    So much for having me I love uh being able to speak to some some new audiences so thanks for having me on my uh my background education wise is chemistry and then journalism a MERS in journalism H and after I finished that I ended up working for uh the northern minor which

    Is a newspaper that’s all about global mineral exploration and development I didn’t at when I started there I didn’t know anything about geology about the stock market about anything to do with this industry but the great thing about being a journalist is that your job is to ask questions until you understand

    And so that’s what I did for five years those were five years that were um pretty dynamic in the space I started there in 2007 so there was a hot hot year then there was the great financial crisis uh in 2009 and then there was a

    Couple more years of bull market sort of the 2010 11 years and then you know in into the downturn it was actually five years out of a seven-year period in the middle I had taken a t a bit of time away from the northern minor and I was a

    Ghost riter for another newsletter writer so that’s what gave me a window into what newsletter writing was and so that’s where I learned the craft that’s where I learned how to talk about resources how to you know and and what I needed to know to assess mineral

    Projects and stocks uh so then when 2014 rolled around I was at the not minor and I I realized I that this mining Market was going to bottom at some point and I wanted to be more actively positioned and a more Dynamic player when it turns

    Back up so I quit my job and started resource Maven and resource Maven is where I write a Weekly Newsletter about what I am buying selling and sying in the metals and Mining space that’s the maven letter and then more recently um my colleague Peter who writes silver

    Stock investor he and I uh collaborate now on another newsletter which is called Evergreen investing which is about the inputs and innovations that are needed for the green transition so it’s how investors can establish lowrisk exposure to the huge shifts that are needed the huge things that are needed

    For the green transition that transition’s a little bit on pause right now just because of economic uncertainty lack of growth people focus elsewhere but when it gets back underway there’s huge gaps in needs um ahead um that I think will create some pretty fantastic investment opportunities so I wanted to

    Start the talk off with gold we’re now seeing gold at its weekly high again with the geopolitical tensions in the Middle East can you go over some of the macros that you’ve already seen him play with gold prices this year and how you see maybe the next couple months of this

    Year playing out yes I mean looking back I can do with ease looking forward a little bit more challenging I’ll do my best the thing about gold that stands out to me in 2020 3 is what it hasn’t done which is it has not Fallen with Rising real rates and I

    Think that’s really significant to note so real rates interest rates minus inflation have ramped up ramped up you know since the interest rate since the rate hike cyle cycle started you know almost two years ago now um and and you know real rates increased significantly this year and they continue to rise now

    Because of this crazy situation in the bond market where yields keep Rising so real real rates keep going higher and higher gold is very closely correlated inversely correlated with real rates so usually when real rates rise gold Falls but gold did not do that this year gold

    Held its ground yes it has vacillated it’s you know gone and touched $1,800 it’s it’s shot up above $2,000 so it’s moved within a range but it has stuck in that range it has not Fallen if you look at a classic chart that is gold and then real inverted uh usually they’re right

    Side by side best best of friends tightly together and in 2023 they have diverg now the big question there is what’s going to bring them back together again a long-term um pairing like that doesn’t just end and so I think the reason that gold has done so well in 2023 is because

    Central banks are buying a lot of gold um and they’re doing that because of all of the macro forces that are going on in the world right now dollarization and de globalization I mean dollarization is this sort of arm weight was for a long time a sort of really slow fairly arm

    Wavy concept that like at some point the world is going to move away from the dollar and that will be terrible for the United States um but in the last two years it has become much more real the the the the clear lines of Allegiance in the bricks Nations their clear decisions to

    Actively move away from the US dollar the China actively reducing its treasury Holdings and not buying much more Russia of course not caring much to have um US currency on its in its hands these are big big shifts and they are as you can’t just walk away from a

    Reserve currency you have to walk towards a different Reserve currency right so there’s different machinations in play to figure out what that will be but gold plays a role I’m not saying that the bricks nations of the world are suddenly going to have gold as their

    Main you know mechanism of trade but I am saying that a lot of nations are establishing or growing their gold reserves as that back stop if things are going to change if things are going to shift if new mechanisms are going to be needed gold is the back stop gold is

    What can help care them through the uncertainty it can back stop the new the new thing whatever it is and so if you look at some of the world gold Council you know releases what I think is really interesting is not only has Central Bank gold buying really increased in

    2023 the and 2022 as well but undisclosed Central Bank gold buying has Shot Through The Roots so the world glob Council always knows which central banks are doing the buying but a central bank is allowed to say yes you can say that I did the buy or a central bank can say no

    Do not say that I am the one who did the buy and the the number of undisclosed Central Bank gold buys is has is just multiplied so that is very clear evidence to me that a whole bunch of Nations out there are slowly but significantly accumulating gold as their

    Back stop as all of these shifting Waters keep moving and that has played an enormous role in supporting the price of gold okay so that’s sort of what’s been happening um where are we going from here I’m not sure um you know real rates haven’t been a great guide for gold so

    Far in 2023 that’s what I started this answer with um I don’t I think it’s reasonable to presume that real rates have peaked inflation is probably heading down maybe it gets stuck where it is but importantly it is unlikely that interest rates are going much higher another hike at this point with

    Is possible but um more than one small hike um I think is unlikely and there are a lot of flashing signs out there that suggest recession is more of a concern uh than we might like so I don’t think real rates are going any higher so

    That hindrance is I think not um in play I think that the Catalyst for gold will be either things getting worse so a recession hitting or the United States actually EX excuting a soft Landing um and getting into a position of comfortable growth and then gold participating in a broad

    Metals bull market there’s lots of reasons to believe other metals need to have a bull market because they are dramatically under supplied I’m sure we’re going to talk about that more in a moment but gold usually participates alongside a Metals bll market so that second option the broad Metals bll

    Market probably takes a little longer to get going because we need some Su some we need confidence that we’re in a growth scenario and not just in the United States but you know that Global growth is on the UPS sling uh for that broad metalol Market to get underway

    That would carry gold higher if that’s the path it we might have we might need some patience yet if it’s a recession that kicks gold higher then that could happen of course at any time either way November and December are rarely good months for gold so I I’m sorry to say

    I’m not optimistic about gold in the next two months but then there’s always the geopolitics like you say and I mean this this renewed intense conflict in Gaza is significant it is Boos in gold prices because of the conflict itself but of course because of the concern of

    What might come bro more broadly from that conflict those are the things that you can’t predict right nobody knew that that was going to happen so there’s always outlier events that can boost the price of gold but barring such events I don’t really think that gold is going to

    Do a dramatic anything this year like I say borrowing outside of events but uh I’m not sure what 2024 might bring especially if we hit a recession gold loves a recession um or if we manage to skip that and uh and step forward into a into into a growth scenario oh that’s a

    Great answer thank you for that a lot of those topics I was just at the medals investor Forum which you were at as well just wanted to briefly talk about some of the Juniors and the gold space for one of your panels I found casadia one of the most interesting stories with you

    I’d love to hear a couple of the junior stories that you really like to share with our following just as a bit of a setting the scene since I don’t have a lot of confidence that we’re going to get sort of a rising tithe in the metals

    Market in the next little while it’s going to happen at some point but I don’t really see I don’t have confidence that that’s going to happen starting tomorrow I have different tactics that I use to try and find gains when the overall Market isn’t just sort of

    Handing them out to me which is certainly where we’re sitting today um and one of those is and one of those is um leaning into discoveries discoveries can generate incredible share price returns regardless of the markets right we’ve seen that time and again if you get a really good gold Discovery copper

    Discovery whatever it might be that Discovery can soar even when the overall Metals markets are are weak and so um Cascadia is a good example of that so Cascadia is is a company it’s a brand new company it was spun out of um another company called AAC that was

    Taken over for aac’s main project in the last few years AAC had started uh looking away from that main project which is a gold project and in a bit of an isolated part of Yukon and they started looking at Copper they just thought that copper they like the

    Fundamentals for copper going forward um and they had a concept that um came to them from a prospector about the potential to find some good copper poery deposits in Yukon now what’s interesting is this kind of copper poery deposit it’s usually copper and gold there’s a

    Bunch of them in the stien terrain a Terrain is a big chunk of rock the STI terrain um extends up through sort of the center North running north south up the center of British Columbia and there’s some really significant copper gold pories in that terrain the red Cris

    Mine is is is a the prime example thereof good porine near surface get becomes a phenomenal poery at depth great gold grades good copper uh very economic mine so the St is a great hunting ground for for pories but this Sten in BC has been looked over pretty

    Closely because everybody wanted to find the next red Cris what this prospector in Yukon realized is that nobody had really looked at the stien terrain in Yukon it pinches a little bit but then swells again and there is a significant chunk of stien north of that BC Yukon

    Border so this guy went out and just started looking and he looked we think of Yukon as being very explored because there has been so much gold exploration up there interestingly in this particular part um there’s been very little exploration little bit hard to land a helicopter or just walk through

    The bush the trees are tight that kind of thing maybe that was part of the rationale there wasn’t a lot of plaster gold in the creek so that probably also didn’t draw Prospectors to the area which is one of the common reasons Prospectors look around in Yukon anyways

    There’s almost no record of any mineral claims in this in this part of Yukon and he walked out there and he found blue rocks and copper sulfide minerals just stick it out of the ground everywhere it’s really quite amazing so he Stak the ground and talked to the guy that aack

    And they bought the properties and then and now they have drilled them um and so they’re waiting for results from that first drill program in to the first such project um when those assuming okay so they drilled right into what looks like some nice copper poery mineralization

    It’s very hard to know with copper pories what they’re going to get out of that I mean I’m optimistic that they’re going to get some good numbers if they get rock out of if the rock out of the ground the assays from that say that they’re right in this theory that there

    Are um copper poery that there’s good copper gold poery potential in this part of Yukon um they’re ready to jump on a bunch of other similar Targets in that same area so they’ve been they’ve been traping all through that section of Yukon looking for other areas where

    There’s Blue Rocks sticking out of the ground and they’re ready to sort of jump on those assuming that the numbers come back um in support of that theory and so that those numbers should be back pretty soon they wrapped up drilling uh I a couple weeks ago so I feel like those

    Numbers will probably hit the market in a couple weeks um so that’s an interesting one to watch Cascadia minerals cam on the Venture exchange is the company uh a discovery story and like I say that’s the kind of story that if they do Discovery discover a new interesting good-looking copper gold

    Poery um that kind of thing can work can send a share price really moving even though the overall Market is not um supportive similar some other Discovery I’ll keep the other stories a little shorter but some other Discovery stories that I’m really interested in right now Blackwolf copper and gold B

    Wcg black wolf copper gold it was hard for me to get those letters um that on the Venture they are also a discovery story so they have in the over the summer they drilled two projects near Stuart BC One happens to be on the Alaska side of the Border but right

    There near Stewart and the other one on the BC side of the Border they both are really awesome targets one of them is like a very steep Cliffside where you can see mineral High gray gold silver veins sticking out of the cliff and so they steep back from the edge of the

    Cliff and drill down to Target those veins never been drilled before um another one is an area that had seen some drilling a couple years ago from a company that didn’t really have the financial capacity to follow through on it and and so one or two really good hits just got

    Forgotten and and Blackwolf got that project by merging with that company uh reinterpreted the ground the Blackwolf team is very intimately familiar with the Rocks around Stewart they’re experts in that area so they reinterpreted you know they they have a new take on that project they basically turned the drills

    A different direction and drilled similar areas and they have reported visible Golds quite a bit of visible gold in core from that Harry project so another really interesting Discovery primed story there pretty inexpensive STG it’s 22 cents reasonably tight share flow I don’t remember exactly what it is

    I want to say 60 million but I could be wrong and uh waiting for results those results I think will start coming out in about two or three weeks so Cascadia Blackwolf those are two Discovery stories that I’m that I’m really interested to see um whether they can deliver some excitement into an

    Otherwise boring Market well thank you for that I I love your picks so those are great Cascadia was definitely one of the ones that pequ my interest the most of the metals investment Forum so I want to switch uh gears here a little bit and switch over to your Evergreen investing

    Let’s talk um for investors that are looking to get into the energy transition kind of what you’re seeing in that space right now absolutely so every Green investing is about the inputs and innovations that are needed to make the the the global green transition happen so we kind of we cover several different

    Arenas um you you know there’s AGG ref food there’s sort of recycling and waste management those are two areas that Peter covers my areas are um energy green energy um green metals and carbon credits carbon credits have definitely been going through some Growing Pains of late um there was a basically a scandal

    About carbon credits not being robust sufficiently verified and monitored and so uh like I say carbon credits are going through a a a growing growing pains right now um they will I believe become part of the green transition there’s no rush to invest in those at

    This point because um they need to get through this they need to answer some of the questions that were raised before they um become accepted again um but green energy and green Metals uh there’s more than enough opportunity there to focus on in the meantime so on the

    Metals front you know we have immense Supply gaps really significant Supply gaps for SE for a bunch of green metals and and green Metals run the gamut from from Tiny Market metals like you know vadium or niobium you know Rare Earth things or or or small market items

    Through to the biggest Metals some of the biggest Metals markets in the world like copper copper is incredibly important to the green transition and we are absolutely coming up against the copper Supply deficit in the next few years why is that happening it’s pretty straightforward story since the last

    Metals goal Market which ended call it 2012 2011 we’ have been there has been an incredible cut back in looking for new deposits and building new mines that cutback is for three reasons investors have not cared about Metals there there was a bare Market they found opportunity elsewhere um investors have not been

    Interested in investing in metals so that’s one reason uh the second is that management teams decided to be conservative investors didn’t care metal prices were were down for quite a while they decided to be conservative focus on profit and share BuyBacks and dividends and things like that and so that means

    That they did not build um their focus was not on building new mines and the third reason is that it’s really hard to build a new mine um permitting is very gets slower and harder every year so it’s very hard to build a new mine um all similar rationale applies to

    Advancing prodct whether that’s looking for new discoveries taking a discovery through all of the effort needed to turn it into a mine plan um that also has not been happening anywhere near to the same extent that it did before um sort of we we the the M markets turned down over a

    Decade ago put that all together the thing is and and we don’t have enough Minds the thing is resource Industries need sustained Capital intense cap capital investment just to maintain output if you stop investing output declines and that is the situation that we’re that we’re coming up against with

    Silver with nickel with zinc with silver with uranium all of them we are we are the output is declining at the same time green demand means that the need for those Metals is going up in some cases dramatically I mean nickel for example has for many many years been a stainless

    Steel story a very important metal but used primarily in terms of it’s its Market most of it went into stainless steel now nickel is used in almost every lithium battery out there and so this is a sea change in the nickel Market nickel Market is increasing something like

    60% um over a 10-year period because of this battery demand that’s huge and gu guess what there aren’t the new nickel projects and nickel mines to meet that demand so that’s the overall story for green Metals is it playing out right now is there opportunity is there profit

    Being made by investing in green medals right now not right in this moment because right now investors are not focused on growth and green growth is a growth story and so we need to get into a position into a moment when investors are generally looking ahead and seeing growth global economic

    Growth and are positioning for growth within that moment green growth is going to get a huge Spotlight on it because that is how we now grow and we are missing the components to feed that growth and metals is a big part of them so that moment will come I don’t know

    Whether it’s going to come in six months in a year in 18 months um because we need to get through the question that’s up in our face right now such as you know is China GNA go into a recession is Europe going to go into a recession is

    America GNA go into a recession is anybody going to manage a soft Landing how are we going to get out of how are we going to survive these rage height hike Cycles what’s actually going to happen once we get through that question and get into a growth Paradigm I really

    Do think that Metals will come to the FL because they’re needed for growth and there’s nowhere near enough on the energy side of the green needs story we’re already seeing one um component therein start to soar and that’s uranium so in the green energy side of things there’s lots of various opportunities

    Out there the one that I’m focused on is uranium nuclear energy um and that’s because I I really understand that space and I know that it fits all of those Supply demand characteristics that I just spelled out the uranium story has been slightly different there was particular reasons why um we are very

    Short on uranium right now but the bottom line is that we are very short on uranium right now so the copper story The zinc Story the nickel Story the silver story those stocks those metal prices haven’t started to move because we’re not facing shortage today people

    Who users who need copper or silver can find it when they go out to buy it it’s available on the uranium side of things when users go out to buy uranium today they cannot find it or they have a they have to pay quite a premium a rising

    Spot price to get their hands on uranium today uranium is leading the charge on the shortage side of things um and we are at the supply deficit now and that’s why the price of uranium has risen from whatever it is 48 bucks to 72 bucks in the last two months uh uranium stocks

    Have absolutely provided leverage to that move and I don’t think we’re done because you can’t set suddenly produce new uranium mines you can’t turn them on quickly even all of the companies all of the companies the half dozen companies who have been slogging away for the last

    Five or six years to get uranium mines ready to produce into the supply Gap very few of them were even ready because it’s such a slow process to get a uranium mine going whichever kind of uranium mine it is so there’s no quick answer uh there is not uranium out there

    That um for the users that needed and the user or nuclear utilities who will pay whatever they need to pay to get their hands on the fuel that they need for their nuclear reactors because it’s not a choice for them that’s a need um and so the new the uranium story is

    Playing out right now it’s taken a bit of a pause after a huge price run in these past few months I think it’s consolidating those gains I do think that there’s more upside ahead significantly more upside ahead because unless you can suddenly find a whole bunch of uranium to feed into these this

    Supply Gap that exists right now prices will will go higher they will also go higher because the users are scrambling to get buy pounds today but they also don’t want to continue to be in that scramble so they are signing long-term contracts and the sellers of uranium the

    Miners are saying sure I’ll I’ll sign a long-term contract for you with you but you’re going to have to pay me a lot for that uranium because it is now a sell’s market so contract prices are going to go higher and higher and higher because those uranium miners they need higher

    Prices so that they can pay to build a new mines that will o eventually fix this problem so all of the pieces are really in play in the uranium space for the kind of full Market that we will see in the base medals we’re just not quite

    There yet with the base Metals but we are there with uranium there that was a long answer I love it and uh uranium investors are going to be very happy to hear you say that going back to your nickel story actually the second other company that I loved uh for your panel

    Was Alaska energy medals I was wondering if you can talk a little bit about them because I think they’re actually a really exciting story realizing what they do and the potential there and then also if you’re since you talk so much about uranium if you want to if you have

    One that you also love for that absolutely yeah Alaska energy medals is a really um great story so this is a technical team that has a lot of experience in Alaska long experience um in Alaska the leader of that company and that guy named Greg bisher came up against the

    Opportunity to buy the Nikolai project and this is a project that he had drilled 30 years ago 40 years ago I don’t remember the number um working for a major at the time the goal was to find sort of a huge highgrade nickel deposit so they went up they uh they drilled a

    Bunch of holes they did not find a huge high-grade nickel deposit but they did find a big area of lowgrade nickel mineralization now 30 years ago that was not um economically viable so they walked away uh fast forward 30 years Greg gets his hands on this project and now that nickel mineralization is

    Absolutely within the very normal bounds of economic nickel deposits um and so the opportunity is really amazingly simple the work that was done previously has outlined a significant I don’t remember I don’t remember the length of this of the Zone I don’t remember the the dimensions off hand but they the

    Work that was done has shown that there is consistent nickel sulfide mineralization across a long strike length I think it’s like a couple kilometers there’s been a oh there’s been not enough drilling to define a deposit right you have to have drilling um enough drill holes to have confidence

    Um to to actually call it a deposit so Alaska energy medals has go has went up there this summer and drilled enough holes in the center section of that known Zone to turn that into a deposit those assays are pending but because the historic holes were so consistent they

    Just kept stuffing few hundred meters few hundred meters few 200 meters and getting the same thing the team is pretty confident and that the holes that they pulled out of the ground this summer which look exactly the way that they expected them to look will also return those same nickel grades that

    Means that by the time these results come in they expect to be able to define a significant nickel sulfide deposit in the middle of that zone guess what they’re going to repeat the process next summer they’re just going to keep stepping each way along that known nickel Zone and expand the deposit even

    Further so it’s really a lowrisk and Rapid Way of defining a large nickel sulfide deposit and there’s a few other factors here that deserve mention so it’s in Alaska but it’s in a very perable part of Alaska with pretty good access so that’s important by perable I

    Mean it’s not near any salmon bearing streams it’s it’s it’s um near Alaskan native corporations who are transactional and interested in in doing this sort of business so uh permiable area of Alaska pretty good access um and nickel sulfide so let me just quickly I’ve mentioned before we need a lot more

    Nickel than we used to because of batteries there’s two kinds of nickel out there in the rocks of the world there’s nickel laterite and there’s nickel sulfide uh nickel laterite is um often mined in places like Indonesia it is mostly strip mining it’s soft rocks that are near surface so you strip mine

    You scrape a bunch of rock off the surface of the Earth and then you have to use a very significant amount of energy to liberate the nickel from the mineral that it is within the reason that matters is because we’re supposed to be mining nickel so that we can make batteries so

    That we can have less greenhouse gas emissions but the amount of energy that you need to to liberate nickel from nickel laterites goes exactly against that so nickel Lites are problematic they’re you know they are part of the nickel picture for sure but they’re problematic nickel sulfide deposits you

    Do not need to do that super energy intensive step to liberate the nickel from the mineral it depends a bit on the details of the mineral the initial studies of the nickolai project show that the the harder minerals for liberating the nickel are not dominant the dominant minerals at Nicolai are the

    Ones where it’s pretty easy to liberate the nickel so you have a nickel sulfide project which is the kind of project that battery makers should want to get their nickel from it looks like there’s a very clear path not very expensive pretty low risk to defining a very large

    Nickel sulfide deposit in an area that looks like it could be you know reasonable um reasonably easy to permit and build a mine so and this is new this is a story that really just came together uh what is at the beginning of the year um and uh hasn’t really

    Gathered a lot of momentum yet um so yeah if you’re interested in nickel then Alaska energy metals aemc is the ticker for that on the Venture exchange on the uranium front um I’ll give a few options and I say um I really think that there’s a lot of upside in

    Uranium um for some for any mining investors who are looking for some excitement in the near term uh I think uranium is likely the thing the most reliable way to do that um with uranium you could always just own something like the the the urm which is the the basket

    Of uranium miners um that will work great that’s an easy that’s an easy choice you can also um but if you’re looking for something that’s a little bit more um pointy so a little bit higher risk but potential for higher reward I think the best positioned Story

    The stories that are best positioned to benefit from this uranium Market are uh two kinds one are the companies that are ready to start producing into the supply Gap and so these are the companies that have been grinding away for a bunch of years permitting and doing a lot of the

    The ones that have been doing this are ISR so the ISR mining Inu recovery so this is the kind where you pump a solution down into rocks that are porous so the water can move around through the Rocks leech out the uranium and then you just pump the water back up to the

    Surface it’s inent you don’t actually dig the rock up uh uranium is is quite amenable to that it often exists in sandstone which means the water can move through it and there’s a BN there’s a couple different companies that have been preparing doing all the work the

    Well monitoring and the the flow tests and the permitting and whatnot to get ISR uranium mines in America going again the two names that I really like in that are uranium energy ueec in New York and Energy Fuels efr on the Venture it’s also in America I don’t remember the

    American ticker right now um and and also um Encore Energy uh which is EU so those three I really like for their ability to very soon start producing into the supply Gap that is real right now and is the reason that uranium prices are rising so I think

    That’s one kind of stock that will do very well in this uranium Market I think the other kind of stock that will do well are those that own really really good uranium projects and there’s not that many out there I mean NextGen which has the arrow project is certainly on

    That list NextGen will get built in this uranium Market will next J build it or will somebody else buy it and build it I don’t know the answer to that but um both are very feasible um when real big money starts turning into uranium because the market is really working

    Nextg will be one of the key stocks to which that money flows because it’s big it’s liquid um but it has that little bit of extra leverage because it’s a development project instead of being a producer so NextGen um nxe is a good one and then a cool one is

    Two companies have recently decided to merge and their their combination is creating what I would call like an Uber uranium Junior so this is a uranium Junior that has a whole bunch of projects from from prediscovery but all the way through to almost ready to produce and everything in between and it

    Has very good Financial backing so NextGen actually owns a bunch of iso they are investing in this merged entity there’s two other larger uranium companies that also are shareholders in this merged entity um and so it’s going to have good access to Capital that money means that it will be able to

    Advance its whole portfolio of projects and that just means that any major that decides that they want to get into uranium will have to look at the new and actually I don’t remember which one it’s going to be called the com the company is a merger of Consolidated

    Uranium and ISO energy I at this moment can’t remember whether they’re going to end up calling it Consolidated or ISO to be honest but that merger I think is really interesting it still brand new um was announced a couple weeks ago that it won’t actually um happen for another two

    Months they need to get shareholder approval and all of that um but I think that that is going to be a real another goto um stock when this uranium bull market really starts to uh gather momentum fantastic thank you for sharing information on all those good Juniors

    And so we’ve gone through a lot I wanted to talk more about you now for investors that are looking for guidance let’s talk about your newsletters um what you offer how they can join any of the upcoming conferences that they can listen to you at and see more of your panels where

    They can follow you on social media give the whole steal a thank you for the opportunity for that um so resourc is my my center of operations that is where you can uh find out more about or sign up for my newsletters of course I have that Weekly Maven letter which is

    About what I’m buying selling and thinking in the metals and Mining space it’s more focused on the speculative end of the space so discoveries and and the smaller cap companies in the metal of and Mining space um but not as exclusively I certainly also have mind

    Builders and a few operators in there um so that’s the maven letter at resourc the letter that I co-author with Peter is Evergreen investing uh you can get to it from resource or you can go to it for from Evergreen uh that is a monthly newsletter it’s designed for lowrisk

    Investors um so it’s it’s it’s got funds in it it’s got big companies but it is establishing exposure to those um inputs and innovations that are going to need to be you know see higher prices um as we get back into a growth environment and uh green is a big part of that

    Growth um as for social media and whatnot I am active all over the place you can find all the links again on resource um mining Maven Gwen on Twitter uh I’m on Instagram I’m on Tik Tok I’m on all of those um so yeah I would and as

    For conferences I do participate in the medals investor Forum um every time it happens the next one is coming up in November in Vancouver then there’s another one in January in Vancouver and one in Toronto in March uh and then I’m always you know oh and I go I’m heading

    Down to New Orleans if anybody happens to be listening to this and feels inclined to head to New Orleans at the beginning of November there’s a great conference down there called the New Orleans investment conference it’s been the standard Bearer gold conference for decades um and uh it’s a great event so

    With with really phenomenal uh speakers I’m not talking about myself I’m talking about big names big Financial names that come down to speak at that event but yes I have an events listing on my website as well and I’m my contact information is there so if anybody has uh questions

    And wants to reach out and ask me anything I would love to hear from you we’ll just wrap this up with uh one more question for the day I mean obviously 2023 has been an interesting year to say the least um do you have any final words

    For the investors and the Juniors out there and do you got any final words for the juniors out there for the words of wisdom to end the year with yeah for sure right um for the investors um I’m gonna be a little bit cautious on my words which are I said

    Before November and December are really good months for medals especially for gold um and especially when it’s been a tough year so I wouldn’t get your hopes up that November and December are going to work out well um that for the investor might mean you know if you’re

    Going to do some tax loss selling you might want to do it now rather than waiting until November because prices are probably going to be lower then um but there’s no harm getting out of something now and then if you really like the stock um getting back into it

    At the end of the year um when the tax law selling has hammered it down even further so I guess the word there is don’t ex don’t have high hopes for the very near term I don’t think anything very exciting is going to happen in the near term the overall setup remains

    Phenomenal for gold and for base medals I just don’t think it’s going to play out the in the in the latter months of this year um so think about what that means for you in your portfolio if you’re happy to just hold that’s absolutely an option because that big

    Picture setup is still so good um if you know that you will lose sleep if you see stocks declining further over the next few months then maybe do something to help you sleep at night which is maybe means exiting some positions even if they’re down put that capit aside

    Because then you have it to redeploy when this investment thesis does start to play out for the juniors out there it will get better I’m optimistic that 2024 is going to be a better year for sure um so just keep doing what you what you can do and I mean there the undervaluation

    Out there is Extreme the sentiment is terrible uh this has to turn and it will and when it does it’s going to be phenomenal and exciting um and uh we just have to get through the down Market Days uh down Market days together well thank you so much Gwen

    This was a fantastic interview and thank you for sharing all those amazing Stories and advice for everyone out there oh well thank you so much for having me it was a fun conversation well that does it for today’s exploring mining podcast if you’d like to be a guest or sponsor for

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