The biggest transfer saga in Yeats is set to rumble on after more shocking details emerged following the news that Cian Uijtdebroeks signed a four-year deal with Visma-Lease a Bike for 2024. Uijtdebroeks terminated his contract with Bora-Hansgrohe on December 1.

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    Kean alter Brooks is one of the most exciting talents in recent years for Belgium and has really showed himself already on the top level of the sport but the young Belgian star has found himself in a bit of drama becoming entangled in the biggest transfer Saga

    In cycling in many years as the news broke that alter Brooks had signed a 4-year deal with Vis malissa bike for 2024 so that is what we’re going to unpack in the video today before we start make sure to hit the like button here on the saing Dane Channel comment

    Down below what you think of the whole situation and if you haven’t already subscrib to stay up to date first who is Alter Brooks alter Brooks is a talented Belgian pro cyclist currently riding for the UCI World Tour team Bora Hans grer well he was until December he made his

    Debut in 2022 and quickly showed that the reputation he had gained in the junior ranks was not just fiction it was fact winning the total lavir in an impressive style becoming the youngest ever winner of the under 23 Toral France known for his promising skills and even

    Liken to brco vapo at that young age there was definitely a plethora of teams that were surrounding him he was a Bor hanor Rider when he won the total ofer and in the season of 2023 he showed himself finishing in top 10 in several big races and most notably in the 20123

    Wel espia he was up there in the big tough Mountain stages robbing elbows with the like sajones fingo and Primus rugit ultimately finishing eighth overall which really showed the capabilities of this young Rider so what has happened it was no secret that outter Brooks wanted a move away from

    Borans with the influx of Primo rogl which was seemingly at the end of his contract which was at the end of 2024 however on December the 8th the bombshell hit social media where this Melisa bike announced that they would be welcoming Kean alter Brooks into the team with immediate effect this however

    Was promptly followed up by a statement from Bor hansra with the German Squad stating their stance that alter Brooks still had one year on the contract however via alter Brooks’s agent it was claimed that the contract had been terminated the agreement between alter Brooks and Bor hanso has been terminated

    December 1st 2023 and it was also said legal proceedings already have been initiated by Kia and the UCI is aware of the termination of the agreement Kia is confident about the outcome of the pending procedure and will refrain from further comments at this time of course Kia is excited and looking forward to

    The future cooperation with Team bisma Lisa bike starting next season there’s also been communication shown a few years ago that Ken Al Brooks really is a big admirer of the team itself and recently a video is surfaced of him actually being at a team camp with a

    Darking kit so not wearing the Bora kit and not wearing the visma Lisa bite kit but a blackedout kit which is quite interesting considering Riders are normally subject to wearing their kit until the change of the year however this case gets even deeper and more complicated as there has been criticism

    Of the team manager of this Melisa bike Richard pluger who is also the head of the team’s Federation of AIG gcp and publicly has been berated by Cedric vaser who said his critique of Richard pluger that he couldn’t be the head the president of this Association

    And doing such things to Bor hro and publicly said that he hasn’t respected the rules and should resign immediately on top of the public tweet there has also been a letter sent from several teams including of course copis and Bor hansra demanding a change in the structure of the management of the AIG

    Gcp Patrick Lea the the quickstep team manager has even been quick to weigh in on the out of Brooks transfer saying that it was up to the UCI to take a stand and as we’ve said out of Brooks’s agent has already said in a statement that the UCI was aware of the situation

    However the situation is a complex one and Bor hrow maintains a different stance publicly emphasizing that contracts must be approved by the UCI suggesting that the UCI did not know contract en norments or buyouts on not irregular in cycling in recent years we’ve seen Rowan Dennis leave his team

    Early his contract and equally Dylan turns did a Midway transfer in 2022 from barin Victorious to Israel premere Tech and honored dear as well in 20123 after being snubbed from gram fdj to France Squad left for AA samsi but back to the outter Brooks situation termination of contracts require valid grounds such as

    Unpaid wages or a team dropping to Second Vision additionally earlier termination and team transfer initiate agreement between the rider the current team and the descided squad here of course we haven’t got Bora as the greed party it would suggest looking at the publicity or the public nature of this

    Saga rumors about outter Brooks’s reason to depart the team early surfaced after the well to espania where there was disagreement between vazov and alter Brooks for the leadership we would assume and alter Brooks is also been very public about his critique of the time trial equipment as well the precise

    Reason for the termination of his contract apparently is undisclosed but reports suggest outter Brooks felt bullied by Riders and staff an allegation which was strictly denied by Bor hansra Bernie isil even saying that he was given all the support that he needed according to the Dutch paper ad

    The team perceived outter Brooks as an overly Sous and noted instances of bullying including an alleged antia group during the Welter espia creating an unpleasant environment for the young star if this is true and certainly is not what you want and considering that he elected to go to the Bor team because

    He felt that this would be a better environment and stay clear of the Benelux pressure the case is a pending legal investigation with Bor hansra adamant that they still have a valid contract with Kia out Brooks for the 2024 season so what is the solution I

    Mean it’s not quite the same but Ian sza was another big Saga probably the last big transfer Saga we had in this kind of style who was involved in a transfer dilemma with Team sky and txy Alfredo he was announced to be joining txo but much to the confusion of the cycling world

    And txo he subsequently went to team sky and there was a few negotiations under the table to settle the Mana but apparently he had a contract with TR Alfredo they announced him and then he decided the offer was better at Team sky so again two contracts and then getting

    That disputed it is that legal matter of you can’t sign two contracts that are valid for the same period so how are Bora and Vis Melissa B going to solve this problem probably by some form of compensation for the last remaining year of his contract this Melissa certainly

    Have the money for it and he certainly would fit perfectly into their 2024 team where he could even maybe head up a gr tour himself the Jalia for example and really develop as a writer who knows what’s going to happen it’s certainly an interesting situation in the world of

    Cycling in the winter season and of course if you haven’t already make sure to check out the echelon cycling podcast where we had an in-depth discussion about the matter that’s basically it comment down below what you think hit the like button subscribe to the channel here on the secondy Dane and of course

    As always thank you for watching and I will see you around


    1. I have read a fair amount about this situation from many different sources. If some of the rumors are true that Cian was being bullied and team members went as far as having a whatsapp group chat about him then who can blame the guy for wanting out. Especially when you go to a race and your equipment is in shambles like his was at Chrono De Nations. On the other token he does have a contract for 2024. Which he should honor. I hope for all parties involved that they can get this resolved so that he can move on with his career in an environment that he feels supported and safe. Plus Bora got Primoz. My take on the situation. Hope everyone has a great day and Cheers from Wisconsin.

    2. I think the UCI has to make some changes in transfer cases, like in football, where outbuys are daily bussiness.
      BUT i could understand if the "black kit" scenario will cost him some money.

    3. I'm delighted for a little drama to keep up my cycling interest in the off-season. As a Visma fan I should be happy he will be coming onboard, but I don't know if this is best for his development. Kind of like the Olav Kooij situation, I think he would get more leadership opportunities elsewhere. No way can I see him being a protected rider for Visma at a Grand Tour this year, or even a one week race for that matter. We'll see…

    4. That's for this report, Scott, and I just have to wonder whether he has Remco Fever, a certain discontent with his present situation and a desire to jump ship for his own pursuits. But now that there are allegations of bullying and such, it is only fair to him and Bora that the air be cleared on that. Still, as your headline says, this is a mess and who knows, maybe he was planning to jump in Visma in '25 and is boldly showing his loyalty to them by bailing on Bora, no matter what. And I can't help but wonder if this is a dig against Prrimoz, too, like no way is he willing to work for the former Visma leader and that would certainly earn him street-cred points with Visma.

    5. The EU has a free market for services. Any one is allowed to work where he wants. Riders are no slaves, nether is any other employee in Europe. Penalty for gontract breach here is 1 yera remaining salary, in Uytdebroecks case, that us roughly 100 K euro. That other teams were prepared to pay up to 1 million, is if no relevance. Uytdebroecks is not a slave that can be kept to an employee contract, nor is he a slave that B9ra can sell to who they want.😮

    6. Visma LAB have form for this exactly the same scenario as Wout he ended up in Court and had to pay around half a million of his own money. This has not happened by chance it’s all to convenient they have been in Cian’s ear long before this. We will have to see what the UCI have to say but hope he’s got some deep pockets law suit incoming yikes

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