Watch Sky News at Ten :Two teenagers have been found guilty of murdering 16-year-old Brianna Ghey in a “frenzied and ferocious” knife attack

    Also tonight, The Irish government is to bring a legal case against the UK under the European Convention on Human Rights.

    Christmas travel plans could be under threat as Storm Pia is set to bring winds of up to 80mph to parts of the UK

    #SkyNews #NewsAtTen #BriannaGhey

    From 10.30pm onwards, we’ll take a first look at tomorrow’s front pages with the Press Preview.

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    It’s 10:00 this is Sky News at 10 our top story a mother’s tribute to her Larger than Life daughter after two teenagers are found guilty of the murder of 16-year-old Brianna ji to know how scared my usually Fearless child must have been when she was alone in that park

    With someone that she called her friend will haunt me forever a snapshot of Gaza under attack the immediate aftermath of a drone strike captured by our team as the United Nations once again delays a vote on a pause in fighting Junior doctors in England begin the longest strike in NHS history as

    Unions and government continue their dispute over pay Christmas cheer for consumers and the government as inflation drops to its lowest level for more than 2 years the Icelandic volcanic eruption begins to ease but the authorities warn it could burst back into life plus Hail to the new queen of Chess

    We hear from the 8-year-old girl from the UK taking the game by storm and we’ll take a first look at tomorrow’s front pages in our press preview from 10:30 right through to Midnight good evening two teenagers were today found guilty of the murder of Brianna ji the 16-year-old was stabbed 28 times after she was lured to a park near Warrington in February the court heard that her killers were fascinated by murder they were shown shocking exchanges between the pair and a

    Handwritten plan for Brianna’s murder speaking after the verdict Brianna’s mother described her as funny witty and fearless and called for empathy and compassion for the families of her daughter’s Killers a warning this report from our chief north of England correspondent Greg milm contains flash photography and details you might find

    Distressing for three weeks Esther ji sat through the most horrific evidence of how her daughter died today she saw two teenagers obsessed with killing convicted of murder to know how scared my usually Fearless child must have been when she was alone in that park with someone that she called her friends

    Will haunt me forever prior to the trial I had moments where I felt sorry for the defendants because they had ruined their own lives as well as ours but now knowing the true nature and seeing neither display an ounce of remorse for what they have done to Brianna I have lost all sympathy

    Lastly please have some empathy and compassion for the families of the young people convicted of this horrific crime they to have lost a child and they must live the rest of their lives knowing what their child has done when Brianna ji left home on February the 11th it was

    To be for the last time an anxious teenager who rarely went out alone she messaged her mom that day I’m on the bus by myself I’m scared she wrote her mom replied that’s well good she was proud of her she said that last message though the last Brianna’s mom Esther ever sent

    Her it seems she never read because there were other plans that day the plans to kill Brianna spelled out in this handwritten note with a smiley face and a heart the date and the victim and how she’d be killed it was exactly what ultimately did happen here

    At Linea Park in culcheth on that Saturday afternoon a couple were walking on this path when they saw two people bending over they said as if tending a dog as they got closer they realized it was in fact the blooded body of a young woman face down in the mud it was

    Brianna ji Brianna died as the result of a sustained and violent assault stabbed 28 times with a hunting knife the boy had boasted of buying the court saw messages between the two discussing killing Brianna and other children the girl wrote meet me at the wooden posts

    In linear at 12 we’ll go over plan again and I’ll show you where I’m killing her and then we both walk to the library to meet her and grab on to Brianna slit her throat when she starts to fall stab her in the back then pass me the knife I

    Want to stab her at least once even if she’s dead just cuz it’s fun LOL the boy then said let’s have two words one for getting knife ready and another to stab after Brianna’s death the girl posted this tribute calling her an amazing friend Brianna was 16 when she

    Died although she was born male she was living dressing and referring to herself as female the girl who killed Brianna was fascinated by her the boy referred to her as it the loss of her young life in the days that followed Brianna’s death dozens of vigils were held across

    The country in memory of a teenager who fell victim police said to the ultimate betrayal Greg milm Sky News a United Nation Security Council vote on the situation in Gaza was delayed for a third day running today as members struggle to find a resolution on a pause in fighting that the US can

    Support Hamas says 20,000 people have been killed since Israel launched its military operation many of those in attacks from the air we want to bring you the story of just one of those drone strikes it was filmed by the Sky News team in the southern town of Rafa near

    The Egyptian border it shows the moment they were caught up in the strikes and and the aftermath a snapshot of what has become a daily ordeal for people inside Gaza here’s our Middle East correspondent alist bunkle a warning that his report does contain some distressing images our team was filming inside a

    Hospital in Rafa near the Egyptian border when a series of Israeli air strikes hit nearby earlier today A father puts his arms around his terrified children huddles for cover behind a car For [Applause] the injured have been carried [Applause] away as our team Rush towards the sight of the air [Applause] strikes there are screams of desperation and the Sounds of Silence as the Israeli drone circles overhead with the threat of more incoming misses this lady says she is searching for her [Applause] son [Applause]

    There are women underneath here one man shouts the body of a dead child is found and taken away on a [Applause] Stret another body lay in front of a mangled car his face covered with a sweatshirt we don’t know why the Israeli military hit this target but people in Gaza had been told that Rafa was [Applause] safe the wounded man is told to stay calm his eyes winse in pain as he clings

    To a rock for a pillow he cannot move his [Applause] legs later too he is carried away above the heads of the [Applause] crowd they keep digging frantically in the Earth to find anyone they can Dead or Alive there is little by way of official help here anymore they’re alone this is

    Gaza and this is happening every single day Alisa bunkle Sky [Applause] News NHS patients in England are being warned to expect significant disruption after Junior doctors went on strike the action began this morning and will last for 72 hours the NHS will prioritize urgent and emergency care with senior

    Doctors drafted in to provide cover a Six-Day walkout is planned between the 3rd and the 9th of January the longest action ever by Junior doctors NHS strikes have seen more than 1.1 million appointments and treatments cancelled in the past year our health correspondent ashis Joshy reports

    I’ll do the not as well yeah how you doing I’m doing okay Audrey is in pain she’s lost all feeling in her feet she’s diabetic and needs weekly dialysis so it’s a worrying sign and as someone who needs regular care Audrey is angry with the government for not meeting the

    Junior doctor’s pay demands they’ll get over tired and then might also just say ah no I’m tired look for another hospital do they want us to die without doctors the nine days of industrial action over Christmas and the New Year by Junior doctors will be

    The longest ever in the NHS and hits at the hardest possible time this is the older patients unit of the hospital’s emergency department it’s 11:30 in the morning it’s the first day of the doctor’s strikes there are six beds here and they all have patient synd them already longer ambulance Waits winter

    Infections rising and problems with patient discharge so I’ve got two patients that I’ve accepted that can go into 21 and 24 but that’s obviously not going to then give you space add strikes to the mix and you can see why there’s real concern it it is worrying already um and

    We are bracing for it to get worse especially coming in the January um month it’s it’s going to be a bit difficult for us to cope but we will try our best that’s all that we can do on strike days all resources must be deployed to the hospital’s emergency

    Services everything else including non- urgent operations has to stop in order to provide safe care for those most in need we do have to postpone some outpatient clinics and occasionally some operations we will treat those patients quickly we’ll get them back in as quickly as we possibly

    Can but that will increase the delay to them and that’s obviously something I’m very sorry about the BMA says the government’s current pay offer would amount to a cut for many of its members after years of below inflation pay Rises we thought we’d be able to get round the table with the

    Government and explain the issues thoroughly but it took them six months to come to the table in May and after May it took them another six months to come back to the table so all of the delays have been caused by the government and they’ve pushed us into the dead of winter

    But the government says patients could be forced to needlessly spend Christmas in hospital and urge Junior doctors to call off their industrial action Junior doctors the committee appeared to expect consultants and others to pick up their work for them and I’m very conscious you know it’s been a tough year for all our

    Clinicians I want them to be able um to uh enjoy their Christmas and enjoy their rest uh as as much as we all want to but they’re going to be picking up the slack for these doctors that are on strike Audrey should be home in time for

    Christmas but she knows if she needs care over the next 3 weeks she will have to wait much longer for it arish Joshy Sky News at the Royal barkshire Hospital in Reading there was new evidence of easing pressure on consumers today with figures showing that UK inflation slowed much

    More sharply than expected last month the chancellor claimed it showed the UK was back on the path to healthy sustainable growth but inflation remains double the bank of England Target and there are warnings it could be some time before interest rates start to fall here’s our business correspondent Paul

    Kelo a difficult economic year has ended with some rare good news inflation is falling even if prices are not this is Consumer Price inflation since 2019 when it was down around the bank of England’s 2% Target but since the war in Ukraine it looks more like a Mountain Stage in

    The tour to France climbing up up above 11% at its peak before descending fast and accelerating in the last couple of months faster than expected drop in November down to 3.9% that’s still double the bank’s Target but good news nonetheless now we can see how that inflation breaks down

    By each sector of the economy here the red bars are October’s numbers blue is November’s new numbers now you can see alcohol and tobacco and food and drink both Fallen by around the inflation rate by around 1% they food inflation your Christmas dinner still costing you 9% more restaurant inflation was static but

    Clothing and Footwear and Recreation and culture inflation they’re falling two the really interesting ones are the bottom two here transport and housing and household Services they’re both seeing actual deflation falling prices transport is fuel costs and energy costs are in here they’re falling fastest of all now we know that just because

    Inflation in Falling it doesn’t mean prices are falling too just that they’re Rising less fast and some inflation some costs in the economy are still going up including private rental prices the red line here is London prices the blue the rest of the UK you can see both of them

    Are above 6% and still climbing now more than a third of households in Britain rent their home so these are crippling costs still for many the question now is whether the bank of England will cut interest rates faster than we thought the governor said it’s too soon to even

    Talk about it but the markets disagree they think think the first Cuts rate shown in this chart will come in the spring previously they were saying the summer and cuts could continue by the year end below 4% now all of that would be good news for consumers and the Prime

    Minister who’s desperate to change the political weather but everything is relative compared to September 2021 food prices today are still almost a third higher and energy bills have gone up 2/3 that’s why for many cost of living squeeze is far from over and if you scan the QR code on your

    Screen right now you can use our festive inflation calculator to see how much more expensive Christmas has become since inflation surged a Bristol man has been jailed for life after being recorded confessing to murdering his ex- partner during an undercover police sting Darren Osment was secretly monitored by police for

    Almost two years and confessed to having killed Clare Holland whose body has never been recovered our west of England correspondent Dan Whitehead reports my M out my son taken off of us right for social services yeah so I did the wrong thing really but I’m admitting to it now I had her killed

    Right okay a confession that came seven years after CLA Holland went missing on a night out the 32-year-old had visited a pub in Bristol where her ex Darren Osmond worked as a chef in 2012 she was never seen again okay you don’t have to say anything May harm to don’t mention

    His arrest sparked a 20 Monon undercover police investigation I got back from work Osman was befriended by an officer posing as patio Hara pretending to be a hardened criminal in order to win his trust I mean I don’t think I need to or want to particularly go into the ins and cuz

    It’s a bit you know I think one you know it is what it is as far as I’m concerned with you know more than anybody Osmond has never revealed where cla’s body is today the judge sentencing him in Bristol urged him to do so for cla’s family’s sake and for the sake of

    Your son son I urge you for once to stand up to what you have done in the very near future and to disclose what you did and where her body might be found the undercover police officer at the center of this conviction has been praised for his skill and bravery but

    Despite today’s tough sentence the family says it does not bring closure speaking to Sky News Claire’s sister and mother say they simply want Osmond to reveal where she is he’s just hasn’t got compassion to allow us that opportunity to say goodbye to CLA he’s spiteful spinless the sentencing comes at a

    Difficult time of year it is is this worse now I think it is worse cuz there was always that little glimmer and yeah she’s definitely not going to ever walk through the door tonight Osmond begins a life sentence in prison with a minimum term of 20 years D whad Sky News at

    Bristol Crown courts the Irish government has launched legal action against the UK over its decision to offer immunity for crimes committed during the troubles the controversial troubles Legacy act became law in September despite opposition from Dublin and all of Northern Ireland’s main political parties the UK’s Northern isand secretary says he profoundly

    Regrets what he calls an unnecessary case our senior Island correspondent David bevens reports the gunfire still Echoes the troubles and the attempt to address the legacy of them continue to cast a shadow it’s the first time in half a century that the Irish government has taken legal action against the UK government

    Uh it is something that we’re genuinely doing with a sense of regret and we prefer not to be in this position um but we did make a commitment to uh survivors in Northern Ireland uh and to the families of victims uh that we would stand by them uh um respect their wishes

    Uh and also stand by The Good Friday agreement 10 people were shot dead by the British army at Bal Murphy Danny tager was one of them he was shot he was shot 14 times his family has welcomed the Irish government’s decision it’s an early Christmas present the victim

    Survivors I think it’ll be welcomed by all sectors all politicians it’s a big step for us because it actually takes the burden off the victims themselves we we’ve been campaigning all victims ac across across the board been campaigning for the this build to be scrapped they

    Chained py to this van which was loaded with ,200 of explosives the I turned paty Gillespie into a human bomb killing him and five soldiers when the bill passed his wife Kathleen fell robbed of Justice what they did to py has been condoned and all the other atrocities are being

    Condoned at the end of the day they’re getting away with what they done so let me ask whoever’s listening to this how would you feel if you’re in my position the pen of the past lingers here granting an amnesty to Veterans and terrorists who provide information won’t ease it those

    Who lost most during the conflict refused to choose between truth and Justice David blv Sky News in Belfast a 31-year-old Austrian national has been found guilty of spying on an Iranian television channel in the UK which was critical of Iran’s government mamed Dov carried out reconnaissance at the London headquarters of the Persian

    Language broadcaster Iran International a British businessman who was kidnapped from his home in Ecuador has been rescued by police security officials say 78-year-old Colin Armstrong is safe and healthy nine people have been arrested opposition politicians have mocked the government after it emerged that more than2 200 million pounds saved

    By the decision to scrap the second phase of hs2 will be spent on roads in London at the conservative conference Mr sunak said every single penny would be spent in the north the Midlands and across the country to the Icelandic volcano now and authorities are warning people to stay

    At home rather than attempt the risky Journey to the eruption site the lava flow has started to ease but the Icelandic Met Office says more magma could yet flow from deep within the Earth to fuel the fire mountains and perhaps open up new fishes our science correspondent Thomas Moore is in Iceland

    And sent this report in the midwinter Darkness Iceland’s newest volcano shows its colors Fountains of molten rock rivers of glowing lava the eruption has weakened but it’s far from over this um initially 4 kilometer long Fisher has localized into two um active areas now so two cones that are building

    But the intensity is definitely reducing um it may continue at this rate it may also increase in its rate or um May open up further along the actual Fisher system so it’s quite a dynamic and evolving um kind of system we were taken into the exclusion

    Zone by a search and rescue team driving across ancient lava fields to where a new landscape is being formed the eruption is more of a splutter than a great fire Fountain now but the authorities are still nervous we’ve been kept well away because they fear it could burst back into life but a

    Drone can go where it’s too dangerous to tread a volcanic cone is taking shape amid the smoking lava flows in Just 2 days they’ve spread over 1 and a half miles you would be amazed by the power of Mother Nature she is the boss here controlling everything i’ be accepted to

    Be Livia residents of grindvik evacuated last month have been told their likely to be allowed back home for months the town is just a couple of miles from the spurting lava and the latest risk assessment concludes there’s a high chance the volcanic activity could spread Thomas mo Sky News in Southwest

    Iceland a British school girl has been crowned the best female player at a European chess tournament at just 8 years old boder sandon beat a master more than 30 years older than her at the championship event in Croatia Sky correspondent Emma Burley met her and her dad in

    London at this time of year the average Primary School pups thinking about a break from lessons but there’s nothing average about this 8-year-old in fact boder Cen andon has been described as a phenomenon crowned Europe’s best female speed chess player not just amongst the children but the grown-ups too which must have been

    Somewhat ging I one top female and I won girls under 14 what did the other grown-ups there think about the fact that an 8-year-old girl from North London was playing them and beating them were people thinking you were great I think so boder first started playing aged five immediately enthralled after finding a

    Chest set in a bag of old toys and books three years on she’s already met the prime minister in the garden of number 10 the tournament in Croatia was a blitz Chess Championship it’s all about speed each players given three minutes plus an extra two seconds per move it means it’s

    All over in a Flash dad takes credit for transporting his daughter to matches but certainly not her skill you told me that you actually are not that good at chess is this true rather than saying not good at chess I can blly agree I’m bad in chess

    If she continues with the same passion and love for the chess she can definitely achieve a Grandmaster title International Master Malcolm Payne thinks she’s incredible we instantly realized that that she was something extra special but we didn’t realize how special at the time and uh since then

    She’s uh well she’s just risen almost meteorically and she beat an international master and she drew the grandmas in her 13th and final game making her the youngest uh British child to avoid defeat by a grandmas in an individual game in in the history of British chess for Boda success in Zagreb

    Is only the start what hopes do you have for the future to become world champion you want to be a world champion yeah and when would you like to be World Champion by when I’m a teenager so that gives her 5 years at this rate it’s probably achievable Emma Burley Sky News

    Harrow remarkable we shall be keeping an eye on her well that was Sky News at 10 coming up we’ll take a first look at tomorrow’s newspapers in the Press preview tonight we’re joined by the M’s associate editor Kevin Maguire and the telegraph’s deputy comment editor Annabelle denim amongst the stories

    We’ll be discussing this in the mail their headline from the parents of murdered team Brianna giant is what they did to our beautiful Brianna will haunt us forever we’ll be right back with that story and out do stay with Us Welcome back you’re watching Sky News in just a moment the Press preview her first look at what’s on the front pages as there arrive but first our top stories the parents of the murdered 16-year-old Brianna ji have condemned the actions of their daughters teenage Killers a United Nation Security Council

    Vote on Gaza has been delayed again for the third day running and the NHS has warned of significant disruption as Junior doctors begin three days of strike Action you are watching The Press preview a first look at what’s on the front pages as they arrive it’s time to see what’s making the headlines with the mirrors associate editor Kevin McGuire and the telegraph’s deputy comment editor Annabelle denim they’ll be with us from now until just before midnight so let’s

    See what’s on some of those front pages for you now what they did to our beautiful Brian will haunt us forever The Daily Mail leads with an emotional quote from the parents of Brianna after two teenagers were found guilty of her murder and that’s the same with the mirror also leading with

    Brian the ey predicts tax cuts next year after what it describes as a surprise fall in inflation the times also leads with inflation with cheaper mortgage rates set as inflation drops the express urges MPS to Grant Dame Esther Ranson the chance to hear a debate on assisted dying after she

    Revealed she joined the Swiss assisted dying Clinic dignitas the financial times speaks to the Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi who says he’s willing to look into claims that an official from his government ordered the assassination of a seek separatist in the US the guardian leads with an exclusive

    On how police officers will be able to run facial recognition of driving license holders under a law change being introduced by the government the Metro has the story of a 78-year-old British millionaire who was kidnapped by an Ecuadorian crime syndicate and whose girlfriend is now being questioned by

    Police and apocalypse soon says the front of the Daily Star as it warns that old people who are flatulent and uh burping are behind global warming they can hear you giggling you two it doesn’t say flatland does it no I changed the word to flatland yeah reminder that by scanning the QR code

    You’ll see on screen during the program you can check out the front pages of tomorrow’s newspapers while you watch us and we are joined tonight by Kevin Maguire and Annabelle denim sorry I’m still smiling you’re not to insert the word that was really in the headline sounded like darting I think didn’t it

    Right let’s let’s move from that to the economy and the front page of the financial times uh looking at uh the uh inflation figures uh doing a lot better than previously predicted you take us into this SC uh right yeah prices are now going up 3.9% instead of 4.6% so the

    Rate has fallen by 0.7% it was predicted to go down by 0.2% which is good news it’s the lowest for more than two years and it’s it’s leading as the f say to this expectation that interest rates will now start falling rather than going up again I think more than a dozen

    Increases we had to 5.25% although the first increase Mar if we look at the middle of the Ft says markets now expect a .25 percentage Point could by me which is H some some time off but it is for the government it is good news politically but for for

    People it’s it’s good news too when inflation Falls whether the government gets any benefit is another matter Annabelle yes that’s right it’s certainly on the face of it good economic news inflation roads uh money in people’s pockets it makes them feel poorer we’ve been longing for it to come

    Down for many months now the bank of England has particularly wanted it to come down because it’s been scrutinized criticized for failing to raise interest rates quickly enough during the pandemic it took it until December 2021 to begin to raise interest rates and even then it did so very slowly insisting that

    Inflation was transitory it finally woke up to the crisis that was unfolding so it’ll be with a sigh of relief that we have this announcement I wonder whether it will bring down inflation rates a little bit sooner than it’s currently saying what it wants to do is manage people’s expectations ensure that

    They’re not going out and asking for higher pay Rises um and so on and so forth so perhaps perhaps people will get some relief before May 2024 that being said with the situation unfolding in the Red Sea the impact that it’s having having on global Shipping it’s not impossible unfortunately that

    We may face another inflationary cycle far sooner than we would otherwise like which is terrible news for the bank of England and of course also for the conservative government which has been longing for a positive economic news story and I’m not sure the party will be able to survive another cost of living

    Crisis it’s interesting ft says the points out the the footy 100 the stock market Rose 1% but the pound fell slightly against the dollar as a result presum because if interest rates come down then lower gains yeah lower lower gains but look the big damage when

    Inflation top 10% is is kind of going to be there on people’s standard of living for some time it’s not it’s not all of a sudden reversed and I suppose it’s fair to say that 3.9 % is nudging double the bank of England Target of two of 2% you

    Know it’s good it’s you know it’s good news better news however you want to put it but people have still taken a huge hit over the last 24 months and wages followed inflation up I suspect wages will follow inflation down now and Annabelle richy sunak made it one of his

    Uh pledges didn’t he to to bring inflation down do you think he will get credit for that or will the experts be saying well this is not of his making this was going to happen whatever he’ll certainly try and take credit for it I’m not sure how it’s going to land let’s

    Not forget that it’s possibly one the only one of his five pledges has set out in January this year that the government is going to be able to meet certainly hasn’t stopped the bootes or cut NHS waiting lists um nor has it brought down the debt or delivered economic growth so

    I imagine that number 10 will be Clinging On to the fact that inflation has indeed been halved but as you say it’s really in the gift of the bank of England who are able to pull that interest rates lever in order to bring down uh demand in the economy so you

    Know it depends whether that how well that’s going to to play with voters but just to underscore as Kevin has said in the important thing is that people should be feeling the impact of inflation a lots less now than they were it’s a four of five failure isn’t it 80%

    He’s missed of his five targets but he’s only got one he didn’t do you think matters that you would take no blame for inflation going up which he wouldn’t and of course A lot of it was fueled by Putin and Ukraine and what happened globally we wouldn’t take any any blame

    Do you think he therefore deserves No Gain No praise when it comes down well you say that he wouldn’t take any blame but what’s been quite interesting over the last few months is the reluctance of the government to lay blame the door of the bank of England they’ve actually

    Been very cautious and not directly criticize Andrew Bailey and the monetary policy committee for the quite obvious errors the widely recognized errors that they did make during the pandemic and and after and mistakes also that were made following the outbreak of the war in Ukraine during the energy crisis so

    We’ll see and Kevin the repercussions of uh inflation falling uh potentially uh tax cuts we could see in 202 yeah the the I seem to do this story regularly on a Wednesday night for first days papers were being here here before be budget uh in the spring of next year and taxes are

    Going to be cut I think inflation could have gone up and they would still intend to cut taxes because there’s a political cycle as well as whatever is happening financially but I suppose does it does it make it easier to cut tax when inflation is Fallen if in fact if

    Inflation’s falling it’s not eating your living standard in the same way you would say you could argue there’s less incentive or need to cut taxes but like can see why the government will do it when it’s pushed up the tax overall tick to its highest level what this side of

    The second world war just about this side of the second world war no but hit 70 high but it’s it’s a recurring theme of the eye this well I suppose in some ways predicting that there will be tax cuts in an election year is a bit like

    Predicting that the sun’s going to shine at some point in the summer even in the UK um yes I think most people now are anticipating that Jeremy hunt will slash taxes at the spring budget uh he of course announced that cuts to Nation insurance at the recent Autumn statement

    As well as making full expensing permanent so a tax break for businesses that really help encourage investment there but that definitely a sense particularly from the conservative backbenches that the government wasn’t going far enough and that it needed to commit to cuts to personal taxation many

    Expecting that there will be a one 2% uh reduction and or 2p cut income tax let’s move now to the uh mirror your paper Kevin and the um gruesome story uh the murder of Brianna ji uh the quote on the front page her parents will never stop

    Loving her uh it’s it’s it’s a horrific uh dispiriting story this when kids kill kill a kid uh and the and the parents that they they quoted uh mother Esther Father Peter saying she was larger than life and know and you see all the pictures she looks very happy you often

    Get this picture I just think it’s a distorted picture of kids that are trans are somehow really troubled uh she doesn’t she just seems a A really lovely lovely kid and unfortunately two warped as they’ve been described uh 15 year olds of of have killed her but you can you your heart

    Goes out to the parents and of course they they will they’ll never they’ll never stop loving her they’ll cling to the memories but the pain never goes when you I know people have lost kids they just that’s you know it’s it’s there for days an interesting uh thoughts from Brianna’s mother Esther

    Today that that she also feels compassion for the families of the The Killers because their lives have been destroyed also she was saying they’d also lost children in some way and I just thought that was such a compassionate as you say such a brave

    Thing for her to to think of for her to voice and it it as Kevin says it’s just such a profoundly sad story there’s there’s nothing you know that you can really take away from it there’s nothing that you it’s so difficult to understand what drove these two 15-year-olds

    Themselves so young to commit this this terrible terrible act which is not only taken Browner away but of course it’s destroyed the lives of the people who loved her and what a contrast on the cover of the mirror there of this as you say very happy 16-year-old and the

    Anguish on the faces of her parents it’s just a truly awful it is and uh the male Kevin describing the 15-year-old murderers is having a thirst for killing yeah the the they’re known as X and Y and then applicate applications will be made to uh tomorrow to to name them so

    You we can know more about them I don’t know what the court will will decide but yeah but the the girl 15 was fascinated by serial killers including Harold Shipman in California’s Night Stalker uh and the the boy was socially awkward uh and so it’s what lessons can we learn um

    What the how which was trans phobia uh a motive uh is is how you the trans issue is discussed does that add to you the the hostility of some people um and of course just this week guidance has been published by the government for how it

    Should be um dealt with in in schools now is that is that going to measure up is it is it right is it you know do they get the balance right or or do they get it wrong but it’s no it it is awful it’s just it’s absolutely it’s rare for kids

    To kill kids but when it when it happens uh because of that it just it just hurts you even more and the police have said I know that it wasn’t motivated in any any way by the fact that Banna was transgender but nonetheless I fear that there will be

    Many transgender young people in Britain today who will feel less safe a consequ they will be fearful indeed uh Annabelle and Kevin for the moment thank you we’re going to take a break coming up uh civil liberties groups are worried about government plans to allow the police to use driving licenses in facial

    Recognition technology we’ll be discussing that next stay with Us has been number one for the last two weeks and Ro looking at the midweek figures they they release some sort of vague idea of where things are they are the leader at the moment should we have a list in yeah absolutely Last Christmas I gave you my heart but

    The very next day you gave it away this year to St me from tears I’ll give it to someone special it wasn’t Christmas number one at the time was it when he first released no 1984 it was kept off by Band-Aid although it was number one apparently very briefly in Ireland for a

    Week bandaid came in and I I was reading this morning it’s Germany’s most successful Christmas song have a child was is that right apparently now I thought it was going to be fairy tale of New York even before Shane M passed away there was a sense that it could be this

    Year this has never been to number one in any sense let alone the Christmas um it’s in the race it’s in the top 10 according to the figures and there is a physical version of the single that’s came out I think on Tuesday so we there

    Is a chance that it could um could contribute to the you know move up the chart but I mean it just looks like Wham from what I’m hearing in industry it has such a big lead at the moment listen Yor Christmas day it was amazing in the church wasn’t it funeral fabulous yeah with Lisa and how do they decide what’s the Christmas number one so it’s a combination of streams and physical sales and and the way they do it with streams is if it’s an old track they

    Don’t count as as there’s a formula so new songs I think it’s 1,000 streams count for one sale or something like that older songs it’s more because obviously they don’t want the chart full of old songs at the rest of the year however if you release a single of Wham

    Have done there’s a 7inch version of Last Christmas and the Poes have done you can sort of become a new single again and so I think that’s why you know the poges and last Christmas are in the running it’ll be interesting to see in future years un like Mar Care’s floating

    Around at number three but that that’s still on the older song right so who knows next year the rec might say well we can do a thing for that okay here we go Oh Welcome back you’re watching the Press preview still with me Kevin Maguire and Annabelle denim let’s have a look at this story in the guardian uh on their front page in fact and this is about police uh getting access to 50 million driving licenses uh in order to run uh

    Facial recognition checks is this a problem do you have a a problem with the idea of this well it’s been done quietly according to the guardian I wasn’t aware of it so I think it is probably is been done quietly in a criminal justice Bill and facial recognition itself is uh is a

    Controversial issue on live protest because it sometimes picks up you know people from certain communities some people of of color and not others and it can it can get it wrong but would it be wrong in principle to allow the police to look at pass um uh driving license

    Photographs or passport photographs or whatever else we have I don’t think it I don’t think it would be wrong but it would be how you do it in what cases if it was somebody oh like somebody’s dropped a Cris packet not saying you should drop Cris packets I think I’d be

    Wrong but if you’re hunting a murderer and you see somebody leaving the scene of a murder and you have a clear picture and you can put it into a database and catch them then I would would think that was a good idea so it’s I my position

    Would be is how it is operated what controls are there because it does infringe your freedom and it can infringe your civil liberties and human rights Annabelle the changes um in a single clause in a new Criminal Justice Bill and could put every driver in the country in a permanent police lineup um

    As reported by the guardian and uh privacy campaigners yes I have some sympathy with those who will push back against us on concerns that it compromises people’s civil liberties you know the one of the issues is going to be consent that 50 million people gave images for travel purposes and they will

    Now find out that retroactively they’ll be part of secret lineups um there’ll be concerns that you cannot treat so many people as suspects when they are innocent and just simply going about their daily business and I think another issue is that what this potentially underscores is just how brok and

    Pleasing is in Britain today and there are a number of people I imagine who will take issue with the fact that their freedoms need to be infringed in order that the police can do their jobs properly rather than having a proper look at why it is that we’re unable to

    More effectively police in this country we’ve seen a decrease in funding going to uh the police uh you until recently the number of police officers was depleted you know there’s so many issues with policing with our criminal justice system and I’m not convinced this is necessarily the soltion but I I could

    Endorse all all those points you make and criticisms of how it’s gone but is it wrong to use technology as technology advances and for instance if you the police can put your car registration into a database if your vehicle is seen there so why not be able to put you know

    The but but as you pointed out the technology isn’t 100% all the time there have been flaws with it falsely identifying black and and Asian people that right that’s an issue I would hope you couldn’t get a conviction just on a on a picture uh but it but it might give

    You it might give you a lead the point helping to build a case yeah but it might give you a lead to pursue okay uh something completely different now um The Duchess of susex she’s made a return to acting so the Metro tells us she

    Always finds a way to make it back into the headlines doesn’t she Megan marle yes um she’s the headline writers put her in the headlines that’s true but um well she she manages to to stay in the news um but she um has played a background extra uh for an advert for a

    Coffee company that she holds shares and she’s been investor an investor in clever Blends since 2020 now the Metro as generously describing it as not quite the starring role she had in suits I think it’s a very short appearance that Megan is giving and very much an extra

    Extra uh sending herself up in a girl fr appearance so says the article uh we must leave it there we run out of time thank you both for taking us through the papers we’ll see you in the 11:00 hour in the meantime let’s take a look at the weather for you

    Now warm memories wherever you go the weather sponsored by kataar Airways high pressure to the west of the UK and Ireland is uh pushing low pressure systems to the north the developing system close to Iceland has been named Pier by the Danish met office and it will bring some violent winds as

    It passes by those winds are expected to Peak today with storm force or violent storm Force gust for Shetland such winds are likely to cause some travel disruption to fairies and flights along with Bridge Crossings for high-sided vehicles for most it’ll be a mild start to the day with temperatures in double

    Figures there’ll be some rain for Ireland and western parts of the UK Mainland Scotland will see sunsh shine and showers some of the showers will be heavy with hail and thunder before turning wintry Over The Higher Ground Northern Ireland Northern England and North Wales will brighten later in the

    Day the weather sponsored by kataar Airways [Applause]

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