A new year, means a new WORST PLAYER in the game. So today we set out on a mission to find the worst player in FC24 and turn him into a legend! Biswa Darjee joins the ranks of Patrick Ferry, Darren Collins and Kaitlan Barlow…

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    We are about to embark on a quest to find the worst player in FC 24 and make them the best in FIFA 21 we discovered the legend Patrick faery in FIFA 22 it was Darren Collins and in FIFA 23 it was Caitlyn Barlo and it’s now time to find

    The worst player in FC 24 before I show you the worst player in this game he’s blurred on the screen right now a quick history lesson for those who are new this concept started in FIFA 21 with Patrick Ferry who some of you may know we turn him into the

    Best player in the game I dm’d him on Twitter he responded and 2 years later I actually went to Northern Ireland to meet him this year is FC 24 which means a new era a new player who knows I may end up going to meet this guy and going

    We get a drum roll for the worst player in FC 24 it’s a guy from the Indian League his name is biswa Dary it’s crazy he may be the worst player in the game but he’s also one of the most rare players players in the game you can’t even buy him on the

    Transfer market it’s now time to begin this journey of turning bisad dargi into the greatest player who’s ever lived so we’re starting season 1 by taking over bisas Club bangalo FC now we’re playing his career for 10 seasons where we’ll be changing his clubs along the way and tracking goals assists in

    Total trophies all right let’s see what we’re working with here this is bangalo bangalo I’m I’m sorry I’ve said it wrong here he is Biza dargi now when first saw this man’s picture I was a little worried he looked like he was 40 years old and I wasn’t going to be able to

    Develop him high enough but he’s 23 does he not look like he’s 40 years old man biswa I’m sorry brother I really am right he’s a central midfielder look at these stats I mean his pace is good first thing we’re going to do in season

    1 I’m converting him to a striker oh God this team is terrible it’s so bad at least they have Jet chetry chetry right I this this guy’s a legend in India I believe so with not much left to do we hope for the best in simulated season 1

    Okay boys April 1st to 2024 is the end of the Indian League like in what I’m seeing dargy he is above a 50 overall that’s like a step number one to making this guy a legend can’t just go from 47 to 99 in one year this is a process we

    Got to trust the process we’ve also officially converted him to a striker so he’s going to be banging in goals and hopefully he did this year oh God where is he uh oh okay 19 games played two goals and one assist that’s not bad being 50

    Overall the fact that he scored it all is a miracle and as for the Indian League we finished first the semi-finals we won the semi-final game bangaroo has won a great start to his career two goals an assist and a trophy and 51 overall season two what to do with our

    Boy is it time for him to leave India yet cuz I don’t know I don’t know man man if you look at this team all of the strikers are gone dargy is the only one he’s the only one left listen we’ll be moving him to the big leagues eventually

    But not now all right so before we Sim the season it’s time to do what we do every year try to contact this player so I’m on the club’s official Twitter account and let’s let’s give them a follow and every year that we’ve done this series we’ve gotten the player to

    DM us and we’ve actually talked to them Biza does not have social media though and I guess I got a DM the club all right so my DM goes Ayo can you get me in contact with bisad dargi it’s important stay tuned in the video to see

    If they respond right biswa we’re going complete Striker I need that finishing to be above 50 by the end of the year and we’re Sim in season 2 bah please score more than two goals this season please you dropped into April 1st 2025 boys I wanted to leave after this season

    But we’re in the Asian Champions League I might have to stay for this oh dargy he’s 56 let’s go this is just a start we’re taking this man at the top look at those stats man we’re upgrading six goals that’s uh that’s more than two let’s go as for the Indian Super League

    Second place 36 points in the semifinals we taking out we’re going to have to wait for that second trophy sadly he’s no longer the worst player on his team 25 though he’s getting a bit older decisions are about to be made whether to stay in India or move in

    Season 3 so to begin this season we’re at eight goals we are at two assists and we’re at one trophy RG is at of 57 overall now and this is going to make our lives a whole lot easier whether to stay or go we got grouped in the Asian

    Champions League this teams terrible this is where the real Journey Begins tharg where’s it at bro I haven’t played FIFA in so long how do I list them there go add a transfer list I barely post FIFA videos anymore I forget how to play this game I swear all right so we’re

    Going to S and wait for an offer oh we got one who is this Sutton United what what is a Sutton United 640,000 is the offer what is that team I’ve never heard of them before in my life right should have known efl League 2 so this team’s

    Terrible perfect for our boy dargy I’m going to give Sutton United a chance um except we’re about to move to Sutton United what I can’t believe we’re doing this Sutton United we’re signed there we go he’s leaving India he’s joining Sutton United and the manager he didn’t

    Even realize he walked in the door he’s like get in there bro you’re not playing at all hey you know what this team I don’t know how good they are he might be the best player on S United for all I know he looks good in that kit yo that’s

    Actually a fire kit yo Sutton United all right so judging by the squad Hub what are the second highest rated Striker on this team we’re going to play I mean to be fair this team is awful but at least it’s better than the last team we were

    On we’re on a journey me and you watching this video and dargy all season 3 I’m thinking we get him up to five star Skin skills Dari is about to be pulling some elasticos and he’s going to be the next Neymar right season 3 is being simmed can Dari Tak Sutton United

    The league one right June 1st 2026 what we saying dargy 64 wait thank God we left India he’s gone up seven I’m actually stunned at the young age of 26 years old he scores 19 and gets four assists yeah 26 is Young I’m 26 so kids

    26 is Young all right don’t call me old in the comments okay that’s not good um 16th Place with something United at the beginning of our season our goal was to just survive being relegated and you know what that’s a success 16th Place that’s not bad bring on season

    4 so we’re starting this for season 27 goals six assists one trophy at now 65 overall Sutton town was good for one season but darg it’s time for him to move on to bigger and better things we’re adding him to the transfer list offer number one comes in from Blackpool

    I’m going reject I personally think we could do better two offers first being from a Turkish League club second being from Stoke City a chance to play for a championship team I’m going to do it dargy is moving to the championship little does Stoke City know this is

    About to be the biggest signing in club history shake that man’s hand he’s about to be a legend this team just signed the next p the next meridana the next Messi Ronaldo oh he’s looking good in the sto kid as well man we about tear it up

    Let’s set the stage we are the only striker in this club we’re starting up top this is by far the best team we have been on since we began is a miracle we actually get to play alongside players who are above 75 overall hopefully dargi

    Will be above 70 overall at the end of the season we’re going to go Target player Stop The Sims season 4 see if we can take Stoke to the Prem right June 1st 20207 this is dar’s biggest season yet done it we have reached a 70 overall in

    Just four seasons we have gone from 47 to 70 right we’ve been moving to better teams but we’re just mediocre in every League We join 17th for so to be fair is fine for now once we get darg up into the 80s and once we get him playing for

    Better teams then we’ll be focused on like winning trophies but for now we’re on Stoke and like Stoke don’t win anything all so jumping into this Fifth Season we’re on 38 goals we’re on 12 assists we’re on one Trophy and we are at 70 overall we’ve been bouncing around

    Team after team after team and it’s going to continue I’m adding our boy to the list I’m done with Stoke our first offer has arrived is this an MLs offer wa wait that’s wild I never get offers from MLS teams do not play for England Philadelphia I’m going to reject Philly

    These offers are dead centry City I mean we’re only 70 overall like we can’t go to big clubs just yet do I stay at Stoke one more year norch I don’t think so the more I look at get things the more I think we should survive one more year at

    Stoke it’s just not going to be fun it’s not going to be exciting it’s not going to be pretty hopefully we’ll get up to 75 overall this year and then we can move to perhaps a bigger Club complete Striker let’s go simulating season 5 right June 4th 2028 let’s just get this

    Season everywh okay that’s a good start 76 is really good somehow we performed better in the league than last season that doesn’t make any sense that’s a crazy year up to 76 16 goals three assist we are officially halfway through the video but we’re just getting started

    All right time to leave Stoke like immediately I want out of here M reeks so we’re starting season 6 54 goals 15 assists one Trophy and 76 overall Argy you’re killing it brother but The Best Is Yet To Come all right I I’m gone like let let’s get off Stoke ASAP wait dar’s

    Actually responded hey boss I’m a bit surprised you’re looking to move me on but I can’t say I’m unhappy about it damn straight to the point you know what I respect it all right we got some offers in there’re big 16 million and 17 million syia Club in a La Liga I’m going

    To reject both I don’t like those clubs at all now this is what I’m talking about fenerbache honestly feel like this is the perfect Club this will be a short-term Club once he gets above 80 this will probably be one season I’m going to go for it wait I didn’t see

    This one we got beay too I want to go there can I accept both oh God what’s going to happen oh God Al of Truth Bea come on yes yes finally I love that nothing against fedach I just know that be crushes man we’ll be in the Champions League ah ride

    That ride that bike man can they do something else besides ride the bike in the cut scene like EA can we get a new transition maybe some jumping jacks like a jump rope some push-ups why does it have to be a bike all right we got some

    Competition at this club we have one Striker at 83 and then another Striker at 76 not going to lie I like this team I think be could do big things I think we could stay here for a year or two I’m yeah hey yo if you guys are hyped for

    These sort of videos to be back can we hit the Thumbs Up Button I’m not going to lie I need 10,000 likes I need 10,000 likes if you want this like rewind this playing the career of series back and uh let’s bring the code words back I have

    This little piece of string right here so find a way to mix the word string into one of your comments um in a clever way and uh confuse everyone who didn’t make it this far in the video also an update we have not gotten a response on

    Twitter I don’t think we’re going to get one either all right dargy I’m banking on you get into 80 overall this year right now season 6 we’re we’re simulating let’s um simulate the season like we always do and I’m I’m still talking this is awkward um yeah we’re

    We’re going to sim okay bye June 1st 2029 y’ have just realized are we in the Champions League I didn’t check I think we are um I think we are dargy 80 overall dargy I hope you’re watching this man people can laugh at you all they want for being the worst player but

    I’ve set out with one Mission today and it’s to get you to be the best third place in the Portuguese league bro I mean the ratings going up but we we can’t want a trophy to save our life hold up yes we can we got the Portuguese

    Cup the Taka portuguesa Taka is it is it pronounced taka cuz I don’t think it is but I’m going to call it that we were in the Champions League hold up could you imagine the did we win this right now I can’t imagine it h we lose to marsill in

    The round of 16 but that is dar’s Champions League debut 16 goals three assists I feel like is 16 the highest he can score in one season I feel like he’s done that three years all right season 7 we’re at 70 goals we’re at 18 assist we

    Are at three how many trophies are we at uh all right listen up here boys beay I could move clubs I could probably get on a top team in the Prem in La Liga somewhere better than bica but I believe all right on the real I’m

    Going to stay at bayfa one more year hopefully that brings us to 85 overall and at that point we’ll have three seasons left then we can move to a team like with freaking Barcelona Real Madrid PSG ARG uh how does that sound bro does that sound all right sure but I have no

    Choice at all since him just a video game character being controlled by you oh okay simulating the season June 1st 2030 it’s crazy someone is probably watching this video right now in 2030 that’s wild to think about hello if you’re from the future it’s probably are we alive still is the world still

    Spinning let’s cheuck on our boy dargy who is at an 85 it seems like it’s just steady like plus five six growth every year which I’m not complaining about one bit are you serious man poro beats Us by one point dude oh I hate Porto l in the League Cup

    Grouped in the Champions League I’m not having fun right now I’m not having fun we lose to brenford in Europa League I want to get off be I’m sorry I believed in you when I shouldn’t a wrer note 25 goals is the best so far in our career

    We only have three seasons left season 8 he’s got 95 goals he’s got 20 assists he’s got two trophies and he’s 85 overall and we’re about to say sayara de be it is time to leave this club n but on the real we need to go to a team who

    Can win the champions league for these final three seasons wait is this the best that we can do wolves in Porto hell no okay that’s more like it oh my God Real Madrid 117 million and roma but that’s I’m immediately rejecting that I feel like a

    Proud dad right now watching my son sign for Madrid yes come on dude I’ve been waiting for this moment he’s not a 90 yet I feel like that’s when we really completed this challenge I’m so happy right now man it’s dark we started this video when it was light out is I’ve been

    Here for hours man run on that freaky treadmill dargy number oh they gave him the number 10 yeah yo this team is actually crazy Vinnie darg and Jackson up front Javi Simmons Val Milo oh my God I’m actually in heaven right now Argy this is the year you go to 90 man he’s

    30 years old oh my God he’s 30 he’s an old man he finally looks his age now right focus it is time to win the Champions League we have three seasons to do it stay tuned to see if dargy will raise the trophy the balandor coming in

    Next week’s episode no I’m kidding could you imagine I did that to you guys all right let’s uh let’s end the season now sorry all right it’s June 2nd 2031 okay right we’re not a 90 yet oh we got to wait one more season he’s getting older

    Man it’s harder to grow 89 overall forar we have won La Liga it is time for the trophies to start raining down upon us the double is not complete with Doopa but it could be with the Champions League second in the group okay light musig must be cracked they went 6 and0

    My god oh we beat Arsenal come on Real Madrid come on no we losing El Classico boys I’m actually going to El Classico um at the end of October so I’m going to be making some videos around that I can’t wait to show you guys I’ve never

    Been dog Classico before we’re going to have two seasons left to win the Champions League our team’s still looking strong we need to maybe move some players positions around like Jackson at right wing I don’t think he’s going to cut it that’s mad yo season 9 we’re at 128 goals 24

    Assists three trophies and darg has reached 90 overall to be honest when I started the video this was the main objective get this man to 90 we’ve come a long way I need to just give a round of applause it’s not over yet but I’m going to just applaud this man dargy we

    We’ve we’ve grown tight this video I hope I can meet you one day they still haven’t responded my DM they’re never that was the dumbest DM why did I send it like that man let’s Sim shall we June 1st 2032 is dargy dung girl growing All That

    Season and he’s still a 90 I mean he is 32 yeah you’re an old man Dary La Liga has been won for a second straight year H espania has been lost for a second straight Year bro how we got wait we got grouped in the Champions League nah are

    You serious and we lose to Leon in europ bro I’m done with mrid nah last season we’re out I’m I’m done a scored 24 goals one season one final Club who will it beat 151 goals 25 assists four trophies and I have bad news in the final season we’re

    Starting to decline we’re down to 89 overall Real Madrid has proven to be a team that can’t win the Champions darg is going to move in his final season but will anyone want this old man wait N Stop is this the best we can do Valencia get that out of my face of

    Course I should have expected this man city every time I do this I feel like I’m selling my soul to the devil for the final season darg is joining Man City this feels wrong but you already know that man City’s team is going to be absolutely stacked and he’s he’s back on

    The treadmill we’re going to be seeing this all year long aren’t we what number what number 18 the disrespect from City what is this there better be someone good who’s in front of us who has 10 this guy John Jensen has the number 10 this City all

    Right good news this man City team is stacked can you name a better strike Duo than dargy and erling Holland I’ll wait I’m going to sit here and wait really going to be here all night because you can’t name one this is it dargy this is your final season your last chance to

    Win the Champions League I believe in you brother and it was then time to sim the season one final time for Dary June 1st 2033 is now or never dargy finishes the year somehow improving to a 91 how did he go back and then forward again I’m confused s City

    Have won the Prem come on boys treble I believe keep saying I believe I don’t know why I keep I’m sorry I don’t know why I’m saying that um G cup and FA Cup we both lost so the double I believe Man City first in group at taking down our

    Former Club B here we go boys this is for the video AC Milan we have beaten them Arsenal 41 please Dary please no PSG have ruined our hopes and Dreams what a journey it’s been from 41 overall to 91 stg’s final stats 184 goals 27 assists and five trophies ARG will now go down in history amongst the legends of this series that’ll do it for the video click here to watch the video where I met the worst player in FIFA 21

    Patrick ferry in real life dargy I love you


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