●Instagram: @kazulanguages – https://www.instagram.com/kazulanguages/
    ●Buy me a coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/kazulanguages
    ●TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@kazulanguages

    This year, I tried 62 different languages on Omegle. There are so many beautiful moments, so I’ve compiled my favorite scenes. Hope you enjoy it!
    Currently, I speak 11 languages, which I studied properly. These are English, Spanish, French, Portuguese, Arabic, Indonesian, Russian, Hindi, German, Turkish, Chinese, and Thai. Plus, I’m learning Korean language! Apart from that, I speak Japanese for sure, which is my native language.

    [ Timestamps ]

    00:00 – Intro
    00:23 – (Turkish) When I spoke Turkish she said we could get married!
    01:37 – (French & Arabic) She freaked out when I spoke her languages!
    02:27 – (German) Language exchange with a German guy who loves Japan!
    04:14 – (Russian) Funniest Conversation with Russian girls
    06:14 – (Portuguese) Make friends with a cool guy from Brazil
    08:08 – (Spanish) Best Reaction when I spoke her languages!
    10:03 – (Croatian) She passed out the moment I spoke her native language
    11:01 – (Italian) Heart-warming conversation with a kind Italian girl
    12:42 – (French) I shock this Moroccan polyglot THREE times by speaking her languages!
    14:57 – (Chinese) She thought I was Chinese when I speak Chinese!
    16:40 – (Japanese) I met a fantastic Japanese speaker from the Netherlands!
    18:40 – (Yoruba) Japanese tries to speak the language of Nigeria in Africa!
    19:15 – (Indonesian) They coudn’t believe I wasn’t Indonesian!
    20:19 – (Shona) He freaked out when I spoke his language!
    21:26 – (German) She got so shocked when she heard my German
    22:56 – (Dzongkha) They thought I was a native speaker of their language!
    24:05 – (Georgian) I shock them TWICE by speaking different languages!
    25:34- (Italian) Her jaw dropped hearing my Italian!
    28:18 – (Afrikaans) Wholesome Reaction! This is what happens when many polyglots meet!
    30:10 – (Uzbek) She got surprised by every word I said in Uzbek!
    31:46 – (Turkish) Best Language Exchange ever! We surprised each other!
    33:22 – (Spanish) He got extremely confused when I spoke Spanish
    34:46 – (Portuguese) They got so surprised when they heard my Portuguese
    36:17 – (Russian & Kazakh & Mongolian) I shock her THREE times by speaking her languages!
    38:55 – (Spanish) She got so surprised by hearing my sudden Spanish
    41:35 – (Romanian) Best Reaction when I spoke Romanian!
    42:56 – (Dutch) I shock them TWICE by speaking their languages!
    45:07 – (German) She didn’t expect me at all to speak German!
    46:26 – (Latvian) When I spoke her native language, she said, “You made my day!”
    46:56 – (Hindi) She got too shocked to hear my sudden Hindi!
    48:13 – (Estonian) I got a sudden marriage proposal on Omegle
    48:49 – (French) Heart-warming conversation with a polyglot guy from Burundi!
    51:15 – (Greek) I shock them Three Times by speaking their languages!
    54:17 – (Indonesian) Her expression brightened by hearing my Indonesian
    56:53 – (Russian) Wholesome Conversation with cheerful Russian girls! “He knows everything!”
    59:41 – (Portuguese) He got too shocked to hear my sudden Portuguese!
    1:03:39 – (Korean) Wholesome Language Exchange with the best Japanese speaker from Korea!
    1:07:18 – (Spanish) Best Heart-warming conversation with my new language soulmate!
    1:10:15 – (Taiwanese) Finally Taiwan! Wholesome convo with a sweet Taiwanese girl in 3 languages!
    1:13:45 – (Danish) I shock her Three Times by speaking her languages!
    1:16:42 – (Russian) Wholesome Language Exchange with a cute Russian girl
    1:19:22 – (German) Language exchange with a kind Japanese-German girl!
    1:23:40 – (Amharic) He got so surprised when I spoke Amharic
    1:25:06 – (Turkish) Wholesome! The BEST Japanese speaker from Türkiye amazes me!
    1:28:00 – (Russian) She became shy when I spoke her mother tongue!
    1:30:03 – (Hindi) We shock each other in different languages!
    1:31:31 – (German) Heart-warming conversation with a Swiss Polyglot!
    1:35:03 – (Arabic) Speaking multiple languages caught him off guard!
    1:36:57 – (Russian) Heart-warming Language Exchange with a multilingual girl from Russia!
    1:41:27 – (Turkish) I surprise her TWICE by speaking her languages!
    1:44:00 – (Japanese) BEST Heart-warming convo with a girl who is an audience from Japan
    1:46:14 – (Thai) Best Language Exchange Ever with a cute Thai girl!
    1:49:39 – (Turkish) Best Heart-warming conversation with a girl who is an audience from Türkiye
    1:52:08 – (French) BEST Reaction! I shock them 5 Times by speaking multiple languages!!
    1:57:04 – (Arabic) I met my language soulmate for the fourth time! Jana!
    2:01:20 – (Arabic & French) Best Reaction! Heart-warming convo with Polyglot Italian girl
    2:08:17 – Outro


    #omegle #ometv #polyglot

    OmeTV2023 Best Reactions! So many beautiful moments this year. Among them, I’ve compiled my favorite scenes. I tried 62 Languages in total this year. Hope you enjoy it! Hello. Hi. Hi, how are you? Great, what about you? I’m great, thank you. Where are you from? I’m Japanese. Wow, you’re Japanese? Yes.

    I know Japanese a little bit. (Japanese) Thank you. Hello. (Japanese) Thank you! Nice! Hehehe What’s your name? My name is Naz. Naz? Yes. Wow! What does it mean? It’s like… For example, if you say “I want this from you” and you give me.

    At first, I say “No, I don’t want”. But third time, I say “give me”. Okay. That type of girl, you know. That, that girl!? What do you mean!?! ahaha It’s okay. I can’t explain it actually. (Naz means “coy” in Turkish) (Turkish) But it’s a beautiful name. You know Turkish!?

    (Turkish) Ahaha yeah actually, I’m learning Turkish. (Turkish) Why!? (Turkish) Because I wanna talk with Turkish people. (Turkish) Are you serious? (Turkish) Seriously, yeah! We can be married. Hi! Hi! Hi, how are you? How are you? I’m great, how are you? I’m fine! Ahahaha Are you French? Yes. (French) Ah, you’re French? (French) Yes! (French) Oh, damn. That’s so cool! Ahahahahaha Yeah! Oh my gosh! (French) Are you 100% French? (French) No. (French) No? Where are you from?

    (French) I’m French, but my dad is Moroccan. (French) Ah, Moroccan! (French) Yes. (Arabic) Do you speak Arabic language? No, no, no! I’m going! ahaha Nooo! Stay!! hahaha I’m going! I’m sure! (French) Nooo, wait! ahaha Oh my gosh!!! Hi! Hello. Hello, how are you? How are you? Where are you from?

    I’m from Japan, where are you from? You’re originally from Japan? Yeah I’m originally from Japan. Oh nice! But you can speak very good English! Ah thank you! I appreciate it! I’m from Germany. Oh Germany! Yeah! Cool, you live in Japan right now? Yeah, I’m here on vacation. Oh vacation! How is Japan?

    It’s perfect! Oh perfect!! I love Japan!! Nice to hear that! Where are you? Which city? Nagoya, do you know? I don’t know because I’m in Osako. Ah Osaka? Yeah Osaka sorry! haha It’s okay! How many days you’ll stay? It’s very expensive here.

    I arrived here yesterday and this is my third day. I will fly tomorrow. What’s your name? I’m Kazuma! Kazuma! (German) Yeah, what’s your name? Ahaha ohhhhh!! Bilal. Bilal? (German) Exactly. Nice to meet you Kazuma, how old are you? (German) Nice to meet you, I’m 23 years old. Wow!! Why you can speak German?

    (German) Ahaha I’m learning German currently. (German) Very good! Very very very good! (German) Thank you so much! (German) BUT! You have to teach me also Japanese! Sure! What do you wanna know? I wanna know how are you in Japanese. How are you is: (Japanese) How are you? Yeah! (Japanese) Hello, how are you?

    (Japanese) Hello, how are you? I’m fine!! Something like that! ahaha (German) Where are you from? Which city? (German) I’m from Munich. (German) Ah Munich! Yeah! (German) Cool! ahaha (Japanese) I’m fine, I’m fine! (Japanese) I’m fine! hehehe (Russian) Hi! (Russian) Hi! (Russian) How are you doing? (Russian) It’s alright! What about you? (Russian) It’s alright! (Russian) And you… Where are you from? (Russian) From Japan! (Russian) Japan, that’s cool! (Russian) Thanks! And you? (Russian) Russia. (Russian) Russia, that’s cool!

    (Russian) You… Which city? (Russian) Nagoya, you know? (Russian) Ahaha I don’t know! (Russian) Ahaha maybe no! (Russian) You’re learning Russian? (Russian) Yeah I’m learning, for sure. (Russian) Hmm! Do you have Instagram? (Russian) Yeah I do! (Russian) Please write! (Russian) But Instagram works in Russia? (Russian) Well, yes! From VPN.

    (Russian) Ah, through VPN, right? (Russian) Yeah! I see! (Russian) Thank you! (Russian) You’re welcome! Hehehe (Russian) What’s your name? (Russian) Karolina. But basically everyone calls me Masha. (Russian) Masha? But it’s a completely different name!! (Russian) Yeah!! ahaha (Russian) What’s yours? (Russian) My name is Kazuma. Kazuma? Yeah! (Russian) Ah alright I got it!

    (Russian) How old are you? (Russian) I’m 23 years old. I see! (Russian) And you? (Russian) I’m 18 years old. (Russian) 18? Yeah! (Russian) Have you been to Russia? (Russian) No, but I really want! (Russian) To Moscow? (Russian) To Moscow. (Russian) I have friends… (Russian) Hi!! (Russian) Hi!! (Russian) Hi, how are you doing?

    (Russian) It’s alright. (Russian) It’s alright thank God. (Russian) I’ll introduce! This is Kazuma, right? (Russian) Yeah I am! (Russian) Yes! He is from Japan! (Russian) This is my sister and my friend. (Russian) Hi! What are you guys names? (Russian) This is Asha. And this is Xenia. Asha and Xenia? (Russian) Yeah!

    (Russian) Beautiful name! (Russian) Thank you! (Russian) It’s my dream to visit Saint Petersburg. (Russian) Beautiful city!! (Russian) Definitely! (Russian) Yeah when you arrive, write! Let’s meet! (Russian) Ah yeah! (Russian) How do you write? (Russian) He gave me Instagram. (Russian) B****! I don’t give you guys his Instagram! Alright?

    (Russian) Please give me your Instagram! No, please don’t give your Instagram! (Russian) Only me, that’s it! (Russian) Ahaha why!? (Russian) Because I said so! (Russian) You don’t need to add them, only add me! (Russian) Ahaha only you, okay! (Russian) Hehehe add only Masha! (Russian) Only Masha?

    (Russian) Yeah! Don’t add to any others ahaha (Russian) I got it! Ahahaha (Russian) She is b*****. (Russian) No, no! I’m proprietress. (Russian) Good girl, right? (Russian) Yeah! No! Ahahaha Hey, man. Hello. Hello. How are you? I’m fine. And you? I’m good, thank you. Where are you from?

    I’m from Brazil. You’re from Japan, right? Yeah, yeah! What time is it in Japan right now? 8 p.m. 8 p.m.! Over here is 8 a.m., man! Yeah! The other side of the world! Yeah! Other part of the world! Yeah. I’m trying to find any Japanese people over here.

    But I only find Brazilian people trying to find Japanese people! Ahaha I feel you! Why are you looking for Japanese people? Because my girlfriend’s family is all Japanese. My girlfriend is Japanese. She lives in Brazil. Oh, that’s sweet.

    Yeah, I was betting with her that I’ll find some Japanese knowing how to talk English. Because she knows how to talk it. And she was talking to me that no Japanese can talk English. Ahhhh! ahaha But you can speak English, right? Ahaha I’m trying! How old are you? I’m 23.

    23! You look younger. Oh, thank you. I get that a lot actually ahaha You look like 18. Ahaha appreciate that. You’re like 19 or something? No, I’m 20, but thank you very much!! Your English is like a native!! No, my English is not like a native!

    I try with my accent. I don’t have a bad accent. But I mistake some pronunciations, you know. No, it’s so good!! Ahaha thank you! Where do you live in Brazil? Oh, I live in Rio. You know Rio de Janeiro? Ahahaha yeah yeah! You spoke right bro!!! (Portuguese) I’m Carioca! You actually pronounced it correctly, you know! It was clean! Ahahahahahaha (Spanish) Hi! (Spanish) Hi! (Spanish) Hi! How’s it going? (Spanish) You speak Spanish? (Spanish) I speak Spanish, yeah. Of course. (Spanish) Where are you from? (Spanish) I’m Japanese. (Chinese) Ah! Hello! No. Nooo ahaha (Spanish) Yeah it’s Chinese, yes! ahaha (Spanish) We say “Konnichiwa”. (Japanese) Hello! Hello! (Spanish) Are you Spaniard? (Spanish) Yeah! (Spanish) Ah nice! Where do you live? (Spanish) I live near Valencia. And why do you speak Spanish so well?

    (Spanish) Thank you so much. I mean, I used to live in Spain, so that’s why. (Spanish) Ahhh you lived in Spain! Yes. (Spanish) Where? (Spanish) Near Tarragona. (Spanish) Ahh Catalonia. Very good! (Spanish) Yeah Catalonia. (Spanish) How many languages do you know? (Spanish) I speak Spanish, English, French, and Arabic.

    (Spanish) How do you know so many languages!? Hehehehe (Spanish) I know French and Arabic because my parents are from Morocco. (Spanish) Wow that’s awesome!! Great! (Arabic) Do you speak Arabic language? (Arabic) Yeah! (Arabic) Yeah!! Wow. (Arabic) You speak Arabic?! (Arabic) Yeah, I study Arabic. (Spanish) How many languages can you speak!?

    (Spanish) Well… 8 or 9. (Spanish) WHAT!?! Ahahahaha (French) So I speak French as well. (French) You speak French very well! (French) Ahh thank you so much!! (French) You study French at school? (French) No, I studied on my own. (French) Ah! How nice! (Arabic) Yeah, Arabic as well! (Spanish) It seems crazy to me!

    (Spanish) Ahaha oh my gosh! (Spanish) Wow, 8 languages, you. (Spanish) But you speak… (Spanish) I’m 4 counted! (Spanish) But it’s sufficient! (Spanish) No! They’re 8! (Spanish) Noo, just because it’s my hobby! ahaha (Japanese) Hello. (Japanese) Hello. Where are you from? Croatia. Croatia, nice! Yes! (Croatian) You speak Croatian? Ahahaha (Croatian) Yeah yeah! (Croatian) Yeah!! (Croatian) Of course you speak! (Croatian) Of course you speak! How… (Croatian) Oh, you speak Croatian. How did you learn Croatian? (Croatian) I’m just learning a little. (Croatian) A little? (Croatian) Impressive, bravo!! (Croatian) Thank you…. (Croatian) What’s your name? Alexandra. Mara. (Croatian) Mara! My name is Kazuma. Kazuma! (Croatian) Yeah, nice to meet you! (Croatian) You, too. (Croatian) What are you doing? (Croatian) Nothing. (Croatian) Nothing. (Croatian) Zagreb? Where do you live? (Croatian) Dalmatia. Sea! (Croatian) Ah Sea!! Yes!! Ahhh wow, nice! Hello. Hello. How are you?

    Good. How are you? Amazing. Thank you! Amazing!! Yeah, where are you from? Italy, where are you from? Ah, Italy cool! I’m from Japan. Oh nice! I don’t know Japanese. How can I say hi? (Japanese) Hello! (Japanese) Hello! Yeah!! (Italian) What’s up? Ahahahaha You’re Italian, right? ahaha (Italian) I’m Japanese, but I speak a bit of Italian! Ahahahahahaha (Italian) You speak very well!! Ohhh noooo! (Italian) Now I’m learning it, but only 10 days. (Italian) I’ve just started! ahaha (Italian) But you’re great for starting! My compliments! (Italian) Thank you so much!

    (Italian) Why do you learn Italian? (Italian) Because I’ve been to Rome and Venice, and I like them a lot! (Italian) Thank you!!! (Italian) You’re welcome! ahaha (Italian) Where do you live? (Italian) In Sicily! (Italian) Oh Sicily!! (Italian) To the south! (Italian) Yeah! I’d like to go to Sicily!! (Italian) Ah, beautiful!

    (Italian) Oh my gosh, excellent!! (Italian) There is the sun, lots of good stuff to eat, so! (Italian) Eat!! Yeah, Italian food is amazing!! (Italian) What’s your name? Kazuma! (Italian) Kazuma! Nice to meet you! (Italian) Nice to meet you! I’m Alessia! Alessia! (Italian) Nice! (Italian) Beautiful name! Hehehe

    (Italian) How old are you? I didn’t expect it! (Italian) I’m 27 years old. (Italian) Ah, 27! I’m 23 years old. You look younger! Oh thank you! If I look younger, marry me please!! Hi! How are you? Good! How are you? I’m great, thank you! Are you from Morocco? Yes! I have an Attack on Titan manga! (Japanese) Attack on Titan. Oh yes!! But it’s in French! This is volume 25. Oh it’s in French? Yes. I have others. That’s great! It’s really nice! Thank you!

    (French) So you speak French? (French) Yes! ahaha (French) You speak French as well? (French) Yeah I speak French as well, for sure. Wow!! ahaha (French) It’s weird when Japanese speak French! (French) But you speak very good French! (French) Yeah because I’m Moroccan, it’s a French-speaking country.

    (French) Yeah! Actually, many Moroccan speak French very well! (French) How many languages do you speak? (French) I can speak Berber, it’s my mother tongue. (French) I can speak Arabic, French, English and Spanish. (French) Spanish? (Spanish) Yeah. (Spanish) Ah, but…. ahaha (Spanish) How do you know Spanish!? (Spanish) You speak Spanish as well!?

    (Spanish) Yeah of course! Ahahaha That’s the first time that I met Japanese who can speak languages other than Japanese. They can’t even speak English! Yeah I mean…. I don’t know ahaha You’re very intelligent! You like learning languages just for fun? Just for fun, yeah. You’re really smart! No, you’re smart! No, I’m not! (Arabic) Wow.

    I’m not…. !?!?! How do you know this word?! (Arabic) Ahaha I speak Arabic language. (Arabic) But ahahahaha This is unbelievable. (Arabic) Do you speak it fluently? (Arabic) No, not fluently, but I’ve been learning for 10 months approximately. (Arabic) And in fact, it’s my favorite language. (Arabic) I’m so shocked! Ahahahaha Really! You’re amazing, for real! (Arabic) Thank you!! Hello. Hello. Where are you from? I’m from China.

    Oh, China. Which city? A small city. Oh, small city. How old are you? You can guess! 18? Yeah, very near! Very near! Yeah! ahaha 17? Me? Yes. No, no. ahaha 24..? 23!! (Chinese) Almost! Ohhhh!! (Chinese) You’re a university student? (Chinese) I am!! Yeah….! (Chinese) Are you Chinese? (Chinese) I’m not. ahahaha Ahahahaha

    You’re not Chinese? No. But you speak Chinese very well! (Chinese) Thanks! I just started learning Chinese. Oh…. oh my gosh! (Chinese) Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! (Chinese) Oh my gosh!! Thank you! ahaha Yeah!! (Chinese) Well, it’s… (Chinese) Northeastern dialect. (Chinese) Northeastern dialect. (Chinese) Ah!! Your Mandarin is really great! (Chinese) But you live in Northeast? No. You know Hunan province? (Chinese) Hunan? Ah, I know it.

    So, are you living in China? (Chinese) No, I haven’t been to China, but I wanna go. Ohhh! You know, you look like a foreign Chinese! (Chinese) Ah, ethnic Chinese? (Chinese) Yeah! Ethnic Chinese! (Chinese) Ahhh! I’m not. Ohhh! So where are you from? (Chinese) I’m Japanese. Oh, you’re Japanese!! (Chinese) Yeah! Awesome!! Awesome!! ahaha

    Hey man! Hello! How are you man? I’m good man! How are you? I’m good man! What’s up? What’s up? ahaha You live in Japan? No, I’m using VPN. Oh, why did you choose Japan? Because I’m just trying to study some Japanese. Are you Japanese? Yeah I’m Japanese. You speak Japanese?

    (Japanese) A little bit! (Japanese) A little bit, nice!! (Japanese) Where are you from? (Japanese) Now I’m in the UK. (Japanese) But I was born in the Netherlands. (Japanese) Ah, the Netherlands! (Japanese) You know the Netherlands? (Japanese) The Netherlands, yes! (Japanese) I went to Amsterdam! (Japanese) Ohh! Where did you go? (Japanese) Ah, Amsterdam!!

    Ahahahahaha (Japanese) What did you think of Amsterdam? (Japanese) I went to Van Gogh museum. (Japanese) Ah, Van Gogh! Of course!! Ahaha ahhhh!!!! (Japanese) That’s right!! (Japanese) Are you a polyglot? (Japanese) I wanna be a polyglot. (Japanese) What languages do you speak? (Japanese) English, a little Japanese, Dutch, and I wanna study Spanish. (Japanese) But I haven’t started yet. (Japanese) My parents are from Ghana. (Japanese) Yeah Ghana.

    (Japanese) Yeah, so I know a bit of Twi. (Japanese) Twi language, yeah. (Japanese) Oh, you know? (Japanese) Yeah I know. (Japanese) Ohhh why?!! (Japanese) Ahaha I know, but I don’t speak it… (Japanese) Ahhh, but you’re really good! (Japanese) Because usually many Japanese study nothing but English. (Japanese) Yeah it’s rare.

    (Japanese) But you’re awesome! (Japanese) No, no. (Japanese) What languages do you speak? (Japanese) English, Japanese of course. (Japanese) Spanish. Of course, yeah. (Japanese) French, Portuguese, German, Turkish, Russian, Arabic… WHAT!?! (Japanese) You’re human Chat GPT!! (Dutch) Ahahahaha no no! Hi! Hi! How are you? We’re fine. Nice. Where are you from? Nigeria. Nigeria? Yes.

    Hmmmm! Which language you speak? Yoruba. Yoruba? Yes. (Yoruba) What’s up? Ohhhhhhh!!!! Ahahahaha (Yoruba) I’m fine! Oh that’s nice!! (Yoruba) I’m fine! Yeah! (Yoruba) Thank you? (Yoruba) Thank you? Thank you? (Yoruba) Ohhh thank you!!! (Yoruba) Thank you!!! ahaha Yes!! Hello! (Indonesian) You’re Indonesian? (Indonesian) I’m not. (Indonesian) I’m Japanese. Ahahahaha

    (Indonesian) “Not, I’m Japanese!” That’s a lie, sir! (Indonesian) I’m not lying! I swear to God! ahaha (Indonesian) You can speak Indonesian! (Indonesian) But I can speak Indonesian. I’m Japanese. (Indonesian) You’re originally from Japan? (Indonesian) Yeah I’m originally from Japan. (Indonesian) You know Indonesian from where? (Indonesian) By myself, at home.

    (Indonesian) You study by yourself? Yes! Wow! Good!! (Indonesian) Awesome! (Indonesian) Awesome!! (Indonesian) Have you been to Indonesia, right? (Indonesian) Not yet, but I would love to! Hmmm! You know Bali? (Indonesian) Bali! Of course! (Indonesian) I live in Bali! (Indonesian) Ahh! You know Balinese language? (Indonesian) I just go to college in Bali.

    (Indonesian) Ah! Where are you originally from? (Indonesian) South Sulawesi. Ah, Sulawesi! (Indonesian) You’re Indonesian, right? (Indonesian) I’m not. Why!? ahaha (Indonesian) I can’t believe it! Ahahaha Hey man. What’s up, bro? How are you doing? I’m good. What’s up? Nothing bro, just chilling. Just watching some YouTube and stuff.

    Oh nice! Where are you from man? What are you up to? Oh, I’m just bored. I’m from Zimbabwe. Oh, Zimbabwe!! Yeah Zimbabwe! Southern Africa. Yeah, I know. You’re from Japan? Yeah! (Japanese) Hello! (Japanese) Hello! Yeah! Yeah, I know it bro. I know some Japanese language.

    I don’t know so much, but I know a little. That’s nice, man. What is your native language? My native language is Shona. Ah, Shona!!! (Shona) How are you…? (Shona) Yeah, how are you? That’s how are you? Yeah, it is!! Bro!! How do you know it!?! Ahahahaha I love African languages.

    Oh, bro!!! You just shocked me, bro!! Ahahaha I’m literally shocked!! Are you a YouTuber or something? Yeah, I am! ahaha So are you recording right now? Yeah, I’m recording right now. So I just want to say to the people. Subscribe! Subscribe!!! Thank you, man. Hello! Hi! Hi! How are you?

    I’m great! How are you? I’m good! Are you good? Are you sure!? I’m good, yeah! I’m just a bit sick, but. Ah, sick!? Oh, you have a fever? No, just my… (German) Ah…. Sore throat? What!? What what!? (German) Get well soon! (German) Can you speak German!? (German) Yeah, of course!! Ahahahaha (German) I’m surprised! Wow! (German) Wow! ahaha (German) Why did you learn it? (German) Because I wanna talk with people. (German) Have you been to Germany? (German) Ah, not yet. (German) I learn German in Japan by myself. It’s really good! (German) Ah, thanks!! (German) Why do you have this!?

    (German) Why? I dunno! ahaha (German) Would you like to move to Germany? (German) Yeah in the future, I would like to go to Germany. (German) Why Germany? (German) Interesting! People, food, city… (German) Really? It’s boring in Germany. (German) Boring? Yeah. (German) Really? Which city?

    (German) Bielefeld. You don’t know it, it’s a small city. Near from Cologne. (German) Ah, Cologne. Wuppertal, Düsseldorf. (German) That one. Düsseldorf, Hanover. I see. Hi! Hello. What’s up? Nothing much. What’s up? Yeah, nothing much! Cool! You’re from Australia? Just studying in Australia. Just living here, actually not from here. Where you guys from?

    We’re from Bhutan. Bhutan! Yeah. Where are you from? I’m from Japan! Japan. Oh, nice!! (Dzongkha) Thank you! What’s your name? Oh, you…! Oh!!! How do you know!? I just know a little bit. (Dzongkha) Hi! Ohhhh wow!!! (Japanese) Thank you!! Oh, your pronunciation is good!! What’s your name? Thank you! I’m Kazuma! Ka, Kazuma?

    (Dzongkha) What’s your name? Wow…!!!! Are you actually Japanese!? Yeah, I am!! ahaha Shut up! Don’t lie! You’re Bhutanese! I don’t!! Ahaha noooo! Ahahaha are you sure!? How is my pronunciation? Yeah, it’s so good! You speak like a Bhutanese! (Dzongkha) Wow, thank you…! He is Bhutanese!!!!! Noooo I’m not. What!? ahahaha Ahahahaha Do I look Bhutanese?

    Yeah! And also the pronunciation!! Oh, thank you so much!! Hello. Hi. Hi. Where are you from? We’re from Georgia. What about you? I’m from Japan. Japan, very nice. Which city do you live in? I live in Nagoya. Nice. We’re living in Tbilisi. Tbilisi! Ah, cool! You know?! I know Tbilisi, Batumi. Oh, really!?

    Yeah! My friend went to Georgia, so I know. Oh, really?! Well, we’ve never been in Japan. Yes. But we really want to go there someday! Yeah! You guys are very welcome! Very nice!! You should come here! You should come here! What’s your name? I’m Kazuma. Kazuma? Yeah. (Georgian) What’s your name? Oh my gosh!! Ahahaha You speak Georgian!? I’m Sally. And I’m Marie. Oh, Sally and Marie! Yes!!! Ohhh nice name!! Thank you! Can you teach me a bit of Georgian? Of course! (Georgian) Hello, you know? (Georgian) Hello, yeah. (Georgian) How are you? Ah, how are you? Yeah!

    (Georgian) How are you? And where are you from? (Georgian) Where are you from, you know? Yeah, where are you from? You know very much!!! Ahahaha (Georgian) Are you hungry? I don’t know this one. What is it? Are you hungry? (Georgian) Ohhh are you hungry? Yeah!! (Georgian) How old are you?

    Ah, how old are you? Brooooo! Oh my gosh!! Ahahaha That’s amazing!! Okay… (Georgian) 23? It’s 23, right? Yeah!!! Hello! Hi! Hi! How are you? I’m good! How are you? I’m great, thank you! Where are you from? Italy! What about you? Ah, Italy! I’m from Japan! Really? Yeah. (Italian) And where do you live in Italy? Wait… Ahahaha What is this!? (Italian) Are you Italian? What…. How, how do you know Italian? (Italian) Now I’m studying Italian, so. But you’re in Japan and you’re studying Italian? Yeah, in Japan! Ah okay! I’m from Milan. (Italian) Oh Milan! Beautiful! Wow, cool!! (Italian) I’ve been to Rome and Venice.

    Oh did you like it? (Italian) Yeah I like a lot. Italian food is delicious… Ahahaha (Italian) Yeah, but I prefer Sushi. (Italian) Seriously!?! Ahahaha (Italian) Why!? (Italian) Well, I don’t know, I like it more. (Italian) This year I’d like to learn Italian. (Italian) Why Italian? (Italian) Because I like Italian culture. (Italian) Yeah.

    (Italian) Yeah and Italian cuisine. (Italian) Really, you’re good. (Italian) Ahh thanks! But now it’s not good. (Italian) No, nice! (Italian) I imagine it would be difficult for you or foreigners to learn Italian. (Italian) Yeah it’s very different. (Italian) Since when have you been studying it? (Italian) 10 days. (Italian) Days? (Italian) Days, yeah!

    (Italian) Months? Days or months? Days! Ahaha I mean since I speak Spanish and French, I can remember it easily. No way!! Ahahaha (Italian) But you’re…. Wow…. (Italian) But then, you’re really good! (Italian) Ahhh thank you!! (Italian) Yeah really. 10 days are very little. (Italian) Yeah I’ve just started learning Italian.

    (Italian) But I must say you’re already good level. (Italian) Awww thank you… You’re so kind… Ahahaha nooo. Japan!! (Japanese) Hello! (Japanese) Hello! How are you? Good and you? I’m good, thank you! You’re from South Africa? Yes! Oh! Which language do you speak? Afrikaans and English. We speak so many languages, 11 languages.

    11 languages!? (Afrikaans) Oh, very nice! You speak Afrikaans? (Afrikaans) Very good!? Ohhhhh!!!!! That’s crazy!!! Ahahaha oh my gosh!!! (Afrikaans) A little!! (Afrikaans) Ohhh a little!! Oh my gosh! You speak Afrikaans, that’s crazy! (Afrikaans) Thank you!! What other languages can you speak? I speak German, Spanish, French. (French) Hello, what’s your name?

    (French) Ohh my name is Kazuma, and you? (French) My name is Khaled. (French) Oh, you speak French? No, I don’t speak that much! You speak very well!! What’s your native language? Hindi. (Hindi) Ah, you know Hindi? That’s crazy!! I speak Portuguese!! (Portuguese) You speak Portuguese!?! Oh my gosh!! Oh my gosh!! What!!! That’s international!! I speak Urdu. (Urdu) Oh, I speak a bit of Urdu! Ahahahahaha Oh my gosh, what! That’s really international! I speak Spanish! (Spanish) You speak Spanish? Hello, how are you? (Spanish) Good, you? (Spanish) Good! Very good!

    (Spanish) Very good!! Do you speak any other Indian languages? I speak Tamil! Ah, Tamil!! (Tamil) Hello! (Tamil) Hello!! Have you been to India? No, but it’s my dream to visit India! Oh my gosh, that’s so sweet! Hi! Hello! How are you? I’m good, how are you? Me, too! Where are you from?

    I’m from Uzbekistan. Uzbekistan!! You know it? (Uzbek) Yeah how are you doing? Ohhhhh!!!! Where are you from? (Uzbek) I live in Japan! Ohhhhh!!!!! Ahaha yes! (Japanese) Hello! (Japanese) Hello! (Japanese) Are you Japanese? (Japanese) !?! I’m Japanese! (Japanese) You’re Japanese! I know Japanese a little! (Uzbek) Very good!! Ohhhhh!!! How do you know Uzbek? On the internet! Internet, I see! (Japanese) Oh, awesome!! (Japanese) Awesome, wow!! You know it!?! I’m learning Korean! But you speak Japanese as well? Yeah I like Japanese! (Uzbek) Ahh thank you!! Ohhhh!! I’m shocked!!! (Uzbek) What’s your name? Mushtari! Mushtari? (Uzbek) Yeah, what’s your name? Kazuma! Kazuma? Yeah!

    (Uzbek) Nice to meet you!! (Uzbek) Nice to meet you!! Ohhhh!!! Wow!! Really good!! Thank you!! (Uzbek) How old are you? Oh, 17! (Uzbek) 17? (Uzbek) 17, ohhhhh!!! Ahahaha Your Uzbek is very good!! (Uzbek) How old are you? (Uzbek) I’m 23! Ohhhh!! (Uzbek) You live in Tashkent? (Uzbek) Yeah, in Tashkent. (Uzbek) Very nice!!

    Ahahaha wow nice!! (Uzbek) Where do you live? (Uzbek) I live in Nagoya. (Uzbek) Ah, in Japan? (Uzbek) Yeah, Japan! Ohhhh!! Hello! Hello!! Hello, how are you? I’m fine, how are you? I’m great, thank you! Where are you from? I’m from Japan. (Japanese) Wow, hello!! (Japanese) Hello!! (Japanese) Hello!! ahaha

    (Japanese) I’m studying Japanese at university. What the heck!! Hehehehe Okay!! (Japanese) You’re studying Japanese? (Japanese) Yeah! (Japanese) In Türkiye? (Japanese) Yeah, in Turkish university. (Japanese) Oh my gosh, you speak so well! (Japanese) Ahaha no, I’m not good yet. (Japanese) How long have you been learning it? (Japanese) How many years?

    (Japanese) About 3 years. (Japanese) Oh, 3 years! (Japanese) You know Japanese-Language Proficiency Test? (Japanese) Yeah I know! (Japanese) I took N3! Ahhh N3!! (Japanese) Yeah, right! (Japanese) It’s high!! (Japanese) Well, kind of! (Japanese) Yeah, it’s really really good!! (Japanese) Ohhh thank you!! (Turkish) Ohhh wow!! Ahahaha (Turkish) Wow…? (Turkish) You speak very well!!

    (Turkish) You speak very well!! What, wait!!! Ahahahaha (Japanese) You can speak Turkish!? (Turkish) Yeah, I’m also learning it. (Japanese) How long have you been learning it? (Turkish) I’ve been learning for 3 months now. (Japanese) But your pronunciation is great! (Turkish) Ahhh thanks! Oh my gosh!! Do you know English? (Turkish) Yeah of course!

    (Turkish) But we can talk in Turkish! Ohhh okay!! (Turkish) You’re learning Turkish and I’m learning Japanese. (Turkish) And we encountered in this application. (Turkish) Yeah yeah!! (Japanese) It’s kind of like destiny? Hey man! Hello! Hi, how are you? I’m good! How are you doing?

    I’m great! Thank you! Are you from..? Oh you live in Japan? I live in Japan, yeah. How long have you been here? Honestly 1 year. 1 year! You live in Tokyo? No, Nagoya. You live in Nagoya? Yeah, why? Me, too!! Oh, for real!? That’s so cool, wow! But where are you from originally?

    Guess!! U.S? No. Somewhere in Europe? No. Philippines! No. No? Nope. India? No. Pakistan? No. Ah, Mexico!! Yes!! Ahhh okay!! I don’t look very Mexican, yeah! (Spanish) You’re Mexican, dude! Okay! (Spanish) Mexican, dude! Why do you know that?! (Spanish) Because I speak Spanish. (Spanish) What?! (Spanish) What!? (Spanish) Wh, why?

    (Spanish) Why? Because I learned it! (Spanish) When? Where!? (Spanish) Where? Well, I used to live in Spain. (Spanish) Ah, how crazy! Then, you speak 3 languages as well! (Spanish) Well, actually, I speak 9 languages. (Spanish) Ah son of a b*****. Ahahahaha Ay!! (Spanish) Oh my gosh!

    (Spanish) Where did you get to study so many languages? How do you do that? (Spanish) For Spanish, I lived in Spain, but for other languages… Hi! Hi, how are you? I’m great, how are you? We’re fine, what’s your name? I’m Kazuma! Kazuma? Yeah, you? Wait, is that name Japanese? Yes!

    How did you know?! We know quite a few things from Japan! Oh wow!! Anyways, I’m Jennifer. Jennifer! And I’m Eliane. Jennifer and Eliane! Ahaha he speaks Italian! You sound like Italian! (Italian) Eliane! (Italian) Eliaaane! haha Ahahaha Hehehe Are you guys from Mozambique? Yes, it’s in Africa. (Portuguese) Ahhh then, you speak Portuguese?

    (Portuguese) Then, what!?! You speak Portuguese!?! (Portuguese) Yeah I do speak Portuguese!! ahahaha (Portuguese) Yeah we speak Portuguese, but we don’t speak Brazilian Portuguese. (Portuguese) Ahh Portuguese from Portugal! Wait, wait! What’s happening!? (Portuguese) Wait a minute! How do you know Portuguese!? (Portuguese) I’ve learned by myself. (Portuguese) What do you mean, by yourself!?

    (Portuguese) I don’t know…. ahaha (Portuguese) But why? You wanna travel to places where Portuguese is spoken? (Portuguese) Yeah I’d love to visit, Portugal and Brazil. I think we should be friends right now as soon as possible! (Portuguese) Of course! Right now!! ahaha (Portuguese) Right now! hehe

    (Portuguese) In which city do you live in Mozambique? Maputo. (Portuguese) Maputo, it’s the capital, right? (Portuguese) Yeah!! Wow!! You’re so smart!!! (Portuguese) Ahhh thank you!! ahaha Hello! Hello! How are you? I’m good! Wow! Cool picture! I also have the same picture. Ohhhhh! What the heck!! That’s so nice!! Ahahaha You like Van Gogh?

    Yeah! Oh wow! That’s a nice coincidence. Hehehe How are you? I’m great! How are you? I’m good, thank you. Are you from Kazakhstan? Yeah! Wow! So you speak Kazakh, right? Yeah actually yeah! Also Russian. Kazakh and English. (Russian) You speak 3 languages!! Wow! You speak Russian, too!? (Russian) Yeah me, too!!

    (Russian) Are you Korean or? (Russian) No, I’m Japanese. Wow!! I love Japan! (Russian) Ah really? Yeah! I love Japanese people, culture. Wow, thank you. I wanna visit Japan, travel to Japan. (Russian) You’re very welcome! Ahaha thank you!! (Kazakh) Do you know Kazakh? (Kazakh) Ahahaha yeah I know!! Wow!!!

    How did you learn Kazakh language? (Russian) I learn by myself. (Russian) Wow, awesome. (Kazakh) Thank you very much! (Kazakh) How are you doing? (Kazakh) I’m good, how are you? (Kazakh) Good, thank you! You speak Kazakh well! Ohh thank you! (Kazakh) What’s your name? (Kazakh) My name is Elezanor. Elezanor! Yeah! What about you?

    (Kazakh) My name is Kazuma. Kazuma? Yes. Wow! Cool! Ahaha thank you! (Kazakh) Where do you live? So I was born in Mongolia. But I’m Kazakh, so I grew up here in Kazakhstan and live in Astana. Astana yeah! Wait, you speak Mongolian by any chance? Not professional. (Mongolian) My name is Elezanor. Hi.

    (Mongolian) Hi, how are you? Yeah! (Mongolian) What’s your name? Right? Wow!!! You know Mongolian!?! I’m shocked!!! Hello! Hi! How are you? How are you doing? I’m good, thank you! I’m good, too! Nice! Where are you from? I’m from Spain. Spain, oh! Where do you live in Spain?

    Oh, I live in the south of Spain. Andalusia or? Andalusia! Andalusia! What about you? Where are you from? I’m from Japan! Oh, so cool! I really want to go. Yeah, you should come here. I would love to visit Sevilla. Oh, Sevilla is also so cool! Were you born in Spain? In Córdoba.

    Ah, Córdoba has an ancient Arabic architecture! Yes yes!! Cordoba has, I don’t know how to say it in English, sorry! But it has 4 monuments. 4 monuments! Let me search how to say it in English. Oh, okay! Oh! World Heritage. (Spanish) Ah, World Heritage. Yeah!!! Oh my gosh!!! Oh, okay! That’s so cool!

    Do you speak Spanish? (Spanish) Ahaha actually, I used to live in Spain. Oh my gosh!!!! ahahahahaha (Spanish) Oh my gosh! Why were you speaking English then! ahaha (Spanish) Very good!! (Spanish) Thank you so much! But your English is so good!! (Spanish) Thank you! So you live or lived in Spain?

    (Spanish) I lived in Catalunya. (Spanish) Hmmm! How long? (Spanish) 6 months. (Spanish) 6 months!? (Spanish) Yes. (Spanish) Only!? (Spanish) Only! ahaha (Spanish) You speak very well! (Spanish) Thank you, but I forgot a lot. It was 2 years ago, so. No, 3 years ago. (Spanish) The same thing happens to me with English.

    (Spanish) If I don’t practice, I was in the academy studying. (Spanish) And when I left the academy, I lost what the accent is. (Spanish) Yeah, practicing in a daily life is very important. (Spanish) Sure, it’s very difficult. (Spanish) You came here alone? (Spanish) Yeah, I was the only Japanese in town. Ohhh!

    Yeah! ahaha (Spanish) How did you deal with being a city, in a country alone? (Spanish) If no one speaks your language? (Spanish) Well, in fact, it was the first time I’ve been to other countries. (Spanish) So I was a bit nervous. But it wasn’t that hard to get used to it.

    (Spanish) Spain is a friendly country, the people are open-minded. (Spanish) So it wasn’t that difficult. (Spanish) Hmm! I’m glad to hear that! (Spanish) Ahaha yeah! (Japanese) Ah, hello! (Japanese) Hello! (Romanian) What’s up? Wow!!!!!!! Ahahaha (Japanese) I’m Karina. Nice nice!! It’s good? (Romanian) Very good!! Nice! (French) Thanks! (French) Thanks! ahaha

    I got another one. (Japanese) You’re already dead. Ahahaha Did I sound right? The pronunciation is perfect! (Romanian) I speak Romanian a little. Yeah it’s perfect! Why did you learn Romanian though? I just like it! I met many people from Romania here. Oh! We’re nice sometimes! Sometimes! Often I think!! Ahaha

    (Romanian) Romanian language is beautiful. Oh thank you! (Romanian) Where do you live? Bucharest! Bucharest, wow! Have you been to Japan? No, I just like Japanese culture. (Romanian) Awww thank you so much! Ahaha yeah! (Romanian) What’s your name? I’m Răzvan! Răzvan! Yeah, right. And Karina? Yes!! (Romanian) My name is Kazuma! Kazuma? Yes!

    Nice to meet you! Nice to meet you, oh! (Romanian) Nice to meet you! (Romanian) Ahaha we, too!! Hey, man! (Japanese) Are you Japanese? (Japanese) I am Japanese. (Japanese) Oh, that’s awesome! (Japanese) Oh! Are you Brazilian? (Japanese) I am Brazilian! (Japanese) Brazilian! You speak Japanese? (Japanese) Ah, a little bit though!

    (Japanese) A little, wow! Because I lived for 7 years in Japan. Oh, 7 years!! Yeah! Do you know Izumo? Izumo! Ah, Shimane prefecture. Where do you live? I live in Nagoya. Nagoya! Oh! Nagoya Sushi! Nagoya Sushi!? ahaha Because here we have a restaurant called Nagoya Sushi. Ahhhhh okay!

    Yeah, that’s why my girlfriend said, Oh! Nagoya Sushi! Is it good? Yeah, it’s so good! My girlfriend likes sushi. Your girlfriend is Japanese? No, my girlfriend is Brazilian. Oh, Brazilian! Yeah, I live in Netherlands now. Oh you live in Netherlands? Yeah! Yeah, this is my Dutch friend. Hello! Who’s that? Japanese guy. Hello.

    Hello! How are you doing? I’m good. How are you? I’m fine, thank you. You’re from Netherlands? Yes, I’m from Netherlands. (Dutch) I speak a bit of Dutch! Oh, wow!!! Ahahahaha Very good. I understand what he’s saying! (Dutch) Thanks!! That’s nice. Thank you! Wow, cool! (Portuguese) And you speak Portuguese, right? What!?!?

    (Portuguese) And you speak Portuguese, right? Ahhh he just spoke Portuguese!!! Ahahaha (Portuguese) He speaks many languages! You can speak Portuguese? (Portuguese) I do, man! (Portuguese) I’m killed! What the hell!!! (Portuguese) How can you speak Portuguese? (Portuguese) I learned by myself. (Portuguese) He learned by himself.

    This guy speaks Dutch, Portuguese… (for Dutch a little bit) English and Japanese! (Portuguese) But there are many Brazilians here. (Portuguese) Yeah, there are a lot, right? (Portuguese) A lot, true. (Portuguese) Gosh, but you’re really Japanese? (Portuguese) Yeah I am Japanese. (Portuguese) Pure Japanese? Ah, okay! (Portuguese) Pure Japanese, yeah!

    Because there are many Japanese-Brazilians who are 2nd or 3rd generation living there. (Portuguese) Yeah Japanese descendants! Hi! Hi! Hello, how are you? Yeah, I’m fine and you? Where are you from? I’m great… Japan, where are you from!? Ah, Japan! I’m from Austria. Ah, Austria. Not Australia, okay!? (German) Austria, right? Yeah!! Ahhh!!

    Wow your pronunciation is really good! Did you learn German somewhere? (German) Thank you so much! I’m learning German now. (German) Ohhh that’s cool!! (German) Thank you!! haha Hehehe (German) I’m very surprised! (German) Surprised! (German) If you want, we can talk in German! (German) Yeah yeah! I would like to practice my German.

    Wow!! Ohaa!! Ahahaha (German) Wow, your pronunciation is very good! (German) Ahh thank you very much! You’re so kind! (German) Ahaha how long have you been learning German? (German) 5 months more or less. Ahahahaha This can’t be true! (German) Yeah! You’re lying! You’re too good for just practicing for 5 months! (German) Nooo not yet, I still try to learn it. Ahahaha Wooow!!! Hi! Hi!! How are you doing? Good, you? I’m good, thank you! Where are you from? Latvia! (Latvian) Ohhh! How are you doing? (Latvian) How… I’m fine!! (Latvian) Fine!! You just made my day! (Latvian) Thank you! Nice to see you guys! Yeah! (Latvian) What’s your name? (Latvian) My name is Rūta. (Latvian) My name is Anna. (Latvian) Anna? My name is Kazuma! Cool name! Yeah! (Latvian) Ahhh thank you!! Hehehe Hello! Hello. Do you speak English?

    I do speak English. Oh nice! Hi. How are you? I’m good. How are you? Everyone wants to practice Japanese here! Oh, really? Yeah!! Wait, where are you from? I am from India. Oh, India, nice! Which part of India? North India. Agra? Yeah, kind of. Have you heard of Delhi? Delhi? It’s the capital!

    (Hindi) Do you live in Delhi? (Hindi) No, I don’t live there. I’m not from Delhi. (Hindi) You’re not from Delhi. (Hindi) I’m not. (Hindi) Where are you from? (Hindi) I’m from Punjab. Where are you from? (Punjabi) Hello. Ahahaha (Hindi) Where are you from? (Hindi) Ah, I’m from Japan. (Hindi) You’re from Japan and speak Hindi!? (Hindi) I can speak a little bit! (Hindi) A little!? That’s cool! How long you’ve been learning Hindi? (Hindi) I’ve been learning it for 1 month. (Hindi) 1 month and how much you’ve learned….

    (Hindi) My Japanese friend…. Ahahahaha Oh my gosh!!!!! Thank you!! Hello. Ohhhh!!! Smash!!! What? Smash, marry me. Oh, thank you! haha Where are you from? I’m from Estonia. Estonia!!! (Estonian) How are you doing? Oh…!!!! What….? How….? How!! I just know some phrases. (Estonian) I’m fine! (Estonian) You speak Estonian? (Estonian) Crazy! That’s freaking cool! What did she say? Oh….! Hey, man. Hey. How are you? I’m good. What about you? I’m good, thank you. Where are you from? Burundi. Burundi. Oh, wow! (French) You speak French? (French) Yeah I speak French. (French) Ah, got it. It’s the French-speaking country, so.

    How, how do you know that?! Ahaha I’m just interested in African countries so. Really?! Yeah. So you live in Japan, right? (French) Yeah, I’m Japanese. (French) And how old are you? (French) I’m 23 years old. (French) 23? (French) Yeah, and you? You look younger. (French) Ah, thanks! You’re 18? (French) No, 23.

    (French) 23? Oh, you don’t look like it! Ahahaha (French) Where do you live in Burundi? (French) I’m in France. (French) You’re in France now? (French) Yes, but in Burundi, it was in Bujumbura. (French) It’s the capital? (French) Yeah, it’s the economic capital. (French) Ah, economic. Yes. (French) And where are you?

    (French) Nagoya, maybe you don’t know it. (French) No, I don’t know it! Ahahaha (French) But, but, but. (French) But how do you speak French? (French) I leaned it by myself. No…. No way…. YES way! ahaha How long have you been studying English? Ah, no. French. (French) French? Almost 3 years I think. What…

    (French) I really like to learn other languages and then. That’s insane!! (French) Thanks man(slang)! Ahahahaha That’s a good one! (French) So how many languages do you speak? French, English? French, English, Kirundi, Swahili a little bit, so I’d say 4. (Swahili) Ah, I’m learning Swahili. HOW!?! (Swahili) It’s very nice! That’s insane… (Swahili) That’s cool, wow! You’re insane…. I, I, I… I can’t imagine how you know. So how many languages you speak? (French) I learn 10 languages actually. WHAT!?! Ahahaha (French) 10 languages? (French) Yeah, that’s right. Okay, French, English and? And Spanish, Portuguese, Arabic, Indonesian, Russian, German, Turkish, and Chinese. And, and….

    (French) And Japanese as well? (French) Oh, yeah! Japanese of course! Ahahaha Hello! Hello. Hello. How are you? Good, you? I’m good, thank you. Where are you from? From Greece. Greece? Oh! Oh, I have a painting in my room. This one? Yes!! Really?!! Wow, that’s so cool!! Ahahaha Nice coincidence!! Where are you from?

    I’m from Japan. Oh, nice!! I’m learning Japanese! Really!? (Japanese) Hello! (Japanese) Hello!! (Japanese) Hello, I’m Eleni. (Japanese) Eleni-san. Yes!! Wow!! Nice!! Thank you! I want to visit Greece as well! Oh, that’s nice. Do you have a specific place that you want to visit? I’m still not sure about it, but…

    (Greek) Where are you from? Wooooow!!!! That’s so good!!! You’re very cute!! (Greek) Ah, thank you!! (Greek) Ahhhh!! You’re welcome!! Yeah! You have a good accent!! Ahhh thank you so much!! That’s so nice!! Ahhhh!! (Greek) And where are you from? Even if I tell you, I’m not sure you know… Oh, small city?

    Yeah, it’s an island! Oh island!! I know one island! Santorini!! Yeah!! That’s a nice place to visit! Oh, yeah!! Oh, how old are you? (Greek) I’m 23 years old. Ahhhh!!! How do you know Greek? Ahaha I just know a little bit though! Yeah, but it’s so good though! And it’s difficult.

    Yeah it’s so difficult!! It’s totally a different language. (Greek) And how old are you? (Greek) I’m 17 years old. Ah 17!? Yes!! Oh, yes!!! What’s your name? (Greek) My name is Kazuma, what’s yours? Eleni. I’ve met one Greek person who named Eleni. Oh, you have friends from Greece? Yeah I have!! Okay!!

    (Japanese) Thank you!! (Japanese) Ahaha thank you!! Wow cool!! How come do you learn Japanese? Mostly from anime! Yeah!! Then I also fell in love with the language itself! Wow, that’s so nice to hear that! You’re so nice! You’re so sweet!! You, too!! Wow thank you!! Do you speak any other languages? English.

    Personally, I speak Albanian because I’m half Albanian. Albanian, ah!! (Albanian) Thank you!! Oh!!!!! How many languages do you know!? Ahaha for Albanian, I just know a few phrases! That’s so cool and you have a very good pronunciation!! Oh, thank you! Good job!! I know French. French!! Yes, I have a degree.

    (French) Ah, you speak French as well? Ahhhhh!!!! (French) Oh my gosh, but that’s so nice!! And how come you wanted to learn Greek? Because I’m interested in Greek culture. Greek mythology! Yeah!! Oh, you like it? Yeah I really love it! It’s such an amazing country. Thank you!! Hello. Hello. How are you? I’m fine. Nice. Are you Japanese? No.

    Oh, where are you from? I’m from Indonesia. Oh, Indonesia. Cool. You live in Japan? Yes. And you? I’m from Japan. (Japanese) You can speak Japanese. (Japanese) Ah, in Japanese? Ahahaha (Japanese) How long have you been living in Japan? (Japanese) About 1 year. (Japanese) 1 year! Where in Japan? (Japanese) Kumamoto prefecture.

    (Japanese) Oh, Kumamoto!! (Japanese) Where are you? (Japanese) I’m in Aichi prefecture, Nagoya. (Japanese) It’s far away! (Japanese) Yeah, far away! Your Japanese is superb! (Japanese) No, not yet. (Japanese) Not yet? (Japanese) I’ve been learning Japanese for about 2 months. (Japanese) 2 months… What… (Japanese) Only 2 months!?!

    (Japanese) What’s up? You don’t believe it? What, you’re so good! (Japanese) I can’t believe it. (Indonesian) I can’t believe it. (Japanese) I know right. (Indonesian) I don’t believe it… Ahhh!!! Ahahaha (Indonesian) You’re so good. (Japanese) Do you speak Indonesian? (Indonesian) Yeah, I’m learning it. (Japanese) That’s awesome!! (Japanese) Awesome!! ahaha (Indonesian) That’s so cool! (Indonesian) You’re so cool! (Indonesian) Thank you! You’re so cool! Mantap jiwa! (Japanese) How do you learn it? (Indonesian) By myself. (Indonesian) By myself? Self-taught? Yeah yeah. (Indonesian) I’m practicing here. Ohhh!! (Indonesian) I chat with people. (Indonesian) Yeah like that. Where are you from? (Indonesian) From East Jawa, close to Jakarta. (Japanese) It’s near. (Indonesian) How’s life in your city? (Indonesian) How is it!? (Indonesian) How is it? hehehe (Indonesian) Ahaha how is it!?!

    (Indonesian) You can speak Indonesian, Japanese and English? (Indonesian) English not that much. (Indonesian) Ah, you speak Javanese? (Indonesian) I can! (Javanese) Ah, how are you doing? (Indonesian) Good. (Javanese) Fine! (Javanese) Good!! (Javanese) Good!! Ahahahaha (Japanese) You’re amazing!! (Indonesian) I only speak a little though! (Japanese) I’m going to Indonesia. (Japanese) Oh! When are you going? (Indonesian) 2025! In 2 more years! (Indonesian) 2 more years? (Indonesian) Oh, it’s gonna be fun!! (Indonesian) It’s gonna be fun!! Ohh!! (Indonesian) When you wanna go to Indonesia?

    (Indonesian) This year or next year. (Japanese) Let’s go together!!! (Japanese & Indonesian) Together!? ahaha (Indonesian) 2 more years!!! (Indonesian) We can! ahaha Ahahaha Hello. Hello. How are you? Good! And you? I’m good, thank you. Where are you from? I’m from Russia. Russia, nice. Where do you live in Russia? Volgograd. Ah, Volgograd!

    Where are you from? I’m from Japan. Japan…? (Russian) Japan? Hehehe (Russian) Yeah, Japan. Ohhhhh!!! (Russian) Exactly. (Russian) He knows Russian!!! Ahahahaha What’s your name? (Russian) My name is Kazuma. (Russian) Awesome! (Russian) Awesome!! Ahahaha (Russian) You know Russian, right? (Russian) Yeah, I’m learning Russian language by myself. (Russian) Amazing!! (Russian) Thank you!!

    (Russian) You’re doing so well! (Russian) Thank you so much! (Russian) Ahaha how are you? (Russian) We wanted to find someone who speaks Russian language. (Russian) Yeah? Finally, yay!!! Ahahaha (Russian) How well you know Russian? (Russian) Actually, I started learning Russian last year. (Russian) But of course it’s a difficult language, I’m still trying.

    (Russian) But it’s cool! It’s the most difficult language and you decided to learn it. (Russian) Yeah, one of the most difficult languages. (Russian) What do you think in general? (Russian) In general? ahaha Ahahaha (Russian) Well, basically, how do you like Russian? (Russian) Well, I don’t know… I’m learning the grammar and so on.

    (Russian) But at the same time, it’s a rich and attractive language. Yeah. (Russian) I really like this language. Hehehe (Russian) It’s cool to have a conversation with Russians, it’s fun! (Russian) Your Russian is just so good! (Russian) Ah, thank you so much! (Russian) Have you met any other Russians?

    (Russian) Yeah I practice here! (Russian) Ohhh that’s cool! (Russian) A bear walks through your town? (Russian) Why are there always such stereotypes? haha Ahahaha (Russian) This stereotype is popular everywhere. (Russian) Yeah! Bear, Balalaika, Vodka. (Russian) Vodka for breakfast! (Russian) Vodka for breakfast! ahaha (Russian) Yeah you guys drink it? haha (Russian) No, of course! Only on holidays at the most. (Russian) Just for holidays. (Russian) It’s not very delicious!

    (Russian) Yeah? You prefer beer? Wine? (Russian) Yeah something like that. Champagne. (Russian) Oh, champagne! (Russian) Yeah. He knows Russian very well. He knows everything! Ahahaha (Russian) Really, I’m shocked. (Russian) You drink? (Russian) Occasionally, but compared to Russian, not that much I think. Ahahahahaha Hi. Hi. How are you, man?

    I’m fine, man. And you? I’m great. Thank you. My English is very bad. I’m trying to learn it. I think your English is really good. The pronunciation, the accent. Thank you, man. I’m learning it. I don’t practice a lot. I forget sometimes. I think you have a talent in learning languages.

    Thank you, man! I appreciate that! Yeah, man! Where are you from? I’m from Brazil. Oh, Brazil! You’re from Japan? Yeah, I’m from Japan. Where do you live in Brazil? I live in Rio de Janeiro. Ah, Rio de Janeiro!! There is Christ the Redeemer, beaches. Yeah, beaches! Sorry, my English is sometimes messed up.

    (Portuguese) No, your English is great!! !?!? (Portuguese) Your English is great, bro! (Portuguese) You speak Portuguese…? Ahahahaha You speak Portuguese or some words? (Portuguese) I speak Portuguese, bro! (Portuguese) Damn! Ahahaha (Portuguese) Damn! (Portuguese) Ahaha damn! Very cool, man!! I don’t know if I speak English or… (Portuguese) Thanks, man! We can talk in Portuguese! (Portuguese) Let’s practice your Portuguese then! (Portuguese) Yeah, I’d like to practice! (Portuguese) With whom did you learn Portuguese? (Portuguese) By myself, internet.

    (Portuguese) By myself? Are you planning to come to Brazil? (Portuguese) Yeah, I’d like to visit. But unfortunately, not yet. (Portuguese) It’s a long trip, so you need to organize. (Portuguese) Yeah it’s huge and there are so many cities! (Portuguese) Yes! If you come alone and never lived here, it’s a little difficult.

    (Portuguese) Yeah, I need friends there! (Portuguese) That’s right bro! (Portuguese) Damn, you speak Portuguese so well, bro! (Portuguese) Ahaha thank you, bro! (Portuguese) Here in Brazil, everything that is part of Asia is Japan. Ahhh! ahaha (Portuguese) You grow up thinking that Yakisoba and everything full of Japanese.

    (Portuguese) So in order to really understand, you have to look into it on your own. (Portuguese) Ah yeah, because Brazil and Japan are best friends! (Portuguese) Yeah, that’s true! (Portuguese) But in order to know Asian culture in general, it’s a bit more difficult.

    (Portuguese) It is because what we have from Asia is Brazilianized. (Portuguese) Ahaha yes! (Portuguese) So you know it, but kind of wrong. (Portuguese) Hmmm yes. (Portuguese) Maybe we have the stereotype towards Brazilians and Brazilian culture as well. (Portuguese) Yeah I imagine! People outside Brazil think that Brazil is Samba, soccer and beach.

    Ahhhh! ahaha (Portuguese) I understand totally! People outside think that way because they’ve never seen it. Yeah. (Portuguese) It’s okay to have that. Lots of Samba, lots of soccer, lots of beaches. (Portuguese) But that’s not all, you know. (Portuguese) That’s true. There are a lot more.

    (Portuguese) In Brazil, each state has a different culture, different cuisine. (Portuguese) It’s a very mixed-race country. (Portuguese) Yeah, totally. (Portuguese) You’ll see white people, black people, Asian people. (Portuguese) Yeah, all mixed up. (Portuguese) It’s very mixed. (Portuguese) There are many Colombians, Peruvians, Thai people. Yeah.

    (Portuguese) Brazil is not a country you can put in a small box. Like “Brazil is like that”. (Portuguese) I agree! The diversity is incredible! (Portuguese) Yeah!! (Portuguese) I think you’re very smart!! (Portuguese) Thank you, man! I try to be! Oh my gosh!!! Long time no see! Long time no see! I think we met a year ago, right? Yeah! A year ago. It’s crazy. Time flies. Actually, I saw you on TikTok. TikTok? Yes! I saw that. Oh my gosh. He’s really famous right now! No, nooo! You’re famous!

    I didn’t do anything for you, but I’m just proud of you. Awww thank you!!!! Ahhhh!!!! Actually, I met so many Japanese learners on OmeTV. I mean, they’re so good, but you are still the best! Really? Yeah! I’m still absolutely shocked!! How is your Japanese right now? My Japanese? I don’t know….

    My Japanese friends said my Japanese is improving right now. Oh! Even more!! Probably, but I’ve never learned Japanese, you know. So I don’t know some vocab and the grammar. Yes. But still they say I’m improving right now. Wow! So you practice on a daily basis. Yeah. Talking with Japanese friends?

    Yes! I make a call with Japanese for 3 hours or 2 hours per day, every day. Every day!? Yes. You are a hard worker. Amazing…. No, you are a hard worker!! Ahahaha nooo! Because I think you’re on OmeTV for more than 2 hours every day, right? Not every day, I shoot on weekends.

    Really? Yeah, but for 10 hours or something… 10 hours?!! Ahahaha 10 hours? 10 hours, yeah. It’s crazy…. It’s crazy, right? ahaha So for a year, what did you do? You were learning other languages or? (Korean) Ah, I’m learning Korean now. Ahahahaha What?!?!? Ahahaha but I’ve just started. How long!? (Korean) For 10 days. (Korean) 10 days!? Yeah, I’ve just started learning it. Wow….! (Korean) Amazing!! (Korean) Ahaha thanks! (Korean) Thank you? Nooo!! Oh my gosh!! So crazy! Wow, thank you. (Korean) I’m not good at it yet. (Korean) You’re really good at it! Awwww

    You’re so talented. YOU are talented! Look at you! But I only speak Japanese, Korean, and English. But it’s on another level! No, I’m not, but thank you! (Korean) Oh my gosh! (Korean) Oh my gosh! ahahaha I feel weird because a year ago, you didn’t speak Korean at all! Yeah, right. Wow…..

    You came to Japan recently, right? Oh, yes! In summer. Wow! It was really, really good!! Really good? Yes!!! (Korean) Where did you go? Hehehehe (Korean) I went to Tokyo! Ah, Tokyo!! Yes!! (Korean) To where in Tokyo? (Japanese) Shibuya in Tokyo. Yes!! (Japanese) Shinjuku, Harajuku. Okay. (Japanese) And I went to Omotesandō and Asakusa.

    Wow, pretty much everywhere!! Yes!! So only Tokyo for 5 days? Only Tokyo, yeah! But actually, I’m making a plan for visit Osaka. Oh! Probably in December. Whoa! That’s cool!! Oh, I’ll go back to Korea on December 15th. Oh, December 15th! Yes!! (Korean) Where do you live in Korea? Ahahaha

    (Korean) I grew up in Seoul. (Korean) Ah, Seoul! I wanna go to Seoul. (Korean) You wanna go to Seoul? (Korean) Yes!! Hi, how are you? I’m fine! And you? I’m good, thank you! Where are you from? I’m from Mexico. Oh, Mexico! And you? I’m from Japan! Japan! I know some phrases in Japanese.

    (Japanese) Good morning! Yeah, right! (Japanese) Good morning(polite)! Yeah, it’s a polite way to say it. Ohhh okay! What’s your name? I’m Kazuma! Ah, Kazuma! Yeah, what’s your name? My name is Jimena. Jimena, cool name!! How old are you? Guess!! I think… Ahhh I don’t know! You’re 18? Noooo! hehehe Higher or lower? Higher.

    Higher? 20? 19!? Higher. Higher? What!? For real!? Just a little. 21. Yeah, I’m 21 years old! Wow, you look younger!! Hehehe And what’s your age? (Spanish) Alright, take a guess. (Spanish) Ahhhh! Spanish!? ahaha Ahahahaha Okay!!!! hehehehe Okay, well… 17!? Nooo. 22!? (Spanish) 23! (Spanish) 23!? (Spanish) Yeah, 23. Okay! You speak Spanish!? hehehe (Spanish) Ahaha yes! (Spanish) You speak Spanish? (Spanish) Yeah I used to live in Spain. Seriously? (Spanish) Yeah! (Spanish) Ahhhh why were you speaking English! ahaha (Spanish) Ahaha but your English is so good!!

    (Spanish) Seriously? I didn’t think of finding a Japanese who spoke Spanish! (Spanish) Ahaha have you ever encountered Japanese people? (Spanish) No, never here. Actually, it’s the second time using this app. (Spanish) But Japanese has never appeared. (Spanish) Ah, but in real life? (Spanish) Ahhh yes!! (Spanish) I had an ex-boyfriend who was Japanese.

    (Spanish) Seriously!? ahaha (Spanish) Yeah! hahaha (Spanish) He was an exchange student and spoke Spanish and English. (Spanish) Oh my gosh! Wow, what a coincidence. (Spanish) Yes. I don’t know if it’s in general, but Japanese don’t show their love to their partner. (Spanish) Ahhh yes, it depends though! Ahaha okay!

    (Spanish) It’s because Japanese people are introverted. Ahhhh! (Spanish) But I think it’s changing now because many Japanese go to other countries. (Spanish) And they get to know other culture. (Spanish) I see! And where did you learn Spanish? (Spanish) In Spain. (Spanish) In Spain, ah! (Spanish) Yeah, in Spain!

    (Spanish) And how was it? Did you live there a while? (Spanish) Half a year. (Spanish) But your Spanish is very good! (Spanish) Thank you!! (Spanish) I know some sentences in Japanese. Okay! (Japanese) I’m Jimena. (Spanish) Ohh yes!! (Japanese) Nice to meet you! (Spanish) You speak very well!! Hehehe

    (Japanese) I know a bit of Japanese! (Spanish) Ohhh my gosh, amazing! (Japanese) Ohhhh awesome!! (Japanese) Awesome!! Hello. Hello. You…! You’re a YouTuber, right? Yeah, I am! You know me? Oh, yes! I watch your videos! Wow, thank you so much! Ahaha oh my gosh!! Where are you from? I’m from Taiwan.

    Ah Taiwan!! I love Taiwan!! Oh, thank you! (Japanese) I can speak a bit of Japanese! Ohhh…! Wow!!! Hehehe (Japanese) You’re learning Japanese? (Japanese) Yes, I’m learning Japanese language at university. (Japanese) Ohhh at university!! (Japanese) Yes! (Japanese) How many years have you been learning it? (Japanese) For 5 years. (Japanese) 5 years!!

    (Japanese) Yeah! From high school. (Japanese) Ohhhh from high school!! (Japanese) Ahaha yeah! But my Japanese is bad. (Japanese) No!! Your Japanese is super good!!! (Japanese) Ahaha thank you! (Japanese) Wow! You have Japanese friends? (Japanese) Yeah, my roommate is from Hokkaido. (Japanese) Hokkaido! (Japanese) Yes. (Japanese) Have you been to Japan?

    (Japanese) Not yet, but I wanna visit! (Japanese) Yeah! How come do you learn Japanese? (Japanese) I like Japanese culture. (Japanese) Awww thank you! Like anime or music? (Japanese) Music, culture, religion… etc. Ohhh!!! (Japanese) And people as well! (Japanese) Ohhh your Japanese is super good!! (Japanese) Hehehe thank you!

    (Japanese) Awesome! Where do you live in Taiwan? (Japanese) I live in Taoyuan, Taiwan. (Japanese) I went to that city at the airport! (Japanese) Yeah exactly! (Japanese) You speak Taiwanese? (Japanese) Ah, no. What about you? (Japanese) A little bit! (Japanese) Wait, mmmmm… (Thai) Hello. (Japanese) Ah, nooo! (Taiwanese) Have you eaten? Ahhhhh!!!!! ahahahaha

    (Japanese) Oh, you speak a little? (Japanese) Yeah, a little! (Japanese) I see! (Taiwanese) I’m Japanese! (Japanese) Yeah, cute! (Taiwanese) Hehehe my name is Kazuma. (Taiwanese) You know thank you? (Taiwanese) Yeah, thank you!! (Taiwanese) Thank you!! (Japanese) Where did you visit in Taiwan? Taipei and Kaohsiung. (Chinese) I’ve been to Kaohsiung!

    (Japanese) Ah!!! Why!? (Chinese) Because I really like this place. (Japanese) Ohhh! Your Chinese is great! (Chinese) A bit! I’ve just been learning it for 2 months. (Chinese) 2 months!?! (Chinese & Japanese) Only 2 months!? (Chinese & Japanese) Only 2 months ahahaha (Chinese) You’re awesome! (Taiwanese) Thank you!

    (Chinese) Then, I’ve been to 3 night markets. (Chinese) Ohh! Was it fun? (Chinese) Very fun!! Hehehe (Chinese) Yeah, you like night markets? (Chinese) Yes, I like them! (Chinese) Which night market do you like in Taipei? (Chinese) Shilin night market. (Chinese) Shilin night market. (Chinese) I work at the night market. (Chinese) Ohhh really!?

    Yeah!! (Chinese) Wow!! What do you sell? (Japanese) Fried food. (Japanese) Oh, what kind of fried food? (Japanese) Seafood! (Japanese) Seafood! Shrimp? (Japanese) Yeah, tempura! Tempura!!! Yes! (Chinese) Ohhh that’s awesome!! (Japanese) Ahaha nooo! (Chinese) But you’re a university student? (Chinese) Yeah, university student. (Chinese) But you work at night market?

    (Chinese & Japanese) Yes, because my family works at night market. (Japanese) Wow, that’s cool!! (Chinese) At Shilin night market? (Chinese) Ah, no. At Taoyuan night market. (Chinese) Ohhh Taoyuan night market. (Chinese) Yeah! (Chinese) Is it near from the airport? (Chinese) A bit far! (Chinese) Far, ah! (Chinese) Sweet potato balls.

    (Chinese) Ah, sweet potato balls! (Japanese) Yeah, I ate it! (Chinese) Oh!! Was it delicious? (Chinese) Very delicious!! Ahahahaha (Japanese) Sweet potato balls! (Japanese) Yeah, that’s right!! (Chinese) I also ate stinky tofu. (Chinese) Stinky tofu!! You like it? (Chinese) Yeah, I like it a lot. (Chinese) You like it!?! (Chinese) Yeah! ahaha Hello.

    Hi. How are you? Hi. I’m okay. How are you? I’m great, thank you. McDonald’s. I work there. Oh, you work? That’s cool. What is your favorite hamburger? We have this one called tasty cheese. Tasty Cheese? I think we don’t have it. No. It’s only in Denmark. Only in Denmark. So you’re from Denmark?

    Yes! Wow! (Danish) How are you doing? Oh my gosh!!!!! You know Danish!! I know a little bit. That’s so nice you know Danish! (Danish) Ahaha thank you so much!! Oh my gosh!! (Danish) You speak Danish, right? Yeah!! You speak any other languages? Yes, I speak Swedish, English and Portuguese.

    Portuguese? How do you know? Because of my dad’s origin. They speak Portuguese. Angola? Mozambique? Ah, Mozambique! Mozambique! Yeah!! Maputo(capital). Yeah!!!!! Wow! How do you know!? I’ve never met someone who knows Mozambique! (Portuguese) Because actually I speak Portuguese. Ahahahaha What!?!? You like the country? (Portuguese) Yes, I like it. (Portuguese) So much? (Portuguese) Soooo much! Wow…. Oh my gosh! You’re better than me!! No, no, no! ahaha Oh my gosh! That’s so crazy. Thank you. (Portuguese) I’ve met some people from Mozambique here. (Portuguese) From Maputo. How do you know! You know better than me!!! No, no! How!? ahaha

    I thought I speak Portuguese, but I don’t even know it anymore. You were born in Denmark? Yes, I was born in Denmark. But when I was 11 years old, I traveled to Mozambique. And I learned the language. I spoke fluently. But I don’t remember anything. So I understand, but I can’t speak it.

    You don’t use it on a daily basis. Yeah, I don’t use it. Wow, but you speak 5 languages? Wait… 4 languages! 4 languages? I think so! Swedish, Danish, Portuguese and English. (Swedish) Swedish? (Swedish) Swedish, yes! (Swedish) You speak Swedish? (Swedish) I speak Swedish. (Swedish) I’m learning Swedish at home. Oh my gosh!!!!!!

    How do you know Swedish!?!? I know Swedish better than Danish. How….? Oh my gosh…! Hello. Hello. How are you? I’m fine, thank you. How are you? I’m good, thank you. Where are you going? Nowhere, I’m just putting on my coat. It’s just a bit cold. Wow! You live in Moscow?

    No, I live in a city that you don’t know I guess. It’s called Sterlitamak. Sterlitamak. Where are you from? I’m from Japan. (Japanese) I can speak a bit of Japanese! Ohhh what the heck!!! How!?! ahaha Hehehe I don’t know! Learning from books, watching anime and everything. That’s so cool!!

    (Japanese) Yeah, thank you so much! (Japanese) Thank you!! (Japanese) What’s your name? Ah, Kazuma. (Japanese) Nice to meet you Kazuma! (Japanese) My name is Katya! Katya! (Japanese) Yes! Where are you from exactly in Japan? Nagoya, you know? (Japanese) Oh, yes. Nagoya, awesome. Wow, you know! You know everything!! (Japanese) Hehehe a little bit!

    (Japanese) A little! How long have you been learning it? Oh, 2 weeks! 2…!? What, 2 weeks!? I started learning Japanese long ago. But because of exams and studying, I abandoned this kind of thing. And now I’m learning Japanese again. That’s amazing. (Japanese) Hehe thank you so much! Wow!!! (Russian) Wow, it’s incredibly good!

    Ohhhhh!!!! (Japanese) Wow, amazing!! You speak Russian!? (Russian) Yeah, I’m learning Russian as well. (Japanese) That’s amazing! (Russian) That’s very cool!! (Russian) Thank you!! (Japanese) That’s incredible, right!? Ahahahaha (Japanese) This is my roommate! She thinks you’re so cool!! Ahahahaha (Japanese) Amazing!! Hehehe But your Japanese is…! Wow! That’s nothing much, but… (Japanese) Thank you so much! (Russian) It’s just wonderful… (Japanese) So cute!!! (Russian) Ahaha awesome! Ahahahaha How long have you been studying Russian? (Russian) I started learning Russian last year. (Russian) Wow, that’s very cool! (Russian) And how do you learn Russian? (Russian) By myself, on the internet. (Japanese) Wow!! Amazing!! (Russian) Thank you!! (Japanese) Me, too!!

    I’m learning Japanese too from internet and books. Wow!!! (Japanese) Amazing!! (Russian) You’re smart! (Japanese) Thank you! Hehehe Hi! Hello! Hello, how are you? I’m okay, how are you? I’m okay, thank you! Where are you from? I’m from Japan. Oh you’re from….!!! !?! (Japanese) I’m Japanese! What what!? (Japanese) I’m Japanese! (Japanese) Ohhh Japanese!?! (Japanese) Yeah yeah! (Japanese) Ohhh you’re!?! ahaha Ahahahaha I’m half-blood. Oh, half!

    (Japanese) Germany and Japan? (Japanese) Yeah! Oh wow, that’s cool!! What’s your name? Shirine. Shirine? Yeah! Ah, but you don’t have Japanese name? That’s not a Japanese name. And my family name is Hashimoto. Ohhh Hashimoto! Nice!! Ahaha ohhh!!! Hehehe In which city do you live? In Germany, it’s a smaller city, near Munich.

    You know Nuremberg? (Japanese) Nuremberg. Oh yeah I know! Ohhh!! (German) I’ve heard… Have you ever been to Germany? (German) Not yet, but I’d love to. OH!?!? That was so good! What the heck! Hehehe (Japanese) Awesome! (Japanese) Awesome!!! ahaha You sound like German! (German) In fact, I’m learning German now.

    Your German is so good! What the heck! (German) Thank you so much! Since when have you been studying? (German) I’ve been learning German for 5 months. Only!?!?! This is really crazy!! Oh thank you! That’s so nice! (German) How many languages do you know? (German) Ahaha Spanish! (German) Spanish! But why?

    (German) Because of school. In Germany, we had to select 2 languages, that’s why. (German) And French. (German) French? Yeah! (German) Why French? (German) Also because of school. (French) Ahhh okay! French? (French) French!?! No way…. Ahahahaha Ahahaha Sorry for interrupting! Nooo!! ahaha (German) German. (German) Yeah German. (German) English, a little Korean. (German) And a little Japanese as well. (German) But I didn’t grow up in Japan, only born therefore I can only a little. (German) But I think you speak Japanese very well! (German) Noo! ahaha

    (German) Very little really. I can understand well, but talking to people is difficult. (German) That’s great!! But have you been to Japan? (German) I was born in Japan. (German) Yeah, but have you traveled? During summer vacation in high school, I went to summer school in Japan. Ahh okay ! Tokyo?

    Yeah! Tokyo and Kyoto. And I’ve studied Kanji! That’s cool! You can read Hiragana and Katakana as well? A little bit, but still speaking is so hard. Understanding okay, context okay, but… You don’t have to be humble! I think you’re doing great! Yeah!! (Spanish) So have you been to Spain or what? Ahahahaha I went there for a vacation before. I have Spanish friends, too. (German) Canary islands? Nooo. Mallorca. Ahhh Mallorca! (German) That’s a well-known vacation destination. I wanna go to Barcelona and Madrid. (German) Unbelievably beautiful, really. Wow!! Your way of speaking is high class. High class! Thank you! ahaha

    You don’t ever hear that German anymore because a lot of people just speak short term. Youngster words. Youngster, hipster, yeah. Hipster! ahaha That’s a good German! As a German person, my heart is opening right now. Ahh that’s so nice, thank you… Hehehe Hi brother. What’s up brother. How are you?

    Nothing much, what’s up? I’m good! Where are you from? I’m Japanese. Oh, Japanese!!! (Japanese) Thank you! (Japanese) Thank you! Yeah!! Yeah!!! ahaha You’re from Ethiopia? Yeah, I’m from Ethiopia. It’s my dream to come to Japan! Wow we are waiting for you! Are you in Tokyo? Oh, no. My city is called Nagoya. Nagoya…?

    It’s close to Toyota. The car! Yeah, that’s a good one! What’s your name, though? My name is Kazuma. Kazuma? (Amharic) Yeah, what’s your name? My name is Noh, you can call me Noah. Noah? Yeah!! That’s a cool name! You want to try my language? (Amharic) Ah, you speak Amharic? You know Amharic?!!

    (Amharic) Ahahaha a little bit! Ahahaha What!? How!?!?! Ahahaha That’s good!!! Yeah. How did you know Amharic!? I’m learning Amharic on YouTube. Have you been here in Ethiopia? Not yet. What makes you interested in Amharic? Oh, I’ve met some people from Ethiopia here. There are a lot of Ethiopians?

    Yeah, Ethiopians. And they’re so nice! That’s good!!! hehe Japan is the best place!!! (Amharic) Wow… Thank you!!! (Amharic) Ohhhh thank you!!!! Ahahahaha Hello. (Japanese) You’re a YouTuber, right? (Japanese) Yeah, I am! (Japanese) Yes, I knew it! (Japanese) You speak Japanese? (Japanese) I can speak okay. (Japanese) Okay, wow. Awesome. (Japanese) Are you recording right now? (Japanese) Yeah, right. (Japanese) Gosh, embarrassing! (Japanese) Embarrassing! ahaha (Japanese) But, how can I say, I shouldn’t say I(masculine). (Japanese) I(feminine)?

    (Japanese) I(feminine), yes! Yeah! haha (Japanese) How many years have you been learning Japanese? (Japanese) Not years, 3 months. (Japanese) 3 months!?! (Japanese) Yeah I studied it for 3 months. (Japanese) Yeah. And then, I improved it by watching Japanese streamers. (Japanese) Gosh, that’s crazy good… (Japanese) Ahaha I’m embarrassed right now!

    (Japanese) Why did you learn Turkish? (Japanese) It’s because there are many Turks on this app? (Japanese) No, I’ve been to Türkiye. (Japanese) Oh yeah? Istanbul? Cappadocia? (Japanese) Yeah Istanbul. I haven’t been to Cappadocia. (Japanese) I live in Istanbul. (Japanese) Wow, that’s awesome. (Japanese) Awesome! ahaha Why?! (Turkish) Best city in the world.

    (Turkish) Best city! I see, thank you! (Turkish) Yeah yeah! What’s your favorite food? (Turkish) Raw meatballs. (Japanese) Raw meatballs? Why? (Turkish) Very delicious!! (Japanese) Oh, that’s strange! I see! ahaha (Japanese) How come do you learn Japanese? (Japanese) Because I wanna live in Japan! (Japanese) Ohh you wanna live in Japan!

    (Japanese) I don’t study it now though! (Japanese) I quit because I’m lazy. (Japanese) Lazy(difficult vocabulary)! That’s amazing. (Japanese) Ahaha don’t smile, I’m embarrassed. (Japanese) Probably you’re the best Japanese speaker! (Japanese) Oh really? I’m really happy! (Turkish) I’ve watched his video and very shocked! (Turkish) Who? Hayato’s video? (Turkish) Yeah, Hayato’s.

    (Japanese) Ah! But your pronunciation in Turkish is good! (Turkish) Ah, thank you! (Japanese) I bought 4 Japanese textbooks, and studied a bit. Japanese dictionary as well. (Japanese) Ohhh! Is it in Turkish? (Japanese) Yeah, it’s Japanese-Turkish. Oh wow! (Japanese) Japanese word(book title). (Japanese) Awesome!

    (Japanese) But I’m done! I don’t wanna study, I mean, I hate studying normally. (Japanese) Ah, that’s why you talk and practice here? (Japanese) Yeah, that’s right. I think it’s better because I like to talk. (Japanese) Do I have that one? The one I studied before. (Japanese) Wait, you’re super good!! (Japanese) Oh, that’s when I was studying Kanji. (Japanese) It’s soooo good!!! (Japanese) Not that good though! ahaha (Japanese) It’s seriously good! (Japanese) Noo, it’s embarrassing! (Japanese) Maybe you write better than some Japanese people! (Japanese) That’s not true! (Japanese) It’s true!! (Japanese) Ah, you mean writing?

    (Japanese) Yeah, right! Kanji! (Japanese) Ah! This is the old stuff, so maybe I can’t write now. (Japanese) You don’t write Kanji recently? (Japanese) How can I say… I remember many weird Kanji…. (Japanese) For example, Soba(Japanese noodle)! Soba!! ahaha (Japanese) It’s crazy. (Japanese) I’m embarrassed, I can’t help but smile.

    (Japanese) Your smile is beautiful, Kazu-san! (Japanese) No, no. Yours is more beautiful! (Japanese) No, nooo! ahaha (Japanese) You’re really Japanese! The way you say “no”. (Japanese) Ahaha your reaction is Japanese, too! ahaha Hi! You have a nice shirt! You look so handsome! Thank you so much, you look so beautiful! No!

    You’re! You have an anime shirt! Yeah!! Oh wow! Classic one, nice!! I think it’s cute! Yeah it is!! Where are you from? I’m from Japan! That’s cool! Can you speak some Japanese? I like this language! (Japanese) Thank you! Hello, you speak Japanese? Now… Where are you from? Russia! Russia! Where do you live in Russia? In Moscow! In Moscow! Wow! So what’s your hobby? (Russian) I really like to learn other languages. Ohaaaaaa!!!! Wow, that sounds cool!! (Russian) Ahaha thank you so much! Hahahaha (Russian) Ahaha and you? So what languages do you know?

    (Russian) I know Russian, English, Spanish, French, German, and Arabic. (German) Wow, I love you!! (German) Ahaha I love you! (Russian) I love you! Just I wanna practice my English. (Russian) Yeah your English is wonderful! Nooo! (Russian) Yeah!! (Japanese) Thank you!! (Russian) Ahaha such a cutie! Ahaha you’re making me shy! (Russian) Why!?

    (Russian) Because… You like anime? Well… I’ve watched only few, so I don’t know! (Russian) No worries! Ahaha damn! It’s cool! Damn! ahaha You speak Russian so well! (Russian) Thank you, I’m trying! (Russian) Thank you!! Can you teach me some Japanese? (Russian) Of course!! How to say “my name is”? (Japanese) I’m Sasha(her name). (Japanese) I’m Sasha! Perfect!!! Ahaha thank you!! (Russian) Wow, the pronunciation… Awesome! Ahahahaha (Russian) Your pronunciation is also awesome! (Russian) Ahaha thanks! You’re like real Russian! (Russian) Noo, not at all! Hello! Hello!

    How are you? (Japanese) Hello! (Japanese) Hello! We’re good! How are you? I’m good! Thank you! Wait, how do you say hello in your language? (Hindi) Hello! (Hindi) Ah, hello! Yes! Your native language is Hindi? Yes! We’re from India. We speak Hindi. Yeah, but which part? West! Oh, west! You know Mumbai?

    Of course I know Mumbai! Yeah we live near Mumbai. Ohhh wow!! Have you ever been to India? (Hindi) Not yet, but I wanna visit. Ohhhhhhhhhh!!! Aaaaaaa!! ahahaha Wow, oh my gosh!! How do you speak Hindi? (Hindi) I’m learning by myself. Nice!! You should come to India! Yeah I’d love to!!

    (Hindi) I really like India! (Hindi) Ah, I like Japan a lot! (Hindi) Ahhh thank you! Japan is very beautiful. (Hindi) Thank you! India is also very beautiful! Where do you live? (Hindi) I live in Nagoya. Why is your Hindi so good!? Ahahaha Your Hindi is really really good, oh my gosh!

    Thank you so much, I’m working on it. You’d really like to explore India? Is that why you’re learning Hindi? Yeah! I can speak a bit of other Indian languages as well. Which one? Tamil. Bengali. And I only know 1 phrase in Punjabi. Punjabi!? Oh, she’s Punjabi! Oh really!? Hi! How are you? I’m fine, what about you? I’m great, thanks! Are you from Switzerland? Yeah exactly! Where are you from? Amazing! I’m from Japan! Japan!? That’s nice! I’ve never met Japanese person on this app. Oh, first person? Yeah! I’m honored!! Which language is spoken in Switzerland? Different languages.

    We speak German, French, Italian, and Romansh. 4 official languages! But my native language is German! Ahhh okay! But I can also speak French and a bit of Italian. That’s amazing! Yeah!! (German) So you speak German? (German) Oh! You speak German? (German) Actually, I learn German. (German) That’s great! (German) Thank you so much! (German) How long have you been learning German? (German) I’ve been learning German for 5 months. (German) Only 5 months!? (German) Yeah! (German) Your German is really good!! (German) Thank you so much!! (German) Wow!! (German) Wow!! Why do you learn German?

    (German) Why do I learn German? Yeah! (German) Because I wanna talk with people. (German) Wow, so you wanna go to Germany? (German) Yeah Germany, Austria, Switzerland and so on! (German) Wow, your German is so good!! (German) Thank you so much, you’re so kind! (German) Hehehe thank you so much!

    (German) But I’ve heard that Swiss German is very different. (German) Oh yeah! Swiss German is completely different! (German) Completely different, yeah! (German) You wouldn’t understand that. (German) So you speak Standard German as well? (German) Yeah, now I speak Standard German. (German) So you speak 2 German? (German) Yeah exactly!

    (German) Wow, that’s very good! Excellent! (German) Ahaha excellent! (German) Excellent!! (German) I’d like to learn Korean at the moment. (German) But I would like to learn Japanese afterwards. (German) Wow, that makes me very happy. Hehehe (German) You speak Italian and French as well? (German) Yeah, French is pretty good.

    (German) And I’ve learned Italian. (German) But I haven’t spoken for a long time. (German) I still can understand, but speaking… (German) Ahhh I got it! (French) So you speak French as well? (French) Ah!! You speak French!?! (French) Ahaha yeah I speak French as well! (French) You’re very talented, right?

    (French) You, too!! Thank you! (French) What language do you speak? (French) What language? I speak French, Spanish, Portuguese, German. Wow!! (French) Russian. (German) Wow, and which language do you like the best? (German) Maybe Spanish because I used to live in Spain, and I understand better. Oh wow!! (German) Which language is more difficult to learn? I assume German. (German) Yeah German is very difficult!! (German) Yeah I believe you!

    (German) It’s a logical language, but it’s difficult to make sentences. (German) Yeah, that’s true. (German) And the article! Yeah!! (German) I like to learn languages as well! (German) Ah! That’s very nice! How many languages do you speak? (German) Swiss German and Standard German, very different. (German) Then, English, French, a bit of Italian.

    (German) And now I still learn Korean. (German) And a bit of Japanese as well. (German) Wow, that’s so good! Unbelievably good! (German) But I’m not as good as you! (German) No, you’re very good!!! (Italian) You speak Italian as well? (Italian) Well, yeah! A little! (Italian) A little!! (German) You know Italian as well?

    (German) Only a little!! Okay!! (German) Me, too! I lose a lot. (German) Why are you on OmeTV? (German) I wanna practice my languages. (German) I also wanna do that! (German) That’s really smart! (German) Ah, that’s nice! (Japanese) Good morning! (Japanese) Good morning! (Japanese) What are you doing?

    (Japanese) Ah, I’m not doing anything. What are you doing? Ah, I don’t speak very good! You speak very good. A little. (Japanese) It’s good!! (Japanese) Good!! You’re from Tokyo? (Japanese) Ah, I live in Aichi, Nagoya. Aichi? It’s around Tokyo? No, far from Tokyo. Ohh okay! I’m trying to learn Japanese. How long have you been learning it? Not seriously, but just some apps and stuff. Oh, you’re doing great, man.

    I’m trying to find someone who can talk to me in Japanese slowly so I can understand. I can help you. Tell me something. (Japanese) Where are you from? “doko” is where. Yeah!! You mean, where do you live? Almost, where are you from? I’m from Belgium. How do you say Belgium in Japanese?

    (Japanese) Belgium. (Japanese) Ah, Belgium…. (Japanese) I’m from Belgium. (Japanese) I’m from Belgium. Yeah!! Which city are you from? From Brussels. (French) Ah, Brussels. You speak French!? (French) Ahaha I speak French. (French) Ahhh, damn! Ahahaha (French) You speak French and Spanish? (Spanish) I speak Spanish, yeah. (French) English, Japanese?

    (French) English, Japanese, French, and Spanish. Yeah, that’s right. You speak English, French and Japanese? Japanese is not that much! I speak English. French, Arabic. Arabic? Yes! And a bit of Dutch. (Arabic) Oh! How come do you speak Arabic? Ahhh…!!!!!! Ahahahaha Hello. Hi. How are you? I’m good. How are you?

    I’m fine. Where are you from? I’m from Japan. Oh, I’m from Russia. Oh, that’s cool. (Japanese) Hello! (Japanese) Ah, hello!! (Japanese) Ahaha how are you? (Japanese) Oh!! I’m doing great! How are you? (Japanese) Me, too!! You know Japanese!? A little bit! (Japanese) I like Japanese language! Oh…..! Amazing!! You know something in Russian?

    Oh… Can you teach me? What do you want to learn? (Japanese) Nice to meet you. Ah, nice to meet you!! (Russian) Nice to meet you! It’s difficult! Oh, that’s great. (Russian) Nice to meet you! Ohh…. You’re like a Russian! Ahahaha (Russian) No, not at all. You know Russian, yeah!? Ahahahahaha What did you say!?! Ahahaha (Russian) You know Russian? (Russian) Well, I’m learning Russian. (Russian) Ahhhh!! How cunning are you! haha (Russian) Ahaha nooo. I’m just joking.

    (Russian) How long have you been learning Japanese? (Russian) I learned just a little, then stopped. (Russian) And now I decided to remember it again. (Russian) You learn it by yourself? (Russian) Yes!! (Russian) Amazing! You’re doing fantastic!! (Russian) Ahaha thank you! (Japanese) Thank you so much! (Japanese) Ahaha thank you so much!

    (Russian) What is your hobby? (Russian) Hobby…. Learning different languages. Yes. (Russian) And traveling. (Russian) Oh, I love both, too! (Russian) Yeah? From which city are you in Russia? (Russian) Moscow. (Russian) And you? (Russian) You know Nagoya? (Russian) Ah, Nagoya! I got it! (Russian) You know!? (Russian) Yeah, I learned the map.

    (Russian) Wow, you know everything! Geography, language…. Hehehe (Russian) Awesome!! (Russian) Ahaha that’s cool! (Russian) So you know Russian, English, and Japanese? (Russian) Yeah, but Japanese just a bit. (Russian) And now I also learn Spanish and Arabic. (Russian) Spa…. Wait, Arabic!?!? (Russian) Yeah!! ahaha (Syrian dialect Arabic) I speak a bit of Arabic. Wow……

    (Russian) Why did you decide to learn Arabic?! (Russian) Well, I just decided. Why not? (Russian) Wow… And which accent did you choose? (Russian) I mean, in Arabic there are various accents. (Russian) Syrian! (Russian) Syrian dialect! Wow!! (Russian) I know Egyptian dialect. (Russian) Ah, Egyptian! (Russian) Say something in Egyptian!

    (Egyptian Arabic) I speak a bit of Arabic and… (Russian) AH!!!! Similar!! (Russian) Similar! ahaha (Russian) Wow, that’s cool!!! (Russian) That’s cool, yeah!! (Russian) You maybe know Spanish as well? (Spanish) I speak Spanish as well. Ahhhh ohhhhhh!!!!!!!! Ahahaha (Russian) That’s so cool! (Russian) You’re the first to know so many languages!

    (Russian) Thank you, you, too! What other languages you know? (Russian) I know French and Portuguese because they’re similar. Ahhh yeah! (Russian) Also, I learn Chinese as well. (Chinese) Hello! (Chinese) Hello!! (Chinese) Very good! (Chinese) Ah, very good!!! (Russian) Ah, you know this one in Chinese? (Chinese) You’re very cute!

    (Russian) Ah, you’re very cute!! (Russian) Yeah!!! (Russian) Ohhhh!! You’re cool! (Russian) You’re very cool, wow! (Russian) Your Russian is really awesome! You understand everything, I’m shocked! (Russian) Ahaha thank you! (Russian) I’m still trying! (Russian) When did you learn? (Russian) I started learning last year. (Russian) Ah, wow!! You got it so fast!

    (Russian) Ahaha thank you! (Russian) I’m shocked!!! (Russian) Russian is my favorite language as well as Arabic. (Russian) I really like Russian and Arabic. (Russian) Arabic is completely different. (Russian) Completely different. (Russian) For example, Spanish, English and Russian have the letter which matches us. Sound, too.

    (Russian) But in Arabic, for example, the sound “خ”. (Russian) Yeah, completely different. Yeah!! And “ع”. (Russian) This sound! ahaha (Russian) Yeah yeah!! Hi! Hi, how are you? I’m good, and you? I’m great, thank you! You have a nice room! Oh, really? Thank you! Anime!! Anime? Yeah! Oh, wow!! Cool!! You’re from Türkiye?

    Yeah, but I’m half Turkish, half Bulgarian. You know Bulgaria? Oh, Bulgaria, yes!! Oh!! You know!? (Bulgarian) Yeah, thank you!! (Bulgarian) Ah, thank you!! How do you know it!? Most people don’t know!! Hehehe Where are you from? You’re from Korea? No, I’m from Japan. (Japanese) Ah, hello!!! (Japanese) Hello!!! (Japanese) How are you doing!?

    (Japanese) Ah, I’m good!! ahaha (Japanese) Ahhh good to hear that!! Ohhh!?! I can speak a little bit of Japanese! Oh wow! How did you learn it? Because I watched too many anime!! Just from anime? Actually, I have Japanese friends. But we don’t talk too much. But I wanna try to learn Japanese.

    (Japanese) Your Japanese is really great!! (Japanese) Ah, thank you!! (Japanese) Thank you!! Hehehe How many languages do you know? Turkish, a bit of English, Korean, and Japanese. I see, ah! Bulgarian? I know it, but just so so so so so little! So so so so little! Okay!

    Can you teach me how to say thank you? In Turkish? In Turkish, yes. (Turkish) Thank you. It’s hard!! Ohhh yes! Now mix! (Turkish) Thank you. (Turkish) Thank… you… Ohhh you’re good!!! Ahhh thank you!! You can speak Turkish!! (Turkish) I wanna learn. Oh…!!! (Turkish) I wanna learn Turkish… (Japanese) What!?! ahahahaha How do you know Turkish!? (Turkish) Ahaha now I’m learning Turkish by myself. Whoaaaa!! Ahahahaha

    Wow that’s so amazing! Your accent is good!! (Turkish) Ahh thank you! So you have Turkish friends? (Turkish) Yeah, I have many friends. Hehehehe you came to Türkiye? (Turkish) Yeah I went to Türkiye 3 years ago. (Turkish) But when I went to Türkiye, I wasn’t speaking Turkish at all. (Turkish) But I’m learning now. Why you…. You’re like Turkish! (Turkish) Ahahaha no, no! You want me to speak Turkish or English? (Turkish) We can talk in Turkish! (Turkish) Learning Turkish is very difficult? (Turkish) Very difficult but at the same time, very beautiful! (Turkish) You can do it! You have a good accent! (Turkish) Ahhh thank you!!

    (Turkish) You’re welcome! (Japanese) Excuse me. (Japanese) Yes! (Japanese) I watched Kazu-san’s YouTube and. (Japanese) Yes. (Japanese) I’ve just started this app yesterday! (Japanese) Oh, really!? (Japanese) Yes! (Japanese) Wow, I’m glad! (Japanese) Oh my gosh, I’m blushing somehow. (Japanese) Ahaha it’s okay! I’m just an ordinary person! Ohhhh!!! (Japanese) You’re Japanese, right? (Japanese) That’s right!

    (Japanese) That’s nice! (Japanese) Amazing… (Japanese) I’m glad to meet you! (Japanese) Nice to meet you!! (Japanese) Big big big respect for you, sir. (Japanese) Nooo! (Japanese) I mean, isn’t that crazy? (Japanese) Ahaha crazy! (Japanese) Because I’m talking to the person in YouTube!!! (Japanese) Nooo, not at all ahaha (Japanese) I’m glad!!

    (Japanese) I’m glad as well! (Japanese) You practice English here? (Japanese) Yes! I’d like to practice English. (Japanese) Then, I was watching English content on YouTube and found your channel. (Japanese) I subscribed to your YouTube channel and watch it! (Japanese) Oh my gosh, thank you so much!! (Japanese) Oh, can I take a picture?

    (Japanese) Of course!! (Japanese) Thank you!! (Japanese) Oh my gosh, what should I do? (Japanese) Thank you so much!! (Japanese) Thank YOU!! (Japanese) May I ask how old you are? (Japanese) Yes! I’m 18. (Japanese) 18, so you’re a university student? (Japanese) I’m a high school student. (Japanese) Ah, high school student! (Japanese) Yes!

    (Japanese) I think it’s fantastic that you’re interested in languages at that age! (Japanese) No, nooo! (Japanese) Because when I was 18, I couldn’t speak English at all. (Japanese) Seriously!? (Japanese) Yeah, really! (Japanese) For real!?! (Japanese) Yes, I wasn’t good at it. (Japanese) I mean, you’re so fluent!! (Japanese) Nooo, I’m still trying!

    (Japanese) The other day you were speaking Swahili and others! (Japanese) I like minor languages as well. (Japanese) That’s awesome!! (Japanese) At school I’m in the regular course, but the class next to me is in the international course. (Japanese) Yes. (Japanese) The people in the international course are very good at English.

    (Japanese) I see. There are also foreign students and Japanese who have studied abroad. So I wanted to try English. But I couldn’t take the step, and it was really thanks to Kazu-san that I was able to start. (Japanese) Oh my gosh, I’m so honored to hear that. I’m speechless right now…. Hello.

    Hello, how are you? I’m good, how are you? I’m good, thanks! Where are you from? I’m from Thailand, where are you from? Thailand, oh! I’m from Japan. From Japan, wow!! (Japanese) Hello!! (Japanese) Hello!!! In my school, I’m in the Japanese major. So I study Japanese, but I’m so bad! Noooo!

    I’m so bad, I cannot speak! It’s okay. I’m glad you’re learning it!! Ohhh, but really hard!! (Thai) Actually, I’m learning Thai language. Wow!!!!!! Ahahahaha WHAT!?! Hehehe (Thai) Very difficult! (Thai) Very difficult! Yeah yeah yeah!! Why do you study Thai? (Thai) Because I like Thailand such as Thai food, Thai people, the culture.

    (Thai) Ahhh very great!! (Thai) Ohhh thank you so much!! (Thai) I’m pleased! That’s great!! Ahahaha Do you have a plan to come to Thailand? Yeah, I’d love to. (Thai) Soon. (Thai) Ohh wow, that’s great!! (Thai) You can speak it! Do you have Thai friends? (Thai) Ah, I don’t have yet. (Thai) Not yet?

    I don’t have a Japanese friend either. Oh, can we be friends? Of course!! Yes!! Yay!! You know “Minna no Nihongo”(textbook). Yeah, I’ve heard of it. Yeah, I know right? It’s so good!!!!! Really?! Yeah!! (Thai) It’s very great!! Incredible!! Ahhhhhhh!!!!! (Japanese) Thank you!!! How to say, I study Japanese at school? (Japanese) At school. (Japanese) At school… Japanese… (Japanese) I study Japanese! Yeah yeah!! (Japanese) “At” is… (Thai) It’s “at”. At school! Ohhh so nice!!! Thai is really hard, but you’re good! You study by yourself, right? (Thai) Yeah, by myself. Wow!!!! Yeah! That’s impressive! How to say, you are welcome in Japanese? (Japanese) You’re welcome! (Japanese) Ah, you’re welcome!! (Thai) Your pronunciation is awesome! Ahhhhh!!!! hehehe Hehehe Yeah!! (Japanese) What about “convenient”? (Thai) Convenient. Ah, comfortable? No, convenience. Convenient! Convenient!! (Japanese) Hospital… (Thai) Hospital. (Thai) Hospital! (Thai) Where do you like to travel? (Thai) I rarely go anywhere. (Thai) Ah, okay! I really like sea. (English & Thai) Ohhh I like sea…. Ah! ahaha I’m also learning Thai script. You’re so good!! Wow!!!!! I like your handwriting!! Ahhh thank you so much!! (Thai) Nice to meet you!!! (Thai) Really nice to meet you!!! Thank you so much! Bye bye!! Bye!! Japanese! Hello! AH!!! I know you!! Oh my gosh!! You know me!? Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! I know you, oh my gosh! (Turkish) Why!? ahaha

    Hehehehe oh my gosh! Wait! Oh my gosh! How do you know me!? You have a YouTube channel! I know your channel! Thank you for watching! But I forgot your name right now! I’m so sorry! I’m Kazuma! Kazuma, yeah!! (Turkish) Japanese? This boy is YouTuber who speaks 13 languages!

    I follow you since your follower numbers were so low. I follow your that entire period! (Turkish) Ahhhh!! Seriously!? (Turkish) He knows Turkish! You know Turkish, right? (Turkish) Yeah, actually I study Turkish everyday. Oh my gosh! (Japanese) Hello! (Japanese) Hello!! (Turkish) You know Japanese!? Ahhhh no… No? I only know…. (Japanese) I’m Han Zena.

    (Japanese) Nice to meet you! (Japanese) Nice to meet you! (Turkish) Very nice!! (Turkish) Yeah! How old is he? (Turkish) I’m 23 years old. (Turkish) Ah well done! You speak Turkish well! (Turkish) Thank you!! I feel like I’ve met with the celebrity or something. I feel so honored! Ahahaha nooooo!! (Arabic) How are you?

    (Arabic) I’m fine thank God. (Arabic) How are you? (Arabic) Thank God, I’m fine. (Arabic) Wow. (Turkish) How many languages do you speak? (Turkish) I know 3 languages. (Turkish) You? Turkish, English, Korean a little. So she knows English and Korean a little. I was learning Japanese, too. But I only learned Hiragana and Katakana.

    Yes. When it comes to Kanji, that was really hard! Yeah! ahaha I’m planning to start learning it again! Because Japanese is easy for Turkish learners. (Turkish) Yeah, Turkish grammar is very similar! (Turkish) Yeah very similar. (Turkish) You seem like a very nice boy. Do you know what it means? (Turkish) Well-behaved?

    (Turkish) Excuse me? (Turkish) Respectful. Kind person, pure person! Ahhh I got it! (Turkish) Thank you so much! That’s so nice of you. (Turkish) Your teeth is very beautiful! Hello. Hi! How are you? I’m good. How are you? Good, thanks! Where are you from? We’re from France. What about you? France? Oh, I’m from Japan! From Japan, for real!? For real, yeah!! That’s great!! Thank you, you live in Paris? No. We live in Bordeaux! Ah, Bordeaux. Wine?

    Yes, wine! The wine city, exactly. Yeah, wine city. You guys are so cool!! Oh, thank you! You, too! You’re really cool! Oh, thank you. Your native language is French? No, my native languages are both English and French. And mine is Spanish. (Spanish) Ah! You speak Spanish? (Spanish) Yeah! You speak Spanish?

    (Spanish) I speak Spanish, yeah. (Spanish) You speak Spanish for real? Seriously!? (Spanish) Seriously, yeah!! ahaha (Spanish) I mean, you have an excellent accent! Where did you learn? (Spanish) Ah, thank you so much! I mean, I lived in Spain so. (Spanish) Ah, in Spain! Really!? (Spanish) I was studying in Spain.

    (Spanish) Where in Spain? (Spanish) In Tarragona, close to Barcelona. (Spanish) Ah, in Tarragona!! (Venezuelan Spanish) That’s cool! (Spain Spanish) That’s so cool, wow! (Spanish) Cool! ahaha But you speak Spanish sooo well! How did you learn it? (Spanish) Ah, thank you so much. Well, she is Venezuelan.

    (Spanish) And I learned Spanish at school in France. We learned Spanish. (Spanish) But… you speak like native Spanish speakers… (Spanish) Ah, really!? I’m a Spanish speaker, but she. (Spanish) Yeah, she is Venezuelan, but me… Well, I speak Spanish. (Spanish) Your accent is super native….. Oh my gosh….

    (Spanish) But your accent is super beautiful, for real. (Spanish) Ahaha thank you! (Spanish) How long did you live in Spain? (Spanish) 6 months. (Spanish) Only 6 months!? (Spanish) Only 6 months, yeah. (French) Are you kidding me? Ahahahaha she said you’re freaking cool! Your Spanish is so good. Wow, thank you.

    So you speak Spanish, Japanese… ah, no! You speak Japanese, not us ahaha Ahahah no! We speak French, English, Spanish. And she speaks Portuguese. And I speak Italian. (Italian) Ah, you speak Italian! Ah… Nooooo!! (Italian) You speak Italian as well? (Italian) I’m learning Italian now, but I don’t speak it very well. Ah…. Ayyyyyy!!!

    (Italian) So beautiful! You speak Italian as well… Thank you! (Italian) Well, I speak a bit of Italian. I learned for 3 years. (Italian) 3 years! Oh…!! (Italian) 3 years, yeah! Wow, but…. How many languages do you speak!? (Portuguese) Ah, I speak Portuguese as well… (Portuguese) You speak Portuguese!! Ahhhh!!!

    Spanish and Portuguese are similar, so I’m learning it, too. Yeah, exactly. That’s why I speak it, too! We don’t speak Japanese unfortunately. Ah, it’s okay! We know 3 words. (Japanese) Hello! Yes!! (Japanese) Thank you so much! Ohhh…!!!! (Japanese) I humbly receive! Yeah yeah!! (Japanese) Hello(on the phone).

    Ahhh!! The pronunciation is so smooth!!! Oh, really?! Do you speak French, too or not?! (French) Ah, yeah. I speak French as well. (French) Nooo, are you serious!? (French) Actually, I’ve been learning French for a long time. (French) It was the first language that I’ve learned by myself and…. (French) But bro! Wait, wait! Your French is perfect!!

    (French) Nooo, not at all! (French) It is!! (French) Wait, so you speak Japanese, French, English, Portuguese, Italian, and Spanish fluently? (French) Not fluently, but I’m learning Spanish, French, Portuguese, Italian and Arabic. (French) No, bro. That’s…. Ahahahaha Whoah….. (French) Wow, bravo!!! (French) Thank you!! You, too!! (French) You’re welcome! Are you serious, wow! (French) But I was too shocked when you spoke Spanish. It was absolutely perfect. (French) Ah, really!? (French) Yeah!! (French) Ohhh thank you!! (French) She is Venezuelan, so it’s really her native language. Oh, yes.

    (French) She really grew up with Spanish. I was born there. (French) But I speak Spanish thanks to her. If I didn’t talk, I don’t think I’d keep it. (French) And how did you learn English? (French) I’m half of my English mother. (French) Ah, wow! That’s cool!! (French) That’s why! It’s cool, yeah?

    (French) Yeah!! (French) But you speak… It’s really impressive! (French) Ahaha thank you! (French) So you speak Arabic? (French) Yeah, I speak Arabic. It’s very difficult though! (French) Say something, I’m listening. (Arabic) Peace be upon you. I’m learning Arabic because I wanna know about Islamic religion. Ohohohohoho Ahahahaha Kazuma, for real!?! Wow!!!! You’re so good!!! Thank you….. Oh, hello! Hello!! Kazuma!! (Egyptian Arabic) How’s it going? (Egyptian Arabic) Thank God, I’m good! (Egyptian Arabic) Thank God. This time I prepared some questions. OH!! In order to keep the conversation going! I did as well! Oh, really?! Yeah!! Hehehe Okay! So you can start.

    (Egyptian Arabic) First question. Which language do you like the most? (Egyptian Arabic) Which language I like the most? (Egyptian Arabic) Yeah! Oh, that’s a really hard question. You’re starting off the strong one! Ahaha strong one! For me, I think each language has its own thing that I like. Yes.

    But personally, I think I prefer Indonesian. I don’t know why, but. Yeah Indonesian! People are so nice! I think it’s because of the people. People made me love the language. Yeah, it’s such an amazing language!! I’m going to ask you something regarding Indonesian. Okay! (Indonesian) How long have you been studying Indonesian?

    (Indonesian) I started learning Indonesian last year. (Indonesian) But I stopped learning everyday. (Indonesian) So for 4 months. Actively 4 months or something. Actively 4 months, okay! (Indonesian) You? Look, as I told you before, I never started learning. Oh, right!! Until now, almost 2 months. Oh, 2 months! Wow!!

    That’s why it’s not the best. I can sometimes understand, but don’t know how to respond, you know. But you use it on a daily basis, right? Talk with Indonesian friends. Yeah now I use it on a daily basis. (Indonesian) It’s a really good way! (Indonesian) Thanks!! (Indonesian) You’re welcome!! So next question!

    (Egyptian Arabic) Where you wanna go in the future? (Egyptian Arabic) Which place I wanna go the most in the future? (Egyptian Arabic) Place, yeah! I wanna go to a lot of places, but… (Egyptian Arabic) Firstly? Firstly, I wanna go to Mt. Fuji! It’s the first place I wanna go!

    Oh I’ve never been there actually…. (Egyptian Arabic) Unfortunately… I have a travel list when I go to Japan, places that I want to visit. So, Mt. Fuji first and what is the second? Nara? Nara, yeah! Yeah! This is also a place I wanna go. There are a lot of Buddhism places.

    Yeah! I actually want to go there. Because I’m interested in history and I was reading about how Buddhists came to Japan. Yeah, yeah! India, China… Yeah!! So that’s why I want to go there. Wow, that’s so cool. (Egyptian Arabic) I also wanna know about Egyptian history. Like Pharaoh and Pyramids?

    (Egyptian Arabic) Yeah exactly!! (Egyptian Arabic) That’s so cool! Oh, thank you! Hehehe thank you! (Chinese) How long have you been learning Taiwanese? (Chinese) 1 month! It’s so short! Yeah still so short!! (Chinese) I’ve been learning Chinese for 3 years. (Chinese) 3 years? Yeah! (Chinese) Wow, awesome!!

    But for me, it’s really difficult to handle a conversation in Chinese. I see.. The pronunciation is so hard! Ahaha yeah! (Chinese) Not easy…. Yeah! What place in Egypt are you most interested in visiting besides pyramids? (Egyptian Arabic) I really wanna go to Luxor. Luxor!

    (Egyptian Arabic) The place is very beautiful. I watched many videos on YouTube. (Egyptian Arabic) I thought the history, the culture, everything is so nice. It’s an ancient city in Egypt! (Egyptian Arabic) Oh, ancient city! Yeah very very old city! Wow….!! As I told you, I want to be a politician.

    And politicians have to know a lot of languages. So you want to do diplomatic stuff? Yeah. Super cool. I really admire these jobs. Oh my gosh! I think you can bring people together. Oh, wow, this is too much…! Hehehe Oh my gosh! I appreciate that for real! You always make my day!

    Thank you! You, too! You always make my day. Ah, I’m glad to hear that! Actually, I’m really shocked that you do know Egyptian Arabic. Because it’s hard to find resources about each Arabic dialect. Yeah so hard!! But it’s really, really, really cool! You know how to speak Egyptian Arabic really well.

    And your accent is perfect. (Arabic) Thank you…. So you will get along with it! (Arabic) You’re welcome!! Hehehehe (Egyptian Arabic) Your Japanese is also so good!! (Egyptian Arabic) Oh thank you!! (Egyptian Arabic) Very very good!! Hello! Hello! How are you? I’m good. And you? I’m great, thank you. You’re from Belgium?

    Yeah, you know Belgium? I know, Brussels. Really? Oh, cool! How do you know Belgium? Belgian Chocolate is the best in the world. Cool! Even the fries are from Belgium. Ah, French fries!! Yeah! Waffles too! Oh, yeah waffles!! Waffles are good. I love it. I like sweet thing so! Yeah, me too!!

    Yeah, you, too!? Ahaha yeah! What language is spoken there? In Belgium, we speak 3 languages. 3 languages! So we have the part that speaks Flemish. Flemish? Flemish. Like the Netherlands. Okay. And we have the part that speaks French and part that speaks Dutch. Dutch, wow! But I speak French.

    (French) Ah, you speak French? (French) Ah, I speak French. Oh…! Oh, oh…. Oh, wait, wait, wait, wait!! Stop! Ahhhh, what happened here?! Ahahaha (French) Yeah I speak French as well. (French) Oh, where did you learn French? (French) I learned by myself. Wooow! Cool!! (French) Thank you!! Do you like French?

    (French) Yeah I like French language, it’s very beautiful. (French) I don’t like it… ahahaha (French) Oh really? ahaha (French) But it’s your mother tongue, right? (French) No, it’s not my mother tongue. (French) Oh, I got it. What is that? Italian. (Italian) Ah, you speak Italian? (Italian) Yeah I speak…

    Wait!! Oh my gosh!!! Stop!!! Wow!! You’re going to tell me you speak every language in the world?! Ahahaha no, no! (Italian) But now I’m learning Italian a little bit! (Italian) Oh my gosh, come on! (Italian) Oh my gosh!! ahahaha Wait, wait, wait!! Oh, my gosh, it’s hot here! Ahaha it’s hot!

    How come you… Wait, where are you from? I’m from Japan. Ohhhh!! Now I started to understand! You understand what?! ahahaha Okay! You’re from Japan? And you like languages? Yeah I do!! ahaha But you live in Japan? (French) Yeah I live in Japan! Okay! Now which language do I need to speak right now?!

    Ahaha I don’t know, but… (French) How many languages do you speak actually? (French) 5 languages. (French) Ohhh 5!! (French) Yeah 5. (French) Ohh what are those? (French) So I speak French. Yeah. (French) I learned it when I was 13 years old. Okay.

    (French) I speak Italian because I was born and raised in Italy. (French) Ahhh I got it. (French) You know, I speak English. (French) Ah, yeah of course. (French) I speak Spanish, I learned it by myself. (French) Ohhh okay!!! Italian and Spanish are similar! (Spanish) Yeah yeah. (French) And I speak Arabic. (French) Arabic!!!

    (French) Ohhh how did you learn? (French) I’m Italian Moroccan. (French) Moroccan!! Yeah! (French) I’ve been to Morocco. Oh…!!! (French) Yeah!! ahaha Oh my gosh, I like you!! Ahahahaha You’re very good!!! Ahaha oh my gosh!! Oh my gosh. Where did you go in Morocco? I’ve been to Marrakesh. Oh!!! I’m from Marrakesh!!

    Oh, you’re from Marrakesh!!! That’s my favorite city on Earth!! Oh, wow! I love it!! Amazing! (Arabic) And in fact, I speak Arabic language. Whoa!!!!! Whoa!!!!!! Oh, stop! Just stop!!! Wait, wait, wait!!!! Ahahahaha Something is wrong here… Hehehehehe Oh my gosh, something is wrong here! What happened?!

    That’s my first time ever to meet someone like you!! That’s so cool!! (French) Oh, is that so? Wow… That’s cool!! I like you! I like you, too!! You speak many languages!! Yeah, I like you too because you speak many languages!! Ahahahaha No, but but but you started with French.

    And after you finished Italian. And now you speak Arabic, are you serious man!? That was perfect!! Oh, wow…. I don’t know why, but I feel like I met someone like me similar! Oh, yeah! You’re female version of me! Yeah, yeah!! Exactly!! Especially the Arabic was like… “Wow…”.

    (Arabic) Yeah it’s the most difficult language in the world. How come your Arabic? Your accent is so good!! (Arabic) Awww thank you… But… Wow…. I’ve never heard someone speaking Arabic like that. Awwww ahahaha What you do? Who are you? Are you Einstein? FBI… Ohhhhh!!! ahahaha How come…. You just like it?

    Yeah, I really love languages! Oh, me too! I like it! Oh, you, too! I can tell!! That’s amazing! I can swear! Thank you… How old are you though? What do you think? I think you’re young like 16? Younger than you? Oh…!!! Ahahaha wait, 16!? Ahaha yeah! I’m much older than 16. Oh, 20?

    Older! Older!! 23? Oh, I will be 24 in 2 months! In 2 months! But you’re now 23 years old? Yeah! Oh, okay!! You look 18!! Oh, thank you! We’re the same age! Oh, same!? Oh!!!! Oh my gosh!! Ahaha that’s why you’re female version of me! Wait, wait, wait!!

    We have a lot in common here! Ahaha yeah yeah! You know, I just had sushi for dinner. Ohhh today!? Yeah, I just had Sushi. You’ve been to Japanese restaurant? Yeah, I love sushi. I can eat that every day. Ohh thank you so much!! Japanese food is amazing! Awww but Moroccan food and Italian food are amazing! Yeah, but I like if I had to choose, maybe I would choose Italian and Japanese. I really love these two. I can eat that every day. Every single day! Ohhhh that’s so nice!! (Italian) I’ve been to Rome and Venice.

    (Italian) Oh!! I’m from Venice!!! Ohhh you’re from Venice!! So for Arabic, you speak Darija? Oh, yes! But I can understand other Arabic. You mean Modern Standard Arabic? Even Egyptian one, Lebanese one, all of them. Because you know, when you’re Moroccan and you speak Darija,

    The thing that you have is that you can understand other Arabic country. But the Arabic country cannot understand what you’re saying. Ah not vice versa!! Ahaha that’s so cool though!! That’s what we have!! ahaha Oh, I speak Egyptian dialect as well! Oh!! Wow!! (Egyptian Arabic) I speak Egyptian dialect as well. Ahahaha I’m literally dying! Ahahahaha It’s first time that I can speak with someone who have same energy! Yeah, right. That’s so cool, wow! So you’re more like Italian? Yeah, I’m more like Italian because I was born and grew up there. So my mind is European Italian one.

    Yeah, I think your vibe is Italian!! Yeah! My vibe is Italian!! Ahaha yeah!!


    1. Today's video is my 100th video! 🎉🎉
      This year has been full of gratitude. I've had sooo many wonderful encounters and opportunities. I'd like to say thank you to each and every one of you! 🙏
      AND! Thai Vlog will be finally uploaded on Friday, December 29th! Please stay tuned! 🇹🇭 🫶

    2. I am absolutely impressed by your handling diverse languages. I am been learning many languages only because I want to know if there was only one language as in the Bible or many languages emerged naturally. I have tried to find out if there could be very basic rules in all languages. So far I have learned that Japanese is a curiois language different from others.
      I have a project. Create a booklet of languages with very basic phrases and grammar. Primary school children should be faced to many languages especially for hearing before their ears are closed. It is my dream that all Japanese 12 year old children can speak simple phrases in 5 or 6 languages.
      Sorry for this long notes.

    3. 最近こちらのチャンネルを見始めました。カズマ君の倍くらいの年齢の者です😊

    4. Kazuma!!! Bro you have no idea how much happiness you bring to people including myself. This is truly therapy for the sole. The way you connect with people is a gift, thank you for sharing it with the world!

    5. You have been such an inspiration to me that I have now started learning 4 languages. Thank you so much for all the great content and for being such a genuinely nice human being. I wish you a very Merry Christmas and an amazing 2024!

    6. J'avais déjà tout vu mais j'ai regardé encore une fois, c'est tellement agréable ! 😉
      Juste pour t'aider avec les difficultés du français, tu as dit "c'est la première langue que j'ai appris" mais langue est féminin donc il faut dire "apprise".
      Bien sûr on te comprend parfaitement quand même, ce n'est qu'une petite erreur de rien du tout mais si tu veux encore améliorer ton français alors c'est bien de le savoir. Continue comme ça Kazuma ! 👍

    7. Oh my gosh, this is probably the longest video of a someone speaking in several languages I've seen in all my life. And sorry for my English, it's not so good, but I'm trying to improve it.

    8. Jana is soo cute hehe, and you Kazuma are rly the best, 62 languages it’s twice more than a previous year, you are rly making progress, hallo from Ukraine 🇺🇦)

    9. 初対面の緊張していた顔が笑顔に満ちて心開く会話に導く貴方を尊敬します。

    10. 傑作選‼️何回見ても面白いですね😊❤なぜかお酒飲みながら酔っぱらて見てると上手くシャドーイング出来る気がします😂

    11. 傑作選動画飽きることなく楽しくみました。

    12. 日本語以外全く分からないけど、カズさんの動画をほとんど見てます。外国の方のリアクションが面白くてニヤニヤしちゃう。これからも楽しみにしてるので頑張ってください。

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