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    Oh my god oh oh my foot is caked in that Google Maps is telling me to go down here but this looks kind of dodgy but we’re going to follow it anyway do you mind if I just check your ID £94 that’s a nice order hello guys and welcome back

    To another video unfortunately as you can see in front of me we’re at commentary station this is not where I was supposed to be today I was supposed to be all the way in Lea but unfortunately my train got canceled not only did my train get canceled but the

    Next two were canceled after that as well so just going to have to cut our losses and film a video in com again I did not expect to be doing this really sorry to everyone who asked me to go to Leicester I’ll definitely make it up to

    You in the future but today was just not meant to be luckily we’ve already had an order come through from a place called Dosa mosa all you eagley viewers will notice we’re on a new bike today this is the coswheel T20 and so far this thing is absolutely rapid and it is very

    Comfortable but we’ll see how we get on with it in today’s video all right let’s go pick up this first order oh it smells good that’s for sure hi how you right I’ve got one4 this is it yeah no worries looks very nice in here it’s very

    Clean yep that’s the one thank you so much have a good day there we go we just got our first order in commentary not exactly what I wanted to be saying today Google Maps is telling me to go down here but this looks kind of dodgy but we’re going to

    Follow it anyway this orders paying me £298 and the customer’s 10 minutes away so it’s not the best paying order in the world especially having to drive for a price like this oh my God but if I’m going to get mugged I kind of took it on

    An Impulse not really checking I was really frustrated that my train got cancelled but I did see that it was going kind of into the city center of centry I’m starting to get quite familiar with the area now might have to Rebrand this channel to comry hustle

    This has got to be one of the best Pedal assists on a bike that I’ve tried out this thing is absolutely rapid like I’m hardly putting in any effort at all and we’re up to 33 can we get to 34 can we oh no 33.9 km an hour We’re on mode 3

    Right now let’s see if there’s any more oh my God there’s more mode five okay five is the top mode we’re pedaling flout right now 40 km an hour 41 can we get higher 44 45 46 can we get 47 47 oh my God this thing is absolutely

    Rapid so one of the main reasons I picked Lester today Not only was from all the comments you guys left in my previous videos wanted to see me deliver in leester but when I checked the weather forecast it was meant to be nice and dry today in Leicester now the biker

    On today has the huge huge fat tires on which you guys all know I absolutely love it means any bumps in the roads you don’t really feel as much and especially going offroads on terrain like this it just makes it so much more comfortable

    It wants me to go down here this is like a little Trail I think it’s concrete okay we’re good let’s see where it takes us oh this might be difficult here we got a gate to navigate this thing is quite a big bike we’re definitely going

    To have to get off is it going to fit through just about just about let’s get back on the bike all right here we are at the customers they asked me to wait in this bus stop so they can come and collect it hopefully they don’t take too

    Long looking 30 but 38 I think it’s the flat above you yeah go be opens the door okay this one yeah yeah open it cheers mate this one oh you’re right mate I I was waiting out of the bus stuff in the the barber shop was already nice let me come

    Through that’s right there you are mate you got the code please 86 86 Perfect Mate thank you there is enjoy your food perfect appreciate that mate no problem very helpful have a good day oh I’ll tell you what it’s interactions like that that make make this job worth

    It and thank you to today’s sponsor ag1 ag1 is a foundational nutritional supplement which supports both mental and physical health ag1 has over 70 high quality ingredients and it’s actually NSF certified ifed which is the gold standard for professional athletes now a lot of you who have watched the channel

    Before will know I’m an avid coffee drinker the main reason I used to drink coffee was my energy and focus with ag1 I no longer need coffee this has a magnesium a riola B2 support which supports my energy throughout the day and I don’t get the caffeine crash that

    You get from coffee ag1 also has tons of other benefits such as supporting your immune system healthy aging and reducing your stress levels now I have to admit I was kind of put off by how it looks I’m not really a big greens eater or drinker but after tasting ag1 it’s actually quite

    Delicious I get kind of like a pineapple bubble gummy flavor from it it’s very peculiar but very nice with the new year coming up I wanted to set myself a resolution of getting into a better routine and habits for the past 3 weeks I’ve been incorporating this into my

    Morning routine and I’ve noticed huge benefits ag1 want to support the viewers of this channel so if you use the link Down Below in my description you’ll get yourself a year’s supply of D3 and K2 as well as five free travel packs thank you again to ag1 for sponsoring the channel

    Now let’s get back to the video what a lovely guy that was was in the bar shop and we’re getting another order come through from Sab oh it’s paying quite a lot £525 the distance looks pretty far but screw it we’ll go ahead and take it

    I’m in a good boot right now I didn’t even know sa spr is right here in front of me shouldn’t take too long to pick this up hopefully they had the order for a few minutes ago and have managed to pick it out already the only thing about these big

    Bikes is when you’ve got a luck like I have it’s really hard to get it through the frame and the wheels so you have to get a little bit creative when locking up the bike we’re just going to go through the spokes here at the front I

    Know someone could lift it off in a van or something but you just got to hope that you’re quick enough that doesn’t happen and having it through here just means they can’t walk off with it all right got 9057 yes thank you luckily this SS’s order is nice and

    Light 2.9 Mi one thing I’m noticing already about this bike is it’s extremely comfortable it’s got suspension right underneath the seat which I think is helping quite a lot comparing with the big fat tires it really makes for a smooth ride like we’ve been going over a few little bumps

    And things here which usually I would feel a lot in the road but on this they’re very minute it’s very hard to feel the bumps I think I’m going to have to pull over quickly and put my gloves on though cuz it’s absolutely freezing a lot of older viewers of the channel will

    Remember these gloves with the holes in them they look atrocious but are very useful for using the phone I used to wear a pair of these they’re The North Face etip gloves but I lost the right hand one to this so I just started wearing this glove instead and it seems

    To do the trick it’s not broke why fix it oh my God this thing is so rapid I feel like we can complete so many deliveries today on this thing it’s telling me to go left here can we go left here this looks screw we’ll just trust Google not

    Sure that’s a smart choice but we’ll give it a go oh it’s very off road down here oh it is so muddy oh my god oh bad choice really bad choice oh my God oh my foot is caked in that look at the ground oh my God can you guys see

    That yeah we’re going to have to back up back up look to self don’t trust Google one of the worst things about this bike is the turn radius so you’ve you’ve got about what is that about 45° of turn radius either way just cuz the forks here come into the frame they’ve got

    These nice little knobs that stop it scratching it but yeah it’s hard to do tight turns it’s fine when you’re driving cuz you can lean and stuff like that but when you’re trying to get out of sticky situations quite literally then it’s pretty difficult let’s try to

    Do a 40 point turn here to get out of this thing my God the wheels are caked in that hopefully it should come off after driving on the road for a little bit but we’re going to have to find an alternative here it’s going to be a

    Little bit longer but we can follow this this Main Road straight up yeah we should be okay going to take a little bit longer but man that was just not an option at all there all right we’re back on the TAC now which is good news for us

    I didn’t quite capture it on the camera but as soon as I got on the road mud just started flying all off the wheels it’s quite hysterical all right it shouldn’t be too much of a delay anyway it’s saying we’re about 4 minutes away from this customer who with this bike we

    Should be able to get that down to Two going have to give this a good watchh once I get back do you know if they’re in at all no idea hi are you right hi yeah there you are do you have the code please 12 12 and do you mind if I just check your

    ID thank you anyway have a good day thank you right there we go we finally got the order dropped off how funny is that though we had two customers who took absolutely ages in a row and two really friendly like neighbors that helped us out the woman who lived next

    Door went inside to ring them which was very nice of her she didn’t have to do that but I just notice as soon as you come out of London everyone is so much happier and friendly not everyone but most people you know oh the the rain has

    Just started to come down a little bit more heavy now which isn’t too Pleasant and we quite far south of the city center I’m completely lost I have no idea where I am and it doesn’t look like there’s really any restaurants around here so I think I’m going to head on to

    Google Maps and just head for the city center and hopefully we’ll pick another order up pretty soon oh man I wish I was just recording then I was just following Google Maps back into the city center and it took me just above here but both

    Of them leave on to a roads where you can’t ride bikes oh my God that was a nightmare I had to go into the middle bit and walk all the way back down man what a day we’re having so far this is crazy we’ve only done two orders as well

    If you guys have any recommendations for cities you’d like to see me delivering then be sure to drop it down below in the comments of this video I do go through and check and uh I got a little plan right now in some cities I want to

    Deliver in I’ll try to get to as many cities as possible are you right yeah I’ve lost my daventry road daventry road let me search for you I’m not too sure where that is are you looking for Asda yes for Asda yeah so it’s about a 10-minute walk from here as

    The centry davry road yes yeah it’s up this road here if you just walk in a in a straight line up this road you won’t miss it all right yeah okay thanks you’re welcome have a good day oh bless her she lost her baronss a little bit

    There I would as well it’s quite confused around here I almost went onto an he Road just pointed her in the the right direction anyway I wasn’t too sure so I just got our Google Maps to check we’re still yet to get another order but I think we’re just nowhere near anywhere

    That does orders we probably won’t get anything till we’re back in the city center oh and the rain started tipping down again absolutely typical there we go we’ve made it back into the commentary City Center I believe that Big Tool building in front of us that looks like a church is actually the

    Centry cathedral centry got bombed during World War II and I think the cathedral was hit very heavy with that but right now it’s just a load of ruins o here we go we’ve just got into the area where a lot of delivery drivers hang out and we’re getting a KFC order

    Come through for £37 this is on Uber the only thing is I can’t see where the customer is so I don’t know if this is good or not but I took it cuz nothing else is coming in right now it’s taking a while or I get a delivery order com in

    Before that then I might take the delivery order and cancel this one but we’ll see what happens yeah it’s for Conor E8 336 that’s the one yeah yeah it’s all mate perfect thank you that was a pretty quick pickup for KFC standards any wait in a couple

    Minutes there o it’s kind of lengthy this customer I just saw that they’re 11 minutes away £3 now you might have saw when I was waiting inside we had a Subway order come through on deliveroo I was only paying £290 but the customer was really close I was tempted but

    Thought we were already on an order paying a little bit higher and I guess I was just hopeful that this customer wasn’t going to be so far away so so in hindsight I probably should have cancelled this one and took the subway one instead but here what it is we’ve

    Got this one on our back now so we’re going to go ahead and deliver it to the customer all the Christmas lights are hung up now in commentry I don’t think we’re going to be here when it’s dark I’ve ordered a train home for half 4

    It’s half1 12 right now so still got about 4 hours 3 4 hours to do deliveries but I don’t think it’s going to get dark enough to see all the lights which is a little bit of a shame I know we’ve only done two deliveries so far but we’ve

    Covered a pretty big distance and I have to say this ebike might turn out to be one of my favorite that I’ve ridden so far oh we’re just getting another delivery order come through I know we can’t take it but just curiosity let’s see ooh Jour and done the Kebab for £5 3

    And it’s about the same distance we’re doing on this order so yeah maybe we should stick off Uber today it seems like deliver is paying a lot more unfortunately we’re going to have to C saw this one oh good old Google sending me down more muddy Alleyways we are just

    A minute away from this customer now so it should be close oh the mud on the wheels is not nice to look at mate there you are enjoy see it pretty successful delivery there I’ve gone back online on deliver going to head back in towards the city center now

    Cuz that’s where it’s seems to be really popular today is very cold it’s like 2° right now and it’s been raining on and off so I can see a lot of people not wanting to come out to get food so we should be quite busy all right guys

    We’re back in the city center now while we’re waiting for another order I thought I’d just quickly show you what the pike actually looks like so this is the COS wheel T20 this is the uh the suspension I was talking about this pretty much directly under the seat it

    Makes it so comfortable especially with these big fat tires please excuse all the mud that’s all over the bike right now that’s uh my mistake or maybe Google’s yeah this thing is absolutely massive uh there’s actually a bag you can get on their website which fits in

    This little pocket down here I’m really gutted they didn’t actually send one out to me I really wanted to try it out and see how much space was actually inside of it I really like the idea of having a bag here because there’s just so much wasted space you could fit tools you

    Could fit drinks snacks whatever you need for a day’s work talking about a day’s work can you get a day’s workout of this bike well I think you probably could get a day’s workout of this thing so it’s got a huge battery which basically goes from here to here it fits

    In this whole down tube here the only downside to that is you actually have to take the seat out in order to get the battery out there’s a little hole through the battery here oh we’re getting an order here from chicken Cottage customer nice and close okay we’ll accept

    That 10 minutes for 9799 10 10 okay that is not what I wanted to hear so this order is going to take about 10 minutes it’s only paying £290 so that’s going to be a reject we are in the city center and it’s 1:00 so I have no doubts we’ll

    Get another order in pretty soon and just like that we’re getting an order in from oodles which is a Chinese place and it’s paying £49 the distance looks pretty good as well so I will take that I was a little bit worried cuz when I rode away from the chicken Cottage I

    Came back down to where all the restaurants are and guys look at this just to my left here you’re going to see how many delivery riters are actually out right now waiting for orders so many just waiting around so I think we got quite lucky to get an order

    There I believe we picked up from here in my first ever video uh delivering commentary o look at this we’re getting a double order on £62 £6 8 sorry but that’s for two orders I don’t think we’re going to take that one how do I trust my bike being here I

    Can see it from the counter so I’m going to risk it almost slipped over got 5836 thank you you know when you feel like you’re in a bit of a rush to everything everyone else does to seems super slow that’s how I felt just then but the order was sitting there already

    Oh my God I just saw my trousers they are absolutely filthy this customer is not too far away we’re staying pretty close to the center just one mile away just going past the Transport Museum here on our left this is uh one of the things commentary is most well known for

    I got a very big Transport Museum I quite enjoy riding around the streets of commentary even though sometimes they’re a little bit confusing cuz I’m not used to it they seem pretty safe pretty enjoyable to ride on very smooth there’s not much traffic either which I quite

    Like London no matter what time of day there’s always traffic so I quite enjoy riding around when there’s not so much traffic telling me to go through this park oh this looks nice oh look at those ponds this is beautiful some swans some ducks some pigeons geese you guys are enjoying today’s

    Video so far then be sure to drop a like down below if you’re not already consider hitting that subscribe button we have new content every single week on this channel and soon hopefully in 2024 we might be pushing that up to two videos a week which I know a lot of you

    Will be excited about I do read the comments you guys have been asking for more content every week so I’m going to try deliver that oh it looks like we’re delivering to our first block of flats today let’s see if we can take the bikee inside if not we’re going to have to

    Lock it up to this fence here which might prove a little bit difficult hi mate delivery thank you I mate you’re right do you have the code please um 68 68 thank you there you guys set enjoy oh man we are flying today luckily the customer

    Was only on the first floor there you guys are wondering how I navig or nowhere to go when I’m in a new city what I do is I just type in McDonald’s and look for the one that’s in the center and whenever I do an order I just

    Put a navigation back onto that McDonald’s and head that way cuz there’s usually a McDonald’s in every single City and they’ll always be in the center we’re now up to around £ 15 so far today which I’m quite happy with we’ve only been out delivering for about an hour

    And a lot of that was just riding around out in the sticks trying to figure out where we were so £15 I’m pretty happy with that so far we’re still in the middle of lunchtime so I have no that we’ll get some more orders in soon I

    Like how responsive this bike is a lot of bikes I’ve tried out in the past when you’re pedling or when you’re pressing a throttle if you’re Offroad there’s a little bit of a delay it’s only like 0.5 seconds which doesn’t seem like much time at all but you know when you’re

    Getting going from traffic lights or just starting from a stop it’s a really big difference it’s really noticeable whereas on this one it kicks in instantly which I really do like I know I said it before in this video but man this thing is fast this is probably the

    Fastest ebike I’ve tried out so far it is very fun not only is it fun it means I’m getting to the customers and restaurants a lot quicker which increases my chance at tips and means I can can do more orders within the day so yeah a lot of big benefits so far from

    This bike and it’s very comfortable I have to say I’m struggling to find things that I don’t like about this bike one of the things I would say though is the the shifter in here it’s a Shimano shifter but it’s it’s a really strange one you press the button here to shift

    Up and you flick this switch to to shift down not a biggest fan of that I prefer just the traditional shifter maybe that’s just CU what I’m used to and something I would like on the handlebars is adjustability to lift them up or down in this sort of motion because if you’re

    Much taller than me you’re going to be hunching over quite a lot whereas if you’re much smaller you’ll probably be sitting up more so I would think it would be nice if they could include somewhere a way to tilt them up and down maybe that’s a little bit difficult to

    Do but I’ve seen on other ebikes this one just doesn’t seem to have the option luckily I’m quite an average height so this bike was probably built for most average people so it’s very comfortable for me but I’m just thinking if you’re much taller or shorter than me then it

    Might be a little bit uncomfortable ooh look at this we’re getting a lovely juicy order in right now £94 it is a double order but the customers are close to each other that’s a nice order I’m going to take that definitely now how far away is this first restaurant H only

    A minute not too bad at all guys I see the I see the restaurant the sign’s just up at the top of these stairs but um do I want to take this bike up the stairs it’ll be a good experiment how heaviest thing oh Jesus Christ that’s quite heavy

    Luckily there’s like a handle on the back of the the seat here so we might be able to grab that to take it up right yeah okay this is definitely not the lightest of bikes but it’s not unmanageable we’re getting up here slow but steady I need to get back in the gym

    I’m so weak right we made it I’m guessing the entrance is just around here 5747 thank you sorry I got it first restaurant picked up from and now we’re picking up from Yaky I think Yaky was at the bottom of the stairs oh my God I’m not going to have to carry

    This all the way down the stairs I’m like all right let’s go offline on Uber so we don’t get any more orders come through from them yeah I remember seeing Yaki at the bottom of these stairs but I there’s got to be a ramp there has to be

    A ramp I’m guessing there’s a ramp down this way ah here we go go I wish I knew about this before oh this would have been much easier than climbing all those stairs at least we got to test out how heavy this thing was and here’s Yaky yaki’s

    Basically just behind the restaurant we picked up from so looks like both the customers and the restaurants are close to each other yeah got 84 899 thank you thank you perfect it’s ready straight away you cannot ask for much more on a double order that both the restaurants

    Are right next to each other oh but this is definitely the furthest order of the day it makes sense it’s also the highest paying one the first customer is 3.8 M away Google say in about 21 minutes so let’s go get it Delivered oh guys today is not our lucky day so just handed off the order there as I was rolling up to the the customer I heard beep beep beep which is the noise that the GoPros make when they’re about to die and run out of battery and

    Cuz the customer was really nice and came down to the door I didn’t have time to stop and change the battery I just had to hand over the food so unfortunately we didn’t capture that one on camera but the first of the double order is now dropped off the second

    Customer is actually a little bit further than what I thought on the map it was a little bit deceptive it looked like they were much closer they’re about 9 minutes away which isn’t too bad still it’s paying almost £10 this order so let’s head to the second Customer he you right do you have the code please yeah yeah there you are thank you en your food like lovely little drop off there it’s so nice when the customer comes down to us I’m so used to Landon having to go through one two three doors then

    You’ve got to find which door to go through you’ve got to go up a lift or some stairs and then it’s amaz trying to find the right door got a knock waiting for them but here it seems like most people are ready or come down to us

    Which is super nice man it really is wow look at where we are on the map that’s mental oh my God we we’re we’re in a complete different place that is insane we’re so far away from commentary this like usual though we’re going to stick to the game plan we’re going to I’m

    Going to search for McDonald’s in the city center how fast is it’s going to be I’m going to guess about half an hour 24 minutes okay that’s not terrible not terrible at all hopefully ideally what would happen now is we get an order from a restaurant M here that takes us into

    The city center that happens a lot in London but there’s restaurants everywhere in London even when you venture out it doesn’t look like there’s much around here but you never know we can cross our fingers and to get lucky little update for you guys we’re about 3

    M 17 minutes away from the city center had a little scare my phone popped up as saying uh 5% left on the battery and I was confused cuz it was about 50% When we dropped off that order but I think because of the temperature my phone really struggles well my phone battery

    Really struggles in the cold weather so I had to stick my power bank in my uh in my armor of a coat here cuz I only brought a tiny little lead I’m such an idiot I thought i’ brought my big lung Le usually I stick it in my coat pocket

    And then run it to my phone but I must have just been in a rush this morning and picked up a small lead instead but we’re making it work that’s what we’re doing today we’re just trying to make it work I hope it’s turning out okay in the

    Video yeah um hopefully this doesn’t fall out of my arm we’re going to try our best to keep it in there it’s doing its job right now my phone’s up to 16% and climbing so we should be able to squeeze a few more deliveries in today’s

    Video yeah just thought i’ give you guys a little update and I’ll uh I’ll bring you guys back when we get our next order we made it back into uh the city of commentary you can see the train station just in the background there my phone I’m a little bit concerned because we’re

    Down to 15% now even though it’s been on charge this whole time I just stopped though because we’re getting an order through from Burger King that’s was paying £62 but man that is far away that’s the customer right near centry airport which I think is very far it

    Looks very far on the map so we’re going to go ahead and decline this one it’s currently 10 2 so we should still be good for a few orders for lunchtime and we’re not that far from all the restaurants now so going to head in that direction and hopefully we get a better

    Order come through all right here we go this is where all the restaurants are I’m absolutely starving though so I think I’m going to find myself something to eat before we take our next order right can I get a roast pork and stuff in batch please do you have any onions

    Yeah applesauce Apple yeah I get a tiny bit of mayo if you have any cheers mate cheers thank you oh guys look at this roast pork and stuff in patch for four quid London could never got onions got applesauce bit of mayo in there that looks delicious this is

    Huge oh that batch was absolutely delicious exactly what I needed smelling all this food on my back was making me so hungry I rejected like four orders while I was eating food they were all going to the same place that Burger King was going really far paying hardly any

    Money so I declined all of them we’re getting an order through now it’s only paying £290 it’s from Nando but honestly the customer it’s probably going to take me less than 2 minutes to deliver to them so this is definitely going to be an order we take I’m really worried

    About my battery as well it’s still at 15% even though my phone’s been uncharged this whole time all right let’s head to Nando definitely going to lock up the bike though I don’t trust leaving out of sight in commentary man this bike is absolutely filthy I still can’t believe

    I decided to follow Google down that path what a mistake that was you can see how Rusty my uh ends of the locker it still works perfectly fine but I’ve been leaving it outside locked up to locked up to one of my bikes well it’s Rusty

    Just in case some of you were wondering about that they’ve just gone for one item one feno p oh they got some sides as well mac and cheese and spicy rice all right got 5295 I have your order it’s my first time picking up from here

    H you have a back door over here okay cool okay for next time now that’s that’s there you are thank you very much thank you okay so it seems like it’s a a universal thing with Nando that drivers aren’t allowed in the main entrance I tried to look around the side but

    Couldn’t see anything at least we know for next time if we pick up from here probably will not pick up from here again hopefully this customer is not too far away cuz I’m kind of racing against my phone battery right now how far are they 2 minutes exactly what I said

    Perfect let’s go get this dropped off you’re dandz yeah do you have the code please 17 17 yeah thank you there you are mate enjoy so after dropping off that delivery we’re at £ 2743 that is going to be it for today’s video I’m really concerned about my

    Battery it’s got my tickets on to get home so I really need to make sure this stays alive hope you guys have enjoyed today’s video here’s another look at the C wheel I decided that when testing out new bikes I’m going to give them a score

    At the end of the video based on three categories Comfort practicality and enjoyment for the cosel T20 Comfort I would give this an 8.5 that’s for me personally I think it would go up to a nine if you could move the handlebars up and down but for me it’s okay but if

    You’re a little bit taller or smaller then it might be a little bit uncomfortable the suspension on this thing is incredible the wheels just make it super smooth when riding on the road I was very comfy on this now practic Al ity this includes things like how long

    The battery lasts how easy it is to lock up how easy it is to get on and off lots of different things all wrapped up into practicality and that’s where unfortunately I would give this bike a 6 out of 10 now that’s not to say it’s not

    Practical at all the things that let it down I think are the battery the fact you have to take your seat off and on every single time you want to change or take out the battery it’s a little bit annoying especially if you’re going to be using this every single day to work

    With another reason I give it a low score on practicality is just it’s really hard to lock up you can’t put a regular delock around the frame like you would a normal bike it’s just too fat so most delocks won’t fit around this bike you’ll have to get yourself a chain lock

    Or something that you can wrap around which is a little more frustrating well I think it is anyway a delock just slots into my bag nice and easy a chain lock would be a bit more Hefty be heavier to carry around so that’s also something

    That took this down a little bit and the other thing that let it down on the practicality score is just the turning radius like you saw earlier we got stuck in quite a narrow Alleyway with lots of MD and slush on the floor it was absolutely horrible I couldn’t just spin

    This thing around I I I had to do like a 40 point turn to get it out of that corner when you’re riding you can lean to to give you more sort of turn turning radius but when you’re just still or slow speeds it it does kind of affect

    The the movability of this bike moving on to the final factor is the enjoyment element of this and this is the most fun ebike I’ve ever ridden so for that I give this a 9 out of 10 this thing is fast it’s punchy it’s responsive and it

    Just looks good I mean look at there’s lots of different colorways you can get this in but I just think this looks like an absolute Beast it’s a real shame I didn’t get to test out the bag here I think that would have uh maybe improved my score with the practicality being

    Able to store things inside of it overall it’s a very nice bike to ride it’s very fun very enjoyable I’ll leave all the links Down Below in the description if you do want to get one for yourself I’m not paid by cos wheel or I haven’t been sponsored they just

    Sent me the bike out to test and use make sure you are subscribed to the channel and if you did enjoy today’s video then be sure to drop a like like always thank you for watching


    1. I found your videos so relaxing. I like your positive attitude and I can hear that you're always smiling. The channel is growing fast and it's great to see that your hard work is paying off. Would you consider coming to Peterborough? It has been voted the worst place to live in the UK a few times, but as a resident of 5 years I can assure you it doesn't deserve such a bad reputation. Especially the Hampton area is so nice. The city It's contained but busy with almost half a million people so I think you could make a decent amount of money here. It would be so great to open the door and see you ahaha
      Anyway, I hope you enjoy the holiday season with your loved ones and have an awesome 2024.

    2. I'd say Derby since its where I'm from but it would probably be crap for orders 🤣 Great videos like the others, I love how possitive and happy you always are its a nice relief from the norm.
      Have a great xmas man 😎🤘🏻⛄

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