Piers Morgan Uncensored is joined by physician, author and trauma expert Dr. Gabor Maté to discuss the ongoing dispute and conflict in Gaza between Israel, Hamas and Palestine. They also have an open discussion about why former Zionist Gabor now supports the people of Palestine in this historical conflict even whilst having Jewish family and being a holocaust survivor, what the future of this conflict looks like and how we can achieve a peaceful resolution.

    The pair also go on to discuss Gabor’s interview with Prince Harry about trauma and why he regrets conducting the interview with the Duke of Sussex.

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    Welcome back to un censor Dr Gabel Marte made Global headlines early this year when he appeared in an interview with Prince Harry the renowned trauma expert spoke with the juk of susex about the importance of healing in an interview to promote Harry’s Memoir well more recently Dr Marty has been winning

    Plaudit for his take on the Israel Hamas War he’s an infant survivor of the Holocaust and has been outspoken about both the atrocities of October the 7th and Israel’s response and Dr Gabel Marte joins me now Dr Marte thank you very much indeed for joining me and thank you

    For your patience I know you’ve been sitting there listening to the interview I just conducted uh with this poor woman who whose parents were both kidnapped one has been returned one hasn’t yet first of all what was your response to to that interview um on the human level I saw a

    Very decent person in evident pain in grief um obviously deep anxiety about the fate of her father I saw somebody body trying to make the best um out of a really horrific situation and my heart goes out to her you specialized throughout your career in in trauma and helping people

    Get through trauma you’ve talked to many people who’ve been in extreme trauma this is a very traumatic situation these last two months for people on both sides for the people uh who were on the receiving end of this massacre on October the 7th and we’ve just heard

    Firsthand what that has been like for the uh people in Israel who suffered that but also of course what’s going on now in Gaza with you know many thousands of innocent people uh being killed uh with Israel’s military response including thousands of children um what is your overall assessment of of where

    This war is now heading for that you need some historical context now look I used to be a Zionist I’m a as you mentioned I’m a holocaust Survivor Zionist ISM was very important for me as a Salvation of the Jewish people until I found out that the state

    Was founded based on the extration the explosion and multiple massacres of the local population and that’s not historically controversial so I’m taking a long review of this and I’m saying that the present situation cannot be understood without looking at the historical context and and nor can we move forward if the present occupation

    And the suppression of the Palestinians continue so cheron your previous guest talked about the fragile coexistence there was no coexistance there was oppression periodic massacres um uh land occupation um in the West Bank The Continuous explosion of the population from their homes I visit visited the occupied territories three times now the first

    Time back during the first day the appear I cried every day out for two weeks at what I saw so this cannot go on and I saw the news about the Elgen marbles being returned and how you changed your mind about that well how about returning the land that’s been

    Stolen from the Palestinians I’m not talking about the state of Israel I’m not talking about 1948 I’m talking about since 67 and what’s going on right now so there’s got to be some stop to what’s going on and that’s how I understand it no this is for the sake of both Israelis and

    Palestinians yes I I completely agree with you this is a never ending cycle I I guess from the Israelis point of view what happened on October the 7th was on such a gigantically horrific scale I do get a sense that Israel is in a collective sense of trauma and that they

    Are determined that Hamas should not be allowed to perpetrate such a massacre again and they are on record Hamas just two weeks ago their spokesman are saying they would do it again and again and again if they can so that represents a clear existential threat to the security

    Of people in Israel so I guess my my question for you is what should Israel’s response be everyone is increasingly concerned about what is going on in Gaza clearly the loss of civilian life is on a a catastrophic scale uh nobody thinks this is right but at the same time I

    Think many would share my view that Israel has a right to defend itself the question is how do they do that appropriately and how do they get rid of Hamas if indeed you think they should get rid of Hamas while you’re raising many questions and many fair questions now

    Look I live in Canada where this country was founded on the suppression and the Eraser of the indigenous population and the utter denial of their narrative and uh in Canada for example there the horrendous residential schools where a few decades ago if a native child spoke their tribal language they

    Have a pin stuck in their tongue now most Canadians are not aware of that history most Israelis are not aware of the history of what the Palestinians have suffered they don’t know that in 1948 there were multiple massacres of large numbers of people by Israeli forces they don’t know the history the

    Subjective experience of the Palestinians and in the absence of that knowledge October 7th would just strike them as another horrific anti-semitic event I understand the desire for defense and certainly even a desire for Revenge but that’s in the absence of knowing what the Palestinian experience has been and the Western press and and

    As in all countries where the local population has been displaced the majority of the population doesn’t know the history or the stive experience so if you’re asking me how to move forward let’s inform ourselves of the actual experience of both sides not just one side and just as you had this wonderful

    Israeli woman um chaon here who spokes with such humanity and such poignancy you might have some Palestinians on explaining their experience what it’s like for them to live under occupation and in the absence of that conversation there’s no moving forward and that’s all I’m asking for I’ve had a number of uh

    Palestinians including adop let me say one more thing sorry yeah Israel’s right to defense yes Israel has the right to defend itself every country does but Israel has no right to impose an occupation on people now look I was born in Hungary in 1956 when I was 13

    Studying for B Mitzvah there was the great Hungarian Revolution against Soviet occupation and uh was after that Revolution that we became refugees and came to Canada now did Russia have the right to defend itself against the Hungarian revolutionaries you know so and and mostly when we talk about Israel’s right

    Of Defense we’re taking isolated Palestinian actions but we’re not saying that this population also has the right to defend against the occupation I’m not justifying the the terrible events of October the 7th I’m talking in the absence of historical awareness it all just looks like Israel defending itself

    But against whom against the population that has been massacring in a number of thousands for 80 years and taking their lands and destroying their homes and jailing their children and torturing them that’s the history now unless we know that it all looks like this poor little country trying to defend itself but against

    Whom against people that’s been occupying and this placing for 80 years that’s the history as Israeli historians have shown I don’t make this stuff up I wish it wasn’t true I wish I could believe in the dream of the Jewish State I love that dream except I found out at

    What price at what nightmare that imposed on the Palestinian how do you see this ever getting resolved it seems so intractable but then as I always say so did the Northern Ireland conflict that seemed intractable when the IRA were committing uh Terror atrocities but they eventually did get

    To peace can you see a pathway here to peace and what does it look like what does it look I can that’s a great question again look you’re going to have Nick K was on later on the tennis player I just spent a couple of weeks in Serbia um and the

    Former Yugoslavia with another tennis player Novak jokovic they have a foundation that promotes healing and Child Development and so on so they asked me to speak throughout the former Yugoslavia you know what horrific um um atrocities were committed there just a few decades ago so I was in Belgrade I was in s

    I was in baluca I was in yuana they’re living together now there are still issues to be worked out but the minimum condition is the ending of the occupation and the inhumane Siege of Gaza and international law has to be respected international law is very clear that this occupation is illegal

    That has to be the basis of any future agreement if that was agreed on and if Israel could live within the borders that are internationally recognized I believe peace is possible now we keep talking about the hamash charter did you know that the liud charter the ruling party in Israel

    Excludes a Palestinian entity west of the Jordan River so let’s get rid of both Charters and let’s start with the basis of recognition and peace and the ending of this unspeakably brutal occupation fers you have to go there to see it for yourself as I have and you

    Would cry every day for two weeks as well I’m under No Illusion about what the Palestinian people have had to endure and I think the the oppression of the Palestinian people for decades has been completely shameful and it shouldn’t have been happening I mean the mere fact that Israel was able after

    October the 7th to Simply turn off the supplies of food and water and fuel and so on into Gaza says it all that that is a an occupation that is a controlling Force controlling whether people eat or have fuel or can heat themselves or feed

    Themselves um so I I you know I I I’m under no Illusions about that I’d be very critical of Israel before what has complicated things for me morally with this is that the scale of what happened on October the 7th was so disgusting uh and the fact that Hamas has said they

    Will continue to try and do the same thing again is that I I absolutely believe Israel has to do what it can to remove that threat and how you do that when they are immersed in the civilian population and that population is half children uh without massive civilian

    Casualties on the scale we’re now seeing I don’t know I genuinely don’t know I don’t know how they resolve this but uh I hope the better Minds than mine can work a way through this well I hope along with you as well but again I’m saying that there’s no

    Possibility of that until the interational until the International Community and particularly Israel’s Big Brothers UK and the US stop supporting its illegal brutal inhumane and rapacious occupation it can’t happen without some pressure um and again most Israelis are simply not aware I’ve been to Israel talked to people they have no

    Idea what’s happening a few miles away from when they’re sitting in Tel Aviv having coffee and they have no idea or in Jerusalem and they have no idea what’s happening a few miles away how those people under occupation are living and this has been do it’s not that

    They’re not capable of being aware but like most people they just not and I’m saying that unless we fully get the palestin experience historically and throughout the decades and into the present moment we can’t possibly understand what’s going on here now in 2005 there was a a study appeared

    In the Journal of world Psychiatry looking at traumatized populations under War conditions the most traumatized children in 2005 this is before Hamas gained power in uh in Palestine and in Gaza the most traumatized kids were in Gaza this population has been traumatized severely of course they’re full of Rage

    I’m not justifying anything they did but I’m saying what do we expect from this population that’s been suppressed and tormented and crucified for decades sorry we’re going to have a short break and come back I’ll come back with after the break welcome back to on sensor Dr

    Gabel Marte still with me Dr Marte I want to talk to you about something else now which made you of globally uh brought to the world’s attention early this year when you sat down with Prince Harry to talk about his book spare and it got a lot of attention this I just

    Wondered you’ve expressed since then regret really that you ever did it uh why do you feel that way I express regret not about the uh having done the interview but the way I agreed that it would be um conducted what I mean by that is I had a strong

    Sense that this should inter you should be free for everybody it should be a service to the public it was a great discussion I really enjoyed meeting Harry I found him to be humble and sincere and genuinely interested in promoting mental health and looking at the trauma that underlies people’s

    Mental health issues what was wrong with it is that was put behind a pay wall so a lot of people people had to buy his book in order to watch the interview a lot of four million people already had they were excluded from watching the interview and so that’s what I regretted

    I did not regret doing interview I enjoyed it and I thought it was a really good discussion between two people to flawed people who were willing to look at their flaws so I um I’m glad I did it but in that respect I would not agree to

    It unless it was aired freely for the whole world to see Harry felt the same way by the way afterwards we both wanted it released but the lawyer said that since it was Market as a pay for viewing onetime event would’ be slapped with a clash acction suit if we released it so

    Unfortunately a lot of people didn’t see it those who did for the most part a lot of appreciation let me let me play a clip from the interview you conducted I’ll come back to you after this and then at some point you say towards the end of the

    Book when is someone in his family going to break free and live M have you done that I have now yeah um what does it feel like feels great I do I you once the book came out I felt I felt incredibly free I felt a huge weight off my

    Shoulders now we have very different views about Prince Harry I’ll laid my cards on the table I I think he’s behaved disgracefully towards his family particularly when Prince Philip was dying then the queen was dying the family was in grief and all he and his

    Wife Megan seemed to have done to me is Chu Flames at the family from abroad and tried to damage them and the institution of the monarchy but it’s interesting that he believed there and I recognize you feel differently he believed there that he’s found freedom but in all your

    Experience of talking to people through you know similar kind of family trauma if you like can you really find happiness if your freedom involves disconnecting yourself from your entire family well it’s a really good question my eldest son and I Daniel with whom I wrote our book The Myth of normal trauma

    Illness and healing in a toxic culture are writing a new book now it’s called hello again a fresh start for parents and their adult children families are tough families hurt each other children are traumatized in families Harry was traumatized in his family not because his parents didn’t love him but because

    They were car in their own trauma and pass it on to the next Generation I passed on my trauma to my children I didn’t mean to but I did and so sometimes people can work these things out if there’s the willingness on both sides and people do make mistakes and I

    Do believe Harry made some mistakes um that goes both ways um people can work it out and sometimes they can’t and sometimes people find Freedom and having to disconnect in in the book The myid the normal I talk about this tension that we all have between authentic and belonging

    Attachment and authenticity if we can belong and connect and be our true selves that’s ideal but what do we do if in order to be our true selves our families or our communities won’t accept us well for example over this Israel issue I made a decision a long time ago

    That for me speaking the truth which doesn’t make me right but speaking my truth is more important than who likes me and who doesn’t like me in 1967 I wrote an article after the war arguing by that time that Israel had occupied this territories quite deliberately and then never give them

    Back my father kicked me out of the house I accepted that now my father later on came around and actually agreed with me but I made a decision that to be myself and to speak my truth I’m willing to break the contact if that’s what it

    Took a lot of people in that situation and and Harry in that family with a very troubled young mother and a Loveless marriage and a father was having an affair before he was born a family that was not a whole lot of taching and holding there’s multiple reasons to say

    That he was a very traumatized child and in order to become himself he had to distance himself now did he do it right exactly the ideal way maybe not but you know what when I look at myself at age 38 or 35 boy did I make a lot of

    Mistakes so this is all part of the human drama yeah and families sometimes work it out sometimes they don’t it’s true it’s very true Dr Marty I’ve got to leave it there it’s been fascinating please come back on the show again another time I’ve really enjoyed talking to

    You likewise I really appreciate you giving me this uh this listening thank you a pleasure thank you very much


    1. Israel hasn’t gotten out of ww2 trauma yet. They’re in survival mode which makes then think black and white and attack anyone who feels like a threat to them. That’s how they’re justifying genocide now. That’s a dangerous state of mind especially if it affects the whole country. Even North Korea has got more sense than them now. They can be responsible for causing the third world war through their actions.

    2. Of course the West bank and Gaza should be under Palestinian control. Do you think that this is what they want, or do you think that the Palestinians would see it as a first victory in the way to seize control over the entire land, "from the river to the sea"? I'm afraid it's the latter. That being said, yes, Free Gaza and free the West Bank.

    3. I do contest Gabor's claim of "massacres" by Israelis. Massacres have been performed by Arabs on Jews countless of times as part of their ethnic cleansing of Jews. My ancestors were slaughtered by Arabs in Algeria. Today Algeria is essentially Jew-free. So are Libya, Syria, Tunisia, Morocco, Iraq, where large and vibrant Jewish communities used to live. Arabs have massacred virtually all jews in Hebron in 1929 (Judea and Samaria), thereby ethnically cleansing jews from Hebron. These are only examples.

      As an Israeli, I have the right to a state where I can protect myself. Arabs have 50 countries. "Palestine people" is an invention of jewish-hating arabs. It did not exist before 1967. The proof? till 1967, Gaza was under Egyptian control, and the West Bank was under Jordanian control – no claims for "independence" were made then…
      A palestinian arab state never existed.

      Israel pulled out of Gaza in 2005, so what "occupation" are we talking about exactly? This guy is distorting history in the extreme. The stated intent of Gazans and their elected party (Hamas) is the eradication of Israel, and they have been carrying this out repeatedly by firing rockets into Israeli cities, killing and maiming Israeli civilians. This is the reason there is no peace. The blockade Israel imposed was a result of Gaza's aim and carrying out this aim. What are we supposed to do exactly? let them arm themselves freely?

      This guy only looks at the Palestinians' suffering. What about Israelis' suffering? being terrorized by Arabs over decades. Israeli governments have repeatably proposed to create a Palestinian state in Gaza, Judea and Samaria, and always rejected those offers and responded with terrorism.

      While it is true that the current Israeli government is not promoting any overtures towards arabs in Samaria and Gaza, very few Israelis (if at all) at the current time would consider pulling out of the West Bank as this is pretty much guaranteed to end up in another Hamas-tan Gaza-style and that would be suicide…

    4. First and only interview of Piers Morgan I would probably ever watch. Dr Gabor Mate as always is a legend. I hope Piers learned something from him that will shift his perspective, namely the events currently taking place in Gaza didn’t start with October 7th, and that genocide of Palestinians is not justified.

    5. BOTH Israel's and Hamas CLAIMS should be DISREGARDED because both of them at WAR with each other therefore there is CONFLICTS OF INTEREST. Any CLAIMS from either sides must be verified by INDEPENDENT and TRUSTED OBSERVERS!

      UK and US are COMPLICIT in the OPPRESSION of the PALESTINIANS that is why they will not CONDEMN the APARTHEID and RACIST state of Israel. DEMAND CONDEMNATION of the OPPRESSOR before CONDEMNING the OPPRESSED i.e Israel before Hamas it is only COMMONSENSE, U.N's weakness in not upholding INTERNATIONAL LAW against POWERFUL NATIONS and its ALLIES is the ROOT CAUSE of all ongoing CONFLICTS.

      Piers Morgan was sympathetic to Ben Shapiros's religious view on HOMOSEXUALITY but not Dr Abdul Wahid's who has been serving the public as a doctor for 25 years for having the same view on HOMOSEXUALITY. Piers Morgan on CLASSIC DOUBLE STANDARD MODE, His ISLAMAPHOBIA cannot be MISSED by all DECENT, SINCERE and PEACELOVING people.

      If an employer were ask a person at a job interview about his/her beliefs whether they agree with homosexuality or not. What would be the state of the COUNTRY and ECONOMY if people were to get CANCELLED for their BELIEFS. The COUNTRY and ECONOMY would INSTANTLY be on a DOWNWARD TRAJECTORY!

      Piers Morgan is so DESPERATE to FORCE his view that Hamas is a TERRORIST organisation and Israel the APARTHEID and RACIST state born out of TERRORISM is not. To him anybody who disputes this is in his worldview is DESERVING of CANCELLATION and as a consequence of that FREEDOM of THOUGHT goes out of the window. Imagine believers in God who considers God as the only PERFECT entity in their paradigm and anybody who denies GOD were to be labeled as FOOLS and DEGENERATES for subscribing to worldview which does not involve a PERFECT God, would this attitude be acceptable, OFCOURSE NOT, so why should Piers Morgan be allowed to CENSOR FREEDOM of THOUGHT!

    6. Piers Morgan was unable to BULLY Muhammad Hijab into CONDEMNING Hamas as a TERRORIST organisation because Muhammad Hijab demanded from Piers Morgan the PRIMARY SOURCE of EVIDENCE that Hamas carried the atrocities of 7th October to which Piers Morgan had no reasonable and credible answer. Muhammad Hijab had Piers Morgan HAPLESSLY CONCEDING to the APARTHEID and RACIST policies of Israel and almost had him conceding Israel as a TERRORIST STATE deserving of INTERNATIONAL CONDEMNATION. This is a difference between someone who is well versed in Islam and who is skilled and experienced in debating likes of Muhammad Hijab, Roshan Mohammed Salih, Abdullah Al Andalusi and others who are well researched on a particular subject or issue and someone who is not. No wonder Douglas Murray will not have a FULL BLOWN DEBATE with Muhammad Hijab and Norman Finkelstein and other experienced and skilled debaters because he knows just as George Galloway had his intellectual predecessor Christopher Hitchens sweating like a pig in a FULL BLOWN DEBATE likewise Muhammad Hijab and other SKILLED and EXPERIENCED DEBATERS will have Douglas Murray SWEATING and SQUEALING like a pig, GUTLESS MURRAY a PHONEY INTELLECTUAL.

      "I don't do hypothetical" Piers Morgan is a LIAR, he did not let the opportunity go to bring up a HYPOTHETICAL SCENARIO about him identifying as a BLACK LESBIAN or when commenting against JEREMY CORBYN becoming LEADER of this country to Douglas Murray, but he would not entertain a HYPOTHETICAL SCENARIO to do with I.R.A TERRORISM, basically he is a LIAR and a BULLY and he cares very little about Palestinians.

      The Disappointment on Piers Morgan's face at the end of the 2nd interview with Muhammad Hijab is worth a picture, he realised the lid is being lifted on Pro Israel BIAS and his desire for RATINGS!

    7. How about the life of a Palestinian child mother father does that bother you, Pierce the fact that they’re raping young women and Israel, and releasing them back to Gaza is that humanity? Give me a break pierce you’re full of shit.

    8. He’s right on! Read! Don’t listen to talking head news organizations. But what happened October 7th, not only won’t help, but only multiplied the suffering.

    9. The good doctor said that there were "multiple massacres" involving a "large number of palestinians" by Israel in 1948. Even if its true, how is that relevant to whats going on today? The peace activist jews who were massacred by Hamas had nothing to do with what happend in 1948 because they werent even born.

    10. If you say many thousands were killed, it doesn't have any meaning to most people. There is no impact. If you say one woman had the baby cut from her womb it hits like a sledge hammer. The spin is the driving force that allows good people to condone brutal demented horrific action.

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