Willkommen hinter den Kulissen von Muc-Off – dem Ort für Hightech-Forschung, Good Times und die ultimative Fahrradpflege! In diesem Video nehme ich euch mit nach England in das Hauptquartier von Muc-Off.

    Wir bekommen Zugang zum geheimen Labor in dem täglich an neuen Produkten getüftelt wird, bekommen Einblicke in die Forschung von Muc-Off und erfahren wie Muc-Off zu einem Unternehmen mit internationalem Kultstatus wurde. Und natürlich habe ich Eure Fragen an die Produktentwickler von Muc-Off weitergeleitet.

    Außerdem geht’s mit Ben Deakin auf einer wunderschöne Jumpline und wir werfen einen Blick hinter die Kulissen bei einer Videoproduktion mit Myriam Nicole, Amaury Pierron und Thibaut Daprela vom Muc-Off Commencal Team.

    Vielen Dank an @mucoffltd für die Einladung! Wenn euch das Video gefällt, würde ich mich sehr über einen Daumen nach oben und ein Abo freuen!

    ► Danke an meine offiziellen Partner
    – Giant
    – Schwalbe
    – iXS
    – Reverse Components
    – Deuter
    – Ride Concepts
    – Muc-Off
    – Sunlight
    – Liquid Life (Code “Flo5”): https://www.liquid-life.de/
    – Löwenanteil (Code: “Flo10”): https://www.loewenanteil.com/

    ► Dinge die ich nutze (Affiliate)
    – Bike Stuff: https://www.liquid-life.de/ (5% sparen mit dem Code “Flo5”)
    – Mein Film Gear: https://amzn.eu/dRR9jqw
    – Alltime Favorites: https://amzn.eu/fNNPN9Q
    – Amazon Store: https://www.amazon.de/shop/freerideflo

    ► Meine Bikes
    – Giant Reign Advanced Pro 1 (2023)
    – Giant Reign E+ 1 (2022)
    – Giant Revolt 1 (2021)
    – Giant Reign Advanced Pro 1 (2021)

    – Instagram: https://bit.ly/38E0GD2​
    – Kanal abonnieren: https://bit.ly/2RozXo3​

    Ich bin noch nicht lange auf dem Bike unterwegs, hab aber noch ne Menge vor. Egal ob Freeride, Downhill, Hometrail oder Bikepark – ich nehme euch mit auf meine Mountainbike Trips quer durch Europa und darüber hinaus.
    #freerideflo​ #giantbikes​ #mountainbike​ #mtb

    What easy German like like my day why does it smell so Good a good journey and stuff yes yeah okay we actually started as a componentry brand so we started as a company called xite and that was is all manufacturing high-end componentry so handlebar ends um seat post stems lots of different sort of cool CNC machine anodized Parts on the bike and in

    1994 we came up with the moff cleaner and the reason was people were using any sort of cleaning product they could find at home and it was damaging the anodizing and the finish on on the componentry parts that we made so we sort of fell into mof in a way in terms

    Of coming up with well we need a cleaner to not not damage the parts that we were manufacturing and that’s how mof started and then over time um mof just grew and grew and grew and obviously we’ve gone on to a lot more products over the years

    Now as well and it’s almost made us a brand which wants to support and help Riders you know have different challenges on the bike so whether that be tubeless or cleaning or all of those aspects so you’re riding with this one it’s my it’s my girlfriend’s Christmas present

    Picked up if was riding that still oh good nice yeah it’s a bit like hit of mess isn’t it yeah yeah yeah because of all the roots and the the wet Roots so but it’s nice yeah especially if you know you don’t know the track [Applause] J

    Mind easy all right here we are FL yeah okay we’re at your jump line mate if you were to follow me I guarantee you’ll be you have to they’re not like kicky they’re just like spe jump smooth okay you want to have a look at these and

    Then we stop and then we go up the next one I think the first one oh okay how many how long is this one oh okay yeah that’s going to be hard for me I I know because you have to so honestly for now maybe to get you through them you do

    These two yeah and then when you get here you can literally jump jump straight but just remember to jump straight yeah I think it depends all on the speed right yeah you in yeah let’s try go chill okay chill is good woo no problem at all man I told I

    Told you they’re easy nice that to me I’d say that’s the hardest one okay like yes this looks it looks long and big you just have you have so much SP but you know we can do it in sections if we get you’re like no then yeah got it brother you got It whoa okay missed that One wo Okay W whoa I did it but maybe maybe it’s uh yeah okay it survived still thought that dude so good Here that’s actually pretty cool fair play head lunch on that Perfect order Zas Here Way I want to cry but going to love you till I die oh we need the I’m Harrison um I’m head of creative for mov and I’ve been here for over 10 years now so it’s been quite a journey but loved every minute of it everything

    We’ve done over the years of marov we’ve tried to be a bit edgy kind of break the rules and create something which makes people happy makes people laugh makes people question things as well uh we’ve never wanted to be kind of normal we’ve never wanted to follow any rules um but

    We’ve always tried to be inclusive as well at the same time we spend like a lot of time getting inspiration from music kind of TV um movies we kind of have this kind of motto of like inspired by culture where we take um it might be like I said like a TV

    Show or a movie or a music album or something like that and we use that as a bit of inspiration do concepts trial and error and then hopefully we come up with something pretty cool and and it works and people seem to love it and it’s a

    Good fun it’s a fun way of [Applause] Designing we do everything from packaging to all of dig campaigns to everything web everything print pretty much everything you see crazy is all done in house by us for us when we say go yeah literally just spray midle you’re in the middle room won’t you let me Dream again oh my God My Research and development all right just see here h Hello nice to meet you how you doing hi this is um this is where we do the a lot of the optimization and the product development for the um for the chains and the Lubes and and all our

    Hardware so we’ve got two dinos here an absorbing power Dino which is great for um looking at overall drive chain efficiencies and with this one we can really look down at the performance of the Lubes it can be very time consuming because you’re not only testing um your

    Stuff you’ve also got like the Rings the chains the sprockets so they’re all different so we have to spend a lot of time um normalizing stuff to to to get it the same and I drive everybody crazy here CU there there are certain things that I can’t control you know you know

    Shimano or Shram you know what how they’ve made their thing on the day the next level for us is the tribo lab so this gives you a real scientifically amount of weet might not be the same as the application but it is you know a repeatable wear measurement that you can

    Create on there and then we’ll have the wear that we can take over onto that machine so if we go over here so this is a white light interferometry so it’s a 3D microscope it allows us to um to build up a 3D model of the wear and of components so

    It it’s very sensitive we can measure down to nanometers and uh it’s even on an air table that um that it floats CU us talking would even even uh affect it so this is a this is one of the the special tokens that we that we designed

    So this is we call this a dumbbell so this mimics the pin so you probably can’t see it and this is a trouble that I’m having that our Lubes are are getting better and better better and we’re seeing less and less wear but what this will

    Do can you see that that wear bar across there yeah so so you might not have seen it with the visible eye but there is one on there and then what we can do is a 3D scan of that we can have a look at how

    Much volume is missing so we can measure literally how much metal has been removed so so this is the the wear area here this is the the flat area if I slide it down I can get rid of the flat 5,000 895 cubic microns of metal removed

    So all I do is I I I I test that one see how much Metal’s been removed and I test another one see how much Metals removed always um Fiddle in with the formula to to optimize them both it’s just such a big part of our brand

    Really you know um I think the number one reason is that you know it gives people that great sense of like user satisfaction and enjoyment of using the products I think when you pick something up especially in the type of business we’re in which is predominantly chemical

    There’s a lot of bad smelling chemicals out there so when when we don’t have a fragrance in a product now people go oh like where is that you know so it’s just become such a big part of of mof’s product line sustainability for us is really

    Important so we don’t just use it as a buzzword um you know we don’t just throw it around lightly we we take it really seriously and it’s quite an integral part of the product development process as well so a couple of years back we launched our initiative project green

    Which was to reduce um sort of x amount of tons of plastic per year and as of January at the start of this year 2023 we’ve saved just over 200 tons of plastic um so things like Punk powder form a massive part of that um packaging sort of taking away as much single-use

    Plastic as possible and um you know looking at recyclability recycled materials we’re doing a lot of that and really trying to make sure that it’s an integral part of when we’re developing new products we’re getting that that um you know the right environmental credentials in there but also Alo on the

    Chemical side as well um I’m really looking at sort of petrochemical free products and ways that we can continually innovate them and um yeah be as kind to the the planet as possible really so the biod deeser is really aimed at degreasing components um so it can be used around sort of drivetrain

    Components or if you’re you know removing components that then need regreasing um it’s really aimed at that um the disc brake cleaner is aimed specifically at your your disc brakes um the pads the discs themselves and just really gives them a thorough deep clean um without stripping you know too much

    Out of there and causing brake squeal so yeah they’re two kind of separate formulas that aimed at two different applications so the the biod Degreaser is more like aggressive um yeah so you would you could use it for say stripping out um chain grease or uh grease out of your

    Headset for example or your bottom bracket um and yeah the disc brake cleaner is really aimed at the the disc cleaning so no puncture hassle um is really designed to to work up to about 6 months um it’s best to just keep on top of it as with most sealants just keep an

    Eye on it refresh it um and you shouldn’t have any problems if you do leave it too long and it does dry out um no puncture hassle was designed to just leave a really nice sort of even film um around the tire which you can either

    Then just top up or scrape out and replace um without any hassle yes so we actually have our matte finish detailer um so the matte finish detailer is a water-based Emulsion um this is designed specifically for matte finishes um which are a little bit more delicate than a gloss finish um but

    Ultimately you know it doesn’t leave a a Sheen uh or any sort of residue on there um so yeah that’s the one you want to go for if you got a mat finish always yeah um we’re always innovating we’re always developing um we’ve got some really exciting new

    Products uh launching between sort of now and already into next year as well so yeah watch the space And potentially yeah yeah so we got a few new um formulas that are in work in testing at the moment and yeah we we try to make each fragrance as unique as possible um so yeah no so they’re both based on um the same formula um however a few years ago

    We decided to sort of separate the range out and with our motorcycle product really aim them uh or aim the range towards being used on motorcycle so um you’ve obviously got a lot of motorcycle specific products in there um but the bike cleaner is is great to use across

    You know both bicycle and motorcycle so we thought let’s bring the same great cleaning performance across but sort of Target it at uh you know motorcycle usage so you don’t want to get any of the protectant Aerosoles so things like bike protect or silicon shine um because

    Of the high oil and silicon content in those you want to ster clear of getting them on on your disc brakes um and also the lubricants as well just being oilbased you know if you get any of that on your discs you do contaminate them um but we have our disc brake protectors

    Which are great to use and protect your disc when you’re using those products around the bike for your Maintenance I haven’t personally um um yeah it’s it’s probably best to keep the products for use on the bike and uh not for yourself From Sy AR


    1. Hey ihr, kleine Info zu diesem Video – es gibt für die Interview Parts (ausgenommen die Q&A) richtige Untertitel. Die könnt ihr einfach im YouTube Player unten rechts aktivieren ✌🏼

    2. Hi Flo
      Mich würde mal interessieren mit welcher Geschwindigkeit Du die Sprünge bzw Gaps wie zB hier im Video anfährst
      Wäre schön wenn du es öfters mal simultan in Realtime mit einblendest, als Info und zum einschätzen wie man so unterwegs sein MUSS um so was zu meistern Danke , Gruß und weiter so🤩😇

    3. Nice Flo, nice visit in UK , where was Sam P. and Drake?
      Muc -OFF nEue Sponsor wahrschenilich, oder ist schon. Weil ich hab bischen verpasst hier 🎉😂🚀🙌🏼

    4. Ich weiß nicht… ich mag Muc Off nicht. Ich habe es auch schon benutzt aber keiner meiner anderen Reiniger hat das Anodizing meiner Teile beschädigt und auch Spülwasser ist gleich effektiv. Ich finde hier ist sehr sehr viel Marketing dabei und in der Hinsicht haben sie alles richtig gemacht.

    5. Die Frage nach dem Unterschied zwischen Fahrrad- und Motorradreiniger ist SUPER! Ob er wusste, das man den 5L Reiniger in der Motorrad-Variante für weniger als die Hälfte kaufen kann in Deutschland? Obwohl MUC Off daran wahrscheinlich keinen Cent mehr verdient. Nur die Deutschen Händler reiben sich die Hände 😅

    6. MUC Off ist eine der wenigen Produkte die mich echt überzeugt haben. Jedes Mal nach dem Reinigen denken meine Nachbarn ich hab mir wieder ein neues Bike geholt. Aber bei dem Wetter was die haben müssen die auch Profi im reinigen sein 😂

    7. lässiges Video! Vor allem echt gut gefahren find ich die Jumpline hat mir nicht gerade klein ausgeschaut und war ja anscheinend auch nicht wirklich trocken. geil!!

    8. Ich finde, das war mal wieder richtig ein joveles Vid. Die jungs haben doch was geraucht. So Crazy kann man doch nicht sein. 👍 Die haben alles richtig gemacht. Super Farben mit Pink und Grün, also alles knallig. Haptik 100%. Nur der Preis ist halt leider doch hoch für den Endverbraucher, weil natürlich der ganze backround bezahlt werden muss. Aber haste toll gemacht. Aber die Line wäre ich, so glaube ich, nicht gefahren. 😊

    9. Hallo Flo
      Für mich gibt es nur ein Schmiermittel für Ketten Dämpfer und Lager „ Variolube“ Probier es doch einfach aus
      Dir und deinen Lieben eine schöne Weihnachtszeit 🙏

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