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    #creepystories #horrorstories #scarystories

    I narrate supernatural stories, including park ranger stories about mysterious creatures. Scary park ranger stories are very interesting and we can learn a lot about the supernatural.

    Copyright Notice
    You must receive written permission from me to use any form of my content. reproduction of any of my narrations on any platform or medium is not allowed without prior written consent.

    About My Stories
    Some stories are researched from real events by writers hired by me, for example, missing person cases at national parks. I put references to the news sources in those videos. All other stories are sent in from viewers or recreated or inspired by existing stories. I will also read stories from other channels with their permission.

    Content Disclaimer
    This is a work of fiction. Any similarity to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events, is purely coincidental.

    Background Music: Co Ag

    I’ve been a cop in a small town in West Virginia for a lot of years our population is only around 3,000 people it’s generally pretty quiet when you’re patrolling a town that size there are mostly just small Shenanigans to deal with one day a report came in on a

    Runway teenager I knew of the family and this girl had run away a few times before she was probably about 16 or 17 years old by then she and her mother had a real troubled relationship the father had moved out and gone to live in another state the mother was quite a

    Piece of work and was always tearing the girl down I couldn’t blame her for Running Away really half the time when we got these reports the truth ended up being that the mother had kicked the kid out of the house I showed up one time on

    A disturbing the peace call and I found the mother outside throwing rocks at the girl and screaming at her to leave I know teenagers can be a handful but I felt sorry for that girl in a bigger city if a kid that age runs away you’ll get one patrol car who gets the

    Assignment to basically put out a description one time at most they’ll go to a friend or two’s house and see if they can find out anything then they’ll fire report and enter the person as a wanted in the computer there’s so many runaways the chances are pretty small

    That officers will have time to make it a priority in a person that old is usually leaving home on their own free will and it’s not considered an emergency but if found the juvenile will be forcibly returned and the one in status will be cancelled that’s what

    Kept happening to this girl this time the report said that she had gone off with some kid on a motorcycle I had the luxury of spending the time it took to ask questions and run down the leads a friend of hers said they had camping gear with them and they had mentioned

    Heading towards Sutton Lake I was familiar with that area my own family had spent a good amount of time camping and fishing there now that it was early summer that would be a good place to hide out I was personally invested in making sure this girl was okay no one

    Had any idea who the guy was that she was with but it did sound like he was of similar age if a girl runs off with an older guy there are criminal charges he can face like endangering the welfare of a minor at around 8:00 p.m. I headed

    East on Interstate 79 and then turned off toward the Elk River Wildlife Area before you get to the lake there’s a small Cemetery that you go by called popler Ridge I was passing by there when I noticed a motorcycle parked near one of the buildings I pulled in and shown

    My Spotlight over the chain link fence but I didn’t see anybody the bike was loaded down with saddle bags and a big duffel bag so it matched the description I got out of the car to have a look around there are Big Trees surrounding the cemetery and when I was walking

    Around the perimeter I noticed some flickering lights in the woods I headed into the trees to check it out I got closer and I could tell that something was shining a flashlight back and forth then I hear this piercing scream before I could move or do anything something

    Big and black came flying out of the woods it passed in front of me about 20 ft away and flew toward the cemetery then more screams came from the woods I was about to call out when two teenagers came out of the trees and ran towards me looking Wildey they were breathing hard

    And gasping about a monster I tried to get them to calm down and tell me what happened they said they had seen something huge crouched on a branch about 5 ft off the ground and had shown their flashlight at it and they had caught sight of these big red eyes

    Staring at them that’s when the girl had screamed and the thing had flown out of the trees I wouldn’t have believed him if I hadn’t seen it myself that thing flying past me I turned around and ran back in the direction it had flown I’m not in the habit bit of chasing monsters

    But if you had seen how big this thing was you’d understand why I was freaked out I even had my gun drawn by now I approached the chain link fence and looked over I Shone my flashlight on the gravestones then I saw something perched on one of them it was crouched on the

    Stone and it looked like something that was half human and half bat it turned its head towards me and I could see a face but my light caught two reflective red eyes it looked like some awful angel of death or something I was pointing my

    Gun at it and it spread its wings and whooshed off faster than you would think is possible me and the kids could only gape at the gravestone where it had been we were just stunned into silence eventually I came to my senses as I suspected these were the kids I was

    Looking for we went back down to the patrol car and I made my report I told the sergeant about the monster but he said just to stick with the facts and not to mention mention it I felt like that was wrong but what could I do I’m sure no one would believe it Anyway hi Donovan I want to start off by saying thanks for putting this together it’s nice to have a community where I won’t feel crazy about bringing this stuff up I’ve never really gotten into stories about strange happenings but a few years back when I was out in the

    Humble County area something happened that made me a believer I’m sure you and a lot of your listeners are aware that this is a pretty remote area of California it’s also beautiful and a ton of people go missing there every year I live in Nevada but my

    Cousin who I’ve always been close with lives in California in 2012 I was headed to college so we decided to do a bit of a road trip through Northern California before I had to live in the dorm my cousin I’m going to call him Todd for privacy reasons is no stranger to the

    North part of the state he’s a bit of a daredevil and is always trying crazy risky Sports and hobbies I told him I wanted to keep this trip tame which he was up for we were going to do a drive of the famous 101 then hook over

    To 299 it cuts East through the state and there’s a nice mountainy area I was excited about at the time my cousin was driving a really old Nissan it actually had a hole that was starting to wear through the passenger side floor and I

    Had to keep my feet a c certain way so I didn’t accidentally put my foot through the floor this was in late Summer and the weather was great further north it cools down a bit so we had the windows down and my cousin had an epic playlist

    On the first few nights we stayed in motels and bumped around towns like Eureka we met up with two of Todd’s friends around there and they joined us for the drive at some point the group of us started telling stories about odd things that had happened to us here and

    There I didn’t have much to contribute like I said I’ve had a pretty tame life growing up no weird experiences but one of the girls who was with us Catherine seemed really into this stuff she had a few different encounters as she called them at first me Todd and the other

    Friend kind of laughed and made fun of Catherine a bit but after about an hour of chatting on this topic it was obvious she was getting upset about us not believing her the mood in the car had also changed maybe just because it was coming on nighttime we were on 299 but

    Not too far along it this was a stretch where it was really woodsy and Todd spotted a pretty deep pull off to the right so we decided to camp out there I go camping a few times a year and I love it but that night I was definitely on

    Edge I thought it was just Catherine’s creepy stories they had gotten weirder and weirder as she told them I just tried to shrug it off my cousin and I had shared one tent and the two friends had actually brought hammocks so they started up a fire to heat up some wood

    While we set up the tent the night was pretty quiet and uneventful this is where it gets a little weird even writing in I feel really self-conscious about this part but I think finally telling someone about it will help me get over it late the next morning the

    Other girl I can’t remember her name mentioned that there was a waterfall nearby down this little dirt road it was a popular hiking area and we decided to stop there were a few other cars parked there so nothing felt out of the ordinary I switched out my sneakers for

    Boots everyone grabbed their bags and water and we started into the woods it was a beautiful day but surprisingly dark under the trees at first the hike was flat but soon it started going uphill it made sense since we were heading for the waterfall there were a

    Few tight switchbacks and some of these opened up into a view we could see mountains not too far from us and Pockets where the woods dipped down the fog was rising up out of those dips which was one of my favorite parts of being in the mountains about a half hour

    Into the hike we stepped out onto a Switchback that was pretty bare all four of us slowed down to take in the view there was another slightly taller and rugged looking mountain directly across from us it had some bald spots Rocky faces sticking out through the trees and

    It was on one of those Rock faces that we saw the figure at first Todd thought it was a bear and quietly pointed it out but soon it was obvious from the way it was moving that this wasn’t a bear it was definitely a person the girls backed

    Off the trail a bit and I could tell that they were both uncomfortable I joined them quickly because the figure across the way from us turned and it was definitely a person a guy wearing a dark cloak I don’t know how else to explain it almost like a robe I couldn’t get a

    Good look at his face it was immediately a weird thing to see in the middle of the woods and the fact that he looked like he was just waiting for something really freaked me out Todd was standing near the edge of the Switchback basically holding his breath I had this

    Horrible feeling that something bad was going to happen if the guy turned and saw us luckily right then a family with a few young kids came trudging down the trail towards us Todd had to get out of the way and it kind of reset the vibe it

    Was hard to smile and act normal I almost wanted to point out that guy to them but I glanced back that way and he was gone we gave it a few minutes after the family passed and then we all agreed to head back down to the car none of us

    Wanted to be out in the woods with whatever that was we made it back in record time piled in and flew down 299 no way were we camping in those woods that night eventually Catherine reluctantly started telling another story about something called the dark Watchers a few months later I gave in

    And I looked them up I think she might have been right it definitely seems like what we saw they’re basically beings in the woods who watched Travelers which I guess we were that day I think my gut had picked on something because according to the Legends they’re relatively harmless unless you make eye

    Contact with them I’m not sure what happens then but people disappear that’s not unusual for humbal County but it makes me wonder how many of those missing people have encountered dark Watchers this is the first time I’m bringing it up to anybody only Todd and the girls know what we experienced that

    Day I guess I could have used it as a freshman Icebreaker but I would have immediately been the weird kid as freaky as it was it’s good to know that that stuff is out there I’m a lot more careful now and aware thanks again for listening and getting info like this out There hey Donovan I’m writing in with a UFO story from upstate Maine just south of New Brunswick Canada my home is almost on the border so I’m about as far north as you can get I spent a few years at a high school working on an oil rig

    And once I had money saved up I built a small cabin up here on almost 20 acres of land it’s the perfect peaceful place I’ve always wanted but definitely comes with some strange events most of these events can be attributed to day-to-day things like neighbors who don’t understand the boundary lines it’s not

    Usually an issue as I own a few firearms and can be pretty intimidating when I want to having two cane coros helps too I have a few chickens and the dogs keep the coyotes and foxes off the property this past spring I had a UFO experience that I thought you might find

    Interesting I say UFO because that’s the only option I’ve been able to come up with for what I’ve witnessed I’ll just get straight to it I always take my dogs out before going to bed and in early April I brought them out back to do their thing they’re two big neutered

    Males so I have a 6ft industrial fence that encloses about 700 ft of yard so I don’t have to worry about them getting out I like to go out and stand on the porch with them just to keep an eye on things and that’s what I was doing at

    This time it was pretty late and already dark but I have flood lights out back so the whole area was lit up to the tree line my girlfriend was on her way over and I was keeping an ear out I live on a dirt road and it’s easy to hear cars

    Coming up my way I was just enjoying the night and watching the dogs romp around when I saw something out of place over the trees like I said this is pretty far north so seeing lights isn’t uncommon a few times of year you can actually see the Northern Lights from Maine and it’s

    Pretty cool but even as I was squinting to try to make out what I was looking at I realized it wasn’t really the season to see the aurora borealis the dogs were completely ignorant of what was going on overhead and just sniffing around in the

    Grass I stared up at what looked like a foggy area spreading low on the horizon just behind the Treetops it was hard to tell how large or small it was because I couldn’t really Place how far away it was at first it did look a little like the northern lights but whenever I’ve

    Seen them they’ve been a bright blue or green this was kind of a soupy gray color I kept staring for a minute trying to remember if there was an airport or something out that way definitely nothing like city lights that would flood the night sky I was about to write

    It off just as a weird night and the dogs in when five lights in a perfect row suddenly blinked into existence they were lined up perfectly horizontally that seemed odd I have heard of satellites or launch known objects showing up in the sky with this kind of lighting but usually the local chatter

    Gives me a heads up about this stuff I pulled out my phone and I called my girlfriend she answered and quickly said she was a few minutes away are you at a place that you can pull off I asked I could tell by the tone of her voice that

    She thought it was a strange question but she agreed to pull off onto the side of the road and asked why when she pulled over I explained that I was seeing something weird in the sky and I wanted to know if she could see it where

    She was I heard her open her car door on the other end a few seconds of silence and then she confirmed that yeah she could see it we talked about what it might be for a moment when the light suddenly shifted that is what made me absolutely sure it wasn’t a satellite or

    Some kind of mechanical object it looked to be five completely separate components the lights separated from one another in different directions that didn’t look geometric or intentional one on the far right shot off into the distance and disappeared on the other end of the line I heard a car door shut

    Again and my girlfriend shakily said she was coming over we hung up and I watched as the other two lights kind of drifted away in relatively the same direction the dogs had quieted by now and they were on the porch definitely confused about why I was still standing there I

    Blinked and then all of the sudden one light in particular had moved significantly closer I couldn’t quite tell what it was but it was definitely bigger and shrouded in that gray fog light like I’d seen first it moved slowly over the trees probably a few

    Miles out and at the same time I heard my girlfriend pull the car into the driveway she came around to the side of the house through the gate quickly greeted the dogs and got up next to me I point clean out the largest light the others were all gone now that was almost

    Acting as if they were scoping out the area is that near anything she asked but neither of us could identify why it would be there we watched it move out for a few minutes until it started receding again and then like the others it just sort of dissipated both of us

    Had trouble sleeping that night I didn’t necessarily get a Mev feeling from it but just knowing that UFOs are really out there makes me a little uncomfortable it feels better to have a roof over my head I don’t always go out with the dogs these days and while I

    Appreciate the peace and quiet out there it really makes you think about just how alone we Are I got a story from last fall in Chicago I still don’t really know what happened I’m a commuter student over at the University of Illinois I got a job with a local cleaning company and I liked it because the schedule was pretty flexible I’d have my shift during the

    Night and my classes during the afternoon and it was almost enough money to feel comfortable I liked the company and I figured it was pretty steady work until I could find something else most of my assignments were for hotels and Office Buildings then a new apartment

    Building opened up on the North side and I got placed there the first thing that happened and this didn’t make any sense was that I needed both a security clearance and a physical before I could start to business position these were upscale condos so the security thing I

    Could understand but the physical was really weird I’ve worked for a couple other cleaning services and they’d asked for some health questions sure but this time I had to get a doctor’s exam and on my own dime it was irritating but I figured the bump and pay would be worth

    It no one was allowed to move into the condos yet so they were still in the process of showing the place off to potential residents me and a few other custodians we’re just supposed to make sure that nothing got too Dusty it was an easy enough gig there were 60

    Apartments and only three of us so the work still took all night they had us cleaning there twice a week sometimes more if there was an open house that day after a couple of weeks I noticed that I didn’t feel as good as I used to I had

    The sniffles and all my muscles felt really sore now I was used to things bothering me and feeling a little under the weather I had to work a lot with heavy duty chemicals and I was on my feet when I wasn’t in class and normally I could just push through it but this

    Felt worse than usual I figured it was the lead up to the flu but I couldn’t afford to call off from work when I had my regular shift at the condos I warned the other custodians to give me some space apparently they had come down with

    Something too we all felt a little sick and didn’t want to be there but we were going to tough it out now usually I would take the middle floors Regina would take the top and Jackson would take the bottom of the building we didn’t actually see each other much once

    Our shift started but that night I needed a refill of bleach so I headed down a couple of floors to the lobby looking for Jackson I found him passed out against his cart he was breathing but his lips were blue I helped him sit up against the wall and I called Regina

    I didn’t know if he needed an ambulance yet or not he was sweaty and clammy to the touch whatever had happened to him it was bad when Regina got to us she gave him some of over coffee he was still shaky but we got him to talk a

    Little bit he said he had been getting dizzy and it just hit him all at once he had tried to go outside and get some air but he didn’t make it as he told us all of that I realized that I was getting dizzy too when I had been upstairs just

    Then I was fine now I was getting nauseous I told Regina to take him outside for a bit and then I tried to calm myself down and tried to figure out exactly what I was feeling there was this ringing in my ears that hadn’t been

    There before I walked around to see if I could shake it off I noticed that when I stood in a particular part of the lobby it felt much worse almost like a vibration was coming up from right beneath me now in all the time that we had been working there we never went

    Below the lobby there were offices down there that we didn’t have to clean but I decided to head downstairs this time I felt worse the further I got underground I made it two floors down down and I had to catch my breath and again it was just

    Offices down there I kept going until I reached the hall leading to the boiler rooms that’s when it felt like my head was going to vibrate out of my skull I couldn’t even see straight and now I could hear the vibration itself it was pounding the walls I made it to the

    Boiler room door and couldn’t go any further when I got back to the lobby Jackson looked better but he still wasn’t strong enough to work I was about ready to throw up and Regina said she didn’t have much left in the tank either we decided to call it a night and leave

    We hoped we would feel better in the morning we taught her boss about what happened I didn’t want him to think that we were slacking off for no reason or else we’d be in trouble when we talked about how sick we got he called the building’s property manager normally we

    Would never interact with them because there’s no need but all the sudden we’re in a meeting with this woman and have to describe everything we did that night she actually ared arranged our doctor’s appointments we couldn’t get reassigned our boss actually wanted us in the building three nights a week instead of

    One he offered to Triple our pay so of course we all took it going into that building again and again it’s hard to describe on some nights I felt as sick as soon as I walked inside and couldn’t work at all and then other nights it felt totally normal Regina and Jackson

    Experienced the same the property manager gave us a reporting form where we had to document all of our symptoms I quit as soon as we hit the New Year my body couldn’t take the stress and honestly I learned to be afraid of that building Jackson left too but as far as

    I know Regina still works that cleaning shift I think I’ll ask her to call in and give you more details she says she’s been getting Worse hey there Donovan I wanted to write in with a dog Man story that I experienced about a decade AO ago I used to be a railway maintenance worker I’m now retired but I have a ton of stories from those days some are pretty dark and sad like bodies being found on the

    Tracks both human and animal but generally servicing the rails was a steady and decent job not too over taxing in terms of physical labor back when I could still lift a decent amount and had good cardio these days retirement has given me bit of a belly and I’m enjoying myself these creatures

    Aren’t uncommon for railroad maintenance workers to see especially out in the remote areas some stretches of track go through the middle of nowhere big forests for miles or just Fields once you get further out in West in fact if you’re on the right crew there’s a good

    Chance everyone will end up telling us stories one night after having a drink or two about what they’ve seen or experienced most of the stories are unbelievable to the point of almost being funny but every once in a while I’d hear one that would give me the

    Chills this happened when I was living in Nashville Tennessee and I got sent out with a crew to work on a track running South we started out early in the morning and got our gear on mostly reflective jackets boots and Tool belts the crew takes out a string of machines

    That can do everything we need out there like relaying track taking out or putting in new ties or leveling it’s loud dirty and dangerous work so everyone needs to be focused on the job but every once in a while if there’s a law like if we’re moving from one

    Section to the next you can take a good look around the afternoon this happened I was on a crew with about 10 guys and we were just finishing up leveling a section that had gotten washed out by Heavy Rain there were a few new guys on

    The crew and one was in his early 20s his name was Anthony he was up ahead of me on the track securing the new ties when all of a sudden he shouted the Machinery is Extremely Loud so it’s hard to hear but I saw him jump up on the car

    Out of the corner of my eye and he looked up he was pointing out into the woods this was an area near a river so we had a decent view down to the water and then across where a pump house was stationed on the other side not sure if

    It was active or not myself and another service worker followed to where he was pointing and saw what initially look like a stray dog sniffing around the building but it quickly became obvious that this wasn’t somebody’s dog even across from the river we could tell this

    Thing was huge it stood up on its hind legs and moved a little awkwardly around to the side of the building we could now see it better than Anthony could he had scrambled to over where we were on the tracks and asked what the hell is that

    The other guy with us told him that’s a dog man Anthony looked both scared and like he didn’t believe us the three of us watched this thing which didn’t seem bothered by the loud sounds coming from the side of the river as it checked out

    The pump house I’m not sure what it was looking for but every few seconds it would get back down on all fours and seemed to be sniffing around the Edge from what I could tell it was some sort of gray brown with a longer snout that

    Reminded me of a German Shepherd when it stood again we could see that it was hunched over a bit as if it wasn’t used to standing upright but it moved around easily enough and when it reached for the single window in the pump house there were like hands where there should

    Have been po we could see the fingers as it made this Fist and knocked on the glass as if it was trying to see if someone was in there if there was I don’t blame them for not coming out but it was probably empty most pump houses these days are

    Set to operate on their own with regular check-ins by maintenance workers Anthony was still freaked out and sticking pretty close to us we had about another minute or two watching this doglike creature and the guy with us muttered that he had to be close to 7 ft tall now

    If this creature would have been standing next to our machines it would have had no problem reaching the roof of the lead car someone up ahead called that the section we were working on was clear and the lead car started up again with a groan and what sounded like a car

    Backfiring that caught its attention and we climbed back up on the car that would pull us to the next station but could still see this thing as we’re moving slow at first when the bang sounded he quickly turned to the river and seemed caught on off guard he must have seen

    The movement of the machines and the crew through the trees but didn’t make a move to run or try to hide for the rest of that day and afternoon Anthony was in a bit of a days that night we stayed in a small town that had a decent Pub where

    A bunch of us went to grab a drink we went around talking about other dog man’s sightings either things we’d seen or we heard other workers seeing on the tracks I think our goal was to reassure Anthony that these creatures aren’t necessarily out to hurt you I’ve we only

    Heard of them causing trouble and the one that we saw that day seemed to be looking for something but he wasn’t convinced and he didn’t last too long after that I think he moved on to a desk job either way if this makes it on to your show thanks I love listening to

    Your channel and usually have it on while I’m tinkering around the House this story was sent in to stories dread. Army hey there dread I’m enjoying your channel and I thought you’d be interested in something weird I noticed at Los Angeles airport I drive an aviation fuel truck at LAX so I get all around the airport and I pretty much see

    Everything most days though I’m close to the terminal refueling planes before they take off one day when I just driven back to the fuel Farm to refill the truck I got a call asking me to make an unscheduled fueling they said the plane I was supposed to do next hadn’t arrived anyway

    I was told to go out to this hanger that I’d never been to before since we usually refuel planes at the terminal I was kind of surprised when I got out to this small hanger I saw just one small Regional Jet sitting outside I checked

    And it was the one I was supposed to refuel so I attached the ground wire and then the fuel hose like I always do while I waited for the plane to fill up I looked around and noticed there was another hanger a few hundred ft away or

    So from the one I was at that hanger kind of looked old and it was fairly small too not big enough for an Airbus a350 or something like that as I watched black cars and SUVs kept coming and going by that little hanger instead of the mechanics and fuelers who wear

    Orange safety vests like me I saw guys wearing black or blue jumpsuits I don’t know it wasn’t just the outfits something about them looked different than regular airport workers the small plane didn’t take long to get fueled I took off off the ground wire disconnected the hose and got back into

    The truck and recorded it on the refuel sheet once I finished I looked over towards that hanger again I didn’t see anyone going in or out just cars parked in front so I decided just to drive by it on my way back to the terminal I didn’t think anyone would notice a

    Fueling truck just getting a little too close to it I don’t know why but when I got close I decided to roll down the window I didn’t get more than 50 ft or so from the cars parked in front but I heard heard a banging noise coming from

    Inside the hanger it didn’t sound like anything you’d expect to hear from a hanger not like a plane engine or a mechanic working on a plane when I heard that noise I pictured huge fists pounding on metal I don’t know why I told myself I was being crazy but then I

    Heard a roar coming out of that hanger like King Kong or something I rolled up the window and drove away I was sure something was going on in that hanger when I got home that night I checked Google Earth to see if I I could find

    That hanger but I couldn’t see it it wasn’t on the map it wasn’t on the map I had of the hangers at LAX either I mean I could see if it was too small to be on my map but why wasn’t it on Google Earth that was weird I hadn’t seen any signs

    On it indicating what it was either I thought I’d try to get over there again sometime and see if I could get a better look at it but our schedules are pretty tight we go from one refueling to the next and there’s really no extra time unless a playing get stuck at another

    Airport finally one day a plate couldn’t make it to LAX because of a mechanical issue and I had an extra hour to kill I had to go to the fueling Farm to fill the truck but I had enough time to swing by that hanger this time I looked at The

    Hanger itself more closely I didn’t see any markings on it no names of airlines that use it no numbers just three cars were in front of it this time one guy came out in a dark jumpsuit as I drove by but he was Hur hurrying into one of

    The cars and I don’t think he noticed my truck after his car pulled away I drove closer I rolled down the window and heard banging again this time it sounded like a fight I swear it sounded like two big monsters in there throwing each other around against the walls but I

    Don’t know maybe it was something else all I know is it didn’t sound normal the next day I was really surprised that I got a break again in fact I had even more time because a bunch of flights got grounded and Chicago for weather we were just sitting around with hardly any

    Planes to refuel when the truck needed more fuel I headed back to the fuel form with at least a 2hour break ahead of me this time I went to that smaller hanger that I’d first seen that weird hanger from I thought if I parked near it for a

    While no one would notice I sat there and ate my lunch just kind of idly watching The Mysterious hanger from that far away there was no way I could hear anything even with the windows down so I just watched cars came and went and then a plain white truck that looked like a

    Big moving van backed in the driver didn’t get out I wondered if they were loading something into the back a few minutes later another truck just like it backed in I was going crazy wishing I could see what they were doing but the way that they were backed in totally

    Blocked my view both Vans pulled out after that all the cars parked there slowly left once they were all gone I drove the truck up to the hanger I got really close this time and rolled down the window I heard nothing it was totally quiet I figured whatever was in

    That hanger was gone they must have taken it away in the trucks I still don’t know what it was since then anytime I managed to go buy that hanger it’s totally quiet but something tells me that they’re going to put something else in there I’m going to keep watching it and see what

    Happens this story was submitted on dreads hey Donovan about 5 years ago me and a buddy of mine decided to do a long road trip during the summer we were just out of college and we wanted to go look around the country before we got

    Tied down to a job we wanted to travel around the US and kind of scope out different areas to see if a particular State might appeal to us we had spent our whole lives living in Missouri and that was all we really knew we spent most of our time camping in the US

    Forest Service and Bureau of Land Management areas we were driving my four-wheel drive pickup truck so we could really get back into some fairly deep Wilderness on the Forest roads after about a month on the road we ended up on some land near black canion of the Gunnison National Park in Colorado it

    Was our last night in Colorado and we were exhausted from doing a 14m hike earlier that morning Colorado had been a real adventure for us with those incredible Rocky mountains there was an option of camping at the national park but that would have cost us money we were still basically just broke college

    Kids we had found the GPS coordinates for a dispersed camping site online that led us to the end of a pave Road in the evening around 700 p.m. we came to this dirt road that went up through some trees and brush it didn’t look well traveled at all but that was how we

    Tended to like it those out of the way kind of Roads had taken us up some pretty spectacular scenery this dirt road made its way to the top of a hill that had some amazing views of snow cap mountains we didn’t pass a car the

    Entire way up it was a pretty rough road but my truck made it up to the campsite easily when we got there we sat in the truck scoping it out it wasn’t the best site we’d been to but it wasn’t the worst either there was no restroom of

    Any kind but there was a fire pit and lots of trees but we also saw an abandoned couch and some other odd signs of human trash it actually started feeling a little bit off-putting The Vibes were kind of weird but it was getting late and we were too tired to

    Look for something better we got out of the truck and started walking around we found some garbage bags wrapped in duct tape I was like this seems like a place that we would find a body or something my friend agreed neither one of us loved the setting we noticed a trail that

    Seemed to go up in a circle around the top of a hill we decided to check that out before we committed to staying we found some more trash and what looked like old clothes but nothing that made us feel like we should leave it was getting close to dark so we decided to

    Cowboy Camp instead of setting up all of our gear that meant just sleeping on a tarp in our sleeping bags under the stars that 14- milei hike we did earlier that day had really taken it out of us and we weren’t completely used to the altitude yet back in Missouri we were at

    Something like 500 ft altitude and now were up over 8,000 ft we figured we would get a nice fire going and have a few by the fire but even with a nice Buzz going we still felt a little uneasy every couple of minutes one of us would

    Shine a light into the woods we kept thinking that we heard something even though this was like our 30th consecutive night sleeping outside it didn’t exactly feel comfortable but it was late so we started getting ready for bed we had our bear spray and headlamps ready I stepped into the wood Woods to

    Go to the bathroom and walked in about 10 ft into the trees I was standing there and I started hearing this sound of something crashing through the woods I turned on my headlamp and my knees almost buckled in the center of my beam was a bunch of bleached bones lying

    There in a pile that in combination with the crashing sounds was giving me some serious Panic if I hadn’t already been going to the bathroom I probably would have went in my pants I yelled out to my friend get over here I don’t know why I

    Just didn’t run back to the truck he ran over and shined his headlamp on the scene in front of us that’s when we started hearing this growling sound and smelling this horrible garbage smell like really rotten garbage we were kind of just mesmerized by the sight of those

    Bones and we kept angling our headlamps back and forth to try to illuminate the trees as much as we could then our lights caught sight of this demonic looking face with a large snout whatever it was was just crouching in there snarling at us then all of the sudden it

    Stood up on its back legs it looked something like a giant hyena about 6 or 7 ft tall the consensus between us was screw this we ran back to our camp and threw our stuff into the truck and we got the hell out of there as fast as we

    Could we drove down that pitted dirt road faster than I ever thought possible I kept driving until we got to the National Park Campground I never felt so happy to pay $25 and have neighbors nearby it scared the bloody hell out of us and we still have no idea what it Was this story was sent in to stories dread. Army hey Donovan I’m a new subscriber and I’ve been binge watching and listening to your content you are in luck I’ve been wanting to tell this story but I haven’t found the right place to do so until now ever since I

    Can remember I’ve had an interest in the Paranormal and alien UFO phenomena my ex with whom I was with at the time of this experience was far from that right out of the Air Force she became a cop for a nearby Town her father was a cop and I

    Believe his father was a cop so needless to say they were pretty thick skinned about 10 years ago I was at her place in a small town called Pacific Grove near Monterey Bay she lived right off the ocean in a short walk from what’s called lovers Point well one night I was over

    At her place and we decided to take her dog for a walk I hated that dog and that dog didn’t like me but walk we did it was around 8:30 p.m. completely dark out we started walking out towards the ocean then down the roads towards Lovers Point

    As you get closer to Lovers Point you can see over across the bay over looking montere and seaside there’s an embassy suites in Seaside which is dead straight on as you walk up to the point it’s the tallest building on the city skyline as we got closer to the point I told her

    Wow look at that star it’s a bright one she asked what star I said the one next to the Embassy Suites building right at that moment I realized it wasn’t a star it was a plane possibly a helicopter we both stared at it thinking what in the

    Heck is that the bright light continued to slowly move towards us we could see the light reflecting off the ocean as it cruised right over the bay we just stared dumbfounded trying to figure out what it was it continued to come in our Direction until it glided right over us

    Then banked left and glided over Pacific Grove then montere and eventually flew out of sight this was massive as it glided right over us I could see it was triangular shaped with round lights emitting from the bottom they were symmetrically oriented under the craft it had a triangular tail Wing to it with

    Round light shooting out of the back it must have been 5 or 600 ft above us and it was huge the whole time we’re watching it I could still hear the waves crashing down the hill about 80 ft away so this thing was silent absolutely no

    Noise now I’m a Believer but my ex wasn’t and she kept saying whoo What is that wait what is that I had just bought a new smart phone but neither one of us were smart enough to pull it out and take pictures of this it was jaw-dropping and stunned us to where the

    Last thing on our mind was to take pictures after it cleared the sky we slowly walked back to our place in pure amazement shock and all around like what in the heck just happened feeling the moment I walked in I hopped on the computer to check out the local Outlets

    Or to see if anyone else called that in she was still in shock to my surprise no other reports were made and I was checking on it all night and the following days someone else had to have seen this thing it glided so effortlessly over the bay in the city it

    Was big it blocked out most of the sky as we looked straight up for it to be silent like that to where we could hear the waves crashing it either was Far higher than I thought which would have made this thing a mile wide at least or

    It was a silent flying craft far far far too large to be a drone plus there was no buzzing sounds nothing completely silent the following days I thought did that really happen she was now a Believer and I finally got to see an unidentified flying object don’t take my

    Word for it she is since married which I’m not sure what her new last name is but you can look her up her name is Jessica Smith and she works at the police department I believe she currently lives in monter she wouldn’t want to hear from me but if

    You ask her to cooperate this story I guarantee she will tell you the exact same thing I said I’ve been wanting to tell this story but what of the right place to do so I like the way you narrate and everything sounds very credible her and I don’t talk anymore

    It’s been 10 years since we last spoke she doesn’t like me whatsoever but I know she will stand behind the story if asked here is a rough idea on what this thing looked like I will never forget it I may be off on the number number of

    Round lights on the bottom but you get the idea it looked like something from Star Wars or something it appeared to be smooth but the light was so bright under it it was hard to tell the color or any other features please let me know if you

    Need any other information I told my wife this morning this is the guy I want to tell my story I’m sure you get a lot of emails so I completely understand if this doesn’t make the cut you have great content either way and happy to be a new subscriber of your Channel This story was posted on the forums on dreads hi folks I live in the Caribbean specifically the Dominican Republic I’m going to share my first story here one night back in early 2003 we had just moved into our new apartment I will always remember that night for as

    Long as I live I was sitting on the balcony we lived on the third floor it was around 2:30 30 a.m. eastern time the lights had gone out but the night was quite clear so to speak since the moon which was behind me must have been

    Either full or quite close to it I was sitting on a chair facing north when all of the sudden I saw this creature that flies by I said wow this bat has got to be huge the wings were pointy like the wings of a bat it must have been around

    250 to 300 M from where I was standing the wings moved graciously up and down not like an actual bat it was flying Straight Ahead unlike a bat Which flies you know erratically so to speak it lasted just a few seconds I would say its height must have been similar to an

    Average person’s and maybe it was around 25 to 30 ft off the ground when I actually understood that what I was seeing was a gargoyle I said no way no such thing exists boy was I wrong such sightings are common in Puerto Rico and all over Central and South America

    America I remember when I was a kid in the80s such stories were pretty common in my country people would tell tales about winged beings that would come down at night over Rural and not so rural areas such beings would snatch infants away but I never believed in such

    Stories my mom told me when I was 17 that one evening when I was just a few months old she heard the sound of some big wings flapping there is this big tree in our backyard right outside my bedroom mom said she heard when the thing came down on the tree and she

    Already had heard stories of this back then so she yelled at it she was aware that it was there and she was willing to kill the thing if needed in order to protect her child that thing left and never came back as far as I know but for

    As long as we lived in that house I had no peace at Night let me know what you think about these stories in the comments below below also make sure to check out dreads where you’ll find all of my stories in multiple strange and weird news posted every single day if you want to be part of the discussion check out

    The forums on dreads Army we also have a Facebook group so you don’t miss out on any updates thanks and take care this strange creature attacked Toby in shenoa National Park during their hike up Old Rag he took this picture right before the attack happened his friend Nick sent

    Me this story to stories at dread. army now stick around because I’m going to analyze this photo a little later let’s hear what he had to say hi Donovan this happened last spring but I never saw your channel until last week I’m glad I found you so I can spread the word I’ve

    Got proof that these creatures really do exist enclosed is a picture my buddy snapped right before he got attacked now the authorities are trying to cover it up here’s what happened me and Toby are both experienced hikers we’ve always wanted to do the Old Rag Mountain hike

    In Virginia at Shen andoa it’s like a bucketless thing we both finally got some time off work and decided to go for it the thing about this Trail is they don’t allow you to Camp above 2800 ft and the Summit is just over 3500 ft so

    We decided to back country camp in the barry Hollow area this was on a Tuesday night and there were some cars in the parking area but we didn’t see a soul in the woods kind of surprising because it’s a popular hike but it was in late

    May while school was still in session we found a sweet spot about a mile and a half from the parking area and set up our tent we didn’t stay up late since we wanted an early start I woke up in the middle of night and then I laid there

    For a minute trying to figure out why I woke up I heard it then something was walking around the campsite I sat up and listened but I didn’t panic I figured it was a deer close by so I laid back down no growling or grunning nothing to worry

    About right Toby slept right through it it went quiet after a minute and I fell back asleep I told Toby about it the next morning we both took a look around the campsite there was an acrid smell in the air and we figured maybe it was a

    Buck marking its territory that is until we saw the prince in the dirt at the edge of the clearing it wasn’t Hooves it was feet it was very odd shaped tracks that neither one of us have ever seen before they were bigger than our own feet with claws on the end but too

    Skinny to be a Bears there were only four toes and they were kind of spread out like a bird’s foot is we looked at it for a minute but it was kind of smudged so we couldn’t really say for sure what it was we didn’t worry too

    Much about it we were psyched to begin our hike it’s just over a 5 mile hike to get from where we camp to the Overlook you got to go down weekly Hollow Fire Road for 2 and 1/2 miles then turn onto Ridge Trail from there it’s just shy of

    3 miles to the Overlook it’s real strenuous though even though we were doing this midweek we wanted to start early cuz it got crowded so we walked for a ways and everything seemed perfect great weather nice woodsy Trail we carry day packs with snacks and water and

    Stopped every now and then to take a break when we turned onto Ridge Trail it got more difficult ult there’s these areas in the woods where it’s not obvious which way to go we had read in the guide book to look for blue paint marking the way but we didn’t see any of

    Those marks maybe that’s only on the Rocks above the tree lines I don’t know I was starting to think we got turned around then I saw a break in the tree line ahead and I knew we were on the right track I yelled to Toby we’re

    Getting close and to hurry up he yelled back for me to go ahead and he’d catch up he had to see a man about a horse course I cracked up because that was so like him but I went on ahead getting to the first ridge above the tree line it

    Wasn’t the summit but all of the sudden you could see for a ways and it was amazing then I hear Toby scream like not a yell but a scream of pain I ran back as fast as I could yelling his name looking back and forth on both sides of

    The trail totally panicked I saw his blue jacket through the brush on the side of the trail and I ran to him he was on the ground he was bleeding and his jacket was all ripped he was alive though thank God I thought it must have

    Been a bear and the hair on the back of my neck was all standing up as I yelled for help Toby opened his eyes and I could tell he was in a lot of pain blood wasn’t spurting out but it was slowly seeping I pushed away his jacket to look

    And he had a huge claw Mark going down from his shoulder across his pecs to the left I yelled for help again and fished a windbreaker out of my pack pressing it to the wound he said something and I couldn’t understand it at first I realized he was saying picture phone and

    Then he passed out I looked around and saw his phone and picked it up and put it in my pocket my mind going in a million directions I needed to get help immediately and there’s no signal up there I didn’t think I could carry him out I started yelling for help again

    Like every 5 Seconds and thankfully I got someone’s attention a man came by and I shouted for him to go get a ranger my buddy’s been hurt there’s a ranger stationed at the junction of weekly Road in Ridge Trail I checked and the wound was seeping blood but I didn’t think

    Toby was in danger of bleeding out I kept one hand on the jacket pressing down and fished his phone out I needed to see the picture I was in shock when I opened the phone and this picture popped up it looks like a dinosaur this thing was in the woods here with us

    I was totally freaked out looking around hoping it wouldn’t come back I didn’t have to wait long for help to arrive I just said I didn’t know what attacked him I needed them to focus on my buddy at that point and to be honest I was

    Doubting my own eyes I wanted to look at the picture real good before I told someone about it they got Toby to the hospital and I looked at the picture again unbelievable the proof was right there I hit AR’s phone and sent a copy to myself I then showed the picture to

    The ranger who was there to take my statement I told him that Toby had snapped it right before he was attacked I also mentioned that something had been at our campsite the night before maybe this thing had been stalking us I handed over the phone waiting to see his face

    When he saw the creature he totally shut down no expression at all he just said hm okay I need to hang on this to show my supervisor I said what is that thing and he just said that they would investigate Toby’s okay the biggest concern was infection but they took good

    Care of him but you know what the authorities somehow misplaced his phone yeah of course they did the official report says my buddy was attacked by a bear does this look like a bear to you it was a cover up plain and simple that Ranger wasn’t surprised I bet he already

    Knew about that creature I’m glad I have proof and now you guys do too okay now let’s take a closer look at this photo the first thing that I notice is that the overall photo is pretty blurry that could be explained due to the camera lens being a little bit blurry they were

    Out in the woods after all does that make the photo unauthentic not necessarily the second thing is is this Beast did appear to come out of nowhere there’s a small clearing towards the top of the picture that it looks like it’s coming down from now there are a few areas that I think

    Are a little suspect take a look at the creature’s feet they are a little odd shaped and then let’s look at this creature’s mouth if this truly is authentic I would never want to run into this thing its mouth looks absolutely terrifying you can’t really tell from

    The way the picture was taken what its face looks like those are just my observations I would love to know what you guys all think in the comments below Back in the day me and my friends used to think it was entertaining to go out late at night and shoot at raccoons I’m not proud of it now but it was just what we did back then it was part of the culture just to blast any undesirable

    Critter I grew up in the south in Arkansas and raccoons were considered really big pests I mean they got into everything the garden the trash we even had them them try to come in through this screen of our kitchen window nobody would judge us for going out and

    Shooting them I’m a lot more considerate of animals now if I even try to tell this story to my wife I just get shut down as a barbaric fool so I figured I would tell you what we went up against this one night I never really had a

    Chance to talk about this outside of those friends who were with me we know what we saw but sometimes we even start to question our own eyes it was probably around October back in maybe 2003 or so we were fooling around having some drinks and whatnot and we decided to go

    hunting mostly we were just bored and didn’t feel like going to bed yet it was close to midnight my parents were asleep we started out like always down this trail behind my house we went down this steep section full of sweet shrub towards this Gully where we knew some

    Ground Burrows were there were a lot of raccoons that lived down there it wasn’t wasn’t too far from my house there was a shallow stream down there and we would see them drinking sometimes we crossed over the stream and started walking up the hill there is this good spot with a

    Lot of big Stones where we could kind of hide out we settled in and took cover and scoped out the area I had my shotgun across my knees my friends didn’t have theirs since we really hadn’t planned this we sat there trying to keep quiet we were a little buzzed so we kept

    Bursting out laughing over nothing we walked watched over any movement but we didn’t see anything at all it actually seemed extra quiet that night no crickets or anything it started to get pretty cold and we weren’t exactly dressed for the weather after about an hour of that we decided we should give

    Up and head back I had this field Spotlight with a hunting lens and I thought I would take another look before we called it a night I turned it on and we saw something about 20 ft away it was on all fours with its nose on the ground

    We couldn’t tell if it was eating something or what it sure wasn’t any raccoon the spotlight coming on didn’t even seem to phase it at all but it sure made it look towards us that’s when things got scary it took a step towards us and lifted up on the two legs it

    Started growling this really low guttural growl it stretched itself up and puffed out its chest it had this really thick coat of fur around its neck to me it looked like it was at least 6 or 7 ft tall and the claws on that thing

    Were like 2 in long it bared its teeth and it reminded me of my friend’s doberman pincher when it used to Corner something it even smelled like a really dirty wet dog we were all just staring at it completely petrified for a minute it felt like a standoff it took another

    Step towards us and I had my shotgun leveled I fired a shot and hit that thing right in the side of Its Ribs usually hitting something that close with a 12 gauge shotgun would cause a big hole and a typical animal wouldn’t walk away from it a spray of blood burst

    Out of that creature and it let out this loud Yelp but the shot didn’t knock it down we were shocked that it just started sprinting away and ran out of my circle of light my friends were freaking out and yelling at me to shoot it again

    I fired two more times at it but it was so fast that it got out of my range really quick and I missed it we got up and started following in the direction it ran I mean talk about fools it’s hard to believe how stupid we were when we

    Were that young we went for about 10 ft and found this large pool of blood then we went a little further and found a smaller pool of blood we kept going and spotting footprints that we could follow we eventually stopped and looked at each other and realized how stupid we were

    Being plus we didn’t know if this thing traveled in packs or what who knows how many of them there could have been the way it looked we were thinking we had encountered a real life werewolf we started imagining that thing laying low for us and watching us getting ready for

    Its revenge we were really scared by then and started heading mostly in the direction of my house but every little sound would freak us out and we would take cover wherever we could it took us a long time to make it all the way back to my house since we were convinced that

    That thing was watching us we made it back and went to bed and really never mentioned it to anybody like I said I’ve tried to tell my wife but I just start feeling like a fool I’m hoping that somebody else hearing this will know what I’m talking about it’s so weird to

    Have an experience like that and know that most people will just think you’re Crazy I’d like to just be honest here and tell you that I remember everything that happened that night but the truth is I’m still not not exactly sure what happened I’m from New Jersey and we go down the Wildwood about an hour from me on the shore every summer I spend time

    On the beach and on the boardwalk we usually go towards the end of the season just past Labor Day there are fewer and fewer people out there and it’s easier to find a spot to set up your towel it’s still sunny and pretty hot during the

    Day but at night it can get kind of chilly it’s not the nicest area but the prices are pretty cheap and it’s easy to have funs since there’s so much to do anyways my friends and I decided to go in together on a motel room there were

    Five of us and only two double beds so it was pretty crowded in there somehow I got relegated to the pull out couch and that thing was super uncomfortable the hotel was kind of sleazy and smelled like smoke and mold but we were just trying to have a good time you know we

    Were out hitting the beach bars and partying all day so once we got back to the motel room we were kind of wiped out there there wasn’t much else to do so everyone just wanted to head to bed so that we could get up early and hit the

    Beach we all laid down for bed like at 2 a.m. I started to hear snoring from my friends like a minute later but I just couldn’t fall asleep I was tossing and turning for an hour when I decided I just needed to go for a walk I put on my

    Flip-flops and sweatshirt and headed out the door it was pretty chilly out and the wind was kind of brutal once in a while there was a full moon so the whole place had an eerie feeling to it you can’t see the stars when you’re in the

    Town so I decided to head towards the beach so I could get a better look I was starting to sober up but I wasn’t completely sober at that point I still know what I saw though I walked out of the motel and down the road for a bit no

    One was really out except for the people leaving the bars and some strange vagabonds on the road once I got to the boardwalk it got a bit more lively there were some places still open but I stuck with my plan of checking out the beach at night the thing about Wildwood is the

    Beach is really huge and I don’t mean widthwise it’s extremely long and when you’re walking to the water on a hot summer day your feet will start to burn on the sand even during high tide the walk can be almost 10 minutes if you’re carrying all of your Beach gear shovels

    And umbrellas but while I was walking at night felt like it was super quick no one else was out at that point so when I got to the water’s edge I was surprised to see a figure in the waves the moon was shining down on the waves as they

    Broke the White Caps would Sparkle about 30 fet away in the water I could see the outline of a person it was kind of a vague form and there wasn’t much light to go by I pulled out my phone and turned on my flashlight as I called over

    To them to make sure they were okay they were standing in the water but it didn’t make sense because the water would be super deep and it didn’t even seem like they were struggling the waves pulled back for a moment and I realized that the person wasn’t a person at all the

    Figure was really the tentacle of a squid or something I don’t know I’ve never been a believer in sea monsters or anything like that but it raised another tentacle out of the water and I could see the suckers on the arm it started to slide towards me on the shore so I took

    A step back on the beach the thing Rose a bit out of the water and I could see a big hump that I think was its head or its body then it duck back down into the waves and all that was left was a splash I really don’t know what that thing was

    I tried to tell my friends and they just thought I was crazy they just don’t get it I know what I saw and it was huge ever since I’ve been too scared to go back in the ocean and honestly even pools get me a little nervous if anyone

    Has seen anything similar I’d love to hear about it thanks for listening and stay safe out there Let me know what you think about these stories in the comments below also make sure to check out dreads where you’ll find all of my stories and multiple strange and weird news posted every single day if you want to be part of the discussion check out the forums

    On dreads Army we also have a Facebook group so you don’t miss out on any updates thanks and take care hey Donovan I recently found out a shocking secret about our government and I’ve been wrestling what to do with that information at first I decided to keep

    Quiet because I don’t want to be on the radar but it’s been weighing on my conscience I think everyone needs to hear this my father was career military and he was hardly ever home when I was growing up as a result of this I never really felt close to him when he was

    Home he always had this stern look about him and he would shut himself away in his study most of the day mom always told me not to bother him he was trying to rest so I grew up with my dad remaining kind of a mystery to me I’m in

    My 50s now and my mom’s been gone for 5 years cancer since Dad was all I had left I tried to find some common ground in recent years but things were always awkward between us he didn’t rebuff me he was so quiet when I came over to

    Visit I would always wind up leaving sooner than I planned feeling like I was crowding him things went downhill with his health 8 and 1/2 months ago he was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and he didn’t have much time left I made more of an effort to be there and he even

    Opened up a little telling me some stuff about his childhood that I never knew nothing important but it was nice to have him talk to me like a normal dad reminiscing about the past I’m thankful we finally bonded a little before he passed 42 days ago my dad made the

    Decision to spend his final days at home I took a leave of absence from from work so I could be there with him at the end he was on morphine and in and out of Consciousness for 3 days when he was lucid he seemed really sharp his eyes

    Focused and his words seemed to be chosen carefully what I mean to say is the things he decided to tell me during this period were not ramblings of a man on drugs he told me there were things he had done in his life that he needed to

    Get off his chest things he wanted me to know about before it was too late my dad told me he had been part of his secret government Branch known as the 4E the mission of this Branch was to evaluate threats to US citizens from unknown entities eradicate those threats and

    Employ any means necessary to erase the incidents so fore for entity evaluate eradicate and erase he said if citizens of this country knew what was living here among us there would be Mass Anarchy Rebellion against the government chaos stock markets will crash crime would surge people’s faith in God would

    Take a toll I disagree by the way but my dad said during his whole lifetime he stood by that philosophy doing things to protect our country and our way of life here are some of the things that he said have happened there’s an underground base in Colorado that has several alien

    Beings who were taken alive from a UFO crash site in 1986 the government is trying to find a way to communicate with them they are also testing the resistance to diseases that are global concerns dad said that he had seen one of the aliens himself which was kept drugged and locked in a

    Lab he described it as looking just like all those pictures you see grayish and short skinny arms and legs oval head and big eyes he told me they had to keep creatures dosed up with something because they have mental abilities to manipulate solid structure but he didn’t

    Elaborate on that dad also said the government is aware of creatures that are hiding in the National Forest he told me it’s assumed that they have been there since the beginning of time and although over 6,000 have been eradicated between 1948 and 1995 the population is still thought to

    Be pretty high upwards of 10,000 okay that to me was just staggering he said he had been called in several times to Strongarm Park Rangers who indicated they wanted to make the public aware of these creatures he personally had to threaten several Park officials with losing their jobs and

    Also had to imply that they would be prosecuted for treason if they went ahead and told I think Dad felt bad about that part because he went on about it a bit threatening the Rangers I mean the last thing he told me was there was a creature that had escaped from a

    Government lab in the 60s and adapted to life in the swamps and the sewers he described it to me it sounded like one of those rake things people talk about humanoid very pale skittering around on all fours big head black eyes and no nose it moves very fast he said one of

    The main concerns of fore was that it prayed on human flesh Apparently one had killed and partially eaten one of the doctors studying it when it escaped so the population breeding in the wild was thought to be a real threat to mankind I was totally shocked to hear all this

    Stuff but I tell you looking straight into his eyes I know he was relaying the truth he was totally Lucid dad was afraid to say anything until he was on his deathbed but he was so worried about all these creatures as threats to human life he didn’t want me anywhere near the

    Wilderness areas of the country telling me it was unsafe he said that there are thousands of disappearances in the national parks that are hushed up when the 4E comes in and deems one of these creatures responsible if a body is found the story leaks before they can cover it

    Up they say it was a bear or Mountain Li but if it’s just a disappearance and they think it was one of these creatures they cover it up the story never gets publicized so I hope I’m doing the right thing I know my dad wrestled with the

    Right and wrong of telling but lately all I can think is the truth is always the right way to go may he rest in Peace I live in a very Suburban neighborhood in Northern Michigan that’s just like any other neighborhood really we had just chosen the house because it’s on a CAC and it was safe for the kids to play outside the rear of the house backs up to a natural open space

    Area which was another Plus for us so we could take the kids out on nature walks what we didn’t know when we moved in was that our neighbor to the west of us seemed a little deranged he was very paranoid all of the time he had an abnormal number of motion sensor lights

    On his house and his window blinds always seemed to be closed he even had his strand of Barb Wire along the top of his backyard fence the first time I met him he was outside putting salt around his house he was lugging around a 10lb bag of coarse salt

    We had barely introduced ourselves and he was trying to give me some salt too he said you never knew when the horn Beast would come back I thought then that maybe he was some kind of religious fanatic and was talking about the devil but he said that he had noticed its

    Footprints in his backyard last time it snowed and that was when he had put up the barbed wire so it sounded like he was talking about a physical Beast I tried to ask him some questions but he said it wasn’t good to talk about it too

    Much I don’t like to judge but I figured he had lost a few marbles I know that some of my own relatives have gotten a little weird when they got cooped up alone for too long one evening I was in the kitchen cooking and doing dishes when I heard a low rumbling sound

    I turned around and saw my 60lb bull terrier facing the door to the backyard growling like I never seen him do his hackles were fully raised and his body was rigid and shaking his lips were curled and he was burying all of his teeth he was taking in these big breaths

    And snarling I’d never seen him like that before I’d seen him bark and growl to Neighborhood Cats but nothing like this he’s mostly muscle and he looked really intimidating I was thinking what in the hell is out there I was home alone so there shouldn’t have been

    Anybody out there I grabbed a big kitchen knife and I opened the door a bit when the door was open about halfway I was hit with this horrible rotting meat smell my mind was scrambling for a reason I started thinking did the lids get blown off the garbage cans but no

    Way would the garbage cans ever smell that bad and I hadn’t put anything in them like that it was truly a putrid smell I figured I better go out there and check it out if some animal had gotten stuck in my yard I didn’t want it tearing anything up my poor dog needed

    To calm down it was around dusk so I could still see out there a little but it was verging on dark I poked my head out the door and I heard a rustling sound and the sound of branches breaking I looked towards the back fence and I

    Thought I saw antlers we had a lot of deer in the area and they would often be out at dusk so I didn’t think anything was unusual the rustling noise kept going so I was wondering if maybe it had gotten its antlers stuck in the fence I

    Didn’t feel capable of releasing a trap deer but I couldn’t just ignore it especially with my dog going nuts which was weird because he was used to seeing deer all the time I wanted to get a closer look before I called animal rescue in case I was wrong I managed to

    Squeeze out the door without letting the dog out but when I got out there the dog went even more ballistic he was actually jumping up and clawing at the door like he was trying to tear it down that should have clued me in because my dog

    Does not act like that he’s a big lovable goof my backyard slopes up to The Back Fence which is about 60 ft from the back door so I started walking up there and when I got within 20 ft I just stopped dead in my tracks there were

    Definitely antlers but it was not a deer this antler head turned towards me and looked at me with these horrible yellow eyes the eyes were like glowing out of these Hollow sockets and the head looked like some kind of skull it looked like it had

    The legs of a deer but it was standing upright and it was at least 7 or 8 ft tall it was so skinny and looked so unreal but I’m telling you it was real looking at it I felt icy cold even though it wasn’t that cold outside while

    It was looking at me I just felt hollowed out somehow hopeless I managed to turn around and run back to the the house I got in the door and I had to use all my strength to hold my dog back and slam the door and lock it I just fell to

    The ground and held on to my dog he was still lunging and barking his head off but I just held on to him really tight after about 5 minutes he finally calmed down I turned on the backyard flood lights and looked out there through my window it seemed to be gone I couldn’t

    Even think there was no reference in my brain for such a thing do you have any idea what this is Hey there Donovan I know your inbox must be flooded with stories but this one might just be a bit different than the rest that’s cuz I’ve been tracking these ships now for some time and I’m positive that I’ve been studying an alien species this may sound insane and my family

    Definitely thinks so but I have a great deal of evidence compiled that could sway even the most Ardent non-believer I’m based in New Mexico near the border to Mexico I will not share exact details but can describe the general location it’s not a highly populated area and

    There’s not much out there except for the highway and a few rest stops I have a day job which I will not reveal but but I do my main investigations at night you see the weather here is hot and dry so it’s a lot easier to Canvas the area

    When the sun’s not out otherwise you end up with a mean Sunburn and possible dehydration I’ve been plotting the flight patterns of two spacecrafts the first is a square shaped hovered craft that flies pretty close to the ground it ducks in and out and can do flips and

    Turns you may have thought at first that it was a drone but there are no governmental nor Recreation drones that have the capability to vanish Into Thin Air that’s just what it does it will fly around the desert and near my home base and eventually pick up speed it’ll flash

    A bright neon blue light and then disappear it always starts off in the same area and I’ve followed it for up to a mile at 3:00 a.m. it always vanishes although sometimes it will blink away earlier than that if I’m not able to keep up on my car or on foot I can

    Sometimes lose it but usually it moves at quite a slow pace this second spacecraft is much larger and more difficult to consistently track it’s more of a traditional UFO I try not to use that phrase as it’s been so misconstrued by the media in the government but it looks more like the

    General Public’s idea of an alien ship and you know what there’s clearly a reason so many people have seen these ships out here in New Mexico Texas and Nevada it’s because this flight path is strategically placed to connect to the gravitational pole with the equator I

    Can get into this Theory more in private the ship travels from the East to the west and I’ve calculated it to be moving at around 15 mph some sometimes it will pause for a moment as a car passes by or an animal walks through the area but it

    Typically continues at a steady Pace the ship flies in an altitude far lower than a plane and creates this ripple effect behind it there’s no chemtrail or anything like that there’s only a ripple of heat or gravitational disturbance that follows in its wake the first time

    I spotted it I happened to be outside letting my pup use the facilities around 2: a.m. I looked overhead and I saw it there is this ring of LED light Illuminating the edges of this circular craft but it is otherwise invisible for the next few weeks I would set my alarm

    Clock to go off at 150 a.m. and then head outside I can only speculate on whether these ships or friends or foes but they are certainly interesting to study the government bases nearby would surely be able to notice these ships on their radar so I am unsure why there

    Have been no stories yet released about their presence the first time I spotted the first ship I created a post on Twitter and on Reddit in less than a day however my accounts were banned I will not be sharing any photos publicly however I do have a few photos that I could share

    With You everyone in Jersey is heard of the Jersey Devil well I don’t know about the young people these days they don’t seem to pay attention to anything unless it’s online not me I grew up in Hamington New Jersey in the pine Barons so I heard all

    About it when I was a kid Hamington is the blueberry capital of the world because there’s lots of blueberries grown around it when I was a kid it was a pretty small town my parents owned a diner that specialized in blueberry pancakes big surprise they ran it

    Together like a true mom and popop Joint as soon as I was big enough to stand on a stool to wash dishes they put me to work later I’d flip pancakes or wait tables the old-timers that hung around drinking coffee would sometimes talk about the Jersey Devil they claimed that

    They heard it at night or seen it flying through the sky kids were always warned not to go in the forest because it might get them of course we didn’t listen I had spent a good bit of time riding bikes on the dirt out there with other like-minded youngsters we stayed out

    Until dust sometimes but never saw any evidence of that thing once an old man came into the diner with a grainy black and white photo everyone passed it around and took a look but really it just looked like a bird in the night sky there was a moon but not enough to light

    It up much I didn’t hear anything about the Jersey Devil for a long time after that I kept working at the diner until I went into the army for a couple of years I came back and Mom and Dad decided to retire they took off for Florida and

    Left me with a diner I got married and my wife and I ran it together my wife doesn’t like to stay up late so I usually close by myself we don’t get a lot of business at that time so a lot of nights it’s just me there are a few

    Regulars who come in at night folks who work the late shift or just Restless types then there’s tourists or truckers on their way through town I started to hear about sightings most people just heard a weird screeching loud late at night a few saw something too flying in

    The sky mostly I didn’t take it too seriously but I thought it was was interesting since I hadn’t heard about it for such a long time maybe I thought it had been around when those oldtimers saw it and it left for somewhere and then came back again maybe it went on to

    The other side of the pine Barons this went on for maybe about a year where every month or so someone would come in with a story one day I closed the diner as usual I went outside and I heard a screech it was so loud sounded like an

    Airplane if an airplane was a hawk or some kind of Angry Bird bird I looked around but I didn’t see anything except the quiet Empty Street things pretty much shut down in Hamington by 8:00 we stay open till 11:00 but not much else does except for the bar down the street

    I thought about asking the bartender if he heard anything Jack who’s usually the only one there at night is pretty hard of hearing I thought it was worth a try though or maybe I just wanted a drink so I walked over and ordered one since it

    Was a Tuesday night no one was there except EX for a couple swaying together on the small Dance Floor near the Jukebox I doubted they heard anything over the cing of Frank Sinatra I asked Jack if he heard a screech a what he says so I asked him if he’s heard

    Anything about the Jersey Devil lately a few stories he says don’t put no stock in them I asked him for an example he says you know people see stuff in the sky weird screaming noises going back to my car I wasn’t sure what to think on one hand Jack didn’t believe there was

    Anything to worry about but on the other he was hearing the same stories as me so that wasn’t good two nights later I was inside the diner mopping when I heard it this time I went out to the back door it sounded like a screaming freight train barreling down the street I can’t

    Believe that other people didn’t hear that thing maybe they explained it away somehow maybe they thought it was a train I don’t know but I looked up into the sky and I saw something that looked like a flying dragon from a movie its wingspan was bigger than any bird or

    Hawk that I’d ever seen the sound started up again and I thought I should go back inside but I wanted to see what would happen it headed towards the woods and finally swooped down out of sight behind some of those Tall Pines I heard

    It one final time and then I did go back inside the next day I asked a few people if they heard it including my wife they all look kind of nervous I think they knew what what it was but nobody wanted to admit it I heard it a few more times

    Since then and I tried to get a picture but I haven’t been able to Yet hey there Donovan I’ve been a big fan of your channel for a while now and I’ve always been curious about creatures that are hiding in this world I have my suspicions of this very large dog creature here in Somerset Maine but it wasn’t until recently that I actually

    Saw it I live out on a farm on a few acres of land and my only neighbors are to the Northeast about a mile down the road it’s pretty desolate out here and there’s not much to do except for hike hunt and fish on this particular day I

    Decided to go fishing out at the River Bank I was only out there for like an hour when all of the sudden I heard this howling now coyotes usually howl out here but they have more of a high-pitched sound than whatever this thing was the howl was low and guttural

    And carried for like a full minute now I’m sure I was the only one who heard it because I was really out in the middle of nowhere it sounded pretty close I figured it was better for me to be on the Move than to come face to face with

    It so I started to pack up my equipment and be on my way back to the house as I was walking I kept hearing it and it was getting really loud now I thought to myself that maybe it was a loose dog and followed me to get some food but even

    The largest of dogs don’t how like that there’s just no way I started picking up the pace and when I got into the house I slammed the door behind me my walls are pretty thin but I didn’t really hear any more howling after that so I figured I’d

    Just clean my fish and start on dinner I was laughing to myself and frying some oil as the sun started to set I had my meal then I sat down with my book and my lazy boy I was starting to doze off when I suddenly hear a growling sound from

    Outside I put my book down and looked over at the window the lights were on the porch so I could see clear as day this Beast staring back at me through the screen door from the steps the only thing between me and this creature was a

    Thin sheet of mesh as I left the door open to allow a breeze to come in I was terrified and tried to stay as still as possible at this point it was on all fours and it looked just like a massive wolf I could see its dark gray black

    Hair standing up in these spiky toughs on its back and its head was dipped low I shifted my weight in my seat and the thing started to stand up the porch has only two steps and it crept up them it moved itself on the two legs the thing

    Had to be over 8 ft tall in its head was a huge mass of fur with this long snout my eyes were glued on its row of huge teeth and I held my breath as it continued to move closer and closer it looked into both of my two porch windows

    First the left and then the right before centering itself back at the front door it just sat there like a doberman waiting for supper and it sniffed a deep breath right at the Mesh Door as it pulled its nose away a drop of dro was left on The Wire I couldn’t believe my

    Eyes if it wanted to it certainly could have scratched and broken right through the door even if the door was closed those powerful claws could have certainly done damage on the wood frame I just sat there though damn I do think I was lucky because who knows what would

    Have happened if I tried to run or fight it I think my freeze Instinct certainly kicked in and I just waited it out eventually a white-tailed deer started across the lawn I could see about 20 ft away and I definitely spotted it before the wolf thing but as it walked by the

    Wolf lifted its head and snouted into the air and took a whiff of the air in an instant it raised up onto its hind legs and jumped into the air I heard I heard a squeal from the deer and the sound of nashing and gnawing I quickly

    Grabbed a poker from the fireplace and armed myself when I looked back outside however the creature and the deer were gone leaving just the puddle of blood on the lawn I definitely couldn’t sleep that night and for the next few days I stayed over at my brother’s house I’m

    Really terrified to go back to my farm that thing is definitely out there and I worry that next time I won’t be so lucky I certainly would have ended up like that D I hope I never see that thing again but if I ever go missing I just

    Want the world to know that it was this wolf creature out Here hey Donovan I wasn’t always a believer in the Paranormal but my family and I unknowingly moved into a haunted house the experiences I had there changed my perspective forever it is easy to say there is no such thing as ghost because it’s nearly impossible to prove that they are but once you

    Experience it directly there’s no denying it not only did I feel the presence of a ghost but I also feel threatened and violated by it I always thought people were making up stories when they talked about their experiences but now I’m passionate about the Paranormal there’s no way I could

    Tell you everything that happened in that house but there are a couple of things that I feel compelled to share with you and maybe your audience as well Spirits are not to be antagonized and messed with we need to treat them with respect we need to learn how to live

    Amongst them instead of denying their existence when we first moved into this house we all thought it was perfect it was big enough so every child could have their own room the kitchen was enormous and the views were spectacular it was right by the harbor and you could see

    Hundreds of boats of all types traveling through there were beautiful ocean views as far as you could see sea and I’ll never forget the smell of sea water you got when you cracked the window open it seemed too good to be true at first my room was massive and it had the most

    Intricate carvings in the wood all around the room the first week we stayed there we didn’t have beds or anything but I didn’t care I was just so happy to finally have my own room slowly but surely we started moving furniture and it started to feel like our home some of

    My Fondest Memories are from the first month we lived in that amazing house one night my brother and I were playing and we knocked over an old mirror off the wall and it shattered all over the floor my mom scolded us and made us go to our

    Rooms for the rest of the night I could hear my brother running up and down the hallway and I just knew my mom was going to freak out at both of us and I was going to get in trouble for his behavior I timed him so his footsteps were right

    Outside my door and I swung it open to smack him I looked out into the hallway and there wasn’t anybody body there convinced that my brother must have run into his room I ran to his door and swung it open I found him fast asleep snoring in bed then I heard the

    Footsteps again and when I looked there was nobody I remember my hair stood on end and it freaked me out I went to bed and tried to just forget about it that night I woke up to this dark figure leaning over me I tried to scream but I

    Couldn’t make a sound I couldn’t breathe I couldn’t move and felt hands on my chest holding me down I tried as hard as possible to make a sound but I could only shake the bed finally I was released and I screamed for my parents

    They ran in the check on me and told me I was having a bad dream I told them it wasn’t a dream and this dark figure was forcing me to stay on the bed they told me there was no such thing as ghosts or Spirits they assured me it was just a

    Bad dream and encourag me to go back to sleep I stayed awake the whole night staring at the foot of the bed shortly after that I heard my mom and dad fighting over who was leaving the tub running they both claimed not to use the tub and only use the shower this became

    A common argument and soon every child in the family was getting blamed for leaving the tub running my dad got so mad one night that he shut the water to the tub off a couple minutes afterwards all of us were in the bathroom arguing about who the guilty one was when the

    Faucet turned on completely by itself we were all terrified my mom asked who’s there the sink faucet was immediately turned on and the lights in the bathroom were turned off we all screamed and ran out of there a little after that it was my birthday we were celebrating with

    Cake my mom told me to make a wish and then blow out all the candles I made a wish and took a deep breath and before I could blow them out all the candles on the cake went out and these old candles on the mantle piece immediately lit up

    We all just sat there scared looking at the candles for a while then my dad threw the candles away and we ate the cake and we tried to pretend nothing happened one night I woke up to my dad screaming we all ran into the room and

    Dad was shaking we asked him what was wrong and he wouldn’t tell any of us for a while finally he said that he went into the bathroom and The Apparition of a woman was in the bathtub seductively calling to him I told him that I thought

    There was no such thing as ghost my dad said we’re leaving this place Place immediately and we did later we looked up the house and it turned out that a man who lived there previously killed his 7-month pregnant wife by drowning her in the bathtub and then shot himself

    In the head and made the local papers we were all shocked pictures would fall off the wall and cabinets and would be left open almost daily doors would open and close on their own and you could hear footsteps voices and music throughout the house at different times of the day

    One day I’d like to to compile a list of all my family’s experiences there as well as the experiences of other people who live there it was crazy and being in that place would turn anyone into a Believer I run an animal sanctuary in dog rescue just outside of San Juan there are massive populations of stray cats and dogs on the island and I do my best to bring them in and help them we have connections with vets and Clinics and we see a ton of issues including

    Mange and fleas as well as malnourished and abandoned animals we set them up with adopters on the island although most adopters come from the mainland and these animals travel via airplane to meet their Rescuers this started last fall and has been happening about three times every month since I’d like to

    Think it was just a coincidence but it’s getting too common for that the first time it happened I was shocked but now it’s been over 30 instances and it has only gotten worse the local police have been no help every time I post images on Facebook they get deleted I don’t know

    Who else to turn to so I’m hoping someone would have an idea what it is is that we’ve been getting calls about animals in the area acting strangely they are usually kind of loopy and disoriented they walk around and Teeter as they walk usually if they try to jump up or walk

    Upstairs they lose their balance and sometimes trip over themselves this is both cats and dogs it’s happening all over the island from downtown San Juan to the outskirts and more rural areas our team will bring the animals in and after about a week they start to act

    Normally again it’s a slow process it’s like they’re inebriated when they first come in and it lasts maybe 3 days and then one morning the wake up up and be very skittish they’ll start moving quicker and sometimes will snap at us but they are mostly just nervous then

    After a few days of being hyper nous there will be a full day of aggression the dogs will be barking through the bars of the cages and foaming at the mouth the cats will stick their paws out of the bars and swat at the crew passing

    By we ended up with a ton of bite marks and scratches from the first few animals we brought in this was before we noticed the pattern of how it plays out now we’ve learned to quarantine each animal that comes in with this disorderly behavior and will not let them interact

    Until after the final day of aggression after that the animal may just be the sweetest or the most typical stray and then we start to post them on adoption websites none of the adopters have complained about behavioral problems in fact they all seem to love their new

    Dogs and cats they even send me photos and videos of them snuggling with the whole family even kids they just act so odd for this first week which is part of what we don’t understand one person who called in about one of the Strays said they saw the animal being thrown from

    The back of a black van without any distinguishing marks really it’s despicable what people do to vulnerable animals but unfortunately it’s not unheard of on the next call that came in I asked the person if they’d seen a black van go by and they said that in

    Fact there was one was speeding by just a bit earlier and it speed had caught their attention I was just shocked because I thought maybe the animals were just eating something bad but now I believe they are being tested on or something else the reason I’m writing to

    You in not a veterinary clinic or animal control is because I believe there is something strange going on and there’s probably some type of organization that is making these animals act this way after we started getting so many of these calls and bringing in the Strays

    That act Ed loopy we began plotting down their locations on a map basically the map shows a 1em radius around the business district I don’t want to disclose the particular area because I don’t want anyone to get hurt but I went and checked out the area myself what I

    Found was a bunch of warehouses and factories and shipping container lots that had been abandoned so I was surprised when I saw a very new and very clean black van driving around I high tailed it out of there because is I didn’t want to be seen looking around

    And get myself into trouble but I called the local police to discuss it they told me that they can’t do anything about it unless I actually witness something happening and get concrete evidence or plate number which is absurd because the van or vans that we’ve been seeing are

    Unmarked at least I’ve never seen a play I contacted a friend at Animal Control to see if they’ve been noticing this behavior and they said that they have another shelter also noticed a similar Trend there are a few Facebook groups that I’m in in the shelters that are

    Further from the capital say they have not been experiencing this so I know something odd is going on and I hope that somebody out there might be able to shed some light on it please let me know if my story corresponds to anything you’ve heard in the Past I’m a big fan of the supernatural podcast and ghost stories I’ve always been my wife is really into the murder podcast so we are a morbid household I like the idea that there are things in this world that we can’t explain I think humans need to be humbled sometimes

    Because we like to pretend that we know everything which is why it’s so weird that for years I forgot about a string of odd encounters I had as a child it’s funny the way our brains are wired I hadn’t thought about any of these encounters until I had a conversation

    With my brother recently they weren’t terrifying memories or anything anything like that so I don’t know why my brain pushed them to the back of my mind maybe I used to talk about my experiences more but people always gave me funny looks so I stopped the first time I saw the

    Little girl I was somewhere between 7 and 9 years old I can’t remember exactly how old I was but everything else about the occurrence is Crystal Clear I was sleeping in my room when I woke up to a hand shaking my shoulder a little girl around my age with light brown hair was

    Standing next to my bed telling me to wake up she was wearing a Strang looking sleeping gown it was red with lace and puffy Parts sewn in she ran out of the room laughing I was groggy from sleeping and I assumed she was my older sister

    Being a brat and waking me up early on the weekend I stomped out of the room after her but the hallway was empty I went downstairs into the kitchen my mom and sister were both there at the counter cooking pancakes on the griddle mom Katie woke me up I said Katie’s my

    Sister they both just looked at me in confusion I then realized my sister was wearing a white T-shirt and not a night gown when did you change neither of them knew what was going on and that made me even more irritated my mom had to calm me down and I explained what happened

    With the little girl in the red night gown who woke me up she told me it was just a dream at the time I thought she was right a few months later I saw her again I think it was late summer or early fall around Labor Day because me

    And my family were headed to my uncle’s house for a family cookout we were all in the car ready to go but my mom forgot to grab her purse I was in the seat closest to the door so she made me get out of the car to go get it of course I

    Made a big fuss about it because it was a pain in the butt as a child her purse was upstairs in my parents’ bedroom so I went into the house to go grab it I specifically remember running up the stairs on all fours like an animal

    Because I was a kid and kids are weird like that as I rounded the corner to my parents’ room I heard someone humming it wasn’t a tune that I knew it just sounded like Mindless humming of a playing child I was a little scared but

    I poked my head around the door frame to peek inside the room the little girl was sitting on the floor with her back to me rolling a small wooden ball back and forth between her hands there was no mistaking her from my sister this time I stood as still as

    Possible I was afraid she would notice me I saw my mom’s purse on the dresser behind the little girl I thought about making a dash for it but she snapped her head in my direction and started to giggle a giggling little girl in a night gown should not be scary but she didn’t

    Belong there so I ran back to the car I told my mom I couldn’t find her purse she scoffed and went to get it herself I got an earful when she came back and told me that it was right where she said it was I think she could tell I was

    Shaken up by something so she stopped lecturing me when she saw that my mind was a million miles away I haven’t thought about either of those strange occurrences or hauntings if you want to call them that for years but two months ago I was talking to my brother over a

    Few drinks and he told me something that brought those memories crashing back when he was younger he would refuse to go upstairs by himself we used to tease him about it and chocked it up to him being a scared little kid we were rehashing old stories

    About him refusing to go upstairs as a child when he told me that he didn’t like going upstairs back then because he would always hear a little girl giggling and sounds of small feet scampering around he said his toys were always rearranged when he left them out in his

    Room like someone else had come in and played with them hearing this made my spine crawl I felt some conflicting emotion emotions on one hand I was a little upset to be reminded of the creepy occurrences from my childhood but it also made me feel validated because

    What I saw was not just a figment of my own imagination normally I would have kept this story to myself and a few close friends but after talking to my brother and comparing our experiences he convinced me to reach out to you maybe we are both just a little bit crazy or

    Maybe there are some things that are out there that we just don’t understand I I don’t know why there would be any kind of spirit in my parents’ house it was built by them so no one else has ever lived in it I know it all used to be

    Farmland before it became a Suburban development my only guess is that she is somehow tied to the land to be honest I’d rather not dig any deeper into It I was hiking a remote Trail in the Rockies with my three German Shepherds a few years ago I was carrying a relatively heavy pack filled with water and other supplies for Elvis Luca and Teddy so I wasn’t moving quickly enough to suit them I knew I was probably the

    Only human around for Miles so I let my dogs off their leashes so they could explore all three dogs were well trained and always come back immediately when I call for them so I didn’t really think there was any harm in it a few miles in

    I whistled for the dog so we could take a water break all three dogs came from different directions panting happily and glad to get a snack it was a gorgeous day and The Rock I was sitting on was warm from the Sun my dogs all curled up

    In the grass nearby and even though I didn’t mean to I dozed off for a little while I couldn’t have been asleep for more than 20 minutes but when I woke up it was absolute chaos all three dogs were barking hysterically with lots of growls and Yelps I couldn’t see them but

    It sounded like they were close by I scrambled off the trail towards the sound and I could hear a new noise it was a deep low pitched moan I immediately thought that the dogs had cornered a bear I ran back to my pack and grabbed the leashes and the bear

    Spray that was inside my pocket then crashed back through the trees yelling the dogs names I was getting closer to them I kept pushing through the branches and foliage desperate to find them just after walking through a cloud of what smelled like the worst Bo ever I finally

    Saw the three dogs and then I saw what they were barking at there were two of them backed up against a giant boulder at the top of a short rise in the forest floor I’m nearly 6 fet tall but I could tell that they were much taller than

    That they looked human except for the fact that their naked bodies were covered head to toe in this thick black coarse hair they also looked terrified I was scared out of my wits but I almost felt bad for them they were Mak making these calm down motions towards the dogs

    With their hands and making low sounds that seem soothing Luca my largest German Shepherd was nearly hysterical his muzzle was flecked with foam and he was dancing around trying to decide if he should go in closer Elvis stopped barking and started sniffing the ground still a good distance away from the

    Cornered creatures but definitely getting curious Teddy dropped back to my side the second he saw me whining softly and trying to shove his muzzle into the hand that was clutching the Bears spray I didn’t feel threatened nor did I think the creatures Menace any harm I crouched

    Down and set the bear spray on the ground and started mirroring their calm down motions with my hands as I slowly Ste closer I quickly approached the other two dogs clipping their leashes onto their harness and pulling them away I spoke softly and calmly hoping that they would feed off my energy and

    Realized that we weren’t in any danger as I tried to quiet Luca I kept glancing at the creatures to make sure they were in the same spot they hadn’t moved Luca finally stopped barking but kept making these low growls I didn’t want to turn my back on the creatures so I walked

    Backwards guiding the two dogs back to where Teddy was standing I attached his leash to his harness once all three dogs were under control I finally asked myself now what the creatures seemed to be having a conversation they weren’t using words exactly but their vocalizations had a rhythm and they were

    Gesturing at me waving their arms around they didn’t seem upset they seemed curious just like me now things were calming down I was able to understand the magnitude of the situation I was face to face with a Sasquatch two of them I had an incredible opportunity I

    Decided to try to engage with them hoping that the dogs would cooperate I found a tree that seemed sturdy enough and quickly unhooked each dog and looped the leashes around the trunk they would be secure but also unable to help me if anything went wrong I decided to stay

    Close I picked the bear spray back up then I tried to make eye contact with the creatures I locked eyes with the smaller one and I smiled to show that I was friendly it smiled back then the taller one followed suit feeling brave I motion with a come closer wave they

    Moaned to each other then they came directly towards me the smaller one came quickly and stretched out its hand towards the dogs even Elvis cooperated and let the creature stroke his ears all of them were sniffing excitedly the taller one approached me also with its hand outstretched before I realized what

    Was happening it was trying to stroke my ears then ran its hand over my short hair they smelled terrible but they were incredibly gentle suddenly both creatures seemed to respond to some sound that I couldn’t hear they picked their heads up and after a few seconds I

    Heard the sounds of a helicopter nearby after a final Pat of my dogs and me both creatures hurried off into the thick trees I stood for a few minutes overcome by what I had just experienced then I untied my dogs and went to collect my pack and headed back towards the trail

    Head I looked over my shoulder the entire time but I never saw them again I never believed in Aliens until two of them were standing in my bedroom I woke up in the middle of the night I reached for my water bottle and sat up to take a SI there were two humanoid figures standing at the end of my bed I’m not

    Sure why but I wasn’t scared I was immediately filled with an incredible calm that spread throughout my entire body I knew that I should be scared but my fight ORF flight system couldn’t come comat the peace that I felt I looked at my sleeping wife to see if she sensed

    Anything happening but she just kept snoring softly the aliens didn’t have green skin it was shiny and looked like fish scales they weren’t wearing clothes their heads looked exactly like the images you see on posters and bumper stickers with gigantic black eyes and tiny holes where their noses should be

    Their fingers were thin and very long they made little chirpy sounds that sounded like convers ation in a language that I didn’t recognize I watched very interested as they both walked into the bathroom my wife doesn’t like the dark so we leave a small NightLight on in

    There in case she ever needed to use the bathroom in the middle of the night in the week light I watched them examine the stuff on the counter like toothbrushes and lotions they didn’t touch anything but I heard their chirps and they sounded excited they opened a

    Few of the drawers and I saw one of them hold up a cotton swab he showed it to his friend and they took turns sniffing it and turning it over in their hands they moved out of my line of sight so I calmly got up and went into

    The bathroom too I found both of them standing near the toilet they were touching it and one of them pushed the lever and flush the toilet they both jumped back then they moved towards the bathtub and to my surprise both of them climbed in they looked at me expectantly

    So I walked over and turned on the tap both of them seem impressed stretching out their long fingers to feel the water that was gushing out I adjusted the temperature and they made these satisfying chirps as the water warmed up one of them gestured towards the knob

    That activated the shower spray I shook my head worried about blasting them with water it gestured again and in my weird calm I decided to go for it I turned the knob and the water poured out of the shower head onto their fish scales they made made these shrieky sounds but it

    Really sounded like laughter they spent a few minutes splashing each other then gestured to me to turn it off because things were already really weird I handed them both bath towels and I minded drying my skin and they understood immediately and dried themselves chirping happily the whole

    Time they dropped the towels on the floor and headed back out into the bedroom they gestured for me to climb back into bed I did taking another sip of water as I settled under the covers and then I drifted off to sleep when I woke up the next morning that beautiful

    Sense of calm was gone my eyes shot open and I looked frantically around the room nothing seemed to miss and for a second I thought that it was just a strange room just then my wife came out of the bathroom and she asked me why there were

    Two wet towels on the floor I told her what I had experienced that night but she didn’t believe me she said it was just a dream I don’t know it seems so Real I work at the Taco Bell on West Country Road in Merill Wisconsin and just like they say we’re open late so I’m like low guy on the totem pole there and I always get stuck closing up with this guy who’s lazy is all get out but

    You know I got to keep this job so whatever if he doesn’t do it I got to do it and I’m not going to complain to my manager and be known as a rat no one likes a rat I really wanted to get home that night cuz some days I’ve just had

    It you know and here it is after 3:00 in the morning and I’m still mopping up the floor while the other guy keeps going into the bathroom to avoid doing any work so I grabbed the trash and haul it outside even though I’ve done everything

    On my list I got out to the dumpster which is kind of in a shed with three sides and I come around the corner and I see this thing scoot back behind the dump dumpster I thought it might be a homeless guy or something cuz it’s so

    Late so I just yelled hey by the way I ain’t got no problem with anyone living in the street but he needed to get out of there nobody answers me so I sto cuz I’ve got to unlock the padlock and I can’t see who’s back there for all I

    Know it’s someone who’s going to mug me I didn’t know what to do so I just yelled I’m calling the cops and then I hear a growl really loud and mean sounding and I’m like what cuz I thought I saw a person walk behind there but

    Maybe I was wrong cuz now it sounds like a big dog that low growl that they have so I did something kind of stupid then I just picked up a rock and threw it at the dumpster thinking the noise on the metal would scare it off but instead

    This thing rushes straight out at me and sweet Jesus I’ve never seen nothing like that before it was on two legs like a man and bigger than me but it looked like a dog’s head on it with a muzzle and everything and I could see teeth cuz

    It was snarling I just dropped the bag of trash and ran for the door cuz my mind couldn’t understand what that thing was but I still knew it was going to eat me I got to the door and that loser stand had locked the freaking lock cuz

    You know that’s the policy here after hours you lock it even if you’re going out for just a minute so I got the key in my hand but I’m shaking so bad I can’t get it in the lock and I can’t see St anywhere I looked over my shoulder

    And thank God that thing must have gone after the trash bag instead cuz it’s not behind me I managed to get the key in the lock and got inside and locked it I’m breathing so hard I thought I’d had a heart attack I told Stan there was

    This weird creature like a werewolf out there and he laughed at me of course I guess I would have laughed if he told me that but I can tell you right now this thing was real it was covered in dog fur or wolf fur and it had a big head like a

    Dog and standup ears I didn’t get a good look at its paws but its eyes were yellow and it had these big teeth it was definitely walking on two legs cuz it came at me that way I don’t know about a tail we left like 15 minutes later but I

    Wasn’t parked near the dumpster so I just hurried over to my car and got in and locked the doors I cruised by on the road to the other side where you can see the dumpster but the thing was gone or hiding behind it maybe I even told my

    Manager about it cuz I don’t want to work the closing shift anymore and he thought I was making this up so the only thing that I can think to do is maybe go over there some night when I’m not working and sit in my car facing that

    Dumpster with my camera ready I figured I need a picture for anyone to take me serious and who knows I might even be able to sell a picture like that to a magazine or something so stay tuned cuz you’ll be the first to know Donovan when

    I get a picture of that thing thanks for all your help getting these stories out there man I think you’re a real standup Guy hello Donovan I know you tell a lot of crazy paranormal stories on your channel so I figured I would send this for you to read so I can get some sort of idea what is going on with this dude named Larry I worked at a coffee shop

    For a while and it was a pretty chill job you got to meet all kinds of people and most of them were excited to get their coffee it was a 9 to-5 type of job and I had all sorts of jobs with crazy hours so the normaly was refreshing

    Every single day for the past year our first customer was this man named Larry he was always in a rush and always got black coffee occasionally I could get some pleasantries out of him but most of the time he just stared bloody daggers at me until I got him his coffee it got

    To the point where we would open about 5 minutes early and have his coffee ready for him so we could just hand it through the window he would often grab the coffee pay and leave without saying a word he was a very strange individual but he always made me laugh he wasn’t

    The biggest fan of human interaction but he sure did love his coffee he always had a very serious and wide-eyed expression on his face and I never saw him smile then one day he just stopped showing up I would still open the shop about 5 minutes early at of habit but he

    Stopped coming altogether I be began wondering what happened to him did he move did he start getting his coffee from somewhere else did I somehow offend him after about a week I started looking into it a little bit all I knew was his first name Larry but I was determined to

    Figure out what happened he wasn’t the biggest talker but I knew if I could just talk to him he would let me know why he stopped coming I searched Larry and filtered for our city on Google Facebook Instagram and Linkedin I couldn’t find anything at all I

    Eventually just figured he had moved and tried not to think about it about a month went by and I saw Larry’s black car coming through the drive-thru again it was much later in the day than I usually saw him and he had this smile on his face something I never thought I’d

    See I was excited to see him even though we’d barely spoken before I asked him if he wanted his usual and he asked what his usual was I kind of laughed because the man ordered the same thing at the same time for an entire year I told him

    That he always got a large dark roast coffee and he said he’d like a green tea I sort of joke with him that he was switching it up a little bit and he laughed and laughed his laugh seriously Disturbed me my joke wasn’t that funny and he had tears streaming down his face

    And a deep bellowing laughter he kept laughing harder and harder and he stared directly into my eyes the whole time I nervously laughed along but something wasn’t right this wasn’t the Larry that I knew at this point his laugh in his face had me fearing for my safety I

    Politely waved him on and closed the window but he stayed by the window leaning towards me he was laughing so hard that he was spitting all over the window his eyes looked different I couldn’t see the white in his eyes at all anymore and I wondered if he was

    Having a stroke or something I picked up the phone to call the police when he just sped off it was seriously disturbing my co-workers all asked what the hell was wrong with Larry but when when I told them what had happened they just kind of laughed it off but I was

    Freaked out I finished my shift and headed to the grocery store to get something to cook for dinner when I got out of the store out of the corner of my eye I saw a black car I really didn’t want to believe it was Larry’s car so I

    Just got my car and headed home sure enough the black car pulled up right behind me and started following me I looked in the rearview mirror and it was Larry with his black eyes and a huge creepy smile I was seriously freaked out and I just sort of pretended not to see

    Him and kept driving down the road every turn I took he closely followed I eventually started driving randomly and erratically to see if he kept following me without hesitation he closely followed every turn I made I eventually called the police and told them that a regular customer of mine was now

    Stalking me he seemed incredibly dangerous they asked me what my car looked like and told me to drive straight to the police station I did as they asked and as soon as I pulled into the station Larry took off down the road I thank the officers and they told me I

    Couldn’t get a restraining order against him unless I had some undeniable evidence that he was stalking me I felt helpless but I figured the worst was over and I headed home waiting in the parking lot of my apartment building was Larry in his black car with a terrifying

    Smile on his face his mouth was huge and his eyes were pitch black I drove by and I went to sleep at my parents house that night the next morning at work I was freaked out that he might be there to get his coffee or green tea but I didn’t

    See him I was incredibly relieved and I went on as if nothing had happened when I got to my apartment there were hundreds of completely full cups of coffee from the shop that surrounded my bed it was as if he saved every single cup he had brought for me and not had a

    Single sip from any of them I had my parents helped me move out of there immediately and I quit my job at the coffee shop the only thing that I can figure is that Larry is possessed his facial expression his behavior and his eyes all look like that I do admit

    Though that this is not my area of expertise do you have any idea what I’m dealing with here I haven’t had any experiences with him since but I’m living in constant fear that I might see him again hey Donovan I really like your show and I’ve been meaning to share this with you

    For a while but I used to own a campground near Grand Lake Colorado Grand Lake’s a glacier lake so it’s cold you can’t really swim in it even in the summer but tourists come to go on boat rides around it because it’s very Scenic so my Campground was just outside of

    Town on a dirt road we had 30 RV hookups 10 campsites for tents and 11 cabins also showers laundry room in an office I lived in a little apartment above the laundry and it was great really I hired a few people to help out like townies and a few transient types who headed

    Down south for the ski resorts for winter to work but then one day this guy comes into the office with a photo on his phone he was staying at the farthest RV spot from the office I can’t remember but he had some kind of camper trailer

    Maybe even a popup he was staying in with his girlfriend he looked to be in his 60s I figured he was retired but I didn’t think about it too much lots of people come and go and mostly don’t stay for more than a week this guy had been

    There a couple days I think I’ve been working on payroll for the week worrying as usual about whether I had too many people on staff and how I was going to make it through the winter from November to April I catch a few odd jobs in town

    Like driving one of the country snow plows but it’s never easy when this guy walked in I felt a cold breeze maybe not a breeze more like a little freeze in my gut it made no sense because when he checked in the guy was friendly enough talking about the weather hiking and

    Photography that was his hobby I figured he just wanted to complain that the washer ate his quarters something like that so I smiled and said hi and he said I got something to show you he had a laptop computer under his arm and he put

    It on the counter and opened it up and this photo filled the screen it was dark I had no idea what I was looking at you see those red eyes he said I looked closer and maybe saw two red dots off to the side of the blurry trees I guess

    They were maybe I said wish I could have got a better shot he said that there is a moth man I’m sure of it so he started to tell this story about how he got up early wanting to walk down to the Overlook to get a photo of the sunrise

    He heard something like huge Wings flapping and turned around through the trees he saw this man-shaped thing only it had had huge wings and no face like where the face should have been there was nothing except for these large red eyes he grabbed the camera from around

    His neck and got off a shot at it just before it flew into the sky he wanted to try for another picture but the sky was so dark that he knew he wouldn’t get anything wish I thought I’d take a video he said the sound of those wings would

    Have picked up on the mic for sure I didn’t really believe him i’ never even heard of The Moth Man before I figured he’d just seen a hawk or something lots of them out there the next day he and his girlfriend took off and I pretty much forgot about it a couple weeks

    Later though things got weird people would come and set up and leave the next day they never said why they just break the reservations and go we were losing so much money that I was sure I’d never have enough for winter the employees started quitting finally after a couple

    Weeks of this I cornered Jimmy who runs the laundry in the shower rooms he cleans collects the quarters and fills the machines all that stuff they’re scared of The Moth Man he said oh come on I said Larry that’s crazy he showed me a picture on his phone but it just

    Looked like grainy Blackness the photo he said was from Bob who used to cut the grass at the campground Bob quit the week before I wasn’t scared of this thing but I was scared I’d never make any money off the place again then one couple came with a small tent and I gave

    Him the furthest campsite near the pond on the day they were supposed to leave Jimmy found all their things still there but they were gone we waited a day and they still hadn’t returned we called the county sheriff and he took all their stuff for evidence no sign of them

    Before we let anyone else have that sight I went out and looked at it the sheriff guys had trumped all over it but off near the woods I saw some weird markings in the dirt they were kind of line like tracks but claw likee sort of

    I looked up what Moss feet looked like and they could have been big moth feet I don’t know I wasn’t really sure anyway I was tired of not knowing what was going on so one day I got up really early and went to the edge of the campground where

    It meets the woods and just stood there looking for a while you know how your eyes take a while to get used to the dark and when they do you slowly start to see more that happened and then I saw something standing there at the edge of

    The woods it was pretty far away but I saw the red eyes there was this huge loud flapping sound and then this thing was gone that’s when I decided to sell the campground and mov to Florida


    1. That pic looks a little sketchy to me , sorry but I just find it hard to believe something like that is running in the woods and this is the only sighting or pic of it. Besides the pic looking sketchy , and no other witnesses , kinda like the lockness monster but who knows , maybe it’s real , it’s between those guys and God , only they know the truth.

    2. I called the Virginia Police and they said they never released anuthing 19hrs ago.
      You lying?
      Hmm. Beginning to think these stories are made up😉

    3. I got a serious question, I live mid state texas one night 2 acres away my neighbor was having a party no big deal they had flood lights on and bbq and pitching corn hole, I took kids dogs ( useless noisy ankle biters) out to walk they were acting stupid crouching down trying to pull me back to porch I looked over at neighbors when I saw it running through the empty over grown Lott it was big, hairy, very tall running silently, arms hanging at its sides and face had human features I stood stunned dogs which bark over a rolling leaf were crouched down not making a sound, I called my neighbor where it was running tward I told Steve don’t go outside! Something big running your direction! His dogs inside suddenly went crazy he asked what’s going on? He released his 4 dogs they ran out then right back inside! Scared my question is this, what is Sasquatch or big foot doing down here? Don’t they live far up north? I know what I saw and figure if it’s down here they arnt a problem like our wild hogs or wild cats .

    4. the dinosaur picture looks like some cheap crappy Augmented Reality monster. If someone showed me that pic with a story i would dismiss it as a down right lie so much wrong with that photo.

    5. Umm, I'd like to ask why the cop didn't discharge his weapon on the half bat half human figure? First story was a repeat, that I've heard before which I like but I'm just wondering??? Guess he deemed it not a threat???

    6. The Bible tells us of many entities and that they will become more evil as the veil is lifted…. Jesus Christ is the only way humbly ask him he will answer you eternity is a pretty long time to be in the lake of fire in eternal damnation when all you have to do is humbly ask him

    7. Take a good look at the forests of Mendicino. It would be tough to say there is no Bigfoot. Mt Shasta is another story. Try getting chased down by a ufo. It IS an experience you will NEVER FORGET. Two of us saw I t. We were NOT taking drugs

    8. There are Satanists who hang out in the forests of Humboldt sometimes. They go there to do evil spells. Truly, i would stay away. I would stay away from anyone who offers living sacrifices. Witchcraft is fine as long as you do not kill anything. I place my own faith in God

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