Today we are taking a look at the new heavy cruiser/ battlecruiser line for the French in world of warships legends

    Hey guys tomboy 601 and welcome to sherberg the allnew French Cruiser that’s a battleship that’s a battle cruiser that came to Early Access this update now of course sherberg part of that French Heavy Cruiser line it has Chon in front of it and a breast after it and um

    Well be prepared for some pain to play through these boats they are very very special in very very unique the commander we are running in this game is going to be aurane St Louis uh but I think we’ll get to cover of free to-play Commander later on because I’ve been

    Switching back and forth I think they’re both equally effective just for different things but sherberg is very interesting it’s like a tier five Dunkirk got brought up to tier s with a whole lot of speed and speed is the key um you’re going to see in this map or in

    This match uh we are going to get to where the opposite corner red team spawned and that’s going to be the best way to play this uh sherberg and just this line in general is all about finding the flank and trying to be where a cruiser shouldn’t be or where a

    Battleship shouldn’t be because well you have Battleship guns the guns that you have you have two four barrel 305 mm guns and you’re seeing one of the peace dead resistances of it right right now that main battery reload booster we’re going to go ahead and load H and uh see

    If we can do some good old hits on olster here and we get well three hits uh the H on it decent 4,50 H damage with a 177% chance to set fire which I think is the more import important bit AP from those guns is 88,200 which is decent but

    Um be prepared because well uh you have you have French you have French guns and French AP does two things one uh it over pens it’s over pensity baby or two um because you’re you only have 305 millim at the tier uh you have to do the

    Cruiser thing and aim up in into the upper armor belt which generally isn’t as thick because if you aim lower in the armor belt you shatter so there is some troubles that have been around with sherb just trying to get this to work appropriately as we can see our double

    Missouri battleships here using their Radars to try to finish off Oster goland he goes ahead and gets finished off and that gives us the clearance to continue our flanking path in this vessel and that’s that’s the key you have to use the flanks on this boat and you have to

    Hope that people don’t really see you as a threat uh we go pick show the armor for this vessel 25 mm bout which is like a tier six battleships bow which isn’t too bad side plating uh is 27 mm up to 170 which can be decent but uh you’re

    Going to have to be relatively close for people to end up hitting the 170 and not going to the top part of the upper belt which is uh that lower which is that 27 mm so overall it is is a bit rough as we can see sharbar coming here we now have

    A broadside of a cruiser and this is what sherberg is designed to do is definitely much more of a cruiser Hunter where it’s all about trying to find those uh broadsides those unprotected broadsides of Cruisers and if you can develop broadsides on say battleships uh trying to chunk them for what they’re

    Worth but you can see just how much more effective we are with our main guns uh you may notice some other things with these main guns one is that reload time 23.9 seconds which is a very very very long time um one thing that can be nice

    About this long reload is uh if you are not within guaranteed spotting detectability range of any other ship you will drop off their radar which means you can stealth build this uh sherberg does have a pretty good amount of stealth for its size in fact that’s why my like free-to-play commander and

    The one I’ve been going back and forth with has been lemonier with a more stealth build on him because uh lemon ear’s uh base trait reduces the amount of time you’re spotted after firing your gun uh for my build it’s down to about 15 seconds which means you fire your gun

    You drop off uh and it does make it so that you know battleships that are not on the same cycle of reload uh they they will most likely not see you cuz you still have a pretty decent long reload so they may not want to kind of

    Concentrate on you if you’re not fully lit all the time which gives you the the ability to kind of fall to take the engagements as you need them which is very important for sherberg the other important bit with sherberg is of course that speed boost and oh boy is it very

    Important because as you can see our team our side has kind of broken through on a the enemy team has done a very good job of map control they’ve taken C they’ve taken B they’ve pushed through on C so so what can we do now the the

    Basic play would be to kind of be near our one other Battleship but remember sherberg is about developing those crossfires and that’s exactly what we’re going to do we’re going to use our stealth to try to cross the Open Water here and we want to form a crossfire

    From where if someone is concentrating on the friendly Battleship we’ve been able to develop an angle with him specifically we want to get around this island to try to get some rounds into this Jean Bart but you know plans change and if we can take guns out of

    The match for the other team that’s precisely what we want to do Maya pops up here uh we’re going to go a and take that shot one thing to talk about with the guns is uh we do have French accuracy which sometimes mean you get

    You get a little bit of shotgun with it but uh you can see there we did I think a fairly decent job as we are broadside to this Iowa and uh we’re probably going to pay the price here if I recall no cuz he’s using AG cuz I think he’s paranoid

    From our Destroyer that is all the way uh up at where nearly he spawned because he’s been pushed back by their Cruiser but anyway see if we can finish wiping mayia off the map once we do that we do have an Iowa that is giving us

    Broadside there we go one ship down on the enemy team reducing that lead that they currently have and lafra has decided that that this is his opportunity to push in what we’re going to do is we’re going to go ahead and turn out the firing angles over the back

    Side of the ship aren’t terrible the only problem is of course the back of the vessel does have that stepped area which means you can get a lot of damage but at this point what I want to do is get the island between myself and that

    Iowa that way I only have to worry about lefua right now I have two I have 16-in guns from the io which are incredibly deadly to us though he has firing H thank God uh but I have that to worry about on top of the lfra so I want to uh

    Kind of continue my way this way um allow lfra to continue getting closer to the Missouri make him Force basically Force the the moment make him either choose to angle to us or angle towards our Missouri of course he’s most likely going to choose the Missouri because

    Missouri has 16-inch guns and you can see just what lefu does to us when he when we get hit in that shell trap up above but for now he is nice and broadside we almost have our final reload booster ready to go as we have

    Now reached the other side of the map um and how often does that happen to you especially in a cruiser like most matches you are not going to end up doing that and I feel like this is I’m not going to call it common place but it

    Is fairly regular for these French heavy Cruisers to really be in parts of the map that you’re not used to and you have to do that in order to develop these crossfires uh and they are incredibly difficult to do so because um as you can see we are not exactly doing huge chunks

    Of damage even though we have a broadside Battleship out there and that is the weakness of these Cruisers they are not designed to really do much damage to either battleships or to destroyers you are very much a cruiser Hunter um and when you don’t have Cru Cruisers to hunt anymore um your utility

    Is severely limited with these vessels uh especially when you know the the guns can’t pen broadside ships if if you know at this distance the dispersion just goes a little bit down and it hits into lower bout and it just shatters like we’re doing we’re doing okay damage but

    Are we doing okay damage for firing one round every 23 and a half seconds no no we just we just aren’t um but good news lfra is down and we are now actually up on ships for the first time in this match we are turning it

    Around and here we had two options one we could go out along the left side of this island kind of be spotted by the Iowa I didn’t want to do that because one we’ve seen just how vulnerable this vessel is and it is all about getting to the places where the enemy doesn’t

    Expect you to develop those crossfires at this point he’s heading out to the uh to the West End side of the map so we will follow him towards the west side of the map and use this island as convenient cover that way um you know we

    Have it for some protection if we need to duck behind it one of the nice things with sherberg is you can kind of do the forward backward dance on Islands if you know you know what I mean you can do the chaa shuffle you can go out fire guns

    And then reverse back in and then by the time you’ve arrested the vehicle and and started moving forward again you’re just about back in uh to your your reload so there there are some fun things you can do with the islands but Iowa turning broadside here which is exactly what we

    Want because well he needs to angle towards Missouri and that gives us the broadside which means we can be somewhat effective on these chunks and you can see what’s happening is because we have to fire up into that upper belt we’re only getting we only got what one pen

    There for over pens and of course over pens are worth a 10% uh 10% the amount of damage of a full pen and you know that’s that’s just unfortunate I will say um but this point we we just kind of have to help with what we can we know

    That the enemy has a couple other ships out on the water and uh let’s just call our uh our one of our remaining destroyers the black the MVP because he’s doing a lot of work right now as he he does end up missing the Iowa but

    You’ll see by the end he’s definitely uh the MVP of this match anyway Iowa is going to turn in just that little bit more we’ll continue the firing unfortunately our Missouri is uh not long for this world as he has just a Slither of Health black ends up taking

    Out the b in there which means we are now just down to this Iowa and this Fiji and I’m like okay we have two Destroyers hopefully between them they can finish taking out this Iowa we need to make sure we wipe this Fiji the only way

    We’re going to do that is if we are close enough once that smoke Falls that he is that we spot him so it’s time to use our Mobility push in of course we are going to be a primary target of this Iowa there we are a big juicy Citadel uh

    Floating on the water but Fiji right here well he is also a big juicy Citadel that I believe we can overmatch straight through absolutely we do now we just need to survive a couple seconds longer um and this Fiji will be at the bottom of the ocean hopefully maybe fingers

    Crossed here we go oh and he’s going to turn broadside for us this is this is beautiful can we get a padel cuz I don’t know if you’ve noticed big Battleship guns no citadels yet still no citadels there but we do take Fiji out and as

    This game becomes to an end let me just say uh the the these boats they are fun but hard to play um I hope breast is better because Chon’s really rough to play sherberg is rough and hopefully that makes the tier eight worth it but who knows anyway shout out to the black

    He did a fantastic job and almost nabbed himself a kraken anyways guys if you like the video hit the like button hit the Subscribe button and I hope you have a fantastic rest of your day see you


    1. Thank you for this video. I run Lemmonier and nobody believes me that these ships can be good. Perhaps your opinion will mean a lot more than mine. 🫡🫡

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