Who thought it would be such a controversial motorcycle ? I loved it from the first time I saw it. But I looked at it with my eyes wide open and for what it was. A modern take on an old bike. As such it was never going to live up to the expectations of the old guard. But this is a recreation built to a price, unlike others such as the Norton commando or even the triumph Bonneville. The main question for me was of course the senses test. I think these were answered in my last review. In this review I am returning the bike after a few days of marvellous rides. The more I ride this bike, the more I loved it.

    If you have missed my previous videos links are below along with a link to s very good video.

    https://youtu.be/e8x71GKetCk?si=nGHqCUy_a4WQBdFl – last Ride

    https://youtu.be/P4XvIZpvSno – 2nd Ride

    https://youtu.be/p794IVtMNrc – 1st Ride

    https://youtu.be/Afpx29EAsCo – An Audience With



    Instagram: https://instagram.com/the_all_year_motorcyclist?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y

    Photos and memories to:
    Email: allyearmotorcyclist@gmail.com

    The All Year Motorcyclist Web Page


    I right s day oh got to take the BSA back yeah um I haven’t been able to do all the filming I wanted to do with it uh couple of reasons um weather yeah wind rain um and also having someone crash into me on the SPV 650 yeah I know um

    You’ll probably I’ve heard about that in the mutter but there you go um these things happen I’m sure I’ll get another opportunity uh but let’s just have a rundown of the bike again uh of 45 brake horsepower um 55 newon M of torque uh raino brakes pelli tires spoke

    Wheels these marvelous clocks that go around the right way but start in a different position I love them uh that single engine sound is just lovely and this bike has stacks of character it does for all those people wondering does it have any character yeah it does and if you’ve

    Tried it and thought it doesn’t you need to go back and try it again it does it behaves exactly as it should for a big single and it is a big single I know it’s only a 650 but it is a big single um I’ve thoroughly thoroughly enjoyed it

    Uh the controls everything where it should be all work absolutely fine even though this has been written by every Tom Dick andary and treated and abused by them um as if it doesn’t matter um the clutch no problems whatsoever with the clutch no problems with anything uh during the time I’ve had it

    Um that brake initially felt a bit um grippy but that soon stopped it could have been just it hasn’t been used enough or I don’t know you know um but yeah absolutely fine now the back breake someone suggested it it was weak it was absolutely fine front break absolutely fine now

    Um we still in a 40 I think we might be um economy it’s been really Thrifty yeah uh Mrs tame loved it um I think it it’s got to be compared it’s closest competitor really in terms of size and type of bike is the classic 500 um and the classic 500 is more

    Original to its to the bullet shall we say the original bullet um but this has got more power it’s smoother yeah uh and I’m not taking anything you know I love birty but this really has you can do everything you want with it I’ve been on

    The Dual carriageway I’ve been U on the back roads I’ve poled through town the radiator barely noticed um I’m convinced that this bike would probably cruise at 70 all day if you wanted it to um and that’s largely because of that radiator keeping that temperature just right for

    It um and on the radiator when it does cut in when you’re in traffic it’s not really really loud it doesn’t make any funny noises um the Fan’s pretty smooth uh like the bike is pretty smooth is there some vibration yeah there’s just enough vibration um I like it um

    Maintenance point of view I don’t know anyone that’s had any problems but this engine’s going to be pretty good it’s whilst the bike is new the engine is proven I think uh it’s got BRBO brakes of course and they said um so there shouldn’t be a problem should they no

    Handling it’s just fine it’s a solid little bike that um goes where you point it and it doesn’t do anything un to doesn’t try and catch you out or anything like that um in traffic it’s easy to ride it is a single so it’s going to be a bit

    Lumpy isn’t it just like berti is this isn’t quite as dramatic as berti no um but but yeah it’s you getting the gear right for the right speed is important um and it responds well to the throttle I think they’ve got the fueling spot

    On uh and like I say with the USB and the 12vt takeoff you can wire everything up to it no problem at all and the sound I I like yeah um anyway that’s enough of me babbling on um what I’ll do is I’ll I’ll bring you back when I get closer to cester

    Kawasaki so uh almost back uh Colchester Kawasaki uh had a marvelous ride um down those back roads oh that is such good fun um yeah I think if you are you know on the fence about whether to get one or not I I think you you perhaps

    Ought to go and ride it a bit more because I’m pretty sure that you would buy it now um what sort of bike you’d be looking for what as a comparison there isn’t anything to compare it to like I say the closest thing to compare it to is um the classic

    500 if you don’t like the classic 500 give this a go because it’s got all that extra power that you really want from the 500 with some of the character um yeah it’s it is a lovely lovely motorcycle um yeah I’m going to get ribed for that yeah there’s people going

    To be saying you don’t know what you’re talking about well that says maybe what I do know is I’ve thoroughly thoroughly enjoyed this and without a shadow of a doubt if I had the money yeah I’d be buying one one um but there you go um just down here Colchester

    Kawasaki I got to hand it back yeah um I hope you’ve enjoyed the videos I’ve done on it a little bit different to what most people would do I imagine but um there you go I shall shall I take this straight round the back um I think I should leave

    It uh yeah I’ll take it around the back I shall pop it up here yeah wonderful um so let’s just have a little a little look before we finish there you go BSA go start 650 it’s just marvelous I


    1. Nobody can recreate history, and the massive radiator proves it. Manufacturers are sh*t scared of dodgy Brussels, and keep pandering to the 'carbon neutral' delusional fantasy.

    2. It's still on my list and I think that as a bike it's now acquired a critical mass of owners and companies that will support it. I'm sure TEC will be coming up with a hot cam for it soon. The one bike, missed out on the possible comparisons was the Moto Guzzi, although not a single, it does have that character. Cheers from a (still) soggy Cornwall where I am finding that my simple winterisation video has ballooned into a 4 part series!😉

    3. Enjoyed your reviews of the BSA Mr Taym and thought you're pretty much spot on with what you said.
      I'm close to 3000 miles on mine now and just love it.

    4. nice ride ,,,, there are plenty of big singles around ,- ktm husq gas gas 700 , benelli ,,, yam 700 [686cc] , e,t,c but all have completely different styling , , after a while i realise this bike is NOT similar to the re 650 ;;;

    5. Looks to be a wonderful bike. I certainly could be sucked in. What I’m curious about is the dealer network and whether it’s made it to the States. Here in Idaho I’m in a bit of motorcycle dealership desert.

    6. I'm still waiting for my chance to ride one but I know I wouldn't be tempted to trade my Bullet in for one, like you I'd have to own both. Thanks Mr TAYM.

    7. Definitely a test ride in the new year with Mrs PGB 😊. Did anyone else notice they've sorted out the radiator shroud? Originally it was a single pressed steel item with nasty sharp edges and rather thin paint. The quiet update (proper side cheeks) looks far better. Hopefully, there's a kit for early adopters to do the same. There's quite a few (ex-demos?) around for only £5k 😊

    8. Great overview TAYM, but no more than I would've expected, and as I've said before, given the wherewithal there'd be one in the mancave, I'd have to think long and hard before bolting a third wheel on it. Nice one again, cheers.

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