Today we are joined by @PJAudits as we take a look at Finlay Hull Ltd, 60 Lime St, Hull HU8 7AF.

    We speak to a few staff members about what they do inside and even get caught trying to hide the keyring πŸ˜†

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    A – Charmast 23800mAh Quick Charge 3.0 PD 20W
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    Look yeah um just looking for a hiding place what why so welcome back to the channel guys today we’re here in Hall taking a look at finle now finle is a leading Independent Business bus to business manufacturer and supplier of tea coffee and Botanical solutions to beverage brand owners

    Worldwide wow I can smell coffee actually we are here today in hall with PJ audits you’ll see a lot of him over the next few videos and the previous videos to this one he’s found an Open Shutter looking directly into the plant ear protection Hiers helmet and lots and lots of Pipes no admittance to unauthorized no admittance authorized personnel only permit to work must be obtained can see a little bit of steam coming up from there you can’t really see anything moving can you but yeah very nice coffee smell from here very Nice look you’ve even got steam coming out of the drain they must be pumping hot water down oh even smells nice the building does look very old look at that and then you’ve just got a bit of new clad in obviously new windows new signage very high yeah they tea tea and

    Coffee yeah there oh look at them bags quite High cuz this the product’s quite light jpd I bet they we a Bit Blended too M that from China hi hey mate right you can snuck up on us so where’s the tea from um mainly Africa all right but also from China from India Salon Y and would one of them bulk bags weigh come about 900 kilos 900 kilos the the

    Bulk bags there are 900 kilos if you just step this way you see the ones that we send out after the Bindy caffein see with a blue label on there all right there two one on top of the other they’re 450 kilos and they’re decaffinated too Deca Deca you’re asking the wrong

    Person well I thought because you got a blue hat on you were the Man In Charge we have a massive plan boil the tea up put additives in take the decaf out and the caffeine out so the blue label is deep I’m assuming you don’t just do deep yep you

    Do yep that’s all we do we get the tee from beverages um and pontif frct as you can see just tipping them now they’re the big bags we send them up to our bin loaders bin loaders will empty it into the system comes through all the way comes out with decaffeinated tea which

    We bag up and send back to and do you do the coffee as well we’ve just started doing a c brew coffee but we’re just in the process of getting the plant up and running so where the actual plant can you see it from the no see

    From The River’s Edge from where from The River’s Edge all right okay yeah no it’s three separate plants basically you’ve got my side here which is the warehouse you got the C plant in the middle you got the deffination plant which runs across the whole site at the

    Back right and that comes in with the caffeination plant where they take the caffeine out process it and that’s back I I believe to decaffeinate Coffee you just use water I believe water and some chemicals I’m not sure what chemicals you’re using it so when you decaffeinate

    Something are you left with a byproduct yeah caffeine what’ you do with that sell it right pure caffeine pure caffeine yeah to who people who make caffeinated drinks you know um like Red Bull kind W anything that has and what do you mean by botanic Botanical Botanicals um we don’t do with those

    Here right let say you’ve got to remember that um Finley is a massive company part of s group we have sites all over the UK our head offices in London um we have a massive site of ptif frct do an awful lot of you right there

    Young man can I help you that right yeah it is thanks a lot somebody else buys from Amazon nowadays yeah you you ordered it yesterday yesterday night last night I did yeah absolutely right I know exactly what it is yes how was interesting just a Chu for a

    Drill all right okay you must be one of the engineers no I am the warehouse supervisor I’m in the warehouse and the purchasing it’s for work yeah right got to cack on gentlemen right thank you very much for your time so he did say that they’re taking a

    Delivery right now so it arrives in a shipping container like that yeah do you think it’s got one of those bags inside it I don’t know I wouldn’t have thought so at least he had a banksman coming out there he certainly did yeah hey oh blue helmet let’s ask him how they offload

    It I presume there’s some sort of loading B to the left here well we’ll have a look shall We There you go look and use one of the dreaded ramps they must have took it in already yeah it looks like they come on pet was that a shipping container full of

    Pallets of T the bags there are they palletized yeah yeah yeah yeah so when the tea comes from India or China or whatever it’s come it arrives in bags like that in those big paper bags we saw in take them up reverse in is that you

    Yeah yeah yeah that was me yeah I pass nice comments about you that’s bad cuz you was reversing cuz you were reversing you got a number plate on you you’ll be amazed down many Fork trops go on the road with no number plate on no yeah we

    Have to be injured yeah you have to have a car license and all the rest of it it’s surprising you know how many drivers of those things think because cuz you’re on you’re only going like 10 m and then in we don’t need a a number plate we don’t need insurance

    Yeah but unfortunately you do anyway credit to you my friend I’ll let you carry on all right Mate oh was moving the ramp yeah I’ve not seen one of these being moved before you yeah Yeah one fork in the braet yeah under the chain you can really steer it where you want it can’t you yeah Fork LIF in and the chain yeah we’ll be now half it we he’s done that a few times before a it yeah It’s not hard cuz it’s got a long wheel base it’s a short wheel base it’s difficult but when it’s a long wheel base you know it’s like reversing a caravan if it’s a little diddy Caravan it’s hard if it’s a big Caravan it’s a lot easier so at least I’ve learned

    Something new today PJ those brown bags there have been loaded in the country of origin with tea how assuming they’ll go back I don’t know I don’t know if they will or not or if they’ll just go and get recycled we even foil lined yeah I’d love to um see how thick they

    Are but I’m not going to push my lock and go in cuz they’ve been nice to us haven’t they yeah well when it comes back asking yeah I could do I could push my luck well it’s not I mean if you ask and he says no Then you’ve lost no if you

    Ask and he says yes then you’ve gained some it’s not rude to ask is it can we um can we just go have a look quick look at those brown bags just to feel the thickness you can’t go in there would you be able to rip a tiny bit off

    For m just so I can feel the thickness I noticed the line in silver fire yeah you’re not filming me are you we’re filming everything in the street with Street photographers Street vide so do they go back to the place of origin or did they just get recycled oh no well

    To I don’t know what to do with them but you can’t even rip me just load them on a truck and they disappear I I don’t get involved in that part all right yeah I’m only like a to be no problem mate no problem yeah all

    Right yeah we just video on the street anything interesting that happens then we put it on social Med media you don’t wait for a paper then no why ma why what do you know that that’s it what we are yeah no are you joking oh you w you w

    Jealous no man I just want a bit of your bag can I have a bit of the brown bag you want to feel his bag no I don’t want all right mate no worries all right you get me in trouble you will yeah Whole live whole live is no is that local press Hall live like Leicester live Nottingham sheare live sort of thing I don’t know that’s not from so we learned a little bit there about what they do but we did not get a piece of the brown

    Bag he did mention that you can see a bit more from the Riverside so let’s use David to get over there let’s get David up and see what this place looks like from above so gentleman just came out of that door just there and the lady has just came enclosed this shutter just

    There she’s now climbing the steps I think there’s been some sort of alarm raised about people outside filming so where did we go well we walked down this public foot path here we had a quick word with the gentleman around there somewhere and then we spoke to that

    Forlift driver at that corner just there we have not traveled very far at all we can see the river over there so that’s where we need to be looking in this direction um the next door site that cleans the ibcs is nothing to do with this place so we’ll just circle the

    Building shall we and let’s see how it looks from this side so we still have line of sight as you can see me down there this is what the other side of the building looks like looks like they’ve had a a reinforcement put in recently concrete infill

    Got a few bits and Bobs happening down there and then we can see a road that it looks like it used to go over the river in that direction many years ago but there we have it the whole site in one shot let’s do a 360Β° photo for Google Maps and then move

    On look yeah um just looking for a hiding place for what why I’m going to hide something and then I’m going to film it and tell somebody that where I’ve put it so they can find it in in the future like um geocaching you ever heard of Geocaching where you hide something like

    A game so a pour in a bottle in with water yeah yeah but you can’t really direct anybody to that cuz it’ll float away there not many good hiding places around here I think what we’ll do we’ll put it hopefully she’s not going to come back oh dropped

    It so what we’ll do we’ll put it just behind there there we go that’s all right the location of the DJ audits key ring on this video is just there lock which is behind that post just there and that is the video complete here at finless we heard from the first

    Gentleman about what they do they simply import tea and coffee and process it and make it a little bit special and then sell it in bulk to other businesses and if you have seen Fin’s name before then this is the type of place where it might have come from and apart from them

    Closing the shutters you know they might have just needed to close the shutters anyway a gentleman came and had a look out of that door there you know just keeping their eyes on us and I’m sure they’re doing that with the CCTV cameras that they’ve got around the place anyway

    It’s a shame I couldn’t feel how thick that paper bag was but I’ll get over it PJ’s disappeared down in that direction now so let’s catch up with him see what he’s getting up to and if you have enjoyed that video do give it a thumbs

    Up for me and I’ll see you on the next one guys bye-bye for Now


    1. What a pleasant surprise to have the manager be friendly and explain their processes and business model. Much better than the aggressive security bozos.

    2. DJ, you are not entirely right regarding forklifts and the need for road tax. Check the Road Traffic Act. Some tractor types and forklifts been not be taxed etc dependent on how little mileage they do in 12 months ie if just crossing a road to access one side of a factory to the other. I noticed that at Hull they were travelling along the road, this would over a period of 12 months take them over the limit of the distance allowed by the Act. I would doubt that any firm no matter what would not operate with out insurance.

    3. What a very pleasant and accommodating chap the warehouse supervisor was…I think sometimes you fail to recognise these reasonable folk to the detriment of what you are seeking to achieve

    4. absolute brilliant video today mate, loved the positive interactions here. You two audit like that american youtuber and his son, you don't antagonize you just let it happen as it does. Amagansett Press is the father and his son is Watching The Watchmen.

    5. Ringtons have good decaf tea, no chemicals used to extract the caffeine just water.
      Hull's a top place, hope a 🀑 doesn't let the side down or we'll pay em a vist πŸ˜‚

    6. To decaffeinate coffee the beans are soaked in a very strong solvent usually Trichloroethane, same stuff used to dry clean clothes – this absorbs the caffeine and then the solvent is boiled off – lovely

    7. It's nice to see older industrial buildings. Constantly demolishing things and rebuilding is a good way to hyperinflate your GDP and pretend your country isn't in extreme recession due to endless migration of scab labour driving down living wages, driving up consumption, and collapsing infrastructure – but it destroys your heritage and history. The constant demolition and rebuilding might keep places looking "modern" but it's a bandaid patch on the rapidly deflating zeppelin of a sinking state. Close the borders, stop endless waste, and let the market stabilize so job wages are fair.

    8. Was enjoying the channel… until you revealed that unwashed piece of shi t who took grest pleasure in encouraging and filmimg pensioners wreck their cars at Rufford Ford ….absolute scumbag and appalling that you are sharing your channel with this.

    9. Hi, I am Hull Born and Bred and Yesterday a friend and I went to the Gate to look for the Keyring because no one else has said they got it but we Couldn't find it πŸ€”, the gate was locked but we looked everywhere around it. I think someone who saw you filming or that Woman maybe saw you put it there and went and got it and we were gutted we didn't find it πŸ˜‘ great video I didn't even know this Company did Tea ☺

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