Poole Speedway presents the Bjarne Pedersen Farewell meeting originally live streamed by Pirates TV, featuring Poole ‘Pirates’ vs Peterborough ‘Panthers’ at Wimborne Road on 30/03/2022.

    POOLE ‘Pirates’
    1 : Steve WORRALL
    2 : Ben COOK
    3 : Danny KING (C)
    4 : Kyle NEWMAN
    5 : Richard LAWSON
    6 : Drew KEMP
    7 : Zach COOK

    PETERBOROUGH ‘Panthers’
    1 : Michael PALM TOFT
    2 : Hans ANDERSEN (C)
    3 : Ulrich OSTERGAARD
    4 : Alfie BOWTELL
    5 : Scott NICHOLLS
    6 : Jordan PALIN
    7 : Nathan ABLITT
    TM : Rob LYON

    Referee : Christina TURNBULL

    Connect With The Pirates:


    Proudly Sponsored By:
    Wessex Marine: http://wessexmarine.co.uk
    Link Fabrications
    Morrish Homes: https://www.morrishhomes.co.uk
    Trethowans: https://www.trethowans.com
    M B Wilkes : https://www.mbwilkes.com
    County Crest Pallets
    Chateau La Briance : https://www.chateaulabriance.com

    Brought to you by Pirates TV:

    Pirates TV Crew:
    Main Camera : Rob Haywood
    Roaming Camera : Paul Hague
    Presenter/Commentator : Scott Mitchell
    Pits Reporter : Rob Dyer
    Stadium Presenter : Nigel Leahy
    Producer/Director : Andy Hague

    00:00:00 – Introduction
    00:01:22 – Bjarne Pedersen Interview
    00:11:32 – Team Line-ups
    00:12:43 – Pits
    00:13:47 – Parade
    00:16:54 – Bjarne Pedersen Lap
    00:20:24 – Heat 1
    00:23:03 – Heat 2
    00:25:44 – Heat 3
    00:28:11 – Heat 4
    00:30:37 – Ben Cook Interview
    00:31:26 – Heat 5
    00:33:45 – Heat 6
    00:35:58 – Pits
    00:36:37 – Heat 7
    00:39:04 – Heat 8
    00:41:35 – Heat 9
    00:43:44 – Heat 10
    00:46:24 – Heat 11
    00:48:47 – Heat 12
    00:51:27 – Drew Kemp Interview
    00:53:15 – Zach Cook Interview
    00:54:18 – Heat 13
    00:56:33 – Heat 14
    00:59:03 – Pits
    00:59:43 – Heat 15
    01:02:33 – Rob Lyon Interview
    01:04:11 – Danny King Interview
    01:04:31 – Celebrations
    01:05:24 – Conclusion

    Foreign hi welcome to the Pirates TV viewers we’re here at wimborne Road tonight I’m Scott Mitchell and we’re here for the bianni Patterson farewell meeting now you say why have bianni’s farewell meeting from the British Speedway here at Paul I’ll tell you why he joined the club on Loan in

    2002 and has been in and out of the side for the last 20 years he’s in fact the second highest point scorer of all time for the Pirates so what’s the best way to do that bring him here to Paul let the fans that love him see him one more

    Time and let him say his goodbye to the town and the club that he loves to ride for so what what sort of meeting could we have with that in mind well there’s only one meeting aren’t there pool Pirates the Championship Champions from 2021 taking on the Peterborough Panthers the

    Premiership champions of 2021 of which bianni Patterson was one of those Dad’s Army that won it so could we say this is an unofficial 21 shoot 2021 shootout I think we’ll call it that for tonight but what a great night we have in Prospect so without further Ado we need to head

    Down to the pits and chat with our Roman reporter Rob Dyer and see who’s got with him okay thanks Scotty and here we are pit side and I’m delighted to have been joined by our very special guest tonight Brianna Patterson as we Host this Champions challenge to honor bianni in

    His time here as a pirate a true Pirates Legend before we speak to bayani I’m just going to embarrass him a little bit by running through some of his outstanding achievements and if you look down the list it’s uh quite phenomenal really three Elite League Championship winners medals two Elite League KO cut

    Winners medals two Craven Shields a British League Cup Elite League pairs Champion with Jason Crump Elite lead Riders champion in 2004 and of course most recently Premier League champion last year with the Peterborough Panthers and that’s not to mention all the Continental fixtures and awards World Championships with Denmark and of course

    In the Grand Prix series a grand prix winner and a sixth place in the series so a phenomenal CV from this man and a rider who has been consistently at the top draw for many many seasons and deservedly has his place in the Pirates Hall of Fame so bianni let’s just go

    Back perhaps and you can tell us how you got into speedway racing in the first place oh well that’s uh that’s a long time ago yeah and you know it was some I know it was something right as I remember there was a my dad he was buying a bike without I

    Really know it so that was how it it all started he just came home with this bike and yes there we go so and yeah that was that was a bit funny but uh yeah but uh yeah that was how we started how old would you have been then by Honey a tin

    Tin eleven so on and of course the Danish scene is such that you’ve got low CC 85 CC’s going upwards and that’s a great stepping stone to bring you up into full 500 CC Speedway racing yeah I did four yeah at the small bike but the

    CC could be 80cc big in Denmark and then 95 it was my first year at 500 so um yeah well and now we stand here so it’s been incredible you know the ords you know uh really really enjoy my my time you know especially England uh thing is

    Something like 17 15 16 17 season all I have so um yeah where did the years go so but yeah I really really enjoy you know I have Tin Tin season hand pool and uh what you know um a few other track Plymouth Eastbourne and Newcastle where I started so uh yeah

    We really enjoy it yeah I got to say it’s back at Newcastle that you first started to make here mark on British Speedway and two seasons there and during that time you were spotted by Matt Ford and Mike Golding and they tempted you to come along fight

    Mr Havelock thank you very much indeed that tempted you into coming to ride for the Pirates in 2002. yeah well you know it was it was the right thing for me to start in Newcastle because I was you know just coming out of the Danish League you know Green

    Landed all her I didn’t speak any English at all so landed in Newcastle and uh yeah because you know we had a good first season then and and lucky we won the league the second year I was there so it was just you know um

    Such a great start you know for me in in England and I remember already after the first season in Newcastle Matthew was he won me down here but I just feel it was right to take another year in Premier League before stepped me up and I do remember the first year or

    Two down here was really hard because you know you’re just very close to them to to to be the best in in Premier League but then you step up to Lee league and there was completely different game so there was some really tough Wednesday night I I still do

    Remember them but I I worked through them and it was great you know to at one one time one state in ukaya field he was actually some some of the better one in the early league as well and of course your second season here 2003 and you

    Were linked up with the likes of Tony ricardson and Lee Adams Antonio limbach came into the side the Dremel brothers were here and that’s fantastic learning opportunity for you here at pool absolutely you know to you know to Lee and Tony was absolute if not the best rider in the world at

    This is this time you know don’t matter whether they go sweet in Poland or they’re just completed and matches out week weekend and week out so to be in in the same team or something special you know you could just watch them and learn from from there and I did learn very

    Much from Tony the the two seasons down here with him and it’s try to try to build everything around me a bit better and than what it was and and you know maybe just as close as I could get to to to how Tony he did everything around him

    And of course riding in Denmark it also opened the door for you to go to Sweden and to Poland and to further your Speedway experience there and that must have been a great opportunity for you yeah absolutely you know everything just start up in Denmark and as I remember I

    Did a bit in Sweden and then after that England so uh and and a bit later I was getting down to Poland as well somebody yeah you know everything just happened so quick and um lucky enough the result was there you know at at the first step in it as well so uh

    Um yeah from there everything just really went on and and I’m so so pleased when I look back on it and you must have some special memories of Paul stadium and those big Wednesday night finals and when we look back there are things that stick in my mind about your time here I

    Can remember that meeting at Lakeside where you got paid 23 points a phenomenal Hall at that stage and you had a testimonial here in 2009 when the Pirates took on Newcastle and Nikki Pederson was in that meeting and won the individual final it must have been fantastic to have had the opportunity to

    Stage that testimonial yeah absolutely you know it’s really hard to to mention one one meeting or one season because being lucky there have been so many good Seasons you know not only here but also with some of the other club I have but we’ve been lucky to win so much in pool

    You know and as we know you know we when I started we did more than 40 meetings before you could grow as a champion so you know to to do you know six seven eight months of racing to two and then go out in in one

    Final you know one at home and one away and then lucky enough to to win it uh you know this is something special you know because you work for the whole season and then it’s all about one one two meetings so um but uh yeah it’s been

    Like I said again you’ve been so lucky when I look back and also like you start with you know we’ve been winning everything what what you can actually win over and Beyond it last season you were at Peterborough and at Plymouth for your final season in racing in the UK

    And around the world really yeah but it couldn’t have gone better for you really to finish up as an elite League Premiership winner with the Peterborough Panthers yeah that was it was it was just coming out of the blue he met for me one night and asked if I could be

    Interested to to to be back in in England and I told him if I had to to come back I I would need to have two teams over here and so so lucky you know there was a place in Plymouth and Peterborough what Maya was feeding in so

    Um yeah there was just something coming straight out of the blue and I’m so pleased you know everything was possible to do it and we had a great season in in Plymouth as well you know that was just coming back into into the league and Jason Trump was there as well really

    Enjoyed to race with him again you know we’ve spent some years in in the companies together so um also one one year hand pool so but we we were both a different time of of our career now but you know it was really enjoying my time

    In in Plymouth and and yeah like say Peter but we we did a bit of the same story you know we have those hands uh Harris and yeah Scotty Obama and hence we and and myself we have spent a lot of time a lot

    Of here in the Grand Prix so um to to you know to to um to be in the same team over here at this stage of our career that was something brilliant so we really enjoy we really enjoyed last year but so you’re not stepping away from Speedway altogether I would be only

    Because uh for 2022 you’ve hooked up with Martin vacuolek in the Grand Prix and you’re going to be working alongside him in those big GP meetings yeah not only the grand priest but also a bit in the policy just to to start now his team and uh of course Martin so

    Um yeah we have been actually already been in Poland last weekend flying back to Russia tomorrow again so uh season is dialing up now we got some challenge meeting and some very important meeting coming up now and if I end up the air also the hell up by end of this month

    Also uh Grand Prix so um I found this very interesting so I look forward to be a part of his team here well here we are it’s going to be a fantastic night for you here at Paul Stadium piano we’re hoping for a packed house to uh bid you a farewell thank you

    Ever so much for all your time with the Pirates all your work with the Pirates and all that you’ve put into the pool club and we do wish you a long and a very successful retirement and working with Martin of course thank you very much thank you thank you

    So what a good interview that was with bianni um Rob Dyer so uh let’s head into the teen lineups and for the Pirates it’s Steve warrell at number one Ben Cook starts at number two strange to see but Danny King number three the pool captain

    Number four was due to be out of Ellis but he signed for the brummies and that means he’s got a commitment tonight so Kyle Nam Newman Newman comes in his place at five is Richard Lawson at six Drew Kemp and at seven exact cut so over to the Panthers it’s Michael

    Palmtoft at number one Hans Anderson at number two guard he’s back at number three after a long period out with injury uh Peter kilderman was supposed to ride at number four he’s now unavailable through injury and Alfie boatel comes in at number four Scott Nichols captains aside at number five

    Jordan Palin in at number six and Nathan ablett in at number seven obviously he’ll be riding for the pirates for the rest of the season so the good track time for him well welcome back pitch side here at Paul Stadium on this a very special evening and uh the noise of the bikes

    Has now died down all the warm-up has been completed and the Riders are just starting to get themselves prepared for the parade this evening and of course uh big evening indeed for bjana Pederson and as we walk down the pirate line here it’s uh Steve wall and Ben Cook just behind

    There the young Aussie big things expected of him this year and of course Steve warrell rides with a number one race jacket and one of three riders in the pirate slide who could certainly be number ones in their own right and as you can see the rest of the pirate

    Riders and the peterbor Riders are gathering themselves together ready for parade so there we are that’s just about how things stand in the pits area at the moment and I’ll pass you back up to Scotty Mitchell at commentary so here we are back as you can see there was a

    Good to see the stuff there from the pits which is what we’re going to try and do with this live stream so here come the Peterborough fantas now Yeah just a reminder that it’s uh it’s the Premiership Champions riding the Championship Champions from 2021 [Applause] Round of Applause for the Panthers from the Pirates faithful Pirates [Applause] number five rings [Applause] this evening from Plymouth hotel number three missed half of the 21-21 season from a back injury that is released it’s foreign [Applause] Done I don’t know his average last year they’re playing the number one race champion Michael bombs off the inside the new class of 2022 is the CX nice it’s been friendly action 2022 you’re around whoa [Applause] understand the last year and you’ve had it back by

    Helping to secure a league title back up [Applause] [Applause] For more great friends welcome to the ball to form a fire at reserves tonight welcome back [Applause] in last year’s been we foreign [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] as Fiona comes to the grandstand on his final lap I think everybody’s on their feet here absolutely everybody’s on their feet superb true fans favorite here at the Pirates and that will never stop that will never stop He goes back and going back to home straight on the back straight sorry heading around a bit slower than he usually would go there right down into turn three I’ve seen him go a bit quicker than that but uh I probably haven’t heard too many Much More Much More Roars than uh when

    He’s coming into the home straight off a turn four then uh that I have just now let’s take this in [Applause] um Championship title holders versus the Premiership title holders quite an unprecedented lineup tonight and we’ve got an events we’ve got the youngest of it as well having of course the team manager for the Pirates robot and team manager for the Australian Premier League champions we’ve got one more piece of business to do

    Um two practices Positions Powerful event which it is Um So here we go there’s a heat lineup on the inside in yellow we have Hans Anderson for the Panthers in blue in Gate two we have Ben cook for the Pirates in gate three in white we have Michael Palm Toth the Panthers and on the outside in red

    We have Stevie Worrell for the Pirates Our start Marshall is to get into the line the fans have been waiting all winter thank you first heat at Woodbourne Road for 2022. and the way we go into the first turn it’s been a good start from Ben Cook and he’s taken on around the front

    Lifted a little down the back straight hands Anderson stay tight world’s gone wide nice and early Ben Cook’s looking over his shoulder but he looks good there hands is now saying a real tight line Ben Cooks look at the right mid track he’s just had a look over his shoulder

    See the hand was riding tight does that mean that bangkok’s gonna go tight hands tried the little Harvey Avenue up to decide to turn four didn’t quite make it is world still sat in third and is surprisingly pumped off at the back so with one lap to go it’s still been

    Cooked out front being chased by hand Anderson in yellow it’s Steve whirl in red and it’s armed off to the back in white so as we stand it looks like it’s going to be a win for Ben Cook in blue for the Pirates second for Hans Anderson and

    Yellow third for Steve world and comes in at the back was uh Michael Palm Toft okay number two even so what a start what a flying start from Kirk he trapped it and went and he had some good company behind him as well so it was a 4-2 Heat score to the pole

    Pirates taking them suppressive score obviously to fall to the Pirates and two to the Panthers and I have to say for the present practice day I saw the Riders are really pleased and how smooth the track had been riding and I have to say that was that looked really smooth that he won

    With four Riders out there so here we go we’re heat two so on the inside in red it drew came for the Pirates in Gate two in white will be Jordan Palin for the Panthers in gate three in blue will be Zach cook Ben’s brother

    Uh for the Pirates and then of course in gate four it’s Jason Hamlet tonight riding for the Panthers but for the rest of the season he’ll be with the Pirates but he’s out there in yellow and this is going to be good track time for him and

    It’s a good chance for the Pirates fans to see him because they won’t know a lot about him and away we go and it was a good start there in in Blue on the outside and he’s trying to go up the outside of Jordan Palin there

    Jordan Palin and Zach Kirk having a good go it was Drew Kemp that got pinched a little on the inside on turn one at the start but it’s now a bit of a two-horse race here Drew Kemps at the back trying to get past Nathan ablett and on the inside it looks

    Like the rider in blue Zach cook has gone under Jordan Palin Jordan Palin and white for the Panthers he drifted a little wide on turn two and that left the Gap and Zach Cook Road for five or six meetings at the end of the year and

    He got a little bit ago there and now we’ve got at the back we seem to have drew Kemp having a real good go at Nathan ablett which are the girls East guys will be riding together from now on but it’s a winning blue for Zach cook in

    Second place Jordan played in in White in third place in yellow was Nathan abler he managed to held off Drew Kemp there at the back so that’s a three all Heat score for Heat two taking the match score to seven to the Pirates five to the Panthers

    What I think that was said a few more elbows there at the start for the first time So Ryder’s approach of tapes four heat three just wait for a couple to come out the pits but here we have in Gate one in white for the Panthers is or equals to guard in Gate two in blue Kyle Newman haven’t said that for a long while for

    The Pirates in gate three in yellow is Alfie boatel uh for the Panthers and in gate four it’s Captain Fantastic Danny King in red for the Pirates daddy king foreign To the first turn and it’s a big start from Danny King on the outside in red but on the inside in white trying to give a lovely challenge was oracles to guard but he have to give in in the end because Danny had the up more speed from

    Turning out wide and got his wheels in line first Has not given up on Danny King he’s trying a tight line sir Carl new and then blue back in third and at the back is Alfie photo We’ll see more of him I think he writes for Plymouth now feet he’ll be here next week with Plymouth it’s all about Danny King out front he spoke to us at the press and practice day and he said he found a setup for Poland although there’s been tracked

    Sort of works during the winter he was hoping that the setup won’t have changed and he knows exactly what he’s looking for and he’s just done it it’s a win for Danny King in red second in yellow is Ulrich Ulster guard third in blue was Carl Newman

    And fourth coming in at the back was Alpha Motel in yellow it was a 4-2 Heat score to the Pirates taking the match score 11 to the Pirates and seven to the Panthers Still waiting for one to come out two minutes is on it’s got a minute and a bit to get here looks like he’ll make it comfortably he’s coming across the dog track now so and that looks to be Nathan ablet he’d only just been out two weeks before so

    Maybe some changes to his bike but he’s now coming around into gate one Nathan ablett for the Panthers he’ll be in yellow in Gate two will be Zach cook in blue for the Pirates he’s already had a Heat win in gate three first heat out in white for Scott Nichols for the

    Peterborough Panthers and on the outside the new boy to Paul the Pirates a surprise one the deal that was done in half an hour that’s Richard Lawson in red so here we go is definitely ready lights are on and away we go and it’s down into the first turn the

    Two Pirates got really tight there but it’s the two Pirates out front it’s Richard Larson and Zach cook out front being chased by Scott Nichols now we know how tenacious Scott Nichols is he’s gone wide there now going to come and try and cut tight it’s a real good battle Nichols hasn’t

    Given up here Lawson needs to be seen to be checking out at the front Zach cook has really got Scott Nichols all over his exhaust pipe here he’s gonna know that he’s there he’s gonna feel him he’s trying to ride by to get him stop now trying to get down up

    The inside nickels now he’s gone wide into the turn one now he’s coming back up the inside trying to get there on the turn three no shut the door on him now Wiggles is back wide again this is where all the action is for second and third and well done

    Zach cookie held on there it was a Win It win for Richie Lawson second in blue Zach cook in third in white was nickels and at the back there Nathan ablett but I tell you that was the action right there it’s a 5-1 Heat score to the Pirates

    Taking the match score 16 to the Pirates and eight to the Panthers we’re going over to rob in the pits now and uh our road room reporter and seeing what he’s got over there okay well let’s see if we can go and quickly have a work the winner of heat

    Number one is Ben Cook Ben superstar in Heat number one a time under 60 seconds and a great way to start yeah perfect way to start uh hopefully many more of them ones um it’s always good when you’re out in front and get a bit of

    Fresh air so yeah no it’s good so far track riding well perfect yeah um you can’t get much better so if we can have that all year we’ll be laughing well done keep it going Ben thanks very much indeed just looking along the line here with the Pirates so we’ve got a little

    Bit of work going on with Steve Wall’s bike as you can see there I think there’s a bit of a problem with the back wheel binding as it was uh running around the rim after Heat number one so uh a quick change there and they’ve also

    Put a bigger sprocket on the back so uh hopefully a bit more speed for Steve as we go on to racing I think his next one is Heat number six so here we go we are on heat five and on the inside and gate one is Danny King in

    Red for the Pirates in Gate two in yellow is Hans Anderson for the Panthers in gate three in blue is Carl Newman for the Pirates and in gate four is Michael Palm Toft in white for the Panthers Palm top struggle a little in a heat one

    Coming home with a duck egg but here we go Start Marshall’s ready away we go into turn one it’s been a better start from Hans Anderson there and a good start from turnt off so they’re looking at a 5-1 here and they ride in a good line team riding round turn three and four for the Panthers

    So it’s pumped off he made a lightning start from gate four and he was followed with Anderson they would neck and neck going in and it’s the Pirates trailing at the back they’re a little way off it’s human in third and Danny King trailing at the back

    But it’s Palm Toft an answer look really comfortable like they’re in their armchairs out front Danny King now has gone past can you man and he’s now taking Chase to the two Panthers out front but I don’t think he’s gonna made it half a lap to go

    It’s a good win for the Panthers and it’s a 5-1 Heat win for the Panthers it’s Michael palmtop didn’t wait wins the race in second is Hearns Anderson the Danish Duo one and two third was Danny King for the Pirates and coming in at the back was Kyle Newman

    That was a 5-1 Heat score to the Panthers that tightens things up now it’s 17 to the Pirates and 13 to the Panthers as the match score after heat five So here’s the rider lineups in Gate one in white we have Scott Nichols In red for the Pirates in Gate two right next to him we have Stevie World in yellow in gate three we have Jordan Palin and in gate four on the outside in blue we have Ben Cook Ed hope you’re enjoying the action at home if you’re streaming this and unable to be here Hope you’re enjoying the action being brought to you by the production team play again oh really tight there between oral and Nichols on the inside it was elbows all the way but it’s round the outside it’s Jordan failing super ride from him and Really Brave and nickels and World probably worrying

    About each other and and we’re all just and Palin came rounding outside in the dirt and just got there and now nickel’s having to go underworld coming up the Javier Avenue to the inside picked up a bit of grip with a big wheelie there for Nichols Laurel stays alone now and now Nichols

    Ran the outside of warraw so the back of the five one the Panthers this could level things up apparently there’s a comfortable Ben Cook at the back he just didn’t get away from gate four seems a little left behind but it’s the Panthers out front he’d

    Take the heat it’s Jordan Palin wins in the heat six from his partner Scott Nichols Steve whirling ‘s been cooking so a 5-1 Heat score the Panthers Taking the progressive score to 18 points a piece he was a master Gary Havelock and his days here at Paul about finding a different line finding a little bit of grip where somebody else hadn’t been I wonder if he’s telling him about the little Harvey Avenue on term four

    We kind of hit mid-track and then cut back really tight on turn four and put your wheels just on the grass front wheel and then your back wheels and a piece of dirt that hasn’t been used and you get a load of grip and a fire on we

    Saw Scott Nichols trying to use it earlier So the Riders around four heat seven to the tapes and on the inside in Gate one and red for the Pirates we have Richard Lawson in Gate two we have Eric for the Panthers in gate three we have drew Kemp in blue for the Pirates and on

    The outside in yellow we have Alfie motel for the Panthers real life so the Riders come up to tapes Colin asked Marshall this time if you’re up and away we go and it’s a good start and while the inside for Lawson he gets under and around the outside comes Drew Kemp

    Says pirates on a fine one The guard there got caught napping which is very unusual and it’s Drew Kemp out front being followed by his partner Richard Lawson a cigar in White in third now from boat turning yellow at the back Kemp looking very at ease there riding mid-track Lawson’s ride in a very similar line

    Just regards trying an inside line because obviously you can’t catch or pass people if you’re riding in the same lines it’s a win for Drew Kemp in blue it’s second for Richard Lawson in red third for us to guard and fourth for Alfie Motel so a 5-1 Heat score

    And a good win there for Drew Kemp it’s a 5-1 Heat score for Heat seven taking the progressive score On to 23 for the Pirates 19. to the Panthers too many cooks for your feet number eight they’ll be up against Atlanta So here we come it’s he ate Riders are at tapes in Gate one in blue we have Zach cook for the Pirates in Gate two in yellow we have Nathan ablett for the Panthers in gate three we have Ben cooked in Red Riding alongside his brother for the

    Pirates and outside in white we have Hans Anderson for the Panthers effectively three pirates in this heat if I remember rightly I’ve got a feeling they tied up heat 14 to take the championship 2021 against Glasgow tigers away we go and it’s a good start from the Cook Brothers It’s Zach in blue

    Embed in red Ben’s gone white but coming up the inside was hands Anderson but he’s got his nose cut off from Bangkok and Anderson there in White in third thank you this nice enable it there at the back but it’s the Cook Brothers out front Zach takes a little look over sees his

    Little brother behind him or is he the big brother who knows his brother in red but that Cook’s now leaving conditions will get tricky if we don’t watch it with a bit of rain Hans Anderson trying a tight line there Ben Cook had been riding wide in one and two so he’s tucked up try and make something of it but it’s a win because that cooking blue second place for his brother Ben in red third was Hans Anderson in white

    Coming in at the back that’s Nathan ablett another 5-1 maximum Heat score for the Pirates and they stretch their lead to 28 to the Pirates and 20 to the Panthers there you can see me that’s my commentary position I’ve got the best view there all I know is that I’m nice and dry

    Here in the grandstand in my commentary position so here we go we’re on to heat nine it’s Carl Newman in blue off of gate one for the Pirates it’s Scott Nichols in white for the Panthers For the Pirates and it’s Jordan palini in yellow in gate four for the Panthers he went well last time out so Oxford in the championship but here we go the way we go going into turn one is Danny King Kyle Newman’s staying tight Kenny almost good under Scott Nichols no Scott

    Nichols has got away but Kion here is still chasing him Danny King out front Kyle Newman and hot pursuit of Scott Nichols but it’s uh Palin at the back He’s still gunny King now riding a nice line out front Scott Nichols there’s no slouch around here we know that a few years here as a pirate so he knows the track that the back of his hand and he’s riding a nice line there looks a bit processional but I can

    Assure you it won’t feel like that to the Riders out there you guys riding slightly wider and wider now getting closer to the fence as the dirt moves out it’s a big wing for Danny King in red it’s got Nichols in second in white in third

    With Kyle Newman in blue and at the back this time round Jordan back in winning ways winning ways there for Danny King nope after his first Heat win As we come to take the two Pirates land to there in Gate one in blue we have Ben cook for the Pirates in Gate two in yellow we have Alfie boatel for the Panthers in gate three we have Stevie Worrell in red four the Paul Pirates and now in gate four

    Danger Man in the heat in white is the guards who’s delaying the start here oh they’ve all realized that now they’re all in now Away we go and it looks another good start for the Pirates cook there from gate one and Warren’s coming around him he’s looking over his shoulder it’s Ben Kirk and he can see we’re all coming round they’re in the 5-1 position s the guard there trying to get past Steve world

    I don’t know where the Steep world knows quite where Ben’s gonna ride I think he tried to go around him and show him a wheel and let him know he was there but I think Ben Cook sort of moved out a little bit so Oracle scarred in third

    And at the back it’s Alfie Motel Good as we head to the last lap it was a great start by the Pirates pairing just got there at the right same time just half a bike away from Eric Oster guard but as we come to the line it’s it’s Kirk wins in blue it’s Steve Worrell Comes in at the back it’s another maximum Heat score for the Pirates as they start to accelerate away it’s a 5-1 Heat score to the Pirates taking the match score to 37 to the Pirates 23 to the Panthers Yeah it’s two race wins there for Ben cook it was a second in his other which was uh so good night’s work for Ben cook for his four rides Guys are out on track our truck breeders are pulling some stuff back from under the fence so here we are it’s heat 11 and on the inside is in white is Michael Palm Toft or Michael palm tree are some of the guys call him

    In the paddock in he in Gate two in red is Richard Lawson uh Richard Lawson is what the guys call him in the paddock in gate three in yellow we have Hans Anderson former Pole Rider of many okay four a new pool Rider in blue in Drew Kemp Sounds a little bit more on the start line that’ll warm him up a bit all right looks like the Riders are all in Rob gets to go ahead from the referee to start the race and away it goes we are away on heat 11 and it’s a good start from Hans Anderson

    Gone across in front of Richard Lawson there Lawson now going wide oh Drew Kemp’s got a good line up the inside there but he’s just shielding Lawson off From Palm top to the back and Anderson looking mighty fine out front and Lawson still giving Chase but Hanson looks up pans Anderson looks up have this covered he knows lines here he’s been here I know he enjoys riding here but he’s definitely out in front

    In yellow as he comes to the line it had to understand that the little way to the crowd because he’s one of heat when he come home in second in red with Richard Lawson in third in blue Kemp so it was a three all Heat score was heat 11 with hands Anderson being the winner taking the match score to 40 to the Pirates and 26. To the Panthers Jordan Palin yes it was Jordan Payne Jordan Payton he’s in yellow off of gate one for Peterborough Panthers and gate two the Paul Skipper Danny King he’s off of gate two in that red helmet color in gate three in white is Ulrich Oster guard or the Peterborough Panthers

    And in gate four the Talisman tonight for the Pirates in blue is Zach Kirk start in the season and how he finished it at the end of 2021 hello only on loan and the guest at the Pirates then did enough to make himself a permanent acquisition and you have to say that

    Matt Ford and Danny Ford really get it wrong I’ve got to take to the way we go on heat 12. and it’s a big move it pushes everybody wide and underneath comes cook so the boys take a five one Danny King that made the start

    Took care of us to God that was look to be going around the outside leaving a big hole on the inside then for Zach Kirk what a great move by cook to see the hole and come back for it and now the boys are their team riding at one and two

    Jordan failing at the back but the Pirates lives look comfortable at the front with one to go Mr Gardens doesn’t seem to be making any inroads on the Pirates at the front they’ve really got their trapping gloves on today the Pirates and as we come round to the checkered

    Flag it’s Danny King wins it from Zach cook from oricus the garden white for the Panthers and coming in at the back is Jordan Palin so once again it’s another maximum for the Pirates a 5-1 Heat win taking the progressive score after Heat 12. to 45 to the Pirates

    27 to the Peterborough Panthers So we throw to the pits Rob Dyer okay so we’re uh Mackie pit Lane here at football stadium and uh just gonna quickly jump in with Drew Drew a few rides on the track tonight how’s it feeling yeah good obviously a little bit of a show about that first

    Race but um you know we had a good race after that one and um you know just keep on going and uh you found some good speed in a couple of those races and a super gate there have got you to the front and uh

    Check a flag yeah it’d be nice to have a few more of them but um yeah I just got to obviously to learn to pass a few people and I’m struggling a little bit of that at the minute but it’s early days you know it’s only March so yeah

    We’ve got plenty uh time during the season and conditions a little bit mixed tonight with the rain coming down making it a little bit more difficult ah track’s good to be fair you know it’s nice to have a little bit of grip there rather than you know in the summer when

    It’s probably just going to be bone dry so um yeah it’s nice to have a little bit to run into and it’s something that you can really race on so hopefully they can keep the moisture in this year throughout the summer and keep the trout like this another ride to come in a

    Minute yeah hopefully um you know I have another good one there another race win would be nice and uh yeah start season off nicely Pirate’s doing well tonight perhaps not not a lot of people thought it would be in as close as it is or as distant as it is

    Because Pirates are well in front at the moment yeah you know it just shows that the caliper of riders in the pool team um beating the champion from the top League last year so yeah hopefully we can carry this on during the year and uh by the end of the season we’ll be

    Champions again but uh yeah not thinking about that at the minute like I said it’s the first minute of the year but um yeah I’m pretty certain we can sort of carry it on and yeah come out and talk thanks for your time fruit go well thank you

    And we’re still here and uh I’m just going to quickly dive down to see if we can see the man of the moment to Zach cook let’s see see if Zach can have a quick word with this Zach sorry to interrupt you we’re live on Pirates TV and uh four rides unbeaten

    So far what a start to the season for you yeah I’m good now it’s raining better really it’s been yeah after a good start obviously and yeah hopefully get this round all year yeah it’s a couple of races off the gates and a couple of good races from behind that

    Must give you lots of confidence yeah definitely um yeah this Mountain’s a good um practice for the obviously next week and that and yeah it’s good to have a few good races and get the confidence up for the season and yeah next week back to Plymouth the track you know

    Fairly well and no doubt you’ll be looking to put one over those Gladiators yeah definitely that’s a plan um yeah I actually have a good one there as well um yeah I was there last year so I know what I’m in for and yeah I have to have

    A good one I hope you do and thanks for all your help tonight go well there we are that’s uh pit Lane on the pool side and as you can see preparations getting ready for uh Heat number 13. let’s go back to Scott on comms so here we go it’s e13

    And on the inside in red we have the pirate it’s Stevie Morrow in in white we have in Gate two Michael Palm Toft in blue in gate three we have Richard Lawson and in gate four in yellow we have Scott Nichols the progressive score currently is 45 20

    To the Pirates 27 to the Peterborough Panthers he 13. it’s the one to be the fives it’s a big boys in One heat away we go and it’s a good start from Stevie World on the inside he goes from inside to the outside Palm Toph tries to feel the gap

    But there were people already there so it’s Scott Nichols Nichols goes up the inside for the Panthers what a move that is drifts wide world now does the big switch of Ruin Cuts back but Nichols is there to stop it it’s a good race out front

    Lawson in blue and pumped off in third and fourth but all the actions at the front world trying not to let nickels go here but Nichols just has the speed the quarrel looks like he is all over his exhaust pipe can he make a move or

    Is it gonna wait for a mistake or big big pulls on there tear offs there for Nichols but he’s out front and he wins the race it’s nickels first it’s World second it’s Lawson in third in blue and it’s Palm Toff comes in at the back so it’s a three hole Heat score

    For the result of heat 12 now 13 sorry taking the match score to 48 to the Pirates 30. to the Panthers So here we are heat 14 on the inside in white for the Peterborough Panthers will be Alfie boatel in blue it’s blue Kemp for the Pirates he’s in Gate two in gate three in yellow is Nathan for the Peterborough prathers tonight but he’ll be back with the Pirates soon Local man Kyle Newman still popular here on the pool fans So Carl Newman pulls into the start first the others soon follow it’s Heat 14. the Riders are away and it’s a good start for the rider in blue Drew Ken He trapped it don’t win Yellow is Alfie boatel sorry and white is our hotel human now pushing in second going for second in red he’s taking the line at the inside opponent Road wide Newman trying the inside again I think enough but it’s Kemp’s gone at the front in blue looking marvelous starting to stretch his lead

    He’s going to be a great reserve for the Pirates I reckon good win for camping blue in seconds Alpha motel in white it was a 4-2 Heat score [Applause] I mean to the Pirates taking the progressive score after heat 14 to 52 to the Pirates 32 to the Panthers

    And look at that skull and crossbones on his on his gloves Very good Very good indeed He’s riding for the Pirates this year and not the Panthers then if you’ve got those gloves I’d say but uh yeah [Applause] We’ve enjoyed seeing the boys back on the track I know I have so in Gate one in red for the final time tonight we have Zach cook in Gate two in white for the Peterborough Panthers we have Hannah Anderson in gate three we have Stevie Worrell in blue for the

    Pirates and on the outside and boy he rides the outside well in yellow in gate four is Scott Nichols We’re all raring to go now take 15. and away we go Hans Anderson jumped well there but then got slightly overtaken not going into the first corner by Stevie warrell Stevie world’s now out front Scott Nichols now taking Chase I think Hans is holding Scott Nichols up a little here

    Now Zach Cook’s have a look at the outside Stevie World drifted wide wide wide I think it was slick in the first turn and he and he just drifted out wide on the pit get Ben there Anderson trying the Harvey Avenue one wheel on the grass

    And his back wheel on a new piece of dirt and he gained ground there on world this Scott Nichols now just shielded home Hans Anderson So if Stephen wild comes to take the win it’s hands Anderson in second it’s Scott Nichols in third coming out in the back Zach Kirk it’s a win for Stevie World his first win in the evening it’s a three-hole Heat score taking the match total to 55 to the Pirates 35

    To the Panthers as the lads come round wheelie’s from the boys let’s not forget what tonight was all about just to about the bjorni Patterson farewell meeting great for all these Lads to turn out for him and there’s the match result confirmed it’s 55 to the Pirates 35 to the Panthers We’re heading over now to our Rover reporter Rob dyren he’s on the center Green well a little bit too damp I’m afraid to end the meeting uh here on the center Green and uh before we hear it from some of the other guys so I’m just going to quickly dive

    Into Rob lion Rob Peterborough team manager um interesting meeting tonight uh perhaps the score is a bit bigger than favor of the Pirates than expected yeah I don’t think you can read too much into it obviously uh if we don’t have full team out I think it’d be a

    Different story to be quite honest but uh it’s not about that tonight’s about bianni and uh you know hopefully he’s always on a decent crowd and uh that’s that’s what it’s all about tonight to be honest and looking back to uh bianni’s last season with you ending his career

    With a title it must have been a fantastic feeling both of bianni of course for the Panthers who’ve been chasing a title for a few years now absolutely yeah terrific end to his career and you couldn’t have predicted you know predicted that and any better

    To be honest and uh he was chuffed to bits and we spoke about it earlier tonight again you know and uh he had a smile on his face from here to here it was just the perfect way to end a fantastic career thanks for bringing the

    Boys down to the stadium it’s been a long time since we’ve seen the Panthers in true action but uh let’s hope we can do it again at some time in the not too distant future thanks so much for your time okay we’re still uh down here on the

    Center there’s uh bianni taking his well-earned lap of Honor’s final lap here at winborne Road and the Riders as you can see are gathering at the start Finish Line and no doubt they’ll be giving bianni the traditional send-off that most Riders get in their last and

    Final laps so uh the only coming round it’s a great shame that it’s uh been a wet evening but um let’s see if we can just uh dive into Danny Danny just quickly before bianni comes around Skipper in the Pirates to a great win tonight yeah it was fantastic it’s a

    First time out for some of our boys tonight and they really they really hit the ground running which is which which is good to say um yeah what can we say for everyone did their part tonight I thought it was really good on to next week all the best

    Go and see Piano thank you thanks Danny and there I think you can see that the Riders are gonna take the Army up in the air bianni with a very special set of kevlars that he’s had produced for this final meeting with uh Pirate’s Crest Gladiators crests and

    The Panthers crests emblazoned on all of the equipment the absolute model and true professional of a Speedway Rider in any of these youngsters here in front of us who would uh want to take their cue from how to become a brilliant Speedway Rider a legend in their own right then

    The youngsters here could only need to look at Beyond a Pederson and a fantastic career so from a rather wet Center Green here at uh wimborne road I’ll pass you back up to uh Scott Mitchell say hope you’ve enjoyed the coverage on the live stream tonight and uh back to you Scotty just

    To round things off uh all we can do is pass out now from the team uh our first live stream live uh with a meeting here at Paul I hope you’ve enjoyed it uh and you can come back again anytime I’m with you wish but from winborne Road

    And the biani Pederson farewell meeting it’s good night from all the production team and we’ll see you soon


    1. I am a life long Pirates fan and as an expat now living in Denmark, i found myself sitting next to Bjarne on a plane once. He was so humble and almost surprised to be recognised. Typical Dane.

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