In this video Coach Scott shares 3 actions that will drive up your health longevity outcomes regardless of what point in your fitness or life journey you start at. Join in the LIVE video and get access to workouts and habits that will change your life

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    The Kinetic Cycle Coaching YouTube channel is produced by Coach Scott and his video team. All LIVE sessions are prepared and delivered by Scott in his home studio. Scott trained in sports science in the 80’s and 90’s but continues his studies to this day. That’s over 30 years in the industry. As an International bike fitter and coach, Scott has worked in various domains. He now wants to bring you straight talking answers to your questions (with the hint of Scottish humour 🙂
    #cycling #roadbike #fitness

    Hey everybody welcome to another live show in fact if you’re joining live this is the last live show of 2023 we’re one week away before Christmas if you’re watching on catch up well where were you for the live stream hey folks if this is your first time

    Here you’re in for a trait I’ve got a wonderful show to share with you over the next 30 or 40 minutes I’m going to give you three takeaway easy to follow habits that will change your life just in time coach for setting some New Year’s resolutions no none of that ball

    Looks okay I’m going to give you actionable tasks that you can take away from this very show you can apply them to your everyday life and you’ll certainly apply them to your training and it will blow your I was going to swear there but I’m going to go through

    The whole session for as long as I can without swearing okay ah okay no more professionalism from you coach the thing is I’ve got lots to share tonight and I’m going to lead you into an opportunity whereby you can possibly work with me for 6 to 12 months oh my

    God how exciting would that be it’s going to happen with some of you now I want you to take into uh sit sit back for a minute and just relax okay you’ve had a great year you’ve done lots of workouts you’ve maybe competed in some events you’ve done some races

    Some challenges you’ve had some good times some bad times you’ve Fallen sick you’ve perform well you’ve just got your straa H annual telling you all how wonderful you are but there are still parts of you that want a little bit more okay you want that little bit

    More out of what you’ve got okay so regardless of what age you are I am a great believer that there is is more that you can do okay and it’s not all about working hard it’s about working smart and I will show you in this section how easy that is but also how

    Difficult it is and we’re going to relate everything to how honest you are yeah I’m going to put you hand on the Bible I want you to be honest right and also how close have you got in 2023 or in the last last 6 months of watching this to your complete and utter

    Flow State because without it you go nowhere and I’m going to link that to your goals and show you that some people need to change the creation and the measurement of your goals in a very simple way okay right let’s take a step back for the last decade I have been a

    Voice a strong voice for longevity what I call Longevity ity of motion not longevity of life there are two spans that we talk about health span lifespan okay so for me the last 10 years have been incredibly challenging with my health span diagnosed with a chronic disease that I probably carried

    For a number of years the loss of H you know a large part of my eyesight broken neck all sorts of things have gone on but from my very early age I was able to perform very well in sport lab tests I had good genetics from the earliest

    Tests in the 80s uh measuring vital capacity long capacity V2 almost 80 as an 18 19 year old however my health okay as it started to deteriorate I was fascinated by the science of longevity from as early as the age of well 32 when I actually retired 50 well that was nearly when

    Coach you’re 53 new you Fanny a long time ago science has actually sped up in this area however it misses well it doesn’t miss but what it shares with you is sometimes very confusing so in part of tonight’s talk I want to talk to you about some of the decisions you make

    Based on a macro and a micro level because you’re probably falling fill to the marketing dream and really spending too much time in that micro area okay but it will all come back to how honest and truthful you are with yourself let’s take H longevity studies and they’ll

    Look at death oh my God what a great thing but if we look at Fitness what did we actually do to create training plans for elite athletes I’ve shared this before we looked at Elite Champions gold medalists world record holders two the France winners what did they do work

    Backwards from the time of the Championship win and replicate replicate and then people started to realize wait a minute Rider a cannot do the same as Rider B they’re different sizes they’re different H physical attributes and then we started to test a little bit more and understand each individual person has a

    Unique set of characteristics and we know now obviously in our genotype that we have a very unique set of characteristics now what does that really mean then well it means for research purposes you will always see statistics that think that’s actually not that high in terms of this is going

    To make a gain for me but what I want you to show you is there are a couple of key things that are based around the concept of nothing more than disci IPL and consistency you have knowledge and you let it become H filtered by external means because you haven’t got the

    Confidence and I’m going to help you with that and we’ll plow through the as the farmer said okay and we will unearth a beautiful crop which is you you’re already proven in the year whether you’ve peddled you know a 100 miles or 10,000 miles that you have a

    Warrior Spirit you’re willing to exist outside your comfort zone you are a role model already even though you don’t think it but if we use very basic science of what did an Olympic champion do in terms of the training and pick out the macro Behavior now if we do the same

    For our health span and remember I’m a great promoter of Health span not LIF span necessary because I want you to fulfill the maximum on every single day of your life so for me longevity of motion is not about just getting on your bike it’s about being the most

    Productive person that you can be every single day it’s not about living to the age of 90 and from 60 you your pants sitting in a chair watching daytime TV every day no no no no I’m all about get up there you know fighting clawing scratching our way through every day

    Maximizing what we can do okay so also thank you very much if this is your first time on the Channel please share where you are joining from and see if you can find somebody else from the same area maybe you can make a connection this is a free Tinder section as

    Well okay excuse my sometimes childish humor uh and it’s just you know Years of Living in Scotland we are cooked up indoors a lot of the time we are not allowed out by the government because there is an issue called a rain wind snow 11 months of the year so we have to

    Fulfill a daily H time where we’re locked up at home and the only communication we have is usually talking to ourself or on the telephone did I tell you that we invented the television and the telephone so communication with is you know this is all happening because of Scotland yeah I believe that

    Great Nations who are driven indoors for long periods of time what else can they do well there’s a few things we can’t talk about live on YouTube but inventions is something and we’re constantly coming up with them cuz we’re stuck inside pubs and we’re stuck stuck inside houses right coach shut up let’s

    Get on with the show okay first of all do you want a little bit more information about how you can interact with me there’s the QR code for school come and join me okay over the next couple of weeks you’re going to see an unbelievably immersive Community I’m

    Going to call it the best cycling community in the world right let’s kick on coach okay so what I want you to think about now is if we take Fitness as the gold standard uh of what we’re trying to drive we push that up with

    Health if we take the gold medal at the Olympics to the France winners Etc and work battles let’s do the same with health okay what’s number one in terms of health span limiters what is it coronary heart disease cardiovascular disease capillary disease if we just take capillary disease and this leads to

    What well believe it or not last statistics we’re one in six deaths one in six not sex sex May kill you okay well for some people you know okay shut up coach okay you’ve made it all year without getting banned on YouTube let’s get through this one one

    In six deaths that is phenomenal if we even take America the USA one in five deaths if we shrink it down to the UK a smaller population every single 8 minutes on the clock on average there is a loss of life the cardiovascular disease cardiovascular disease that’s leading to either

    Coronary disease and there are other vascular diseases with the lungs and dementia linked this is phenomenal number one far outstretch as anything else okay so what’s this got to do with a gold medalist in the Olympics well if we backtrack how is this happening I’m going to give you three simple ways to

    Prevent it but let me start with a question for during 2023 did you do an event would you train for that event let’s say you’re going to enter a 100m charity ride and this charity ride is for a charity very close to your heart okay there’s like that’s not a joke

    That’s not a pun okay you’re going to train for AR you don’t want to turn up and just you know absolutely struggle you’re going to you’re going to download a training plan you may even contact somebody like myself and say hey hey help me here you know I got to get

    Through this you would train for it wouldn’t you what what would you do after that event many people who work with me have been training since the age of 14 15 never stopped and they’re in their 60s now they love the whole journey of pushing themsel against the

    Elements but what if I told you that life can start decaying the health of your C from as early as your early 20s yeah for men they’ll probably see a decrease in what we call the osteoclast the the basic cells that strengthen Bones from the age of 21 22

    Phenomenal okay but the the decaying of the capillary system is actually setting it a lot younger but we talk about the decay of as an an athlete 30 years old we’ll see a slowing down of the contraction speed so speed goes at 40 we’re starting to see a slight decay in

    The muscle so lean tissue is decreasing at 50 you’re okay that’s it but there’s guys in their 70s and 80s still performing I didn’t mean that about 50s okay what I mean is cognitively we’re starting to be stretched at the age of 50 look at me 53 years old and I’m

    Jumping on live on YouTube but I’ve got a lot to share you can be like the coach okay no well maybe not quite you don’t want that I promise it brings you into a lot of trouble usually in the OD day-to-day situation okay just ask my 18 year old daughter bless her imagine

    Having a dad like me poor girl anyway the whole thing is to prevent this many people enter into sport in their teens and their 20s because they’re passionate about the competition they’re passionate about pushing themselves and that usually transitions into different sports within my industry I’ve been

    Coaching for over 30 years at high level people that have held World Records one of my most H fantastic fantastic times though was at the Commonwealth Games working with Team Ghana and seeing how hard those guys would work but then seeing the limited opportunities they would get towards making a career in

    Professional cycling but boy hard work but hard work wasn’t all it needed there was a little bit of finesse and skill that was needed but the whole thing is just a joury at that early stage when we get to 30 40 we’re potentially thinking about our health many people people who

    Take up activities at 30 or 40 you may have put on weight you may realize that you’ve got children and you need need to be a better more productive healthier person so you take on exercise but you normally do it wrong you’ll hit an obstacle you’ll stop your diet will yo

    You because you’re trying to exercise to lose weight which is impossible really over the long term exercise supports a healthy weight but you get fit on the bike and you get lean in the kitchen you do not mix the two up many of you who come in into the longevity course I will

    Talk to you about red six something that I have fallen foul of that’s now actually interacted with my nervous system of my bow at a time in my life when it was very little was known about it okay so think about those health issues and then think about the basic

    Formation of a training plan and how you can make it work for you at a metabolic cellular level and you can increase your capillary net so if you think of that all alone how can I make sure that my capillary Network which can go around

    The world more than two times I can keep it as fresh and as active as possible because if I can supply a healthy line of blood throughout my life for as long as possible I will stay in high levels of motion and I give myself the chance of a better

    Lifespan okay so this appeals if you’re in your 20s yes 30s yes you can start now and you can start to offset that have you heard me talk about the term if you’ve trained through your teens and your 20s and you’ve had high levels of Fitness for the rest of your life no

    Matter if you fall sick at any period and you miss a week or two weeks of training you will quickly reactivate if you haven’t gone through that period and you’re kicking in from your 30 or 40s from fresh you’re likely to not have that high level of

    Activation or what we call Perma fit and those people as well will chase workouts rather than follow workouts what’s the difference the difference is the confidence you have in what you’re doing soon as you miss workouts you’ll chase them and do the wrong intensity for the wrong length of time and over stretch

    Yourself and there’ll be no longevity because your ego drives you and ahead of any process okay let’s jump into it and give you some things to think about so the first thing really blank canvas folks blank canvas I want you to think of you train because think of that phrase you train

    Because think about it why okay now it’s a quite a deep question but the reason I’m trying to get you to think about it is more than likely people will think of well I’m trying to get fit well what is fit Fitness is the ability to cope with the

    Demands of the environment your health span is being free from chronic disease I have a chronic disease okay but I plan to ride a 1 hour sub 1H hour 25 M time trial next year at the age of 53 with ulcerative colitis and all the medicines and all the

    Hardships that brings with it you and I will share the journey together I’ll show you how I’m going to do it okay I’m determined to do it it’s not a big feat in terms of what I’ve done in the past I’ll listen to you big time Charlie no

    I’m being honest with you I’m confident enough that I can do it but it’s going to be a hell of a struggle on my body so I want to show you how it can be done but why do you train so think about what I said about driving up Health to push up

    Fitness think about those health concerns that the global world is under okay you’ve got a lot of knowledge about what you’re doing right now okay so why do you train you should be training to make sure that you are bringing an element of Happiness to your life never

    Thought of that did you so I want you start to be leaning inwards and finding that happiness what brings you happiness sometimes for me the happy happiest have been will be in the mountains sometimes even in the rain and the wind and finding that Glory of reaching the top

    Of something that was very difficult so challenge for me is something that has to be driven in each day some form of challenge some form of testing myself okay whether it be physical emotionally psychologically socially professionally I love the challenge okay I love people

    Telling me I can’t do it but I do love that challenge but think about why you train because you should get on your bite because you want to if you’re thinking in any moment in time during the week I’ve got to do that session I’m

    Running out of time if you feel as if you’ve have to you’re driven to then there’s a confusion somewhere so you have to dial in and this is all to do with a couple of extra things that I want to say okay so I want you to apply macro actions

    Before micro actions this is tip number one to increase your longevity come on Coach what does that mean this is something that I see even experts online on YouTube people that have got hundreds and hundreds of thousands of followers millions of views my little Channel we just went through 63,000 followers now

    I’m not very professional on my channel you may admit I get into trouble sometimes hey quotes you’re a little bit F mouth your language is poor your accent is a little bit nondescript I can’t follow you let me tell you this I’m confident on my ability my experience my knowledge my lab

    Experience my practical experience my coaching experience and also the research that I read right now and the research I throw in the bin okay I have worked at cellular level let’s say with DNA profiling of athletes I have seen various absorption levels that an athlete is genetically designed with no matter what

    Supplements they take and moving okay they ain’t going to take it on board so if you take my elness what it’s taught me is that phenomenal absorption of nutrients we can put put whatever we want in our mouth in terms of food we can chew it multiple times break it down

    Put it in our gut and then let Mother Nature do the rest and depending what nervous system is more activated in your system and your Gene type and your gut sensitivity which by the way will change as you get older you will extract various levels of nutrients okay

    And even the same person that can change on a daily basis okay so let me tell you this no matter what blood test you’ve got it’s telling you what’s present not what’s being absorbed anyway I’m giving you the overall so the macro versus the micro this is when a person will say hey

    What supplements do I need to take that’s a good example it is a small piece in the jigel when really they need to face up and fix their diet let me ask you this and you can just answer it in your head you don’t need to

    Comment if I was to lay out 10 foods five good ones and five ones that would de bad for you do you think you’d be able to do it yeah of course you would you’re not a you don’t need somebody to come on the TV and tell you

    If you take this chocolate bar and you deep fry it and eat it every single day you’re going to increase your ldls okay your low density lipids you’re going to increase saturated fat okay this is not rocket science people then break all up they give equations for high density lipids versus

    Low density lipids if we mix this high cholesterol is okay if you’ve got saturated fat folks and two high volumes is not good right it’s not good so go back to the equation I said at the start cardiovascular disease so capillary networks the blocking clots okay of your capillary Network okay

    That’s it right so what does that lead to hypertension high blood pressure so if we just take those two components okay right so if I shut down parts of my capillary system block it off I make it h i thicken the walls with cholesterol fat anything that narrows you’ve all got a

    Garden hose at some point if you’ve got a garden what happens when you put your finger over the nozzle okay and you decrease the diameter the pressure increas oh it goes out faster yeah I could say about man having a p okay and I don’t do that coach it’s disgusting I

    Know guys born in the 70s yeah okay and you all know what I’m talking about right anyway PLO equations okay of pressure there you go if you want to get all clever about it so narrow boom what happens hypertension high blood pressure good for us great for us exercise isn’t

    It not so good if you’re sitting at rest trying to fill in a spreadsheet for your boss that has to be finished at 5: not good okay so think about it you know the foods that you should not be eating fried foods highly processed foods okay they’re there but you tell

    Yourself it’s okay I’ve earned it I’ve done a long ride or do this do that let me tell you this you ask any pro any pro in any sport what gets them through discipline consistency they don’t need a fancy diet they don’t need to be sat

    Down and ask hey man where are you getting your proteins from I can get them from just eating a healthy diet okay I cut down on the red meat I eat I cut all the fat off my meat I don’t fry my food and I don’t eat anything from a

    Cardboard box okay I have no takeaways this is my life that’s what I signed up for I’m earning $1 million a week to do this sport boom okay I’ve got a 10year career after that I’m hitting Vegas every night baby okay but you want to get yourself in a position whereby your

    Health promotes your Fitness I mean you can get fitter without doing workouts imagine that well that is the concept that’s what we’re looking for so the macro versus the micro if you’re a micro Searcher you’re already on this podcast thinking oh what the does he talking about I’m getting a new pair

    Of power pedals for my Christmas yeah I’m getting that new AO skin suit you’re searching for micros when there could be macros already there for you just to follow good discipline build the Habit be consistent build up your compliance build up the completion build up the confidence everything you do you know

    Exactly what to eat really you do okay but you tell yourself a lie every time you have the on a plate okay that is a meal in Scotland in the 70s we used to say mother darling uh love of my life you know what are we having for dinner

    Tonight you’re having shite on a plate you can Google that and ask any other Scottish person H shite on a plate was a meal right okay so think about that you know I’m being serious here this is like a real big part of my course the macro versus the micro sure

    We dive into the micro okay once we know that we’ve got the macros looked after and I’m talking about all of our life the habits that we have and I’m leading you down a truth path okay a truth path a pass a truth path okay I want you to understand this now

    Following the crumbs so this leads on from looking at what we ate today yesterday how we break down our meals now obviously I can go into this in great depth I follow what’s called the 8 10 12 calorie clock and trying to help people follow a clock and then increase

    Meals use meals at basis of what you would do endurance training two hours of cycling with 1,500 to 2,000 calories in the muscles Etc can we eat regularly throughout the day over those 2hour periods three key meals three mini meals and sometimes those mini meals May then develop into the supplementary form but

    Particularly proteins so many people follow particular diets and you know praise you all you follow whatever diet you want okay you announce yourself as whoever you are okay I know last week I got into a bit of trouble for defining different pronouns the indoor and the outdoor cyclist we won’t do that again

    Okay but you follow whatever you want but you must be honest am I getting the nutrients I need are you so people would talk about the Nik I mean amino acids we can go through them all but talk about Branch chain amino acids and we’ve got these

    Fancy supplements I can do these before my workout and it make me more productive the abolic okay a lot of it’s marketing the best way to take it is obviously through your natural food and we know that proteins will work in terms of the the consistency solids into

    Liquid and that will increase the absorption why because simple signs you put liquid in your gut it runs out your gut quickly okay it’s going to leave quickly yeah you drink a big paint of water okay it’s Christmas time coach we’re having a little bit of alcohol but

    It’s going to pass through you much quicker isn’t it so hold on something in my eye so something solid okay but when we go through supplements proteins very simple just follow macro plans way protein as long as you can find one that tastes quite nice it’s got the the key

    Nine amino acids remember you don’t synthesize these naturally without extracting from your diet and a lot of people fall fou of such a basic thing because we’re following this micro behavior of a diet that we believe is going to bring us Health how do you know okay you don’t okay only follow those

    Particular diets if you’ve had the ability to do a deeper dive into your genetic absorption levels you can do that with me come the New Year 2024 through some of the work I’ll do with a company called DNA stride used to be known as DNA fit and they would do all

    The many of the professional sports testing that’s something if you’re interested in and understanding your gut very important but remember for my health uh promotion it starts in the core okay so core for lean tissue development and core for gut health everything emanates from that I’m only

    As good as my posture and my gut health that’s it okay that’s simply it so follow the crumbs start to identify okay what can I change I don’t care what age you are what can I change that can bring me Health gain now there is a lot of talk about over 50s be

    Careful of how much protein we take okay some of that again it’s not based on individual cases okay if you are not doing okay lean tissue exercises post 50 years old your lean tissue will decrease fastly many of you have been doing push-up uh posture challenge in December and you know some

    People are already over a th000 push-ups some people are getting close to the maximum of 5,000 in fact I think we had one person has already done that but the goal of any challenge is to create momentum so that you maintain 10 20 30 40 50 a day or every other day forever

    Okay so if you’re watching this and you’re in your 30s or into your 40s maximize lean tissue development and that’s not bulking out to become a bodybuilder that’s increasing lean tissue and decreasing fat percentage that is essential that your lean tissue is already higher than your fat I

    Wouldn’t have anyone get into the new year thinking that it’s okay okay I’m happy with my body coach I’m delighted for you okay that’s great but do you have health concerns because that’s my issue that if we’ve got cholesterol build up if we’ve got saturated fat it’s too high in a diet

    We’ve got a fat percentage much higher than a lean tissue again this is slightly different for women if we can get them them level I’m really happy okay if we can have them level and then work towards increasing the lean tissue okay and lean tissue development is about muscle tone about muscle

    Activation it’s not about putting on more it’s aboutut cutting the fat if we decrease in Mass we decrease fat and lean tissue that’s not good that she shows YY you dieting okay and the body doesn’t like that the body doesn’t like change it wants steady state and you’ve

    Got to realize that okay so it’s super important so maybe better than a pair of power pedals would be a pair of digital scales that could allow you to dict to measure your fat and your muscle your lean tissue percentages okay could help so follow the crumbs because

    If you can attack at source we can decrease okay the volume of saturated fat going into our diet I didn’t say follow a lowfat diet fat is good in many forms okay absolutely essential for central nervous system function but do your own little bit of research there

    Are things in your diet right now that you could probably cut out or change okay I know you hate to hear it but I would just say to you ban all takeway food I mean I’m sorry if you run a takeaway industry business okay but I I

    Would just basically that’s it okay stop it could you do it easier to change religion people have told me than to change diet habits we shall see right I want you to know this is the key one I want you to drive up your intrinsic before the glory of the

    Extrinsic what does that mean okay so before we start to look at truth I want you to look at your goals so as you rewrite your goals now for 2024 you will have extrinsic goals everybody coach says online it’s all about smart goals specific measure will attainable recordable over a particular

    Time sure but they are extrinsic goals that we use as motivators but they’re only stopping points the journey goes on forever remember the only offseason is when you are dead okay so what you need to understand is we have to have intrinsic goals and these are different

    Difficult to measure but we have to go back to why I said why do you cycle what do you do in your life right now okay imagine we had I don’t know how many we’ve got almost 100 people on right imagine we had a show hand so we like we

    Could have a percentage how many people at the moment deliberately okay focus on bringing about activities in their weekly schedule that make them happy okay you deliberately go out your way to do things that make you happy think about that you know there’s many aspects of your life that are

    Probably right now that don’t bring you ultimate happiness and having that is essential because this impacts on our nervous system it impacts on her oxidative stress levels and it also helps us become problems solvers in terms of issues that we have in our life okay when it comes to answering

    Okay what how truthful we are so your goals if they lead to an intrinsic value if you can place an intrinsic goal on okay your list you will be able to drive closer towards your highest state of flow and those of you who have found

    Flow is one of those terms that you know it’s been around for a long long time I was first introduced it to by a very uh famous time trialist who would talk about H being on the bike and the bike being at one with him and he went on to

    Win a gold medal at the Olympic Games in Barcelona 1992 and it was all about this feeling that the bike itself and that’s where I was introduced to the momentum of a bicycle at 8 miles an hour it did not need the human body it could balance

    Itself and keep going in a straight line as soon as the human body went on the balance was lost because it was the human being the athlete that was inefficient the bicycle was perfectly efficient the biggest drag over 80% was the human being was the rider but finding that flow that movement that

    Smooth kinetic that’s where I got the name for my business that kinetic flow of energy okay finding that flow is very common in in Creative industry artistic music and in sport when the athlete performs in such a natural turned on way that time is irrelevant at other feelings cognitively we’re just focused

    Into the performance now you may have had that maybe on a ride your legs feel great one day what we’re trying to do is to replicate that but we find that with this inner feeling this intrinsic goal now to find flow truly we have to have that element of Challenge and then we

    Have to fear and Conquer The Challenge yeah we have to anticipate difficult times and then embrace them with a strategy when they come along not quit and give up because it’s difficult no actually increase the Mastery of the skill needed to overcome that problem so for many people think of

    Yourself in any task maybe you started to learn a new language maybe you tried to to lose weight maybe you started at a new job that was way outside your comfort zone but you gave up it was too difficult for this first period of time you weren’t actually determined enough to find your

    Flow to get over the obstacle that you knew was already going to be there you didn’t prep yourself for the challenges you didn’t Embrace The Challenge and you weren’t prepared to master the skill and that is where we see Elite athletes that high level of self-discipline and high

    Level of consistency follow the pro process and the results will come never chase the workout okay because we will do damage we work in the wrong Zone too hard overreach because we”re been driven by our ego and it’s all too common okay all too common so rewind

    Everything and think about that for a second what can we do are macro opportunities in your life you know basic habits that you can actually introduce that you’re avoiding because you find them too hard okay can you follow the crumbs can you change your diet I mean simply you don’t have to go

    And Google anything you know that there are three products in a week that you eat that are they’re increasing your saturated fat and your training is a yoyo balancing and maybe you even say to yourself I only train so I can drink copious amounts of alcohol or have that

    Take away and enjoy it that’s okay if that’s what you want but you’ve got to know that that’s speeding up up the detriment and the development of that metabolic response of your Zone 2 your mitochondria you only need to do two types of training folks you need to

    Develop zone two and you need to develop zone five everything else Falls in between okay everything else in the middle can be specific enough if you’re doing a particular event all you’re going to do is shorttime trials for example but life exists in zone 2 the

    Mitochondrial is Health it is life it is where oxygen Homer Simpson is sitting right now in your mitochondria it is the nuclear power plant okay and most people yes they do have Homer sson controlling it so let’s try and upgrade the IQ of your mitochondria but let me try and Rewind

    Now and put everything together so I said at the start that everything was about being honest and truthful okay okay so ask yourself how truthful you are are you a truthful person can you be relied upon do you tell the truth every single day most people are going to say yes okay but

    They’re lying really you’re not going to tell everybody your your darkest thoughts your darkest Secrets not you’re going to keep a little bit right but the thing is most people are lying to themselves because they start to create excuses and some of these excuses are very very

    Valid but we try we use them and we hide behind them I’m too tired I’m too busy yeah haven’t got time for that I’ve got other priorities or the classic is okay for him to say that what you’ve got to understand is there is a common question

    That a lot of people ask thems and I was talking about this in school earlier today the morning after the night before whether it be anything a night out Christmas party a workout an event people will say to themselves what was I thinking why did I do that never

    Again okay and this then proceeds to follow them for a day for two days three days a week this negative reaction that they’ve had to this action they had in the past whether it be eating too much drinking too much or quitting and knowing they quit in a particular event

    Or not pushing themselves hard enough for a career move not pushing themselves hard enough in Communications in their relationship what I mean is there is very little we can do about this and I talk to people a lot about this what we’ve got to do is be honest look in the

    Mirror and everything that impacts on us is accept it and see ourself as responsible for it so your Fitness right now is not because you haven’t got time or because you haven’t got the right equipment or you haven’t got the energy your kids are up all night screaming

    Your neighbors are wanker it’s nothing to do with that it’s to do with you and the sooner you admit this the better you will move on if you’ve only got four hours to train that’s all you’ve got you maximize that and you stop complaining about what you haven’t got Embrace what

    You have got and then we move forward every day be honest and the easiest way to start with that is to stop this tomorrow I’m going to start I wish I hadn’t done that yesterday this creates Scar Tissue psychologically and all that happens is you will have short periods

    Of high motivation and longer periods of lower motivation the clock is ticking imagine right now this is the best that can ever get for you the best that can ever get your Fitness your health tomorrow it’s it’s downhill okay you’re going to contract some form of disease

    Tomorrow you’re not going to have your bike somebody’s going to th it tonight or you’re going to have some cardiovascular issue coach come on but the thing is the clock is ticking I often ask people what what are you waiting for if you want this if you want

    To be involved in something that’s going to push you forward what are you waiting for okay look in the mirror it’s your responsibility no one else’s okay so I would always say to athletes if you want it You’ got to do the action every action has a consequence so you’ve got to understand

    What is that consequence it may happen tomorrow may happen a week later but it has a consequence and that is why an elite athlete will have the high discipline and the consistency because the action whether it be a choice of two items on the menu and one is better than

    The other and they choose that but the other one’s so tasty coach oh it melts in my mouth MTH it’s so lovely smell they are thinking of the goal that they have set themselves and if they follow the process they just become disciplined to a way of life okay it’s

    That simple but many people find this hard okay because it’s easy to deviate and then dive into the micros oh I’ll just do this okay I’ll have these supplements and it’ll help my health because it increases my nutrient level it’s not that difficult but it’s about being honest and that’s really tough

    That’s really tough to accept all the variables inside your control you control them stop looking at everything else that does not impact on you okay that’s out of your control so I could go even deeper with this and actually challenge you to bring happiness in all areas make you a more productive person

    With your training very you know a lot of people will train but have other areas of their life a little bit unhappier the bikee is where I escape coach it’s where I escape the stresses of work but remember your workout will not figure in the top five of stressful moments in your

    2023 calendar it doesn’t even figure in the daily top five your nutrition is going to be leading the way okay the stress we carry from work and not being able to process that oxid oxidative stress by creating solutions to problems our hydration issues and they all Impact

    And drive poor sleep sleep is a byproduct of good daily habits not something you do from 700 p.m. at Night by turning off lights and starting to play pan music okay is it pan pipe none of that that will certainly help but you’ve got to have the

    Precursor of the good actions during the day and they can be so so simple so simple to follow they’re staring you right in the face clean up your diet drink more water exercise more zone two relax okay by doing things that force you to be in a situation that brings you

    Happiness you will find your Flow State you’ll sleep like a baby that’s over the age of say 3 years old is not very hungry getting up for breastfeeding and in the bed and screaming for you okay I don’t know what that is I can remember there is an age where it gets

    Better folks if you’ve got young kids okay don’t worry okay and then there’s more worries come out about where they are if they come home drunk yeah okay there’s yeah it’s always a stress so yeah but you can handle it by driving up things that make you happy can you

    Follow that there’s a lot to chew over there in that very short or long winded workout session I’ve just given you 45 minutes so if I was you and you’re starting right now say what workout should I do coach you do two types of workouts you do your zone two you try

    And aim to build this up over the next few weeks months to 60 to 90 minutes and you try and do that two to three times a week then you condense V2 workouts okay and these can be 30 minutes long to start with I wouldn’t have them any more

    Than 30 minutes long 5 to 10 minute workout a warmup 5 to 10 minute cool down and then you work over 20 to 30 seconds at high intensity with the same recovery as what you work do little blocks of five times 20 20 seconds off have 2 minutes rest do it again block

    That into 30 to 40 minutes do not go over the hour this will mean that you recover very very quickly do them two times a week and then everything else is zone two within a month your Fitness will transform don’t go chasing workouts don’t fall into the zone three work you

    Don’t need it at the moment okay if you do group rides maybe abandon them for a month and try to just follow a habit that allows you to push up your recovery without overreaching in my course I do a test whereby I challenge you to 10 hours of

    Training a week very few people will get there even if you’ve only been doing four hours I still challenge you but what it does is it allows you to ass simulate what you really have got available and what you have available we then dial into I like to divide training

    Up into those who can reach up to six hours and those who can do over six hours those who can do two key workouts a week and those who can do one and I also build in training for when you fall sick because it will unfortunately happen from time to time because there

    Are other people out there on the planet that were determined to give you the cold virus and when you get that there is a particular protocol it’s really really easy to follow but very few people do it and most people will try and come back too quick why because they

    Chase the workout because we feel guilty that we haven’t done a workout because we relate workouts with calorie bond with weight and that is the wrong way to do it if you’re wanting to change your weight you take a longer period of time and it will change if you follow basic

    Macro actions by changing your diet by adding key five star Foods I promise you as I always say the negative ones will start to disappear okay start to disappear hey folks I have covered quite a lot okay quite a lot quite a lot right so there will be many

    People who disagree and they will go and continue to do much of your Zone 3 sub maximum training but let me tell you into a little secret the majority of amateurs who do zone three or sub threshold or Sweet Spot training you’re actually doing threshold training

    Believe it or not you have got a large range of a heart rate that will place you into that threshold area if you do a 20-minute test to calculate your FTP it’s very difficult therefore to create what would be your lactate threshold in terms of that point so this is why for a

    Lot of my athletes we do things like uh false threshold or sub threshold bullet sessions whereby we have resets that allow the cardiovascular system to jam to Plateau okay so sometimes following FTP as a number for threshold sessions can be H advantageous but for certain athletes it can be very very

    Disadvantageous because it’s overreaching and requires a much longer period to recovery okay why would you do zone two because it supports your threshold it’s that simple it’s called lactic clearance and the faster you can clear lactic and reuse it as a fuel the faster you cycle okay hey folks

    Right let me just there’s the course there I’ve got a little sheet I’ve got already a number of people that I’m going to speak to in the New Year about joining if you want to learn more about the course you’ve got 6 to 12 months yeah I’m actually going to create a

    Project for a few people who it will you will be able to come on and work for 6 to 12 months with me you’ll get all the training plans okay and there are several and then there’s Bolton training plans as well that go with it there 25 unit interactive course we’ve got weekly

    Q&as you’ve got the weekly coaching video that is where I am then giving research and in you know really specific live uh interaction sessions there is a bik fit Clinic that reminds me I’m going to be starting a new bike fit podcast in the beginning of January

    And I’m working with a couple of other bike Fitters and I’m going to be bringing uh videos into the course group the community group first that are going to really address some of the the big issues and the big questions that come up but watch out for that in the New

    Year okay and I believe it will be the world’s greatest to cycling Community because if you’re involved in a community whereby everybody’s aspiring to a similar thing you make progress okay it’s think of it as like an academy H for people who want to get fit who

    Want to learn from each other who want to become accountable to each other to form friendships with people who are just like you okay they’re searching for Fitness they keep hitting obstacles they haven’t got the strategy in place due to some various issues in their own life to overcome those obstacles that keep

    Moving forward I’m going to have challenges both physical psychological every month that will push you beyond your comfort zone I’m excited hey folks it’s sad to say but that’s the end of the show okay the Google sheet I can see that Rob has shared it in the group hey folks

    Before I sign off uh for the rest of the year uh and don’t worry there’ll still be uploads coming out as well shorter little videos you can find me remember uh we’re all over the place aren’t we Instagram Tik Tok all those places but yeah if you haven’t subscribed for the

    Channel yet please do 2024 is going to be a year where I’m going to be sharing a journey where I try and do something for me physically that’s going to be demanding I want you to share the joury with me and I also want to take the channel up

    To 100,000 followers before I go I’ve got a couple of things I want to share with you this this thing’s quite incredible so I don’t often do sponsorship so I will have to admit at time I will have a sponsorship for this can you see this doesn’t take a genius to work out

    That it’s a it’s a drone but here is my here’s the new GoPro and its case okay so you can see the GoPro which we all believe is a small camera I’ve got a phone in its case this is called hover watch this it folds so it goes in the cycling

    Pocket now I’m going to be experimenting with this and it’s going to be part of my pain trialing joury as well so watch out for this I’ll do a little video okay I don’t need to promote it to you I just got to share videos okay there will be a

    Link whereby you’ll get something like this but that that’s incredible isn’t it how small it is so I’ve always sort of resisted drones because carrying them in a bag and all sorts of things but yeah now it’s only 125 Grand I know you need to have uh the right sort of conditions

    For it wind if I let it out right now in Scotland it’ll end up across the Atlantic do you like that okay so kinetic cycling caps have come in and I’m going to be shipping these out to people we’re going to see these all over the world now okay I’ve got a a

    Project to put them on every continent and have the Riders take pictures all sorts of things but you could be one of the lucky ones to get them I’m going to be reaching out and giving them away to people yes lots of them hey folks thank

    You very much for being part of the year it’s been trific wonderful I hope you’ve learned something H from anything okay and I hope you’ve also taken that this is me okay if we were to meet in the street or you know in a coffee house in a restaurant I’d be

    Exactly the same and I want that to come through next year as I develop the channel a little bit more professionally but I want to be me okay and I want you to understand that I have your interests at heart I do this because I no longer have interactivity in my Studios

    Postco I coach all online now and everything I do is via the camera so I want to try and create more live scenarios whereby I feel like I’m with you okay anyway before you get all soapy on me coach say goodbye have you hit that like button the little thumb button

    Okay please do that and let YouTube send this live video around the world to people hey take care stay safe keep spinning keep smiling come into school be part of the little Google sheet if you want more information on how you might be one of the lucky ones to come

    And work with me okay there’s a lot happening in 224 and I want you to be part of it and if you can share a little bit of your time with me great stuff you take care folks


    1. Thanks Scott, consistency trumps intensity when it comes to building habits.
      Enjoy the Christmas break 👍
      (I can wear your cap in sunny South Australia 😁)

    2. Great video as always coach👍. I really struggle with the diet I have sleep apnea and am awaiting treatment. The disrupted sleep makes me crave sweet things ( truth out of a lie maybe?) Any way have a great Christmas and see you in 2024😊

    3. Thanks couch – more great content. I would love to know the protocol for recovering from heavy coldsFlu etc though – seen as I'm trying to get over one right now 🙂

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