BP Visits tries to audit a glass manufacturer in West Yorkshire, and in a friendly encounter with a staff member, he unintentionally provides us with a perfect illustration of why we have data protection, the risks and dangers that arise when it is ignored, and why auditors need to get up to speed on it if they wish to continue their activities.

    Footage is copyright of BP Visits, Ardagh Group and Lincoln International Business School, used here under fair dealing.

    BP Visits’ footage (“What You Doing With That Camera??”):

    BP Visits YouTube Channel:

    Previous videos of mine about BP Visits:
    -“Show Your Badge For BP Visits”:

    -“What Would You Do?”:

    January 2019 Graduation – Interview with Julie Watson, Plant Director Ardagh Glass Knottingley:

    Meet our AMP – Europe Team:

    Locations page on the Ardagh Group website:

    Bedale Drive on Google Street View:

    Wakefield Council’s Definitive Map for the Knottingley area:

    Section 1 of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984:

    Section 142 of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984:

    Channel Theme:
    Credit to Ashutosh/@ashutoshmusic

    [Applause] BP visits is an auditor I’ve covered before he’s the bossy auditor who likes to go around inspecting businesses and produces a report at the end and gives them a tick if they’ve got solar panels or whatever using one of my previous videos let’s just recap on how BP visits

    Can du is auditing people who support Auditors on YouTube don’t stop to think what it must be like from the point of view of of a person who has to face one of these Auditors these are Stills I took from a recent video by BP visits in

    Which he’s inspecting a line of police cars and vans you can see his reflection in the windows which means we can now see what he looks like from the point of view of people who have to confront him my question to all these people who support Auditors is what would you do if

    BP visits or some other auditor paid a visit to your premises or workplace while wearing a mask and dress like that and filming you your staff and potentially scaring your customers and scaring people away from the premises an employer has a duty of care to his staff and to anyone visiting his premises

    Personally I will be contacting the police since BP visits appears in public like some Sinister Bandit I’m not surprised he often meets with a hostile reception when he goes visiting places but interestingly he doesn’t have a hostile reception at this place it’s a glass works in West Yorkshire and he

    Walks up the access road to it that road is called Bell Drive on F my street it says that Bell Drive is publicly maintainable but if we look more closely this only relates to part of that road it shows here in red the part of Bell Drive that is supposed to be publicly

    Maintainable whereas this part of a ro that BP visits enters upon is a bit indicated by the green box in point of fact I don’t believe that fine my street is correct anyway in stating that any part of Bell Drive is publicly maintainable the part that they say is

    Publicly maintainable is actually a road beyond the gates and within the glass plant itself it can’t be publicly maintainable or a highway BP visits disagrees and it’s a massive sight so it goes well it’s huge it goes right around there right around there right well you

    Can’t even see CU of the trees but uh yeah that’s the main so that’s the main place we focus on focusing on today so I a wondering um now there lots of uh authorized Vehicles only so but there’s a public foot path and psychopath going down here I think he’s

    Wrong I base this view on two facts first if we take a look at the site on Google Street View these signs predate his visit by just a few months so we can assume this is exactly how the science would have looked when he entered and

    What we can see is that it is clearly a private road and forms the access to the site and you can also see the gate in the middle distance there it’s just common sense that he should not be there anybody can see this I do appreciate the

    Point he makes that you could look at it and decide that the footway is separate and you can see the blue sign there that means the footways for pedestrians and cyclists but he’s wrong to make the assumption that it’s a public foot path the definitive map

    Issued by W field Council for the area does not show a public foot path along Bell Drive and for it to be a public foot path anyway we would have to separate the footway from the carriageway in the legal sense and I see no reason to do that where does the

    Footway lead it’s obviously blocked at the End by the glass plant the fact that there are road traffic signs and Road markings along the footway and carriageway does not in itself mean that it’s a highway or that the general public have any sort of access under section one of the Road Traffic

    Regulation act 1984 the local highways Authority have the power to regulate traffic along private roads in some circumstances or those it could be that those signs of markings may even have been put there by the site owners I don’t even believe the initial part of the access road that BP visits works on

    Is a Highway of any kind although it is open and the gate is further down but the reality is that it’s an access road only for that glass site and what appear to be offices along the way even if we were to be generous to BP visits and say

    It’s a highway up to the gates there comes a point when he reaches these Gates they’re open and he decides to walk through and continue and at that point he clearly then enters onto private land and he’s trespassing Beyond doubt just to reinforce my point about trespass and one of the concerns about

    What this man is getting up to I’ll let you hear his own explanation for the visit so I’m going to go down get as close to the gate as I can uh maybe get a bit more information is this a glass is this metal is this both and uh and

    See how it goes from there so let’s go here’s the locations page on the group website here’s a map showing all the office and plant facility locations operated by AR group it is indeed a large Global concern here is the key to the map on it if you look closely you’ll

    See the not in the plant is marked as a glass facility if I search around on Google a bit more I can find lots of information about the Notting the plant from official and unofficial sources within a the space of a few minutes I can pretty much establish what they do

    Without leaving the comfort of my own home having said that I have no issue with this man turning up at this PL and asking questions and of course the information available online may not be up to date and it’s no no substitute for being there in person going out and

    Exploring is better than being cooped up indoors but but I do get the impression that he hasn’t done much research Beyond finding out what the company does in very broad terms and then reading it out to his viewers in a boilerplate script at the start of a video says he that’s

    The ourd group is a global supplier of sustainable infinitely recyclable metal and glass packaging for brand owners around the world H the consistent pursuit of Market leading Innovation quality and customer services backed by investment now people and processes underpins everything we do so going down a bit operates 63 metal

    And glass production facilities in 16 countries so this is one of those so it’s Glass and Metal production companies and they employ 20,000 people A9 billion sales wow anybody can just read off a website and most of that is just boilerplate marketing pros and not very informative he doesn’t seem to be

    Interested in the company or what it does he just reads it out like he’s a bad actor reading a script to him the Ada group or a tool purely a means to an end he couldn’t even pronounce a company name and this time we’re at Notting L

    And the adage adage we say it adaga adage group it’s Adar Adar group I just find it ludicrous that he can make a video about this company and he can’t even be bothered to find out how to pronounce the name couldn’t he have just rung them up I don’t believe BP visits

    Or his viewers really care about what group do this video is about provoking a reaction to the filming and he has to trespass on site to do that a genuine person would have probably rung up or emailed beforehand and asked if they could come on site for a tour Believe It

    Or Not private companies do sometimes not always but do sometimes agree to give you a tour of industrial sites as long as you’re not trying to wh people up all gates are open so sight smoking rules there look this is a no smoking Beyond this point site so assing

    That if you want a cigarette you’re going to have to come all the way out here to have a cigarette so there you can clearly see the gates across both the footway and the carriageway as I’ve stated even if we want to be generous to BP visits and say he wasn’t trespassing

    Hi two he must be trespassing when he crosses that threshold because he has no reason to be there uh so there’s the information for the data Handler it so the barrier uh Security on the parking so I’m assuming that’s all the offices there again it’s open look so I don’t

    Know don’t say anything about reception there is a security office up here so we can we can speak to them anyway see what they say that part of what he says about reporting to security would be perfectly fair if he was a good faith actor with genuine motivations a member of the

    Public just curious about the sight something like that he isn’t he’s trespassing and in my view he was trespassing the moment he stepped onto Bale Drive some people stood there now are they having a cigarette are they sort of fir enough off the site to have a

    Cigarette it did say back at that gate behind us that it’s a no smoking sight from there the thing that Auditors like to do best their favorite activity is snitching on people that could easily be a designated smoking area Auditors are lovely people aren’t they doing we get

    The zoom camera out and then we’ll get a bit of zoom in up here before probably asked to leave sight before we’re probably asked to leave sight in case you were doubting my view that he’s trespassing I would say that’s tassc confirmation somebody who has implied permission to enter on site would not

    Talk like that because somebody with implied permission is normally expected by the occupier let me change cameras right so say the security gate over there so foot path and cycle path goes all the way up here it is not a foot path that is a private road and he’s on

    A footway I’m assing that’s a smoking area there let’s have a look see what we can see from here so we got them great big chimneys up there I mean they’re going to look good when we get the grown up uh don’t know what’s going on over there there’s all sorts of

    Uh they like conveyor belts to get material up into into the actual place you can see the security Point clearly sign posted why hasn’t he reported there BP visits is then greeted not by security but by a young lady who works on site and that’s where we’ll pick this up throughout the exchange

    That follows BP visits does not blur out her face in his own video on his channel hey M you all right yeah not bad thanks yeah yeah yeah good can I just ask what you’re doing with that camera oh just videoing just anything I can see

    Really so is this the is this glass or a metal is it both here so this is glass just purely glass here okay right yeah yeah yeah so what can I do for I’ll just make a little video really just as much as I can see so any are you manager here or

    Anything what I’ve just m muted out is the young lady giving her job title that’s that’s her first mistake by giving her job title she’s revealed personal information about herself to somebody who is continuously filming but has not established his own identity with her or stated his purpose to her

    Any chance of a little tour or anything like that sorry we don’t actually allow anybody on site some short notice what are are you from like an organization no no it’s just my own thing so I just go around just real States and find comes I find interesting

    Just make a little video on them and uh you know just video what I can seeff like that and then what I’ll do is get some error footage to finish it so I’ll send a drone over just to do all that so that is a Lie the truth is that you are

    A YouTuber with a monetized YouTube channel and your purpose for being there is to film people who react to your presence on site and broadcast their faces on social media for the entertainment and gratification of your followers that is the truth the reason you will not admit to the truth is that

    You know that you are infringing the privacy of anybody who is captured in your videos and those people can then have those videos taken down by YouTube and they could also bring a civil claim against you for data and privacy breaches that really just putting all that together so just a little video

    It’s not just a little video you are not just some innocent harmless photographer you’re taking advantage of people in this case the good trusting nature of this young lady just that really just putting all that together so just little B okay um what I’ll do there is I’ll let

    Um to know that you’re around cuz there’s we have got quite a lot of like commercial commercially sensitive stuff we don’t like external people sharing videos possibly can we have had issues with people in the past of people trying to come on site and okay cause trouble

    You seem like a really nice guy so never cross any I never cross any barriers I I just walk down here a public foot path so I’ve walked down here so I W cross any barriers absolutely won work that’s that’s what for I just found a video

    What I can see really so okay um what I can do is I’ll get I can bring my side director yeah I don’t want to just kick you off and be with you I know that you know public interest is fair enough you want to know

    We’re BCIT we want to know ABS yeah she doesn’t think he’s a threat because he’s lying to her I a little bit surprised they have allowed her to approach him on her own given that he normally wears a mask that aside he still hasn’t mentioned who he is and the real reason

    He’s there this is information he’s required to give under article 131 of the UK gdpr and he’s required to explain to this young lady her various rights as a data subject under article 132 of the UK gdpr which I show on the screen including the right to have this this

    Footage of her deleted from YouTube uh anything I can glean really so obviously you know you can see it on all YouTube on Google anyway can’t you so you go on Google there so people get worri about the drones but you can see on Google no problem no

    Problem so I’ve got an interested member of the public on the drive I muted out two more bits uh again because unfortunately the lady has just given within earshot of BP visits and his microphone the first name of one of her bosses at the plant right here with a video

    Camera uh he’s being perfectly reasonable to walk on drive and see what you can see she obviously just thinks he’s a photographer or hobbyist of some sort does she realize that we can watch her on YouTube she may not care she may like being in this footage on YouTube

    For all I know but again as I always say that is not the point the point is that BP visits has not explained this to her and she is entitled to that full disclosure so that she can either give informed consent or ask that he justifies with reference to a legitimate

    Interest why the footage should be retained and broadcast without her consent the fact that she approached him makes no difference to this that doesn’t imply that she consents to be filmed and broadcast on social media at her place of work for all the world to see if this

    Were a busy fur fur aair somewhere or some other busy or crowded place it might be different but when you capture someone’s facial image at their place of work you are opening the way to identification especially when the individual innocently provides her job title as well as the as well as

    Information about her boss and you don’t mute that out to blur her face um he did ask he said so so safe to he look be safe I’ll skip ahead to when she comes back so um just Fus to our director this part of the site is actually private property

    Here so you are currently trespassing all right fair enough y i if you want to leave some contact details with us that’s absolutely fine we’ll see what we can do in terms of you know letting you see what we we can allow you to see have

    You got a card or anything only come for one day so I won’t be coming back so I just I just go around and I go all over the country doing sort of things so so yeah I’ve just chose this site today so I’m I’m the one shot so that’s it really

    Yeah no I’m sorry I can’t do more for you f really good commercially sensitive stuff going on as I say this part is private so I just appreciate if you could just move absolutely will no problem sorry you need to ask me to leave yeah fantastic You’ been great thank you thank you

    Cheers now I’ll summarize for you the personal data that we can obtain in or as a result of BP visits video we know the job title of that young lady he’s just been speaking to we know that she works at that plant because she told us

    We know where the plant is located of course we know what she looks like because he hasn’t blurred out her face in his own video we know from her accent that she’s from roughly that same part of West Yorkshire I recognize the accent within about 5 minutes of using Google I

    Knew pretty much everything about that young lady including how long she’s worked there her education and where she had attended to earn her qualifications where she lives I have her date of birth her eye color the fact that she recently won an industry award in relation to her work if I’d spent

    Maybe another 10 minutes on it I can guarantee to you that I would have found out the names of anyone she lives with how long they’ve lived there the name of her parents siblings probably I could find her telephone number the list goes on I’m really good at this so if you

    Left me to do this long enough I could find out pretty much anything about her she gave us a first name of someone at that same um company at that same site who’s above her in the corporate hierarchy it literally took me 10 seconds to find that man’s full name

    From there I was able to find out pretty much everything about him most of this was easy I know his full name I know how he got the job I know where he went to school and University and what his qualifications are I know his Hobbies I

    Know his wife’s name I know who some of his closest friends are and I have the names of most of his work colleagues I know his dat of birth and I know exactly where he lives I have his address some people would say that there’s nothing shocking about any of this because it’s

    Public information and of course it’s true that large companies and public bodies regularly feature their sta and Professional Services firms such as accountants and solicitors have staff profiles on their websites this is all very common Lincoln international business school at the University of Lincoln seemed to have an academic

    Connection of some kind to ad group and put out a video four years ago featuring the notonly plant director of that time hi my name is Julie Watson I’m the plant director for ad glass noly AR group also have their own YouTube channel in which they feature staff at different location

    S but the difference between all this and what BP visits is doing is that the footage filmed by ad group and Lincoln international business school is with the consent of the data subject and the data subject knows in Broad terms what will be done with the footage and there is

    Accountability the data subject knows that he or she can complain um to the data controller either the University of Lincoln or ar group as the case may be both are registered as data controllers with the Ico so the data sub data subject can easily complain to the data controller

    About the use of the footage and can even ask that it be erased from public platforms and even from the records held by the data controller BP visits by contrast cannot offer his victims this level of accountability or any level of accountabil ability because he isn’t even registered as a data controller he

    Doesn’t even understand the basics of data protection he does not have the consent of anyone he films um and he does not have a legitimate interest that could outweigh the privacy of the data subject he can’t even tell the truth about what he’s doing and that’s because

    He knows that if he were truthful his videos will be taken down the need for consent or for a compelling legitimate interest or a public interest justification if it’s journalism does matter because the privacy and safety of individuals matters many of the people who follow and watch auditing channels

    Are mentally unbalanced they may watch somebody featured in a video and take a dislike to them and decide to track that person stalk and Harrison we know that DJ audits Marty blabber and other Auditors encourage their followers to leave malicious reviews for businesses that feature in auditing videos who

    Who’s to say that an individual who an auditor features is going to be safe from such people if an individual is featured in the video without being blurred out it is possible to piece together that person’s identity even from just a face provided it’s in a context that could identify them such as

    A workplace this is why we have data protection it’s a response to technology that can be invasive of people’s private lives when in the hands of irresponsible people this lady’s face now appears all over YouTube without her consent it’s not enough to say she approached BP visits

    That does not imply consent she may not care that there is footage of her online for all I know she as I say she may approve of what Auditors do but not everybody captured in this way will approve of it or like it a lot of people will suffer great distress at the

    Knowledge that they can be viewed online especially if it the video has been edited in such a way as to embarrass or humiliate them these are just ordinary people at their place of work what BP visits is doing is not honest or legitimate it never is if you take shortcuts and Lie


    1. The worst snitcher is the laughing auditor and it's so funny because he always talks so tough. Anyway I have a question, a common line used is 'if I can see it I can record it, it's just evidence of what I see'

    2. It’s the escalation in behaviour to get the reaction which is incredible. TLA wiping out the marker “gel” in his latest masterpiece. Would love to know your thoughts on that one if you can stomach his nonsense long enough!

    3. It’s actually quite frightening when you think about the effects someone like BP visits can have on someone’s life. That lady seemed like a very nice and friendly person and question I have is where was security during all this.

    4. Who on earth is interested in looking at the fencing and exterior of manufacturing units, it's hardly "Inside The Factory" quality. Audit ?? videos are purely designed to create confrontation with security staff and management rather than take on Police stations. Absolute rubbish.

    5. As you may know I'm a new subscriber to your platform and just beginning to get wise about these "auditors" , thanks to your knowledge of regulations . I was wondering, can these victims of deceit claim against the "auditors"(moneywise) if they happen to come across the video online, maybe a month or two after it was published.

    6. The only time i ever watch these clowns is through your videos as i don't have the time to waste on these individuals. So this character is called 'BP audits.'

      So lets go through the aud'tit' checklist/script.
      Firstly and very importantly he/she are masked up. ✔
      Industrial unit/s ✔
      The all important 'i'm gonna get the drone out' ✔
      The virtually non existent knowledge of the company they 'auditing' ✔
      Walking past clearly signposted barriers to entry ✔
      The interaction with said member of staff for the gauging of a reaction ✔
      Section 33 ❌ (although it maybe elsewhere on his footage but i have zero interest to go looking)

      Now, the most important point mentioned here is the second to last, the gauging of a reaction. It's the whole reason they are there. Nothing to do with personal interest in this case in glass companies or being there for educational purposes or the ludicrous suggestion from the chinny ninja that they are there to promote said businesses. The visit is intended for no other reason to intimidate members of staff for a reaction video for cheap views on social media platforms for revenue raising purposes. Why else would you go to company premises fully masked up?
      Because, being brutally honest, if you were there for genuine reasons you would firstly notify the company of your intentions whether that being business or personal. Its personal etiquette, something these auditors know nothing about.
      The only thing these videos do is appeal to algorithm on you tube, it takes no account of the personal details or personal feelings of the people targeted on these visits. They also serve no purpose other than to give other like minded fools a feeling that they somehow have a power over someone else.

    7. I watched an audit video once where the auditor was really quite bullying to a female security guard. I told him in the comments that that was out of order and that they went too far. You could see, so obviously too, that she was upset 😢

    8. Not sure if you read the comments in BP's video, but in them he said he had already checked the land ownership before going and knew it was private, which he said is why he left without argument. Although he usually goes down the 'it is publicly accessible as the gate is open' line. Not sure why he didn't on this occasion. May be she didn't realise the body mounted GoPro was on and audio and video recording, carrying the recorder in his hand probably puts the main focus on it, rather than the GoPro.

    9. You need to stop referring to them as auditors, they aren't auditors and don't even understand what an audit is. They are just jobless nobodies who have failed in life.

    10. Throughly enjoyed your video clip.. Beautifully crafted assessment of this disgusting type of harassment.. These people are low life.. Thanks for the education.. New subscriber…

    11. we all know these fake auditors dress in a way that will cause company workers to challenge them and their excuse is they dont want to be identified on their own videos. so i assume they are not proud of their videos. Their whole reason to be there is to engage with anyone who approaches them and then keep the video going with inane conversation. In this video he was reasonably polite but i suspect that was because it was a lady. They have very little or no interest in any company they visit and as you say more info is available on their web page.

    12. What would you do if it was a woman covering her face with a hijab… Would you call the police 😂

      As for implied right of access for private roads that lead to multiple businesses, this cannot be removed by a single business that isn't the sole owner of the road I'm afraid my friend.

      Implied right of access isn't trespass and it's implied by the open gates and lack of signage stipulating otherwise 🙄

    13. Can a collective complaint be made to the ICO ring fencing all these auditors who are making money from this immoral behaviour and include all those auditors who are not registered as a data controller? Which is all of them, the ICO should fine all these clowns for GDPR breaches

    14. another very informative video. the YouTuber in this video appears fairly reasonable and polite except of course the huge lie about broadcasting the footage on his channel. encouraging people to leave malicious reviews is yet another abuse that victims are put through. its about time the police started investigating these individuals and taking them off the streets. they're obviously causing alot of harm and distress. victims should also be compensated for the abuse they've received.

    15. It would be interesting to see some videos by "proper" film / YouTubers rather than the confrontational visits but to have real background / researched videos that are done by many other channels on this platform. Those creators do many hours of research not just "web searches". I know it would not have the same excitement. But it would be a lot more educational about what happens in the factories. Rather than "Oh show us your SIS badge" etc etc.

    16. I really think that the word / name "doofus" should be employed more. These people are the epitome of a "doofus". They "do" break the law and then they "fuss" when asked to explain themselves. DJ "doofuss", Auditing "doofuss", Marti *doofuss". I would really like to see what happens, when they mess with the wrong people who also have cameras…… "So here is my video of a doofuss having a kicking" or "here is my video of me drowning a doofuss". It's only a matter of time.
      To my way of thinking, I would never be an auditor. It could be more dangerous than being a combat soldier as you have no way of defending yourself against an actual attack. DJ makes me laugh when he says "don't come any closer, I will defend myself". I mean, how would such a wimp actually defend himself? He thinks the camera will defend him. It won't when it is stuffed down his throat and his body is thrown in a canal.
      Long live the British canal network.

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