This is the most claustrophobic cave diving story I have ever told. This is a story of cave diving gone wrong.

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    Music by:
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    Emmit Fenn
    Rage Sound

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    #mrdeified #deified
    #caving #spain

    Also Mr Deified

    On September 28th 2008 John man alongside his trusted friends John Bonin and Charles Reed Henry embarked on a daring exploration of the source of D Dub’s cave hoping to create lasting memories tragically this adventure turned into a heart-wrenching tale forever printing man’s name in the Cave’s history in the most devastating

    Way born in 1976 John man’s life was intense with passions for motorcycling and scuba diving his early training days were spent locally but it wasn’t long before he joined Brighton’s British sub aquatic club or bsac ranks this led him to acquire a rebreather and embark on specialized training propelling him into

    Advanced diving groups and exploring deeper more challenging wrecks rebreather diving recycles exhaled air removing carbon dioxide and adding oxygen allowing longer quieter Dives it’s challenging due to the complex equipment management and the need for precise gas balance inexperience can lead to life-threatening situations like oxygen toxicity or hypoxia making it

    Risky for untrained divers his journey eventually steered him towards the world of cave diving in the UK and France parallel to man’s Journey was John volanthen a figure synonymous with the Pinnacle of cave exploration and rescue holding a world record fanon’s impact on the field especially his crucial role in

    The 2018 them luing Tai rescue has redefined cave diving over two decades his Fearless Explorations had new chapters of these newly discovered super caves on November 18th 2007 fanin etched another landmark of achievement in the history of cave diving by braving the sourcer do Dube he navigated its treacherous depths overcoming formidable

    Obstacles and laying down 476 ft or 145 M of line a year later Andre glor and Pedro bardi ventured into the cave fing a second marked line reaching a new tremendous 1,549 ft or 472 M from the entrance their efforts were followed by successive Dives continuously pushing the boundaries extending the Cave’s

    Known limits to an astonishing 3,445 ft or 1,50 M inspired by these Feats John man was drawn deeper into the quest to explore the source of D Doo to embark on this formidable Journey he Enlisted the support of his friends and trusted divers Charles Reed Henry and John banon together they prepared to

    Confront the Cave’s daunting depths a testament to their unyielding spirit and shared bond in the face of the unknown the three friends Expedition into the Cave’s depths would be fraught with danger at every turn the narrow shallow passages presented a treacherous challenge with the everpresent risk of damaging crucial equipment in an

    Environment where every inch and every second counted these constricted Pathways significantly impeded the possibility of a swift retreat in case of an emergency on the eve of this fateful dive John manili faced grave concerns from his friends and fellow divers John banon and Charles Reed Henry they warned him about the considerable

    Size of his rebreather underscoring the severe impracticality and inherent danger of using such bulky equipment in the caves more restrictive and perilous sections yet manil in a move marked by recklessness chose to disregard These Warnings emboldening himself to confront the Cave’s looming threats with gear ill suited for its harsh realities adding a

    Layer of peril to this already dangerous Endeavor was man’s compromised physical state he bore the lasting scars of a severe back injury from a motor cycle accident in 1998 an injury that had not just left him with physical marks but also persistent limitations this critical aspect of his condition often

    Overlooked became a pivotal factor in the events that unfolded the injuries severely curtailed his manuverability especially in the Cave’s tight unforgiving passages that demanded the utmost agility and flexibility as the three friends would have to delve deeper into the cave system the combination of the challenging environment the bulky

    Equipment and man’s physical limitations created a scenario fraught with danger the Cave’s claustrophobic passages became a gauntlet barely wide enough to allow passage each move carried weight in the Hostile underground world and the shadow of potential catastrophe loomed large over the journey beneath the modest 12x 16t or 3×4 M opening the

    Beginning in the cave plummets to a daunting 5 m divers begin their descent through a vertical crack or known as S1 leading to the ominous edge of a shaft called S3 the caves complex layout includes several chimney Halls dropping to a chilling 215 ft or 65 m a hazardous

    Passage widened yet treacherous lies 541 ft 165 M beneath S3 the journey Beyond is marked by poor visibility dense sediment and the challenges of navigating with scooters the fissures floor strewn with sharp fossil Rich Boulders leads to a constricted passage culminating in a disturbance Zone at

    1,800 ft ft 555 M that descends into a steep gravel filed Corridor this formidable cave stretches over 4,576 ft 1,400 M presenting a harrowing challenge to even the most skilled cave divers the secluded source of du dubes is an obscure water-filled cave at the foot of Mont rou near mut France it’s

    Infamous as France’s coldest Town endures brutally low temperatures in Winter contrasting sharply with its intense Summers this extreme climate gave it the name little Siberia the cave a Hidden Gem in the middle of this rugged landscape sits at the level of L Ro a place where silence and Solitude

    Rain its dense sprawling forests are a Hallmark of the Jura region adding to the seclusion of the surrounding area this range also serves as a natural boundary marking the national border between Switzerland and France the cave with its crystal clear waters is a divers Enigma inviting yet intimidating

    Promising Adventure but also Echo in with the Solitude of its surroundings delving into the Cave’s depths divers are met with a Relentless chill as the water temperature stubbornly hovers around 43° f 6° c this constant cold forms an unyielding barrier the Cave’s waterways carve a complex path towards

    The Rocks weaving an intricate web that has long baffled even the most seasoned divers the source of d d has become a siren Call for daring divers drawing them into the depths in the Quest for discovery yet this Pursuit is not without its perils the cave has claimed

    The lives of many who have dared to go too far into the cave on September 28th 2008 the Expedition commenced with John man John banthin and Charles Reed Henry to explore the source of D dup embracing the practice of autonomous diving each member ventured into the Cave’s depths independently facing the unknown without

    The aid of a team the entrance to the cave presented the first test of their resolve buried with a cumbersome rebreather John manil cautiously navigated the confined space every move was measured as the risk of entament in such tight quarters was a constant threat approximately 13 M into the dive

    Jon encountered the upper ledge of the shaft known as S2 descending into S2 was like plunging into an abyss the water turned icy and Pitch Black forcing him to rely solely on his flashlights to pierce the engulfing Darkness the shaft’s nearly vertical descent tested his skills and nerves as he made his way

    Deeper the chilling Wat in the oppressive Darkness created a sense of claustrophobia the cave walls looming ominously close every decision John made carried weight as a single misstep could lead to a catastrophe the Cave’s depths were unforgiving and the complexity of the environment demanded constant vigilance the underwater passage was a

    Labyrinth with each Twist and Turn holding potential dangers from Sudden drop offs to narrow bottlenecks that could easily ins snare John the chilling Silence of the cave was broken only by the sound of his breathing and the bubbles Rising in from his rebreather as he ventured further the Cave’s claustrophobic grip tightened the

    Passage narrowed and the sediment strewn floor became more treacherous with dragged rocks and boulders lurking in the shadows the Cave’s environment was a constant battle against the elements the cold water was sapping his strength and the narrow passages demanded precision and the Darkness challenging his senses every meter he descended took him

    Further from the safety of the surface deeper into the heart of the cave as he progressed the cave features became more daunting stalactites and stalagmites formed Eerie shapes in the beam of his lights the water’s chill penetrated his wet suit reminding him of the Cave’s indifference to human presence as John

    Manili descended deeper into the source of dooo the environment transformed into a more menacing and constricted Labyrinth at 1,56 FT 322 M The shaft’s Descent became steeper it led him to an ominous more giant obstruction hole its mouth cluttered with chunk Mony blocky materials to the right of the shaft

    Floor a narrow crevice beckoned leading to an uphill cave passage this area was fraught with challenges a significant sediment accumulation resulted in intense turbidity clouding Jon’s vision and complicating navigation the water thick with particulate matter created a disorienting murky Veil demanding the utmost concentration and skill to proceed despite the conditions Jon’s

    Resolve remained unshaken the underwater realm fueled his determination with its dark Beauty and profound silence navigating through the cave John encountered a passage on the left a gateway to a further valleyside Corridor the narrow and treacherous passage had been slightly expanded in 2002 yet remained a daunting challenge with seasoned expertise JN meticulously

    Maneuvered through the claustrophobic route his every movement calculated and deliberate the confined space demanded exceptional control and awareness as any misstep could lead to entament or equipment failure monitoring his depth gauge and Air Supply with unwavering attention Jon Advanced through the passage and commenced directly below

    Into the shaft floor of S3 the once open Hall had succumbed to a collapse burying its initial 98 ft or 30 m and transforming it into a treacherous Maze of debris and tight squeezes after covering a daunting distance of approximately 1,821 ft or 550 M he

    Arrived at the first major fold Zone a geological challenge marked by steep slopes in unpredictable terrain angling sharply downward the passage was lined with accumulations of gravel Banks remnants of ancient underwater currents now silent and still the gravel Banks a Labyrinth of natural barriers impeded his progress forcing him to navigate

    Cautiously the loose gravel in the Steep incline created a treacherous landscape where every movement could trigger a Cascade altering the Cave’s delicate equilibrium as Jon delved deeper the Cave’s confining walls seemed to close around him creating a aable sense of claustrophobia The Limited space combined with the sheer depth he had

    Reached underscored the risks of his solitary Endeavor his Air Supply a Lifeline in this submerged world was dwindling and he was acutely aware of its preciousness adhering to the rule of thirds a critical safety protocol and Cave Diving Jon calculated his air reserves ensuring he retained enough for

    Safe Ascent In Scuba Diving particularly in overhead environments like caves and wrecks the rule of thirds is a critical guideline for gas management it mandates that divers allocate onethird of their gas supply for the onward Journey another third for the return and reserve the final as a crucial safety margin the

    Rule is essential where direct descent is not an option and the divers must retrace their path to exit when diving with a buddy especially one with a higher gas consumption rate the third is often based on the Buddy Supply necessitating an earlier turnaround or carrying extra gas for safety this

    Cautious approach ensures a safer return from these treacherous underwater environments as he prepared for return to the entrance of the cave he felt good that he made it this deep into the passages but due to his air running low he knew he needed to get out retracing

    His path Jon faced the obstacles he had navigated on his descent each twist and turn of the cave was a puzzle demanding meticulous attention and skill the journey back was as much a mental challenge as a physical one each stroke took him closer to safety but the oppressive darkness and the knowledge of

    The C hidden dangers waited heavily on him The Returned swim Was a Race Against Time and his dwindling air reserves navigating through the caves claustrophobic passages with a cumbersome rebreather presented a formidable challenge the precariously positioned Boulders could easily become dislodge transforming the route into a

    Perilous trap Jon was aware of this but he continued to push the end of the S2 section posed a formidable challenge strewn with large Boulders that created a series of tight squeezes maneuvering through this section was a a delicate balance of technique and caution the tight confines of the underwater

    Labyrinth seemed to constrict around him leaving little room for maneuver to alleviate his struggle JN made a critical decision that would soon escalate into a dire situation he chose to remove his rebreather a decision that under the circumstances seemed necessary but was fraught with risk squeezing through the narrow Gap without the bulk

    Of a rebreather he relied on an alternate air source a bottle he held under his arm this temporary solution however brought its own set of dangers the Cave’s oppressive walls unyielding en closed pressed in on him exacerbating the difficulty of his movements his pre-existing back injury from 1998 further complicated his situation making

    It impossible to put on the rebreather again in such confined quarters faced with limited options and a rapidly deteriorating situation John decided he needed to move faster to head back to the surface navigating the torturous path with the air bottle tucked under his arm the ascent however took a

    Treacherous turn suddenly the bottle detached from the rubber hose of his mouthpiece leaving him in a serious predicament far from the Cave’s entrance stranded without an Air Supply in the suffocating Embrace of the underwater cave Panic set in in a frantic and desperate search Jon attempted to

    Retrieve the Lost air bottle but his efforts were in vain the murky Waters in The Tight space hampered his movements turning the cave into a disorientating treacherous maze as the precious second ticked away the lack of oxygen began to take its toll on Jon his breaths became shallow his movements sluggish and his

    Vision blurred the cave transformed from a challenging dive site into a nightmarish trap in these harrowing moments the darkness of the surroundings the weight of the water above in the daunting realization of his predicament converged creating an overwhelming sense of dread as oxygen deprivation intensified Jon’s struggle reached a

    Critical point his Consciousness began to slip away succumbing to the suffocating grip of hypoxia isolated and helpless far from the safety of the surface and trapped within the unyielding confines of the cave he faced the Stark reality of his circumstances a diver alone in the depths confronted by the unrelenting and indiscriminate force

    Of nature a dire situation was unfolding in the depths of the source to do John Manley’s diving Partners John banthin and Charles emerged from the cave only to be confronted by their friend’s absence as time ticked by with no sign of johon a feeling of impending doom enclosed them concern mounted rapidly

    Transforming into a tangible fear for his well-being recognizing the gravity of the situation they urgently called for emergency services their minds racing with worry resolved to leave no stone unturned John banon and Charles decided to plunge back into the Cave’s claustrophobic maw and a desperate search for Jon the cave a silent and

    Unyielding entity seemed to Echo their concern ER as they reached the path they had previously taken their worst nightmares materialized when they stumbled upon a heart-wrenching scene Jon’s lifeless body lay trapped under a Ledge in the main shaft of the cave at a

    Depth of 85 ft or 26 M it was too late johon had succumbed to the dangers of the cave I want to say thank you for joining me today and if this story moves you please consider liking the video and subscribing to our Channel I’m looking

    Forward to seeing you at the next one


    1. your video was awesome. it was sad…very sad… but you described every moment like we are there experiencing this adventure from every word you spoke. Very descriptive.

    2. When humanity finally humbes itself into accepting it not Invincible than maybe these unnecessary incidents will b minimised both t the idiots an the rescuers sometimes sent in t save them .
      U try an outsmart nature at its own game it'll often whipu butts and hand it back t u on a platter with no questions asked; nature has been perfecting the art of survival f the Millenia of time ( alot longer than man was a dotnon eartgs landscape)an the soonest man realises this the more gell stop with this nonsense of going where ge dont belong.

    3. A labrythical catacomb cave is bad enough but 1-300s metres below sea level etc is just asking for trouble; whats it all about?
      What r these crazy ppl hoping t find?
      Enlightenment or what?
      Yeh Enlightenment knowing that in the final grip of death, they made a BIG mistake in trying t outsmart the geological formations constructed through the Millenia of time.

    4. These kinda ppl find enlightenment alright, yeh enlightenment in knowing that in their final minutes of breath that they were not as Invincible as their delusionally clouded brain convinced them they were.

    5. Lesson learned f today:)) Dont try an outsmart nature at its own game cos it'll whip u butt good an proper an hand it back t u on a platter with no questions asked .
      Natures geological formations ( Mountains or caves etc) have learnt the art of survival due t being carved out through the Millenia of time an mere mortal humans trying t compete with natures complexitys is a surefire unnessassary accident waiting to happen.

    6. The worst "race against time" is happening when I am late for work pedaling my push bike on a flat surface, to reach my work place only one hour away from my house. And that is enough adrenaline for me!

    7. Why would you use all your admiration for such a treacherous underground landscape and explore such a place only to potentially deform it by making one wrong move, and possibly kill yourself. I admire the dedication that cave explorers and divers put into their hobby, but some part of me says this seems a bit fucked in the head.

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