Jour 12.
    Rejoignez-moi dans cette aventure à moto à travers les paysages époustouflants et les villages pittoresques d’Espagne. De l’aube lumineuse sur les montagnes de la Sierra Gredos aux charmants villages nichés dans des écrins naturels, chaque moment de ce road trip est un trésor à découvrir. Suivez mon périple alors que je parcours des routes sublimes, explore des châteaux médiévaux et me laisse subjuguer par la beauté tranquille de la nature espagnole.

    00:00 – Start
    01:17 – Perdor Bernardo
    01:34 – Marqueur 7
    01:47 – Village
    02:45 – Vue sur la vallée
    03:21 – le château Mombeltrán
    08:54 – Poyales del Hoyo
    09:26 – Et si tu cherche un village baigné par le soleil
    09:47 – Candelada
    11:39 – L’envol de ces cigognes
    16:11 – Le Rio Tajo
    24:36 – Aldeacentenera
    30:53 – Berzocana
    #RoadTripMoto, #EspagneInexplorée, #AventureMoto, #PaysagesEspagnols, #VoyageMoto, #CultureEspagnole, #ChâteauxEspagnols, #NatureEtDécouverte

    I’m going to get used to it. To what? Well, to all these landscapes wonderful, magnificent roads sublime, these little picturesque villages peaceful and all that. You know this wonderful country next to our beautiful France. So this morning it’s early wake-up call, 7:55am departure. Ah… Ah… Well that’s cool, I didn’t get

    Wind last night. So that’s pretty nice. Quiet. I’m going to try and make it three shots, cameras if I can. 2 or 3 drone shots of this little village I saw yesterday. I didn’t think it was nice. Come on, it’s starting. Today I’m taking you to the a hidden treasure.

    A small village tucked away in a mountainous setting. Couldn’t film the day before because it was too late I didn’t want to miss anything in the world sunrise over this magnificent place. Welcome to Pedro Bernardo. A jewel perched in the Sierra Gredos mountain range. off the beaten track, this place

    A view you can’t get away from. Every alley, every stone tells a story. Every sunrise is a embrace a light illuminating the homes, alleys and souls. Time seems to have stopped. Here nature seems to be in rhythm with every moment of the day. In short, an invitation to contemplation.

    Well, I don’t know if it’s going to last, but this morning there’s no more wind, so this it’s cool because the wind is strong here. Well then, I have a point of rather pleasant view. Ah there it’s… no, it’s good, isn’t it? Well, I’m going to stop for

    Show you a bit of this because it’s it’s true that we have a nice set. And as you can see it’s starting strong, isn’t it? And wait till you see the rest you won’t be disappointed. And then the tyres are a real comfort compared to the Bridgestone the Batllax. Thank you Michelin.

    I’ll try to make 2-3 videos Looks like a small one Nice castle, we’ll see. We’re going to overhaul the Château de Mont Beltran, a medieval jewel in the province of Avila. Built in the 15th century forgives Alvaro de Luna, an influential figure in the court of John II of Castile.

    This Gothic castle with its moudares, an architectural style that developed during and after the Quista period. Dominates the city like a silent witness stories of the battles of yesteryear. The Mendoza family, a noble family of the time, also left their borrowed here, in particular Igno Lopes de Mendoza, the first Duke of Alburkèrque.

    Imagine the kings and queens who were able to walk these halls, like Ferdinand and Isabelle, Catholic kings. Today this castle is nothing more than a historical monument, it’s a door to the past that we centuries of history. It’s a journey through time, to the heart of medieval Spain, where every stone has

    A story to tell. For the whole school, small village is nice. It’s nice. On the other hand… On the other hand, they have to install mills for sale in the area. it’s blowing all the time. ola That’s cool. You see, 9:30 from… That’s cool, 9:30 in the morning. I’ve already done

    Two things I wanted to go over. And now I’m off to Castille. The beauty of Castile. No, it’s cadiz. No, it’s cadiz. So I’m still arrived. There are 700 balls. I’ll try to do a little panoudo anyway. It’s nice to be able to like that. It’s luxury. I just love it.

    Let’s have a look at it now. Davila treasure. The Arenaz de San Pedro castle. A 15th century castle that also tells the story of the mills. Its imposing architecture, a blend of robustness and elegance, has been witness to many events historical events, including conflicts and alliances in medieval times.

    The nickname, the castle of the sad Condessa, is linked to a legend. The castle is said to be haunted by the spirit of the room. And what about the bravoire? Well, the castle was a fortress strategic, protecting the entrance to the Sierra de Gredos.

    And as a result, he had to protect his population and repel the invaders time and time again.

    And so he was able to take care of the room. And he was able to take care of the room. And he was able to take care of the room. And because of that, he had to protect his population and repel repeatedly. Yeah, it does look when

    Even nicer than what you’re used to. I went through the other day. I don’t remember when, because I’ve lost track of time a bit. But the honour of Spain, with its great flames in agriculture, good, it was nice, good, good. I like this corner better. Well, I’m not saying I’m in enjoying myself.

    Ah, that’s a great move there. Wow, a little round here, that’s a lot of movement. well, there, eh, that… Oh, where, that wakes you up, eh. When, that’s really nice, isn’t it? Well, I did a little through this little village. To tell you the truth, I don’t really know why, I saw two,

    Three, three like this. Because, well, if I were to go and see, then maybe it’s a bit of the… The nineteen, the nineteen, the nineteen, the nineteen, the nineteen. I don’t know, I don’t know, Mr Ditiya, if I went to see, then maybe it’s a white villages, a bit of Andalusia starting there.

    We pass through the village of Poyales de El-Hoyo, still in the province of Avila. This charming little rural town offers a haven of peace in the heart of Castilla y León. With its narrow streets and stone houses its church, this village embodies the atmosphere of traditional villages

    Spanish villages and is therefore no exception to the tranquillity rule and charm of Spanish villages. And if you’re looking for a village bathed in with an unobstructed view, well, this is the place for you. Well, I’m still walking around alleys. I must admit it’s nice fun to drive through all these little

    Alleys. I’m going to have a look around. Yeah, it’s quite a change from your other villages that I’ve seen so far. Wow great or at least I’m having fun with it not much. 2, 3 alleys, not much there. Here’s a little view, it’s You see, it’s nice anyway.

    You don’t have the thousand from the Mountain, it’s OK. We are now at the old bridge of Candeleda, built in the early 20th century century with its arches triangular segmental brick arches. In jamming the throat of Saint-Marie and the Tétard river, he reads Candeleda in Madrigal de la Vera.

    This bridge bears witness to ingenuity and importance history of this construction of the time. How not to be captivated by these moments? I’m going through some big plains, you know, with Claire Seméderblas, it’s really nice. My day will be… – And what about the flight of this so majestic,

    Who in a few beats they free themselves from gravity with such elegance? We put on a show of life of these birds. – Capturing these images is a real pleasure, shared for a the intimacy of uni. – I could spend hours contemplating this sweet nature, letting myself be absorbed

    By the beauty and grace of these moments. – Well, that’s a change of scene, isn’t it? – Oh yeah, that’s really interesting. – Well, on the other hand, it’s really cool to to be able to rack up the kilometres, eh? – Oh dear. – Oh yeah, that’s… – We’re getting closer, eh.

    – Well, here we go again. I’m being a mad dog. And I’m going to look around a bit. – I’m never going home. – Well, I’m just taking a little tour of the village so that you pissoirs, because… Then you’re going to say, yes, you don’t see everything, so… And that’s it.

    But there are… What do they call storks? That’s crazy. There’s a subscriber to the channel who’s was asking but you always drive on your own? Yes, it’s complicated to drive with several people you see when you’re like you do at everybody’s house. The guy is always stopping, so either that

    Trace blocked all of a sudden you don’t see anyone, the guy’s gone like a plane and then two kilometres further on I’m the last of the bunch because well there’s always something at always something to look at just imagine, you’ve got three or four friends now

    It’s true that it must be hard, I mean then of course it has to be everyone to be in the same frame of mind you see something nice you’re not you stop and wait for what, that’s it really good this part of spain actually you can say there’s no problem it’s

    Validated so I’m not telling you you know with the good music in the ears we wouldn’t stop ah mais enfin calme il faut que je t’en a right I think she has says the lady yeah you see I keep going through villages and have to say that I’m starting taking a malicious pleasure

    Through all these villages without nobody good being alone the most of the time I’m no more disturbed than that by the situation I love this luxury of to be able to drive around aimlessly precise without schedule constraints or fixed route is my freedom the freedom to ride

    To the point of exhaustion or to stop as soon as I feel like it driving to the whim of his moods with his house in his suitcases it’s true that it provides a incredible feeling of freedom I guess it must be my definition of route trip it’s a bit like route 66 in

    America there you see where you have lines of giant wave is to make it so there at the table well there aren’t many people ah yeah it’s really great I’ll show you the most of the peninsula the Rio Tarro. Rising in the mountains of the Sierra de the Albarsín, at almost 500

    Km from where I am. Majestic river crossing Spain and Portugal, influencing life in each region it touches for nearly 1000 km. But the Tarro is also a river steeped in history as you can imagine. Witnesses of civilizations that have on these shores, of the dead Romans, playing

    A key role in the development of cities they pass through. Historical remains on these banks, medieval castles and ponzes in shedding panels. I’m going to go a little bridge with a view on the rio Grande D, magnificent I’m a big fan of this nature I’d tell you to join me and

    Share this with others, but So yes, you might think that I’m stasi for nothing, a bit of herbs in lack of water, roasted by the sun, a few horses, a few trees but frankly the landscapes are really extraordinary in this region and not to mention the peace and quiet in which I bathe.

    It’s really enchanting. So we’re really into discovery small villages lost on small country roads. So I wouldn’t know where it is where I am exactly. I’m in Spain, yes. I’m in Spain, yes. When you said that, you didn’t say anything. Because we already knew that. But there you go, I love it.

    Well, gravel for driving, that’s true. it’s not great. You have to take it easy here because… Oh, it’s rolling under the tyres say it away. Well, that’s just great. The road gets better and then look it’s… That’s good. So I’m at 600 metres altitude now. On the other hand, I have the impression

    There are a lot of tracks. I have a little thought for my boyfriend Philou, now he’s happy. He who would like to go a long way Well, in my opinion, you can only come here. Sometimes I feel like I’m in a remake of the movie Solo Monde, but in a version luxury version.

    It’s incredible to be in places where the feeling of loneliness to exceptional comfort. And you like those moments when you feel Solo World all in being in perfect harmony with your environment? Come on share me as a comment the times you’ve lived that feeling, that escape where the world was yours

    Even just for a moment. Where was that? That was when? Tell me about it. Let’s make it clear that driving is good. No, but there are serious moments you don’t could be done in the savannah you see. I’ll say it again, but do you remember if you think about it

    Click, you like, you share. So I don’t really know if a day you’re going to win a full tank of gas with YouTube. I’m surprised, but if one day by any chance it could pay a full tank, not a full, yes. And then from the tyres I see it all

    I’ll have a good slope now I can us. So the more you talk the more you share better you do referencing the video better is seen here. So far I’ve already won 0. But it’s a starting point because after 0 there’s 1. So the view gives I don’t know plus it’s a few

    Cents per thousand views so good blacks so I can’t see it. I’m certainly never going to do anything but well you can tell at this point. What’s that? It’s the river It’s a river important in normal times it flows into the river Tarot the one I introduced you to earlier.

    But I’m still going to place the motorbike because there are a big dump and with the crutch after you see it’s not cool to raise it. Well, it feels a bit like a bit like a throat, that’s it, it’s got me looks a bit no a bit no. Be clear downright dry there.

    There’s my little machine. Well, many thanks to my faithful mistress for dragging me along like this. Well, everyone’s talking now. Well, I don’t know about you, but all this sunshine and this blue sky it would give me a little thirsty and I wonder if I won’t go for a beer.

    Well, it’s not like that around here. won’t happen right away. I’ll wait to find out maybe a town anyway. So there I have it, a little village that takes advantage of the horizon and so we’re going to go see if we can get a drink. Ah, you’ve seen some more grus

    Grouse and storks up there. Didn’t I already say grus of everything? on time I think. Yeah right right. So, is there going to be Hamkebi with a bar? It doesn’t look good. I’m not supposed to say anything but. There you go. So I can’t find the city centres where there’s no

    City centres at all. Let’s have a look anyway. So when I’ve gone round 10 times we’ll be fine have something that going to happen. I’m going to go left for once. I’ve got it. Seriously, how do they do it when they want to drink a people there and they

    Go to another village on time. Ah ah ah I see tarbes. Where is this good? No, but don’t push the bike. I’m going home and that’s it. Go on. It’s all right, it’s all right. And it’s going. So which way do we go to the bar? There you go. Great, look at that

    Going to be good. Well, I’m a bit better from the road but they’re not going well go there anyway. There’s no one there, we have to stop here. The winding roads that lead to this charming village made me thirsty but also adventure and I have to say that this little

    Cocoon is a good stop on my way to discovering small wonders of Spain. Well, that’s that time for a little break. I’m going to do this. Well then, little one village. And for the engine stays happy. He’s going for a drink. Then I’ll have a drink to you all. Thanks again to all

    And all those who puts little comments. Thank you very much. Berzot-Kannard. Well, listen, that’s good. That’s where I’m going. I’m telling you straight out. I love this region. It’s really riding is really nice. Oh at worst, the panorama. Oh yeah, it’s really… The great outdoors is not complicated.

    What more can be said about this day? extraordinary that I not already expressed. What fascinates me most is this unique freedom to drive for hours almost alone on the road in perfect harmony with my thoughts. Viewing the images of that day I see myself free, carefree, playful like a child and I feel

    An effervescence in me, stars in my eyes and a electrifying energy in the air. But more than just effervescence it is a flame that rekindles in that irresistible urge to chauvinize my chauval again fouillou and set off on an adventure. I love sharing these moments with you and you’re very grateful to me

    In your comments. And I thank you for that. So seriously this region is motorbike heaven. I’ve done I don’t know how many kilometres, there are no hardly anyone. So there are portions that are less than 20,000 others for sure. Well most of the time the wheels are really clean. So look at these

    Billiards to roll there but… It’s a great honour and I can say frankly the playground is big here. Well, no, it’s really great. By the way, for a fake I’m on CC 129. So then I think it’s easily found on Google Maps or something but…

    Ah but you have to lose on the way there. So he’s changing my angle with the tyres then… I’m telling you right now it’s a something wrong with this bottle. Oh dear. Oh well, it’s physical. So it’s like that now. Well then, it’s a great pleasure too the setting, the décor, the

    Temperature, the sky, the sun. But that’s not possible. Oh dear, my biker friend, well that’s just great. Well, I think I’ll get to my hotel soon. Yeah, apparently in more minutes exactly. Well, listen, I’m going to go and sit down of my old carcass in a rain puddle tonight.

    It’s going to lose some good. I’m going to be able to wash myself because jet baby it’s good eh I to do it. Well not good, not to do that either. Come on, great little village, great place am I going? Well… I don’t know. Here you go so I’ll have a look.

    Oh yeah, I’ll give you a few more little views because it’s the little typical Spanish village there. We who know Spain well Now I’ll explain. Well, a charming little village with… With a nice little square. Now I’ve turned the bike into a clothes rack. Hoping it dries out a bit because

    Well, you have to leave a bit all the same. So I’m a bit alone at the restaurant, but it doesn’t matter. I’ll start with the starter, a small glass of wine. And then there’s the restaurant, you see. I’m really all alone. But in any case I’m going to eat well and

    I’m going to enjoy myself. A dothel, meal, nice and tomorrow, here we go again. Hmm. I hope I’ve made you dream a little. with all these beautiful landscapes and especially making you want to jump too on another rummaging horse to leave to discover our regions. Because you see, adventure is not

    Necessarily at the end of the world. See you soon.


    1. Bonjour monsieur, je suis abonné depuis peu à votre chaine, et j'adhère complètement à votre vision du voyage à moto. Merci de nous faire profiter de votre bonne humeur . Votre chaine porte bien son nom, merci.

    2. Salut Yves 👋

      Mais quel plaisir tu nous procure. La vision que tu apporte de la moto, nous plonge dans le plaisir des plus fous. Il y a les images, les commentaires dignes d’un guide dévoilant tout l’historique des paysages et monuments traversés. Mais aussi la musique qui donne encore plus de chaleur. 👍

      J’ai souvent remarqué que dans ces villages Espagnol, il y a beaucoup d’habitations, parfois abandonnées, mais très peu de voiture dans les rues et encore moins de gens…parfois cela parait être fantomatique. Mais ou se cachent ils ?🤦‍♂

      Quel plaisir de se sentir seul au monde. Cela procure de la jouissance, au point de penser qu’à rouler, rouler sans s’arrêter, découvrir le pays traversé sur ces routes et découvrir ces panoramas à t’en faire péter les pupilles. Je partage ton opinion, la majorité des routes : c’est du billard.

      Je te souhaite, ainsi qu’à tes proches une bonne fin d’année et de joyeuses fêtes arrosées, mais pas trop. 🥂🥃🍾 Il faut conduire…😵‍💫
      Au plaisir de te retrouver sur des prochaines vidéos. ✌


    3. Bonjour Yves,
      Encore un magnifique film, avec des commentaires parfaits et une musique qui va bien . Un grand bravo pour ton travail de montage !
      Passe de bonnes fêtes et à la prochaine vidéo ✌

    4. Bonjour à toi et merci pour cette belle évasion une fois de plus. Je te suis depuis quelques mois ou un peu plus d’un an je ne sais plus, mais je t’avais aussi posé la question de savoir si tu ridais à plusieurs de temps en temps. Compte tenu de ton extrême liberté de faits et gestes pour créer tes vidéos et faire des montages intéressants, évidemment la solitude te le permet aisément. J’espère quand même que de temps en temps tu partages certaines sorties au moins à deux !😀. Toujours est-il que grâce à cette immense liberté de t’arrêter là où tu veux et quand tu le souhaites, tu conserves une sérénité dénuée de stress pour t’enivrer des paysages et t’ exécuter dans tes prises de vues et les choix d’angle et et de durée de ces prises. Au fil du temps tu as grandement amélioré l’ensemble de tes reportages et l’on sent que tu as acquis une plus grande assurance. Résultat, des images d’invitation à voyager, des séquences au bon format, une voix off de plus en plus précise et professionnelle, un ton chanté qui fait de toi un excellent conteur, qui donne envie tout simplement. Un seul mot, Bravo ! A bientôt. Christian en Anjou.

    5. Re bonjour Yves. Je viens de remonter tes anciennes vidéos et ai vu que tu étais allé en Thailande. C’est une de mes destinations préférées. Tu y as fait de la moto là-bas ? Je prépare mon 6ème séjour là-bas pour 2025. Nous louerons des CBX 400 et 500 pour faire le tour de Thailande sur 5 à 6 semaines. Rien qu’en le préparant j’ai l’impression d’y être déjà ! Et entre temps nous ferons 3 trips: Tour de Bretagne, Vosges/Alsace/Jura puis les Dolomites via Allemagne, Autriche, lacs italiens et traversée de la Suisse pour finir à Annecy (j’y ai habité 5 ans), où nous pourrions boire une verre ensemble ! (septembre 2024). Quels sont tes futures destinations ? Très bon Noël à toi. Christian en Anjou.

    6. Bonjour , je voulais un petit retour sur la trk 502 niveau fiabilité vu le trajet que vous avez effectué au total car je vais surement me la commander je viens d'avoir le permis . Cordialement

    7. salut je viens de decouvrir ta chaine ce n'est que du plaisirs BRAVO je suis ton road trip en espagne tu ma fait decouvrir une partie de ma region que je ne connaissais pas merci ( oui je suis natif d'espagne) et aussi anneçy ou j'y ai vecu toute mon enfance .je te souhaite de bonnes fetes de fin d'année et au plaisirs de decouvrir d'autres videos

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