Nephilim Unveiled: The True Story of Giants and Goliath
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    Embark on a riveting exploration of ancient history and biblical narratives as we delve into the captivating topic of “Nephilim Unveiled: The True Story of Giants and Goliath.” In this enlightening video, we uncover the intriguing accounts of giants and the legendary figure of Goliath.

    The Nephilim and the story of Goliath have ignited curiosity and fascination for generations, inspiring awe and contemplation. Join us as we carefully dissect the narratives surrounding these giants and seek to understand their historical and mythological significance.

    Through meticulous analysis and thoughtful exploration, we aim to shed light on the true story of giants like Goliath. Discover the lessons and insights that these narratives offer about courage, faith, and the human capacity to face overwhelming challenges.

    Whether you’re intrigued by ancient legends or seeking inspiration from stories of courage, this video offers profound wisdom that bridges the gap between historical accounts and contemporary understanding. Join us as we unveil the true story of giants and Goliath, finding empowerment in their tales.

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    The true story of the nefilim origins of the nefilim Angels Origins are distinct from those of humans they were made on different times and for different reasons however scripture indicates a portion of Satan’s Fallen Angels failed to keep their proper domain by materializing and interacting with humans in ways Angels were never meant

    To do this interaction is depicted in Genesis 6: 1-4 and it came to pass when men began to multiply in the face of the Earth and daughters were born unto them that the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair and they took them wives of all which they

    Chose and the Lord said my spirit shall not always strive with man for that he also was flesh yet his days shall be 120 years there were giants in the earth in those days and also after that when the sons of God came in unto the daughters

    Of men and they bear children to them the same became Mighty Men which were of old men of renown this refers to the unnatural progeny of the partnership between the sons of God and the daughters of men however there were individuals of distinctive size on the earth both Before and After the

    Flood these ones before the flood were notable because of the Diabolical element of their parentage they were the Mighty Men of old men of renown at first glance there is no indication of angelic or demonic involvement a passage in job on the other hand provides a better understanding God explains to job his

    Omnipotence by recounting his power over creation where was thou when I laid the foundations of the earth declare if thou Hast understanding who hath laid the measures thereof if thou knowest or who hath stretched the line upon it whereupon are the foundations thereof fastened or who laid the Cornerstone thereof when the

    Morning Stars sang together and all the sons of God shouted for Joy job 38: 4-7 the morning stars are best interpreted as angels we also know that mankind had not yet been created when God laid the foundation of the earth so the reference to sons of God is another reference to

    Angels implying that the the sons of God in Genesis 6 are also Angels the three main perspectives on the identity of the sons of gods are as follows number one they were Fallen Angels second they were powerful human rulers or third they were Godly descendants of Seth intermarrying with Wicked descendants of

    Cain the fact that the phrase sons of God always refers to angels in the Old Testament and support Genesis 6: 1-2 contrast the sons of God with man implying that these are non-human beings Genesis 6:1 says that man began to multiply and daughters were born to

    Them the Hebrew word for man is the generic term for mankind as used in Genesis 5: 1-2 the sons of God are contrasted with man thus the sons of God were distinct from man and married all Mankind’s daughters as a result the sons of God must be non-human beings of some

    Kind the context implies that the Nephilim were the resulting offspring of spirit beings and humans the nefilim or Fallen ones in Genesis 6:4 are mysterious personalities the Mighty Men Who were of old the men of renown the text does not explain how the nefilim arrived the Nephilim were on the

    Earth in those days and also afterward when the sons of God came into the daughters of man and bore children to them it simply States but why are the Neila mentioned in Genesis 6 alongside the intermarriage of the sons of God and Daughters of man it is unclear how these Mighty Men of

    Renown came about if they were not the outcome of intermarriage between Spirit beings and humans Jude likely understands Genesis 6: 1-4 to refer to the intermarriage between Spirit beings and humans Jude 6 tells of angels who did not stay within their position of authority but left their proper dwelling

    Unless Jude is referring to an unknown event he appears to be referring to the angels who left heaven to live on Earth in Genesis 6: 1-4 these arguments support the traditional view that the sons of God made it with human women and gave birth to the nefilim though this may appear strange

    To Modern years the same could be said for the entire Bible truth is Stranger Than Fiction and The World God is created as far from what we commonly believe why would they do something like this the answer is not explicitly given in the Bible these sons of God are evil Twisted

    Beings so nothing they do should surprise us in terms of a specific motivation one Theory holds that these beings were attempting to pollute the human bloodline and in order to prevent the Messiah from appearing God had promised that the Messiah would crush the head of the serpent Satan one day Genesis 3:

    8-15 then the man in his wife heard the sound of the Lord God as he was walking in the garden in the cool of the day and they hid from the Lord God Among the Trees of the garden but the Lord God called The Man

    Where are you he answered I heard you in the garden and I was afraid because I was naked so I hid and he said who told you that you were naked have you eaten from the tree that I commanded you not to eat from the man said the woman you put here

    With me she gave me some fruit from the tree and I ate it then the Lord God said to the woman what is this you have done the woman said the serpent deceived me and I ate so the Lord God said to the serpent because you have done this cursed are

    You above all livto and all wild animals you will crawl on your belly and you will eat dust all the days of your life and I will put enmity between you and the woman and between your Offspring and her hers he will crush your head and you will strike his

    Heel we can deduce why Satan sent his angels to inary with human women directly or indirectly Satan attempted to pollute Mankind’s genetic pool with satanic corruption planting something resembling a genetic pathogen in order to render humans unfit to Bear the seed of the woman the Messiah promised in Genesis 3:1

    15 the Savior could not be born of a demon-possessed mother so if Satan could succeed in infecting the entire race the deliverer could not come and Satan came close to succeeding the people had become so polluted that God decided to relaunch with Noah and his sons and imprison the

    Demons who had polluted it so they could never do do it again God’s reaction to this great wickedness my spirit shall not strive with Man Forever God did not intend for the human race to remain in this rebellious State indefinitely God will not woo us indefinitely there will come a time when

    He says no more we have no promise God would draw us some other day yet his days will will be 120 years this is interesting as the flood also happened 120 years after this announcement this violation of God’s prescribed boundaries so frustrated him that he immediately sent a flood to

    Destroy the entire Earth and all traces of these Unholy unions the neum were one of the primary reasons for the great flood in Noah’s time immediately after the mention of nefilim God’s word says the Lord saw how great man’s wickedness on the earth had become and that every inclination of the

    Thoughts of his heart was only Evil all the time the Lord was grieved that he had made man on the earth and his heart was filled with pain and the Lord said I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the Earth Earth both man and Beast and

    The creeping thing and the fowls of the air for it repenteth me that I have made them but Noah found Grace in the eyes of the Lord Genesis chapter 6: 6 States the Lord was sorry other translations use the word repent here the Hebrew word for feeling

    Sorry or repentance is nakam and it means to be in mourning to sigh deeply to say that the Lord repented is God using human language to help us understand his heart the verse implies that human sin broke God’s heart God is complete love he loves us

    And does not want anything to go wrong with us it breaks his heart when we sin and he is broken over sins when we sin Genesis 6: 11-13 the Earth also was corrupt before God and the Earth was filled with violence and God looked upon the Earth

    And behold it was corrupt for All Flesh had corrupted his way upon the Earth and God said unto Noah the end of All Flesh is come before me for the Earth is filled with violence through them and behold I will destroy them with the Earth were there nefilim after the

    Flood it appears that the Fallen Angels committed their sin again after the flood however it is likely that it occurred to a much lesser extent Than Before the Flood the Israelites returned to Moses with the following information after scouting the land of Canaan numbers 13:33 and there we saw the Giants the

    Sons of anac which come of the Giants and we were in our own sight as Grasshoppers and so we were in their sight in the Old Testament giant is most commonly referred to by the word RAF throughout the entirety of the old testament’s narrative the RAF serve as a fascinating and significant recurring

    Motif where does the Bible mention raim the rfim are first mentioned in Genesis 14 the Bible relates the political situation that led to Abraham’s nephew lot and the people of Sodom and gomorah being taken captive before that King kerle Omer conquered the rapit at ashth caram that same King also defeated the

    Zuim and the imim if we assume that the rfim along with the Zim and the emim were giants then the Bible is implying that King ker omr was a powerful King he defeated giant armies as king klom Rose to power and Consolidated Nations and lands other kings formed a confederation to oppose

    Him Sodom and gomorah were part of the Confederation after the Confederation loses in a battle against King kerly Omer and his allies their territory is raided and lot is among the captives Abraham learns about these occurrences from a Survivor Abraham gathers his people’s arms and leads them into battle where

    They join forces with other monarchs to defeat kerle OM they are successful in the end the rfim along with other large people are mentioned in Deuteronomy 2: 20- 21 that also was accounted a land of giants Giants dwelt therein in Old Time and the ammonites called them Zam zumans

    A people great and many and Tall isims but the Lord destroyed them before them and they succeeded them and dwelt in their stad Deuteronomy is a book that contains Moses final words before Joshua sends the Israelites into the promised land and Moses recounts much of Israelite history in Deuteronomy 3 there is an

    Interesting story about King OG of Bashan a giant man who was the last of the Raam the name Raam which literally means terrible ones gives us an indication of the intimidating and fearsome nature of these individuals as we delve into the passages of the Old Testament that speak

    Of the rfam we find that the context of these passages describes them as Giants and while the term Raam is often used to describe these towering figures it is important to note that the Hebrew word raim has two distinct meanings firstly in Poetic literature the word raim is used to refer to

    Departed Spirits whose dwelling place is sheld this meaning is figurative and serves as a description of the dead like our concept of a ghost secondly the word RAF is used to describe a mighty people with tall stature who lived in Canaan this meaning does not refer to a

    Specific group but rather serves as a descriptive term for a group of people with a specific characteristic in this case tall stature OG is referred to as the last of the Raf in Deuteronomy 3:1 and later in the books of numbers and Joshua in the days of Moses OG king of

    Bashan was a mighty and Infamous Amorite King who reigned at Ash torth who fought the Israelites on their way to the promised land as he the Israelites journeyed towards the promised land they encountered many formidable foes and King OG was one of them he fought fiercely against the Israelites and led

    His entire Army against them before the Israelites fought King OG they also had to deal with king sihon of the amorites but the Lord had already given him in his territory to Israel so the Israelites had the victory before even starting the battle now the king Israel had to deal

    With was King OG aashan who also sent his entire Army against Israel OG was another Amorite King who posed no threat to Israel because the Lord had already given him and his territory to Israel before he even put on his armor OG’s defeat was a foregone conclusion the Israelites

    Then marched toward Bashan where King OG confronted them at edri because of gog’s reputation the Israelites were terrified do not be afraid of him for I have delivered him into your hands along with his entire Army and his land god assured Moses according to the biblical account

    OG was the ruler of 60 different walled cities a like sihon marched out against Israel with his entire Army to fight and as in the case of sihon God had already decided to hand over the king along with his entire Army and land to Israel Israel slayed the entire forces

    And conquered all 60 cities in the Kingdom of OG which had the same tall walls as sions in addition to this OG was a very large man and slept in a bed made of iron that was 9 cubits long and 4 cubits wide 13 1/2 ft long and 6 feet

    Wide the inclusion of this detail draws attention to aug’s massive stature a man in need of this size bed was most likely tall 10 or 11 ft according to Deuteronomy 3:1 OG was a descendant of the Rapides indicating a man of great stature or giant his colossal bed had become famous

    And no doubt had been saved as a momento Joshua 12:4 and OG king of ban one of the remnant of the RF who lived at asht Toth and at edrio the news of the victory spread quickly installing fear in the hearts of those in Canaan Rahab a Jericho prostitute

    Believed the Lord had power even over that Heavenly fortified City because she and others had heard of the victory over sihon and OG Moses used the victory to encourage the Israelites as he left them in the charge of Joshua and about to enter Canaan Deuteronomy chter

    31:4 and the Lord will do to them as he did to sihon and OG the kings of the amorites and their land when he destroyed them despite King OG’s enormous size and strength God granted Israel’s Army Victory and they took possession of the land of nation Joshua 9:

    9-10 perhaps you don’t know what lies across the valley but look at that worry in comparison to the Lord God himself and say by faith the battle is yours Lord it is your battle I lean on you it is God’s love for us that causes

    Him to bring us to an end of Our Own Strength he sees our need to trust him and his love is so great that he will not let us live another day without turning over our arms to him our fears our worries even our confusion so that nothing becomes more significant to us

    Than our father never ever forget it the battle is the Lord’s God does not tremble in the presence of Giants and his children should not either OG King abasan was one of the last of this race of giants OG and his sons all died as a result of their foolish opposition to God’s

    People man as’s half tribe inherited OG’s territory David battles with the Philistines several times throughout his life and one famous place was called the valley of Raam a Place Southwest of Jerusalem in the land of Judah both the ammonites and the moabites had a word for Giants the ammonites named them zuim and

    The moabites called them imim according to the Bible the Canaanite word for Giants was the anakim and all these people groups that lived in the region of Canaan were considered to be Canaanites the anakites before the arrival of the Israelites the anim or anakites were a formidable race of giants warlike people

    Who occupied the lands of Southern Israel near heon the enum’s ancestors can be traced back to anak the son of ARB who was regarded as the greatest man among the anim at the time the name anim most likely means long necked the Hebrews believed they were descendants of the nefilim fear

    Gripped the Israelites who saw themselves as grasshoppers in their sight numbers 13:33 the 12 Israelite spies and then ailum Giants of the Promised Land as Israel reached the Jordan River Moses dispatched 12 Spies into the promised land their mission was to gather information about the land one spy from

    Each of the 12 tribes of Israel entered Canaan these individuals were given the task of conducting reconnaissance they were tasked with exploring the land of Canaan and bringing a report back to the people of the nation they were going to find out how to get to Canaan determine whether

    The area was suitable for living in and gather information on the Canaanite people’s military prowess it was a crucial juncture for the Israelite tribes at this time given all the experiences that the people have gone through in the previous months of preparation and journey at

    Last at long last it was time to claim God’s word to believe in his power to March in his name and to enter his land all 12 Spies were tribal leaders when they had gone up into the neiv the South Country they came to Hebron and Ayman Shai and teli the

    Descendants of anak were there now Hebron was built seven years before zoan in Egypt then they came to the valley of eshkol cluster of grapes and from there cut down a branch with a single cluster of grapes and They carried it on a pole between two of them with some of

    Pomegranates and the figs that place was called the valley of eshkol cluster of grapes because of the cluster of grapes which the sons of Israel cut down there when they returned from spying out the land at the end of 40 days numbers 13: 21- 25 the descendants of anoch were

    There this is the first biblical mention of these people they were significant people and thought to be fierce Warriors Deuteronomy 9:2 a people great and Tall sons of anim whom you know and of whom you have heard it said who can stand before the sons of anoch they saw the descendants of anoch

    And Amron instead of looking to the Patriarchs and the promises the spies noticed sizes of buildings and statures of persons they averted their glance from the tombs of the fathers and they neglected the promise of God they were too preoccupied with the sandal sizes of three huge men who lived in

    Hebron the Journey of Discovery lasted for a total of 40 days and covered approximately 50 mil 400 km the number of 40 whether it be 40 days or 40 years is frequently connected with trials and tribulations throughout the Bible the returning spy spoke and showed all of Israel what they saw in the

    Land the spies appeared to have the impression that they were more likely on a mission from Israel than they were on a mission from God what God had promised concerning the land turned out to be accurate the fact that they were able to bring back fruits such as grapes pomegranates and figs

    Demonstrates how agriculturally productive and blessed Canaan was if the spies Faith was tested during their 40-day tour of the country they failed they didn’t believe God could or would keep his promise to give Israel this land as stated in God’s covenant with Abraham Isaac and Jacob presumably they left in confidence with

    A spirit of divine Adventure but they returned in fear growling before men no longer fearful of God numbers 13:30 then Caleb quieted the people before Moses and said let us go up at once and take possession of it for we will certainly conquer it Caleb commanded the people to

    Immediately at once trust God obey God and take the land he understood that in the Lord they were well able to overcome it it took great courage for this man to stand against the tide of unbelief and doubt Caleb had the spirit of Romans 3:4 let God be true but every man a

    Liar numbers 13: 31-33 but the men who had gone up with him said we are not able to go up against the people of Canaan for they are too strong for us so they gave the Israelites a bad report about the land which they had spied out saying the land through which

    We went and spying it out is a land that devours its inhabitants and all the people that we saw in it are men of great stature there we saw the nefilim the sons of an are part of the nefilim and we were like grasshoppers in our own

    Sight and so we were in their sight FB Meyer compared the perspective of the 10 unbelieving spies to that of the two faithful spies Caleb and Joshua they saw the same spectacles in their survey of the land but the result in the one case was panic and the other confidence and

    Peace what what made the difference it lay in this that the 10 spies compared themselves with the Giants whilst the two compared the Giants with God remarkably two men saw the same things The Identical grapes The Identical Canaanites The Identical land and The Identical cities one Caleb came

    Away strong in faith ultimately Faith or unbelief is not rude roed in circumstances or the environment and faith is rooted in a heart that trusts God and his promises 10 fearful men can outshout to brave men all 12 Spies received the same promise all 12 Spies received the same opportunities however there were

    Differences the majority said no and two said go their sour mood p IC Outlook and negative report spread like wildfire throughout the Israelite Camp it was indeed a land flowing with milk and honey but there were giants in the land they exclaimed there is no way we can enter and possess

    It even though Joshua and Caleb made the same journey and saw the same things as the other 10 spies they returned with an enthusiastic positive report they never doubted the Israelites ability to take the land they freely admitted the obstacles but they knew nothing could stop God they

    Returned saying yes there are giants in the land but they’re munchkins in comparison to our God we can have them in the land and by the way Canaan indeed does flow with milk and honey they rebelled against God Deuteronomy 1: 26- 28 refusing to enter the land God had promised

    Them we can infer that were larger than average in size because they described themselves as grasshoppers in their eyes Moses exhorted the Israelites not to be afraid of the Anum Deuteronomy 1: 19 but they refused to believe God’s promises as a result God was enraged Deuteronomy 1: 34-39 n and barred the

    Evil generation from entering the promised land Deuteronomy 1: 34-39 and the Lord heard the voice of your words and was wroth and swear saying surely there shall not one of these men of this evil generation see that good L which I swear to give unto your

    Fathers save Caleb the son of jauna he shall see it and to to him will I give the land that he hath rotten upon and to his children because he hath wholly followed the Lord many Bible scholars believe that the yim’s descendants were the Philistine Giants that David faced such as Goliath of

    Gath were the enam the Giants who roamed in the Old Testament after 40 Years of wandering in moses’ death it was time for the Israelites forefather fathers to enter the promised land the anim on the other hand remained in the area Joshua and his army began defeating their enemies to take what was

    Theirs after many battles the anim were the last people to be destroyed the Earthly Giants could not match God’s strength Joshua’s Army overtook the Giants killing them and taking their land the only ones remained in Gaza gath and ashod finally the Israelites inherited the promised land Caleb recalls God’s faithfulness

    And his promise to the people to inherit the land a few chapters later in Joshua 14 even though he is now 85 years old he is adamant about driving out the anim himself after reviewing scripture we can see that the anim and nefil are related not interchangeable both beings were tall

    And feared by the people of the time while the Nephilim are descended from demons or Fallen Angels the enum are anak’s descendants with no Supernatural ancestry both races however were evil enough to be exterminated by God and his people Caleb and Joshua were rewarded for their faith by God he wishes to

    Bestow blessing blings on his children whatever obstacles May stand in our way God wants us to believe that he is more powerful and that we can overcome through his strength God Is Bigger than our Giants God’s power is unrivaled during the flood the nefilim were destroyed by his power anak’s

    Descendants literally fell with the walls of Jericho what happened to the rfam in Joshua the Giants make multiple reappearances throughout the book Joshua and the Israelites didn’t slay or remove all the people from Canaan which creates a cycle of idolatry and deliverance in judges it isn’t until 1 Samuel that we see Giants

    Again Goliath and his brothers the most well-known Giant in history is Goliath from the Bible he was a champion from the Philistine Camp who fought as an armored charioteer a champion named Goliath who was from gath came out of the Philistine Camp his height was six cubits and a span 1 Samuel

    17:4 we don’t know what that information means at face value because we don’t measure things in cubits or spans we measure them in feet and inches so let us put it in layman’s terms Goliath was a massive man standing at least 9 ft 9 in tall and when you consider the length

    Of his arms when he lifted them up over his head you can imagine what an imposing creature he must have been it wasn’t just his size though he had a bronze helmet on his head and wore a coat of scale armor of bronze weighing 5,000 shekels

    On his legs he wore a bronze grebs and a bronze Javelin was slung on his back his spear shaft was like a Weaver’s rod and its Iron Point weighed 600 shekels his shield Bearer went ahead of him 1 Samuel 17: 5-7 he was dressed in what we call a

    Male coat the Philistines armed up by Dawning a large canvas-like undergarment with overlapping bronze ringlets Goliath on the other hand weree a bronze helmet bronze leggings Greaves to protect his shins and carried a bronze Javelin or spear slung between his shoulders from shoulder to knee this

    Quot of male shielded the wear from the enemy’s weapons body armor of this size and type weighed 5,000 shekels of bronze which equates to between 175 than 200 lb in modern terms the head of a spear alone weighed 600 shekels of iron or about 20 to 25

    Lb according to the written account he marched ahead of him with a shield carrier the Hebrew word used here refers to the largest battles Shield which is the size of an adult man he was unmistakably intended to protect his body from incoming arrows so if in addition to his body

    Armor Goliath had this guy racing ahead of him wielding a man-sized shield for Extra Protection allow your mind to picture such an imposing sight for a moment consider how terrifying it would be to take on a giant of this size who is protected by this much armor without a doubt the odds are

    Stacked against anyone foolish enough to confront him in battle take note of what this gigantic Warrior did Goliath stood and showed it to the ranks of Israel why do you come out and line up for battle am I not a Philistine and are you not the Servants of

    Saul choose a man and have him come down to me if he is able to fight and kill me we will become your subjects but if I overcome him and kill him you will become our subjects and serve us 1 Samuel 17: 8-9 Goliath proposed a popular strategy in eastern civilization namely

    Representative combat or a one-on-one conflict he’d represent the Philistine Army while Israel’s choice would represent the Israelite Army regardless of who won his army was Victorious and whoever lost his entire Army perished there’s no reason to involve your entire Army in this just send a fighter and don’t fight him I am the

    Victor I am the best Goliath did not issue this challenge once and then disappear no his challenge lasted 40 Days for 40 days the Philistine came forward every morning and evening and took his stand 1st Samuel 17 vers 16 he marched out there every morning and evening for well over a month

    Flaunting his size and strength daring someone to challenge him meanwhile in the Judean mountains near Bethlehem a young boy named David was tending to his father’s sheep he was much too young to join the Army David was most likely unaware of the conflict between the Israelites and the

    Philistines at the time he might not have even heard of Goliath his only knowledge was that three of his older brothers were Shing in Saul’s Army on the other hand David’s father was concerned about his three eldest Sons Jesse was getting older and would probably be unable to complete the

    Journey across the mountains on his own so he called his youngest sons and told him David I need you to run an errand for me take now for your brothers and epha of this roasted grain and these 10 Loaves and run to the camp to your brothers

    Bring also these 10 cuts of cheese to the commander of their thousand and look into the welfare of your brothers and bring back news of them 1 Samuel 17: 17-18 and David Rose up early in the morning and left the sheep with a keeper and took and went as Jesse had commanded

    Him and he came to the trench as the host was going forth to the fight and shouted for the battle 1 Samuel 17: 20 then as he approaches the outskirts of the Israelite Camp he notices the troops preparing for battle and hears the war cry he simply wants to observe and see what

    Happens then David dashed to the front lines to greet his brother Brothers leaving his luggage in the care of the baggage handler David left his things with the keeper of supplies ran to the battle lines and asked his brothers how they were as he was talking with them Goliath

    The Philistine champion from gath stepped out from his lines and shed his usual Defiance and David heard it 1st Samuel 17: 22-23 consider the following scenario while standing there with his three brothers David hears a loud cry from across the valley and instantly everyone in his immediate vicinity is

    Sprinting to the back and crawling inside their tents and all the men of Israel when they saw the man fled from him and were sore afraid 1 Samuel chapter 17: 24 keep in mind that David has never seen or heard of this gath Giant’s challenge as he looks across the

    Battlefield he sees a giant of a man covered in armor shouting threats and Defiance and cursing the god of Israel and David was enraged by this remember this is the 41st day that the Israelites have faced Goliath but this is the first time it has happened to

    David then David spoke to the men who were standing by him saying what will be done for the man who kills this Philistine and takes away the reproach from Israel for who is this uncircumcised Philistine that he should taunt the armies of the Living God and the people answered him in accord with

    This word saying thus it will be done for the man who kills him 1 Samuel chapter 17: 26- 27 David then meets with King Saul David said to Saul let no one lose heart on account of this Philistine your servant will go and fight him Saul replied you are not able to go

    Out against this Philistine and fight him you are only a young man and he has been a Warrior from his youth but David said to Saul your servant has been keeping his father’s sheep when a lion a bear came and carried off a sheep from the flock I

    Went after it struck it and rescued the sheep from its mouth when it turned on me I seized it by its hair Struck it and killed it your servant has killed both The Lion and the bear this uncircumcised Philistine will be like one of them because he has defied the armies of the

    Living God the Lord who rescued me from the Paw of The Lion and the the Paw of the bear will rescue me from the hand of this Philistine Saul said to David go and the Lord be with you then Saul dressed David in his own

    Tunic he put a cat of armor on him and a bronze helmet on his head David fastened on his sword over the tunic and tried walking around because he was not used to them I cannot go in these he said to Saul because I am

    Not used to them so he took them off then he took his staff in his hand chose five smooth stones from the stream put them in the pouch of his Shepherd’s bag and with a sling in his hand approached the Philistine 1 Samuel 17: 32-40 so here’s David dressed in his

    Most basic Shepherd robes and armed with his most basic Shepherd weapons his sling and staff and ready to fight then there’s the watershed moment meanwhile the Philistine with his shield Bearer in front of him kept coming closer to David he looked David over and saw that he was little more

    Than a boy glowing with health and handsome and he despised him he said to David am I a dog that you come at me with sticks and the Philistine cursed David by his Gods come here he said and I’ll give your flesh to the birds and the wild animals David said to the

    Philistine you come against me with sword and Spear and Javelin but I come against you in the name of the Lord Almighty the god of the armies of Israel whom you have defied this day the Lord will deliver you into my hands and I’ll strike strike you down and cut off your

    Head this very day I will give the carcasses of the Philistine Army to the birds and the wild animals and the whole world will know that there was a God in Israel 1st Samuel 17: 41-46 consider the possibilities David remained unafraid in the face of this monstrous

    Beast David’s only weapons were a sling and a stone against the giant clad in 200 lb of armor as a Philistine moved closer to attack him David ran quickly toward the battle line to meet him reaching into his bag and taking out a stone he slung it and struck the Philistine on the

    Forehead the stone sank into his forehead and he fell face down on the ground so David triumphed over the Philistine with a sling and a stone without a sword in his hand he struck down the Philistine and killed him David ran and stood over him he took

    Hold of the Philistine sword and Drew it from the sheath after he killed him he cut off his head with the sword when the Philistines saw that their hero was dead they turned and ran 1 Samuel 17: 47-51 the Philistines did not return after that when they realized their Champion was no longer alive they split the scene then the men of Israel and Judah surged forward with a shout and pursued the Philistines to the entrance of gath into the gates of ekran their dead were stwn along the

    Sham road to gath and ekan when the Israelites returned from chasing the Philistines they plundered their Camp then David brought the head of the Philistine to Jerusalem David took the Philistines head and brought it to Jerusalem he put the Philistines weapons in his own tent 1 Samuel

    17:54 the biblical story of David and Goliath is one of the most well-known stories in the Bible it is a lesson in bravery faith and overcome this seemingly Impossible was gol and nefilim some scholars believe that Goliath the Gite a gath resident belonged to a race known as the nefilim other experts argue that Goliath was a raite because the Nephilim were destroyed in the great flood during Noah’s time only Noah’s family survived nearly 20 times in the Bible

    The raites are mentioned some scholars believe the Philistines descended from the inum Goliath’s Champion status is enhanced by the fact that gath was an ancient inm stronghold some scientists believe Goliath has an identifiable family tree implying autosomal dominant inheritance which causes familial acromegaly or gigantism in biblical times Goliath was a colossal

    Figure the relations of Goliath there are also other Giants mentioned in 2 Samuel 21: 15-22 and 1 Chronicles 20: 4-8 who were related to Goliath in the Bible this event occurred when David was old even a great man of God grows old as the years went on David became unable to

    Fight as he once did in this battle against the Philistines David’s life was endangered when he grew faint in battle against a descendant of Goliath 2 Samuel CH 21: 15-22 now the Philistines were War again with Israel David went down with the servants and as they fought against the

    Philistines David became weary then is by benob who was among the descendants of the giant the weight of whose spear was 300 shekels six lb of bronze was armed with a new sword and he intended to kill David but abashi the son of zeruya came to David’s Aid and struck and killed the

    Philistine then David’s men swore to him you shall not go out again with us to battle so that you do not extinguish the lamp of Israel after this there was war again with the Philistines at gob gizer at that time cachai The Hite killed saf zii was among the descendants of the

    Giant there was war with the Philistines again at Gob and elhanan the son of Jerry origam a bethleem might killed Goliath the Gite whose spear shaft was like a Weaver’s beam there was war at gathagan where there was a man of great stature who had

    Six fingers on each hand and six toes on each foot 24 in number he also was a descendant of the Giants and when he taunted and defied Israel Jonathan the son of shimi David’s brother killed him these four warriors were descended from the Giant in gath

    And they fell by the hands of David and his servants the Israelites faced the challenge of what they would do when they saw weakness in their leader since it was a weakness that could be understood David’s increasing Frailty in old age they needed to Rally around their leader and Supply what he could

    Not in his Advanced age it was time for David to retire from the field of battle his season as a warrior had passed this description of victory over Philistine Giants showed that Israel could slay Giants without David cachai El Hanan Jonathan these men accomplished heroic Deeds when David was finished with fighting

    Giants God will continue to raise up leaders when the leaders of the previous generation pass from the scene the defeat of these four giants is rightly credited to the hand of David and the Hand of his servants David had a role in this through his example his guidance and his influence

    With 24 fingers and toes six on each hand on six on each foot this described an unnamed man of great stature from gath since Goliath was from gath these were Goliath’s Sons or brothers the Philistine Warriors are also all called raites RSV or descendants of Rafa Giants nrsv

    Who are one of the pre- Israelite groups in Canaan and famous for their size the story of Goliath in the Bible attests to God’s Mighty power and great strength over his enemies even in the face of overwhelming odds the story of Goliath in the Bible teaches us that even if we are currently

    Battling big enemies and giant problems that are threatening our peace and livelihood our Almighty Creator will protect and Deliver Us from all the challenges of this life we should keep in mind that the Giants of the Bible were not 40 foot colosi who sat on houses and picked their teeth with elm

    Trees in trying times it can be difficult to make the choice to have hope it is much simpler for us to become crippled by fear and anxiety when we are confronted with very real problems for which there are few Solutions why why is it so difficult to

    Believe that God is greater than every challenge that we face it’s possible that will say something like I can see my problems but I can’t see God on most days it is difficult for me to hear God because my problems are so loud when faced with challenges of this

    Magnitude it’s easy for me to forget how great and powerful God has been in the past and will be again in the future even prophets had times when they needed to be reminded to be still and Trust in God’s plan for them what challenges are

    You up against in your life right now is there a large issue coming to attack there are times in everyone’s life when it seems like so much is going on around them that they must be under some kind of assault learning how to make God bigger than your problems is about faith or

    Trust in the Lord Proverbs 3: 5-6 trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your path straight God doesn’t save us from having difficult times it is imperative that we recognize

    That God is with us even amid trials and tribulations all

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