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    Filmed and edited by Garrett Horner
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    1. I recorded the whole stage that was shown on OLN(?). Six hours of epicness. Still have it on dvd. I remember thinking after Floyd lost all that time that it would be amazing if Floyd went on an attack . . . to take back what he lost.

    2. I agree with you Chris about the changes that came because of the doping, but prior to that several younger riders died because of using EPO indiscriminately. I remember one article which said the rider died in his sleep and his blood was like slough after the autopsy. With respect to Armstrong, I don’t condemn his drug use because most everyone was doing it. But, I do take exception to the way he treated others so badly. I looked into my video collection and found the 2006 Tour DVD entitled “Floyd Landis Hero or Villain?” Going to watch it from the start.👍

    3. I will never forget that stage – nor the one before it. Landis had bonked so hard the day before and went into the stage with a boulder on his shoulder and wanted to throw a big fat FU to the peloton and detractors. IMHO, Floyd suffered an inferiority complex, especially after he blew the stage win Lance practically handed to him the year (or two?) before. Now on his own team, he had something to prove.

      So, when Landis surged the way that he did, Bobke screaming, “This is the greatest one day stage ride ever!”

      I shouted, “It’s not possible! He’s not that good!” Also, “You (Floyd) idiot. All the first-place riders have to do a pee test.”

      It was obviously a blood boost ride, completely outside of Landis’s previous best races. When he tested positive, I all but laughed.

      My boyfriend at the time worked for Google in Dublin, and Floyd was scheduled to speak to them as part of his book tour. We argued about its merits and, though invited, I declined to go to the event. (Just flew in that morning after a long work trip anyway.) Boyfriend said it was a good speech, but Landis asked for donations to his legal fund. 🖕

      That was all I needed to know. Karma was about to have her way with Floyd.

    4. Chris was very diplomatic in saying that were other guys who were using drugs just like Floyd. Thanks for a great story Chris! You have good reason to be proud of those jerseys!

    5. Chris, can you d a video about your experience with doping? Did you? Did you not? Were you pressured? Did you know guys but kept your mouth shut? Were you tempted? Etc. There must be a hundred nuances to talk about here.

    6. Chris, how can you say that the sport is clean now when you seePeople doing 7+watts/kilo for 15-20 minutes straight on some of the climbs on this year's (2023) Tour De France?

    7. Chris Horner is STILL my favorite pro but I’m sure I’m STILL his favorite electrician…great post even though I’m two years behind! 🍻

    8. Free Ranger got it right. I feel like I'm sitting around after a ride, listening to a friend explain his latest Grand Fondo ride. Totally relatable and so much fun. Thanks Chris. Love what you're doing. I actually watch your daily analysis BEFORE the stage. I know it spoils the finish BUT on these flatter stages I love knowing what to look for, whose making the right decisions, whose making the wrong one. I love it.

    9. It has always bothered me that Floyd received a single testosterone dose the night before that stage and that was sufficient to propel him to that spectacular win. Did the one dose of T really enable him to recover SO MUCH better than any other rider?? In this case, given his disastrous performance previously in the race, it seems to me that the single dose of T had a bigger impact on his attitude and confidence than it did on his body. Or maybe it was the whisky?? LOL Its hard to fathom that the one couple of gram T dose could result in such a dramatic physical improvement in such a short time. Your thoughts????

    10. Chris……………how the heck to you remember all the details of all these races you've raced?? I can barely remember yesterdays ride.

    11. Landis: just another guy filled up with performance enhancing drugs stripped of his TdF Title.
      Horner: just another guy missing his drug test after winning the Vuelta.

    12. After this happened, when is a fantastic performance taken at face value and when is it a red flag that there is something wrong going on?

    13. It's 2023. After 18 stages of the 2023 Tour de France and It's the fastest Tour ever. Vingegaard is flying like a man possessed. So is everyone else Pogacar and the Yates brothers, etc. Is the sport still filled with dopers? Or is it clean?

    14. Love your commentary and perspective on this stage. It was definitely needed for the sport. Watching it at the time, it was an amazing spectacle and afterwards it did have the effect of forcing the sport to get more serious about trying to clean itself up. The tactics and grit on that stage were incredible despite the taint.

    15. The most epic part was his epic breakdown just the day prior to his epic stagewin. Also somewhat suspicious to perform so epicly bad one day, and then next day he is superman? No wonder he got caught.

    16. What the heck could a rider take, to blow apart a race like that, especially after the collapse the day before? That's not a "big breakfast" type of thing.

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