Season 23 – Episode 11 | 2023 X-TRIAL BORDEAUX 🇫🇷 | ROUND 2

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    Tonight’s qualification as normal taking place over two rounds but only nine sections as opposed to ten in each of the X trials so far this season that means a real quick fire second run just four sections in only three minutes coming up as always the Riders will be ranked according to penalty marks

    Accrued on the course for two infractions footing using any part of the body or leaning for the bike on the section or the floor maximum score for each section is five of failure known as a fiasco and your fim Observer tonight is Moreno Piazza on the money as always as he gives out

    Those penalty marks through these sections here in Bordeaux first man out through the round two course then will be Sandra hacker you familiar elements that those of you who tuned in for round one this evening will have already seen starting with section one and the Rhythm Section

    In five sections in round one only four sections in this second round and he finds himself 11 marks down on the qualification cut off so really this is about damage limitation as far as Sandra hacker is concerned x-trails only ever Norwegian Rider currently ninth in the world championship standings

    We’ll set hacker up missed the second round of the Season extra Vena neustad he wasn’t selected as an event rider for that one with Marco menpool coming in as a wire card Packer is tonight’s Wild Card first man out in round number two slightly different layout as you can see

    And that’s to take into account the fact that the Riders are now tighter on time pressure thank you three minutes to make four sections that’s a shorter time per section than even we usually have with uh five four sections in five sections in four minutes I should say

    Now we’ve got four sections in three minutes so we’re three quarters of a minute per section section one completed with just a single drop Mark for Sandra haggis he now makes his way into section two the wooden blocks caught out so many of our competitors in their opening runs

    Let’s see what Sandra Hager can do here’s backwards and his assistant catches the front tire it’s the first failure of the Run Lane for Sandra hacker games onto a six Mark scoring round two that’s a progressive total of 26. well like if he scores 29 more than 29.

    By the end of this run then he will already be mathematically out of contention for a top three finish and there it is so uh Sandra haggar first man eliminated here tonight back-to-back failures in sections two and three level of the sections has just proven a little bit out of his reach tonight

    That’ll be a source of frustration for Sandra haggar had a solid if I’m spectacular Seventh Place finish at extra pamplon a couple of weeks ago still riding not quite fully fit with an ankle injury six or so weeks before the visit to Navara said he was able to ride at x-trial

    Pamplona eight three some of the biggest steps still proving a little bit too tough for him to handle the brand new section four likewise that opening step catches him out so it’s a hat trick of Fiasco’s just section one going his way and it is a 16 Mark total four round two

    Moving him on to 36 marks overall that is the final time we’ll see Sandra Hagar at X trial Bordeaux and uh to be perfectly honest that likely consigns him so the basement position here tonight as well Moving On Now with uh being Kaz seventh position in the world championship

    Standings for him on 10 world championship well it’s only two points back from Fifth Place overall one of several Riders contesting fifth in the championship standings been Kaz the Frenchman on 17 marks after his opening run remember the qualification cuts off currently sits at nine and to

    Make back eight marks in only four sections will be a tough task as chases the first Podium since Bilbao 2020. the Rhythm Section for the Frenchman it’s up and running with three marks on the clock the only section that Sandra haggar made it successfully through took just a single Mark for leaning

    See whether bonobin cars can become the first man clean and then what he can do about sections two to four well there’s your drop Mark for leading so it won’t be clean in section one and he remain on target if he gets through this one he will be guaranteed

    To beat Sandra haggar tonight riders with selection decisions to be made later on in this season lineup for extra land or Olivia for example when I’ve been cast fine work on the final step there so he is through in section one that means that at very least he will

    Finish in eighth position tonight his eyes will be firmly fixed somewhat higher than that you fancy after six places at x-trail Barcelona and also Vena neustad’s seventh last time out at extra Pamplona that’s where he sits as we’ve said in the series standings 26 year old sherco rider such a great

    Record in France but tonight just not going his way it’s a failure for him in section two six marks the same as Sandra Hager at the same stage three marks ahead of Hagar though of course from round number one which is what ensures that he can’t be caught in eighth position comes into

    This second round two marks behind Daniel bear four back from Mateo gratarola those his likely targets foreign position probably about the absolute best that he could hope for and even that’s going to be a stretch relying on errors from Mateo gratarola who has been inconsistent at times it must be said

    Through the cable reels familiar section this set section five in the opening rounds Big step still to come positioning himself is going to be key here he’s not got a lot of time to play with for the final section brand new as well section four and agar failed it right on the first step so it’s gonna be out about getting this one right for Van Robin

    Cars to really keep himself in contention for a sixth place finish tonight up he goes well he’s taken him up for footing certainly there might have been a dab for leaning as well in there we’ll wait for the official score from Moreno Piazza 10 seconds to go so

    He’s not even going to get to do the initial step of section four I don’t think well he has done but he’s down for a five anyways was just a single Mark in the end in section three and Matt is what makes the difference compared to Sandra haggar

    So it will be a 12 Mark second run for bunrupting cars and that leaves him on a score of 29 marks overall seven better than Sandra haggar but he will be relying on mistakes from any Old Yeller and Mateo gratarola to try and move himself up through the

    Pecking order here is Jella bear seventh in round one tonight on 15 marks not quite as inspirational as he was in the opening round of x-trial Vena neustad remember his uh come back to the championship four years on from his debut textile Granada in 2019 he really was a revelation there’s only

    A couple of marks from making the podium and the Grand Final eventually fifth place that night in Pamplona last time out he sits sixth in the championship standings despite having missed the season opener at Barcelona wasn’t selected for that one if you’re only Fajardo there was the

    Wild Card all bats start to round two though for any Old Yeller beer first man to fail the Rhythm Section and that moves him straight on to 20 marks finished on 29 failed sections two and four if Jello bear fails sections two and four he will go behind being Caz be

    The first change to our rankings in this second round oh Jella bear getting himself into difficulties right on the first step here and I’ve taken them out there for leaning okay he’s going to drop back to have another go just wants to get himself in the right position

    To try and make this leap oh and he’s done it he has done it lands it on the sub so by my Reckoning he’ll be on at least two Marks here wait for official confirmation of that now this step has proven a challenge to all of the Riders so far tonight

    The bear is up it is another map for leaning so that’ll move him on to three any further drop marks and it will be a failure and that would be a shame having come so far in section two looking set to become the first man through it

    Failed by Sandra hacker failed by Bruno bear is throwing section two well that gives him a much better chance of successfully defending seventh position haven’t seen box now on the cable reel section three yellow bear onto an eight Mark score from two sections that moves him on to

    23 overall same score as fun I’ve been cast at the same stage he’s got a beat thing Kaz around the rest of the course that means that he’s either got to clean this one or he’s got to get through section four He’s going to take him out for footing that’s going to allow him to find some stability now charge towards the Finish annual gelabir comes through in section three but he’s dropped to Mark so he must now make it through section four in order to beat in x-trail Border tonight 24 is his

    Progressive score he’s down for an immediate failure at the start of section four that’ll move him on to a total for this run of 14 so he will tie with fun Rock being cars but serving cars has better score in the second round and fun Robin cars moves in front

    Of Anil jellybear now and into seventh position gelabear slips down into eight Foreign [Applause] but the first three men have completed their round two runs and Sandra hacker first man out finishes on a 36 Mark score he remains rooted to the bottom of the pile in ninth position but the first change sees LeapFrog anio Jella bear into seventh

    And the man both of them are hoping to catch up too after round two this evening is Mateo gratarola it has been a miserable start to this season for Mateo gratarola ninth and last at x-trial Barcelona and also extra Pamplona only beat the Wild Card Marco memport extra Alvina neustad every

    Chance though that he could make some progress tonight finally get the kind of result that we know he’s capable of riding tonight on board the new vertigo nitro rsr with which he won the opening round of the Italian Championship until mezzo last weekend admittedly with all due respect to

    Somewhat inferior level of competition but ratarola posted just one mark in that Italian Championship round 23 cleans from possible 24 and an important confidence boost as he makes his world championship debut now on new Machinery single drop Mark in this Rhythm Section thus farola made a strong start in the

    Opening round he’s made a strong start in round two as well one mark in section one moving on to a progressive total of 14. so what 29 is now the maximum score he could finish on with three more failures if he gets through any of the remaining three sections Matteo gratarola will be

    Assured of at least defending sixth place flies up on the first step of section two going confidently about his business the Italian veteran 20x trial appearances under his belt five different manufacturers but it’s uh with vertigo so far that you struggled the most he’s got away with it

    Looking set to become the best of anyone through there and that ensures Mateo gratarola at the very least what takes sixth position an extra Bordeaux tonight and that’ll be a season’s best result 16 marks now his Progressive score how about a Chase for a Podium position

    Well he was four marks back from the qualification cut off coming into round two I suspect he’ll need to get through all four sections and I don’t think he’s gonna have time to even think about section four three minutes for four sections three quarters of a minute per section

    Just a little bit too tight isn’t it putting the back tire in position had the look over his left shoulder there check on the positioning section three completed successfully by Bruno Mars and Daniela bear just over 30 seconds to go from a telegrapher big leap this one he hasn’t

    Made it at the first attempt and gratarola has jumped out of the side of the section he could have tried to roll back and make that step again I would have been tempted to do that but uh ratarola gives it up as a bad job and unfortunately for him I don’t think he’s

    Gonna have time to do section four either so it will be back to back the Astros I think that scotches any shots of him making it through to the Grand Final tonight but he assures himself of at least sixth position could be more if any of the other Riders around him in

    The standings he’s made Garrett’s now he’ll be a little bit disappointed in particular I think with section three Natalia from starting round one strong starting round two both rounds then went away from him somewhat but he’s a whole block poster to the ground final of Podium positions tonight and he has been

    At any other stage in 2023 this will be a season’s best result off at sixth position at least he will double his world championship title so grata roller then position on 26 marks now Marseilles made two grand finals in the opening three rounds of this 2023 campaign he sits third in the

    Championship standings but his closest rival Adam Ragga is outside of the qualification positions as they stand and so is he and I’ll say you one mark back from Raga and Martin it is going to be another close battle for the podium places at x-trail Bordeaux tonight it’s been closer out this season

    Were tied after two rounds in the opening two events of 2023 Marseille was brilliant in round two last time out of extra Pamplona saw him comfortably through to the Grand finally there’s a clean second run not for me a clean second run for him tonight first drop mark

    Of round two for Gabriel Marcy moving him on to 11. all must say you can do here is try and Salvage as many marks as possible put pressure on ragger and Martin and hope that both of them make errors that move him back into the top three wow straightforward lands it on the

    Front wheel excellent ride in the end from Gabriel Marseille and you’ll likely see that as a mark dropped rather than anything else everyone else’s best result was a single Mark as well Hagar being Castor roller all with one mark three there five in that opening section for aniel gel a bit

    And I’ll see you now on to an 11 month score step to start off with in section two and he lands it nicely it will be a single Mark for leaning he’s got to drag that sump across into position to avoid taking any further marks if the Observer sees daylight between

    The sump and the section then if the sump does drop back down that would be an additional Mark but you’ve got a few millimeters to play with say you’re using all of those not quite as elegant through the wooden blocks this time around that will be a second drop Mark for leaning

    It’s so far so good for Gabriel Marseille the key will be section three again I don’t think he’s gonna get time to tackle section four [Applause] oh and down he goes down goes Gabriel Marseille in section two and I think that could spell the end of his hopes of

    Qualification to the Grand Final today in fact not only that he risks losing fifth position to Matteo gratarola two failures in the final two sections and uh ratarola would move above him into P5 so marseille’s got to get through one of the remaining two and I think he’s only

    Gonna get a shot at one of them so it’s make or break now in section three the cable reels for Gabriel Marseille what’s been an excellent season for him so far could unravel at the halfway mark in 2023 four of seven x-trail Bordeaux steps still to come 15 seconds on the

    Clock safe really couldn’t afford that Fiasco last time out in section two he certainly can’t afford another here in section three up he goes Gabriel Marseille is through in section three and that’s game over in terms of round two it will be a failure in section four on time

    Confirmation then of the results for Gabriel Marseille it is an 11 Mark for round two score by getting through section three and he beats Mateo gratarola but that’s about all he can be assured of until he’s seen what Adam racker and Toby Martin do next important clean that in section three

    First man clean through there 21 marks score to beat for Adam ragger two remaining contention really for those Grand Final places tonight really needs to beat Gabriel Marseille they are close rivals in the championship ragger Trails by Marcy by 10 in the series standings overall worst start to a championship per season for Adam ragger in a decade

    Spoke earlier on tonight about 2013 when he finished seventh at the season open up I think that was in Sheffield if I remember correctly and Raga only scored 28 points from the first three rounds That season he scored 30 from the opening three rounds this season but it’s so competitive now at

    The head of the field ragger Trails Marseille busto and Bo in the championship standings and Raga working very very hard there to try and keep his balance without taking any marks he gets the landing right first Rider to pull that off Alan racket could be looking at a clean here in section one

    That would be tough to match Martin is going to be raga’s principal concern at the moment I think 11 Mark second run from Gabriel Marseille far from inspiring America gets himself into position lines himself up and is through first man clean in the Rhythm Section America remains on night

    21 the finishing total of Gabriel Marseille that is the target here another clean for rag up and he was he really assured of fourth place still be assured of that fourth place but it’s not fourth place he’ll be worrying about he wants to return to the podium fourth place at extra Barcelona

    Fourth Electra Pamplona Veteran’s gonna need to work very hard to maintain his run of consecutive fin x-trail medals that stretches back two decades rather them with some good work in section two it could be as early as this one that he ensures he will make up some of

    That ground at very least to Gabriel Marseille in the championship standings takes a single Mark for leaning on that final step but he is true in section two and onto a score of 10 even two failures now would leave him a mark clear of Gabriel Marseille and that 10 point

    Deficit to the bronze medal position in the world championship standings will shrink an extra Bordeaux tonight so plenty to be pleased about already for Adam ragger two failures in round one for Gabriel Marseille compared to only one faraga in his opening run made the difference between them there

    I’ll say you failed sections two and four Ragga has made it through both of the opening sections 30 seconds on the clock so he’s not going to get through section four he’s got a decent amount of time here for section three use it that cable real to position himself

    Cracker will be well aware this real Target is to beat Toby Martin and Martin is gonna need a quite astonishing ride to beat Adam Raga in round two because that is another clean for Ragga he remains on one he’s out of time to have a go at section four

    And he didn’t look too worried about that either did he so it will be a five in section four officially For Adam ragger on time and that gives him a six Mark run and a 15 Mark combined total that means that Toby Martin has got to do better than that that is

    Gonna be a really tough ask better performance in section in round two would split them if they are tied and ragher of course will have the upper hand on that with the earlier starting position so it is crucial now but Toby Martin drops a maximum of five marks in

    His second run to qualify for the Grand Final no time recorded or rep ragger having failed protection four can’t imagine that Toby Martin will be too optimistic of uh getting through section four nobody’s even started it those that have failed to further step so he’ll need to be playing three

    Sections in a row Toby Martin That’s likely what he’s going to be chasing here to get through to the Grand Final to match his Podium exploits from shallows your son last season it was such a brilliant first round for him on that occasion was another great

    First round for him tonight can you do the job inspection too really needs a hat trick of cleans and this section has already caught out four riders for a single dab one man for a failure and he’ll gel a bit Adam ragger the ugly man thus far through clean this could be the

    Biggest stumbling block for Toby Martin and there it is first drop Mark for leading so Martin now needs to get through all four sections frankly in round two otherwise ragger looks likely to move above him in the pecking order even a fourth position would be a highly highly

    Creditable result as far as Toby Martin is concerned that isn’t certain either of course well hope to minimize the deficit Adam ragat in the championship on the exit of sectional one the fact that we’re talking about a sting on Mark as to about bad result for

    Martin really just goes to show what a great performance it’s been from him tonight montessor mounted uh ride up 22 year old from Great Britain section two confident starts we’ll slip back onto the sump there let’s set drop Mark for leaning that moves him on to two

    And 11 marks overall so as I said previously he has got to get through all four sections now in order to have a hope of beating Adam ragher and I don’t think he’s going to manage that so he’ll want to settle down up he goes oh almost flips back

    That’s gonna move him onto two at very least I think he was lucky not to end up on three there actually that’s what there might have been a bit of daylight for the sump before we land that could easily have been a third Mark for leaning again

    So Martin getting a little bit of leniency in section two but he is two marks for him there moves him on to a score of three for round two and twelve on the combined totals three marks still ahead of Adam Raga but with only a minute and two sections ahead of him

    So it’s gonna be about fighting off Gabriel Marseille now for Toby Martin nine marks ahead of Marseille you remember he gets through this section three he will be assured at least fourth position and it could be more if either bow or busto make errors 30 seconds down Toby Martin on the turn Defending fifth position in the world championship standings looking set to open a bit of daylight to Annie Old Yeller and Benoit binkaz oh well back from him in terms of performance and points tonight Martin is through in section three a great ride from him he’s not going to make it to section four

    But what a ride in section three to ensure that he takes at least fourth position here tonight Eight marks will be his finishing total in round two he’s two marks worse than ragger so he slips the fourth in the standings but that is no disgrace at all fine ride from him once again ragher just proving a little too strong but much better than him in section one one

    Mark better than him in section two Raga had the advantage in terms of starting order as well in the case of tie break because everyone’s failed section four thus fast so your new leaderboard Adam ragger 15 Toby Martin 17 either side of the provisional qualification cut off Raga

    Third Martin fourth fifth place for Marseille 21. so ragger through to today’s Brown final he can be certain of that now and Marseille would rely on utter collapse from both vote and busto seems unlikely Ragga then will bridge at least some of that Gap Tony boat marks on his second run five

    Marks his Score first time out a single failure one of three Riders who failed one section in round one Raga Martin and now Beau three men failed two sections Anil gelabamateo graterola and Gabriel Marcy that’s the first drop Mark of the run for Tony Beau Adam raggers cleaned through this

    Section one looking all the more impressive after that from Bo ragger the only man clean through this one remember World Championship bonus points is up for grabs as well Beau would have to perform something very very special to get through section four well it’s not entirely out of the question is

    It all of the Miracles that we’ve seen from bow down the years he’s straight into section two wasting no time Adam Ragga the best of anyone through here dropped a single Mark Tony Beau thus far is clean perfect on the first step had a bit of a marching in hand

    That step could have almost been taller technical effort remote achieve that for the plum as well still clean one more step to come he’s raced through this one backs a bit of time Tony vopat’s already thinking about the bonus point in the second round he is clean in section two

    So wastes a mark to Ragga in the opener but makes up for it there six marks now Bo’s Progressive title so we’re even two failures from here he would remaking above Toby Martin that confirms his place in today’s Brown final and inside the podium positions that was just about seeding order for

    The Grand Final and that world championship bonus Just over a minute on the clock more in hand than anyone else has had at this stage Tony boat is still gonna have a minute to get to the final section have a go at it another strong ride from him in section three this is why he really has

    Been a plus apart for so many years it was a decade undefeated uh in World Championship rankings section 4 for Tony boat 40 seconds on the clock big step to start us off got long to try and tackle it bow is up he’s on the sub but he’s up

    Now what can he do about the rest of this section has he got time 20 seconds now Carlos banetta his assistant former Miner tatakisa fujinami telling him exactly what he’s got this is brilliant from Tony Beau absolutely outstanding in section four from Tony ho the first man to tackle it

    The first man to complete it a two marked second run Mo not only books his place in today’s Grand Final but puts himself in the driving seat but his first bonus point of the night match that Jaime buster and Royal about 10 marks up on Toby Martin’s finishing total from nine sections

    Looks a little bit of ghast about that to be perfectly honest but to take nothing away from him it was a fine ride from him this evening over the two rounds even if he looks set to fall too much short of Adam ragger miss out on a place

    In the Grand Final that’s unless it all goes wrong of course for Jaime bus stop your winner in round one tonight second in the championship standings a gap that stood at 12 to Tony Beau coming into tonight reduced to 11. for him to reduce it further he will need to either beat

    That two Mark score or match the two Mark score and beat Tony Beau on time that is a difficult task indeed there’s no setting about it no no drop to Mark in section one remember early opportunity then for bestow to make the difference section four is going to be the key how

    Much time can bus those save for that one nobody else had got through the first three sections as quickly as Tony Bowen with enough time in hand to have a go at section four Gusto with no great sweat in section one second man clean through there Adam racket the first

    Finished his run on six marks first man to book his place in today’s Grand Final on 15. Tony Beau on a combined score of seven I remember stay still on just one and up he goes to remain clean for his second run thus far section two

    All the while the Menace of section four the hangover bus time I want this world championship bonus point he needs every point he can get if he’s to genuinely be a contender for that gold here he goes I never stuck complete section two it’s back-to-back cleans I

    Was on a single Mark at the same stage Had a minute left on the clock when he made his way through the exit gate at the end of this one the stove the same or better could be a mark better off going into that section four if he can keep his nose clean through the penultimate section in round two

    When you should have his place in the Grand Final even two failures he couldn’t be caught by Toby Martin so Martin will be eliminated tonight in fourth place Tony bow he needs to get through this section with just a single Mark and that will be good enough beat Tony Bowen round two take another world championship point oh but he’s down fight me must go down in section four the opening step Crews just a

    Little bit too high and the grill is on his face underlined just how close he was close to making it up there honey I’ll chill a bit but no I’ve been cars all beaten by Martin tonight so an important result as far as Toby Martin was concerned and as far as the Big

    World Championship picture Tony Beau takes his first bonus point of the night that’s one a piece now Jaime Buster the winner of round one Tony Beau the winner of round two um the championship gap of 12 points between both and closest rival busto is restored to 12. Gabrielle marseille’s elimination before

    The Grand Final his poorest result of this 2023 campaign thus far in fifth position means he slips further away not only from Jaime but Stoke but also from the championship leader Tony Beau and it does now look like a yet horse race for gold a battle for third a separate fight for

    Fifth overall there’s confirmation of your results your three qualifiers Jaime busto Tony Bowen Adam ragger Toby Martin best of the rest his season’s best results season’s poorest result for Gabriel Marseille best for material graterola in sixth position being Kaz gella bear and haggar the liver in particular will be disappointed with that


    1. I wish some Yankees were competing! Toni is just too cool under pressure, but Busto is showing that Basque strength. I can't wait for next year – I'll have to cross the pond and go to one of the events in 2024🤩

    2. Glad Jaime is finding the consistency and showing his true capability. At this point I'm not sure if Toni is under pressure from the young guns or is just playing cat and mouse with them 😅

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