🎁🌟🎄Hoy vamos a dar un precioso paseo por la Alsacia, concretamente por el pueblo de Eguisheim que se viste con sus galas más navideñas para impresionar a todos los visitantes!
    Alsacia es una región de Francia que esta compuesta por pueblos que celebran la navidad por todo lo alto, y nosotros haremos una ruta por sus pueblos más emblemáticos como: Eguishem, Turckheim, Colmar, Kaysersberg y Estrasburgo.
    Cada uno de ellos es diferente y alberga paisajes que te sorprenderán. Hacer la ruta de la Alsacia por Navidad es una forma de vivir la magia de estas fechas en todo su esplendor!


    Hello everyone! Welcome to Eguisheim, a charming town located in the Alsace region of France! Today we will take a magical walk through these streets, which transform during the Christmas season! This town is fully decorated with festive lights and Christmas ornaments, creating a warm and welcoming atmosphere.

    The traditional architecture of the town is enhanced by the lights, creating an enchanting scene for our eyes. Here they offer us mulled wine and the typical Alsatian Bretzels! In the Alsace region we find a route of towns that celebrate Christmas very intensely.

    On our channel, you can walk through all these famous towns that we will publish one by one! Eguisheim has a rich history dating back to the Middle Ages. The town has retained its medieval appearance with cobbled streets, brightly colored houses and traditional architecture. Oysters are sold here, a very typical delicacy in France!

    They sell gingerbread here, it’s sweet and very good! The center of Eguisheim is characterized by circular streets that expand from the castle in the center of the town. But don’t worry, even if you spin around a lot, you won’t get dizzy! Hello!

    This is a very small town that can be easily seen in about three hours. Although its many restaurants and markets invite you to stay and enjoy the whole morning. By the way, did you know that if you subscribe and activate the bell, YouTube will notify you when we publish a new video?

    I thought it was open but it wasn’t possible! Let’s go back! Eguisheim is especially charming during December nights. The town is all illuminated and gives you a magical atmosphere. You can give a little of your Christmas spirit by sharing this video with the people you love most! ❤

    All these people want to take a photo for Instagram of the most famous point in Eguisheim. Eguisheim has its roots in medieval times and was founded in the 8th century. Now we will see the change of the facades of these houses over time. XV century. XVII century.

    19th and 20th centuries. If you look here, they covered the wood and currently, they have recovered the original medieval aesthetics. The town is said to have been founded by Eberhard, a nobleman at Charlemagne’s court. The Eguisheim-Habsburg family, whose most famous member was Albert II of Habsburg, was born in Eguisheim.

    This family played a significant role in the political and noble history of Europe. Albert II of Habsburg married Elizabeth of Wittelsbach and was the father of Rudolf I of Germany, who later became Holy Roman Emperor.

    The region of Alsace, in which Eguisheim is located, changed hands between France and Germany several times throughout history. It has been recognized as one of the most beautiful villages in France “(Les Plus Beaux Villages de France)”, a title that highlights the authenticity and attractiveness of these places.

    It seems like the town is made of candy and that we can eat its walls, as if it were the story of Hansel and Gretel! 🙂 This region is also very well known for its good wines.

    Alsace produces mainly white wines, both dry and sweet, and they are often made from aromatic grape varieties. Now we will see what the interior distribution of these houses was like in ancient times.

    If you don’t know what to give this Christmas, I recommend giving a like, which goes very well! 🙂 Merry christmas! ❤ At Christmas markets it is very typical to find hot drinks. Here they sell: wine, beer, juice, chocolate… Everything hot! This is the largest church in the town.

    Maybe it is not the prettiest, but it is the one with the most capacity. You may have already noticed that when we leave the main streets, the town looks less decorated and more authentic. Look what relics! Which one do you like the most? They are medieval houses, but they sure live in luxury!

    Is there anyone who offers to renovate this house? This region is very famous and has had a very strong tourism boom thanks to social networks. It’s so full of detail that it’s always easy to see something new and interesting! Since this town is small, it’s time to say goodbye.

    Now we are going to visit the next Christmas town on the Alasacia route that you can see on our channel! We’ll wait for you there and send you a big hug! Thanks for joining us! 🙂


    1. WALKING EYE, поздравляю с наступающим Рождеством и Новым годом ! Желаю процветания каналу, новых увлекательных путешествий. Благополучия, добра и мира ! Пусть ваши сердца будут полны любви! я из России и с большим интересом смотрю ваши видео. Иногда слышу русскую речь. В ролике о Порту музыкант, играющий на саксофоне, был русский. Он играл русскую музыку, было приятно. Спасибо вам за вашу работу. Ждем новых роликов.🎄⛄💖

    2. Hola chicos. Que bonito, es como vivir en un cuento. Parece mentira q en estos tiempos moderns aun existan pueblos q mantengan su esencia. Un vídeo hecho con gusto como los q voy viendo. Espero el siguiente, y como siempre recibid un fuerte abrazo🤗 🥰😘

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