Hold your breath as we unravel the groundbreaking revelation that Scientists Just Announced a New Discovery That Will Leave You Speechless. In this video, we delve into the realms of cutting-edge research and unveil a discovery that challenges the very fabric of our understanding. From mind-bending theories to awe-inspiring phenomena, join us as we explore the extraordinary findings that promise to reshape the way we perceive the world around us, leaving you astounded and eager to delve deeper into the mysteries that science continues to unravel.

    #brightside #brightsideglobal

    0:01 Newly discovered Mayan city
    09:00 The code of the Mayan calendar has been cracked
    25:52 Scientists drained Niagara falls and made a shocking discovery
    34:15 The Philosopher’s Stone could be real

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    Researchers have found almost 1,000 previously hidden Maya settlements in the tropical lowlands of what is now northern Guatemala they did it with lidar light detection and ranging lasers which they used to scan areas from the air the region we’re talking about is pretty vast all those structures and

    Buildings they saw over there stretch across about 650 square miles and these spots were supposedly occupied thousands of years ago it seems all these structures were pretty densely packed so people lived close to each other they had at least 417 ancient Villages towns and cities where they could identify boundaries these structures and

    Buildings were actually a part of a state that looked like a kingdom some of these settlements were built as Sports courts Civic ceremonial and religious centers and residential homes there were also massive palaces platforms dams pyramids and causeways across that area people who lived there also had reservoirs where they collected

    Water so they needed the power to organize thousands of Specialists and workers and they also needed many skilled people to build such structures without the Technologies we have today they needed lime producers Architects mortar and Quarry Specialists lithic technicians those who took care of legal enforcement and other important roles to

    Establish the true imunity this cool laser scanning system researchers used while exploring this area can even penetrate very dense ecosystems and vegetation the light bounces off different surfaces and then creates a digitally reconstructed map this map is based on how much time it takes for the pulses to get back to a

    Receiver so with this laser system they discovered they were also lowlands for agriculture so why exactly did the as settle in this region it was a specific area plus it was hard to build such an amazing Kingdom in a tropical rainforest climate back in the old times ancient

    Peoples had mostly inhabited areas in drier climates over there they would build water resources which were some sort of the basis of society and a source of Life an example of this is Tio taakan of Highland Mexico although they did have a couple of navigable Rivers they could use for transport and trade

    But these rainforest areas had their advantages too the Maya used natural resources like Limestone which was their primary building material salt and the volcanic rock obsidian which they used for different tools also they managed to find enough dry land to live and build homes there the lowlands were seasonal

    Swamps called bajos and they were perfect for agriculture because of the fertile soil generally the Maya built settlements that could endure rainy periods too they were ready for different circumstances including flood and drought which is something you could see in how they built houses their architecture was also one piece of

    Evidence that showed their Community was like a centralized Kingdom like state which shows they stuck together through tough times the Mayan empire was very powerful and it reached its peak about the 6th Century CE they were excellent at Pottery agriculture writing mathematics and calendars they were the ones who created complex calendar

    Systems such as the calendar round which is based on 365 days although some believe the Mayan calendar predicted December 21st 2012 would be the end of the world it was just a coincidence with the end of a certain full cycle they would call it the Long Count calendar and it lasts 5,125

    Years the Mayan people left left behind an impressive amount of astonishing architecture and symbolic artwork most of their Stone cities ended up abandoned by 900 CE no one still knows why the Mayan civilization in that area collapsed although there are some theories some think that by the 9th

    Century these people had exhausted the resources around them to the point that they could no longer feed and sustain such a big population others believe some city states didn’t get along that well so they broke down the traditional system of power they used to have some

    Say it was all because of a very long period of drought it could be a combination of all these factors though but one Mayan city located on an island even survived until the 17th century it was long after the rest of the Mayan civilizations had been destroyed or abandoned if you’re a

    Traveler you might know the town by its modern name Flores scientists believe believe about 2,000 people lived there the earliest Maya people were farmers they cultivated crops like beans squash corn and cassava as they had many interesting ingredients they created hundreds of cool recipes many of those

    Are still present even today for example in modern Mexican cooking and especially popular are papayas cacao avocados squash pineapples Chili Peppers beans and so on even though the Maya mostly practiced a kind of primitive type of slash and burn agriculture there is also evidence of them using some more

    Advanced farming methods like terracing and irrigation and they were big chocolate lovers more than 3500 years ago the MX of meso Amica probably turned out to be the first to realize that it takes some work for us to get such a cool thing as chocolate but the Maya were the ones who

    Turned it into a true form of art scientists found out about it when they found cacao in Mayan Pottery their chocolate would be mixed with honey water cornmeal and Chili Peppers that’s how you get a spicy Savory hot chocolate beverage you can try even today in Mexico and Central

    America also they used written language in their books their paper was made from fig tree bark and using strips of that paper they created a large library of books books made of this material are called codices and four of these can still be found today sadly many books

    Were lost over time because of the humid climate or some human factors the classic Maya built a bunch of palaces and temples that had a stepped pyramid shape they decorated them with inscriptions and reliefs which have earned them the reputation of being incredible artists of meso America

    For the Mayans flat foreheads were the most desirable thing on someone’s face they were generally really into Aesthetics and having a flat forehead was one of the main things where you could meet their highest aesthetic standard they also likeed to Glam up their looks with makeup and clothing

    Also the Mayans were Master tattoo artists actually they were one of the first civilizations that started doing such forms of body art they had a rich culture and believe in many things such as fairies many civilizations across the globe believed in these mythical creatures which had different names everywhere the Mayans

    Called those creatures alexas they would make sculptures of alexes from wood or clay take them to the forest and hide in some secret spots the Maya believed these sculptures would come to life during the night and take the role of Guardians of their land animals and crops the Zaya believed caves were

    Entrances that led to the underworld you can even visit some of these caves if you like for example you can explore the jungles of Quintana Ru and Yucatan near Cancun there are many spots where researchers found artifacts the Mayans had left behind they were one of the first

    Cultures that learned how to use rubber latex and make for example rubber balls for the many interesting games they had they used natur natural latex and then probably mixed it with some other natural substances that’s how they came up with the bouncy balls they played with they also built cool Steam Baths

    The Maya had structures made from Stone that looked like something we know today as bathtubs plus they were building heated stone structures we know as sweat houses researchers found these in El Salvador and Guatemala and they were previously hidden under volcanic ash can you tell me what date it is today

    Piece of cake you just look at your smartphone and voila you immediately know the day month and year but was it always this easy to tell the date did the ancient people even have the concept of a year that lasts 365 days yes and no Mayan calendars had Cycles that’s close

    To what we call a year but the Mayan cycle was much longer 819 days and this is where the Mystery Begins 8/19 days compared to what when does this calendar begin and when does it end scientists were asking themselves this question for decades they discovered and deciphered the Mayan calendar during the

    1940s recently two American scientists John Linden and Victoria Bricker came forward with a solution so what did they do differently from their predecessors the duo deciphered The Code by broadening their thinking they expanded the calendar from 8/19 days to full 45 years that’s 20 times longer than the original

    Cycle and a pattern started to emerge this was a major breakthrough because the Maya told time in a complicated way you can forget about the easyto read Arabic numerals we have today these ancient people used glyphs these are tiny images that represent characters something like the icons on your desktop

    Or Universal symbols when you see a little dot with three curved lines above it you know there is a wi-fi network available the Mayan calendar used glyphs that represented animals or natural phenomena for example there were symbols for a jaguar and an eagle each glyph Marked One Day each cycle is repeated

    Four times 819 X4 let’s call these four Cycles blocks the masas colored each block differently scientists thought these colors corresponded to the four cardinal directions red was East White North West was black and finally yellow marked South but then the 1980s came yeah this was a weird decade the

    Calculations were all wrong researchers determined that the colors were associated with the position of the sun in the sky it turned out that the color yellow represented the highest point of the sun which is called a Zenith white was the lowest point called the Nader it seems that the calendar showed

    Just how good the ancient Mayas were at astronomy this is most evident at chichin this principle Mayan city is located on the Yucatan Peninsula Mexico there stands an impressive step pyramid it is dedicated to The Feathered Serpent deity and its alignment is perfect something marvelous happens here twice a

    Year during the equinoxes March and September these are the times when the sun shines directly over the equator on these two dates the day and night last the same at the sight of the pyramid sunlight first illuminates the sculpture of the serpent head at the base of the

    Structure then it makes its way up the 91 steps this creates the illusion that a snake is Slithering down the pyramid even today day people gathered to witness the sight and it must have been more impressive when the Mayas completed the structure 1050 1300 Ce do you know what a Sonic period is

    Neither do I but Myan astronomers did a Sonic period is the time that passes before a stellar body does a full lap for example this is the period between two full moons when you look from Earth this period lasts roughly 30 days and the Mayas were looking at the

    Skies Non-Stop they carefully noted the CTIC periods of all planets from Venus to Saturn these ancient astronomers kept records of nearly all celestial bodies but what does this have to do with their calendar the American researchers calculations revealed the link let’s take the planet closest to the Sun as an

    Example Mercury its synotic period is 117 days multiply that by seven and you get which number exactly 8 to 19 117 X7 equal sin 8119 coincidence definitely not because Sonic periods of other planets also neatly match the magical figure 8/19 but this is not visible from a single Mayan cycle scientists had to

    Expand it several times to discover the pattern there is a reason why no one could decipher the code for so long they were focused on a single planet the trick was to add the Mayan calculation for all the planets researchers just needed to see the bigger

    Picture this brings us to the year 2012 can you remember that some people thought that the world would end on December 21st that turned out to be a bust we are alive and well now but what started this false rumor the Mayan calendar of course you see these ancient people based their

    Calendar on long periods of all the planets that included a lot of complicated math and a lot of multiplying this 2012 was simply the time when their cycle ended it is known as The Long Count this period is the same as our year for the Maya as 2012

    Was something like the 31st of December for us just an end of a cycle in which they measured time so there was no need to panic those New Year’s Eve parties might be a bit wild but the world doesn’t end on January 1st the Maya stretched more than their

    Calendar rubber was the name of the game yes you’ve heard it correctly these ancient people were making different grades of rubber 3,000 years before one famous American did Charles Goodyear they would extract natural latex from the rubber tree this is a milky substance that can be turned into Rubber

    And they weren’t the only ones scientists found evidence that their neighbors the Aztecs and the MCHS did the same but what did they do with rubber they didn’t need car tires definitely but it’s cool to have a nice pair of sandals for the beach the Spanish wrote about rubber so Footwear

    That natives wore sadly scientists still haven’t found them that would be a big step for archaeology so the Maya were playful with rubber literally researchers guessed that they produced balls from latex these were bouncy and ranged in size from a softball to a soccer ball a typical Mayan ball game

    Pits involve two Hoops you must be thinking basketball but not quite the Hoops were set on walls 23 ft High compare that to the NBA standard of 10 ft and the hoop was the other way around there is also a sweet side to the story of the Mayas these ancient people

    In enjoyed chocolate in fact the modern word chocolate probably comes from their language soat this meant Bitter Water okay you get the bitter part but why water the Mayas didn’t produce chocolate in the form we know it today they didn’t make bars of chocolate they drank it smashed cocoa beans made for excellent

    Drinks the Maya perfected the mixture over time and even added spices anyone up for a fiery chocolate drink with stew peppers and cornmeal who knows maybe this beverage actually tasted well cocoa beans were sacred and used as a currency researchers believe all social classes got to enjoy it free chocolate for all

    Sounds nice even today but where did the Mayas get clean water for their cocoa drinks from the oldest known filtration system in the Western Hemisphere it was based on zeolite these are minerals that contain aluminum and silicone compounds and guess what modern air and water purifiers still use this material Mayan

    Tech wins yet again back in Europe Roger Bacon developed a sand filtration system in 1627 some 1,800 years after the Mayas but what about regions without rivers lakes or Springs Mayan Engineers had it all figured out rainwater they would carve out large reservoirs in the Limestone Bedrock then they would coat

    These underground caves with a layer of a watertight material the final step was to make small channels that collected water from the hills above scientists estimated that just one of these reservoirs could hold on average 10,000 gallons of rainwater enough to fill 55 modern hot tubs so imagine your 15 and

    You get bored of playing video games instead to pass the time you decide to give some attention to an old hobby of yours tracking down lost Mayan cities you’ve heard that some ancient civilizations are said to have built entire cities based on constellations so you decide to check out whether that was

    True for the Mayes you find a book containing all the constellations the Mayan civilization believed to exist you open good old Google Maps and map every ancient Mayan city discovered a DAT you start seeing that this information actually matches and truly the biggest ancient Mayan cities correspond to the

    Brightest and biggest stars of the Mayan constellations okay this is getting interesting you managed to map out over 100 ancient cities when you suddenly notice something strange there’s an area in the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico where archaeologists have onar two Mayan cities but on the constellation map there are three stars

    Could this mean there is a long lost city waiting to be discovered nearby you might think this sounds too daydreamy but the story is actually true the previous account happened to a Canadian teenager named William gader the boy is known as a science genius and had even won an award for the constellation

    Theory we presented just now when he noticed that a third city was missing from the 23rd constellation he was examining he began to scour the internet for satellite pictures that could help him solve this mystery he looked into images from NASA jaxa a japan-based satellite company and Google Earth these

    Images were still insufficient to answer his questions so he reached out to a friend inside the Canadian space agency his friend provided him with with state-of-the-art satellite imagery that gave him the answer he was looking for according to the images there is a large square area right on the border of

    Mexico and bise which looks like the remains of a city William took the images to a remote sensing expert known as Dr Arman Laro from the University of New Brunswick they studied the images thoroughly and concluded that the area could be housing 30 buildings and even a large pyramid the scientific and

    Archaeological Community went crazy with the 15-year-old’s discovery could this really be true some background lost Mayan cities began to be Unearthed in the mid 20th century since then ruins from cities such as tikl penque and UL have been rediscovered the Mayans were one of the biggest pre-colombian civilizations living in the Americas

    They began to settle in the area as early as 1500 BCE experts believe that at its height the Mayan civilization consisted of over 40 cities with a population of millions of people that’s a crowd and their cities were pretty interesting their civilization spanned over Mexico’s Yucatan Peninsula Guatemala and Biz they survived mainly

    On agriculture so they developed a complex irrigation system in most of their cities they built a series of ceremonial buildings pyramids plazas and even Courts for ball games the Mayans were pyramid Builders but they also developed an advanced astronomical system with whatever ancient technology they had they were able to predict the

    Exact location of planets such as Venus and Mars and they were able to predict the exact dates of eclipses that’s why the methodology William used to discover this long-lost Mayan city was unusual but not completely surreal the Mayans were Keen astronomers so it wouldn’t be too strange that they built their m

    Major architectural Feats in relation to the sky would it and they wouldn’t be the first ones to be doing so there is a famous Fringe of egyptology dedicated to studying how the Giza pyramids were built in perfect alignment with the Orion constellation meaning that each pyramid was purposely built to align

    With one of the major stars of Orion’s Belt according to William he first had the idea to look at the Mayan constellations because he couldn’t understand understand why the Mayans built their cities where they built them most major cities such as chichin andma aren’t near any rivers or significant

    Bodies of w instead they’re built on marginal lands and on top of mountains which confused the 15-year-old his next thought was that it might have something to do with astronomy William named the new city he discovered mouth of fire which is also my nickname and he even

    Won a merit award for his hard work however his theory was very much contested inside the archaeological community and many Mayan experts work to debunk Williams findings some archaeologists say that constellation theories are too unscientific Anthony aeni a renowned Anthropologist and astronomer referred to Williams methodology as an act of

    Creative imagination he explained that there is no way to be sure what the Mayan constellations really were it’s all just hypothetical another debunk of Williams findings came from mayanist David Stewart who said that the object identified on the satellite imagery is nothing but an old cornfield his claim

    Was supported by an expedition that took place near the area in 2021 when the archeologist present reported there was nothing at all in this area still a 15-year-old boy almost found a long lost Mayan city which is pretty exciting if you ask me similar techniques as those

    Used by William are actually being used to unearth lost civilizations all over the world according to space archaeologist Sarah par satellite imagery has been a key player in discovering ancient cities in Egypt and other places Sarah herself spends most of her days scouring images for any sign

    Of where there could have been cities long ago what happens she says is that anytime you have something buried it’s going to be covered either by vegetation soil or sand or some other modern construction on top of it in order to assess whether there is something hidden under large canopies of vegetation or

    Not she uses infrared technology for instance a major recent discovery in Brazil was done in a similar way satellite imagery detected a network of trenches dating back to 200 to 1200 CE these suggest settlements that could have supported around 60,000 people but in this case the satellite imagery did

    Indeed correspond to what was on the ground researchers from the University of Florida found several mountains that were accompanied by ditches and geoglyphs archaeologists also found remnants of carefully designed walls centered around Plaza much like the type of construction done by the ancient Mayans advances in Satellite Tech have

    Also shed new light on longis discovered ancient Mayan cities such as tikl located in the heart of the Guatemalan jungle tikl is believed to have been the capital of the ancient Mayan Empire at its height it was comparable in importance to cities such as London or New York in today’s world it was

    Composed of a series of complex monuments many of them believed to have been the resting places of kings and Chiefs tikl is already known to have been big but recent discoveries show it could have been even three times larger than what scientists originally believ the main Discovery revolves around a

    Fortification on the outskirts of the city indicating how far the original City stretched and new discoveries still take place in 2017 researchers also Unearthed new Clues regarding the potential causes of the decline of the Mayan civilization using data from a side and Seawall located 62 Mi Southwest of TL scientists analyzed radiocarbon

    Data from Ceramics and archaeological excavations to extract new information about the sudden Dem of this great civilization the information shows that instead of a sudden collapse the Mayans most likely collapsed in waves of social instability and political crisis these events are believed to have deteriorated Mayan city centers and began causing the

    Dispersion of the Mayan population well it seems like it’s a prime time to uncover ancient ruins what do you say will you give it a try as well now if you could get into a time machine and travel back to 1969 you’d see something spectacular what you’re

    Looking at isn’t some random desert it’s one of the most powerful waterfalls completely dry in the summer and fall of 1969 the American side of Niagara Falls stayed without water it lasted 6 months researchers wanted to study the rock phas of the falls they were afraid it

    Was going to become too unstable because of erosion erosion is the process when natural forces such as water and wind wear away Earth and materials for example if you see glacial ice become muddy it means erosion is happening three waterfalls that cross the international border between Canada and the United States together make

    Something we know as The Magnificent Niagra Falls the three waterfalls are the Horseshoe Falls the American Falls and the bridal veil Falls in order from largest to smallest the American Falls are fully on the American side while the Horseshoe Falls are primarily on the Canadian side divided by Goat Island The

    Bridale Falls the smallest of them all are on the American side but separated from the others by Luna Island don’t America and Canada have a cool natural border many didn’t believe we could actually go against wild nature and stop such insane amounts of water from

    Flowing but we did it it took a 600t dam across the enormous Niagara River to really shut down these astonishing Falls this means they had to divert 60,000 gallons of water every second so that the remaining flow traveled over the biggest horseshoe Falls yep the ones that are completely on the Canadian side

    Of the Border over 27,000 tons of rock were used to construct that Dam and more than a th000 trucks carried that rock back in the hot summer of’ 69 on June 12th the American Falls stopped after their Continuous Flow for more than 12,000 years so the Horseshoe Falls then

    Took the extra flow and absorbed it so that research could be done but the locals were still worried they knew it wasn’t possible to control such amounts of water they were afraid the water might take a different route and cause a catastrophic flood they were worried that tourists wouldn’t come anymore if

    Teams didn’t manage to make the waterfall flow again the way it used to but tourists kept coming even that summer and they got a unique chance to see something no one had ever seen before or after during that period there was even a temporary walkway built only

    20 ft away from the edge of the now Dry Falls it helped workers to clean the bottom of what used to be a river so tourists could go there and explore the wild landscape of the falls that was usually under the water hostile and not accessible to visitors at all as they

    Were exploring the dried bottom of the falls researchers stumbled upon millions of different coins people had thrown in the water over decades maybe to make a wish or for some other purpose wow a Niagara Falls piggy bank well they remove most of those coins I wonder who

    Got them but in the past couple of decades more and more tourists have been coming here imagine all the things they could find now more coins of course but also lost cameras errant drones cell phones and other things careless visitors could accidentally drop in the waterfalls the idea of removing all the

    Water and turning Niagara Falls into a desert proved to be possible but it may need to be done again and in 2020 the media reported that two pedestrian bridges in Niagara Falls needed to be either replaced or repaired no wonder since they’re almost 120 years old these bridges are located above the Rapids

    Experts discuss whether they should divert the water once again or not people talk about Niagara Falls a lot and some believe they’re among the tallest waterfalls in the world but the truth is they’re not they’re famous precious and breathtaking but when it comes to height there are nearly 500

    Other waterfalls across the globe that are taller than Niagara let’s take Angel Falls in Venezuela for example they’re more than 3,000 ft tall but what makes Niagara Falls so special among other waterfalls is the amount of water that flows over them very high waterfalls don’t usually have great amounts of

    Water the combination of all those huge amounts of water and the height is what makes Niagara Falls so breathtaking also they might be some of the fastest moving waterfalls on our planet the Niagara River appeared after the last ice age together with a whole Great Lakes Basin

    The Niagara River is part of it 18,000 years ago I wasn’t around then this awesome waterfall didn’t exist ice sheets covered the area of Southern Ontario they were 1 to 2 mil thick as the ice sheets were moving Southward they created the Basin of the Great Lakes then they melted releasing

    Enormous amounts of water into the basins generally the water we drink is fossil water only 1% of it renews through the year with the remaining 99% coming from Ice Sheets the Niagara Peninsula hasn’t been beneath the ice for nearly 12,500 years as the ice melted the resulting

    Water started to flow down through what later turned into Niagara River Lake Erie and Lake Ontario it took a lot of time but the water eventually eroded Cliffs and formed these spectacular Falls now you might have notice that the Niagara River is amazingly green this specific color tells us how powerful the

    Water is when it comes to erosion every minute Niagara Falls spews over 60 tons of dissolved minerals all that together with dissolved salt and finely ground rock makes the color so magnificent people who live in the United States and Canada or more precisely over a million

    People who have access to the area use the Waters of Niagara River for different purposes for example fishing getting drinking water doing recreational activities including swimming boating and bird watching producing hydroelectric power and so much more now the first hydroelectric Generating Station in the world was

    Built at the end of the 19th century and it was right next to the falls pretty soon it started paying off because people were getting electricity from it but this electricity could travel only 300 ft so something needed to be improved there Nicola Tesla was the one

    Who took up the challenge and made the necessary changes he discovered that electricity could travel long distances if an alternating current was used today several Niagara Falls power plants provide over 2 million Kow of power okay I’ll tell you another interesting thing 1969 wasn’t the only time when Niagara

    Falls stopped back in 1848 the water didn’t flow over the falls for up to 40 hours now the Falls were already very popular among tourists and a useful source of energy for local people so no wonder they freaked out nature was to blame this time ice blocked the source

    Of the Niagara River an American Farmer was the first one to notice it it was March 29th and he went for a walk right before midnight soon he realized he couldn’t hear the powerful Roar of the falls he quickly went to the edge of the river and stood there in shock there was

    Hardly any water factories and Mills had to shut down because they depended on that water turtles were just wandering around fish didn’t survive some people took a walk on the River Bottom taking little things they could find there as souvenirs but 2 days later on March 31st people heard a distant rumbling coming

    From up River it was getting nearer and louder until a wall of water appeared in front of their eyes and one of the World’s greatest attractions that millions of tourists visit every year was back in business again magnificent and in the end Invincible as it should be

    If you’ve grown up in the 2000s you’ve probably watched the famous Harry Potter and the philosopher stone movie perhaps like me you thought that the philosopher stone was something made up by the author of the books JK Rowling well it was not the philosopher stone is an ancient Enigma that many still struggle

    To unravel this Stone has mainly been studied in a strand of thought known as Alchemy to Alchemists this Stone would have had the power to turn cheap Metals such as mercury into precious ones such as gold it has also been called The Elixir of life since it’s supposed to

    Bring Rejuvenation and immortality if we break down the words in Greek felos means love and Sophia means knowledge so we’re talking about the love for knowledge stone or the stone of the wise it has also been called the stone of true care for wisdom and the wisdom of right action Stone

    Woo it sure has had many many names the thing is Alchemist couldn’t really agree on whether the philosopher stone was something physical like in the Harry Potter movie or if it was nothing but a metaphor for personal transformation you see one of the bases of alchemy is transformation mixing up

    Elements and getting a brand new one in return and throughout the Middle Ages many books on Alchemy describe the stone as something real for the ones that believe that the stone existed they often described it as red or white the white version is a less mature version

    Of the red one one could find many recipes on how to produce the philosopher stone but in the end the authors of these books would always mention that only those who are worthy or initiated into some kind of group would ever discover the secret to producing the stone one guy is believed

    To have discovered the secret recipe for the stone Nicholas FL Fel was a French scribe and manuscript seller and in some accounts he had a prophetic dream about the exact manuscript that hid the secret recipe to the philosopher stone in other accounts he met an alchemist on the road

    To Santiago de compostella from whom he had learned some important Secrets some say that Flamel did manage to produce the stone and produced The Elixir of Life becoming Immortal himself in other account he came into great money later in his life which led some to believe that he did manage to

    Create gold there’s no way to be sure if this ever happened either way Flamel has appeared in a few fictional stories such as Harry Potter yep in the movie he appears as a French wizard responsible for having manufactured the philosopher stone but someone even more famous has mentioned the philosopher stone in their

    Writings Sir Isaac Newton one of the world greatest Scholars Newton spent quite some time researching the recipe of the stone he wanted to get in touch with it because he strongly believed it could help explain the origins of metals and Minerals it was only in 1617 that the stone appeared as something other than a physical Stone it was represented in geometrical form by an alchemist named Michael Meer for him the stone was a composition of the shapes of a triangle a square and a circle oh yes and a man

    And a woman right in the middle of the circle representing the masculine and The Feminine in the text following the image he wrote that it was only through persistent work and effort that a person could start to understand the teachings of the philosopher stone but what exactly would these teachings be in the

    19th century some Alchemists and philosophers started to understand the stone as metaphorical rather than literal for these thinkers the transformation old Alchemists were talking about was most likely to happen from a psychological point of view simply put they claimed that Alchemy transmutation or transformation could

    Happen on an inner as well as an outer level Alchemists even named this process of transformation magnum opus or the great work sure for the earlier Alchemists this meant transforming weak Metals into stronger one but the interesting thing is that this process does work both literally and metaphorically doesn’t it

    You’ve probably heard the common expression that says that diamonds are only made under immense pressure well this phrase is completely in line with the alchemical idea of the great work we can find examples of the great work in many mythologies but one that illustrates this perfectly is the story

    Of Hercules yes that same Hercules from the Disney movie except that today we’re exploring a different side to his story you see Hercules is a Greek mythological figure and according to the story he had to prove his worthiness through 12 nearly impossible tasks also known as

    The 12 labors of Hercules as with most mythology these stories exist to help humans understand and make sense of their own experiences coincidentally or not the medieval recipes to create the philosopher stone could also include process of 12 alchemical steps let’s dive deeper into this the original story of Hercules says

    That he was cursed by his arch nemesis Hera and committed an awful crime against the people he loved most in the world when he woke up from the curse he felt extremely guilty and regretful of what he had done after Consulting with the Oracle of Deli a famous Oracle of

    Greek mythology Hercules went to seek guidance from his King The King told him that he could be forgiven for his crime if he was willing to successfully complete some pretty difficult tasks Hercules immediately agreed and embarked on what would become a 12-year Journey for his first task Hercules had

    To defeat the so-called Neman lion the creature was considered a beast by those who lived in the town it haunted but the lion had some sort of impenetrable skin making it nearly impossible to defeat it our buddy Hercules did have a hard time fighting it but in the end he managed

    Not only to defeat the line but to cut off its skin and use it as a mantle to protect him in his later Adventures quite some labor huh according to psychologist Steven Diamond if we analyze the symbolism behind Hercules’s historic Journey we can find many parallels to human

    Existence to him we are often faced with what seems like impossible tasks in our daily lives things that require almost heroic strength and stamina from all us earthlings sure we are not literally facing Lions but we are constantly dealing with breakups losses and getting fired from our jobs psychologically

    Speaking we could say that when we successfully confront and overcome a difficult challenge in life we feel empowered maybe we even feel a bit heroic ourselves feeling like what doesn’t destroy us makes us stronger and nope it wasn’t Kelly Clarkson that said this first it was the German philosopher

    Friedrich nche after conquering a lion Hercules had to face that famous Hydra similar to the one that appeared in the animated film the Hydra was a multi-headed serpent and each time he tried cutting one of its heads off two more heads grew instead oh he also had

    To steal some shiny golden apples from some super inaccessible place not one of his tasks was easy but Hercules managed to conquer each one one with great ability using his wisdom and intellect rather than physical force and strength many say this is what the great work has always been about getting into contact

    With one’s virtues in each one of Hercules’s labors he would conquer or acquire a new virtue he would learn about humility courage patience Temperance generosity and wisdom oh and coincidentally or not there are also 12 main human virtues one should aspire to acquire throughout their life I know

    This got quite philosophical but after all we’re talking about the philosopher stone aren’t we

    1 Comment

    1. Greetings,
      All the structures and buildings on mountaintop and other places are evidence of Anunnaki presence, the Gods come from heaven to earth in their advanced spaceships. The creators of humanity. The alignment with the cosmos, so that they have contact with their homeplanet Nibiru. All the calenders and other astronomical and mathematics images are their creation and leave it to humanity to know❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

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