Start off your Christmas strongman TV with a throwback to 2015 in Doncaster featuring the World Log Lift Championships.

    Starring Eddie ‘The Beast’ Hall, Mark Felix & Adam Bishop, along with special guests Žydrūnas Savickas & Krzysztof Radzikowski.

    Giants Live is the Official ‘World’s Strongest Man’ Arena Tour.

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    999 time to find out now who’s raising the bar in the world of strong man slap on another monster disc he Bulldog W was but it was worth it welcome everyone to giants live now today we’re off to the Doncaster dome in South Yorkshire for something pretty special Britain’s strongest man is taking place there with Eddie Hall the British champion looking to defend his title but there’s also something else the world log lifting

    Championships one of the Blue Ribbon events this of strength Athletics and one that’s been around since the very start on damn it L lift is my favorite event uh I have a world record since 2004 and uh I like to train this event I like to compe in this event and uh I

    Want to look more and more every [Applause] year and we got the lights of big Z who’s held the record for everything 10 years I believe um and you know this is a a day that everyone’s sort of going to have a chance to knock him off his

    Throne you know so it’s going to be great um I what the start weight is 160 170 you know 10 years ago that was a Max in a World’s final so you know this is this is just a good example of how human evolution is coming on and how much

    Stronger those guys are getting uh today we have many good athletes in in this event I think uh I never compete before in log lift uh where seven guys can lift over 200 [Applause] kg [Applause] [Applause] Out You [Applause] on [Applause] Come gram you set the record you saw it equalized by Eddie and you’ve set it again how you feeling like he might equ call it again you’ve got it for another 5 minutes at least yeah no I’m very happy that’s a new personal B well great job

    We hold on and see how this pans out come on come [Applause] on [Applause] all right put your hands together the bring out the Beast here he is come on Eddie [Applause] come on Eddie come [Applause] On at unbelievable is the world record coming today is it coming to Britain [Applause] [Applause] big Z Bo Boom Boom Big C so you held your record again for another five minutes you’re now sharing it again with Eddie Hall not many people in the world can

    Say they’re doing that at the moment can they so yeah I’m quite CH well he is on in great form But but so are you I mean tell us a little bit about your training and how you’ve prepared for this event uh I haven’t trained very much actually well that’s just showing up

    Yeah I’ve been injured so it’s been it’s been a real struggle actually leading up to the show so um it’s nice to come and actually perform as well as I have I’m sure you will thank you thank you very much cheers gram hits thank you Glen Ross is okay here we

    Go to extend the record 2 [Applause] [Applause] come on [Applause] gram [Applause] cleverly escap that [Applause] Land Come on There come on there [Applause] On Edie come on [Applause] [Applause] Eddie come on come on all right a big round of applause Eddie fantastic effort you got it up but the balance point just backwards there talk us through that one and and you’re okay yeah I’m fine uh as you say a lot of weight um when I press

    A l i sort hold my breath so just got to the top just went really fuzzy and just lost my balance but s blacked out for a second well you still held on to your British record you’re now sharing it with graham Hicks but great performance you must be pleased with what you’ve

    Done so far yeah for sure um I don’t like sharing records though so I’m sure I’ll do okay next year Well Z still to go he’s he’s World Records on the line for him for himself to break at 227.50 kg you think he can go further

    Than that what big Z yeah I think he can yeah um you know he comes into competition he’s just that focused you know he just he’s just got one goal and he always delivers so you know best Lu to [Applause] him that’s here for the strongest man in history Z [Applause] zis 228

    Kilos the world record zunis [Applause] not today not today but so so [Applause] close the so so close but not today didn’t quite feel right at the top maybe it’s little bit too too big jump from to 2011 uh and I was sure that I Liv but I was

    Surprised well you’ve held the record for 11 years in the log lift you’re still the world’s um record holder at that event congratulations today thank [Applause] [Applause] you You want to hear the little [Applause] Ad [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] He [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] So this British Open continues we’ve finished the log five more events to come and we’re moving on to this Frame carry now this baby weighs over 400 kg best part of 900b and you have to run it up a 20 M course and when I say run well

    You really do Lawrence you were one of the best at this you’re not competing today but you are watching how fast can these Fells do this uh yeah the these guys are so strong now you just seen from the log lifting I think the the British log record just got absolutely

    Smashed by 21 kilos and they weren’t far off the the 220 um so every single competition you see these guys compete they seem to get stronger faster bigger better um we got what distance 20 meters is it today uh I think the top guys are

    Going to be capable of around 10 to 12 seconds but it is a hard frame it’s very very wide so you kind of almost pulling apart rather than kind of just being able to have it naturally hanging near you so it is the big test is the grip

    Strength who’s the strongest in the grip I think is going to is going to kind of do well if your grip’s weak you’re going to struggle on this one yeah it is multiple drop as they say but if you drop it it’s pretty hard to pick it up

    Again and get going right let’s see what happens in Lane one Mark Felix lane two Luke stman athletes take Cor come on [Applause] [Applause] whist she has down 5 m and having to retire in Lane one gram hick lane two [Applause] e uh I’m in amazing shape at the minute um yeah I mean I’ve put a lot of weight on um I think from last year I put about

    10 kilo on uh and OB I’ve been doing a lot more car I cardiovascular stuff so feel a lot fitter as well in terms of retaining the title I’m very confident about that um all being well you know unless for some forsaken reason an injury comes along or a trip up or some

    Big mistake I can’t see any other other result to be honest I’ve knuckled down I’ve dedicated my life to strong man quit my job I’m sacrificing family time everything I do I I wake up and I’m thinking about strong man there’s nothing else about my life at the minute

    And you know you know I just decided I’m going full-time strong man I want to be somebody I want to make the history [Applause] Boots out of the tracks there’s determination coming up to the The bance restart up incredibly F from just over the start Line and a retirement there from graah sadly but what an emphatic performance there for oh big it up for these two fantastic athletes I think that’s the that time Now beating athletes there that are 10 15 years younger than yourself must feel pretty good but talk us through that race in itself and how it felt well it’s felt great you know I think a lot of people make a mistake by just trying to

    Use the back only to pick Farmers up but you have to use your legs you pick it up your legs very easy and you just once you upright you just start to sprin well big congratulations Mark [Applause] Felix the third event here is the Thor’s hammer and this Hammer is slipping out of my hand here so let me pass it to someone bigger and stronger to show us exactly how to do it right right you get two hands on it you must put it out at

    90° there we are weighs 30 kg 66b keep must keep his bum against the back here nice bum isn’t it yeah all right Adam Bishop Adam you’re doing uh mixed fortuns so far log not so good but then in the frame good how about this what muscles is it tax

    And are you looking forward to it uh it’s really just a pain event uh I see a lot of the guys kind of trying and close their eyes and kind of block out the pain uh it’s pretty heavy on the shoulders so you see guys with shorter

    Arms and big boulder shoulders will do pretty well on this uh and you are long armed and massive shoulder to the normal guy but maybe not to these guys yeah long arms isn’t a great help but I’ve got the fortune of not going out first

    So should be a bit of an advantage yes you can see what others do and then maybe just trying it’s willpower isn’t it as much as anything you just kind of have to find a happy place and hang on as long as possible good luck 61 all right next next ready All right Bishop in the righted shorts Al on the other side to keep that hammer keep their back bottom press against the [Applause] [Applause] Time so 4.65 his bottom apparently came away from the PO that point so lots of our is in the 42nd Zone but still in the lead he [Applause] Great on ready on the whistle on MAR so final heat Eddie Hall Mark Felix Battle of the [Applause] [Applause] bricks 30 [Applause] seconds all day [Applause] day [Applause] Guys guys back of the Brits in that last Heat there you got the win just over 60 seconds you didn’t need to go for that long you’d already beaten the previous time putting on a bit of a show um yeah you know I’m an Entertainer are you not

    Entertain yeah come on we’re definitely entertained DD now I want to know what happy place do you go to during that event to take your mind away from the pain I just concentrate on my breathing um close my eyes just that’s it it’s just and I can float away Spe Our next event is a test of back strength you have to put your hands on this Implement here and stand up you’ll lift the back end of this van weighing 360 kg as many reps in 60 seconds as possible now Eddie Hall this is one of

    Your favorite events isn’t it yeah it is indeed you know obviously uh I mean AR for doing great deadlifts in front of a crowd so definitely okay now I see you’ve managed to steal Mark Felix’s Kilt is this in in honor of the great Felix well yeah Felix has reowned for

    Being one of the best deadlifters for reps um and he told me this is his secret power so uh I stole it out of his bag um hope he doesn’t notice he might come out flaring in a bit but we’ll see listen the real Scotsman has nothing

    Under his kill how about yourself I’ve got a little something for you guys Hey listen give Markus kill back man all right it’s here for Eddie Hall [Applause] Superman The [Applause] whistle [Applause] fix show us he’s one of the in this country is not in the [Applause] world halfway 30 seconds [Applause] 10 seconds last 10 [Applause] seconds what a performance 20 repetitions for Mark [Applause] Felix okay let’s hear it for Kristoff rovski and Eddie Hall currently sitting number one and two in the [Applause] [Applause] competition neck and [Applause] neck down [Applause] 30 seconds left 30 seconds [Applause] [Applause] left 10 seconds 10 seconds to go 5 Seconds one more how many more can he do and the time is up let’s get those numbers for you so 12 for Kristoff and 16 for Edie so a winner of that competition in marix Mark Felix you blasted the rest of the

    Field of that way there with 20 repetitions that’s huge oh yeah I was looking forward to each it’s one of my favorite events especially side handles I love side handles you know it’s a good event for me so you’ve won a couple of events now in this competition

    Confidence must be high two more events to go can you edge closer to Eddie in the score well you know he have quite a good lead so let’s see as long as as you know haven’t done bad in the um in the corv I think I’ll be up there I think

    That should put you into second place just behind him going into these final two event so best of luck with that thank [Applause] You so our penultimate event is the Conan’s Circle very simple you got to pick this bar up stand up with it but have a look further down the bar you are carrying this big quad bike weighs 350 kilos you’re just holding it with your arms and you’re trying to do as many

    Revolutions as possible around this Center Point here last year two was the best now Eddie Hall he was the big surprise last year we all thought he would gas out after a few steps he managed to do two he seems like the main man at the moment what do you think how

    Do you think this is going to play out I uh I think Ed H do very well at it um because he I think he’s definitely been working on his Fitness he’s obviously he’s very good at his static events but he’s he seemed to have uped his game um

    But I think someone like Adam Bishop will do well because he you know he’s got that um that agility and also I’ve heard that uh kristofh rajik kovski is quite good at it as well so I don’t think it’ll be a straightforward race um but let’s see yes indeed yeah I mean you

    Were tremendous of this kind of thing and as you can see still hasn’t got a belly I hate you when are you going to get a belly you’re retired now but those guys who tend to have the power bellies you think it would help but actually it

    It crushes down on their stomach and they can’t breathe so let’s see what Happens [Applause] so Superman is away two turns and 5 degrees to [Applause] beat Me so two turns and 40° to take the lead in this [Applause] [Applause] Event [Applause] speed Mar [Applause] 110 good [Applause] Eddie Hall another win to extend your lead in the competition but that looked tough yeah it was tough um as I say I’ve really improved my Fitness on last year so a lot easier than last year Adam Bishop was in the lead with two turns and five degrees that was the the

    Distance to beat he went off very far talk us through your approach cuz it was a much more steady approach to his you know I’m never going to be as fast as Bish but I’m definitely stronger and that’s what powered me through were you’re just one event away now from

    Retaining your British Championship status how does that feel feels really good I think I’ve got comfortable lead so you know thumbs up let’s let’s go for it well good luck with that last event thank you thanks guys Eddie [Applause] h So any good Strongman Competition has to end with the atlas stones and that there weighs 110 kilos 120 and they keep going up and up 140 kilos 160 kilos and the big boy at the end nearly 400 lb 180 kg the circumference is enormous now you

    Have to pick it up and plop each one onto these barrels and they are slippy believe you me now Luke stalman perfectly built for this long armed strong back kind of event you should win maybe not win in this type of competition but um I like to think I’ll

    Be able to complete all the all the stones in a relatively decent time and hopefully get some good points in This [Applause] two the flying up the [Applause] wow 2367 seconds that leads this event so far by quite a margin what a speed there come [Applause] On okay [Applause] whistle okay we have a new leader in this event with a time of 21.57 seconds all right folks we ready on the [Applause] Whistle Big congratulations to Britain’s strongest man Eddie Hall Eddie today you’ve retained your title of Britain’s strongest man you’ve kept your British loglift record equaling it with gram hick it’s been quite a day yeah it’s been a great day for me and obviously even though I won it again

    Most importantly for me I’ve improving every year you know I’m getting better you I’ve obviously come back now and I’m a lot fitter and it’s showing so doing something right you are indeed in a real mixture today of absolute strength and strength endurance events and we really

    Saw your Fitness there in some of the the faster moving events what else next where can you go from here what will we be working on um you know everyone’s always s slated me for any agility moving events but I’ve really worked on them so I’ve got no weak areas now and

    That’s what being strong man is all about being an all round strength athlete so this is what I’m becoming and what’s been your highlight of today um obviously winning but uh the log press was great uh that was a highlight for me nearly locking out 220 kilo above my

    Head water a pizza Str that’s great well it could have all gone wrong when it nearly fell on your head but you survived that no lasting effects you’re feeling okay uh to be honest I nearly pulled out after my back was in bits but you know what this is what strongman’s

    About you know we’re men we fight on so glad I did we’re glad you did as well and what a great audience here to support you have you got a message to your fans just thank you very much Don Cy you’ve been amazing thank you well thank you Eddie Hall everybody congratulations thank

    You 211 kg stre the out the world record by well another strong performance there from Eddie Hall who’s looking like a contender now for maybe one of the big ones Europe or possibly even the world speaking of big ones next time out on giants live we’ll be heading north

    Towards the Arctic Circle to the home of hap Thor Bon himself Thor aka the mountain out of Game of Thrones is the reigning European champion and he’ll be taking part in the Viking Challenge against a pack field that includes mystical himself Mark Felix we’ll see you for that next time out on Giants Live


    1. Interesting watch. Was this really the final TV version of the show? Seems to have a lot of production errors and the points changes between events 4 and 5 make no sense.

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