The police in Britain and around the world are standing back and allowing harassment of the public by a certain demographic of society – this is unacceptable!

    Jeff Taylor Clips – @JeffTaylorClips –
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    Hello there the police in Britain and around the world are standing back and allowing harassment of the public by a certain demographic of society this is Unacceptable many people in the UK believe that there is now a two-tier policing system in place where those of a certain demographic can essentially do as they please with the law only applying to the rest of us were I to go around masked up and harassing people

    I’d be in front of the beak pretty damn sharpish but here’s something from [Applause] Toronto you’ll come near me I’ll put your lay down on the floor I’ll lay you sleep I’ll put your sec threatening to put someone six feet does not sound very peaceful to me and here’s

    One from Bristol a Christian preacher was doing his thing but others took an exception to him doing it even though not a word of hate crime came from the preacher’s mouth Hallelujah there’s a plan and a purpose in your life just call in the name of Jesus leave him alone leave him alone

    Leave him alone I’ll tell you what leave him alone and we are meant to tolerate this intolerance well the police seem to think so anyway but they don’t tolerate the homeless in Swansea this guy was given 20 minutes to leave the city center but arrested it appears after about 5

    Minutes 20 minutes to leave and it’s 48 hours I’ll see tou time is TI 2 minutes p 3 right you’re under arrest for preaching your section 35 he’s walking out for me no he’s walking out no the one from earlier on today I 1:00 to you about you want they can act when they feel the need it seems I

    Wonder if he’d have done that to someone from an aforementioned demographic I somehow doubt the section 35 notice would even have been issued in the first place because the police no longer longer control the streets and it’s hard to see after Decades of open border policies that look set to

    Continue into the future how we can reverse this without a lot of pain but there’s even more pain coming if we don’t reverse it now some say we should call the troops in to help make the street safe if the police can’t manage it on their own but we don’t have enough

    Military personnel to do that unless we abandon our overseas commitments and bring them all home although there is the possibility of conscription to get the numbers up and they are looking to bring back conscription but can that work in our increasingly fragmented Western societies now before you panic

    It’s not the UK looking to bring back conscription well not yet anyway no we’re talking about Germany here ah maybe it is time to panic then and some people quite a few actually might be pleased if such a move were made here in the UK the teaching of life

    Skills and a trade within a very tight disciplined environment Etc with the added bonus of having a large pool of people to call on when the proverbial balloon gets Airborne but to get people to fight for your country requires one or more of maybe five basic things a those who go

    To fight love the country and are willing to lay down their lives in battle for it they have a feeling of Duty where the protection of their nation state is concerned or B those who go to fight for their country fear the repercussions of not doing so more than

    They fear the enemy c those who go to fight for their country are paid enough for them to take the risk D those that go to fight for our country are never happier than when in indulging in violence and E those who go to fight for our country were given a choice infantry

    Or prison as has happened in the past now for me the only one of those that is a legitimate reason for agreeing to fight would be a the love of the country that feeling of Duty the rest are more likely to get themselves and their mates killed or engage in needless war

    Crimes yes I know there are mer armies out there like the Wagner group as well as those that take in people wishing to escape from their pasts like the French Foreign Legion for example but those recruits are there by choice either because military fighting is all they

    Know and they wish to profit from it or they enjoy the adrenaline rush or maybe they have no other choice but now try to conscript people out of their comfortable lives and into a potentially lethal war conscripts from a population that has now been educated to think that their own country is institutionally

    Racist and rotten full of this so-called white privilege and with a history of slavery from hundreds of years ago that taints even today’s toddlers who had zilch to do with it as is the same for all UK citizens alive today then we show the ones from the

    Largest ethnic group in the country the whites especially the white men that they are not welcome in our armed forces except at the back of the queue but these are exactly the people we would need to conscript if the hit the fan now the last UK conscript was demobbed in

    1963 when the world was a completely different place when inward migration was very small and people were still brought up to respect themselves and the nation state in which they lived but much has changed in the decades since except for the need for countries to defend themselves of course except we

    Grew lazy and complacent and our politicians didn’t recognize or refused to recognize how vulnerable we had become more intent on using our tax money to butter up voters and reprehensible foreign powers alike now mobilizing a large army from scratch takes time decades but our leaders thought that we’d see a threat

    Coming decades down the line and have Oodles of time to prepare for it but that didn’t work out well did it but with conscription you do stand a Fighting Chance of quickly mobilizing a credible Force but that means you need a large standing army ready to constantly

    Train recruits it also needs to be topheavy with brass hats in peace time ready to quickly take on command of all those new service Personnel it means having training grounds and Barrack space and all the equipment ready to go in short it’s very expensive and we gave all this up many

    Many moons ago taken in by talk of asymmetrical standoff Warfare and the like but Germany suspended conscription just over a decade ago in 2011 because it was costing too much and at that point the bunders were became a volunteer army but the memory of conscription is still there so it might

    Have a chance of getting off the ground and peace always does come at a cost as we’re finding out now now the bunders were has just short of 57,000 career soldiers of Tad over 166,000 contract soldiers and nearly 10,000 on voluntary military service serving for a term of between seven and

    23 months and those voluntary soldiers are basically what replaced conscription but the current German defense minister Boris Pistorius says ditching the draft was a bad idea and wants it back although the chancelor Olaf Schultz is opposed to the idea but they do want to increase from 180,000

    Troops to 200,000 over the next few years now Sweden reintroduced conscription into 2018 taking about 4,000 conscripts a year which is about 4% of the age cohort available so it is limited conscription by selection although it does appear that the vast majority of those conscripted are

    Male and it is this Swedish model that the German defense minister is looking at adopting now the reason for conscription is of course because not enough people are volunteering maybe because service life is too arduous and the pay too little to compensate for it and another issue may be demographics because the natural

    Population numbers are falling and foreign born numbers are rising as immigration fills the work gaps but can you expect foreigners to fight in your armed forces would you want them in your Armed Forces given the potential for divided loyalties or would we be stupidly training up potential foes at our own

    Expense but more and more countries are looking at relaxing the requirement for the only their own citizens to be able to join up there seems to be a move in the EU for example of allowing all EU citizens to join a member States armed forces Belgium and the Republic of Ireland for

    Example although why they don’t join their own armies is a question I have but that is one move that would definitely please the eurocrats as they try to build their eu-wide foreign policy and defense programs but as I understand it you have to be a German citizen to join the

    German Armed Forces at the moment and the UK for example has a tradition of accepting people from the Commonwealth now to keep the peace we must always be prepared to go to war and to go to war to win it that means we need the people and the equipment but

    The people must be dedicated to the defense of the country they have to love the country and its people in order to do what is necessary to protect them and that starts very early in the education cycle so clearing out anti- UK and anti-white male Prejudice is critical to

    That but the teaching profession has been clearing men out of the classroom rooms for years to the point that over 75% of teachers in the UK are now female with 69% of teacher leadership roles being filled by women think on that as you Ponder where wokeness is taking us


    1. The Police across the UK are mostly now pathetic smart arsed bullies that are shit scared of anyone that can and will face up to them and of course is part of a (very) "protected" minority…

    2. I've been saying for months, check out who the most mouthy, outrageous, radical, poison spewing, bigoted, ever prepared to make themselves appear ever so slightly biased and expect to be taken seriously it's women. Whatever the subject matter you're going to be horrified at the levels of venom, bile and total lack of self awareness that these harpies who, for so.e reason, keep being shoved in front of us. We know who they are whether here or in ee-yeew, USA they open their moth and out pours more bile. We're told womankind is endangered by the trans nonsense. In my opinion rational women are endangered by women.

    3. This country and the western world in general as been betrayed by our politicians who instead of putting the rights, wellbeing and safety of the indigenous population first have sold us all down the river by flooding us with hostile immigrants who have more rights than we do. The time is long since past when we should have started mass deportation. And it's always the followers of Islam that are the most dangerous to western values of democracy, tolerance and religious freedom. They have brought with them a religion of intolerance and barbarism that puts all of us in danger. 11/9/2001 Twin Towers 2996 dead, 3/11/2022 Manchester Arena 22 killed more than 800 injured, 1/8/2005 Bali 20 dead more than 100 injured, 11/3/2004 Spain 191 dead 1500 injured, Paris 13/11/2015 130 dead more than 350 injured. The list of innocent people murdered by the followers of this vile religion of violence and intolerance goes on and on. In Spain two clerics were attacked, one killed one injured, by a jihadist saying that the Christian faith must be eliminated. This is the murderous thugs that as been allowed to contaminate the west. Notice that it's never Buddhist, Hindu, Sikhs, Christians etc etc that are the perpetrators of these murders but always Islam. If we are to save ourselves we need to remove the politicians who are responsible for allowing the flooding of the west with followers of a religion that as a mindset of medieval values. In this country anyone who votes Conservative, Labour or Liberal Democrat will be contributing to our own ultimate destruction. Regarding the police, well what a disgraceful body they have become, now totally unfit to serve this country. Carry banners calling for death and destruction to Israel and the police will do nothing but try carrying a British flag and you will soon have your collar felt. The police should adopt the song "The Bold Gendarmes " by Jacques Offenbach it's about keeping out of the way when there's a possibility of violence but being more than happy to arrest anyone who's done no harm. The time is rapidly approaching when violence of a unprecedented level will take place in this country and all because our politicians are treacherous beyond belief.

    4. There may be "nice Muslims"; but there is no "nice ISLAM"! There is no "Islamism" and there are no "Islamists". There are just ISLAM and Muslims. This baleful, wicked, pseudo-religion is still trying to take successful Countries off their indeigenous people for ISLAM. Our warships are currently in the Mediterranean and Black Sea: not the English Channel. It is time to start kicking out!

    5. The 3 stage conquest process described by the standard Islamic narrative has jumped from the end of stage 1 to the end of stage 2 and Jews are not the only people on the menu.

    6. White guys have been sidelined in the UK by the MOD diversity plan.
      But in the last recent wars the British have not looked after its ex-servicemen. That has been made obvious to the young. Therefore the military is am unattractive career to the young. Add to that the woke attitudes. Young males are not made of the stuff kids born in the 60s 70s and 80s were and that's a fact. Because of the wokeness, degradation of society of being British.

    7. Good old Jeff Sabre rattling as usual on no relevance videos without context or origin…. Nice one Jeff … Still get some extra cash for xmas. As for duty jeff, you lost your ship down the Falklands because the officers (you being one) decided not to be at action stations, so yes lazy and vulnerable…

    8. During hurricane Katrina the gov called in the national guard. Some of The guard went feral and destroyed peoples homes. Not sure about calling in the military. There are all ethnic groups in the military. It might be a bad idea. Just too bad the police have turned on their countrymen.

    9. Jeff was a lieutenant in the Royal Navy, he is well aware of how long it takes to train troops against a civil insurrection. I served in Northern Ireland in the early '70s, we would train for 6 months in a place called "Tin Town" before deployment. That was for an emergency tour of 6 months. Successive governments have whittled down the armed forces until we can no longer defend the country, let alone foreign deployment. The present government has allowed the influx of illegals, the police are incompetent and incapable other than picking on Indigenous people. This is the result of people elected to positions of power with no clue of how to run a country, yet it has been standard operating procedure for centuries. As in the case of Tony Blair, an incompetent sends us to war, and how many troops died because of him? Not only are politicians incompetent, incapable, and unqualified, a lot of them are just damned fools. During my service, I lost friends, Sgt Phillips, Sgt Johnson, Staff Sgt Simpson, and Cpl. Phillips, brother of Sgt Phillips, at 75, my memory is clear, and my heart still aches

    10. I wouldn’t trust a certain demographic being trained to use deadly weapons! We already have a couple of ready made armies in this country just waiting start.

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