Victorious Swiss rider Gino Mäder was involved in a crash on the descent towards La Punt, finish line of stage 5 at Tour de Suisse.

    The rider went off the road and fell into a ravine, where he was promptly assisted by the race doctor.

    Mäder was found unresponsive, resuscitated at the scene and then transported by helicopter to Chur Hospital.

    Magnus Sheffield is less seriously injured, but taken to hospital.


    1. If you go back to the 70's and compare cycling with car racing they were both almost kamikaze sports. Formula 1 has developed in to a very safe sport with mind-blowing safety inventions. What that sport has done for the safety of it's competitors is off the scale. In cycling they have developed exactly nothing. Just a few years ago they, with very much protest, have made helmets mandatory. It is a disgrace. But than again if you look at the reaction of some riders that just pull up their shoulder and say: It seems it is part of the sport. Nothing we can do. So it is their own choice.

    2. Unfortunately amateur and professional bicycle riders continue to wear completely useless helmets!. Cycling helmets are only certified to protect the head from a height not above 1.5meters and for speeds under 11mph!. If you bash your head from over 1.5m and or over from over speeds of 11mph you have a 98% chance of suffering a live changing traumatic brain injury and a 90% chance of death. This isn’t opinion it’s scientific research findings!.
      Do not wear cycling and skiing type helmets, just look at Micheal Schumacher!. If you are cycling wear a full face full snell rated motorbike/motorcross helmet!. This gentlemen defective helmet problems caused he’s death!.

    3. May the person rest in peace, I am only 17 years old and will be participating in the vätter next year in Sweden, a race event where many cyclists gather to participate. It's 31.5 miles in total and I already started training yesterday for the first time, wish me luck and give me all the tips you can give, thanks.

    4. Purtroppo sfortinato e anche oramai fa 2 anni era uscito dalle classifiche tra covis forse il suo fisico non era adatto per questo sport pace a lui

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