1. This is the real new OG account, thank you 🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾 also I love how Nick always shown his Co presenters past or present love and affection.. But why in the opening scene is Nick suit looking less supportive looooool🤦🏾‍♂️.. Thank you again tho

    2. 21:44 the officer, “she could be the best witness we got in this case” 22:19 Nick, “soooo whoever KILLED her gona have to got home” .. No Nick she not dead, unless you guys know more than your letting offf.. Shady bunch

    3. If anyone is about to ask about the Crimewatch UK episode Thursday 11 October 2001, unfortunately Oldstuff620 doesn't have it. So if anyone out there does have it along and/or December 10 1992. Please can you upload them/it. I think I am speaking on behalf of us all on here! It'd be very much appreciated by all of the Crimewatch UK family on YouTube.

    4. Episodes on YouTube currently not uploaded on full! 1992 until December 2007 (In brackets only listed as available)

      Complete years 1984 until December 1991, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, January to September 2001 and 2007.

      Thu December 10 1992

      Wed May 23 2001 (NOW ON YOUTUBE)

      Wed June 20 2001 (NOW ON YOUTUBE)

      Wed September 20 2001 (Episode postponed)

      Thu September 27 2001 (Actual transmission broadcast air date of the above delayed episode) (NOW ON YOUTUBE)
      Thu October 11 2001

      Thu November 8 2001 (NOW ON YOUTUBE)
      Wed February 13 2002

      Thu March 28 2002

      Wed April 24 2002

      Wed June 5 2002

      Wed June 26 2002

      Wed July 24 2002

      Thu August 29 2002

      Thu September 26 2002

      Thu October 24 2002

      Wed November 27 2002

      Wed December 18 2002

      Wed February 5 2003

      Wed March 26 2003

      Wed April 30 2003

      Wed May 28 2003

      Thu June 26 2003

      Thu July 24 2003

      Wed August 20 2003 (Crimewatch UK Solved)

      Wed September 24 2003

      Thu November 20 2003

      Wed December 17 2003

      Tue January 27 2004

      Thu February 26 2004 (NOW ON YOUTUBE)

      Wed March 31 2004

      Wed April 28 2004

      Wed May 26 2004

      Thu July 29 2004

      Wed September 1 2004 (Crimewatch UK Solved)

      Tue September 21 2004

      Thu October 28 2004

      Tue November 23 2004

      Tue December 14 2004

      Tue February 1 2005

      Wed February 23 2005

      Tue March 15 2005

      Wed April 13 2005

      Wed May 18 2005

      Wed June 15 2005

      Wed July 13 2005

      Wed August 17 2005 (Crimewatch UK Solved)

      Thu September 15 2005

      Wed October 5 2005 (NOW ON YOUTUBE)

      Wed November 2 2005 (NOW ON YOUTUBE)

      Tue January 31 2006

      Wed February 22 2006

      Wed April 5 2006

      Tue April 25 2006

      Tue May 23 2006

      Wed June 21 2006

      Wed July 19 2006

      Wed August 23 2006 (Crimewatch UK Solved)

      Tue September 12 2006

      Wed November 1 2006

      Mon November 27 2006

      Wed December 20 2006

      Thu February 8 2007 (NOW ON YOUTUBE)

      Mon March 5 2007 (NOW ON YOUTUBE)

      Mon April 2 2007 (NOW ON YOUTUBE)

      Tue May 1 2007 (NOW ON YOUTUBE)

      Tue June 5 2007 (NOW ON YOUTUBE)

      Mon July 2 2007 ( Nick Ross' final episode) (NOW ON YOUTUBE)
      Wed July 25 2007 (Crimewatch UK Solved) (NOW ON YOUTUBE)

      Mon August 20 2007 (NOW ON YOUTUBE)

      Wed September 26 2007 (NOW ON YOUTUBE)

      Mon October 29 2007 (NOW ON YOUTUBE)

      Wed December 20 2007 (NOW ON YOUTUBE)

    5. This era is well done, but it does seem to be a bit "Crimewatch London". The homicide rate peaks both for London and the UK as a whole about this time, so there wasn't a shortage of serious crimes outside the capital. I don't know what's happening with the programme really. Particular national media focus on London influencing the show? More London stuff to save costs?

    6. When I watched this episode it was the week before my seventeenth birthday and I was itching to start my driving lessons and get through my test.

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