1. Upper management probably first contacted Beale weeks ago but not sure if they would have pulled the trigger if we had won 3 straight at Bristol City over the weekend. Not enthused, but sure, let's give him a chance.

    2. It's very underwhelming, doesn't scream of any plan or ambition on paper but it's done now and we'll give the man a chance and hope he proves the doubters wrong, one positive is that he's got the rest of the week now to get to know the players and try and get his ideas across

    3. It will take a little time for both the manager and the team to adjust to the new setup so the results could be a bit dodgy in the next 2or 3 matches . Give the man and team full support and stay till the end of the matches regardless. Onwards and upwards. Dodds will probably succeed him

    4. Preparing for mid table obscurity after Bristol result and this appointment. Just when things were starting to look up we go and do something so under whelming! If he gets beyond the summer of 2025 I’ll be amazed!!

    5. With your home support and if you get behind this guy I put my money on yous making the playoffs he was flying at QPR playing good football unfortunately the powers that be got rid of the beat manager you have had for some time in my humble opinion he would want you to back him to the hilt best wishes

    6. Yes we’ll give him a chance but after a couple of defeats the fans will turn. Ultimately for most supporters a totally underwhelming appointment compared to other potential options such as Still etc.

    7. I have a mate who is a QPR fan who actually rated him during his time there and said they played good football , I think it’s important to remember when Beale left QPR for the Rangers job , QPR we’re top of the league , either way we have to get behind him ,

    8. lets get behind him you never know if he beats the mags that will do for me! joking aside hopefully 99.9% are wrong on his appointment welcome to Sunderland Michael Beale.

    9. Look I was chattin to me mate Gav, and he wanted Dodds in as did I, but its out of our control. All we can do is back him. Ha way the lads!
      Great Vid Bowers 🫡

    10. I think its a great choice. Michael is a massive name in English management. He's got the perfect mix of youth and experience on his side. I really think he's got the character to get the club and city all pulling in the one direction

    11. Very poor appointment totally not thought out enough and to add insult to injury he has a 2 year contract speakman the enemy within us totally out of touch hope he makes the most of his time here because for sure it will be his last job waste of space and I now have severe doubts about this owner hasn't a clue.

    12. Michael many thanks for your very informative and enjoyable podcast. It has been some time since I have proved a commentary but the recent managerial changes at our Sunderland have stirred emotions of Sunderland supporters and I am no exception. Despite me living across the world in perth Australia.
      I sent a comment to you some 18 months ago bemoaning the merry – go – round of managerial changes which are emblematic of our club. How are Sunderland managerial ( or more recently Head Coaching) appointments got any chance of developing a long term Footballing culture when they are being summarily dismissed after very short term tenures. Correct me if I am wrong but didn’t Tony Monday get our club- surprisingly but very pleasantly – to a play off spot last year. Wasn’t our team competing quite well and were in a play off spot when he was terminated. Unbelievable.
      Even if we though the manager was not a long term prospect, why catastrophically change him out when the players liked him, the team played a very attractive style, and the team was young and developing. And yes I understand that they were inconsistent but show me a very young team in any sport which isn’t.
      I wish the new manager all the best but can the club please adopt a long term approach to its managerial appointments. At least to give some confidence and job security to the new appointee.
      All the very best Michael and the wonderfully loyal , long suffering Sunderland supporters. And all the best to what seems from afar a very gifted squad of young players.

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