‘Keir Starmer has no yardsticks by which he is ideology driven. He reacts, like Sunak, to the 24 hour news cycle.’

    Ben Habib reacts to Jordan Peterson’s comments that said if Britain elects a Labour government the UK will be ‘Venezuela for 20 years’.

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    1. Labour will simply follow on the destruction by increasing immigration, promotion of ideologies, white hate and pro Hamas, hand over sovereignty to WEF and WHO … The plan is to make Britain / UK into a totalitarian communist state

    2. Before voting Labour please google "labour 25+51" . Im not for the tories but Labour seem to have a running theme going on here that i think needs publicly addressing especially when their leader done nothing to stop the grooming gangs and helped saville stay free. Also Patricia Hewitt wanted to lower the age of consent to 10. "Labour 25+51" is a long and growing list of pedophiles all convicted in a court of law for pedophilia all of them are from the labour party. What is going on with Labour and why is this being hidden..
      This list was labour 25+41 but ten have been added in the last few months.

    3. We are going to have a lot more pain and need a lot more pain till the majority of the population wakes up and stops voting Labour and Tory, they are both not fit for purpose we need drastic change in the benefit of national interests and promotion of the profit motive and entrepreneurship back in the UK.

      Every single young entrepreneur I know personally has ether already gone abroad to build their business or is in the process of doing so, this is because of government policy, regulation and anti profit motive environment in the UK.

      I knew one guy who provided over 10 high quality tech jobs in my city, he is now in Dubai earning twice as much money and paying his staff 50% more?? And still smashing his completion in western countries.

      This is what we as a country are competing against and we have been letting down are industry, economy, national interests and people for 30 years.

      I love my country but if I had a successful business and could double my money by moving abroad I would do it, and you cant blame others for doing so, and then we are left with a working poor economy monopolised by big corporations, EU regulations and government policy over 20 years has gutted out many small and medium sized businesses in the UK in favour of big companies, and this has been done by Labour and Tories.

      You think it is bad now, in 5-10 years time it is going to be far worse, we have had it easy in the UK last 30 years compared to what is coming and we deserve it because we are still believing the bull crap from Tory's, labour and mainstream media.
      It's not just the politicians fault it's the people fault also for voting them in.

      If anyone have any sense they will vote Reform or anyone else other than Labour, Conservatives, Lib Dem, SNP, if you do then you deserve all you get.

    4. At this juncture it's interesting to think that there's anyone our there who really thinks the Tories and Labour are the polar opposites that they used to be. The saying two cheeks of the same arse is an apt one. The supposed party of the working class is full to the brim of middle and upper middle class people and the Tories share their views on the woke social identity politics that in honesty, the working class have very little if no interest in.

    5. If you think its bad now…..vote Labour and see how much worse it will get. ( for clarification, I wouldn’t vote Conservative to keep Labour out)

    6. WOW! How slow are you that you only heard of Jordan recently?
      _"Kiers Starmer is a moderate social Democrat at best"_….ye, not being able to explain what a woman is is REALLY moderate lol

    7. You dont have to be Jordan Peterson to see that Labour under any one one especislly K Starmer will completely finnish off the Nation ! Which is why Democracies arch enemies the Islamists and Woke marxists will hope Labour get in !

    8. Technically if we DID all vote Reform UK that would be the only way out to sort this real mess we are in ,this two party politics is so damaging on how people move on and prosper its a vote for the same claptrap

    9. When I go shopping I grumble all the way there. I grumble all the way through the shop. I grumble all the way home. I grumble whilst putting the shopping away.
      I think I need help.
      Don't vote D-form.

    10. I like Jordan Peterson but sometimes think he should stick to psychology. However, as to Starmer, we're buggered if we vote for Labour and buggered if we vote for the Conservatives.

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