During this strange time of pandemic and lockdown, there are perhaps a couple of benefits for those of us not directly impacted by this terrible disease. One of those is the chance to still go out cycling once a day, the other is to spend relaxing time with other family members.

    Many roads are blissfully traffic-free, with only essential travel permitted, the air is a lot fresher.

    With Easter holidays fast approaching, and home schooling on the back burner for a while, conditions are now ideal to venture out for some exercise and a much-needed change of scene.

    In this video we offer some useful tips when family cycling, plus many more in our full article here: https://www.cyclinguk.org/article/how-cycle-your-family-during-coronavirus-crisis


    Check out the Cycling UK website for more wheelie handy advice and the latest news: https://www.cyclinguk.org/


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    Thanks so much for watching. Please subscribe to our channel, like this video and share it with your pedalling pals. Happy cycling!

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