The Sknyliv Air Show Disaster – what happened here on 27th July 2002 was a catastrophe that almost beggars belief. A Soviet era SU-27 twin engine jet came out of an acrobatic maneuver too low, lost control and ploughed into the watching crowds…. It is the worst air show disaster on record, a tragedy that should never have happened.

    Image Credits: Getty images, Radio Free Europe, Sergei Miroshnichenko, AP, BBC, USAF, Travis Air Base, wikimedia commons, Viktor Dychenko,


    The deadliest air show in history.

    Ukraine Commemorates Victims of the Sknyliv Air Show Disaster

    Disaster at the Air Show

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    1. it STALLED anyone with any flight experience can see that plain (pun intended) you can see it in the footage, it comes out of the turn without enough airspeed and it stalls. Also, great video, but yeah it stalled, far too low and with no altitude to scrub for air speed it stalled, u can SEE it, the forward momentum dips as they pull out of the turn and without airflow over the control surfaces it dropped out the sky. tragic but not baffling

    2. As sad/tragic as this was, the statement [5:47] "…it was a vision of hell" couldn't be further from the truth. In fact compared to hell, this is merely a walk in the park.

      Please: "Seek the Lord while He may be found. Call on Him while He is near" [Isaiah 55 v6] Truth is a stubborn thing.

    3. They really screwed the pilots over. They don't know exactly what caused the crash but had no problem finding someone to blame and lock up in prison. This is one of the worst cases of scapegoating I've ever heard of. I'm sure they didn't just decide to cause a major disaster out of nothing better to do. I can't believe they even survived. I'm sure their lives were changed for the worse for the remainder of their life. There is some serious injustice in the Ukraine. Anyone who had anything to do with the planning and the maps or anything to do with putting this event together on the technical side should have received jail time if the pilots had to go to jail. The justice system in America has its flaws, but if no one could prove exactly who's fault it was, they definitely wouldn't go to prison. You can't say exactly what caused It so you have nothing to charge them with. That's just common sense.

    4. I know we are far beyond any could haves, or should haves, but if there was that much confusion about where the spectator area was, in relation to where the aircraft was flying, then the pilots should have aborted the manuever. The pilots were culpable, and negligent. One did 8 years, and the other only 3? For killing 77 people, 20+ of them children? Are you flipping KIDDING??

    5. How extremely dramatic and sad this incident may be, looking at Ukrainian attitudes I hear and see almost everyday how incompetent, reckless , inhuman this governement is. Always find someone or some reason someone fails, not themselves.. . Sad for all those families that lost their dear ones or got injured. Better stay far away from these kind of demonstrations that in fact romanticize war….

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