I traveled back to Germany a second time at the end of August and I spent the first day relaxing and trying some of the things I missed out on the first time… HOWEVER, I did encounter a few problems with this trip when it came to using the deutsche bahn… BUT you’ll see all of that and more in THIS VIDEO! Enjoy 🙂

    For those that are still reading: I actually have ONE MORE TRIP this year locked in for November, and I’ll be visiting Hamburg and some surrounding towns and cities around this time! I know it’ll be bitter cold, but I’m prepared…. TRUST ME! If there’s any place you want me to visit that’s close to Hamburg, let me know in the comments down below!


    1. @James Bray : If you're visiting Germany's north, don't just stop in Hamburg… further north you'll get to see the mudlands of the North Sea (Wattenmeer), Schleswig and Haithabu (an old Viking town) and Flensburg for a quick trip to Denmark

    2. Its crazy to me, that you like Germany. Me as a german, I just want to leave this country. The rising racism and homophobia etc. is really scary. Hopefully you will not experience it. Stay save and enjoy ❤

    3. What you should try in Germany is a real Brotzeit. But your companions should show you a good bakery with good bread. It's just part of it 😀 I'm sure you'll like it. You can mess up a lot with cold cuts and stuff like that.

    4. Have you visited a german football game even if your not interested in football the atmosphere alone makes it a crazy experience. Cologne and hamburg are the perfect places to get an amazing experience

    5. please go to Hamburg, Berlin, Munich, Stuttgart, anything different than what the middle west part of Germany is, cause thats not the beautifiul part and they look the same. Or come to Vienna, or Zürich. These places are amazing!!!

    6. Did you know that there is a City-Law in Cologne, still valid today, that says: No Building shall ever be taller that the Cathedral. So it happened 2 years ago that they declince a Plan for a Building that would have been 2 Meters higher than the Cathedral. Crazy, isn't it?

    7. the "green" of the food is poisenous… if u eat like 10 kg of them 😀
      same with the green in tomatos or something 😀
      ITS ALL FINE! 😀

    8. Oh yeah, of course cheese is great in Germany. Afterall we are literally surrounded by countries that are famous for producing the best kinds of cheese in the world. Mix that with german bread and it can't be bad.

    9. Man you need to come to Munich, you would love it! Bavaria is a lot of different to the rest of Germany, just check it out. Munich is like very greenish with many parks and garden, has a huge food and beer culture. The NFL was here last year and everybody loved it! The German American Community is also like huge – many US army garrisons are stationed in the area. Moreover there are many lakes around the city area (Starnberger See, Tegernsee) and it’s very close to the Bavarian Alps, Austria and Switzerland.

    10. I don't understand why you had to wait for more than four hours for an ICE Train from Frankfurt-Airport to Colone since there are at least three trains per hour. Even if they are all late (which wouldn't surprise me), there are still around three trains per hour, and you can simply take the train which was scheduled one hour earlier or whatever.

    11. Ja, ein frisches Brot (mit knuspriger Rinde), Butter drauf und dann Käse, so einfach, kann aber so geil schmecken 😁 Spaghettieis sollen doch Spaghetti mit Tomatensoße und etwas Parmesan darstellen, deshalb die weiße Schokolade. Ich habe das dieses Jahr zu meinem Geburtstag als Torte gemacht. Kam sehr gut an

    12. The red berries that were part of your ice cream bowl are red currants. There are red, black and white currants. (rote, schwarze und weiße Johannisbeeren). I learned that you guys in North America are not really familiar with them because you are for the most part not allowed to grow tem because they could carry some virus that would affect some of your tree species.
      In the distant past they were grown in the U.S. and Canada too but the rules have changed. That's why you are probably not familiar with them.
      I have a few currant shrubs and I love them. These berries are loaded with great stuff and very healthy.

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