This is a bike tour in Budapest, Hungary around the City Center and taken in September 2022. I will go around the city on my bike getting to the center and then crossing the Liberty bridge and making my way along the Danube on the Buda side before crossing the Margit Bridge and ending the tour at the Parlament.

    Time Stamps
    00:00 Start at Pozsonyi Utca
    04:00 St. Istvan Korut
    07:30 Bajcsy-Zsilinszky ut
    10:05 Bank Utca
    11:15 Szabadság tér
    13:15 Nador Utca
    14:20 Zrinyi Utca
    15:23 Szent Istvan Ter
    17:12 Karoly Korut
    21:50 Muzeum Korut
    26:15 Crossing the Liberty Bridge
    28:15 Riding along the Danube Buda side
    42:35 Crossing Margit Bridge
    46:55 Parlament


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