The biker is upset because the car driver cut him off. After that, he gets into road rage, and we know that road rage always goes badly and can easily turn into a street fight.
    The life of a biker is not easy, they experience close calls, near pass, crashes, quarrel with bad drivers.

    In this motovlog you can see other road rages 2023 situations that fall under real public freakouts compilation.
    Check out this interesting Motovlog .
    In this episode you can see many interesting details:
    Motorcycle crashes, Public freakouts , bad drivers, collisions explained in order to educate drivers, near miss, road rage 2023.

    All scenes that could disturb the audience in any way are blurred!!!

    This video is of an educational nature and I will do my best to explain dangerous situations in traffic to you in the best way and to try to make you better people and better drivers.
    I hope you like the video and subscribe to the channel

    This work is protected under US Copyright Law [Fair Use Clause].
    Clips featured in the following video are intended for educational
    purposes. The commentary on each clip solidifies
    and clearly portrays my intent of teaching my
    viewers to be better drivers as well as express my
    take on what happens in the clip.


    Check out this channels and subscribe:
    Blast On Wheels
    Living Like Larry
    Forsaken Spawn
    Rembo USMC
    Speed Operator
    Juan Prinsloo

    #RoadRage2023 #WhenBikersFightBack #WhenRoadRageGoesWrong


    1. dude in the camry was super lucky this biker was not conceal carrying. It couldve ended up so much worse for him that day all because he got angry for his mistake than decided to pull out a deadly weapon. Absolutely bonkers. A road rage incident happened today to me on the freeway. I was driving my friends tesla model 3 performance and he was in his bmw 530e. A man in a suv decided he was going to speed up super fast when I was making my lane change to the fast lane. In the process it looked like to him that I cut him off. I thought he would be cool and understand but no he than proceeded to try and follow me making the same lane changes as I did. So I did the only thing I knew which was to get away. I will admit I started driving a bit aggressively to get away. I was going faster than I should have been but thank god there wasnt a lot of traffic and I could cut in and out of lanes of traffic and the guy ended up just driving past me and my friend but it was very scary.

    2. 2.18 Self appointed bully wannabe cop. If it was a carload of big guys inside the car, probably the coward would have apologized to them and gone. The next clip shows exactly that.
      They act as if they are perfect when they ride and is they do something wrong it's fine.
      These woke self entitled snowflake clowns give every biker a bad name.

    3. Yeah guy is not a cop. I'd just ignore him but again I wouldn't have attempted a u-turn there to begin with and I get that bikers are faced with many risks. OH and no State hired those guys. Fire= take jacket off and smother.

    4. Ofc that lady was from California trying to make a stupid ass u turn. Thats not road rage, thats proving a point. Two double yellow lines means ABSOLUTELY NO U TURN lady. Is driving school just easier to pass in California or something? Also 4:40? Id love to see more of that lol i love it

    5. At 2:10 and the 2:27 Mark I do agree with the motorcyclist as he probably saved both her and some innocent other vehicle from a possible collision and that woman driver should hand in her license!

    6. I think motorcyclists may carry a hammer or a small gun to make the road ragers’ car retail price a bit funnier and their free time a little bit more insurance companey

      Imagine spending hours talking to an insurance company and then even more at body shops instead of spending your free time at your hobbies or with your loved ones

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