1. Please drive more careful in the busy parts. You're way too aggressive. And please also know that diabled people always have priority in the Netherlands. You even did not give it on a "zebrapad". Which you largely ignored anyway. Calm down, man. You drive dangerously.

    2. I agree with fellow Dutch people.
      Take. It. Easy.
      You drive with an annoying aggressive style. You win no time at all, you increase the chance on accidents though. In the video you see clearly that everybody else drives relaxed.

    3. Obviously all the reactions are from people that do not understand how carefully you drive, don't make me laugh, it's not the wide view lens, it's you're shortsighteness. You're driving way to fast in a very busy city centre, you take risks with other peoples health, always wrong. The worst part is you arguing to deny it. That is the opposite of smart!

    4. Great bike ride, I love the video, you passed the cycling exam with honour.
      The critical comments confuse me. The only "incident" I discovered was at 8.00 in a mixed walking-cycling zone, where you politely rang your bell and the pedestrians made way. Well, that's how it's supposed to be in a mixed zone. Nowhere angry faces or angry yelling.
      I see happy people, walking and cycling in a beatiful city and I hear a lot of buzz of people talking. No cars.

    5. Take an example from the guy at 7:47. He adepts to the circumstances and gets off his bike if it's too crowded.
      You should learn to adept, anticipate and relax, your driving style doesn't win you any time it just annoys everyone including yourself.
      and hey look at that.. at 10:08 there is that same guy again. QED.

    6. I cant finish this, you ride like an idiot. Mind you, I love your other videos and subscribed. Maybe because youre inexperienced. I’ll give a few examples: 1:39 two girls are crossing the street, it costs you nothing to veer to the right and thus give them a visual signal you wont cross their way, instead you chose the best path for you. Inconsiderate, rude. On 2:01, and later 2:04 you do not stay behind the couple walking, and thus create a dangerous situation for the traffic coming towards you, the cyclist and later the mother with child. 2:41 the same thing. 3:05.. you could easily have stopped behind the lady in black, but you stopped next to her, thus blocking traffic, making you look like a fool. 3:59.. the scootmobiel you threatened to crash into, it cost you nothing to veer to the left (there was no traffic coming your way) and avoid crossing his path, instead you just kept going… thats also where I stopped watching. Try to behave and anticipate further ahead of you, and while you learn that skill, ride SLOWER!

    7. Sorry, I don’t like your adventures drivers skills on this bike tour. To fast and aggressive! Please take drivers lessons. The main rule on the road is “You’re not alone, it’s not all about you! You are also responsable for others at that moment joining in traffic. Be carrying and acting careful! Keep up your videos, they are interesting. Although I would like to know why you’re in The Netherlands and we’re did you come from.

    8. When I saw the preview I wondered if there was an event happening in the down town, turns out there was and it's the Kermis, makes total sense

    9. The only reason it’s Chaos is because no one is using hand signals including you and especially you! Also your handle bars are ridiculously low and most likely banging your knees when you turn a sharp turn. Slow down in busy streets you don’t have the right of way and use your bell to much. The person in the electric wheel chair should be given the right of way! It’s a elderly person. This behavior is so so poor and so not a behaving like a Dutch person.

    10. It's not at all a chaos. I live in this city and we are used with such thing, there isn't really a problem. Both the cyclists and the pedestrians know how to move around each other, you'll get used to it eventually

    11. Wonderful! Very little TOXIC asphalt, that in inner city serves mostly for the profit of CRIMINAL politicians, and nothing more. The world is mostly primitive compared to this. *Bike bell

    12. dont know if your dutch but i would say you have some good cycling skills but got to slow down more often and anticipate more when entering a zebracrossing , keep practising 😉

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