ON NOVEMBER 9-10, 2023, the Fourth Edition of the International Scientific Symposium, DigiHealthDay-2023 took place, hosted by the European Campus Rottal-Inn of Deggendorf Institute of Technology, in collaboration with its DONORS and SPONSORS: City of Pfarrkirchen, Sparkasse Rottal-Inn, MPP Labs and Jacob Yangyuoru; NGO PARTNERS – Bavarian State Ministry of Health and Care (StMGP), Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS), International Society for Telemedicine & eHealth (ISfTeH), Consortium of Educational Institutions in Digital Health (CONEDIG), International Medical Informatics Association (IMIA), European Federation for Medical Informatics (EFMI), German Society of Digital Medicine (DGDM), German Telemedicine Society (DGTelemed), Deutsche Gesellschaft für Gesundheitstelematik (DGG), Bavarian Telemedicine Alliance (BTA), Medical Valley EMN e.V., Armenian Association of Digital Health (AADH); ACADEMIA PARTNERS – Russian-Armenian University (RAU) in Yerevan, and National Healthcare University of Ukraine (NHU) in Kyiv; the MEDIA PARTNER Digital Health News.eu; the PARTNER EVENT Munich Digital Health Summit; and the District Rottal-Inn.

    FOR THE FIRST TIME IN THE HISTORY of Deggendorf Institute of Technology (DIT, Germany), an exclusive Blended Intensive Program (BIP) on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning for Health, was introduced as a DigiHealthDay pre-event activity. This innovative program titled “DigiHealth‐AI: Practice, Research, Ethics, and Regulation”, was organized by DIT in collaboration with partners from four European nations: University of Agder (UiA, Norway), Luleå Technical University (LTU, Sweden), AI Sweden, Czech Technical University (CTU, Czechia), and Technical University of Catalonia (UPC, Spain) with support from the European Union’s ERASMUS+ program. From November 4th to 10th, European Campus Rottal-Inn, Pfarrkirchen was transformed into a hub for a unique educational and learning experience for all the BIP students and staff alike.

    DIT-ECRI, HOME TO Master of Digital Health (MDH), its signature I3-program (Innovative, Interdisciplinary, International) is tasked with an important mission of capacity building and knowledge transfer in International Digital Health Academia, and DigiHealthDay, with its pre-event workshop series, International Symposium, and the new BIP initiative, highlights this educational commitment, envisioned to make champions through education, innovation, and collaboration.

    THIS YEAR, DigiHealthDay garnered an impressive 1,323 registrations from 105 nations around the world and brought together more than 450 people onsite and online through the streaming platforms Zoom and YouTube, including 15 keynote speakers, prominent leaders, experts, students, visionaries, policy makers, and Digital Health enthusiasts, to reflect, participate, learn, question, contribute, and converse on contemporary issues in Digital Health, thereby firmly establishing DigiHealthDay as the premier platform for Digital Health research, education, and networking.

    THE TWO-DAY ACTION-FILLED conference wrapped together three Plenary Sessions, three Parallel Sessions, and a Panel Discussion, and topped off with an after-event Reception – the ‘DigiHealthNight’.

    THIS YEAR, the DigiHealth Family experience was further enriched and expanded by the inclusion of the 50 students from the Blended Intensive Program who joined the event onsite together with more than 250 fellow attendees, including staff, and organizers. Their presence added new dimensions and depth to the DigiHealth Family spirit.

    PRESENT FOR THE FIRST TIME were also students and staff from the Russian-Armenian University in Yerevan, Armenia which features the Double-Degree counterpart of DIT-ECRI’s Master of Digital Health (MDH), powered by Erasmus+ Mobility Grant allowing not only students and staff from Armenia to visit DIT-ECRI with either short-term, or semester-long stays but also students from Germany spending a semester in Armenia for an internship (not formally available at DIT-ECRI) in the country’s young but rapidly developing Digital Health sector.

    THE NUMEROUS HEARTFELT TESTIMONIALS of the speakers and participants stand witness to the event’s remarkable triumph. Most importantly, the blending of education and learning with family sentiments was a standout experience for most.

    GROUNDWORKS ARE IN MOTION for the next edition of DigiHealthDay, which is traditionally scheduled for the second Friday of November next year. It will be even more special as it is the jubilee Fifth Edition of the DigiHealthDay. So, don’t hesitate to already

    SAVE THE DATE: November 4-8, 2024!

    At the Heart of Europe in Pfarrkirchen, DigiHealthDay will continue educational efforts and collaboration in Digital Health.

    We look forward to seeing you again soon!

    Yours faithfully,
    The DigiHealthDay Team

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