A thief who stopped an elderly man in the street before robbing him of £1,100 has been jailed.

    Andrew Merritt asked the 88-year-old if he could spare a couple of pounds and the pensioner, who was on a mobility scooter, took out his wallet and gave him £3.10.

    CCTV footage showed Merritt then hug the man before grabbing the wallet and walking away.

    As the elderly man pleaded for it back, Merritt grinned as he counted the large wad of £20 banknotes from inside the wallet. He kept the cash and dumped the wallet.

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    1. If he'd stolen from a rich member of the upper classes you can guarantee the charges would have been different and he'd have got a longer sentence.
      Criminals are encouraged to target the lower classes, hence the low sentence and early release after around 18 months.

    2. What an absolute scum bag!
      How could any human stoop so low to rob a pensioner of what very little he had. Absolutely despicable 😡🤬🤬

    3. Usual suspects😂. Always go after the oldest, youngest(number 1 pedos according to Interpol 🤢) or most defenseless. Typical greedy, criminal European men have been doing that to every one unprovoked all through history. It's in their nature😢. Welcome to the cultural enrichment of Europe😊. And the justice system protected this White male criminal as he committed hundreds of crimes😮.

    4. Usual suspects😂. Always go after the oldest, youngest(number 1 pedos according to Interpol 🤢) or most defenseless. Typical greedy, criminal European men have been doing that to every one unprovoked all through history. It's in their nature😢. Welcome to the cultural enrichment of Europe😊. And the justice system protected this White male criminal as he committed hundreds of crimes😮. This White male criminal represents all White men😊.

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