Sadiq Khan’s “death trap” bike lane zebra crossings see just one in ten cyclists stop.

    The Mayor of London has overseen a proliferation of the Copenhagen-style scheme, where busy cycle lanes are wedged between the pavement and a bus stop island, with a zebra crossing bridging the two.

    This is despite Mr Khan and Transport for London being repeatedly warned in their own reports that the majority of cyclists refuse to stop or slow down at these crossings.

    #cycling #london #sadiqkhan #zebracrossing

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    1. The department of transport laughs at disabled people. I should ask them for the recording when they laughed at me for reporting heavy bicycles left in the middle of pavement. He actually laughed and hanged the phone up. That was a sign for me that day to give up the fight. Unfortunately it’s the disabled and less able bodied people that will suffer. Such a sad situation. The decline of this society in all aspects of life truly shines.

    2. Khan doesn’t give a dam. The biggest idiot ever in control of London. How many accidents caused by this madness? Box of tracks would soon slow them down. Direct action required

    3. Telegraph culture wars on cyclists now? Didnt seem like they could be bothered to come up with any constructive solutions didnt seem like they talked to any traffic managers . Lets call cyclistst a herd that will wnd up angry people !

    4. Trouble is, most cyclists think they own the roads, they don't even think a red traffic light applies to them. Another scheme that screams ACCIDENT WAITING TO HAPPEN ! Clearly H&S out of the window here.

    5. Cyclists don't take any notice of traffic lights either. And of course they don't pay anything to use the roads. Sorry i have no sympathy for them.

    6. I took part in the trials for these at TRL Bracknell and they were told then that they would not work as cyclists would not stop it looks like we got over ruled and they did it anyway after we said it was dangerous so what was the point of spending thousands on trials just to ignore the findings TFL just ignored the results so any injuries are down to them.

    7. If physically possible people should cycle instead of catching the bus in my HUMBLE OPINION THE bike is one of the greatest inventions, healthy non polluting cheap quick and fun !!🌎🏝🏜🍇🦊🍋🍎🌳🧿🧿🐎

    8. How about don't cross till it's safe to do so.
      This generation is losing all its common sense.Maybe the government has stats that show this and that's why they're dumbing everything down.

    9. Sorry but cyclists have to obey the rules of the road just like everyone else. All of these 'entitled' cyclists not allowing a waiting pedestrian to cross should be fined on the spot, with their bones being seized on repeat offence. The zebra crossing is pretty clear and they should be cycling with due care. TFL isn't the problem, the rude and obnoxious cyclists are. If they have time to ring a bell, they have time to stop. These sort of cyclists would also too through a red light of one were installed.

    10. What a lot of crap. In other parts of the world accounting for cyclists is just part of life, as is cyclists accounting for pedestrians. We just have to learn

    11. That type of cycle lanes are the most stupid things made! Cyclist dont stop, creates traffic on the road, the blind too, could potentially be very dangerous for them.. I cycle and mostly avoid cycle lanes, main roads and bus lanes… This is a Sadik Khan silly ideas on how to send taxpayers moneys…

    12. Cyclists don't like to stop because of slow acceleration on restart. Dutch cycle lanes are designed to minimize bike stopping. But this London problem is tricky. I guess there needs to be some kind of automatic signal triggered by the bus. But it's a good problem to have. As bike riding continues to increase to where it's the dominant use of the road it will be prioritized over other uses.

    13. Ha. The Dutch have been doing this since the 60s. Turns out Dutch bus passengers expect to see bikes and don't step out in front of them. There is no marked pedestrian crossing across the bike lane. Bikes are not required to stop. It's clearly a matter of training.The answer to this problem is to simply remove the marked pedestrian crossing across the bike lane and train bus passengers to beware of bikes. Maybe some kind of bike slowing device like a bump would be a good idea since British riders seem to ride a lot faster than the Dutch. There does seem to be much more awareness of others in the Netherlands than London. Car drivers, bike riders, pedestrians and transit riders seem to coexist much more peacefully than London. I guess this maybe due to loss of cultural homogeneity.

    14. They have put these here to take them away all part of there corrupt budget planing to spend tax money on things we don’t need and take back handers strait to sadiq kunt

    15. i think the problem is how fast the superhighways are, i regularly use cs2 (shown here) and while i do try to stop where i can, it would probably cause a cycle crash if someone stopped especially with the number of cyclists there are at rush hour. the cycle lanes are simultaneously slow and fast (due to all the traffic lights on route) but a suitable solution to this would probably installing mini traffic lights that pedestrians can push similar to a puffin, this would reduce a lot of the risk for blind and less able pedestrians but also make cyclists more inclined to stop. again, as someone who cycles and walks this route regularly, it has a lot of benefits but this is probably the major drawback

    16. This is what happens when people who walk, bike or take PT are given the crumbs of public space, while people in cars completely dominate the transport network both physically and financially.
      UK budget for car-oriented for the next 5 years: ~ 27 billion
      For walking and cycling for the forseeable future: ~ 0.2 billion, down from 0.4

    17. Give these cyclists an inch, and they’ll take a mile, I just watched a video about sadistic khans right hand man, who got punched by another cyclist, cos he challenged him about not stopping at a zebra crossing! Standards in the uk are dropping hard

    18. Do we have to make a culture war out of everything now? Can't we just look at things and evaluate the pros and cons like we used to?

      Are they suitable for routes with a lot of bicycle and bus traffic, no. Are they suitable for quieter areas where there is less pedestrian and bicycle traffic, yes.

      It's not binary, so can we all just chill and work through the problem together?

    19. It isn't clearly marked at all. No zig zag lines, no yellow lights. Just show how ignorant the planners and engineers at TfL are. No practical experience.

    20. Just ban cars from London and there will be more than enough space for everyone to get around safely. It'll make the city a much nicer place too, cars and drivers ruin things for us normal folk.

    21. Remeber that if a pedestrian is hit by a bike, there will have injuries. But if a car huts a pedestrian the pedestrian will most likely die. Bikes are not cars and shouldnt be treated like one. I understand that bikes arent giving way but the alternative is putting bikes into a bus stop on a road which will probably result in dead cyclists. Whats better dead cyclists or injured pedestrians? I pick the latter!

    22. I've cycled through Mile End and Whitechapel many times, and I've stopped before these zebra crossings if I sensed that a pedestrian wanted to cross. I know some other cyclists stop at these too, but just wish all other cyclists did.

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