Iron overload is very common in men over 30 & women over 60 years of age. Excess iron can lead to ferrous redox cycling. Ferrous redox cycling can lead to oxidative stress. Iron related oxidative stress is associated with the Fenton reaction which can damage mitochondria. Iron overload associated with lipid peroxidation can lead to ferroptosis.
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    1. Great information in this show. You mentioned water in the program I believe, which I’m very interested in. I’ve got to go back and find it but it’s an over 2 hour program. Do you have a talk just focused on drinking water? It’s so confusing with some doctors saying “distilled”, others say “alkaline” is best, you mentioned R.0. Water. Plastic water bottles is another thing I am concerned about. Who knows how hot those bottles get while in transport? Is it enough to be concerned about plastic leeching into the water? What is the best water to drink? What about drinking distilled water and adding in mineral drops? Is bottled Alkaline water a hyped marketing ploy?

    2. Dr rogers do you have any advice regarding body temperature?I eat your spartan vegan diet but my body is always cold. I thought better blood flow would help but body temperature hasn’t increased.

    3. Dr Rogers, I have seen this study:
      doi: 10.3390/nu7021108
      where the researchers found that iron increases homocysteine. They say that it is not really homocysteine that is causal in CVD but iron. They mention that studies where B vitamins were used to reduce homocysteine failed to lower CVD. Do you have an opinion on that? Is homocysteine causal for CVD, and also Alzheimer, or is it the iron?

    4. Dr Rogers ..
      I give blood every 3 months to keep my iron levels low for cancer protection…as you've suggested…I also have 1 gene for haemochromatosis so it's good for that too….when I gave blood last week she said my haemoglobin was quite low at 123 (in Australia the normal pathology test range is 119-160)…i can see mine has been steadily dropping since i went on this diet..she said once it hits 120 I won't be able to give blood.
      Is that a concern?

      3 months ago it was 139 apparently

      My ferritin is fine…all within the normal range…iron is sometimes low…below the normal range..but then it comes back in to low normal range so my Dr isnt worried.

      I've been following Dr Esselstyns diet for 7 years but I was worried about not being able to give blood bc of my haemoglobin?
      Thank you

    5. @Dr. Roger’s, what about women with low iron ? Is it dangerous? Both my sister and I have 7 day menstrual cycles. My sister was prescribed an iron supplement.

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