Hear ye, hear ye, the doctor Peterson has ordered any and all persons hearing… reading this message to abandon their ideologies. Further instructions are to follow, just pay to see his speaking tour. Or buy the next book. In any event, persons are directed to dispense with their funds in a Peterson-ian direction.

    Just kidding. Give me your money instead! Also kidding… unless you’d like to support my work with extra money you find yourself in possession of. That I’ll take 🙂

    Anyways! Rule 6. Abandon Ideology. Yep. My sense of this book being a bare bones DLC to the original 12 Rules continues to be pretty spot on.

    I have many thanks to give for help on this video
    – @HeyItsVadim for helping enhance my thumbnail and moral support
    – The Philosophy Phriends, for help with all the Nietzsche business. Phriends who showed up to the philosophy signal this time: Dalassa, Fiora, Hannah, Tait, and Shadowfury.
    – @hegelplays804 for making sure I didn’t pizza’d when I should have Nietzsche’d
    – @SulMatul for ensmartening my script in a lot of places

    The sticked comment will be asking for thoughts on Patreon-alternatives, given the pivot they seem to be doing as a company. Related to that, the plug-in I had switched to using stopped working, probably because of the Patreon website change to match their new philosophy. So if your credit is missing (or is there but you cancelled), that’s why, and I’m terribly terribly sorry. I think I’ve got everyone in there who should be, but you never know. Related to -that-, while going through the credits file from the last vid, I discovered a handful of people who weren’t included by the plug-in for whatever reason. So that’s neat. Especially because the people behind the plug-in seemed to have dropped off the face of the planet some years back.


    Next video: https://youtu.be/7zme38lAhNg
    Start of the chapter: you’re here!

    Related links
    Jordan Peterson’s Ideology | Philosophy Tube – https://youtu.be/m81q-ZkfBm0?si=_8YbPRhNlc08n0Nx
    Jordan B. Peterson could lose his license? – me – https://youtu.be/8Pk6bQOVNmo?si=FYcHoVFGeMbRprcl
    The start of his parenting chapter – https://youtu.be/G84z2IB400M?si=EME1ZifyHykDsZUB
    The start of the original’s Rule 6 – https://youtu.be/GR71W2g737w?si=Jw_MwFOT_oYa6nDb
    The start of the original’s Rule 7 – https://youtu.be/gXa-C5xxdX4?si=Df-7SFWPRmX6o2nD

    Merch! https://cass-eris-shop.fourthwall.com/

    Questions? Comments? Requests?: https://twitter.com/CassErisYT
    Discord server (by way of linktree): https://linktr.ee/casseris
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cass_eris

    Support the channel!

    Music: http://www.zoeblade.com/


    0:00 Abandon Ideology
    3:50 Intro
    4:43 Chapter art
    7:19 References overview
    9:41 “The Wrong Places”
    15:25 Society’s sins
    18:46 “Perhaps He Is Only Sleeping”
    24:12 The current iteration of God being dead
    28:02 The Will to Power
    33:24 Dostoevsky
    35:54 Socialism and The Will to Power
    42:31 Kaufman
    44:53 The unexpected walking back
    47:57 Bumper

    (-**)- hi. YouTube says Kirby doesn’t get to have pointy hands

    Jordan B. Peterson
    Beyond Order: 12 More Rules for Life
    12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos
    Cass Eris
    cognitive psychology
    availability heuristic
    survivorship bias


    1. I could be massively wrong here – but I think Nietzsche's renunciation of his Prussian nationality had to do with his thoughts about 'pan europeanism'. He doesn't seem to be against war ( in fact I think he considered it a necessary aspect of humanity), and it might be that he joined up in order to further German unification, thinking that it would further European unification. It seems that he only later became disillusioned with the German 'project' when the political scene in Germany started espousing ideals he disagreed with.

      edit – sorry for telling you things you clearly know already (ie Nietsche's view of 'martial spirit') – I paused the vid to write the comment.

    2. Ah yes, Peterson saying that in order to have value in life, we need to take up burdens. Perhaps, a man needs to take up a sort of man's burden. Perhaps even a particular type of man should take up perhaps a particular type of man's burden.

    3. Someone probably mentioned this, but in your last section you descrubed socialism and communism as one allowing democracy and communism not.

      I cannot stress how very incorrect this is. What we talk about when we talk about communism isnt that democracy cant exist, but that the state (the exclusive right to violence, law enforcement, and economic power) can't exist if all people are be free. Hierarchy of the State will always prevent true democracy, if not outright then eventually.

      Socialism allows for the state to exist in part (such as democratic socialism, and further to the right is social democracy)

      Democracy =/= the state. True democracy is when the people, every person, has an ability to be represented and also have a say in how that representation functions.

      Theres a lot of ways to do this (which is why leftist infighting can get so dumb). What the USSR and Maoist china created was not communist, it was what we call Authoritarian State Communism, which put party over anything elsw. China is now state capitalist and there is no USSR, but the problem they had was they established "the dictatorship of the proletariat" and just. Stayed there. That specific system was only to be in place to help institute the changes necessary to hand state power back to the people, and then given up. They said Nah, and then proceeded to execute all communists and anarchists who tried to hold them to their own stated goals and globally appropriating any leftist movement through soft and hard power to make them dependent, or at subservient, to the ussr specifically.

      Sorry this is so long and if there are a lot of typos, but this miaunderstanding is a critical cause of people rejecting communism and anything related to it and is largely like. A mix of soviet bloc AND american propaganda (for the ussr to legitimate their rule, for america to destroy communism as an ideology entirely). So. Yeah. I can give u some stuff if you're interested to get all the like. Readings if you want??

      Edit: omg im realized how patronizing my last question sounded. Sorry, what i mean is i've had to learn a lot about this stuff over the years, and i'm happy to point you in the direction of resources if you'd like to know more.

    4. Hierarchies suck. Some may be necessary, most are not, many are toxic, and hierarchies always suck.
      My first time with this YouTube presenter.
      Is there a term in the manual used as a symptom classification guide that applies when JP verbally attacks, insults, or demeaning labels an individual or a class of individuals? I call it bullying.
      I think the dude has something wrong with his brain, some deficiency in self-esteem maybe? He seems delusional at times, and sometimes I don't have the energy to spare trying to tease meaning from his words. I can detect nonsense and tend to turn of to the words. He also seems to look at his hands an awful lot. There must be some Latin attached that as well.

    5. The entitled stereotype is now being used against gen z as they are 'entering the workforce'. It kind of makes me laugh because seeing as gen z starts in in 96 or 97, we've already been part of the workforce for a while 😂 and just like millennials, we aren't actually entitled 😂 we just want better working conditions and a more equal society so we don't have to be collectively tired and dead inside like we all feel we are 😂

    6. Marasmus femininus is such a ridiculous concept.

      God forbid societies started adopting more feminine coded values and principles, like caring for others, attending to the needs of the vulnerable, fostering community, protecting our young instead of having them become cannon fodder for imperialist wars….

      If anything, Nietzsche's literary delirium only strengthens some arguments that feminist psychoanalysts brought forward a few decades later.

    7. 44:25 What would the replacement be? And would it be great? In theory, of course.

      Sorry, just had to put that in there.😋

      46:30 I have to push back on that a bit. Socialism can't encompass the authoritarian nightmares etc. It can only encompass realizations of ideas which have at their core that "the bulk of the means of production is under social, democratic control," because that is the single thing which qualifies something as being a branch of socialism (check out the Plato Stanford article on socialism. Also look into the various branches themselves and see what they have in common. You'll come to see that Maoist and Stalinist interpretations don't hold those things in common except in lip service for some unknown future date…maybe. If you're good and class conscious enough). To drive home the point, describe a pillow and then instead of actually producing a pillow as an example of a pillow, you instead whip out a machine gun and say "that's a pillow." It isn't that the example of a pillow isn't a "pure" or "true" or "real" pillow, as the No True Scotsman fallacy pushes insist, but that it doesn't MOSTLY meet the description of a pillow. If the bulk of the defining features of a system do not hold true to the concept of what the system purports to be, then it is not the system it purports to be. (This is also why capitalists trying to say "that's not real/true/pure capitalism" are full of crap. What they're describing DOES fit the description of capitalism quite closely, with only minor discrepancies that are typically impossible to actually make happen, like "perfect competition" and other nonsense.)

      Socialism, and by extention the evolution past socialism of the "stateless, classless, moneyless society" of communism, can't, by virtue of the foundational concept of democracy, be authoritarian as in the USSR and China, because those reject that foundational concept in favor of party rule. To put it into terms commonly thrown around, those were not "dictatorship of the proletariat" because the entire proletariat as a class did not rule the state through democracy, but was in reality ruled by the state by a small section of the party in alliance with the intelligentsia, and thus they were "dictatorship of the party" OVER the proletariat. In fact, the whole point of the term "dictatorship of the proletariat" was to contrast it to the "dictatorship of the bourgeoisie," where the bourgeoisie ruled the state through direct and indirect means, without any real need to be organized as a class owing to the fact that they were few in number, and that their shared class interest of keeping the proletariat down didn't require them to do anything but what they did as individuals at the top of society, as owners of capital whose goals were to increase their ownership of capital at any cost to the public.

      To put it more clearly, you can't profess to be working towards a fully democratic society while in reality centralizing the power to make and enforce decisions into a small leadership class in a top-down system that is largely autonomous of the society, follows its own agenda, etc. In making that claim, you are effectively pointing to a machine gun while saying "that's a pillow because I said so, identifying features be damned." (No, this same logic doesn't apply to gender identity etc, because that's a completely different story of self-identification according to internal traits unique to the individual that can't reasonably be measured, and so self-identification takes precedence over external features or social norms.)

      Again, to qualify as a branch of socialism, there is a single defining feature which must be met: "The bulk of the means of production is under social, democratic control." If that isn't met, it isn't socialism.

      Also, 47:00 "can be" is wrong. "Must be" is necessary. And communism and democracy aren't incompatible. They are the same thing. The difference between what we imagine of as democracy and what communism is supposed to be is that democracy isn't elected officials making decisions for the masses, but the masses making decisions amongst themselves through democracy. Democracy is "rule of the people," but in a republican form of government, "the people" are a select body of individuals typically controlled by or part of the elite. In socialist society "the people" is the whole of society, which means that they don't merely vote for who will rule over them, but actively take place in the discussions and solution-formulation which result in decision-making. Or else it wouldn't be "democracy," "rule of (kratos) the people (demos)." That's why "republic" is not "our democracy," but is instead "their democracy," "they" being the few who are allowed to participate in actually making decisions. Socialism allows for a state mechanism to exist during the transition away from capitalism and top-down systems of government, but the less the people directly control the government, the less socialist it is.

      Communism is the next step beyond socialism in the transition, where the NEED for a state has been done away with throughout the phase of socialism by transferring the duties and responsibilities of the state mechanism to the democratic societies, normalizing them as common practices and social responsibilities. Democracy isn't done away with, but instead becomes the normal method of settling disputes, addressing problems, etc etc etc.

      Now, if that's what you were meaning, Cass, then great. But it sounded like you were going a different direction with what socialism and communism are.

    8. I misunderstood "Rorschach-like writing style" and was trying to remember when in 12 Rules he sounded like the Watchmen character. He mostly sounds like a supervillain in his tweets. I get what you meant, but had to pause and laugh at "And all the politicians and the whores will look up at me and say 'Save us!' and I'll look back and say 'Up yours woke moralists!'" Lmao

    9. Every time I try to face Peterson's thinking, I just keep running into the irony that the very things he rails against are the things he's trying to implement. Maybe it's my particular upbringing in a particular religion, but religion seems to be just as much a "utopian ideology, predicated on a few apparently self-evident axioms" as any political structure he obsesses over.

    10. Also. Peterson thinks of his self-pity as suffering. Peterson reminds me of a scene in The Boys where Stormfront tells Homelander that nobody suffers like him.

    11. Jordan Peterson does not deserve this abuse. He is one of North America's MOST important intellectual impersonators and has suffered a LOT. How would YOU like to go 25 days straight with no sleep after overdosing on apple cider and have to be rushed to a quack clinic in Moscow, doubtless surrounded by the same socialist realist canvases you have adorning every corner of your home in Toronto?

      Talk about a NIGHTMARE.

      Yet Peterson weathers it all with his signature good cheer and calm demeanor. The comparisons with Christ you hear all the time from his followers are spot on. So lay off this hero of our age and GET A LIFE!

    12. Nietzsche was radically anti-nationalism in any guise. That was a major factor in his infamous falling out with Wagner. He certainly didn't support war but supported strong-willed individuals following their passions, even if those passions had negative consequences (he references Beethoven, Goethe and Napoleon). I believe he is as fierce a critic of the capitalist ethos and runaway materialism as he is suspicious of certain socialist tendencies. A subtle, difficult and remarkable thinker–often self-contradictory. As opposed to Peterson, who is little more than a Canadian Alex Jones—a venomous crackpot and textbook con artist. Nietzsche would have found Peterson thoroughly repulsive and probably stabbed him multiple times.

    13. Do you take any issue with Jordan's Jungian/religious takes? I see major flaws in Jung when it comes to religious studies…it seems like religious studies scholars do as well. I'd love to know your perspective

    14. This guy set off my b.s. detector as fast as Drs. Phil and Oz, which is as fast as that crazy ass Ramtha lady back in the day. Petersen’s arguments have holes you could float an oil tanker through. I’m continually baffled by the arguments of these intellectuals on the right. I don’t think I’m THAT smart, but most of their arguments are simply insulting, often assuming facts simply not in evidence.

      Of course, I tell folks my political primer was Frank Herbert’s Dune books. His, exclusively. His son’s is fanfic at best.

      He talks about bureaucracy protecting itself and advocates for diversity in nearly as many words because everything is improved from multiple viewpoints. Real boats rock. A boat that isn’t rocking isn’t being a boat. It’s not performing its😅 intended function.

      Also Charisma is not competence, religion is manipulative horseshit, and power may indeed corrupt, but it almost inevitably attracts the corruptible.

      Oh… and absolutes are a sucker’s bet. There are no messiahs. Political or otherwise.

      Democracy is work.

    15. I commend you for reading his books, I tried reading one in the library ( I do not want my money going to him) and only got about 20 pages in, I guess I'm smart enough to understand him.
      He was on tv here ( NL) on a talk show and I wanted to know what all the fuzz was about, it turned out mr peterson and the host of said show were both very bad for my old man blood pressure.
      The scariest part imo is seeing one of his books on your good doctor's desk….LoL

    16. Re: Christianity and slavery, Peterson sort of brushes by what is almost a point made by leftists. In Losurdo's Liberalism: A Counter-history, Losurdo argues that the main bulwark against slavery was the Catholic Church. This was most prominent in the law that said Christians couldn't take other Christians as slaves, but also had many rules about what one could do with slaves and their produce. For instance, a slaveowner was not able to prevent two slaves from getting married and having kids, furthermore those kids weren't slaves as they were a product of this holy union.

      However, material interests won out, resulting in the politically disempowered church we have today and capitalism that we all know and love. Over, like, 300 years or so. Losurdo argues that the US separation of Church and State was specifically to safeguard the interests of slaveowners against the historical restrictions imposed by many religions.

    17. When Peterson teamed up with Daily Wire that was a real shift in the way I percieved him. I read both the Order and Chaos books and there is some good stuff in there. But I get the feeling more and more that he is a shill and a puppet to promote ideologies that most suit his current understanding of the world. That does not mean I entirely tune him out, but I take everything he says with a heaping tablespoon full of salt nowadays. When he was just a university professor posting his lectures on Youtube I was a lot more convinced he was sincere. But the more I know about the organization he works with now, and their EXTREMELY obvious political biases, the less reason anyone has to trust him.

    18. Jordan Peterson is beyond parody when he says 'we can't make up our own ideals', when he has very clearly done that. He doesn't claim to have divine revelations, he doesn't claim to be in contact with God. Jordan Peterson wants us to believe that he figured out his ideas himself, sure they hold deeper meanings, but he did come up with them. He's not a sincere actor, he's an authoritarian and convincing everyone else that his beliefs are true in some mystical way is how he gets people to follow him.

    19. I find one of the most hilarious things about JP is that he vehemently speaks out against Nihilism, and yet preaches the words of what Nietzsche called " The Last Man."

    20. As a anarcho-communist I have to emphatically disagree about communism and democracy being antithetical. In fact I believe communism is impossible without democracy. Communism is a stateless, moneyless, classless society. And in anarcho-capitalism no unjust hierarchies (so most hierarchies). The only way a system like this could work is if the power is in the people rather then a figurehead. As someone like Stalin has all the wealth and power and thus created a new hierarchy. He also withheld resources out of spite. No one person can have that much power. Even the president of the USA has too much power. The power belongs to the people. Not a figurehead, or idol.

    21. Peterson is uncomfortably obsessed with the ussr just enough to constantly bring it up, but not enough to actually read about it because it would complicate his simple world

    22. I'll be honest, I'm lazy, as long as you keep using patreon I won't change, but if you do stop patreon you're one of a small number of creators I'd follow to a new platform

    23. Years ago I first learned Nietzsche from Peterson. It took me years to unlearn what he said. His interpretation of Nietzsche is just bad and sloppy. Nietzsche is far more interesting when you study how he utilized concepts rather than using him as a diagnostician. It’s ironic too because the “postmodern” philosophers he references (Derrida and Foucault) were heavily influenced by Nietzsche as well. Sometimes I think Peterson is the postmodernist he fears most.

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