I had a stomach pain after eating this until late night. lol
    Other local people told me that usually it is for meat and they eat all garlic source.

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    이거 먹고 밤 늦게까지 속 쓰려 죽는 줄 알았네요.ㅋㅋ 다른 현지인이 말하길 갈릭 소스는 고기를 위한건데 현지인들은 이 갈릭소스를 남기지 않고 다 먹는다고 하네요!!


    1. The japanese used to call koreans "Garlic eaters" I would presume that korean people are used with garlic but I buy korean food and I find it quite similar as taste with romanian one

      I think you new so ill let it slide
      (Btw. I grew up with smăntă cu ustureu i can eat dat stuff in 5 sec)

    3. This spacy thing îs mujdei de usturoi and ITs trandisinal for us to eat the mămăliguța cu brânza with the mujdei ( i just Wang to expelin a Little What you etting

    4. mama cat hrean a bagat aia in gura baaaa
      ea crede ca e usturoi dar era hrean
      dar na e prima oara cand mananca mancare romaneasca mi-se pare normal

    5. I wonder.. something… um….. to ride a bike and… to travel….. How have you made money for your travel….Plz.. let me know how. ~~~ Great girl….~!

    6. You had to mix the cheese with the polenta. After that, you could eat this combination with sausages and garlic sauce, called mujdei.
      당신은 폴렌타와 치즈를 섞어 야했다. 그 후에는 소시지와 마늘 소스 인 mujdei와 함께이 조합을 먹을 수 있습니다.
      Trebuia să amesteci brânza cu mămăliga. După aceea, puteai mânca această combinație cu cârnații și sosul de usturoi, numit mujdei.

    7. Wow, I eat raw garlic and raw onions like apples, not to be weird, but it so good for the blood and helps the skin and keeps bugs off me. I prefer Chillies and garlic in a mayonnaise based sauce. I bake garlic too, this makes it sweet to taste and turns it into a puree and less pungent in smell and taste. Watch out for those vampires!

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