If you’ve been paying attention to the news, you’ve surely noticed that practically every billionaire, pundit, or economist has warned us that a financial catastrophe is on the way. From Warren Buffett and Charlie Munger, who discuss housing market speculation, to Michael Burry, the big, short investor who is betting $1.6 billion that the stock market will crash, to Barry Sternlicht, one of the world’s most successful and respected real estate investors, who predicts an economic hurricane. It’s hardly surprising that 70% of Americans believe a recession is imminent. We seem to be on the verge of a financial disaster. If you look at the Wikipedia list of recessions in the United States, you’ll see that they’re nothing new. They may seem to be a disaster, yet they are an important part of our economic cycle. It is natural for the economy to reach a certain level before gradually slowing down…

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    1. There have been WAY worse, an arguably more, recessions and depressions since the fed was created. Also, recessions are NOT “natural”, they are due to fractional reserve banking.

    2. Gold is not an investment. Gold is money. Everything else is simply a derivative of gold. One needs to look at gold as wealth preservation and storage and as insurance. Eventually, maybe soon, fiat dollars will collapse as they all do and then will be revalued against gold.

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