A New York community organizer was fatally stabbed in front of his girlfriend. Ryan Carson and his girlfriend were sitting at a bus stop when a stranger walked past them. The man began kicking over parked scooters and screamed at the couple. Carson stepped in between the man and his girlfriend to protect her. That’s when the stranger took a swing at Carson. The man later fatally stabbed the victim in the heart. Inside Edition’s Les Trent has more.


    1. Damn. Girlfriend literally just stood over him with no emotion whatsoever and watched him bleedout. And the friend just said "im so sorry" like it was a small inconvenience. This world is going down the gutter.

    2. You should make sure to help homelesses over there in the US. They dont have money or food and seek therefore for a kind of revenge by getting violent. Sad fact.

    3. This is sad and every thing but how do people die by a knife like it’s always the white people tripping over things if that was a black man he would of either ran without tripping or swing on the guy and put him in the ground the guy looks weak

    4. Ryan effed up when he found himself on the street at 03:50 am waiting on a bus. Call Uber bro. And when some maniac is vandalizing scooters in front of you DON'T WALK TOWARD HIM.

    5. And that's when a gun comes in yall stay scared and acting like the cops will be there all the time smh yalls weakness gets people killed daily if this guy had a gun he would've been smoked or it wouldn't have popped off in the first place poor guy

    6. When I see these situations I always think of our daughter and how we need to avoid people who might be dangerous for the sake of ourselves and mostly her. But ain't no way I'm gonna walk at a dude kicking stuff and say anything at 3 something am. Aint no way I'm gonna stand there and watch a dude just attack my husband and do nothing, let alone stand over him and watch him die with that confused nonchalant face. It's dangerous and a split second choice sometimes but I can't help but wonder if an extra pair of hands could have stopped that knife. Keep accepting these violent idiots and defending them, you're gonna accept yourself out of existence.

    7. He does NOT have mental issues. This is a hate crime. Every time a black kills a white, its not a hate crime and they claim mental issues. This is a hate crime, and if reversed, would absolutely be reported as such.

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