Colossians 3

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    1. You might want to read Matthew Crawford's book The World Beyond Your Head, or listen to some of his talks. He talks about how our idea of freedom – the maximisation of choice as a means of moment-to-moment preference satisfaction – is deeply flawed, and that real autonomy – and by extension meaning – means investing your attention in skilled practices which involve other people.

    2. For some insight into the Gaza situation, listen to the You Tube video on Vanessa Beeley channel, titled "Cynthia McKinney, Eva Bartlett, Vanessa Beeley- Understanding Gaza, under siege and under fire". Cynthia McKinney is a former U.S. Congress woman.

    3. Beautiful, Paul. A lot of power and nuance packed into 23 minutes. I think Dr. Keller was the first to interpret that passage for me in a way that showed how radical it really is. The more I’ve learned about the history of the church, the more I believe Christians were always on the forefront of eliminating slavery, by influence and overtly.

      For some reason, we in the US and perhaps the West in general forget that, as an ancient book, the Bible often requires historical, cultural, and linguistic context. The Holy Spirit speaks even without those things, of course, but He has also fostered a wealth of artifacts, historians, polyglots, and theologians to help us get a fuller context.

    4. Love the example of writing in blue. relevance realization on point. Great example of your question and answer time yesterday of your laying out of your Calvinism as deist Calvinism vs relationship Calvinism. with all those verses pointing to Relationship aspects with Christians. also sounds like your Calvinism peppered in some Lewis😅

    5. SEXUAL REVOLTION MY ASS!!!!! Ben Franklin was the famous Lathario of his times. Tom Jefferson had Sally Hemmings as his "side piece" all the while he was doing the nominally Christian thing by having one official wife. Rhetorical smoke and mirrors.

      You all keep claiming that ideas have led to all the changes , like divorce and pornography , hook-up culture etc. A cake takes all sorts of ingredients to bake……….and then their is the oven and the heat and the timer…………and the IDEAS are also a part of it…………… cake?….birthday cake? Who gets a slice , who does not?

      Men can't support a family ( the traditional way ) without a second income………..ever heard of free markets, Capitalism, technical innovation? Women are forced to work. In the 1800's we see photos of child laborers and women slaving away.

      All the scientific factors that enter with Liberalism and Modernism have changed the ARENA. Shall we have laws that allow only men to drive cars? Pre-Moderns, the tradition they pine for, had no cars ……… we do away with Modernist modes of transportation? The physical changes are as influential or maybe ten times moreso than the often touted "philosophical under-pinnings".

      Porn follows the invention of Galileo's lenses. The the Camera. Then Tv. Mass communication. The home recorder……….all these things that make the Capitalist, competition-based hierarchy JBP encourages men to climb. As long as men < corporations, are making a killing NO PROBEM………….after we've wrecked our own markets and out of desperation more and more women take those Modernist tools to scrape a living in a dead economy THEY ARE THE WITCHES.

      Not to mention that the entire TV Age had projected images of women that scream "All your value lies in your beauty and sexual desirability!"

      But Adam will blame Eve, won't he?

      Aside from all this man-o-sphere hand-wringing about the ills of liberated women……… have a much greater faction who say "Why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free?" Simultaneously, millions of young boys want to emulate Andrew Tate with a harem ( of their free-will or held by terror…is another discussion ). Men want to have a high body count and move up the hierarchy of sexual dominance while demanding women be virginal and innocent.

      Hey Preacher man!!! The world need s Jesus, why not preach Jesus …over being an IDW, Peterson cult, man-o-sphere apologist? I'm an s-hole, sue me.

      Douthat, in your post from yesterday , minute 45, talks about the need to scrap the first Amendment, in order to achieve the crap he talks about, recovering Christin virtue etc. A so-called journalist ( opinion writer… , whatever ). calling for an end to FREEDOM OF THE PRESS. in order to defeat porn…..logical vomit. His claims like that are Putin's dream and that of all the authoritarians who imprison journalists for criticizing "the Dear Leaders" .

      Their is no logical consistency here. Unless you look at the extremists we've been fighting in the Middle east. They have all the same concerns……..keeping women in their limited, surveilled spaces where God meant them to be.

      People here have said it a million times. The net is a big brain. We are nodes in a network….we who participate in cyber-brain hook-up ( hook-up culture for nerds! ) . This is what a brain looks like when it's ill and diseased; what we are witnessing now. Like a mentally ill individual the net is a brain filled with a plethora of voices screaming, demanding, weeping, unrelenting. All in a state of perdition…..meaning truly lost………headed straight for Hell.

    6. PVK loves liberationism. Doesn't the net liberate you to speak to persons on multiple continents without leaving your chair? You are an Only Fans of anti-woke-ism? Too far?… it gets hard to tell. I just try to be open and say what seems true, let the chips for where they will.

      You have liberation through ideas of liberation, and what Jordan Peterson told Helen Lewis in the GQ interview…………he said, liberation didn't come to women through their liberationist ideas and suffragettes demostrating, sometimes violently in the streets……… came from the invention of physical technologies like toilets, feminine menstrual products, better hygeine generally, etc.

      According to JBP, it's not the concepts that bring change , it's the changes to the physical, tangible arena…..material conditions, as some people put it.

    7. Things that piss me off recently in this corner………..always the same damn debate ….Has the sexual Liberation helped or hurt women? IT'S A TRAP.

      Everybody wants kids to grow up in abundance and security…….two parents, no one is forcing others to accept anything different.

      It eventuates into prohibitions on women. These talks sound more and more like Mullahs and jihadists demanding that restrictions be placed around women lesy society crumble. SOUNDS LIKE THE TERRORISTS HAVE WON.

      G.W. Bush claimed 9-11 happened because they hated our freedoms. Now, people are crying "Too much freedom for women! Bring back tradition!"

      Not even saying the impulses are wrong , wanting virtue, valuing tradition etc. But today trying to link these ideas and arguments to the world of 2023 is a category error. Like bring in Socrates and Ar9istotle to solve the inflation issue. A non sequitor.

      C.S. Lewis said the problem is me. In online talk-world everyone wants a solution that is society-wide.

      Atoms and the world. We smashed the atom ( a single ) and changed the world ( the universal ). Jihadists and zealots want to change the whole in order to preserve the single, individual in it's good, proper state. Or, make ALL women slaves to make them EACH good. This corner and all it's heroes sound more and more that way.

    8. "We're probably in the middle of the trains liberation movement"
      Er, no. We've finally got a strong majority seeing that this "liberation" has gone much too far. Now we're going to roll it back.

      Note that GenX's "colorblind" strategy is probably going to be ultimately what carries the day with race relations; only awful strategies like anti-white racism and reparations (i.e., vengeance by those who were never wronged against those who did no wrong) are going to be rolled back, there.

    9. Not totally clear on an argument, just thinking how suddenly, in 2016 after JBP became anti-woke man #1…there is a meeting of the old grey heads and grey beards and their sycophantic male followers, mostly in their 20's and 30's. I keep thinking of Mullahs with their beards and the young guys who hang on their words, ready to unleash chaos on their enemies at the word of the old wise man.

      JBP, the Weinsteins, Maher, Holland, Schactenberger, Murray, PVK, Van Donk, all sorts of grey heads much closer to the grave than the start………suddenly, in very non-western fashion have a spot-light and their voice seems to be something the world simply can not do without. Not saying that proves anything , but something's fishier that a tuna sandwich!

    10. Liberalism, in pursuing freedom, looks as though it has the same properties of the atomic and sub-atomic worlds, the things that make up the universe we observe. When fully liberated, the parts and particles disperse, destroying the original forms and relationships of its created form, but not remain free, but be swallowed up next by something which displays a greater attractive force.
      There are parts of the NT which describe radical transformation within the purpose of God. It’s depth is described as the elements melting and the earth and heavens passing away. We know this is a metaphor because elsewhere we read of creation rejoicing in the freedom from decay through the freedom brought to humanity being fully realised when Jesus returns and everything is put in its rightful place.

    11. Hey Paul. Random but I posted on your video from a month ago: if you want to talk to anyone at Bethel regarding their theology, Dann Farrely is your man. I am a BSSM third year graduate and he was our main Bible teacher and theological instructor. He’s like you: gentle, pastoral, and funny. 🙂

    12. Wait a minute….wait a minute…..are you saying that if I'm being oppressed by other people, I CAN'T just grab my AK-47, my hand grenades, and my paraglider, and go reign holy hell on my oppressors and their children??? AND You want me to BLESS THEM instead??? How dare you! I'm going to have to file a complaint with St. Corrie Ten Boom about this….I'm sure she'll be on my side.

      Of course, we Christians very conveniently leave off the events of 66-70 AD in Judea in our understanding of Christian history, when the Jews grabbed their metaphorical AK-47's, hand grenades, and paragliders, and TRIED to reign holy hell on the Romans. Oops! That didn't go well, did it? There's a reason why Judea got renamed Palestine soon after that. (I'm sure the Romans were guilty of multiple war crimes though…)

      You say you want a revolution
      Well, you know
      We all want to change the world

      You tell me that it's evolution
      Well, you know
      We all want to change the world

      But when you talk about destruction
      Don't you know that you can count me out

      Could it possibly be that the Roman-Jewish wars were payback for the crucifixion of Jesus? It's worth considering.

      You just had to bring up the Civil Rights movement didn't you??? My goodness, the Democrats have certainly been milking that for all it's worth these past 60 years. You would think that the Civil Rights Act had never been passed.

      Why not the '94 Rwandan Genocide? Not a good example? How about using it as really good counter-example??? People really hate it when I bring that up that little rebellion in an argument, because it blows away a whole bunch of canned narratives we are told.

      By the way, if you have not seen this yet, you need to as soon as possible, as it's about the American Civil Rights movement, from a man who was there…Bob Woodson. Absolutely excellent, especially the comments section.

      Bob Woodson | PBD Podcast | Ep. 317

      Someone needs to tell Bob Woodson that the only APPROVED way to handle oppression is grabbing an AK-47, some hand grenades….

      Imagine trying to save the world by being genuinely good people and doing good things for others, no matter who they might be. That silliness is not going to work here in 2023 is it? The only path forward is to acknowledge everyone's victim status, unless you are a white male, then you just need to cease to exist. Doing good is so 1950's. Get with the woke program people! We don't want to be judged by the content of our character, rather we choose to be judged by the color of our skin, or our sexual preferences, or our gender choice, or how well we can field strip an AK-47.

      Oh well, it was a really good sermon anyway.

    13. At boarding school, the children holding US passports and our 4" tome of a history book gloried in the US Revolution which was seen as the best way to achieve liberation. Obviously PVK went to a different style of school. Some of us were considered to have a detestable, pitiable station in life by our teacher and the headmistress. My strategy was to try to become invisible.

    14. It felt to me like this sermon was the culmination of much of your recent learning and thinking. Well done! Enjoy your travels. May God protect and strengthen you as you live out your call.

    15. If in the woke purview those with power are evil and those with less power are good, then it must be the case that God, as the source of all power, is the most evil and humans are the better than God. Hence humanism.

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