(Part 1)

    (Part 2)

    Fountain Solicitors – Immigration Solicitors in Birmingham:



    1. What a shower these cops are, I’m absolutely disgusted with their behaviour, that Sgt is a Wolf in sheep’s clothing, he’s a smarmy git & as for that copper who barked at you to get out of the road. I hope you sue the pants off this lot. They want respect & do nothing to deserve it. Plus the woman at the beginning needs a word, what did she say to start this whole disgusting affair. British Police are shameful. 😡

    2. I was a community liaison officer for many years. My God the standard of These people has dropped? Wtaf ??? Are they trying to cover all angles in employing anything without a brain or health now. Ridiculous embarrassing

    3. Policing has changed so much over the years. When I was young I was caught doing a weeli on my moped the local Bobby told my dad who took bike of me . Now police are corporation. I only respect law enforcement that respect me .. sad but true ..

    4. If this is the quality of British police it's a complete shambles. From the incompetent drivers who couldn't follow a simple sat nav. 12 hours of his liberty taken away for no crime and they new there was no crime. The thug who screamed at AB to get out of the road when officer sandwich was stood in the road. So why was he arrested?? 3 officers and a Sargent 4 /5 vehicle's what a complete waste of time and money. Now it will cost taxpayers for this complete mess. We have house burglary, car theft, knife crime, rape all going unsolved. The police are doing themselves no favours acting this way with public confidence and respect at an all time low. Because of idiots like these 4 shameful.

    5. Just look at the state of those clowns they look like a bunch of tramps with their hands in their pockets at least the Gestapo were neat and tidy, these masonic thugs know zero about the natural law but everything about LEGISLATION fake for profit law they work for the MASONIC WEF.

    6. That nob jockey shouting 'get out of the road' just confirmed that cops have no respect or consideration for the public, who they serve, not the other way around. Who did he think he was talking to, a 10 year old! It was totally obvious from the way he looked and the way he dressed that he was all too eager to abuse his authority, I bet he thinks he's special, actually he is, but not in the way he thinks! Actually, the way police dress now is apalling, they are trying to look like special forces and it is designed to intimidate. This whole episode was an utter waste of time and resources and an apalling display of lack of professionalism and poor training.

    7. "Fountain Solicitors – Immigration Solicitors in Birmingham:" <- It's nice of him to list the criminals who are genociding the indigenous peoples of the United Kingdom with genocidal displacement migration. I bet Fountain Solicitors are openly pro Palestine, they oppose foreigners invading and occupying peoples homelands everywhere else, but are perfectly okay with it even when it's driven primary school enrollments down to 13% on average native born as in the UK. They've dismissed it as a non-threat for years, but the 1,000,000 CHILDREN raped in Rotherham should have them kicking off. I'm not even from the UK and I find it an atrocity what is being done to the peoples there, the entirety of Europe need to oppose this genocide.

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