1. Big respects to PC Kahn, you made your first YT appearance brilliantly 🙂 Thanks for being so cool with DJ buddy. Was a pleasure watching you guys interaction! Thanks for being a good cop 🙂

    2. I think that I will go to France, come over on a dingy, claim asylum and let them put me up in a 4 star hotel for 2 years while they look in to my claim, they will give me 4 hot meals per day and a mobile phone, plus a free mobile phone on contract, a bit of personal spending money each week, I won't be cold. No worries on how I'm going to afford to pay my bills, and feed myself.

    3. That made me LOL when the security guard said to DJ in his broken English "you need to go back to where you come from" 🤣 You really couldn't make this up. Credit to the Asian police officer for being very good, very calm and professional.

    4. Taboo subject..but somebody has to do it..this is British soil,there not at home anymore,they made the choice to come here,at the tax payers expenses,and look at how they are.. unbelievable.. hostile af. Every single place you have been has given you the same response..what is going on here..not like anyone has a story to tell,just go away.. nothing to see here. All young to middle aged.. something isn't right 💯 ..keep up the great work you are doing..keeping it real and pointing out a major threat to us all..there attitude speaks volumes,and there is nothing good in that..east coast uk

    5. Have you ever felt like a stranger in your own country? like you don't belong here?, even the authorities treat you contrary to policy law and Constitution, how did we get here? how do we change this vile situation and system?, 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧

    6. The only possible way I can see that people might feel much more welcoming to migrants is if it was made financially worthwhile for people to SHARE the jobs we would agree we NEED people to do and work much less…In that way you negate any argument that they are just a burden on society. They would just be helping us and making it possible for people to enjoy working less.

    7. So sad, our brave and heroic indigenous ex-forces, our people with mental health problems and issues who are suffering, our young people who have been through the ‘care’ system etc etc etc are sleeping on the streets in these freezing conditions, while the working people of this country many of who get up at 5.30 to 6 and work hard all day while being taxed to the absolute hilt, to pay for tens of thousands of men young and old who have illegally forced their way into our country only to be housed and fed in nice warm hotels at our expense, and given our income tax to spend on what they want. What ever happened to charity begins at home? Why are our sick and vulnerable second class citizens in their own country and being abandoned and left to starve and freeze, seriously, why?

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